Jaded Journeys ( pt 3 )

Story by Wind Wolf on SoFurry

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Disclaimer.. Hum.. Well, if you know you shouldn't be reading this, because you aren't legal age or whatever, then don't. Characters are mine, and I'm using some stuff from the good folks of White Wolf Studios. Their stuff is their's. - Wind Wolf ( Warning in advance : The only 'yiff' in here is brief masterbation. I intend on doing more, but I want to have actual plotting up :) )

Jaded Journeys

Pt 3

The whole hall was terribly modern, the walls were sheer cut from shiny beige stone. The ceiling had matching tiles with inset lights, even the floor was the same bland tasteless color. The way the light came off the material made the hall seem longer, bigger then it actually was.. It was obviously built recently, maybe the past three years. The only things that seemed like they belonged in this part of the building were the aging and never quite comfortable wooden benches. The same heavy wooden, double doors. And suits. Suits all over the damned place, it was starting to make him want to throw himself from the window. Rabbits and wolves, tigers and dogs, even an old yet handsome black coated stallion, were wearing them. The families they were with were scattered up and down the hall. The children and parents were as varied and many as the lawyers they were with.. But they all seemed to be from middle to upper class families from the tell tale signs. How the lawyers dressed. How well their fur was groomed. Yuppies pulling apart their families like two dogs at a peice of road kill, hopefully the children would forget it all.

It made him just as sick as cheap perfume, and he tried to open the nearby window for fresh air. "I really wish you would have worn that suit they offered you for your court appearance, and let me get you a hair cut.. Your going to look like a punk." "I am a punk. You know it just as well as the judge knows it, and dressing up like a church boy-" "Might help you. We can still change in one of the conference rooms if you want." "No." "Why not?" "Because I hate the way suits look. I hate the material. Most of the same furs that wear them don't give a fuck about you unless you've got something for them, thats why." Rain's face changed, as if he just bit into a week old burger. The equine not too far away talking with a well to do fox family as the cubs sat off to the side of the bench turned and looked at him, as did the mother and father of the family. He could see the distaste in the eyes of the vulpines, though the horse seemed to almost be sizing him up. After nearly a minute of exchanging stares, his lawyer gave him a nudge in the side with his elbow. Rain growled a little bit and looked off to the side towards nothing inparticular. "Sorry." He grunted.

He felt the stares leave him as the hushed conversation between the family and their lawyer resumed. "Can you go one day without causing an incident? I heard about what you did at the hospital. You slapped the ass of the police officer that came to take your report of the incident you caused in the bar!" Thomas ( the rabbit ) yelled at him in hushed tones. "Hey, I haven't seen an ass like that in some time. Besides, he was a coyote. I bet he thought it was funny." "He could have brought you up on assaulting an officer if he was a hard ass." "Oh, but he was.. He was.." ".. You know what I mean." "You worry too much. I'll probably be sent off the jail or let off because it was self defense. Either way, it won't be anything big. If I have to do time it won't be much." He could hear him sigh and shake his head, undoubtedly lifting a paw to rub his forehead. "Could you at least stop trying to open that window? Besides the fact it's not meant to open, the air in here isn't that bad, but the air out there is windy, cold.." "Can I have one of your cigarettes?"

"You aren't old enough. Don't push your luck." "Fine, do you mind if I go take a pi-" A glance from the equine came his way, as if he knew what he was going to say before he even said it. With a grunt he rolled his eyes and looked to the rabbit. "Pee? Jesus, I sound like a little cub." The horse went back to his buisness. "Yes, you may. But you've only got twenty minutes at the *most* before it's our time." "Yeah yeah, heard it before." Rain got up and started walked down the hall with his paws stuck in his pants pockets. He'd gotten a new pair of jeans, and a blue t shirt. He still needed a jacket though, preferably leather. Denim would be ok, but he just liked leather. And if he got his paws on a bike, leather would help on the wipe outs he'd surely have. Pack of smokes was another must have. Hell, more like a carton. Whiskey..

