Christmas With You.txt

Story by Kris Auburn on SoFurry

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Well guys this is just a short Christmas story. I hoped that I'd be done with it in time for Christmas, but alas a busy schedule kept me from uploading this on Christmas Day. This was a just-for-fun story and to let you guys know that I'm still alive. Hope you enjoy, and I wish you a late Merry Christmas!

A sudden outburst of laughter that broke the usual silence of the bookstore caused Asher to glance up from his book in slight irritation. His light blue eyes fell upon a white tiger and a black wolf, who were now shaking paws and talking at a quieter tone. Asher kept on watching the two friends as they walked towards the coffee shop, chattering quietly to each other about some football game. With the distraction gone, Asher returned to the book he held in his paws.

"How do people even meet each other here?" Asher muttered to himself as he flipped the page with a flick of his wrist.

He had been going to this bookstore, named The Wolf's Tale, ever since his first year in highschool. He had hoped it would be a nice quiet place where he could read books, drink coffee, and, most importantly, maybe meet a cute guy who shared his love for books. Unfortunately, the third desire had not been answered yet. Most of the bookstore's regular visitors were either college students or adults. No one Asher's age walked into the bookstore. But then again, it was no suprise. A bookstore was just not the place for a senior in highschool to spend his evening. Most students were either involved in sports or other after-school activities. Asher, however, was not. He had no desire to play sports or participate in any other activities. All he needed was a hot cup of coffee and a good book.

The usual jingle of bells from the bookstore's door caused Asher's ears to twitch, but he did not even glance up from his book. He gave up looking at the entrance every time the door swung open, in hope that a handsome wolf or fox would waltz in. Asher kept his eyes on the text as he heard someone stroll by. He glanced up from his book, expecting to see the old tiger that enjoyed mysteries, or the squirrel who always spent a few hours probing through the poetry section. Instead, Asher's eyes fell upon a young gray wolf, a young gray wolf who looked about his age. Asher felt his mouth go dry as he gazed at the wolf. This guy was new.

He stared at the wolf's luxuriant tail as it flicked back and forth lazily. The fine curves of the wolf's body made Asher glad that a book was hiding a certain part of his body. The wolf suddenly came to a stop at the mystery section and gazed at the books, a content and confident smile spread across his face. His book forgotten, Asher was now fighting the urge to stand up and greet the wolf, maybe even try to have a brief conservation with him.

"Don't kid yourself." Asher sighed glumly to himself.

He knew what would happen. He would ask the wolf if he would like a cup of coffee, and the wolf would politely turn him down. Asher sighed to himself and rested his head in his paw. He stared at the wolf with butterflies in his stomach. He stood with such a relaxed but majestic pose, and Asher guessed that the wolf was an athlete from the perfect tone of his body. Asher did not even realize he was staring until the wolf turned and made direct eye contact with him. He quickly snapped his head down and buried his muzzle into the book. He tried to concentrate on the text but his mind kept on wandering back to the enticing body of the wolf. He suddenly started to feel hot and uncomfortable in the usual cozy setting he was used to. He silently cursed himself for being so timid. If only he had the confidence to approach the wolf and say something-

"That's a great book you're reading there." A voice suddenly said right above Asher.

Asher nearly jumped out of his chair in suprise. He snapped his head up to see the wolf casually leaning his head against his paw on the back of Asher's chair. He wore a sly but warm and comforting smile.

"Oh, uh yeah. It's a great book." Asher stammered as he fumbled with the book in his paws. "I uh, just started reading the series."

"It really is a great series. I've always been a fan of mystery thrillers." The wolf replied with a slight chuckle, his amber eyes shining brightly in the light.

Asher smiled and quickly tried to think of what to say so the wolf would not lose interest and leave.

"So, um, I haven't seen you here before. Are you new here?" Asher asked as he shifted in his chair nervously.

"Yeah, I just moved here last week from New Jersey. Oh, pardon me for being so rude! I haven't even properly introduced myself." The wolf replied with that smile that sent warm shivers down Asher's spine. "My name is Jaxon, but you can just call me Jax. It's easier to say."

