Nocturnal Rendezvous

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After a long wait, the bat that Navah the jackal slapped a chastity cage on after their initial encounter, returns - still wearing the cage, and surely very pent up. But with these two, nobody ever knows who ends up on the top or bottom, dominant or submissive, as they continue their dance of intimate courtship in a nightclub's private rooms.

Sequel to which also details how these two met the first time!

Commissioned once more by the jackal featured in the story!

Navah hadn't seen the bat, Lazarus, for a few weeks, now. Every weekend, he relaxed at the club, letting the music, dancing, and a fair amount of booze wash the workday stress away. While that was certainly nice, and even necessary with what a downward slope the whole world seemed to be on, he missed the other male. Last time they'd met, Navah had tricked - mostly tricked, anyway - him into getting a chastity caged locked onto him. While they'd both seemed to enjoy it then, the fact that he hadn't seen him for a while now suggested that he might've pushed a bit too hard, withholding the key. Maybe he'd triggered some kind of bad memory about collars. Maybe some other trauma he had experienced.

Or maybe he just didn't like being caged. It was a possibility, certainly. Still, every time that Navah visited the club, he brought with him the little key to the cage, on the off chance that this was the night he'd finally meet his friend again. So far, no luck. A few others flirted with him, of course, but they lacked the same delightful chemistry, that dance-like interaction between two similar minds, an exchange taking twists and turns with risks being taken and dominance challenged.

Nobody else quite scratched that same itch, Navah lamented, as he leaned back into his seat. The music was perfect as always, but he didn't feel like dancing today. Not yet, anyway. Instead, he did his second most favorite thing to do at the club; watch the patrons. It was fascinating how quickly inhibitions melted away, how every patron had a different kind of partying personality than what they might be outside of the club. The harness-clad horse in the corner was a construction worker. The topless-but-for-nipple-pasties cougar drawing the attention of a lusty crowd of men, even letting them touch her, was a local politician. This club evidently felt safe enough to let loose. The lion kneeling in the darkened corner with another feline's cock in his mouth was a programmer. He'd spent enough time and talked with enough people to know a few of them. And Navah, himself? Well, he was something different, too, though he never let anyone know the specifics; at least, not half-drunken strangers in a nightclub.

There he sat, then, sipping on a fruity drink that he'd gotten to reminisce about Lazarus - who was a fruit bat, and fairly fruity otherwise, too - when he heard a familiar chirp, over the music and just at the edge of his hearing. Navah's ears swiveled to locate the sound. A bat, definitely, but who, and where?

Even with his sharp eyes, it took him a moment to spot the chiropteran, his fur just as black as the jackal's own, by a table almost at the other side of the club. How long had he been sitting there, observing, while Navah's senses had been dulled by the pleasant buzz of a couple of drinks? Still, his heart soared at the sight, and immediately, as he made eye contact with Lazarus, he got up and headed over.

The bat greeted him with a sly, crooked smile as he sipped on his own drink. Some kind of banana concoction, going by the scent. Liquor and juice.

"Did you finally decide you wanted the key?" Navah asked.

The bat's grin widened. "You actually remembered it?" he asked, half incredulous and half visibly amused.

"I think the question is if you're still wearing the cage," the jackal countered. "Like a good boy might."

Now, of course, Navah was no fool, nor was he naive. Not after this many years among the living. He knew the bat hadn't worn the cage for a month on end. If he had, he'd be smelling like sweat and musk all the way from the other side of the club. But it was part of the dance, part of the act, the same way that a collar - while in play - showed submission and belonging, even if those roles never necessarily left the bedroom. A shared fantasy that neither would violate, if only because it tickled them both equally.

The bat chose to answer the jackal without words. He took a step closer, taking hold on the jackal's hand. First, he pulled him into the dark shadowy part just by the club's wall, where one could stand almost entirely unseen, and the spotlights and lasers rarely reached, entirely intentionally. Then, he guided Navah's hand to his crotch, and indeed, he felt the familiar hardness of metal, much unlike the usual masculine hardness one might expect when caressing each other in a club.

"Very good," Navah whispered. "We'll just need a collar on you too, eventually."

