Christmas Surprise

Story by Rekhit on SoFurry

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Christmas Surprise by Rekhit

A gentle vibration brought Griz up from his deep slumber and he was about to yawn and stretch when the memory of why he set his phone to vibrate and put it under his pillow came back to him. Sliding a paw under the pillow, he pressed down on the front of the phone to turn it off and lie silent in the pile of pillows. There was a gentle sound from next to him but thankfully his big equine lover remained asleep.

Well, what counted for sleep for him. Rekhit didn't so much sleep as close his eyes and just lay there. The demon admitted that he didn't really need to sleep at all, and since he didn't even breathe if it wasn't for the slightest muscle twitch and his warm body, Griz would assume he were dead.

Griz carefully, very carefully, moved out from under the huge muscular arm of the horse, oh so gingerly wiggling out. Rekhit was an incredibly light sleeper; the slightest noise or the merest shaft of light and the demon freely admitted to say that he would just lie there. So trying to sneak out the pit of pillows that made up their bed was going to take every ounce of his skill.

Success! Griz flopped out of the pit and tip toed from the bedroom, keeping his toes up so that his claws didn't click on the floor. If his plan were to succeed silence was paramount. All he had to do was get downstairs to the Christmas tree and get ready. Griz loved this time of year but Rekhit was very blasé about it. He'd been to many periods where Christmas was celebrated and as he said "once you've seen 2 thousand years of it, you lose any interest".

Griz was about to change all of that. He looked at the clock; 6:15am. He had 15 minutes before Rekhit would wake up; the stallion always woke up at 6:30am every morning. So precise you could set your watch by it. He hurried to prepare himself...


At exactly 6:30am Rekhit's eyes snapped open.

Like clockwork his body roused itself from its forced regeneration cycle and he sat up. He didn't so much sleep as force his body to shut down, which was as close he got to actually sleeping. Sometimes he even had dreams, or something close to them; they are often very odd.

This morning something felt weird and he looked in the pit to find he was alone. That was very odd indeed considering he would also wake before his dragon mate. Griz was such a heavy sleeper he could sleep through an earthquake; which is something he had done once.

Rekhit got up, pulling on his dressing gown, and clopped out of the bedroom. He called his mate's name but didn't hear a reply. Stopping, he took a sniff and caught the scent of dragon, following it into the living room. There he found his mate sitting under the Christmas tree. But it wasn't the tree that caught his attention.

Griz was completely naked and around his body had been wrapped an extensive amount of red ribbon. There were bows around the top of his arms, but there was a complex array around his chest and stomach, looking like a harness of fine red material. it wound around his body and legs, down between his ankles and up again to bind his wrists down around his crotch. It looped around his toes and fingers, binding them as much as his limbs. There was some covering his groin, though it bulged as his dragon hood had slipped through and grown to its full length and thickness. To top it all off, a bow was tied to the end of his tail, which was high up and wagging gently from side to side.

The scent of dragon pheromones was heavy in the air and Rekhit sniffed. His own crotch jerked and he felt the flare slide free and tip, the length of his shaft starting to appear from deep within his body. For a second Rekhit wondered how the dragon had managed to do that to himself, but then it occurred to him that if he could get out of such predicaments, then it would be simple enough to put himself into them. But then he really didn't care.

"I've got a present for you to unwrap," Griz said with a low growl.

Disregarding the robe, Rekhit knelt down and stroked the throbbing cock hidden by the ribbon, eliciting a growl of pleasure from the dragon. He gripped it and stroked from the ridged base to the pointed tip, feeling the soft spines that had yet to emerge. A growing need developed in the stallion and with a flick of his claws the ribbons were torn away, revealing the dragon's body.

Before Griz could say anything he was pushed so that he was sat with his legs out full on the floor. The stallion moved so he was straddling his mate and reached under to grip the throbbing dragon meat. Lowering himself down, the tip kissed the puckered hole of the horse and slowly Rekhit sat down.

He nickered gently as his hole was speared and spread open and with a gentle pop it disappeared inside him. Both lovers moaned softly as they joined and Rekhit sat down until his furry butt was pressed into the scaly crotch. Raising his knees he began a slow ride, moving his arse upwards some then lowered it down, clenching tightly so as to grip ever square inch of the dragon's dick.

The massive horse cock reached full hardness, pressing against Griz who gripped it, holding it to his body and hugging it. Opening his maw it suckled on the pierced flare, poking his tongue at the cum hole and pushing it inside. Rekhit neighed and bounced, moving his body so as to pleasure his mate with his hole. A chuckle escaped Griz's throat and he opened his maw as wide as he can, pressing it to the flat flare and pushed his tongue as deep as he could down the urethra of the stallion.

It tasted musky, and the pre was sweet on his tongue, natural and yet with the after taste of chocolate that was common to the horse. He jerked his hips and thrust upwards, slamming his cock deep into his stallion mate with every downward movement Rekhit made.

Grunts and moans escaped the pair as they rutted under the Christmas tree. Twinkly lights flashed innocently as the intense fuck went on under them. Griz pushed inward hard and roared, shooting a heavy load of dragon seed deep into Rekhit's ass. Rekhit pushed down and clamped down, making sure to take every drop.

Making sure that his mate was spent Rekhit lifted upwards and pulled away, moving a paw down and finding something plugging his mate's hole. "What's this?"

"I came prepared," panted the dragon. Rekhit dug his fingers around the base of what he knew it was and pulled a large dildo from out of the dragon. It was long and thick and had the desired affect; Griz's hole gaped. It didn't take much for Rekhit to bury himself inside the dragon and laying him down, Rekhit worked his hips.

Griz cried out as he was filled with the huge horse cock and gripped the stallion's arms, digging his claws into the firm flesh. Hot breath coursed over his face and deep grunts echoed in his ears as he was taken this time under the tree. It plowed deep inside his body, the dildo only just opening him up for the giant horse cock that filled him so completely.

It didn't take long for Rekhit to cum; the licking and riding had taken him to the edge and having his lover's tight body wrapped around his member was all he needed. He neighed once more and unleashed a torrent of horse cum, bloating the dragon a little and splattering the carpet.

They stayed like that for a minute or two before Rekhit lifted upwards and smiled down at the dragon. "You and your ribbon."

"I don't hear any complaints.... Ooooo," Griz moaned as the cock was pulled from him and he could feel his hole gaping. He pushed fingers inside, feeling the flesh gripping them, warm and slimy.

Rekhit just smiled again. "I could never do that. Come on sexy tail, we need a shower I think."

With a grin Griz was helped to his feet and together they went for a shower, where their rutting continued, once more both being filled by cock and cum. This was proving to be an incredible Christmas!