Finished Spells
(This document is for RP purposes, I in now way can preform such magic RL... though I would if I could.)
The folowing is a list of Spells that have been fully reashurched, and tested by the Order of Atter. They have been proven to have no side effects and work exactly as detailed.
I. Meastros's Bust Enhancement: This spell will increace the size of breasts, or grow them if none are preasent. The breasts will not impair movment, or hurt the recipitant's back no matter how large they become. They will also gain a soft, yet elastic consistancy, much like memory phome.
II. Atter's Cock Growth: This Spell enlarges the penis, and/or testicals of the person it is cast on. Should one not exist, it can be made to ither replace the current genatilia, or add one. Regardless of size, the weight will be negated, allowing the recipitant pain free mobility, howeaver, if increased in size enough, dew to the location and sape of testicals and penis, mobility will be effected.
III. Transsexual Transmutation** :** This spell will change the sex of the recipitant to a sex of their choice. The sexe, shape and feel of any new genatilia are controlled by the recipitent while the spell takes effect.
IV. Elastisity of Orafaces: This spell makes the recipitant's orafaces elastic, allowing for all kinds of vore, and unbirthing to be preformed painlessly, and withought casuing dammage.
V. Quad to Bi Conversion: This spell will take a quadrapedial creature and reshape it into a bipedal anthro form creature. It works on Taurs and Freals equily well, and even allows the recipitant to shift between their orginal, and their bipedal form at will, with no limitations, asside from the energy it takes to trasnform.