The Legend Of Spyro: Perils Of War CH 4

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#4 of Perils Of War TLOS (Book 2)

Spyro and Cynder rush to defend Warfang, and fight off the Dark Authority's Forces. Then they return to Faun.

"Your... parents? Oh, your Spyro!" the green dragonfly said

"That's me" He answered, and Cynder chuckled

The dragonfly flew back inside, then they heard a latch slide and then a voice called them inside. They walked into the house to see a bunch of tiny huts spread out around a massive room. The green dragonfly landed outside one of the huts and knocked on the door. Nina peeked her head out and immediately noticed Spyro.

"Spyro!" She yelled, and burst out the door to land on his snout

Flash flew out and stopped right in front of him.

"Where have you been?" He asked "We've been worried about you"

"In another dimension, Michael made us take a forced break after the fortress we were on got shot down." Spyro answered

"For six months?" Nina replied

"He was a bit... Busy" Cynder cut in

"I'm glad you're okay" She replied

"Where's Sparx?" Spyro asked

"He's at work, he collects building supplies for the village" Flash answered

"I wanted to check in, but I also wanted to warn you, some dark forces were detected not far from here. They expect a siege soon." Spyro told them

"What! Here?" Flash asked

"Warfang is the planet's best defense, they will try to take it first before taking the rest of the planet" Cynder told them.

"I should go warn June, and she will go find Sparx." Flash flew away

"We tried to get a letter to Michael asking about you but all we got was a brisk 'they're fine' on a paper covered in blood" Nina told

"Yeah, he was leading an army into a siege, so I'm surprised he even was able to respond." Spyro said

A letter appeared over Spyro's head, he grabbed it and read it

"A cursed army was spotted advancing on the city, were needed on the fortress. I love you mom, stay safe, this part of the city should be untouched." Spyro told her.

The two dragons flew back to the fortress, they landed right beside Ember, she had an annoyed look on her face.

"You okay?" Cynder asked

"Fine, just my mom being terrible to Flame. She is a bit busy, so busy in fact, that she had no time to see her daughter after she was away for six months. And when Flame called her out, she snapped at him." Ember answered, with a frustrated sigh.

Trice landed across the square and walked up to Michael. She said something and he laughed, the six dragons made their way to the war room. Once in there Spyro noticed a projection of Warfang, it showed the entire city and its immediate surroundings. The cursed army was staged a few clicks away from the main gates. They had siege towers and cannons pointed at the city.

"Can we hold them?" Cynder asked

"With the shields over the city and the new cannons in place, we should be able to hold an army four times that size, I don't think they know the importance of this planet." Michael answered

"We have six fortresses on standby if we need them" A general told them

"We will be fine" Michael reassured them.

A bell started ringing at the main gate.

"They're advancing"

The group left the room and landed on top of the gate, watching the army march towards their location. The fortress's cannons started firing first, massive booms echoed through the city. Then as the army reached their range, the city's cannons started firing. Spyro felt the vibrations of each shot. The cannons were severely damaging the enemy, barely any of the first wave made it to the shields. The offense cannons and catapults started returning fire. The city's shield took the direct hits, but did not crack. The soldiers started to pass the shields, and charged the city's walls, archers took their positions and started releasing arrows down on the ascending soldiers. After a few agonizingly long minutes, the wave died down, then stopped, leaving no cursed soldiers left to advance.

"There will be more waves" Michael told them "But we will hold"

Suddenly, a massive horn sounded from within the cursed army, and the second wave began, this one had siege towers. The cannons began firing again, focusing on the towers. After a few shots, they were destroyed, leaving only a small number of soldiers left. The rest of the wave was quickly picked off before they reached the shields. After holding off several more waves, the guards change shifts. Spyro and Cynder flew up to the fortress and entered their rooms, the booming of cannons signaling another wave.

"I don't know if I can sleep with all this happening" Cynder said

"We have to try; we need our strength because the waves will get more and more powerful as they progress" Spyro answered

They crawled into bed and curled up against each other, listening as the cannons boomed their assault. They eventually let their eyelids slowly close as they fell asleep.

