Reincarnated as an Orc in a Fantasy Land Ch. 5

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#5 of Isekai

The moment is finally here, I finally have reached the fifth chapter and the beginning of the inclusion of smut. Though, don't expect it to be JUST smut, new people, new town, new exposition! Gurak doesn't know anything of the world outside his village, so it's time to absorb some new information and learn about the world!

This is a meaty chapter, clocking in at around 7K words. AND, it's the last one I have finished. I've had some writers block cropping up, so please tell me what you think of the story so far.

The exhaustion of the day caught up to Gurak quickly. Once he was in a bed, his body prone and comfortable, he had little hope of staying awake. Sleep came quickly and he rested rather well, all the way up until he was woken up by someone shaking him.

When his vision cleared and he was able to make out who it was, he realized it was Towen, the lion knight. The three of them were sharing a room after all. Gurak sat up slowly, Rulu was still in the other bed asleep. Towen was knelt beside the bed.

"Hey Gurak, there's a special venue, of sorts. It's a shop, it offers services and, I want to take you. Just, just the two of us." Towen looked pretty excited. He was already dressed, though it wasn't in his full knight regalia, just some plain clothes. Gurak got up and got dressed, Towen, for his credit did his best not to peak, but the orc was too tired to care if he had.

The pair, once dressed, quietly left the lizardman sleeping. He'd had a rough few days, it was no surprise that Rulu was still exhausted and didn't stir. The pair made sure to lock up the door and head downstairs. There was practically no one in the tavern at this late of an hour, they waved to the innkeeper and headed out into the street. Towen stopped and spoke to the innkeeper. He'd said something along the lines of "If we aren't back by the time my brother wakes, tell him we'll be back here soon and not to worry." He then handed the innkeeper a few coins. "This is for his breakfast if we aren't back before he wakes" The innkeeper nodded simply and went back about his business.

Gurak didn't know what time it was, they didn't have clocks here after all. Not like back on Earth. The moon was up and the sun had long since set. Towen led him through the streets, none of it was familiar to what he'd seen earlier that day.

After a few minutes of what felt like aimless wandering, they came to a building with a slightly Asian appearance, it was certainly different, but it had inspiration from what he knew of their architecture.

Towen led him inside and spoke to the lady behind the counter, she looked older, human in appearance. Towen spoke in hushed tones, the lady smiled and nodded, some coins were slid over, but Gurak didn't see how much. After they spoke, Towen came back over and motioned for Gurak to follow him. They walked inside the building proper and through a hallway, finally coming to a doorway, Towen opened it and pulled Gurak inside.

Once the door shut behind them, Gurak was suddenly embraced. Strong arms wrapped around the orc's frame. He looked at Towen curiously. "Are you okay Towen?"

The lion nods his head softly, pressing his face against the orc. "Y-yeah, I just...I have all these...feelings welling up inside of me, and I don't know how to put them into words." He admits. Stepping back, he looks into the orc's face, into his eyes, and the lion's hands come up and stroke the orc's cheek. " you. I've...never liked anyone like I like you. My heart beats faster, my stomach feels weird, I get....excited." He huffs softly. "Even now, just...pressing against you, breathing in your affects me." Towen then gestures to his groin. The lion was... excited, that was obvious.

Gurak's face was darker green, with blush. Nervousness, embarrassment, a touch of confusion. He'd never had someone so attracted to him like this in his previous life. Sure he'd fooled around once or twice, but, this felt significantly different. His heart was racing as well. His hand slowly comes up to stroke the lion's cheek. His thumb against the lion's face. Towen shut his eyes and rumbled deeply, it reminded the orc of cats from his native world, but he was sure lions didn't purr.

Gurak looked into Towen's face until those eyes opened up again. The orc is hesitant to do anything. "A...are you sure you want this?" Gurak asked softly as he watched the lion's face.

