My Beloved Goddess

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Hello everyone! A special treat for you all today! (Recommend downloading for best reading)

You can thank your fellow commissioner the_soviet_fox for this unique story. What I love about commission work is that you always make things you never would have thought of yourself. It's all you that make this magic posible.

DESCRIPTION:Izlene is a gray fox who was sold to the Sect of Winter's Breath. The religious group lives far in the northern mountains where they take maidens from all corners of the realm, never to be heard from again. The reason becomes clear once Izlene makes it to their most sacred of chambers.


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Thanks for all the support in advance!

Enjoy the story, My Beloved Goddess

Bonus: Izlene - Goddess Form

Izlene shivered, her body exposed to the cool air of the cavern. The gray fox was clad in golden jewelry, her ankles jingled with every step she took on her dainty paws. A beautiful choker was clasped around her neck and arm bands circled the space between her bicep and shoulder. Her nails were like glistening stars against a black sky having been dipped in gold to accentuate the white gloves her fur made, and her paw claws had been painted to match. They were like glistening stars against a black sky. Her raven hair was tied up by golden pins and chains that connected to her long ears. The dark ears ended in white tips where gold barbells had been put onto both.

She was being guided by cloaked figures, tenderly pulling her on. Her large breasts were exposed, her underbelly a bright cream color and her nips dark as night. She was a unique breed where she was a hermaphrodite and had a prestigious dick that swung low with its length, and beneath her egg sized balls was a tight pussy. Her round curves accenting her womanly figure. Her tails were both swishing behind her, both gray and white tipped with golden rings.

Izlene had never been this clean before. She was recently taken from her home by the society of Winter's Breath. A powerful religious sect that laid claim to the mountains to the north. They had purchased her and showed her the upmost kindness by keeping her warm in lavished furs and downy coats, while taking frequent stops at various inns and spas to pamper and clean her. It did soften the sting of having been sold by her family, but the Winter's Breath were her family now. They would take care of least she hoped.

Winter's Breath was known for purchasing maidens of varying status all around the country before taking them to their place of worship, never to be seen again. Of course, plenty of rumors circulated about virgin sacrifices and blood rituals. The armies had never invaded without being completely wiped out. Scores of soldiers found later frozen solid or scorched to cinders. Dozens of theories were out there, but the main one was demons. Demons that sucked the warmth from the bodies of their enemies and blasted that heat at the remaining soldiers. Many priests and exorcists had attempted to cleanse the mountains. None had ever returned.

Izlene was unaware of these theories. She was never meant to be a great scholar or sorceress, but a humble daughter to be sold off for dowry. So for a gray fox to be washed in expensive oils, hair brushed and groomed, and perfumed by rich rose water, she was fully oblivious to the danger she was in.

Turin, her bodyguard and guide, was a tall and imposing half drake. Of course he was only a half breed or some other mix. Dragons had been extinct for millennia. The drake was proud, clad in pristine white linens and silver accents. His salt white scales shimmered a frosty blue as he guided Izlene into a large chamber.

"Come now Izlene," His deep voice calmed her. "Nothing to be afraid of. I'm sure you're the one we've been looking for."

"You've been saying that this entire time, but I don't understand." Izlene voiced her concerns as she was guided by the hand into an ornate room. She was speechless. It was a cathedral. Stained glass of yellows, blues, pinks and greens covered the walls. Various depictions of the half-drakes bringing women to a powerful entity. It looked like a demon clad in white while accented in blues and golds. The next window was the women with large bellies, and then more white half-breeds.

There were no pews for worship, but rather various lounges and pillows for people to lay on scattered throughout the den. At the front of the room was a bath surrounded by stained glass windows. It was massive, easily a pool of steaming water. It was surrounded by a glorious statue of a dragon. It's scales were ivory white, the same icy blue glow rippled down its body between its scales. It's claws like blue topaz as they shimmered in the light. Its wings were tapestries of spackled golden light, a gradient that swept down and tipped its wings with that icy glow. The most impressive part was the statue's mane. It was thick like a lions, but seemed to flow like cotton in feathery tufts, and all crowned with menacing horns.

Then it moved.

"Turin," it rumbled. The drake's voice was powerful and booming. The feral dragon stood up, its eyes glowed like bright sapphires and it's maw glowed a gradient of gold and blue. "You have returned my son."

"Yes father," Turin answered and got down on one knee. "The maiden here, Izlene, is fully compatible, and we sensed something otherworldly. She might be what you're looking for."

Izlene should have been terrified, but she felt oddly calm; stunned into silence. The drake was majestic and powerful and radiated an aura that kept her in a state between calm and enthralled.

"You may go," the dragon rumbled. Turin quickly exited and left Izlene and his father alone.

"Your...his father?" Izlene asked, her heart a flutter.