The bat twitched again at the mention of a collar, but his reaction didn't seem quite as strong as it had been, last time. Surely, he'd tell the jackal why he was opposed to the idea, eventually, but that moment was not now. "Maybe," he smiled back in the dark. "Though we might also add a ring to yours."

Indeed, Navah always wore a collar, but his had no ring on it. The feeling of leather against his neck was comforting - not to mention that it was stylish, inlaid with glimmering amethysts - especially at a club like this - but at the same time, without a ring to attach a leash to, he liked to think it represented dominance, or even rebellion, rather than submission. That was exactly the way he liked it. Not that he _hadn't_been leashed once or twice; jackals were shadowy creatures of many appetites, and Navah himself was no different. Only perhaps more subtle than average.

"Maybe," he replied, in the same silky-smooth tone the bat had used. "But for now, it's just lovely to see you again. Let's have a couple more drinks, shall we?"

The two of them embraced each other like old friends. They'd only met once before, but the perfect chemistry that'd bonded them during that fleeting encounter remained, as strong as ever. Perhaps stronger, owing to the longing, at least on Navah's part.

He ordered them their "usual" drinks - a fruity concoction of cherries, banana, and whatever else the bartender knew belonged in it for the bat, and a rich red wine for the jackal - as the two sat down to catch up.

"So, where have you been? I haven't see you here for a while," Navah asked, once settled by a table and drawing in the tannin-rich scent of his wine.

Lazarus' ears drooped ever so slightly. "I had some things I needed to take care of. The last time with you was... we'll say enlightening," he explained. His long tongue slipped into the tall glass in a mesmerizing and _very_chiropteran display. "I made some changes that had to be made."

Navah didn't pry. Lazarus didn't say anything more. He would, eventually, when the time was right. These things could never be rushed. No matter how close a friend might be, forcing anyone to talk never went well. Sooner or later, they'd open up naturally; that was the way of any half-social creature, and bats were nothing if not social. Already, Lazarus had a wing wrapped around Navah's shoulders. He felt warm with affection. Well, perhaps the alcohol played a role in his warmth, too. And desire.

The dance now wasn't between the two of them, but internal for both males, to see how long they could allow themselves to be teased before it became too much to bear. No, long was the wrong word. It wouldn't take long, certainly, no matter how in control either of the two thought they were.

Lazarus offered Navah a taste of his drink, leaning close enough for the jackal to feel his tight clothing brush against his fur. Black rubber and leather, as was the expected attire to darker club nights. Fishnet, too, buried halfway in his fur, hiding little of his slender body. Yet in the dim lighting, he appeared fully clothed at the same time, baring little, either. "Close your eyes," the bat smiled.

Navah did as he was told. He expected a glass pressed against his lips; a gesture sensual enough in itself. Instead, he was met first by the bat's hand holding his chin, and then by warm lips touching his own, an arm wrapped around his head to draw him into a fruit-infused kiss as the bat's long, nimble tongue tangled with the jackal's own. And he kept at it. He pushed his muscular tongue deeper until it slipped into the jackal's throat and held it there for a few agonizing yet heated moments before pulling back. Mutually, the two gasped for air, their lips briefly connected by saliva.

"That's... one way to kiss," Navah panted. He, though prepared for most things, hadn't been expecting that. Not only did the feeling threaten to leave his knees weak. It also made him want more. And it made him wonder how that long tongue might feel coiled around other, more sensitive parts, somewhere below his waist.

"My favorite drink," the bat replied. He looked almost _imposing_when the multicolored lighting fell on his features just right; a redness of the wings that called to mind demons or devils, the dark harbingers of lust and passion. "Did you enjoy it?"

Of course, he was still wearing a chastity cage too. That softened it all. "It was tasty enough," Navah replied. "Though not using a glass was new."

"Mm. You did feel rather warm," Lazarus smiled. Once again, his tongue slipped out to sip the drink, demonstrating just how long and muscular it was. "And hard, in places."

"You know, if you're in that mood," Navah murmured, avoiding the question. "I have a challenge for you. Succeed, and-" he plucked the golden key to the cage from a hidden pocket on his vest, and held it out between a pair of black claws. "-you'll be free."

"Oh? And what challenge did you have in mind for me?" Laz asked, his eyes fixated on the little piece of metal. The lock was, of course, easy enough to pick by an expert. Once again, though, it was what possessing the key_represented_ more than what it did that enticed them both so.

