Chapter 3 Unrelenting

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He could feel himself already becoming aroused for a third time just from how she was treating him now, as if he were a mere plaything for her amusement, to use on a whim. Once more that confusion at why he was as turned on as he was returned to his mind, though it was short lived as her hand tightened around his neck the moment he looked away. He realized the error of his ways as he quickly returned his attention to her before she was able to speak, catching her by surprise.

"Oh?~ Looks like you do learn..." Her voice trailing off as she loosened the grip though her fingers continued to gingerly massage into his throat. Her hues studying him for a moment before she released her grip completely before leaning forward to nuzzle her nose against his own as she spoke. "Good girl~" Those two words alone were enough to send a quiver through his body as he involuntarily let out a soft moan in response, feeling the warmth of her face radiating into his own.

She closed her eyes as her muzzle came to brush against the side of his own, ushering out a soft purring as her tail flicked behind her. It had been quite sometime since she had felt herself be almost completely overwhelmed by her primal instincts. Her breathing was heavy though not as ragged or as exhausted as the bunny underneath her. She offered no words as her nuzzling continued against him, showing him just how much of a good job he had done in taking her.

His body was completely and utterly spent with exhaustion spreading through every inch of his being. His head was gently pushed around from the strength of her nuzzling though he felt the genuine affection that was behind it with his cheeks only radiating hotter in the blush that painted his face. He slowly felt his thoughts being collected as he calmed down from the euphoric high that he had been thrust into, something he had never experienced in his entire life.

"Don't you think... you were a bit too rough for my first time...?" He muttered out softly with as much strength as he could muster, still not having completely recovered. His body shifting slightly as he tried to adjust himself to a more comfortable position before giving up and sinking a bit further into the bedding. The panther chuckled softly as her nuzzling continued with her eyes opening to a half narrow stare as she spoke. "Hmm... Don't think so. You're still in one piece aren't you? Besides..." Her cool nose nudged at one of his ears as her voice rumbled deeply. "I was holding back a little..."

His only response to her words were an exhausted whining mewl before sharply inhaling from the overwhelming sensitivity that surged through him. "Nnhh...ffmh... W-Wait d... don't do th... that..." He whimpered out as his eyelids fluttered and he weakly pressed a hand against her shoulder, though unable to offer up even a nudge as he simply held it there. There was silence from the panther as she studied and watched him. The soft breathing of the bunny and her gently rumbling was the only break in the silence before she spoke.

"Hmmm... Told you before that you shouldn't tell me what to do... But! I'll let you off for now." She grinned in the dimly lit room before she adjusted herself until she was resting on her side and facing toward him. Her elbow digging into the bedding as her chin rested into her open palm while she watched him trying to collect himself, though unable to help herself as her finger began to trace gently along his chest. "Though its quite hard holding back y'know..." Her words trailing off without further explanation before continuing again. "For now though, get some rest. You'll definitely need a shower, and hopefully we can leave before they find out what I did to the bed hahaha!"

He felt his heart beginning to quicken for a moment before relaxing as he listened to her. A strange mixture of relief and disappointment washed over him when he realized she wasn't going to do anything. He hardly had the strength nor the desire to try and process his thoughts as his eyelids closed and he eventually drifted off with that exhaustion taking its toll finally. He laid there with his chest raising and then lowering with every exhaling breath he took.

She laid there in the dark as she watched him with amusement before rolling onto her back and finding her phone as she began texting. [[Yo! I might've found someone interesting you might like, but we'll see how things go... I'm more inclined to keep them for myself.~]] A soft giggle rolling out from her mouth as she glanced toward the slumbering bunny before returning her attention to her phone, flicking through various instagram posts and snapchat messages that she had missed out on. Her phone gently buzzing as she already got a reply which coaxed that grin to spread upon her face more as she adjusted on the bed.

[[Text from Julianne: Oi. Thats not fair. Don't you know? Sharing is caring! Better at least introduce me to them. Later though, bit busy with someone atm.]] Another chuckle was lured out as she simply shook her head from side to side with a quiet muttering. "Pushy zebra..." She switched her phone to silent mode before getting a bit more comfortable in the bedding and closing her eyes. Her sleep came a bit slower than the bunny but eventually she found herself drifting away.

