Roxikat Contributes to Science

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I always wanted to write a good story for Roxikat, but Roxi is such a visual character, and she is so much a product of her creator, John Barrett, that she ends up being somewhat hard to work with. Still, I tried on two separate occasions to write a "good" Roxikat story, and although they were fun and cute they never quite hit the mark. I don't think anyone other than John Barrett could write the definitive Roxikat sex story, and he has already done so in various comics and portfolios.

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Roxikat Contributes to Science

Roxikat is © John Barrett

"Are you SURE this is a good idea?" said Dr. Kleiner, the fox rubbing his chin with a black furred paw as he looked through the window into the test chamber. Inside was the test subject, a volunteer named Roxikat, a bright-pink kitty with a playful tail, wild hair, and a cheerful grin. She was dressed in a lab coat that barely managed to contain her gigantic tits, which had already burst the topmost button, and a pair of goggles which were more cute and decorative than they were practical.

"Well, she volunteered for this, and we need to test it on SOMEone, and it's not like you're going to be able to find someone on the streets willing to sign off on testing a drug that makes you have gigantic lactating breasts." Dr. Grosser, a large and rather portly tiger, adjusted various devices on the panel in front of him as he spoke, making sure that he was getting the correct readings. This would, after all, only work once, and he needed to make sure that he got all the data he could.

"Well, I know a guy..." replied Dr. Kleiner.

"Yes well he's not in the test chamber, he's not about to be given the sandwich, and if he's the guy I think he is, Roxikat is WAY better looking. It's hard enough getting funding as it is, I'd think you'd be happy that we got a cute test subject for once." Dr. Grosser flipped the switch to the intercom and spoke into the mic in a distinct, clear voice, pronouncing every word fully. "Can you hear me Roxikat? We're about to begin the experiment!"

"Myah! Yes! Myah! Roxi likes her new goggles, can she keep them?" Roxi seemed slightly bored but still filled with excitement and anticipation. She wondered why they'd placed her in this big room with nothing in it, and why they were so excited when she'd signed the release forms. Still, she'd been told she was going to get a free sandwich out of the deal, and she WAS pretty hungry.

"Sure, you can keep the goggles; they're supposed to be disposable anyway. Now, we're going to put a sandwich into the chamber, and we want you to eat it. That's all. It's um...A test on whether or not you like the sandwich. That's all." As Dr. Grosser finished speaking, he pressed a button on the control panel, and a section of the floor rolled back, revealing a platform with a sandwich on it right in front of Roxi. The platform slowly rose up and Roxi stared at the long, thick submarine sandwich, bouncing up and down excitedly, and then gripping it in her large gloved hands.

"Wow um...Look at those titties bounce..." Dr. Kleiner was drooling visibly now. "I gotta say, it was a smart choice to choose the most phallic sandwich they were selling at that sub shop to hide the medication in."

"Let me get this straight: you're getting horny over seeing her sink her teeth into a giant penis? Look I know that you're kinky and

all, but that is a bit much."

"She hasn't bit into it yet; she's just licking it and laying it between her tits." Dr. Kleiner adjusted his pants a little as he sipped his coffee, watching things progress with the utmost interest.

"OK, I have to admit, that part isn't so bad. I mean hell...If I knew shemales were this stacked, I'd have spent less time running away from them." Dr. Grosser fiddled with the controls a bit more, and then turned on the intercom again. "Roxi? You don't need to keep tasting the sandwich, just eat it."

"Myah! It tastes so good! But if you say so, myah!" Roxi bit into the sandwich and started munching, enjoying it and chewing vigorously, the massive thing still laying flat between her tits.

"So how much PXJT did you put in the sandwich?" asked Dr. Kleiner.

"Well, your notes said 101 mg, so I put in 101 mg." Dr. Grosser looked unconcerned, but Dr. Kleiner blanched, his coffee cup smashing to the floor.

"I wrote 19. You just gave her more than FIVE TIMES THE DOSAGE! We've got to stop it now!" Dr. Kleiner shoved Dr. Grosser out of the way as he grabbed for the mic and fumbled with the intercom. "Roxi! Roxi! Something's gone wrong! We put in too much PXJT in the sandwich! Stop eating it now!"

But it was too late! Roxi was already licking the leftover honey mustard off her fingers. "Myah! I really liked the sandwich! Is that all you needed to know? Myah, Roxi feels funny...""As Dr. Kleiner and Dr. Grosser struggled in the booth; Roxi looked down at her chest, rubbing it a bit. "Myah, Roxi feels good..." Her chest was obviously expanding, and the remaining buttons on the lab coat flew off at a high speed. Her top didn't last long either, and soon her growing, expanding chest and large, sensitive nipples were being caressed by her large, gloved paws.