"You'll have you bring yourself to orgasm while wearing it," Navah offered. "And me, as well."

"And where would we do this?" Lazarus asked. "Hardly something we can do in public view, or even in the restrooms."

Thankfully, the club had side rooms for the right persons. Rather, basement rooms. They were a closely guarded secret shared only with the regulars, and even then, not all of them. Well-stocked little pleasure-dens for the patrons to explore their desires together with bondage, and often, pain. Not so in their case, but it was a possibility when unruly pets, slaves, and other submissives needed punishment.

The entrance was through an inconspicuous door near the back, with an equally inconspicuous leather-clad bear leaning against the wall. He was one of the club's bouncers, though he looked just like any of the patrons. Seeing Navah and the bat approach, he pulled open a door to the basement, down a neon-light flight of stars with lights shifting from blue near the top to red at the bottom, likely intended to evoke a descent into hell.

"Should really advertise these more," the bat said. Navah could hear his smile.

"Wouldn't be legal to rent rooms for sex. But it is legal for the owner to let friends use his private rooms," Navah replied.

Either way, a few steps down the corridor - with the muted beat of the music above making the concrete vibrate ever so slightly - and into one of the rooms. Each door was marked by a symbol. One, a lightning bolt. Another, a coiled whip. A third, a cross, and that was the one the jackal chose.

"I could get used to being a regular here," the bat commented, as he stepped inside. The room was dominated by a large St. Andrew's cross, adjustable in that it could be tilted backwards, leaving the "victim" flat on their back, spread eagle. To the sides, there were racks for more involved activities, and "horses" one could comfortably bend over on.

Navah glanced at him. "How would you like to try your challenge?" he smiled.

"You're letting me choose? That'll make this way too easy," Lazarus replied. He brushed a wing down Navah's front, along the slick latex of his shirt. "Almost like you want to lose."

The jackal leaned close and pressed his nose into the nape of Laz's neck. He extended his tongue and licked up, along the short fur and the warm, sensitive skin just beneath. "Not as easy as you think," he whispered. "Now choose."

"Cuff yourself to the cross. I'll do your arms," the bat replied, "Once I'm done getting more comfortable."

He put up a sensual show of peeling off his clothes. The skin-tight leather pants, and the latex thong beneath. The fishnet shirt, he left on at the jackal's insistence. The room itself seemed to heat up with his beauty and raw nocturnal sexuality as he bared more and more of himself, or perhaps it was merely that Navah himself felt warmer, watching the other male. He dutifully leaned against the comfortable, leather-padded cross, and without his eyes ever leaving the bat, he leaned down to cuff his ankles to it. One after the other, secured tightly in the built-in soft but sturdy cuffs. It was always a pleasant, sensual sensation, even if he was the one doing it to himself.

As Lazarus finally pulled down his thong as well, the cage came into view. It looked spotless, the same gleaming gold it had been when Navah first fastened it. That always meant the submissive liked it, at least enough to take care of it. And indeed, he was swollen enough inside it to make wearing it look painful.

The bat spread out his wings in a grand gesture, striking a pose as he kicked off his second sock, leaving only the rather alluring fishnet shirt to cover himself with. And before Navah could as much as smile encouragingly, the bat was next to him, softly tying up his arms by the wrists.

"You do look very tasty restrained. Mm, too bad I'm a fruit bat," he smiled, a hand slipping under the jackal's clothes, fingers splaying against his fur. "Still... a little taste won't hurt."

He tugged up the vest just enough to bare Navah's chest, and his tongue lapped over one nipple and then the other in a long, sensual motion. Suddenly, the air felt so cool against the little nubs that the jackal shivered from the interplay of warmth and cold, between the bat's tongue and the conditioned air. Then, without missing a beat, he dropped to his knees to unbutton the jackal's pants, though he kept squeezing and groping every inch of the jackal that he could reach, rather than only the swelling hardness now covered only by slick latex underwear. A pair matching the bat's own, if not in brand then at least in looks.