Condoms maybe. Diseases were hard to catch, but not impossible. His system could probably fight off anything, though.. One of the plus signs of regeneration. If he just had a chance to shift, his bullet wound would even be healed up in minutes. It was beginning to annoy the hell out of him now, everytime he moved in a way 'it didn't like', he got a shot of pain. He'd had worse. It was just not being able to heal it straight off like he usually did that was getting on his nerves. He pushed into a bathroom marked for males and walked towards the urinals with a sigh, at least it was quiet in the room. Black tile was on the floor and most of the wall, the ceiling was like the one outside however. Everything else was black. Even the stalls, toliets, and urinals. Rain stepped up infront of one, unzipping his pants and coaxing his cock from his sheath. He closed his eyes with a sigh, enjoying his piss as the tension left his body. At least there were still some simple pleasures he could enjoy..

Caught in the system, what a fuck up it'd been. All caused by one grope and a few shit heels that didn't like what he was doing. Now he might go to jail.. At least there he could escape. They'd never find him after he hit the outter fence and then the Umbra. Then maybe he'd head out to Europe, or Asia.. Or just disappear into the woods. Problem being that most of the woods left in the world 'belonged' to some group of Garou or another, even up in Canada he'd run into some of them. Having a hissy fit about him passing through 'their territory', or eating some fish from 'their river'. Most of them he didn't give a rat's ass about as they never did anything.. The Red Talons, Wendigo, or the Silver Fangs though, he gave a wide enough birth. He'd no experience with dealing with any of them, and he'd heard the Talons and the Silver Fangs were a little crazy.. The Wendigo, he just stayed off their land out of respect.

"Gaia.. I'm aching for a smoke.." With a sigh he tucked his length away and did up his pants again, leaving the rest room to the sound of an automatic flush. "Where have you been? We are due in court, right *now*!" His lawyer said nearly as soon as he emerged, grabbing him by an arm. "I was only in the bathroom for a few minutes, maybe five at the most. Don't get your carrots in a stew." Looking at the man with slight scowl, he took his arm back from his grasp. "Just be quiet and follow me." Came the reply, a slight look of offense upon the male's face. Through the hall, Rain was quickly led to a pair of heavy wooden doors which his lawyer pushed open with haste. He could hear the rabbit panting under his breath as he approached the defense' table with Rain in tow, taking a moment to drink from a prepoured glass of water. "I'm so sorry your Honor, my client just let time slip away from him."

"Be that as it may, this is not a good way to start." An aging lion sat upon the bench, maybe.. Six foot five, a good solid build despite his age. A full, untrimmed mane and a face with appraising green eyes that seemed to weigh the world around them, he was handsome in a mature sort of way. He had ruffled a set of papers as he glanced from Rain, then back to the prosecution. "I understand the state is interested in pressing charges?" "Yes, your honor. We feel that we should punish all those involved in such a brutal fight, which could have been avoided by one of the parties leaving the establishment." The young red furred fox in a brand new gray suit was trying his best, his fingers absently moving through the papers assembled infront of him. Rain still snorted in response however, turning his head away from the fox.

"Does mister.." The judge leaned over his bench slightly, peering at Rain then looking down at his papers. "Well, it appears we have no name here. Would anyone care to explain?" Before his own lawyer could get off a word, the prosecuter spoke with haste. At least the fox had something going for him, he knew about getting the first words in. "We believe that the defendant has some prior record, perhaps some warrants that he doesn't want us to know of, so he's trying to avoid that by remaining nameless." "Robert? Have you anything to say to that?" His lawyer responded by taking a moment to compose himself before responding with a smile. "Yes, your Honor. A doctor Nelson has shared with me some information she thought prudent to the case.. She, also should have been here by now.."

"Objection, your Honor, we haven't had a chance to examine the defendant with our own doctor or prepare for this." "I was busy and I lost the papers I should have turned in, I apologize your honor, however I still believe that what she has to say is important to the welfare of this young male." 'Young?' Rain thought to himself, tilting his head to one side. "I'll allow it.. If she gets here in the next five minutes. Now.. Young one, what should we call you for the sake of the trial?" There was something in the gaze of the feline he just found himself trusting, hesitating for only moment before speaking. "Rain." "That isn't your real name, is it?" "No, it's not." "Could you tell us why you don't want to tell us your real name?" His voice was gentle, but not condescending as with most adults that talked to someone 'young'. The wolf just went quiet.

