Thruggann's Hero

Story by CityOwl on SoFurry

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Thruggann's Hero

A Redwall Fanfic


The morning sun shone brightly on Redwall Abbey. Birds chirped and all was calm as the mice and other creatures within began to rouse themselves for another day.

Peace had been with the Abbey for a long time, now. The squirrel, Samkim and his mole friend, the female Arula, had vanquished the vermin hordes and retrieved the sword of Martin the Warrior. Now, the sword rest again with the Abbey, and Samkin and Arula were hailed heroes.

The otter, Thrugg, had also succeeded in retrieving the flowers of Icetor from the eagles' aerie in order to cure the epidemic of Dryditch Fever that had plagued the Abbey. Many lives were lost because of the awful disease, but Thrugg had returned in the nick of time.

For the burly otter, though, not all was exactly well. After Samkim had returned, a lone rat named Rottooth had arrived a few weeks later. He had deserted the vermin army, asking for sanctuary. Many in the Abbey were wary of this, seeing as how letting two weasels in had caused most of the trouble in the first place. After much debate, they decided to grant him his request, but with many restrictions. Thrugg was personally charged with keeping a close watch on him.

And Thrugg did. Surprisingly, though, the rat caused little trouble. Sure, his manners and personal hygiene were terrible, but he was generally helpful and when he wasn't being loudmouthed and foolish, he was slowly learning their ways. Thrugg almost didn't believe it.

But now that a few months had passed, Thrugg had noticed something troubling. Rottooth had been spending an awful lot of time with his sister, Thruggann. Thruggann was a tough otter, and Thrugg usually wasn't so protective of her, but when he saw Rottooth gawk openly at his sister's ample breasts, practically drooling, he could see the carnal lust in his dumb expression.

Thruggann didn't seem to notice. Being the tough otter that she was, many of the other males found her intimidating, so she wasn't used to having someone attracted to her, which meant that Rottooth could gawk and fantasize all he wanted and she would never know. This angered Thrugg. Rottooth needed to be taught a lesson.

So Thrugg challenged Rottooth to a wrestling match. This wouldn't have been the first time Thrugg had wrestled with another resident of the abbey. Besides, the onlookers found it fun and sporting. But for Thrugg, this would be his chance to deliver his message. To put Rottooth in his place. To tell him to stay the hell away from his sister.

The match was to take place before lunch. Thrugg was waiting out in the courtyard for Rottooth, who had no idea how badly Thrugg was planning on humiliating him. Thrugg wasn't trying to cause bloodshed. No, then all who were watching would know what was really going on. Thrugg just wasn't going to pull any punches. The rat would be slammed and defeated easily, and then he would know who was the top water dog.

As the sun approached its zenith, the crowd gathered, and so did Rottooth. Rottooth was a fat little rat, spending most of his time gorging himself on the Abbey's delicious treats and sweets. His buck teeth skewed out of his thin snout, and his gray fur was messy and slick with grease from a lack of soap and water. Thrugg could smell his pungent odor from where he stood.

"'Ello, mate," the rat said.

"G'day," Thrugg replied cordially, masking his anticipation.

"It's been a while since Redwall had a good wrestling match," Abbess Vale said, stepping into the center of the ring. "So let me be clear on the rules. We are still peaceable beasts; there will be no hitting, biting, or striking of any kind. The goal is to try and pin your opponent. And when our mother badger, Mara, calls, 'hold,' you stop whatever you are doing and release one another. Got it?"

"Aye," the two replied. Thrugg removed his blue vest, leaving his exquisitely muscled body, covered in creamy brown fur, exposed to the golden sunlight. His arms rippled, and his chest and abs were enough to make any female otter swoon.

Rottooth also removed his own shirt, revealing his two fat breasts that sat upon countless rolls that disappeared into his trousers.

"We go to three rounds," Mara said. "A round is over if you are pinned for five seconds, or if you tap out." The competitors nodded.

"Ready!" Mara called, raising her massive badger paw. Thrugg and Rottooth tensed, taking their stances. "Begin!"