Someone's getting excited would've been a comment to make, but there was a certain hunger to each of the bat's motions. A raw, deep desire that couldn't and wouldn't wait, leaving little time for teasing. In truth, both of the men had been teasing themselves with fantasies and dreams of this meeting ever since they'd first met each other, and now that it was a reality, it felt almost dreamlike. Just far more vivid. He let his snout brush against the jackal's hardness as it sprung out from behind the last layer of clothing. Again, he said nothing, but Navah felt his warm breath and shivered at a quick darting lick that traveled from his base to his tip.

Lazarus spun around and pressed himself against the tied-up jackal, grinding back softly and sensually. "I really do feel like you just wanted me to make you cum," he rumbled. "Because this isn't a challenge in the slightest."

He guided the jackal's cock between his soft-furred cheeks, and with the aid of some lubricant, the warm squeeze was almost too much, immediately. That was the first time Navah really moaned; though normally quiet, the pleasure was too much to fight. It increased severalfold when Lazarus raised his tail, and Navah's cock lodged itself against the tightness of his pucker. Almost immediately, the moment he felt that tightness begin to yield as the bat pressed himself against the jackal, Navah realized that he, certainly, would cum easily once his friend began to ride him properly. The question was if Lazarus himself could reach orgasm from only that.

The two groaned in unison as Navah's cock slipped inside, into the unbearably intense and tight warmth of the bat's body. As always, that first penetration was like sweet, sexual heaven. Lazarus sank down to the hilt, breathing heavily at the overwhelming sensation of it. But overwhelming wasn't the same as orgasmic. Still, he savored the moment briefly, before he began to move in earnest.

Slowly, slowly, he slipped up along that jackal's wonderful cock, and then down again, to where there was the faintest hint of his knot swelling. It felt almost as if his body was sucking Navah deeper, _demanding_to be filled to the brim with each needy, squeezing clench. But that tantalizing slowness didn't last long; soon, with that carnal hunger overcoming the bat fully and wearing out his attempts at self-control, he was eagerly slamming himself back onto the jackal's cock, to a louder and louder duet of high-pitched chirps and low growls of pleasure.

"Y-yeah, way... too easy, with a cock like y-yours," Lazarus groaned. Navah couldn't help but huff and snarl in response. In truth, he had been expecting this, just not so quickly. Absence really did make the heart grow fonder. The loins, too.

Soon, he was straining against the bonds, squirming and pulling on the cross as the bat "rode" him, wings flapping to ease the strain on his legs with each motion. Navah's knot was already starting to swell up, though it did seem as if the bat had no plans to let it get stuck inside him; rather than impaling himself fully, his warm hole only kissed the bulb with each motion.

That, of course, meant that he wanted more soon after the first round. And Navah would have more to give. The two all but supercharged each other, even if the time for wordplay and teasing was long past. Instead, their mutual world was narrowed down to the slick, wonderful friction of their mating, and the jolts of pleasure that their bodies rewarded them both with.

And then, Navah heard Lazarus moan, a high-pitched and very batlike cry of pleasure as he suddenly clenched around his tapered, rock-hard cock. A familiar rapid-fire series of loving squeezes that betrayed his climax just as surely as seeing his cock would've.

Navah wasn't far behind, especially not now, with how Lazarus was milking him. It took a few more clumsy backwards thrusts from his friend for him to let out a strangled groan and throb inside him in turn, leaving his warm, thick mark deep inside the bat in pulses and throbs. Each one was ecstatic, and the cuffs creaked but held as the jackal strained against them in the throes of his orgasm.

"See?" the bat panted. "E-easy. Just... oh, my legs are on fire," he chuckled, drunk on the familiar reward of a mating session well finished. He fell against the jackal, leaning against his body, in turn supported by the cross. "And this cage feels like a total mess."

He was giggling. For a moment, none of the terrors and worries of the world seemed very scary. Nor did any of the discomforts, like his cage soaked with cum around his cock. "Good thing I do my squats every day."

Navah couldn't help but laugh, himself. He was still buried deep inside Lazarus' body, as far as he was concerned, it'd be nice to never have to leave at all.

"The key's in my pocket," he smiled. "In the vest. I suppose you earned it."

Sure enough, Lazarus almost dove into his pockets until he finally fished out a small golden key. In another quick motion, leaving the jackal safely tied up, he unlocked the cage and yanked it off.

