The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War CH 10

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#10 of Perils Of War TLOS (Book 2)

Spyro tensed, ready for the crowd to reach them. Michael appeared behind the crowd and roared.

"Enough, you will leave these dragons alone." He ordered.

"Does this mean you support mate abuse?" a voice rang form the crowd

"Abuse? Cynder is not abused, you will stop these stupid accusations!" Michael yelled

"You have to say that, to keep the royal line from being tainted" the same voice yelled out again

Michael roared again, causing the crowd to scatter. Michael walked over to them and looked them over. Cynder poked her head out from under Spyro's wing. He nuzzled her, making sure she was okay. She looked shocked, and was shaking, but physically, she was okay. She nuzzled him back, looking around worriedly. Michael scanned their surroundings, then spotted the original reporter, shaking her head in disgust.

"Letta!" he called "I need an article, stat"

She walked over to them

"You know her?" Spyro asked

"We've been friends for a while" Letta explained "I'm going to write a report on what just happened"

Cynder looked out at her "You are?"

"I need to tell the people what really happened, and hopefully prevent it from happening again. You will be jumped by a crowd again, but hopefully you will be better prepared next time" She told them

Michael nodded to her, and she left.

"You two go home, give me your list of errands, and I'll complete them for you." He said to them

Spyro handed him their armor, and a piece of paper, and led Cynder out of the district. After a few minutes of walking, Spyro managed to get her to take flight. They landed in their square, Ember rushed out when she saw her face.

"What happened?" She asked "Are you okay?

"We went to a different market then usual, and we were jumped by a crowd of fans and reporters." Spyro explained

Ember nodded, and Spyro walked Cynder inside. They laid down on the bed, and Cynder held Spyro close.

"They could have hurt you, because of me." She said to him

"It's okay" Spyro calmed her

She nuzzled him, still worried about what had happened. They laid like this for a few hours. Spyro watched her, worried, she obviously was affected by the accusations that were held against her mate, all because she relied on him for protection. She felt like this was her fault, because she couldn't handle a crowd. 'He must hate me' She thought 'and resent me for all of this'. How could she stand with armies without a second thought, but the second a crowd starts asking her questions, she breaks down.

"Stop thinking what you're thinking" Spyro told her

"How do I have so many weaknesses?" Cynder asked

"You're not the only one, my weaknesses are less noticeable, but are certainly there." Spyro replied

Cynder huffed

"You don't believe me, I overwork myself, I rub my scales off with worry, and I can't stop thinking about the time I became dark Spyro." Spyro told her

She sighed, and he kissed her.

"We will figure it out, not now, but later." He added

Cynder laid her head down, and they fell asleep together.

'Cynder opened her eyes, a massive battlefield was in front of her. A grey dragon rushed her, she grabbed him and ripped through his armor. The dragon grunted in surprise, and Cynder closed her jaws around his throat. The dragon's eyes rolled back as he died. Cynder savored the taste of the dragon's blood in her mouth. She spotted a group of civilian dragons running away from the battle. Cynder flew up and landed in front of them. They screamed and she laughed, she charged a poison ball and fired.'

'Cynder woke up, but she wasn't in her bed with Spyro, she was back in Warfang, the dark armies were still sieging. Cynder looked over to see Spyro, growling at her.

"Spyro what..."

"You did this, it's all your fault"

"What are you talking about I..."

"You killed all those people, those children. You did things that are unforgettable. You brought death and destruction to all of us. You think I would forgive you for this, I'll never forgive you, I HATE you."

'Spyro leaped forward, and dived at her throat. She dodged, calling his name, he snarled and hissed.'

"No, I won't fight you, if that's how you feel, then finish me off"

Cynder bared her neck in submission, and Spyro lunged, tearing at her throat.

Cynder screamed, eyes flying open, Spyro was standing over her.

"It's okay, it's just another dream. You're okay, I'm here," he repeated, over and over.

Cynder felt water running down her face, and realized she was crying. Spyro looked genuinely terrified, his face was contorted in worry. Cynder sobbed, she coulden't control her tears as she kept crying. Spyro laid down on top of her and started nuzzling her, trying his best to calm her down. He kept making calming noises as Cynder kept shaking. Eventually she calmed down, Spyro didn't stop nuzzling her, making sure she knew without a doubt that he was there, and he was protecting her. Spyro looked at her, and Cynder noticed that he was shaking in fear. She realized that this probably scared him worse than anything he had ever experienced, even his fight with Malefor. She started nuzzling him back, reassuring him that she was okay.