Rottooth rushed Thrugg, arms outstretched. It was painfully obvious to Thrugg that this rat had no idea what he was doing. Thrugg grabbed an extended wrist and with blinding speed, was behind the rat, wrenching his chubby arm up behind his back. His other arm flailed, trying to grab a hold of Thrugg in an attempt to force the otter to release him, but his efforts were futile. He didn't know what to do.

Before Rottooth knew what happened, Mara had called out, "Five!" and then, "Round one to Thrugg!" She grabbed Thrugg's wrist and raised his arm in victory. The crowd gave a cheer. They were impressed with how quickly Thrugg had incapacitated Rottooth, but Thrugg understood that they wanted a little more action.

"Don't worry," he thought. "You'll get yer show, alright."

Round two began quickly, and the rat held his ground, waiting for Thrugg to make a move. Thrugg strolled calmly up to the rat, but the rat still held firm. Thrugg quickly tried to seize the rat's wrists, but the rat recoiled and countered, trying to grab Thrugg's shoulders.

Thrugg's move was only a feint, though, and he dipped low, dodging the grab and wrapping his arms around the fat rat's waist, tackling him to the ground.

Rottooth kicked and thrashed, but after a brief struggle, Thrugg managed to grab hold of his wrists once more and wrap his own legs and tail around the rat's legs, immobilizing him.

Within a few moments, Thrugg's arm was raised in victory. He hadn't even broken a sweat.

The rat got to his feet and scoffed, pure rage in his eyes. Thrugg just smiled at him, rubbing his superiority in his ugly face while the crowd cheered for himself.

Before Mara could start the final round, Rottooth charged Thrugg, catching him off guard and tackling him to the ground. Thrugg managed to get a hold of one of the rat's wrists, Rottooth seizing one of his own. Rottooth snarled and tried to pin Thrugg, but the otter was too strong.

Foaming at the mouth, the rat lunged with his snout, trying to bite Thrugg's shoulder. Thrugg shifted, dodging the bite and using the change in the rat's balance to throw him off. The two stood and faced each other.

Mara began admonishing Rottooth for his unsporting behavior, but neither of the males were listening. Their blood was flowing, and they both knew that the bars were coming off.

The two charged each other, Rottooth swiping at Thrugg with his claws. Thrugg leaned back to dodge, but the rat used his long tail to sweep Thrugg's feet from underneath him. Rottooth dove at Thrugg, but the otter rolled away and then pounced on Rottooth's back as he landed. Before he could grab the back of the rat's fat neck, though, the rat threw the back of his head into Thrugg, nearly catching him in the throat. Thrugg dodged back, but the rat then managed to throw Thrugg back. Thrugg was on his feet but off balance, and the rat charged him once more.

Thrugg reacted in the nick of time. He moved toward Rottooth, ducking low and using his powerful arms to sweep the rat's legs from underneath him. Before Rottooth's face hit the ground, though, Thrugg followed through and, continuing the same motion, grabbed the rat's tail and hoisted him upside down off the ground.

The rat thrashed, flailed, and slashed with his claws at Thrugg's body, snarling and spitting curses.

"Come on," Thrugg taunted, panting and sweating but still with a cocky smile on his face. "A lit'le closer and ya might have me." The rat continued with his tantrum and Thrugg shook him around until Mara screamed, "Hold!"

She knocked Thrugg aside and he released Rottooth. "That is enough!" She looked furious, but nothing more was said. She didn't announce Thrugg victor, but the crowd began to shuffle in for lunch. A few had pity on Rottooth for being so humiliated, but many of them were laughing at his embarrassment. Abbess Vale looked like she wanted to reprimand the two of them, but she didn't know where to begin, so she followed the crowd inside, perhaps planning to say something in private after lunch.

The table inside the abbey was set and a near feast was laid out for the diners. Rottooth was nowhere to be found, and most everyone was talking about Thrugg's complete destruction of the rat. Even if most of the talk was in hushed tones, Thrugg was aglow. Even the cellarmaster suggested that he should have spanked Rottooth while he had him upside down. This made Thrugg laugh, but he received glares from Mara and the Abbess.