"Oh. Oh, my god. That feels so much better," he gasped. He wiped both the cage and the worst of his cum-soaked crotch, relishing in his newfound freedom. Maybe had had worn the cage a lot longer than he assumed, Navah thought. Certainly, he seemed relieved to have it off.

"Whew. And to think all I had to do was to make you cum," Lazarus smiled. "I think you owe me some cuddles, too."

"Gladly," Navah replied. "I'm just a little tied up at the moment."

That was easily fixed. Not the bondage itself, but being that the cross could be tilted backwards, it could be used as a moderately uncomfortable makeshift bed. That was that Lazarus did, slowly leaning the jackal back until he was laying perfectly horizontally. "You know, I could _easily_get used to having you tied up like this," he smirked.

The jackal tilted his head, just barely enough for it to even be noticeable. "You could, but you won't. How else would I cage you next time?"

"I think you'll find it harder and harder every time you try," the bat grinned, and then, taking a sip of the drink he'd set aside when they entered the basement room, he climbed on top of the jackal. Maybe it wasn't the most comfortable position with both of them having to lay with their arms and legs spread, but it was oddly appropriate. And warm. For a good few minutes, the only thing either felt was each other's heartbeat and breathing, steadying and slowing as the pleasure of their mutual orgasms faded away into a distant warmth.

Not that Lazarus was idle. Every moment of their improvised cuddle, he used to explore the jackal's body. Some of it idly - contrasting the blackness of their pelts - and some more intentionally, combing his fingers through his canine fur along the contours of his form. Toned, but not muscular. Lean, but not gaunt. The jackal had a predatory edge to him, but in the best of ways, and while Lazarus hadn't been perfectly sure of how he felt, before, after only one encounter, he began to feel more certain. He pushed himself up to look Navah in the eyes.

"I think... I think I'm ready to tell you everything. If you would still hear me," Lazarus breathed heavily, still deep in the afterglow, and that always took the edge off the world's harshness. Again he slowly lowered himself on top of the jackal, still safely tied to the cross, though the bat took a moment to untie his wrists, and then his ankles too, using his toe claws in a display of chiropteran agility. "Though you feel very safe when tied up like this," he smiled, half apologetically.

"Impressive," Navah commented. Then again, all bats could sleep hanging from the rafters, if they wanted to. The agility and strength were necessary. Briefly, thoughts of a footjob flashed through his mind, but then, he refocused on the evidently serious moment. "So, what is it you want to tell me?"

Lazarus opened his mouth and then quietly closed it again. Even in the post-orgasmic haze, he hesitated, and for the longest time he simply laid there. Above them, the music sounded like distant thunder. The slight scents of rubber, leather, and sex lingered in the air, carried by a barely noticeable breeze from the ventilation. Time seemed to stand still, almost, as the bat built up the courage to say what he had to say.

"Here," he finally whispered, shuddering as he took the jackal's hand and guided it to his neck.

Navah felt nothing at first, but then, as his fingers slipped beneath the soft fur, it was unmistakable. Rough, thick skin. Scar tissue, most likely. Whatever kind of collar he'd been forced to wear before had been far too tight and rough, more like a hangman's noose than a gesture of playful submission and genuine trust. And to the point where it'd scarred his neck permanently.

"I'm sorry," Navah whispered. The comfortable darkness and the post-orgasmic glow softened the blow of his reveal. No wonder he doesn't like collars.

"Yeah," Lazarus replied in a warm breath, letting it wash over the jackal's chest. "And that's what I was doing, these last weeks. Ending things with him."

"You were still together? Last time?" the jackal asked.

The bat nodded, quietly. His eyes were closed and his ears all but limp against the sides of his head. "We were. He told me I'd never find a better master than him," he whispered, voice so low it was barely audible. "At first, I believed him. I didn't have good parents, either. When you're not fed love on a silver spoon, you learn to lick it off knives. Isn't that what they say?"

Navah hugged him against himself. He'd met plenty of people like that over his years. People who ended up looking for love in all the wrong places.

"You don't believe him anymore?" Navah asked, softly.

Lazarus sighed. "No. Eventually, I tried. I didn't even look for a master. Just a dominant, any dominant better than him. Not necessarily a loving one, but at least one who could show true affection. Someone who could be rough and also care."

