Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry


Okay, ive been hit hard with a new story idea. Problem is I have no clue how to start it. I Know this whould be better suited in a journal, so I'm asking nicely don't say that. So please give your opinion on these it whould help me tremendously.

Introduction Option One: Old Picture

I was looking through some old photos of mine. While I was doing so I came across one that made my heart stop. It was a picture of my unit right before the war. We all had nicknames, I was called Lucky. The guy leaning on my shoulder was Shifty, his head turned to look at everything. The stern looking man leaning on the road sign we just called Sarge. Man... it was so long I have thought about him, he died as soon as the war began. The guy with his arms draped over his service rifle was Tiny, nothing tiny about him though. The girl next to him with her arms crossed was Foxy, known for her attitude and quick wit.

Introduction Option Two: Reporter

"This is Katie Wolfe and cameraman Bob and we are here in the city of Vorengrad to cover the peace negotiations going on inside the building behind me. They have made it very clear to us though that no reporters are allowed inside. So we have to sit out here and wait till they agree upon something. So we're going to try and interview a few of the soldiers on patrol. Sir, Excuse me may we get a quick word," she asked a raccoon patrolling with four others.

"Sorry ma'am, I'm not at liberty to discuss with the press," he responded.

"That's not what I heard," she responded.

"Madam, either take me at my word or we seize that camera and you'll be the last reporter with the story," he responded firmly.

"Well you heard it here first not even the militants patrolling are allowed to talk to us.

Introduction Option Three: Cut to the case

They sure are taking their sweet ass time in there. The sooner they finish this up the sooner we can get the hell out of here and back to base. This is why I hate politics most of the time they just drag their feet and flap their jaws needlessly for hours. That's why I'm an infantryman. They tell you to jump you ask how high? They tell you to shoot you ask what target? It makes no damn sense that these guys are wasting time.

"Hey Jax, Get the hell out of your day dreams, we need to get this show on the move," yelled Sarge.

"Sorry sir," I replied.

"Keep your eyes on the prize Jax," Tiny said in that high pitched voice of his

"Yeah," said Voicebox.

"Come on trooper. This is going to be the easiest mission ever," said Foxy in that sultry voice of hers.

"I dunno about that man," said Shifty, looking around rapidly.

This is why I'm glad to in the 415th infantry battalion.

Introduction Option Four: Third Person Introduction

In 4045, a meeting upon the most neutral planet in the known galaxy, two groups meet under terms of neutrality. One is the United Interplanetary Defense, the other an extremist group called Reptiles United. The peace talks had lasted four whole days, and neither side was closer to an agreement. Reptiles United Had been causing a bit of trouble amongst the galaxy, their most recent event finally caught the attention of UID. One thing is for sure though there will be no peace today.

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