"Father to Turin, but mother to plenty as well." The drake responded kindly. "I have been working for a long time to restore some of the dragon's former glory, but I am not a proper vessel for that."

"Vessel?" Izlene felt a chill run down her spine.

"Don't worry Izlene," the dragon murred as he sauntered closer. Despite the drake's powerful size, rippling muscles, and menacing features, they moved languidly and with a woman's grace. "You have nothing to fear."

"I...I don't think I am afraid," Izlene confessed. The drake had somehow closed the distance between them without their footfalls shaking her to the ground, the dragon easily twenty feet tall. The drake leaned down their long, powerful neck to be face to face with the gray fox. A menacing claw came up as they tenderly guided Izlene's chin up to keep eye contact with them. Izlene saw a deep longing in those eyes, so deep she felt it in herself. She was on the verge of tears as those eyes threatened to swallow her hole, but a kindness twinkled in those glowing dragon orbs. They would not harm her.

"Do you know why my children brought you here?" The drake asked.

"No," She responded truthfully. The drake smiled and leaned in to sniff her.

"Its because I am looking for a new mother for my children." The powerful jaws of that drake masterfully murmured thier words into Izlene's neck, magic tingling in thier breath. "You've met my other half children. Turin, being one of the strongest of my sons. But I have been looking for someone, a creature of legend, and you fit her description perfectly."

"I'm...I'm no one really," Izlene murmured, a deep blush flushed her cheeks. The dragon gave a low rumble, a growl of rage, but not aimed at Izlene. She somehow knew they could never be mad at her. No, it was aimed at the mortals that dared make her feel inferior.

"Quiet your thoughts of inferiority. You are something more powerful, more potent than any mortal, more powerful than I." The dragon rumbled. They could smell it on her. It was something they had never smelled before, but they knew it when they sensed it.


Yes, godlike potential resided in this woman's heart and bones. The dragon could take it and rip it from her to reach a new plane of existence. But the drake didn't crave power. No, they had plenty of power. At their unrestrained size they could eclipse a country in eternal night with their wingspan, rain down blizzards and decimate the balance of an ecosystem until it was uninhabitable. No, power was something they already had. The dragon desired something far sweeter.


Revenge on the mortals who hunted their species to extinction. They wanted to birth a new age of dragons, but could only mother and sire half-drakes. They only knew of one way to revive their species.

"My name is Winter," the dragon introduced themselves, their nose huffing, a surprising heat came from those nostrils. "I am the north wind, the keeper of the dominion of frost and glacier."

"W-Winter..." she said the name like she finally understood what the season was named after. "How can I possibly be more powerful than you. I am...just me."

There were very few things that could crack the icy heart of the dragon. A goddess claiming she was inferior was one of them. The dragon had consumed countless women whom their son's had brought to them, each one a disappointment, but to see a goddess clipped in mortal form was too much. They saw too much of themselves in her, and they wouldn't have it. Mortals took her from her rightful place and cursed her with mortality, to be reincarnated as a loathsome human. They would break that curse.

Instead of explaining what they were going to do, they merely held their clawed front paw over her heart. An array of golden runes flashed into existence. Her body was a tapestry of magical warding and chains.

"It's beautiful," she sighed.

"Wrong," Winter snarled, a rage palpable as tears of frost formed at the corners of their eyes. "It is the cruelty of this world that burned these brands into you. It is these mortals that forced you down to their level because they could not kill you. So they contained you in the only prison capable of doing so. Flesh. They tore your divinity from you and forced you into a cycle of rebirth to be tortured time and time again. It is cruel. It is maddening. It is unforgiveable!"

The crystal chandeliers and stained glass rattled and sang in the wake of Winter's rage. Any normal being would have been terrified, but Izlene, as we've established, was no normal being. Instead, she placed a tender hand on the face of that drake. Had anyone other than her done that, they would have torn them limb from limb. Winter would have cursed the offender with immortality, skinned them alive, and have them flayed in a blizzard to suffer the pains their mortal flesh couldn't endure.

But instead, Winter melted. The deepest parts of their heart had been closed off to the world for so long, it was almost painful to let it thaw.

"How do we fix it?" Izlene asked.

"I can break the cycle," Winter responded, politely removing their head from her hand and rearing back up to their full height. "I ask but one thing in return."

"No one has been so kind to me. What would you want? You seem like you have everything."

"I want you to be my mate," Winter laid out their price. "I will lay waste to all your enemies, scorch and burn the ones who bound you with a cold so deep their souls will shatter. I will make every one of your wishes come true and I will slay all who defy your heart its desire. In return, you will be my mate. Loving, loyal, and devout. You will be subservient to me in all things, but if you will allow me, I will do everything to make sure every morning you wake, every night you sleep, every daydream you cherish, will be experienced in freedom. Do you wish for this life? Do you accept my terms?"