Towen nodded slowly. "It's all I've thought about since I saw you go into that building to save Rulu. The way you looked walking in there, no fear, no hesitation. I...I want to learn to be more like you. I want to be strong like you. Fearless, like you. So, this is the first step, I think. Not being afraid, so, y-yeah. I want to. I...I've never...done something like this before." He admits to the orc, his ears shade a slowly darkening red, and going flat against his head. "But, I want you to be the first one I do this with, if...if not the only one, I do this with." He rumbles out. The lion's face pressed in against the orc's chest once more. The lion breathed loud and deep as he did, the orc's face burning more as he thought about the lion sniffing at him like that, but he wasn't going to pull away. He liked making Towen happy.

The lion held the orc a few moments longer before he pulled away. "Well uh, this is a bathhouse, it was built many years ago. They became popular a few centuries back when they were opened by a well-known hero. Many others similar to his own opened up after that. This is one of those imitations." Towen chuckles as he finally steps away from Gurak. The room was nice. It had a bed, a table with two chairs, a doorway into the outside, a small pond, and what looked like a hot tub, a little steam coming off the water. The orc wondered if it was magically heated or natural. Back on Earth, he'd never been to a hot spring, so this was new to him.

Towen took a slow, deep breath, then he started to undress, in front of the orc. Towen didn't turn away, didn't try to hide anything. He undressed completely, folded his clothing up, and placed it on the table. The lion then came over and looked at the orc, the lion's arousal completely on display as he did so. Gurak felt nervous, he almost flinched when the lion touched him, but he didn't pull away, his hands starting with his shirt, pulling it up over his head, and tossing it aside, he wasn't as concerned about his clothes as Towen had been. Gurak's pants came down next, the bulge in his undergarment was obvious. He tossed his pants with his shirt, and finally, his undergarment was pulled down and off, he covered himself with his hand, before tossing the last bit of clothing.

Towen pressed his body in close, his hands roaming over the orc's body. The fingerpads felt odd, the fur so close to them made him squirm just a little. Towen slowed his touch. Ran his fingers through the orc's short red chest hair, his hands moving up to touch the orc's face, his mutton chop-like beard, and then down to his chest again. Towen moved his hand downward still, against that hairy belly that spasmed when touched, his hand finally resting atop Gurak's own, covering his orc bits.

The lion looked into the orc's eyes, they were almost the same height, so he didn't have to strain to look up or down. He smiles though. "I'd like to see you, all of you....touch and feel...all of you." He rumbles out. Gurak resisted just a little when the lion pulled at his hand, but he surrendered with a gentle second tug. Towen's eyes lowered and took in the sight. Gurak was thick, decently long, and uncut.

Gurak had done his best not to stare at the lion, but he could feel IT when the lion was pressing close, it brushed his thigh, and it was warm and turgid. Before he could say anything, Towen took his hand and led him to the tub. He stepped up, to get into it, the orc got an eyeful of that lion dick when he did. The lion was a bit shorter, thinner too, he had a sheath, his length sticking out of it, though, besides that one difference, they were pretty similar. The lion's length was humanoid in appearance, though, likely closer to appearing circumcised, just housed within a sheath. He expected a more leonine dick if he was honest with himself.

Towen stepped into the water, the fur on his body suddenly spreading slightly when he was submerged like his fur was floating. He, of course, led Gurak to the tub as well. He pushed Gurak to sit and then, unceremoniously sat in the orcs lap. Pressing their bodies together. He smiled, his arms moving around the orc's shoulders as he pressed in close, making sure their arousals touched. Towen nuzzled in against his neck and growled softly. "You don't have to do anything if you don't want to. I just want to be close to you. Feel you against me. If this is all you allow me, it'll be enough."

Gurak couldn't hide his blush but nodded. "Well, I all honesty, I've never done something like this before." He quietly admits. "There wasn't a lack of interest back home, from either males or...females." The orc chuckles softly. "But I was always too shy to ever accept anyone's affections. I was told time and time again I was special, and I'd do all these amazing things, so I never allowed myself time to form emotional attachments to anyone outside of my family."

Towen nods gently, his hand squeezes their erections together as he groans and rocks his hips. Gurak's hands came down to hug the lion and thrust up into the hand as well. The pair of them thrust into the lion's grip slowly.

After a few moments of this though. Towen stops and licks at Gurak's neck again, moaning softly, and his length twitched against the orc's own. The lion leans back and huffs softly. "I...I want to feel you inside." He rumbles out quietly. "I want to be taken by you and claimed." The lion rumbles out. He looks into Gurak's eyes and growls, almost dominantly.