He felt the aching of his body before his eyes were even fully opened which prompted him to whine quietly as he slowly propped himself into a sitting position on the bed. He glanced around the darkness for a few moments before everything that had happened a few hours ago came flooding into him. "Oh shit... Oh shit oh shit..." He muttered over and over to himself as he placed his face into his paws, before pulling back from the mess that still painted his fur.

"Hmm? You have an accident?" The panther spoke as she scrolled through her phone lazily to the side of the bed. Her orange hues turning their attention towards him as she placed her phone down with a smile creeping upon her face. "Well don't worry, we're gonna grab a shower before we head back to my place anyway..." She spoke whilst throwing her legs over the side of the bed and standing up to collect her discard clothing and then the few towels that she had procured after waking up shortly before him.

"W-Wait what? Hold on! What are you talking about? Your place??" The bunny squeaked out whilst his eyes were lingering upon her form. Watching her toned body being on complete display for him was something he didn't get to appreciate last night with the way things unfolded. He watched as her heavy breasts bounced slightly before almost presenting that defined ass of hers for him as she picked up her clothing off the floor.

"Hm? Well, yeah. Told you last night that I was holding back... Still a bit worked up since I couldn't get it all out, so..." Her voice trailing off as she left him to fill in the blanks as she walked to his side of the bed. She covered him in a towel before scooping him up and walking out the room to head down the hall until she found the bathroom. Those shimmering hues of hers glanced down at him with a toothy grin spreading on her face before closing the door behind them, allowing him to stand on his own once inside.

He couldn't believe what he was hearing as his ears twitched from her words before he was suddenly picked up. His eyes staring at her heavy chest that was squished against him as he offered a gently mewl before clearing his throat. He felt as if he weighed nothing for her with how casually she had picked him up and now he could feel her warmth seeping into him once more. That sensitive nose of his twitched from her scent wafting and invading his mind before he realized they were already in the bathroom.

His knees buckled as he quickly reached out and held onto her for support which only made her chuckle with those eyes narrowing down at him, that grin growing wider. He chewed on his bottom lip before letting go almost immediately and feeling the warmth spreading over his face as that blush returned. "Such a helpless little bunny... Can't even stand?~" She cooed and teased him as she towered over him, placing the towels onto the counter nearby before nudging him toward the shower. "Am I going to have to clean you too?"

"Its your fault! Dont pick on me for something you did!" He whined out without giving his words much thought. His body shaking with every step that he took from her nudging before he it dawned on him what tone he took with her. His head snapped backward as he looked up at her with a quick stammering over words stumbling out of his mouth. "I m-mean! Not... I... Sorry!" He could feel the lingering silence between them growing by the second as he forced himself to keep that gaze with her own. His eyelids fluttering as he fought to have them stay open as he stared into her narrowing gaze.

"Hmmmm... Always so confusing with you. It seems you learn at times and then now... I just don't know." Her head shaking from side to side with a soft sigh escaping as she brought her hand to gently rub against the front of his throat. Her slender fingers digging in softly to massage before giving a tender squeeze as she spoke. "Though you did apologize so you understand what you did... Get in the shower. I'll figure something out later for you~" She released him and stepped past him into the shower where she waited for him.

There was a docile sigh that escaped him before he stepped in after her, standing in front of her as she closed the sliding door. The shower came to life as it sprayed out cold water at first before slowly warming to a more comfortable temperature. That shocking cold caught him by surprise as he let out a startled cry in protest as he shuffled around to try and find somewhere to shield himself from the spray. Salina only chuckling down at him as she knew it was going to be cold and chose not to say anything as she watched, not as caught off guard as him to the icy waters.

"Too cute." Her voice rumbled above him before she began to clean herself briskly. It didn't take long until she was pressing into his back with her hands and arms snaking around him as she helped him clean himself off. The water dancing off both of them and running down her muscular back. Her chin resting against his shoulder as she had to hunch down slightly due to the differences of their size, though she hardly seemed phased. That rumbling purr returning as she pressed a bit more firmly until he was flush against the shower wall.

His ears flicked at her rumbling words as he bit down on his lower lip to stifle a sound from being made, trying to ignore her as much as he could. He thought that perhaps he was going to be allowed a moment alone despite them sharing the shower, though that thought was short lived. The feeling of her body pressing into him was enough to break his attempt at ignoring her as he ushered out another startled whine. His hands coming up to press against her thighs as he tried to shove and push when she began nudging him toward the wall, though yet again their size and strength difference coming into play.