"I believe that I can, your Honor. I apologize for being so late, my clock didn't go off, and I'm not used to being up so early." Rain looked over his shoulder and blinked as he saw the doctor from the hospital that had taken care of him while he was there. "It is ok, doctor Nelson. Please, do enlighten us." "Your Honor.. I believe that the defendant has suffered some abuse at the paws of his parents, and has probably run away from them, or some other worse fate. He has heavy scarring on his body, particularly the torso. I've never seen anything like it. I also have reason to believe that he suffers from nightmares, and probably a few other mental problems, meaning-" The other fox tried to raise his voice to get a word in, but the doctor raised her own and started speaking even faster then before. "Meaning he's unlikely to trust any of us, or want anything to do with this whole thing."

"May I see your scars, please?" Rain had since turned his head far off to one side, scowling at nothing in particular but looking foul neither the less. "Please?" The judges voice came again. "Fine!" Rain took off his shirt and threw it on the floor, glaring at the judge just somewhat. His own lawyer took a few steps away from him, feeling more then a little unsettled suddenly as the court studied the wolf's scars. He could see the court officer on the left of the judge lift a petite paw to her muzzle, her eyes going slightly wide. "Son, would you tell us where you got those scars?" "No." Rain said firmly, he didn't get his scars through abuse. He got them from fighting things most people only saw in their nightmares. Even he could talk of them he wouldn't, he wasn't proud of them.

"Could you tell us what happened at the bar?" "Fine. I'll say this nice and simply. I walked in and got some smokes out of the machine, had a good drag. Stole a drink or two off someone's table to get comfortable. Found a cute fox. One grope later, four dickheads are trying to beat me up. Only I kicked their asses, and when they were losing, the fucking coward kitty cat put a bullet in me. Now I'm here. Any more questions?" His lawyer looked like he might faint for a moment and the doctor looked at him with a sadness in her eyes, just like the court officer. Like a few others in the audience. He could feel their sympathy for him and he just wanted to get away, out of that room as fast as he could.

The judge must have seen the tenseness in his muscles, or his raised hackles, maybe his quivering fist at his sides. "Son, if you want to wait, you can go sit outside.." Rain didn't need any more urging then that, he was out of the court room and storming down the hall without another word. Out of the hallway he marched and out of the building, taking the judge's words literally he walked down halfway the stone steps of the building and sat down off to the side near the statue of justice. 'Rain.' He thought as he looked up at the dull gray sky. 'Rain. Rain. Rain.' He was particularly mentally screaming it by the time the cold downpour started, sending the furs that had been talking on the side walk or standing in line for coffee at a street side vender to scatter in search of cover.

As the cold rain soaked his black fur, he stared down blankly at the sidewalk towards the bottom of the stairs. Setting his elbows on his knees, he slumped over as an numbing cold started to envelope his body from head to toe. It felt so.. Good, he didn't want the rain to stop. He wanted the cold winter wind to whip up. He wasn't even shivering as the rain was sheilded from his body for a moment, and a cigarette was passed over his shoulder, already lit. The sound of the rain beating on the umbrella made his ears perk as he took the smoke and put it in his muzzle, taking a long, slow drag. "The judge made a decision.. He told me to tell you.. And your lawyer told me to give you this." Doctor Nelson murmured behind him, holding an evelope out to him with one word writen on it. Rain, writen bold and simple with a sharpee marker, under lined once.

"What was the decision?" Rain asked quietly as he took the envelope, resting it in his lap. "Foster home." Rain had been in one of those when he was younger then he was now : He'd run away from it too, there was a lot to do in the city. A lot of things to take care of. And he couldn't come home to a foster home torn to shit and covered in blood. ".. If you need someone to talk to sometime.. Here." She pawed a card off to him, it had her name and a few numbers on it. Nothing fancy. Not even a pattern. "You.. Take care.." She leaned down and gave his cheek a small kiss before darting off, the sharp click of her high heels sounding on the stone steps before she hailed a taxi and rode off.