The orc blushes again and chuckles. Hands moving from the lion's sides to his rump, each hand cupping a rump cheek and squeezing it, making the lion moan and press back into the touch. "Y, yes like that..." Towen groans out and then slowly scoots forward and up, his member brushing Gurak's stomach as he moves. The lion's hands, one on the orc's shoulder, his other moving back to grip the orc's cock and line it up. He pushes down and back hissing when it doesn't immediately work.

Gurak blushes still and moves his hand up, stroking Towen's cheek. "I uh...I haven't done this before, but I read about it." The lion wasn't sure where the orc could've read about such a thing, but he wasn't going to ask either. The orc continued. "There are two ways to make it easier. One is to uh...bear down, that'll cause you to open up. But, the other is to clench up real tight and hold it for as long as you can."

The lion nods and takes in a slow breath, he chooses to clench up as tight as possible. The orc grins and leans in, kissing over the feline's face repeatedly as his other hand moves to stroke over the feline's back and hip. "There you go. Hold it tight, for as long as you can. Exhale when you relax the muscle, so I know." He whispers, his hand resting on the lion's rump, his tip nudging that virgin pucker every so often, the touch making it clench up tighter when he did. Of course, Gurak would then flex his arousal, just to tease the lion.

Finally, the moment came when the lion exhaled, and the orc gripped that lion's rump and pulled him down while thrusting his hips upward. The suddenly tight orifice relented and his orcish shaft penetrated several inches. He moaned, and Towen hissed in pain as they held tight and still while they adjusted. Gurak's heartbeat was felt through that dick too. Towen could feel it twitch.

Several moments passed, as neither moved, but the warmth between them was growing. "T...that's the feeling I've wanted," Towen whispers as he presses his face in against the orc's neck. "To be yours." He groans and he felt that lion dick twitch against his stomach again.

Gurak grinned and nodded lightly. "My big, strong knight, guardian of my seed." He snickers, kissing the lion's cheek. "Well, I suppose I should give you some seed to guard, hm?" Gurak's hands held the lion's rump gently as he started to rock his hips, drawing his length back out of the lion slowly, before sinking it inside. Pushing deeper into the feline on each stroke.

Towen could only moan at first, till he acclimated to the feeling of the orc inside of him. It was a world of pleasure, so intense he didn't have words to explain it. "Y-yes, I'll be your knight. J...just please don't stop, breed me, give it all to me." The lion groans out, in almost a slutty manner.

Gurak, blushed slightly still, despite it all, they were both still quite inexperienced, but he kept up his pace for several minutes, though, he couldn't hold out for terribly long.

After a few moments, he slows and leans back, looking at Towen. "I-I'm getting close." He whispers, the lion nods and wraps his arms around the orc, squeezing him tightly.

"T-then claim me properly." Towen rumbles out before he suddenly shudders against the orc. Gurak was about to ask why he had when he felt the feline's backside suddenly clamping down around him and milking him. He groans, and any attempt at words is lost as he can only drive his hips hard against the lion's backside until his length twitched several times within and flooded the lion with orcish seed. The lion's orgasm had made the orc give in moments later.

The pair held each other for several moments after. Catching their breath and basking in the afterglow. Towen was the first to slowly lean back and lick Gurak's face, grinning at him. "W-well I guess this makes me your knight now." He grins at the orc and presses his face in close.

Gurak nods and hugs the feline. "I'll do my best to be worthy of your blade." The orc rumbles out.

Towen grunts and leans back. "My blade?" He chuckles. "You've only sheathed your own in me." He then sticks out his tongue at Gurak and grins playfully. "I suppose I could give you my blade too."

Gurak laughs and moves his hand up, stroking the lion's cheek. "Oh...I uh...haha, I was talking about...your actual blade" He grins. "I dunno if I'm ready to try that, but maybe someday."

Towen nods at that and hugs him. "I'm in no rush. I could do this the rest of my life and be content."

Gurak perks an eyebrow and grins. "You sure?" He lifts his hips and moves his length, still within the lion. Causing the feline to moan. "I got at least another round in me."