Asher extended his paw out to Jax.

"My name's Asher."

Jax accepted Asher's paw and shook it.

"Pleased to meet you." Jax replied with a smile.

Asher found himself smiling back as he stared into the wolf's eyes. He suddenly felt warm inside and the desire to feel the wolf's soft touch on another part of his body.

"So are you busy or anything? If you aren't, would you like to get a cup of coffee with me?" Jax asked as he motioned towards the coffee shop's counter.

Asher's heart leaped in his chest.

"No! Uh, I mean, I'm not busy at all. Coffee would be nice." He replied immediately.

"Great!" Jax replied, his tail wagging happily behind him.

Asher closed his book and stood up from his chair. His heart was still pounding in his chest as he followed the wolf to the coffee bar.

"Go ahead and find us a table." Jax said with a smile. "I'll go ahead and get us our drinks. What do you want?"

"Uh, I guess just a regular coffee." Asher replied as he scanned the scattered tables around the coffee shop.

"Any cream or sugar?" Jax asked.

"Just a little." Asher replied as he found a table and sat down. "Is this table fine?"

"Perfect!" Jax replied. "I'll be right back with our drinks."

Asher sat down as he watched the gray wolf stroll up to the counter, his tail arched confidently behind him. He rested his head against his paw and found himself wondering if Jax was just being friendly, or if he had an attraction towards him.

"Fat chance." Asher muttered to himself as he flicked a crumpled up drinking straw wrapper off of the table. But the way the wolf had looked at Asher with those soft brown eyes, and that sly smile he had given him when they first started talking.

"Your coffee, kind sir." Jax said with a grin as he placed the steaming cup on the table in front of Asher. "Careful. It's really hot."

"Thanks." Asher replied as he took the cup in both paws, enjoying the warmth from the steaming liquid.

Jax sat down across from Asher and took a small sip from his own coffee. He sighed happily as he swallowed.

"Mmmm. They do have good coffee here. I see why someone would come here so often."

Asher nodded in agreement as he took a sip from his coffee. He tried to think of a question to ask Jax that would keep a conversation between them. He did not want any awkward silence between them.

"So, do you play any sports?" Asher asked sheepishly as he smoothed a tuft of his auburn fur on his arm.

"No not anymore. I used to play football and run track in highschool. Now that highschool is over, I just plan to go to college and not worry about sports."

"Really? What college are you looking at?" Asher asked, feeling releived about the conversation carrying on.

"A couple of colleges actually." Jax replied with a chuckle. "I'm looking at Pleseantville College and Xavier. Akron is another one. They have a good journalism program there."

"Oh, so journalism is your major?" Asher asked.

"Yep." Jax replied as he leaned forward. His face was now just a couple of feet from Asher, and his heart began to beat faster. "So, what do you want to go to college for?"

"Uh, literature." Asher stammered slightly as he found himself mesmerized by the wolf's enticing gaze. "I hope to write a book someday."

"That sounds awesome!" Jax replied as he straightened up. "We could be partners or something!"

Partners. The word seemed to echo through Asher's mind and caused his heart to skip a beat.

"Uh yeah. That would be pretty cool." Asher replied with a grin. "I'm already applying to Pleseantville."

"Great! I might as well apply there to!" Jax said excitedly. His ears suddenly folded down slightly. "I mean, if you're cool with that. We did just meet. I don't want to sound like some creeper or anything."

Asher laughed slightly.

"You're not a creeper at all. It's finally nice to meet someone who has the same interest as me in reading and writing."

Jax's ears perked up.

"Well that's good. I can say the same thing about you."

The two were silent for a moment as they both sipped on their coffees.

"So you're the first red fox I've seen here since I've moved. Are you the only one?" Jax asked with a slight smile.

"No, there's a few here in town. There's even some white foxes too." Asher replied as he set his coffee down. "There's also a lot of wolves around here too."

"Well that's good. Any of them attractive?" Jax asked. His muzzle wore that sly smile again.

"Uh, well...I guess, yeah." Asher replied as he fidgeted in his chair. He started to feel hot again. "Well, I mean female wolves. There's uh, some hot females out there for you."