Somewhere deep down, Thrugg knew it wasn't right to bully the poor rat like that, but when he saw Thruggann sitting across the table from him, not being drooled on by some filthy rat, he knew he was only doing his job as an older brother.

"Would you like some more strawberry cordial, ratslayer?" Thruggann joked.

"That'd be lovely, thanks." He said to her. With a smile at her brother she went to the cellar.

The cellar was dimly lit, and as she descended she could see the few torches that were the only light source. She went over the many casks of drinks, trying to find the strawberry cordial. She bent over, examining the labels, tapping her brother's glass against her chin.

Suddenly, she felt a form come up behind her. A knife was pressed to her throat and an arm around her waist. "Don't scream," the voice said in a low, threatening rasp. She recognized the voice immediately. Rottooth.

"What do you want?" she said, trying to keep the fear out of her voice.

"Shut up!" he shouted into her ear, hitting her in the head with his other fist. "Now take off your clothes."

Thruggann gasped as she realized what was about to happen to her. She was frozen in shock. "Take off your clothes!" the rat shouted again, hitting her in the head with the butt of the knife. She felt warm blood dribble down her ear.

Whimpering, she slipped off her blue vest that matched her brother's. She must have been going too slowly, because Rottooth grabbed the collar of the shirt she wore underneath, ripping the fabric clean off her supple body. Still holding the knife to her throat, she felt his grimy hand cup her breast.

"I wonder what your precious brother would think if he saw you like this, eh? Too bad he isn't here to protect you. It's just you and me now, you little whore. And I'm going to make you all mine."

Fear rose in Thruggan's chest, and she felt like vomiting as tears streamed down her face. She tried to choke back sobs as she felt the filthy rat fondle her breasts, teasing her nipples as they rose and became erect.

She felt a hand clasp her butt, and then slip off her skirt and underwear at once. Now she was completely naked and bent over a barrel, the knife still pressed to her throat.

He ran a hand over her breast again, then down her bare stomach. She felt a finger slip into her vagina, spreading her lips apart. "You like that, don't you, you little slut?" he said in her ear. He continued to play with her cunt, and juices began to flow onto his finger. Thruggann cursed herself for getting wet at such an act. "So tight," he said. "You must be a virgin. That's good."

There was some motion and shifting of clothes behind her, and then she felt a stiff rod of flesh press against her vagina. She began hyperventilating, and her heartbeat was out of control, but she didn't feel the rat meat enter her virgin flesh. Instead, she was rapidly spun around so that she was facing the fat rat.

He was also naked, and out from beneath the folds of fat poked his pink rat member. The shaft was chubby, and below it dangled two darkly furred testicles. Drops of precum dribbled from the tip and down to his ballsack, and she could smell the putrid musk.

Rottooth grabbed her by the shoulder painfully and forced her to her knees. Still holding the knife in a threatening position, he said to her. "Get sucking. And if you bite, I'll slit your miserable throat right here. Got it?" She didn't respond. All she could do was stare in shock at the rat cock, thinking about what she was being forced to do.

When she didn't answer, Rottooth smacked her across the face, and she felt blood dribble from her nose down her chin. He then grabbed the back of her head and squeezed, forcing her jaw open. He rammed his hips forward into her open mouth, and she coughed as she choked on the heavy-smelling rat dick.

"Take it, bitch," he said to her, pressing the knife closer to her. She began to bob her head in what she hoped was a pleasing manner. She had never even imagined doing such acts to a male, but she knew what would happen if she wasn't satisfactory.

Tears streamed openly down her face as she realized that she was actually trying to please this evil rat. The knife gleamed in the torchlight out of the corner of her eye, and she buried her disgust and remorse, and continued suckling on the rat shaft, running her tongue along the pink meat, sucking on the pointed tip and tasting the precum.