"Hey, whoa, Dr. Grosser, look at what's happening. Are we getting this on video? I mean, we should continue the experiment. This is hot. I mean, important." Dr. Kleiner stopped struggling and began adjusting his pants again, clearly more than a little distracted by what was going on in the test chamber. Roxi was now growing all over, her whole body growing and expanding at a faster and faster rate.

Soon, her pants had ripped apart too, and both Dr. Kleiner and Dr. Grosser were somewhat perplexed as to what to think as Roxi's massive rox-cock began to grow and inflate to ridiculous proportions, even as Roxikat's height increased. "It appears, um...That her sex organs are affected disproportionately to the rest of her body." Dr. Grosser was pretty slack-jawed as he spoke, moving only to adjust the cameras to making sure he was getting it all.

"No kidding, that dick is bigger than I am, and I could go swimming in those tits." Dr. Kleiner couldn't believe what he was

seeing, and it was clear he didn't know whether to be afraid or aroused by the fact that Roxikat was rapidly getting too big for the chamber, and that her massive, elongated nipples were squishing out big gobs of liquid.

"Myah! Oooh, Roxi feels warm...And good..." Roxi was now stroking her enormous shaft and breasts as her head began to press against the ceiling. "Myah! Roxi's too big! Too big!" The roof was no match for Roxi's ever-expanding size, and it soon gave way as she continued to press against it, bathing the growing Roxi in sunlight and blue skies.

"Her tits are as big as a car! I don't know whether I should run in fear or masturbate, or both!" Dr, Kleiner was backing up towards the exit now, afraid to find out exactly how effective this musclegrowth formula was. Roxi was bordering on macro proportions now, her massive, curvy form threatening to go stomping through the parking lot. "I...Really think I should go move the Audi to a safe location, possibly in a different country..."

"Myah! Roxi feels funny..." Roxi was now working herself furiously, her massive shaft going up well past her breasts. She mooshed them around her length, rubbing them softly against the sensitive, turgid flesh. "Roxi feels good, Myah...."

Without warning, her shaft and nipples erupted with cream, shooting giant wet geysers all over the parking lot, the laboratory, and the park next door. "Oh no! I left the top down on my convertible!" whined Dr. Grosser. Dr. Kleiner just grabbed frantically at a nearby notebook, straining as best he could to keep the big white drops from splashing onto his head.

"Well Dr. Grosser, I'd have to say we're gonna chalk this up as a failure." Dr. Kleiner was obviously glad of the goggles he was wearing, considering the amount of splatter they were getting in their now-roofless observation chamber.

"Why, because she just totally ruined my brand new car? I just started making payments on that thing! I was gonna take it to Vegas..."

"No, because the effects are only temporary." This was quite true, as Roxi was now shrinking at an alarming rate. It was only a matter of minutes before she was back to her normal size, although she was now completely nude, her clothing having been ripped to shreds as she had expanded. "What use is a muscle-growth serum that wears off as soon as you have an orgasm?"

Dr. Grosser collapsed to his knees, ignoring the massive amounts of cum pooling around him as he sat. "We're ruined...Ruined!" But Dr. Kleiner had a bit of an idea. He flipped the intercom switch, hoping it still worked, and spoke.

"Roxi, that was um...A rather exceptional performance! How would you like to be the spokes model for our new line of temporary growth serum?"


Roxikat grinned and waved to the camera as she held up the sample of "Dr. Grosser's Amazing Growth Serum." "Myah! I'm Roxikat, and Dr. Grosser's really helps me have big fun!" She then ingested the milky white liquid and began to grow, although this time she was out in an open field with no buildings to wreck or cars to ruin. Dr. Grosser and Dr. Kleiner looked on with satisfaction as she grew to amazing heights, then just as quickly shrunk back down again.

"I gotta hand it to ya, the money we're making selling this off to the fetish community is incredible. And Roxikat is the perfect spokes model for this! Hell, I get a stack of letters every day from her fans, begging to be in the next film with her." Said Dr. Grosser.

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. And when life gives you an amazing growth serum that makes the user grow to fifty feet in height and then have a massive orgasm-HIT THE DECK!" Dr. Kleiner was pretty quick with the umbrella at this point, but Dr. Grosser was instantly coated in massive quantities of Rox-spoo.

"Ick...You know, maybe we should have considered this an unfortunate side-effect..."

"Are you kidding? That's our major sell point. People line up to-HEADS UP!"

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