"Oh. Well that's good." Jax replied.

Asher thought he caught a hint of disappointment in Jax's reply.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, are you single or are you taken?" Jax asked curiously as he leaned forward again.

Asher grinned slightly in amusement. The wolf was playing with him. Fine then. Two can play at this game.

"Well Jax, if you don't mind me asking, how about you answer that question first?"

Jax's ears twitched slightly.

"Okay fox, I'll play fair. I'm currently single," the wolf's eyes shifted slyly. "but looking."

Jax leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, causing his muscles to bulge.

"Your turn."

Asher chewed on the side of his cheek nervously. Half of him wanted to tell the cute wolf that he was currently single and attracted to him. But the other half was hesitant. What if Jax was not gay? Sure he was giving him some tell-tale signs that he was gay, but Asher was not certain, and he definitely did not want to ruin this nice conversation.

"Uh, I'm single." Asher replied.

"And? Are you interested in someone? Are you looking?" Jax asked.

"I'm uh, I'm currently interested in someone." Asher stammered in reply.

"Well congratulations." Jax replied. "Is she another fox?"

Asher took a deep breath. He squirmed uncomfortably in his chair. Was he really about to say this?

"He." Asher replied quietly. The word slipped past his lips and Asher immediately wished he could have taken it back.

"I'm sorry, what was that again?" Jax asked as he leaned in closer, his eyes squinted curiously.

Asher now felt his paws trembling. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest and he refused to look up from the table. He knew those bright amber eyes were staring at him.

"I said, 'He'. I'm interested in another male." Asher replied, his voice trembling.

Asher expected two responses from Jax. The first was that he would hear the screech of the chair as the wolf stood up, and then the heavy footsteps as Jax walked away in disgust. The second response that Asher expected was to hear and feel the sting of insults that would fly from the wolf's mouth. Asher closed his eyes and refused to look up.

He suddenly felt a soft brush on his paw. Asher looked up in suprise to see Jax's paw resting on his paw. He looked up into the wolf's face and found the him smiling warmly, his amber eyes shining brilliantly. This was definitely not what Asher was expecting to happen.

"There's no need to be ashamed." Jax whispered quietly as he stroked Asher's hand. Asher shivered slightly. "There's something you should know about me."

Asher's heart started beating faster.

"Asher, I'm not really into females either." Jax replied as he smiled sheepishly.

Asher felt a wave of relief, joy, and excitement crash over him. He realized he had been holding his breath, and let out a sigh of relief. Jax smiled in amusement.

"Feel better now?" Jax asked as he continued to brush Asher's paw.

"Much." Asher replied as he smiled.

"So you said you're interested in someone? Who is he?" Jax asked.

"Uh tell you the truth," Asher stammered. "I'm kinda...attracted to you."

Jax continued to smile as he rested his head against his paw. He continued to let his other paw rest on Asher's.

"That's great to hear. Because I think you're the cutest fox I've ever seen." Jax replied, his eyes sparkling.

Asher smiled as he felt his face grow warm. He folded his ears down slightly. Jax chuckled slightly and squeezed Asher's paw gently.

"It looks like the snow is really starting to pick up outside." Jax said as he glanced out the window. He turned to gaze into Asher's eyes.

"Yeah. I'd better get back home. My parents are probably wondering where I am." Asher replied.

"Would you mind if I walk you home?" Jax asked softly.

"No. Not at all. I'd like that." Asher replied as he stood up.

Jax stood up too and pushed in his chair. The two walked out of the warm bookstore and into the snowy night. Asher shivered as he pulled his coat tighter around him. He suddenly felt a warm paw slide into his and squeeze gently. He looked over to Jax and smiled. Jax smiled and winked.

The two walked on the snowy sidewalk of the town's streets with paws locked. Despite the cold wind and snow, Asher never felt so warm before. He leaned against Jax's shoulder and breathed in deeply. Jax smiled and continued walking.

"Well, this is my house." Asher said as they arrived at a large brick house.

"It's very pretty." Jax replied as he gazed at it. His breath trickled out in ghostly white wisps. "You don't live very far from me either."