"They're getting worse, I think you just had a panic attack." Spyro told her

"It was pretty bad, I dreamt we were back in Warfang during the siege, and you were attacking me" She replied

"That's how you can tell it's fake; I would never hurt you, NEVER" He kissed her cheek

Cynder looked up at him, tears still falling, she faintly smiled.

"But what if I get corrupted again? And do all of those horrible things again?" Cynder asked

"Then nothing can stop me from saving you again, but you won't get corrupted again, I'll make sure of it" He answered sternly "I'm going to ask Michael for help, if these get much worse, it could cause actual damage"

They laid like this for a while, the sun rose and shone through their window, but Spyro refused to move, He closed his eyes and rested his head on her chest, still trying to calm down using her heartbeat. Spyro could feel his instincts telling him to stay put, to defend his mate while she is vulnerable, so he stayed put, and did just that. Eventually Cynder fell back asleep from pure exhaustion, Spyro was torn between staying in case another attack happens, or going to get help. He decided to go get help, he slowly got up and kissed Cynder on the cheek. His tired eyes stung when he walked out into the sunlight, Ember was lounging on the warm stones of the square and looked up when he arrived. She immediately saw the expression on his face and jumped, she had never seen Spyro like this, not even when they faced that golem in Warfang. She walked over to him, but he shook his head, not wanting to explain what was happening. Ember sat back, 'Had something happened to Cynder?' 'His family?' She thought as he slowly walked over to Michael's house. Spyro knocked on the door and Michael answered. He also saw the look on Spyro's face and frowned.

"What's wrong? What happened?" He asked, looking around.

"I need to talk to you, in private" Spyro told him

Ember nodded and walked into her house, Michael stepped out into the square and closed the door behind them. They walked over to one of the corners and sat down.

"Cynder's been having nightmares, and they've been getting worse, I don't know what to do, I feel so powerless. Seeing her panicked and vulnerable makes me scared, because I can't do anything other than hold her down. She had one last night, and it was followed by a panic attack, and it terrified me. I thought they would be getting better but they aren't. I don't know what else to do." Spyro explained

Michael nodded "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but I think I need to teach you the mind element. I guess its necessary now."

"Mind element" Spyro cocked his head

"All purple dragons have access to elements that normal dragons need extra artifacts to use. The mind element, the ethereal element, the dimensional element, and the aether element. The mind element allows you to enter people's minds, the ethereal element allows you to draw power from the ethereal plane, the dimensional element allows you to travel between dimensions, and the aether element allows you to give element powers to other dragons. I was going to teach you the other three eventually but I wasn't planning on teaching you the mind element. Malefor used it to corrupt Cynder's mind, you're lucky that he wasn't that good at it, or the spell wouldn't have broken when you rescued her. Now there are also some elements that you inherited as well, a soul element from your mother, and a boosted fire element from your father. Those I will teach you as well." Michael explained

"Okay, how do we start?" Spyro asked

"You should be able to enter someone's mind, entering is easy, it's finding the problem areas that are hard. You should start by focusing on the person you want to travel too, then allow your mind to flow away from your body and into them. Then you can access their mind, now, when you enter Cynder's mind, you must find the darkest part of it, and enter it with her. Together you will help her get over her past, and the nightmares and attacks will stop." Michael told him

Spyro closed his eyes and focused on Michael, he noticed this and his eyes went wide.

"No... Wait"

Spyro focused hard, and felt his mind leave his body, he felt himself float bodyless towards Michael, then into him. Spyro saw a light, and suddenly he was looking at his own body laying splayed out on the ground.

"Spyro" a voice boomed "You got it on your first try, nice, but we need to be very care...."

Suddenly, Spyro felt himself get pulled out of Michael's body. He floated in a strange void, a feeling ran through him, joy, was he in the ethereal realm? Spyro looked around, then suddenly was pulled into another form. Spyro looked through Michael's eyes to see a group of dragons singing, Michael was using his magic to float a large cake towards a beaming young grey dragoness. The young dragoness inhaled, but before Spyro could see her blow out the candles, he was pulled away. This time he looked out to see Michael standing in a strange city, this city was made of a strange metal, and was covered in beautiful shining lights. Spyro could feel that Michael was wearing a strange kind of armor, it covered his whole body, a strange shield covered his face. Spyro felt the strange whirring of the armor as Michael moved. Then, he was snapped back to the void. When Spyro saw light again, he saw that this time, Michael was in a wolf form. Spyro looked in surprise as he saw that Michael was holding another wolf by the neck. This other wolf was wearing a crown, and some ceremonial armor.