The lion then grins and nods. "Yeah. I said I wanted it all earlier, didn't I?" Towen chuckles and leans in, kissing the orc affectionately as their bodies start to move in unison again.

They made love three more times that night. Once more in the tub, then once they'd got out, on all fours, on the bed, and then one last time, face to face, missionary, the last time was full of the most passion and slow lovemaking. Eventually, though, they did manage to fall asleep. Though the orc remained hilted within till he went soft.

Hours later, Towen and Gurak awoke in the morning. They'd spent a long evening together, way into the morning hours. When Gurak awoke, he went to bathe properly. The night's events left him a bit sweatier than when they'd come in, after all. The orc felt quite refreshed after a thorough cleaning. The bathhouse lived up to its name, besides the obvious adult nature it was used for, they had a good offering of cleaning supplies. The orc, for the first time in his life, smelled like something other than himself.

Towen awoke a little while later, Gurak was eating the breakfast that had been brought around to each room. He'd tipped with a gold coin, causing the woman who brought the meal's face to light up like nothing he'd ever seen. Did he perhaps overpay? He didn't know how money worked, he'd never interacted with anyone else in this world, and buying things back home in the village wasn't something he was personally used to. His parents bought or traded for everything, he just did what was asked of him. Perhaps it would be a good idea to learn the value of things here, now that he was on his own.

After helping Towen scrub his back properly, and a little light fondling and teasing between the pair. A few soft kisses and a warm embrace. The pair dried themselves and dressed. Heading out of the establishment. The sun was already up when they made it out into the streets. He needed Towen to lead him back to the inn. Rulu was sitting at a table, eating breakfast when the pair arrived. They sat and joined him, though neither ate much after having had a hearty breakfast at the bathhouse already.

Once Rulu's stomach was sated. Towen looked at the pair and smiled. "I'll show you to the adventurers guild, and the merchants guild, maybe the smithing guild too, if you'd like. I'm afraid I'm due to go back to work today, so I can't give you the full tour." Gurak nodded and smiled.

"I think I can get by. Just give me directions to the adventurers guild and I'll take it from there. I'm perfectly capable after all. I might not know the price of things, but, I'm decent in a fight. Just uh, if I get in trouble, bail me out." Gurak laughed softly. The lion huffs and waves his hand dismissively.

"Fine, fine. Rulu, stick with him at least for the day. You know the city almost as well as I do, and I'm worried about someone trying to grab you again. So, for me, please just for today." Rulu grumbled but nodded his head.

"Just for today Towen. It was a total fluke. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, that's all. Would never happen again! I'll stick around today, then I'll head back to the inn we usually stay at after that, okay?" Rulu grumbled at his overprotective brother. Towen smiled softly, and nodded his head to his brother, the lion making a slight bow to the pair, before he headed out of the inn, to get to his post, while Rulu and Gurak sat at the table, chatting a little more. While sitting and chatting with Rulu, Gurak learned that they were new to town as well. They'd barely been here a week before tragedy had struck with Rulu's kidnapping. Towen had already been inducted into the knights and was stationed here in town. They hadn't even found a home yet. Towen was staying in the barracks and Rulu at a local inn.

Gurak and Rulu spent the morning chatting, learning of the history of the town, and its place as a stopping point for most adventurers headed to more fruitful locales. Once Rulu had finished his breakfast, something that looked akin to sausage and eggs, Rulu led Gurak to the local adventurers' guild.

The pair stepped inside, and the woman behind the counter, an older female dwarf smiled warmly to the pair. "Welcome back Rulu, is this your boyfriend?" She grins and bounces his eyebrows.

Rulu hissed at her and shook his head. "What!? No, NO! This is just the guy that rescued me." He snorts softly and turns his head aside, looking embarrassed despite the truth behind the statement.

Gurak approached and smiled, offering his hand. "Good morning ma'am. I'm Gurak, I'm from the northern orcish settlement. I was hoping I could register as an adventurer and get a little information."