It had hardly been an hour since he had gotten up and already he was feeling himself growing hard from her teasing and the way she forced him around. That calmed heart of his was brought back into its thumping beat as his cheek was now resting against the surface of the wall. The water still pelting and pouring down from above as a slight bit of steam began to fog up the glass. Her entire front was resting against his back as her sheath rubbed into his bubbly plump ass with a firm grind.

She felt her own arousal swelling inside of her as she looked down at the bunny in front of her, placing both hands around his waist to hold him firmly in place. Both her nipples and cock hardened rather quickly from her unyielding grind against his body. Those large breasts smooshed and squished into his upper back as she was still in a slightly hunched position. Her nipples rubbing against his soft matted fur as she rumbled above him. "Mmm... See? I tried holding back but it didn't last very long. Its so hard finding a good toy... And I said before, I'm definitely keeping you..." She tugged at his waist to further pull him back into her hips as her shaft was fully erect as it slid between his supple thighs.

His whimpering only grew louder as he listened to her words with him fighting to keep his mind steadied to make sense of it all. He could feel his feet sliding gently against the floor before stopping to rest just above her own which aided in his support. Both his hands still reaching backward to rest haphazardly against her own thighs, unable to do anything as she was completely at her mercy, which stirred that exhilarating sensation within him again. The feeling of being powerless and used as a plaything only fuelled the fire within him as his cock throbbed in response. Unable to reply with words as only a docile whining was made to what she had said.

"Mmmmhh... Good girl..." She half spoke to herself more than to him as she gently reached down to push his legs together with her cock still trapped between his thighs. That massive girth arched upward and rubbed against his stomach as she began to grind and hump into him. The underside of his cock gliding along the upper portion of her dick whenever it came to push forward again. Soon enough an all too familiar sound of flesh meeting flesh could be heard. The soft ~Plap, plap, plap~ of her hips meeting his ass was like music for her as she glanced down to watch the rippling jiggle whenever she made contact with his backside. "Such a fuckably fat ass... God damn..." Her words cooed outward as she returned her grip to his hips with claws nicking him gently.

He felt himself once more on complete display for her with the way he was positioned. Those thick thighs of his squeezed tightly together around her cock as they aided in plumping up his ass for her viewing pleasure. That slight arch to his body only made that backside of his become a lovely heart shape for her to enjoy as she used him for her desire. He turned his head until he was resting his forehead against the shower wall now, staring down at the floor to watch the water glide along it. His own cock throbbing to life with every pass that she made with her grinding hump, feeling his balls being dragged along with it as well.

Her orange hues never left the sight of that wobbling ass of his even as he adjusted his head to look away. Her humps only become more fierce as she was losing herself to instinct yet again. The fleshy clapping, softness of his plump ass and the jiggling bounces were driving her mad. That slender tongue of hers coming to rest out from her open mouth as she began to pant a bit heavier. "Nnng... Just want to breed you... Fuck you... Use you... Devour you." Her words were soft as if she weren't speaking to him with those eyes closing until they were only half open. The sensation of his balls and cock rubbing along her larger shaft were adding to the maddening excitement that swells within her.

His breathing began to grow heavier and heavier with every moment that passed. His own thoughts began to descend into depravity with every word that she was ushering out. Lightly he squeezed his thighs around her thrusting cock as his own began to drool with precum. That curvaceous body of his squirming as much as it could given she wasn't flush against him for the moment. He closed his eyes as he simply began to lose himself to the sensation that was washing over him almost as much as the shower.

The feeling of his supple thighs, soft smooth fur, and slippery wetness of the water was urging her closer and closer to her climax. Her body returned to squishing him into the wall as she humped with a bit more urgency. That fleshy clapping only growing louder with her growling into his ears now. "Mmmgnhh... You want to my cock don't you? To be crammed and stuffed full as nothing more than my little toy... Isn't that right?~" Her words rumbled as one of her hands snaked away from his hips and making its way to find his balls, giving them a gentle squeeze as she played with them.

He produced an utterly pathetic cry as the sudden weight of her body came pressing down into him, further driving the point home that he was helpless. The deep rumbling of her words only forcing him to writhe more as much as he could whilst trying to come up with the ability to respond to her questions. At first he was only able to mewl and whine as her massaging grip wasn't making it any easier to find the words, until he was able to get a single word out after struggling. "Mmghnf...affnngmMNnhh! Aanggh... Yeees..." It was drawn out into a mewling moan but it was audible nonetheless.