"I'll never surrender" Spyro heard the wolf say.

Michael extended his right arm, and a blade snapped out of his armor. With a swift motion, Michael brought the sword up, slicing through the other wolfs armor and into his heart. Spyro recoiled as Michael tossed the lifeless body to the ground and turned around. Spyro gasped as he saw a city burning in front of them, screams echoed through the streets. Michael turned towards a symbol on the ground, Spyro saw that it was a dragon symbol, with its wings spread wide and mouth open in mid-roar. Michael reached the symbol, and punched it, the rock cracked and shattered, exposing a small cavity under it. Michael then cleared the rubble, exposing a dragon egg. Spyro recoiled from the sight, and noticed a strange coldness. When he tried to investigate, it sucked him in.

Cold, so cold. Spyro found himself in a different void, all he felt was coldness and fear, he knew he somehow made his way to the eldritch realm, but he did not know how. He was snapped into another form. Spyro looked through Michael's eyes once again to see something entirely different. Michael seemed to be standing on a metal object, in space. He was looking at a planet, the planet had strange purplish stains spread across it. Spyro realized that Michael did not have fur or scales, but was entirely made of exposed flesh. He felt feathery wings brush his back. Michael turned to another one of these strange beings, and he nodded to him, Michael turned back towards the planet.


The metal platform they were standing on vibrated, and two red beams fired from it, they met at the center of the planet, Spyro was snapped away right after it had begun to crack. Spyro went back to the cold void, then swiftly fell into another form. Spyro sighed in relief when he felt the familiarity of a dragon form, then stiffened when he noticed that the terrain Michael was walking on was scarred and burnt. Michael had the strange armor again, but he could feel that it was damaged in places. Michael kept walking, Spyro was holding on to this form as hard as he could. Suddenly a strange shadow creature burst out of a ruined building. Spyro watched as a large group of strange bipedal machines charge the strange creature. They also looked damaged as they ran up to the creature and started firing small projectiles towards it. Another dragon walked up beside him, his front right arm was missing, and was replaced by a machine prosthetic.

"Your far from home Spyro" A voice rang in Spyro's head

"Michael, where are you?"

"You are in my head, I'm everywhere"

"Where are we"

"On a dimension VERY far from here, you seem to have gotten a little lost"

"I don't understand how I got here"

"You entered my infinite mind, and have been bouncing between a small fraction of my nearly limitless forms."

"How do I get back? Can you help me?"

"You got yourself here, now you must learn to get yourself back. Listen carefully, Spyro, to return to your body you must return to the ethereal realm, and search yourself for the ties to your body, and to your mate. The tie between you and Cynder are far stronger than you will every understand, use them to guide you home"

Spyro felt Michael launch him back into the ethereal realm. He sat there a moment then focused. 'My mate, I have to find my mate' he thought. Spyro felt a weird calling, it was a mating bond, Spyro knew that, so it must have been his. He followed it, and was soon snapped into another form. Spyro saw through Michael's eyes again, he was once again in a fleshy form. Michael sat next to a female on a bed, reading a book. He looked up from his book and sighed.

"This is my mate Spyro, you have to search within yourself to find yours"

"Rookie" a female voice rang

Michael chuckled and looked over to the female, who was smirking. Michael launched Spyro back again, but this time he did it with force. Spyro sat floating in the void for some time, then started to search within himself. After some digging, he felt a very weak bond, he focused on it and felt, hunger? That must have been his body, Spyro latched onto the bond, but coulden't hold on. He kept digging, then found nothing. He sighed, and tried to look for any sign of light. He found nothing, and started to panic. 'Wait' He thought 'He talked about two bonds, body, and mate, CYNDER' Spyro's heart jumped as he focused on his mate, her face, her voice, her soft breath on his neck. Suddenly, Spyro discovered a very strong bond within himself. A bond so strong that when he took hold of it, it snapped him back with such a force his entire body felt the pressure. Spyro was tossed out of Michael's mind and into his own body.

He opened his eyes.