They woke up to the loud thumps of projectiles battering against the shields. The two dragons got up and put on their armor, preparing for another day of fighting. They walked out onto the fortress's main square and watched another wave of cursed soldiers advance towards the city. This wave was a lot bigger than the first few. Massive towers rolled slowly towards the city, none of them were making it to the shields. They flew back to the gate, and landed next to Michael.

"Hey, have a good rest?" He asked

"It was okay, with the cannons and all." Cynder answered

"Yeah, the cursed armies have been increasing in strength, it's getting harder to hold them all off" he told them.

"How much longer are they going to be doing this?" Spyro asked

"Not much longer, they are running out of power." He replied, watching the next wave prepare for their attack.

The next wave moved forward with a loud blast from the horn. The garrison was noticeably depleted and showing signs of running out of forces. A dozen more waves came and went, and were held back. The city's shields were holding, but couldn't withstand these attacks forever, and the cannons were starting to wear down a little. Hours flew past, and waves flew with them, eventually the waves got farther and farther apart. Spyro heard a new sound from the horn, and the soldiers around him started cheering.

"The retreat horn" Michael explained, looking worn

Spyro smiled, and looked over at Cynder, beaming.

"We did it, they couldn't break the shields" he told her

Cynder said something, but Spyro couldn't hear her over the celebration, she motioned for him to follow her and they both took off. They landed in a random square and Cynder looked back at him.

"I said, we showed them" she said

"Yeah we did" Spyro answered, smiling

Trice suddenly landed next to them, breathing hard. She looked up at them in surprise.

"What are you two doing.... Oh, wait.... I don't want to know" she said, immediately turning to leave

"No, wait, we just wanted to get away from the noise" she yelled at her

"Oh.... Okay" She turned back towards them

"What were you doing?" Spyro asked, just noticing how much she was covered in ash and dirt.

She smiled, a sinister look in her eyes "Sabotage"

They didn't ask any further. Eventually, Michael caught up with them, Flame and Ember following not far behind.

"They won't be coming back" he told them

"How can you be so sure?" Cynder asked

"The Dark Authority knows better than to keep attacking a city that has defenses they can't breach, they underestimated this city, they will not come back" He answered "I'm going to go take a nap, I feel like I haven't slept in weeks"

Michael took flight, knocking over Ember with his powerful downstroke. Trice laughed

"You should know better then to stand that close to him when he's tired, he doesn't want to use the magic to curve it around you." She spoke

Flame helped her up, she rose, giggling, and got her balance again.

"It felt like I got hit by a tornado, he's powerful" Ember said

"He can use that to knock over titans, so, yeah, its pretty powerful" Trice replied

"Can you do that?" Ember asked, her eyes wide

"Yep, but I don't usually, don't need too" Trice answered

The group sat in stunned silence for a moment.

"What! I'm his daughter, I can do a lot of the things he can." She yelled

They chatted for a while, then flew back to the fortress landing in the main square. The walked into the mess hall to see a party raging, the tables were pushed to the sides and violin music was playing fast but steady. Many dragons and wolves were dancing in the center, while others were hanging out and chatting. Spyro grabbed some food for himself and Cynder, then walked over to the table and sat down.

"Thanks sweetie" Cynder said as Spyro handed her plate over.

Flame gave them a smile.

"Lucky you, the roles are reversed for me, Ember loves to run around and do little things like that. Then gets mad if I do things for her." He rolled his eyes

Ember joined them with two massive plates of food. She sat down and immediately dug in, demolishing her plate. They ate for a while, then danced, then chatted and enjoyed the music. Eventually they left the party and retired to their rooms. Spyro and Cynder took off their armor, completely exhausted from fighting and dancing, and fell into bed.

"That is a huge load off my shoulders, I feel much better about the safety of my family now. I bet Ember feels even lighter considering that this is going to be all hers" Spyro said

"That is a very weird image, seeing her on the throne. She must be worried about it too" Cynder replied

"She must be, but she was raised to be the next queen, so I think she will be able to thrive." Spyro said

"But what about you?" Cynder asked "You're a king, but you weren't raised to be"

"Fury was raised to be a king, but he didn't do much when he inherited the kingship, his dad was a more active and focused king then, but when he retired, nothing changed." Spryo explained

Cynder nuzzled Spyro, then looked up at him. "I just realized I'm a queen now, that's pretty weird, I guess I know how Flame feels now."