"I don't think I could refuse," she answered.

"Is that a yes?" Winter pressed for a direct response. The magic wouldn't work without it.

"Of course! Yes! I just don't know how I could possibly satisfy you the way I am."

"Don't worry, my goddess," Winter rumbled. "You will not be made to wonder for long." Winter moved a claw down to her chest where a particularly tight spiral of runes was etched. Winter hissed something in their draconic tongue and their claw started to glow. They snarled as they combatted the magic. It was drawing upon Izlene's divinity to try and hold tight. Winter merely repeated their command, their magic lancing forward like a bullet and pierced Izlene.

She felt like she was slapped, spiraling before catching herself on a pillar. She paused and watched as the runes on her body were melting away, only instead of rolling off her body, they were rolling up. The golden light pooled into her eyes and stained her dark irises a glowing gold.

She breathed in a lungful of air, and exhaled golden sparks.

"I remember..." she murred and looked up at the dragon who freed her mind. "Winter, you have grown into a fine drake, one befitting the title of Dragon King."

She murred and the golden jewelry on her glowed. It melted away and stained her fur. Golden rings glowed on her flesh where the bands had melted. Threads of light shot up and into Winter's fist to form glittering chains.

"Goddess of fertility and birth," Winter grinned as they tugged on the threads. "What do you wish to be called?" She didn't stumble forward, but she did saunter closer. Her breasts perked up, becoming more firm, yet seemed fluffy and light despite their weight. The dark flesh of her nipples glowed gold, her shaft following suit. She moaned and fell forward onto all fours, her back snapping, but it sounded like wind chimes. Her hands morphed into front paws as her back shifted into a permanent arch. Her tails lifted up, rings of golden light hallowed her tail tips with power. Her breasts stayed below as she extended upwards, another set of arms and breasts forming rapidly.

She had become a fox-taur, and that was just the beginning. A triangle of golden light blazed into existence behind her, a doorway into the divine that had been denied to her. Golden threads spiraled into her, lifting her up, plumping her out, and charging her with divinity. She grew, expanding rapidly to match her mate. If she was a horse, then Winter was a Clydesdale in comparison. Her lower set of breasts pushed outward, expanding massively to fill the space between her front legs, permanently pushing them forward. Her dick grew hard as a rock and throbbed larger. Longer, thicker, longer, thicker, over and over again with each pulse as it packed on foot after foot of fuck meat. That monster cock pressed up between her lower pair of breasts, glowing golden as its barbs poked out. Her balls were proverbial bean bags she could sit on if she wanted, but she would forever be resting on the perpetually hard spire of dick she now sported.

She was beautiful. Winter's slit oozed pre before their cock tip stuck out. The goddess shook her hair, the style changing as she did so. The golden chains and threads keeping her hair up melted and sank into her hair. Her hair was black as night and impossibly dark while the underside blazed like sunlight, hallowing herself.

"I will sill bear the name Izlene," She murred as she turned and presented her ass to her mate. "Though you can call me your beloved." She flipped her hair to one side to expose her back, rippling with strength and yet smooth and supple. As she leaned down to lift her ass, her front breasts pressed against her cock tip, their barbs being smothered in sweet, soft flesh. Winter saw, as that pussy came into view, those lips dripping with drops of sunlight that rolled down her balls and dribbled onto the floor, leaving a glowing puddle of goddess ichor.

"I know what it is you desire, Winter," Izlene continued. "You desire to bring back the age of dragons, but your harem can only produce halflings." Winter was already getting the idea as they came forward, their tip sliding down her ass cheeks and playing with her sensitive folds. Winter's body was much larger than Izlene's, and the drake's belly pressed down on her taur back. The dragon was a furnace, their body sending warmth through her as they mounted their prize.

"But with a goddess of fertility," Winter rumbled, grinding their powerful hips into their mate and gripping her lower breasts with their powerful claws. "We can make a new race of demigod dragons. Their blood beyond pure and divine." The very thought caused Winter's dick to spurt pre. The dragon's dick was already throbbing hard, knot pushing out, a pale yellow at its base and a gradient to that icy blue at the tip. The dragon's barbs glowed that golden light, but it looked pale in comparison to Izlene's golden divinity.

"Let us take revenge on this world then," Izlene murred, not caring she switched a cage of flesh for magic chains of servitude as a brood mother. "I will birth generation after generation of drake for you. We will reshape the world with our rut, and the mortals will finally know our vengeance."

Winter rumbled, nibbling their mate's neck as they positioned their cock tip at her soaked entrance. She would always be ready for them. Not because the dragon put a spell on her nor bound her to perpetual heat, but simply because that is what she was for her mate. The perfect, subservient, and loyal broodmare for her Dragon King.