"Where do you live?" Asher asked.

"About four blocks down that way." Jax replied as he pointed down the road. "My house kinda looks like yours, except it's not as big."

"Well that's perfect." Asher whispered as he brushed his tail against Jax's.

Jax grinned and squeezed Asher's paw gently.

"Well I better get going. Thanks so much for the coffee and...everything else." Asher said as he hugged Jax.

"My pleasure." Jax replied as he wrapped his arms around Asher.

They broke the hug and Asher had the urge to give the wolf a quick peck on the cheek. Would that be too soon though? Instead, Asher smiled and turned around to his house.

"Wait!" Jax suddenly yelled.

Asher turned around, and suddenly felt Jax's warm muzzle pressed up against his. Suprised, Asher stumbled back, but quickly regained himself. He pressed forward into Jax's kiss. He felt their tongues brush against each other as they explored each other's mouth. It was fireworks. Jax finally broke the kiss and leaned back panting.

"Wow. That...that was amazing." Asher gasped.

Jax giggled.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it so much." He replied with a smile.

"I can see that you enjoyed it very much too." Asher giggled as he motioned down towards Jax's pants.

Jax folded his ears down slightly and smiled sheepishly.

"I guess I did." He replied as he shuffled his feet on the snowy pavement.

"I enjoyed it as much as you did." Asher laughed.

The two fell silent as they stared into each other's eyes.

"I really should get going." Asher finally said. "Thanks again for the coffee."

"No problem. We'll have to do this again. Are you busy this week?" Jax asked in reply.

Asher glanced up thoughtfully as he ran through his internal schedule. He had some college applications to fill out, but those could wait.

"No. I don't have any plans at all." He replied.

"Great!" Jax exclaimed, his tail wagging back and forth happily. "Maybe we can catch a movie or something?"

"I would love that." Asher replied with a smile.

"So it's a date then!" Jax laughed.

Asher's ears burned red, but he felt happiness surge up inside him.

"Well maybe I'll stop by tomorrow and you can give me a tour of this town." Jax said as Asher started to make his way up the snow covered steps to his front door.

"Sounds like fun! We can do that!" Asher replied as he came to his front door.

"Cool. Then I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"You bet! Good-bye Jax! I'm so glad we met!"

Jax bowed his head.

"As am I. See you tomorrow foxy!"

Asher was still smiling as he opened the door to his house and closed it behind him. The warmth of his house was more than welcoming after being outside in freezing temperatures for so long. But he would stand outside forever in those temperatures as long as Jax was with him.

He silently slid his shoes off and hung up his coat. There were not that many lights on in his house, which probably meant that his parents and brother were already asleep. He glanced at the kitchen clock and saw that it was a little past eleven. Yeah, they were definitely in bed.

Asher tip-toed through his kitchen and down the stairs to where his room was. He suddenly realized how tired he actually was, and decided to not do some late night reading. Instead, he stripped down to his boxers and threw his shirt off in a heap on the floor. He sighed as he crawled into his bed and threw the bedsheets over him. He inhaled deeply and smiled as he caught the lingering scent of Jax. Asher drifted off to sleep, his paw outstretched to his side as if he was searching for someone.

Christmas Eve soon came and brought along a deluge of snow and frigid temperatures. Asher glanced up from the book he was reading and studied the clock that was set on the mantle above his fireplace. It was only an hour until Christmas day. He sighed heavily as he closed his book and looked outside at the snow. Although it was warm in his house, Asher felt cold and alone.

His parents had gone to see family in another city, but because of the snow, they were trapped there. Asher still had some hope that they would be able to make it back Christmas morning, but the snow had showed no sign of stopping for the past five hours. At least his family had others to celebrate Christmas.

Asher snapped out of his trance as his cell phone vibrated on the coffee table. He picked it up and smiled slightly as he saw Jax's name appear on the phone's screen. He flipped it open.

"Hey hun."

"Hey foxy, Merry Christmas." Jax said happily. "I love the flowers you got me."

"I hoped you would." Asher replied as he ruffled the fur on his upper arm.

"Is something bothering you hun?" Jax asked softly.