Her ears flicked atop her head from his submission and acceptance to his place as her cock throbbed once more before she began to cum. She began to firmly grind into his backside as she no longer humped, simply letting the feeling wash over her. That long tongue of hers rolled along her lips as she couldn't stop herself from grinning down at the bunny as she felt that climax tapering off. She leaned away from him as she watches her cock being pulled free from between his thighs. A sharp slap resonated within the bathroom as she struck one of his cheeks and then the other, watching them wobble and jiggle for a few seconds. "Mmmhh... I don't think I'll tire of this fat ass of yours..." Her chuckle was quickly followed by her cock nudging and prodding into the backdoor that she had only just recently conquered.

His own climax was building within him though he wasn't quite able to get over the last hurdle as easily as she had, watching as a few ropes splattered the wall he was pressed against. He had thought she were finished when those dual spanks clapped his plump ass which made him produce a sharp squealing cry in protest before feeling that thick head of hers nudging into him. That mind racing wildly as he tried to speak to get her to wait before feeling himself being spread open. His muscles clenched down almost immediately around her as his stomach sucked inward from his sharp gasp at the intruding sensation. Any thoughts that he had managed to pull together were instantly scattered as she was already two inches deep. "AnnggnNHhahHh!!!~"

"The sounds as weeeelll... Mmmhmm... Too easy..." Her snickering words were barely heard by the poor bunny who was trying to manage being split open without regard. She nudged and prodded her way forward as she watches every inch being devoured by that hungry ass of his, feeling the walls tightening around her with every gasping cry he made. Her head rolled back eventually to stare up at the ceiling once she had forced more than half of her cock inside of him before she slammed the rest in without mercy. That delicious fat ass clapped and greeted her hips while both his mind and body were made to attempt at enduring it all.

He thought that he was able to handle her girthy thickness after last night, that it was somehow going to be easier to take it all if she decided to try again but he was completely mistaken. That burning heat roared into him from that tail hole being made to stretch and try to accommodate every advancing inch of hers. His lungs were having trouble sucking down all the oxygen he required due to him constantly exhaling out suddenly with those pitiful whimpering cries. He tore his hands away from her hips to press against the wall just as she slammed the entirety of her cock into him, with that stomach bulging from just how far she was inside.

She had no regard for whether he was still conscious or not, as his ass was rippling and massaging her cock nicely. She felt like a VIP that was being treated at some exclusive club somewhere with how he was tending to her cock, albeit involuntarily, for the time being. A deep rumbling growl of approval escape her as she remained full hilt inside of him for a moment before pulling out to the tip and slamming forward again. "Mmmhgg... I'm a full hilt or go home kind of girl... I'm sure you understand?~" She chuckled to herself as she knew full well that he wasn't going to be able to respond with the way she was pounding his ass as if it owed her money. Those hips continued to crash and slam into him with the sound of his plump thighs and bubbly cheeks following shortly afterward.

His moaning cries grew louder with that overwhelming mixture of painful pleasure bombarding his mind. He was hardly aware that he had already been pushed over the wall that had stopped him from cumming earlier almost as soon as she slammed herself into him the first time. His cock throbbed with his balls aching for a second release as she took out what seemed to be pent up frustration out on his ass. He could feel his stomach bulging lightly by the repeated assault that he was being subjected too. "Angngf... FauuCCKkkgg...!" He stammered out as best he could as if it were somehow going to help his situation.

Salina only chuckled out over him as her hips only picked up the pace from the amusement of watching him struggle below her. That thick cock of hers stretched and forced its way forward with a firm slap of her heavy balls into his own which caused him to wince every time. Her gaze returned to his quivering and shaking form when there was a sudden knock on the door. She shifted her attention towards the sound though her hips never slowed in the slightest as she spoke up. "Huh? Occupied!" Her head shaking gently as she glanced at the bunny who had an expression of panic painted over him. That expression forced her to stop for a second before that grin creeped upon her face as she resumed her thrusts while speaking up. "But... You can come in if you really have to go..." Those orange hues narrowing as she drank in the panic and dread as the bunny heard her speaking, before he quickly tried to look away to hide his face.