"Is your name Rain?" Came a soft yet male voice from behind him some minutes later. "Yeah." Came a simple reply as his cigarette died, causing him to sigh quietly and flick it away. "Your supposed to come with us, we're the Walker family. Well.. Most of it, the other half is back at home. I'm sure they'd like to meet you." A paw lowered down to his shoulder, squeezing it gently. "Lets go home.." Rain stood up without a change in his expression, turning around to look at his new 'parents'. Both were wolves with pure white, arctic fur. A tall lupine male too at five foot three, he was wearing a blue button up shirt and stylish jeans. He walked with confidence and posture, and had a pristine set of green eyes that his mate ( just behind him ) also had. She was only slightly shorter then he with an impressive build and height for a female, but not in the body builder sort of way. She was wearing a brown trench coat with a matching fedora and similar clothes to her husband, with the exception of a thick tank top instead of a dress shirt.

"I told you it would rain.. Males, they never listen.." Her husband turned to her with a smile, kissing her on the cheek as she took out a black umbrella and opened it up, stepping closer to the two other wolves. "Yes dear. I'm horribly wrong. Wrong wrong. I bow to your superior female intellect." "Thats better." She murmured back to him before leading them all to a black four door car in the parking lot, judging from the design, Rain thought it to be new.. Ford, with a black leather interior. "Everyone in." The male got into the driver's seat and soon his mate was in beside him. Rain got in behind her on the other side of the car, and as they buckled their seatbelts, he did the same, resigned to his fate, at least for the moment. "Everyone buckled in? Alright then, lets head home." The car purred to life as the key was turned, soon sliding out of the parking lot into the busy down town traffic.


The house was in the suburbs, sprawling hills with cookie cutter houses surrounded by a low decorative wall. There were woods in the distance that he could see, mostly bare save for the proud and tlal Evergreen Pines. Great trees to sleep under, he thought to himself. Good against the rain, low hanging, the soft needles beneath, the smell.. In his mind he rambled on, trying not to think too much on his current situation as the car came to a stop, the opening and closing of car doors snapping him out of his thoughts. "We're here.. Before we go in, let us just talk here for a moment." Deral was apparently his name, he'd found out during the car ride. "I only have a few rules in our house. If you don't trust a furson, I don't want you bringing them here. No fighting in the house. And third.. You take care of your brothers before anything else. Are these terms agreeable to you?"

Rain nodded his head a little bit, he hadn't slept in days. Three.. Four, he'd done it before. He did it all the time in fact. But even he needed to crash every once and a while, if even for a short, restless period. "Good.. Now, go upstairs and meet your brothers. Theres gause and such in the medicine cabinent, if you need to clean your wound. You and your brothers have your own bathroom, and on that note, we also expect you to shower every night for school." 'School?' Rain thought. 'I didn't even go to school when I was supposed to, damn.. I'm too tired to argue.' Though his hackles raised for a moment, he merely nodded his head again in agreement. "Good. See? It won't be so bad. I'm sure we'll all get along great. Now get along."

'Shower.. I need a shower, that actually sounds like a good idea. Then sleep.. Or something like it..' He walked inside with the two, in past a sturdy looking white wooden door. The rain was still falling, but the downpour was nearly unheard in the quiet of the house. The hum of a fridge somewhere in the background made his stomach growl a little bit. "Shoes." Rain had to wait for his mind to figure out what that meant before he slipped off his wet sneakers. He was even more tired then he thought. Coming to the first doorway after climbing the stairs, he peeked into the room ( the door was open anyways ) to see what was inside. A young male wolf bearing some resemblance to the two wolves was sitting infront of a TV on the floor, playing what appeared to be.. Final Fantasy? One of the latest installments. It'd be a long time since he'd played games, but he knew those battle menus anywhere.