Asher sighed. They had only been dating for a month, and somehow Jax always knew when something was bothering him. It was like as if the wolf had a sixth sense or something.

"My parents aren't gonna be able to make it here for Christmas." Asher sighed. "I guess I'll have to spend Christmas alone."

"Awww. I'm so sorry to hear that hun." Jax replied. There was a slight pause, and Asher wondering if he lost service.

"You there?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. Still here. Just thinking." Jax replied. "Hey hun, I'm so sorry to cut this conversation short but my family is calling me. I'm sorry about your family. Merry Christmas, and I love you."

Asher smiled at those last three words.

"I love you too." He replied.

He snapped his phone shut and sighed as he slumped in his chair. He glanced at the clock again and saw that Christmas Day was now only forty minutes away. His eyes began to feel heavy and he was just about to drift off to sleep when the chime of the doorbell jolted him awake. For a moment, Asher thought that his parents did make it home, but he would have heard them pull into the garage. He unlocked the door and cautiously opened it.

"Jax?" Asher asked in suprise as he saw the gray wolf standing at his doorstep.

Jax smiled. He was holding a bottle of wine.

Asher grabbed a hold of Jax's paw and pulled him inside.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were with your family?" Asher asked in suprise as he closed the front door.

"Well, my family kinda got stranded too at some relative's house. And since I had no one to talk to," Jax smiled warmly at Asher as he licked him on the nose. "I'll spend my Christmas with you."

Asher returned Jax's warm smile, and pulled the wolf in for a kiss. Jax leaned in and pressed his muzzle against Asher's. The stronger wolf picked up Asher off the ground. They stepped backwards into the living room as they kissed. Asher straddled Jax as the two sat down on the couch near the fireplace. Their tongues rolled over each other in their mouths. Their breath came out hot and heavy as they explored the inside of each other. Asher finally broke the kiss and leaned back panting.

"I think you'll be a little bit more comfortable if you get rid of this." Jax murmured as he started to roll up Asher's shirt.

Asher nodded in agreement and slipped his shirt off while Jax did the same. He slid his hands across the wolf's chest and felt the muscles tense underneath his soft touch. The two touched muzzles again and ended up falling into another kiss. Jax fell back and wrapped his arms around Asher. Asher moaned as his erected member rubbed against Jax's through the fabric of his shorts. Jax hooked his fingers under the waistband of Asher's shorts and boxers, and slowly slid them down. Asher broke the kiss again to unbutton Jax's jeans and pull them off. Jax rubbed his hands along Asher's hips and started circling closer to the fox's centerpiece. Asher started breathing faster and heavier. Jax's paw brushed up against his member, and Asher moaned softly. He rolled off of Jax and onto his side so that they were now facing each other. Asher brushed his paw up the length of Jax's member, causing the wolf to whimper slightly. He gripped it in his paw and started to slowly brush the wolf's member. Breathing hard, Jax brought his paw up between them and started doing the same to Asher. They both worked in unison as they pumped each other's shaft. Asher started to feel the pressure in his shaft, but it was Jax who suddenly bucked up against Asher's paw and moaned. Asher felt the warmth splash against his chest and hand as the wolf climaxed. Asher climaxed a few seconds after the wolf. He buried his muzzle into Jax's shoulder as the wolf jerked him off.

Asher collapsed against Jax as he breathed heavily. Jax wrapped his arms around Asher's waist and pulled him into another kiss. Their fur was matted and sticky, but they did not care.

"That was great." Asher gasped as they broke the kiss.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it hun." Jax replied as he pulled the fox closer to him.

Asher snuggled up against the wolf and smiled. The clock rang as it struck midnight.

"So did you get what you wanted for Christmas?" Jax whispered as he wrapped his arms around Asher.

"Of course I did." Asher whispered back as he closed his eyes. "All I wanted for Christmas was you."

First Day On The Job.txt

Kory apprehensively buttoned the buttons of his crisp new police uniform. He made sure his pants were free of wrinkles and his badge was polished so it shimmered in the light. Today was his first day on the Chicago Police Force. He wanted to make sure...

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