Navah brushed over the scarred part of his neck. "Did you find one?"

"Instantly," Lazarus smiled. His claws traced the fur lining Navah's shoulder, upwards and over his neck. "You know who it was."

Navah felt himself grow warm and fuzzy at that compliment. Not the kind one usually received at nightclubs, but all the more meaningful because of it.

Lazarus continued, finishing up his explanation. Why he hadn't come back immediately. "And so, I spent the next weeks moving out, separating our finances... the stuff that nobody wants to do. Certainly not him. At least he had the courtesy of leaving without protest, though I still changed the locks. But enough talk about sad things, we're here to have fun, aren't we?"

With that, he slipped a finger under Navah's collar and pulled, gently. The jackal followed the motion and sat up now that he was free again, and let the bat take the lead. Slowly, he traced his claws through black fur, and down to cup Navah's sheath warmly and affectionately. Navah let himself melt into the other male's touch, relaxing against him. And then, _click._He suddenly felt constricted. He didn't really have to look down to figure out what the bat had just done.

"That's a much better look for you," Lazarus grinned. He tapped the cage with a single claw. "Better fit, too. Snug and comfortable."

It wasn't the worst feeling. Not right now, anyway, with him recently having been relieved. Somewhat the same sensation as a collar, only in a more intimate place. Comfortable, or at least comforting. Navah instantly knew that it'd drive him crazy if he had to wear it for a longer period of time, though. Granted, that was part the appeal of the things, watching the wearer slowly succumb to lust. It was always a delicious sight, and the jackal found himself wondering how quickly he - even with his rather high level of self-control - would end up begging the bat for relief.

But that wasn't what he was planning. It'd have been too obvious for the kind of relationship the two of them were quickly developing. With Navah still stunned with surprise, Lazarus tugged him over to one of the horses and gently pushed him over it. "Just relax and enjoy this. You deserve one turn_properly_ on the bottom," the bat crooned, leaning over him and covering them both with his wings.

Navah couldn't bring himself to disagree. He'd never be truly submissive. But it seemed that the bat had a certain dominant aspect to himself too, perhaps as a way to work through the trauma of his previous owner. He shuddered as the chiropteran's thick shaft came to rest against his rump, warm and heavy.

"But I have a challenge for you in turn," he continued. "Let me do this and moan like a good boy, and then wear that cage for a week..."

"And if I do?" Navah asked. The thought made him throb.

The bat's fingers dug into his cheeks, squeezing, groping, and massaging, spreading him wide. "Then I'll accept your collar. As long as you prove that you can embrace submission too, that you're not too obsessed with always being in control, like he was."

It was a choice both easy and difficult, all at once. On one hand, the jackal fiercely wanted to put a thick, beautiful leather collar on the bat. On the other, he did prefer being in control. In the end, though, he already knew the bat felt fantastic, and despite his recent orgasm, he was already burning up with need again, owing to the almost electric chemistry between them.

"Alright," he huffed. The bat's cock pressed against his opening firmly, seeking entrance in the most familiar and natural way while precum quickly left them both slick enough. "I accept. Except for the moaning. Do your worst."

"Gladly," Lazarus chirped. And then, he rolled his hips a little more firmly, sliding his hefty cock inside the jackal's hot body, all the way to the hilt until his balls came to rest against Navah's own. There, he held himself, relishing the sensation. Navah's claws dug into the horse's leather covering as he fought the urge to moan. It wasn't his first time on the bottom, of course - the jackal liked trying everything, and while he mostly came out on top, nobody won every time - but if the bat wanted to hear him, he'd have to work for it.

"You are allowed to moan, jackal," Lazarus huffed. He gave a few short thrusts that all bumped against Navah's prostate, making the dark-furred jackal shudder.

"You moan," he groaned in response. He clenched, hard, around the bat's cock, and the surprising sensation indeed made the chiropteran groan before he could stop himself. "See? Just because I'm on the bottom..."

Lazarus leaned over the jackal, draping his wings over them both. This called for extra effort, as wonderful as Navah's warm, squeezing body felt around him. He kept thrusting as he explored the slender but masculine contours of the jackal's body with his hands, letting his claws dig into the fur just enough to make his lover's fur stand on end.