Rottooth moaned and began bucking his hips, forcing her to take more of the cock into her mouth. She choked and jerked her head back, vomiting on the floor below her. Rottooth smacked her across her face again and forced her mouth open, ramming the cock back in as far as he could.

The smell of her vomit was overwhelmed by the thick musk of the rat's crotch. His balls, wet with her dribbling saliva and some of his precum, slapped against her chin as she suckled on the length, her nose burying itself into the crotch fur.

Her eyes widened as she felt the member stiffen in her mouth. His balls rose, and she could hear his gasps and loud moans. Suddenly, she could feel the rush of his seed down her throat, the thick, putrid fluid flowing freely down into her stomach. She retched, but couldn't vomit as he slowly withdrew, shooting more of his cum onto her tongue, the last several spurts of the thick semen splattering over her face, neck, and breasts.

Thruggann sobbed as her tears and blood began to mix with the heavy rat cum that coated her body. She prayed that it was over, but it was not, as she saw that the rat was still somehow erect, and advancing toward her.

Rottooth, still threatening with the knife, roughly grabbed her shoulders and flipped her over the barrel once more. Without more than a throaty rasp, he rammed his dick inside of her vagina, and she felt a painful tearing within her as her virginity was lost to this monster.

Yet, she could do nothing more than cry and wait for it to be over as he rammed his rat meat inside of her over and over. She could hear his labored breathing, and she felt his balls slap against the underside of her belly as he thrust wildly into her. She felt her pussy contract, mostly in pain but sometimes in pleasure, and she only wept harder as she couldn't help but feel pleasure from the pistoning cock.

Thruggann felt Rottooth's hand once again fondle her breast, now stained with his thick semen. The feeling of his putrid cum on her chest only seemed to turn him on further, as he rammed his dick inside of her with more force and roughly played with her boob, squeezing the soft flesh and teasing her erect nipples.

She heard him rasping from behind her, and she felt a fluid drop on her back, which she guessed was his drool. She realized that he was close to orgasm and fear welled up inside of her as he squeezed her breast tighter and thrust wildly into her cunt. She hyperventilated as she felt the thick ropes of warm cum splatter her insides, and she cried as her head swam.

Thruggann yelped as her vagina contracted around Rottooth's cock, this time with feelings of pleasure, and she realized that she was having her own orgasm. She cried and felt faint, hating herself for being pleased by the vile act.

When the rat withdrew, she heard his cum splatter to the floor and a few more drops of drool land on her back. She could smell the thick odor of his sweat and his fluids, but whatever thoughts she had were interrupted as she felt the still hard rat cock enter her ass.

She couldn't even think as her ass was penetrated, she could only weep as he leaned over her, his paws grasping her breasts, his balls slapping against her wet vagina as some of the leftover cum stained his sack, giving each thrust an even wetter sound.

Then, she realized something. Both of his paws were fondling her chest. It appeared that in his last orgasm, the stupid rat had dropped the knife and was too preoccupied with his sick lust to pick it back up. She tried to hide this realization as he thrust hard into her ass, and planned to make her move.

She endured his wild thrusting for a little while longer, until she felt his drool splatter her back once again. He was about to cum.

At that moment, she jumped up and kicked him with her powerful hindlegs, her footpaws catching him squarely in his fat chest. He recoiled and fell on his back, his cock still spurting cum from the orgasm he was denied. He reached for the nearby knife, but she dashed over and kicked it away. Rottooth quickly stood and swiped with his claws, raking across her collarbone. She yelped but swung her fist, catching him square across the jaw with a right hook. She pounced on him, but before she could pin him down, his claws tore across her belly and thigh. Momentarily stunned by the slashes, he headbutted Thruggann, and she fell back, seeing stars.

She looked up through fuzzy vision, to see the naked Rottooth, holding the gleaming knife. He said something and raised the blade, about to plunge it into her heart.

Then a brown blur rushed by and tackled Rottooth to the ground. Thruggann turned her head, trying to see through the daze and stand up, failing. It looked like her brother was on top of Rottooth, and the two were ripping and tearing violently at one another. She saw Rottooth's blade slice across Thrugg's chest, but the burly male seemed to ignore the pain and grab the rat's wrist, snapping it like a twig. She saw Thrugg get a hold of the blade and raise it, but she passed out as the knife fell.