The door to the bathroom opened slowly as a large female zebra stepped inside. She appeared to be the same height as Salina from what Alan could see through the fogged up glass, but not nearly as built in the same manner. Her chestnut brown hair was buzzed cut short on one side and left long on the other, slightly obscuring one of her emerald green eyes. She wore navy blue jeans which were torn and ripped in various places, a white tank top which showed an ample amount of cleavage and a black sweater on top of it all. "Oh shit. No way you were actually still here hahaha! Fuck me! I got your text last night and thought for sure you had already left the party... Damn!" The zebra laughed out as she leaned against the open door way, which was allowing the sound of those violent fleshy claps to flow down the hallway now.

Salina tore her gaze away from the bunny at the sudden voice as she stared in disbelief for a moment before laughing out loudly with a firm slap to the left side of Alan's bubbly ass. "Oh come on! You stalking me now huh? Send you something enticing and you track me down? You're a fucking zebra not a bloodhound, Julianne." Her conversing with the zebra didn't slow her bucking hips as she continued to assault the bunny with firm thrusts. That cock only burrowing its way forward until she was full hilt before coming to a rest. "How did you even find me though, for real." She brought a hand up to wipe away some of the fog on the glass of the shower, though not enough to give the zebra a complete view of the show.

Alan was able to hear the new voice clear as day despite the shower still peppering them from above, though he couldn't make understand the meaning behind any of it. His mind was far too focused on the stretching girth that was cramming into him. The casual conversation was making him feel disregarded despite the fact that she was still thrusting into him without abandon, which made it seem as if he were truly nothing more than the panthers plaything. That sudden sharp slap to his ass brought him back to reality for a brief moment as he cried out loudly and shuddered as the stinging heat melts into him before she finally came to a rest. His breathing was ragged and heavy from the exhaustion of being forced to endure her relentless assault.

Julianne glanced over at the trembling bunny that had been completely impaled before returning her attention to Salina. She crossed her arms over her chest which made them squish together and appear a cup larger than they actually were as she spoke. "Well I didn't. I just had to use the bathroom and I was already down here from last night... So is that the interesting girl you were talking about? She seems like she's got a nice ass, from what I can see. Could've wiped away more of the fog, you bitch." She chuckled with a grin as she teased the panther before glancing down the hallway and taking a step into the bathroom, shutting the door closed behind her.

Salina lazily shifted her hips from side to side with the entirety of her cock still crammed inside, prodding and poking at various spots of his depths as she grinned back at the zebra. She slightly twisted her body which forced the impaled bunny to move with her until the pair of them were facing toward Julianne, which promptly made Alan whine out in protest as he brought one his arms to rest against the glass to hide his face. That long blonde hair of his fluttering out to cover himself up as well, as he tried to gently strike the panthers thigh with his other free hand. The feeble attempt only made Salina glance down at him with a widening grin before her attention returned to Julianne. "Mmmm... Maybe? Maybe its someone else... Why would I say definitely one way or another?" The panther gave a sharp buck of her hips after retreating an inch from his backside, filling the bathroom with a fleshy plap!

He was feeling himself growing more and more panicked with every passing second as the two of them held such a casual conversation. That heart racing wildly within his chest as his clenching tailhole was no doubt mimicking how quickly his heart was beating. Those rippling and massaging muscles continued to treat the fully hilted panther regardless of how he was feeling before he squealed out loudly from the sudden sharp buck. He buried his face further into his arm as his face felt like it was going to burst into flames despite the constant water that was raining from the shower.

The zebra took a step toward the shower as she crouched down slightly, until she was roughly at the same eye level as the whimpering bunny, albeit his face was hidden from her. The smile that was on her face only grew from the utterly adorable sounds that she was hearing escape him, though still not fully realizing he wasn't a female. She stayed there for a moment before looking up at Salina through the fogged up glass. "Well I wanted some fun too. Its rare that you find anyone that you think is interesting... so I definitely knew that they were going to be worth while." Julianne said as she stood up back to her full height before taking another quick glance down at the bunny.

Hey everyone! If you've made it this far then I really appreciate you taking the time to read it all, and hopefully it was enjoyable! I'd love to hear from everyone to see what they would like to see happen? Would you enjoy if they both tagged teamed the bunny now, or perhaps have that come into play later on in the story? Please leave a comment so I know!~