"Someone's getting all bumpy," he smirked. "Almost seems like you're enjoying this."

"Oh, as if you aren't," the jackal responded in a drawn-out stuttering breath that almost sounded like a lusty moan. "With how much you're throbbing."

So, they continued, like animals in heat once more, teasing each other between deep and needy moans, discipline and challenge once against completely eroded by the pleasure of their mating. The feeling of his cock wanting to harden but being stopped by the cage was, as always, strange, but not unwelcome. With all the focus taken away from his sheath, Navah was forced - or perhaps free to - explore every other sensation around him. The warming leather of the horse that he was bent over. The tantalizing warmth of the bat inside him. The steady rhythm of his hips.

It was all amazing. Even though he couldn't get hard, he was still leaking into the cage as Lazarus pounded into him.

"More... like... it," Lazarus grunted, voice punctuated by huffs and groans as his hips moved in a jagged staccato rhythm, briefly even matching the rumbling beat of the music from upstairs. But like all good things, that couldn't last either. The bat's relative inexperience with being on top didn't help, nor did the jackal's eager enthusiasm. Soon that steady primal rhythm grew erratic and clumsy, frantic and even frenzied as he drove himself into that tight, blissful heat again and again a few more times.

And then he throbbed, hard. Lazarus gave a high-pitched chirp of pleasure as he pushed himself as deep into the jackal's ass as he could, his knuckles white with how hard he squeezed his rump. Navah felt every spurt of heat inside him. He, himself, didn't quite reach his climax - with the cage on, he'd have to be far more pent up to manage - but it felt no less wonderful. The soothing warmth of the bat's cum inside him, deposited with such joy that he shuddered with pleasure despite his cock going ignored.

Finally, Lazarus slumped down over him.

"Oh, gods. I really don't get to do that enough," he whisper-panted, a hoarseness in his voice. "And with how amazing you feel, you should do _that_way more often too."

"Pff," Navah replied. "Can't feel that much better than you."

They ended up cuddled on the floor, on a rug that made the room at least a little warmer and more welcoming than bare concrete, with a borrowed towel under them both as they slowly leaked each other's essence.

"It wasn't just a trick to get under my tail, was it?" Navah asked after a few drawn-out moments of simply enjoying the bat's lean body, firmly pressed against him. "The collar."

"N-no," Lazarus replied, though he immediately sounded a little anxious about it, the playful edge to his behavior melting away instantly. He swallowed hard, and for a second, Navah was afraid that he had spoiled the moment. Then, he spoke again. "I'm willing to give it a try, again."

"You'll like it, no doubt. We don't even have a ring on it. Not at first. No leash, no pulling... not before you're begging me to do it," Navah smirked, while lovingly stroking along the leather surface of the bat's wings. "Only when you're comfortable with it."

It was a much-appreciated offer. Lazarus, however, would not budge on that the jackal still had to wear the cage for a week, too. It was nothing that he couldn't handle, though he knew that in a week, he'd probably feel a little more pent up than usual. It was the submission and perhaps a little humiliation that bothered him more. But at the same time, he had to - quietly, and only to himself - admit that it felt rather sexy, too.

Navah, of course, dutifully wore the cage for the entire week, time that he spent picking out a comfortable collar for Lazarus. Eventually, he'd go for something more flattering, something with studs and maybe even spikes, but the first collar he put on the shivering bat once he had removed the cage was one so soft and comfortable that he'd soon barely feel it was there at all.

Perhaps they weren't meant to become partners. But that didn't mean they couldn't be friends and lovers, nocturnal confidantes who would share anything between each other, each time they met in the dark depths of the jackal's favorite club. It seemed as if telling someone about his experiences had helped, and Lazarus slowly found himself opening up more and more to his new jackal friend. Over time, the bad memories the bat carried with him would fade into obscurity, and eventually he would even feel comfortable enough to wear a leash, if only temporarily and with a playful grin adorning his muzzle.

Beyond having made a new friend, one thing was for certain, and Navah had to finally admit it to himself the seventh time he stood there between the club's lights with the bat deep-throat-kissing him while he nearly choked in the most pleasant of ways, their latex-clad and equally hard manhoods grinding against each other: nobody could beat that tongue.