The wolf himself couldn't be much older then thirteen, maybe fourteen. He wasn't what one would call handsome with his messy yet appealing hair, or his small size. Maybe 'pretty' would be more fitting, and with that thought, he moved past the room without the wolf ever noticing. Coming to the next door, he opened it and stood in the doorway. It was the bathroom, nice and spacious with a bath/shower combination against the far wall. It was what was in the shower that caught his eye. Just visible from where he stood was the tail and part of the rump of what he guessed was a snow leopard. He couldn't help himself, the shower shade wasn't fully closed, only maybe three fourths of the way shut. Drifting closer, he walked from the left where the door was to the right of the room, pausing a moment to shut the door quietly.

More and more of the feline's body came into view, and Rain found his fatigue lifting with each inch of fur that came into view. And as he got closer, but not too close, he could see something that blasted the tiredness right from his body, at least for a few minutes more. His head was slightly thrown back, and the muscles were taught over his slim body. His raven black hair was clinging to the back of his head and neck as the water beat down upon his body and ran down his fur, steam floating freely in the shower itself. The leopard moaned beneath his heaving breaths, as his paw stroked up and down his proud feline member. 'Here kitty kitty.. Nice kitty.. Oh please please don't see me, pretty kitty.' Rain thought, watching, dead still.

His balls were beginning to rise up before Rain's eyes with every stroke of the paw, each one driving the feline closer to climax and making Rain's cock throb in his sheath. He could imagine his paw where the leopard's was, his jaws locked around the scruff of the cat's neck in a mating bite, pressing his cock into the boy's rump slow enough to make him shiver, fast enough to make him moan. "Ryan, how much longer are you going to be in the shower?" "I haven't been in that long!" He shouted back with a frustrated look on his face, stopping the movement on his length which seemed to be so close. After a moment longer the leopard seemed to realize Rain was there, and his eyes went wide as he turned and slipped in the shower. Rain's paws were faster then gravity, however, as he caught the feline under the shoulders, getting even more soaked in the process from the warm water.

"Hey." Rain said after what seemed like a long silence, looking into the eyes.. A green color, bright and vibrant yet for the moment they seemed to be swirled with confusion and other emotions he just couldn't sort out at the time. "Uh.. Hi?" "I'm sorry if I startled you, I was just wondering when you'd be done with the shower.. I need to take one for school tomorrow.." "I'll.. I.. Was almost done.." "With the shower, or.." He could swear even through the fur, the feline was blushing a bright red. "Could you.. Let me go, please..?" He spoke softly with every word, even in distress and his eyes were just as soft. Yet they held a quiet laughter, a mirth that betrayed on the inside, he too found the situation amusing.

"If you want me to, sure.." Rain set him on his feet before letting him go with a helpful smile. "You know if you'd slipped when you tried to grab me, you'd have hit your head on the bath thing." Ryan spoke to him after a few minutes, shifting the subject at least slightly. "Yes, I know. But a few more brain cells won't really make a difference with me, and my head is hard as a rock besides." He smiled widely as he finished speaking, causing Ryan to laugh a little bit. "You really like to make other furs laugh don't you?" "Especially furs such as yourself." "Such as me?" Rain merely smiled a little more. "What do you mean by that?" "You figure it out. Now if your going to be much longer in the shower, I could join you.." That made the feline falter once again, his speech pausing as he took a moment to regain his composure. "N-no, I'm getting out now." And with that he did, grabbing a towel from a shelf on the wall and quickly wrapping it around him. Not just around the waist, but around his chest and down.

'Huh.. He's ashamed of his body, pretty boy like that..' Rain broke his gaze over the towel cloaked body, not wanting to stare as he turned his eyes to his face once again when he turned around. "Well, I guess I'll see you later?" Rain chuckled a little bit. "Yes, you will. We can all go to school together tomorrow, eh?" "Yup." With a smirk he turned his head forward and dropped his jeans before Ryan left the room, showing off his toned lupine rump, his black wolf brush tail hanging over it. With just a moment, he stepped into the shower and closed the curtain. Without even looking, he knew the feline at least glanced. 'I wonder..' Rain thought as he leaned his face into the warm spray of water. 'If he's straight.. And if he is.. How much I'll have to flirt with him to get him to kiss me.. Maybe this won't be too bad after all..'