"Keep talking sexy, my vixen," Winter growled as they sank their dick into the pussy of the divine. It was like fucking tight sunshine. Winter's dick was slick and warm, and gripped with the most holy of holes. Izlene gave a high pitched moan as Winter entered her tenderly. Winter's front paws gripped and messaged her breasts, causing her dick tip to mesh between them. Her barbs pressed against her own soft flesh, her dick oozing pre as her balls churned out some lube. The fur on her lower breasts became slick and matted as Winter continued to tease and kneed their mate's breasts. Winter wasn't one to care much for tits, being a drake, but they knew their mate would love the man handling.

Winter was right.

Izlene groaned and thrusted back against her mate's throbbing member, that cock would have killed any other goddess with its girth and power, but Izlene could take anything. This was her mate after all, and she would put her name as a goddess of fertility to shame if she wasn't able to take her dragon mate's obelisk of manhood.

"Oh fuck! My king of drakes and father of demigods! Fuck me! Fuck me full of your brood and we'll show this world's mortals why they worshiped us in the first place!"

Winter snarled and bit down on their mate's shoulder as they picked up the pace. Loud wet slapping could be heard as they plowed the virgin tight hole of their goddess. Slick juices splattered the ground, both their toe claws scraping and gouging the stone as they slid around in their growing puddle of sex. Izlene pushed back against her mate's thrusts, her dick and balls swinging with her and thrusting forward on every one of Winter's harsh thrusts. She was fucking her own tits while her mate slammed away at her quivering hole. Her ass cheeks clapped and jiggled with each thrust as Winter staked their claim to their goddess.

"We will breed a new world," Winter snarled around Izlene's shoulder. "You will bear my brood like a good mother, and you'll forever be fertile. I will never give you up. You are my love and mate. You are this new world's mother! You are my goddess!"

Winter's dick was being squeezed and milked by Izlene. Her love tunnel was like fucking the sun, its walls clenching and slurping at every part of that dragon dick to milk those nuts dry. And Winter would oblige that needy hole over and over again.

Izlene was on the verge of loosing it. She hadn't came in millennia. She had been forced to have pitiful mortal pleasure for too long and she was pent up beyond comprehension. Every one of her sweet spots were being hit as Winter rutted her nice and deep. Her hind legs quivered as her juices slicked her balls and legs. Winter put the final nail in the coffin when they arched their back and started thrusting in deeper, meshing her breasts together causing a divine tightness around her dick.

"Breed me!" Izlene tensed up, her dick pulsing slightly larger before blasting its divine load all over the floor. Thick splattering wads of seed covered the stone floors. It was like molten gold that glowed between the stones and crisscrossed through the grout. Winter couldn't hold out much longer as Izlene's orgasm kicked that pussy into high gear. She squirted on that dick, her juices soaking it before slurping on it hard. Winter thrusted forward, their knot tying them together as that pussy clamped down HARD.

"Here it comes, my beloved! You're mine!" Winter roared, spreading their wings as their knot swelled and throbbed. It was such a powerful orgasm that it took a minute to really go, the amount of icy glowing seed stopped itself with its volume before blasting forward. Winter roared in orgasm and triumph. They had finally found their mate and was saving their species.

Izlene's walls adulated and milked that dick, harder and harder, oozing out more and more of their glowing dragon seed deep into her divine fertile womb. Even if she wasn't a goddess, she would have been seeded by the drake. Those swimmers would bully her ova and force more eggs to be fertilized. Even if she weren't in perpetual heat, Winter would have knocked her up. Now though, it was a titanic dragon nut injecting right into a goddess of fertility's womb. There was no telling how large the clutch would be, or how much larger it would get throughout the night as they rutted.

The two were locked together in coital bliss for days. Fucking and breeding endlessly until Winter couldn't keep up. Izlene, though was not having it. She hadn't had a proper fuck in too long, and she would not be denied. Though she was gentle. They currently lounged in the steaming pool, the room a mess of glowing cum and juices. There was no need for candles or lighting between their glowing bodies and cum. The pool they were in was mostly clear, but it was becoming clouded in glowing lights as Izlene fucked herself on Winters dick submerged deep in those waters. Her taur belly bloated and glowing a mixture of her golds and Winter's blue. The bulging abdomen forced her dick deeper into the steaming bath as she rocked herself on her mate's dick. The massively bloated womb was nearly as large as she was, it's movement causing the waters to slosh over the edge of the bath and ripple down the stairs and soak the already sex drenched pillows and mats.

" beloved..." Winter muttered in their half waking state. Izlene propped her elbows up on the edge of the pool while her body milked her mate to grow her brood.

"Don't worry my beloved," she murreed, biting her lower lip before cumming again, her pussy milking Winter's spire in the depths of that hot bath as they hissed in pleasure. "You will never be alone again. This I swear to you on my honor as a goddess."

" beloved goddess."