Thruggann awoke, every part of her body aching. The room around her was coming into focus, and it looked like the abbey infirmary.

She didn't dare try to sit up, but she ran her hands over her body, underneath the white bedsheets she was wrapped in. Her head, thigh, collarbone, and belly were heavily bandaged, and her vagina and ass throbbed with pain, but she was pretty sure she wasn't dying. The pain seemed to be subsiding quickly.

"Hey," she heard a soothing voice come from the bedside. She turned to see Thrugg, sitting in a chair, shirtless, his muscular chest also wrapped in white bandages.

"Hi," she said. Her throat was incredibly dry, and she rubbed her neck.

"'Ere," Thrugg said. He grabbed a glass of water and placed a paw underneath the back of her head, gently tipping the glass, letting the water trickle down her throat. She felt the cool drink wash away the awful taste of stale rat cum that she now realized had been in her mouth.

"Thanks," she said to him.

"It warn't nothing," he replied. "He's dead now. He can't bother you."

She looked at her brother again. He had killed Rottooth. He was a killer. She was slightly disturbed, but when she felt her heartbeat, she was glad that he had been there to save her.

"If only I had been there sooner," he said.

Thruggann tried to remember how long she was raped. It had seemed like forever, but she realized it had only been about five, maybe ten minutes. She sort of chuckled, when she realized how easily the rat was satisfied. "Don't beat yerself up about it," she said to her brother. "You came. That's all that matters."

Her brother smiled, and she swore she saw tears in his eyes. Even though she was the one in the infirmary bed, she knew her brother was very proud of his masculinity, so she turned away so as not to embarrass him. "Thrugg?" she asked.

"Yeah?" he said back, his voice quavering a little.

"Hold me." She felt terribly cold, and all she could think about was Rottooth abusing every part of her.

She felt Thrugg gently climb into bed behind her and wrap his arms around her. He touched her gingerly once he remembered that she was nude underneath the sheets, as clothing would have obstructed the bandages and caused too much pain.

After a while, though, his paws did wrap around her, and she felt his strong arms, and she felt safer. She curled into him, but jumped when her hips collided with his, and she felt the bulge in his shorts.

"What is it?" he asked, moving away.

"Sorry," she said. "I don't know what came over me..." She and Thrugg had wrestled all the time, and when they wrestled, many times she had been forced to come into acquaintance with her brother's clothed package in order to win, but it had never bothered her before. Now, the feeling only reminded her of her rape.

"Are you sure yer alright?" he asked again.

"I don't know," she said. "When you touched me like that, all I could think of was Rottooth..."

"Thruggann, I would never-"

"I know," she interrupted. "I know you would never rape me or ever take advantage of me. Yet..."

"I suppose it makes sense," he said. "When we carried you up 'ere two days ago, you were half unconscious. You wouldn't let any man touch ya. We had to get Mara to do it."

Thruggann processed this. "What if I can never have a husband because I'm so afraid?" she wondered.

She tried to curl up against Thrugg, to see if she could overcome the fear, but when her nude body came into contact with his, she felt his shaft give a twinge through his shorts, and she jumped again.

"What?" he asked.

"Yer getting hard!" she shouted.

"No I'm not!" he shouted back.

"Don't lie to me, Thrugg. I felt it."

He looked away, his face a mixture of frustration and sheepishness. A question hit Thruggann, and she knew she had to ask it.

"Thrugg, would you ever take advantage of a female?"

"Of course not!" he replied.

"But you have thought about... taking a female?"

"...Well, yeah, but that don't mean I would rape 'er!"

"How do you know?" Thruggann said. "How do you know what you would do if you wanted 'er bad enough?"

Thrugg looked at her, betrayed, but clearly unable to answer the question.

"I'm sorry," Thruggann apologized. "I guess my faith in males ain't exactly the strongest right now."

