Chapter 2 Rebecca White Tail

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Chapter 2 of the Ylva story

Chapter 2

Rebecca White Tail

A small figure creeps out into the night.

She is a small Wolfen about 11, half grown at best. Her figure is hidden by her windcheater that looks far too thin for the snow and ice around. Her little face is framed by a dark ruff of silky fur but her most salient feature and her pride and joy is tucked down the leg of her pants out of sight. Her white tail would be like a flag in this moonlight and she sensibly keeps it covered. Moving stealthily from shadow to shadow she makes her way from the collection of buildings and away to the darkness of the woods proper.

Rebecca shivered as she slunk out of the cabin. In the darkness she could see the swirling aurora lighting the sky, between that and the moon light she was able to navigate her way through the first few hundred yards without her torch.

She cursed the need to use her ugg boots. So fashionable but the soft cloth is not really suited to the task. "Beggars can't be choosers though as her granny would say and the camp was careful enough to keep the hiking gear of the residents under lock and key. No amount of flirting with the young male councillors or even some of the female ones had shifted them on that. Buck had however lowered his guard enough with manipulative young pup for her to be able to swipe his mobile during one of their debriefing sessions. It was after a particularly nasty row with the equally nasty bitch of a roommate and her wailing and whimpering had been enough to distract the young husky.

She giggled at the thought of the trouble her absence would cause and how the cheetah still had four more weeks of counselling to go before her parents would allow her to return to civilisation.

Three pines camp for troubled teens, she spits. TP the residents called it. The world wipes its ass with TP. It was their own unofficial motto amongst their little legion of the damned.

Beccy just needed to get within cell tower range and surely her Mum would come and get her. She couldn't believe that if Mom had still lived with them that she would have ever sent her away. Dad was just so unreasonable these days. Just because Mom had taken her to a photo shoot on her weekend and her friend had got her pose in some swimsuits. It had been soo cool, proper make up, dressers, people fussing over her and her Mom, I mean what was the harm. Any way Johnathan said she had looked great and that she might get to do some more modelling with her mom. Shejust had to say nothing about the shot he had accidently taken as she had been changing. Mom had laughed it off but when dad had found out through snooping her emails he had totally lost it.

There had been court cases and custody battles and no more fun weekends with Mom. Bad enough she couldn't go to the events and shows any more but then Dad had moved them out to Hicksville, What was worse he takes up with one of the teachers and marries her. Didn't he realise how much she was going to get teased for that by her friends back in the city. It was just nearly as bad as marrying the help, not that dad had ever had the kind of household his money deserved.

She is far enough away from the camp to risk her torch. There is no road leading to the wilderness centre, everything has to be hauled over the trails. Something which the camp is very proud of the residents having to contribute to their own up keep by going on the weekly grocery hike. She hated every minute, why should she sweat and carry when the creators had made lesser breeds to serve her, I mean she is an Alpha Apex Pred an AAP the highest level of her young society. So why shouldn't Sarah the little Omega carry some of Beccy's load I mean she was happy to do so and that Equine Filly she was even a Herby and designed to carry heavy loads. Could be worse though the Lapins were just prey and beneath her notice.

She is now however wishing she had paid more attention to the direction the trail went in, there is the sound of rushing water and she knows that the river leads toward civilisation and rescue. Wouldn't her Mom be proud when she called out of the blue. Rebecca practically glows with excitement and pride at her daring. The pride comes however with a fall when her soft boot slips on the ice and she tumbles down the bank into the river.

There is the briefest moment of stillness and then steel coloured water tumbles and takes her on a wild ride. The world is moonlit foam, jet black water rocks and cold, Cold that stops thought, cold that almost stills her very breath its self. Time is a distant memory, the is only now, a moment by moment struggle for air. She fights with the river for a brief while before a blow to the head from a rock and she is still. The river takes its prize and carries her away downstream.

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