Chilled Pug (Otherwise Untitled)

~ carter scrambled out of the snow bank and up onto the more secure footing provided by the icy road's shoulder with a panic muted by the bitter cold.



It's getting cold as the days are growing old the winter is coming the winter of the soul i wonder why as i wander by why am i so lonely when so many are near yet as i lean against the glass watching people pass for a moment its

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Looks like I'll be getting some snow!

15-20 cm on Friday and around 10 cm on Saturday. Also there will be small amounts of snow coming down throughout the week.

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It's freezing, as usual, when I come home. They keep us working far longer than they should and I am exhausted. When I get home and climb into bed there's someone already there. Greffel hops up, wagging. "Good evening!" "What?" I stare at...

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30 Problems Only Canadians Will Understand

**30 Problems Only Canadians Will Understand** ** ** **1. People asking you to say 'aboot ' for them. 2. Having roads in our potholes. 3. Accidentally setting your keyboard to French and not realizing for the longest time. 4. When I Travel...

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A rainy day with the bar tender ( ch 1)

My clothes were totally wet from the heavy and cold down pour outside, and i was unprepared for this. i had no umbrella, no coat, nothing.

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cold dark moon

I sit in a dark most say i don't need the cold bites at me with a bitter sweet sting rarely do i glimpse light and rarer still dose it chose to stay in my light the moon brings small comfort of times gone by and feelings once shared and now tears to shed

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Self portrait

Jonah walked on a cold winters' night. it was about midnight, and his parents were calling him nonstop, trying to get him to come home. jonah heard the silent roar of sirens blazing in the backround.

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Change of Paces (Chapter Two)

"i wish it wasn't," fara mumbled, taking her first step onto the cold metal ramp down to the pavement. she cringed as she set her other paw down for the chill. "c-cold!" "that's your first welcome to snowpoint!"

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The Lost Tundra

Huge, heavy snowflakes pound against the windshield of the plow, an ongoing attack against the cold machine.

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cold winter nights

We soon eat and pay hoping back into his car, sit now cold and wet from me.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, The Cold Wars c1

#1 of the cold wars at last cold heart will have his revenge "they took everything from us... out chance to conquer the world...our power...everything but my home...frostbite." "yes boss?" "the time has come.

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