"It's okay," he said. "It's to be expected."

Another thought hit Thruggann, this one crazier than the last. "Maybe..." she started, in disbelief of what she was about to ask. "I just need a male to restore my faith. Ya know, show me that males aren't all bad." She looked up at Thrugg.

The suggestion hit him like a ton of bricks. "But- but- you were just raped!"

"Two days ago. I've actually 'ealed up quite nicely."

Thrugg was still searching for excuses. "What if you get pregnant?"

"I don't think my body's ready to be makin' babies now, Thrugg."

"But you're my sister," he said slowly.

"I know, Thrugg. It's weird for me, too, but... you're the only one I trust enough to show me how things should be. Please," she pleaded.

Thrugg stared at his sister, agape, but finally he found himself saying, "Okay."

He slowly moved toward her, gently placing a hand on her shoulder being careful not to disturb the bandages, and he pressed his lips to hers. After Thruggann got over the shock of kissing her own brother, she kissed him back. He continued to kiss her passionately, and she wrapped her arm around his powerful shoulders.

Thrugg slipped his tongue into her mouth, and she let hers dance with his, her vagina becoming wet with the pleasure and intensity of the kissing, but she felt no pain. He moved his body over her, and she ran her paws over his chest, around the bandages, and down his abs, feeling the taught, tight muscle that lay just underneath. Never had she realized how handsome her brother was, how his bulging abs made her feel like a horny, young otter pup.

She felt him gently place a paw on her breast and she gasped, but she found that she did so out of pleasure, rather than shock. She placed her paw on top of his in a sign of trust, and he began to fondle her boob, rolling it gently in his hand.

Thruggann let out a soft moan as she felt a wave of pleasure wash over her. She liked this, and she realized that she wanted more. While Thrugg continued to feel her breasts, she slipped her paws to his waistline, and gently began to remove his shorts.

Both siblings gasped softly when Thrugg's erect cock slipped out of his shorts. He stopped feeling Thruggan's breasts for a moment to slip the article of clothing all the way off, leaving both of them completely naked.

Thruggann gently placed her paw on her brother's member, noting how much thicker and longer it was than Rottooth's, yet the size increase didn't scare her. When she heard her brother's soft moan, it only made her curious about what it would feel like inside of her.

Thrugg lowered himself, ready to enter her, but Thruggann had other ideas. She grabbed his waist and shifted places with him, so that she was on top. Thrugg was about to protest, but she silenced him with a kiss while rubbing her moist opening on the tip of his shaft.

She then moved down, squeezing her brother's cock with her paws before she ran her tongue along the head.

Her brother moaned loudly, and she looked up at him, their eyes meeting as she sank her muzzle around the length. He closed his eyes tightly as she suckled on the head. It tasted nothing like the rat's putrid dick. In fact, it tasted like actual salted meat, and she found she kind of liked it. She slid her mouth further down the length, using a free paw to fondle her brother's full testicles. He groaned out loud and placed a hand on top of her head as she tended to him, but there was no pressure, only a gentle squeeze of his fingers. He wasn't forcing her to move. She was free to please him at her own pace.

She took more of his throbbing, thick length into her mouth, and soon she was at the base of her brother's malehood. She wrapped her tongue around the towering member, her hand still cupping and fondling his orbs. Like the rat, there was an odor to her brother's crotch, but unlike the rat, it wasn't totally unpleasant. It mostly smelled like fresh, masculine sweat, but she could also smell the soap he used to wash last.

Her brother's moans intensified, and he began to call her name. She began bobbing her mouth up and down on the shaft, the flesh throbbing rapidly. The hard erection somehow became stiffer, and Thrugg let out a loud yelp as orgasm gripped him. He tried to remove her head from his cock, thinking she wouldn't want to swallow his load, but she held firm, keeping her grip on his balls and letting his thick cum slide down her throat.