"You were always my queen" Spyro nuzzled her back

"You...." She paused, blushing "I don't even know how to respond to that"

He laughed, and looked down at her, enjoying her presence for a minute. Then sighed, satisfied. They fell deeply asleep, enjoying the silence since the fortress had climbed altitude, the cold making Cynder cuddle in deeper, Spyro instinctively covered her with his wing, making a comfortable pocket of warmth for Cynder.

Spyro woke up, and shivered, even with his fire element, it was quite cold since they forgot to close the window because the wanted to let the cool breeze flow through the room. Spyro strained his head to peek out the window, and saw that they had teleported back above the dock during the night. The dock was nestled in between two mountains, and the wind from one was blowing cold air onto the buildings below. He lifted his wing and tucked his head under to watch Cynder sleep. Her chest slowly rising and falling as she slept, oblivious to the cold. Spyro held Cynder close and snuggled her.

Cynder woke up to the warmth of Spyro around her, he had tucked his head under his wing, and cuddled her close to him, she stuck the tip of her nose out from under Spyro's wing, then recoiled when she felt how cold it was, Spyro opened his eyes and looked at her.

"We are really high up" he whispered to her

"I thought we had teleported to an iceberg" she replied

"Nope, we are back to the dock though" he answered

"We are? I thought teleporting would wake us up" she yawned

"I did too, but it is quiet, and I slept so deep I don't think the cannons could have woken me up"


Spyro got up and stretched, Cynder flinched and shivered at the cold. Spyro leaned over and kissed her, she blushed in surprise at first before leaning in. Spyro let some of his fire magic flow through him, Cynder gasped as she was suddenly warmed, fire magic flowing through her veins. Spyro broke the kiss, and leaned back.

"What... was... That?" She asked, huffing

"I learned that from Rose's spellbook" he told her "It is only temporary, but it should help for now"

"Thank you, I love you" Cynder kissed him

They walked down into the square, the cold winds blowing hard. Immune to the cold, Cynder enjoyed the feeling of the wind on her scales. Ember and Flame walked out into the square, as soon as the wind hit Ember in full force, she immediately started shivering, the pink earth dragon not used to the cold. Flame covered her with his wing, offering her some protection from the wind. Cynder blushed, and turned to Spyro.

"We should teach them how to do it" she said, blushing

Spyro turned to the other couple. "Hey Flame, have you ever transferred your fire element before?"

Flame looked up, confused "Yeah, why?"

"Do it to her" Spyro motioned to Ember

Ember peaked from under Flame's wing, confused, then noticed how Cynder was unaffected by the cold. She looked up at him with a curious expression. Flame lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her, he covered their faces with his wing in embarrassment. After a few moments, much longer than the other couple had taken, Flame lowered his wing, exposing their blushing faces.

"Wow, this feels, weird" Ember said "I, feel, warm. Is this how all fire dragons feel?"

"I guess. Ice, lava, sun, and moon dragons are also immune to the cold" Spyro answered

Michael walked into the square, Trice beside him, neither of them seemed affected by the cold.

"Hey" Trice called out to them

"Why are we so high up?" Ember asked

"Because there aren't any docking points available right now, were up here so we can be out of the way. There is a lot of incoming and outgoing fortresses right now." Michael answered

"Then let's go" Ember expressed

They flew down over the dock, then headed to Faun. They landed back at their square, and Ember sighed.

"What's wrong?" Cynder asked

"Nothing, my mom just wants to know everything about where I live and how my daily life goes. She wants me to be living in a palace at all times. 'Such is the life of a princess, and future queen'." She answered

"Yeah, I noticed that dragons tend not to want to spend their lives living in the house they grew up in" Michael told them "Your dad was very stubborn about that, he would not live in the palace, even after he gained his crown."

"Wait, the palace? They had a palace" Spyro cut in

"Have, you have a palace, its still kept up and is perfectly fine, your father, Mary, and all their other siblings grew up there, and none wanted to stay."

"Where is it?"

"We can go there, if you want to see it" Michael replied

"I think I want to see it" Spyro answered, uncertain