Thrugg's orgasm lasted for quite some time, and Thruggann felt horribly dirty as she swallowed as much as she could, but as the copious ejaculation flooded out around her brother's cock and her lips, dribbling down her chin and falling on her breasts, she realized she liked the kinky feeling it gave her, especially when she looked up and saw her brother's expression of orgasmic pleasure as he continued to call her name in the throes of his ecstasy.

The dirty feeling overtook Thruggann, and pumping Thrugg's cock with her paw to help it remain firm, she shifted her body and moved forward, her vagina hovering over the thick meat. Before she could lower herself, Thrugg grabbed her swiftly but gently, and pressed her lips to his in a passionate kiss. He didn't seem to mind tasting his own seed on her tongue at all, and he moved lower, nibbling on her neck and kissing her breasts, teasing her nipples with his teeth and tongue, causing her to cry out in pleasure. He then worked his way back up, cleaning his seed as he went.

Thruggann then thrust her hips downward, taking the tip of Thrugg's cock into her, her vagina squeezing the length. He breathed sharply, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes as she wrapped her arms around him, feeling the massive girth of her brother. He placed his hands on her hips and gently lowered her down, pausing briefly when she was about halfway down the thick shaft as she placed kiss after kiss on his neck and the unbandaged parts of his chest, running a paw across his stomach.

Thrugg guided her down the rest of the way, and soon he was completely inside of her.

Thruggann used her strong legs to raise herself up and then drop down, causing both of them to pant hotly. She was already quite wet from Thrugg's kisses and fondling, and his maleness was still slick with his ejaculation, and every collision of their hips created a deliciously wet sound.

Thruggann increased pace as her brother began to thrust up into her. They timed the thrusts so that his tip would almost exit her vent only to be rammed back in, her pussy lips colliding with the lips of his sheath. Her vent contracted rhythmically, and Thrugg's cock was gripped by her tight, tight walls as his massive length stimulated areas deep within her that drove her wild.

The rapid pace caused Thruggann to moan fast and loudly, and Thrugg's own bass voice joined her. Her arms still wrapped around him, his paws clenched on her back, and her own clawed at his in their passion.

Suddenly, she felt herself being moved, and she found Thrugg above her, his arms placed on the wall above her head to steady himself. He was thrusting wildly into her, testicles slapping against her, his eyes tightly shut, teeth clenched, and sweat poured down his face, chest, and stomach. All Thruggann could do was spread her legs wider to allow her brother easier access to her vent and moan in pleasure.

His pounding thrusts continued for several more moments until he stopped with a loud moan, thrusting his whole length into her as orgasm gripped them both. Her walls clenched his hot malehood, and each contraction of her vagina synced up with the spurts of warm semen she could feel spraying her insides. Her whole body was racked with pleasure as he gave a few more powerful thrusts, and her legs spasmed, causing her to wrap them around Thrugg's shaking body for stability.

When Thruggann regained the ability to think, Thrugg pulled out of her with a wet slurp. He lay on his back next to her, and she lay her head on his chest, the two covered in sweat and she in his drying semen. They panted quickly, but smiled as they basked in the gloriously dirty afterglow.

"So what was the point of that again?" Thrugg asked between breaths.

"To show me that I can be with a male without bein' afraid," she replied, also between breaths.

"Were you afraid?"

"Not at all."


The siblings were silent for a little bit as their bodies cooled down. "Thank you," Thruggann said to her brother, kissing him tenderly.

"Anything for you, sis," he said with a grin. "So does this mean you can trust males again?"

"Yeah. I think I'll be alright."

"Good," he said again. Thruggann could see that something was still on his mind, though.

"Don't worry," she said. "It's going to take a lot for me to repay you for what you did for me."

"I'm not sure I can accept that," he said.

"But I know you will, brother. After all, you are my hero." She grinned as she said this, know that this wouldn't be the last wild encounter with her brother.

He laughed and said, "Well, I'd have to say that you've found a mighty good way to give a hero's reward."

Thruggann laughed and kissed Thrugg again. Part of her was incredibly thankful to her brother for all he had done, and the other part was wondering how much longer it would be before he was hard enough for another round.