She looked at Gurak and reached out, shaking the hand firmly. Her hand was hard and calloused, clearly from years of hard work, and not from working behind a counter her whole life. "Welcome to Vrose, Gurak of the northern orc settlement." She smiles warmly. "My name is Lily. So first of all, I'll need to fill out some paperwork, and then, we'll grant you a copper rank plate. It's like a necklace, you keep it on your person at all times, and it has a minor enchantment that keeps track of what you've accomplished. Also, in the...unfortunate circumstance something happens to you, it'll notify us of your passing, and location" She watches Gurak. "If you take it off, it'll react the same as if you'd died. That's why you mustn't take it off." She then gestures to Rulu, who lifts one out from under his shirt and shows it to Gurak, it was copper,

Rulu had only joined a few days ago, just before being nabbed, it seemed. That would explain how Towen was able to find him so quickly.

Gurak nods his head though and smiles. "Ahh, I'm afraid I probably don't know how to read or write in common." He admits. "But I speak it fluently, at least." Which was true. She didn't seem to mind and went about gathering the paperwork needed.

It was about an hour of questions, his parents, and his home, she was quite shocked to hear that elves had attacked and razed the settlement. She promised to send a party up to investigate it thoroughly, this was certainly a grave matter, and despite Gurak's minor celebrity status as a hero of the hour, the rescuer of the kidnapped just a day before, she wasn't willing to take him at just his word. She'd need proper proof from a third party. Gurak, to his credit, offered a few gold pieces as a reward for the investigation, which she happily accepted. It was likely more than the quest was worth, but it meant a lot to Gurak, so she wasn't going to deny him.

Now, with the paperwork out of the way, there wasn't much else to take care of. The dwarven woman comes back over with what looks like a metal card. She offered it to Gurak and when he went to pick it up, she stopped him. "Just be sure you don't take it off, even when you bathe. It won't be damaged by a little water or blood. If you lose it, we can't replace it, having two of the same person's identity running around messes with the magic used to track plates, we aren't sure why, but it does." She shrugs gently and slides over a pin. He pricks his finger easily enough, a small drop of flood rushes through the opening and he presses his digit to the metal card. It glows faintly, then returns to normal. "There we go, Mister Gurak. You are officially a 'Copper' adventurer. You can take up to one rank higher than you are in quests. After a certain number of quests. Higher rank counts as two points, normal quests count as one point, and quests beneath your rank, don't count at all, not towards ranking up, at the very least. You start at the bottom, copper, and work up through tin, iron, steel, and so forth. Most adventurers make it to steel or silver and that's as far as they go. But there are ranks above silver. There are ten ranks in total. If you climb up higher, I'll tell you more about'm."

Lily smiled as she spoke, the smile lines on his cheeks made even more evident when she did so. Gurak though had a question before she explained further. "Don't you want a list of my...stats or skills or anything?"

The dwarven lady shook her head. "Honestly, that's none of our business. If we kept a record of that, and it got stolen, it could be used against you later on by someone. So we don't keep any record of skills or stats. We don't even keep record of your elemental affinities, we only concern ourselves with race, history and rank. The history is mostly to let us know where you came from. Your deeds are all that matter here."

The female dwarf continued. "But, for now, you're copper. I will, however, give you a little bump, since you did break up the ring of kidnappers outside of the city. So you'll start with basically a copper and a half rank. That's technically an iron-level quest, and you shouldn't have done it, but no use crying over completed quests. I'll just give you the credit for having done it, and call it a day. There are no minimum requirements for being a member. There is a once-a-year fee for a silver coin, however, new members don't have to pay that fee when they initially join. But next year, if you want your membership to remain active, you'll need to pay a single silver coin."

Gurak nods his head and digs into his pouch, he pulls out a coin, gold, and offers it to the lady. "Can I just pay for a few years in advance?" He asks as he slides over the coin.

She looks at it and chuckles. "Ahh, well, it's not normal, but, sure. I can jot it down you paid in advance." She looks at the coin, then at him. "Did you want...change? Or am I to take the whole gold coin?"

Gurak nods. "The whole gold coin." Was the reply that followed.

She scratches her head and laughs. "Ahh, okay then. A full hundred years in advance it is then." She laughs and shakes her head, but jots something down in a book. Gurak's metal card, still lacking a chain glowed briefly when she did. "There, it's marked in the books and on your plate. 100 years in advance dues paid." She shakes her head and laughs. "Let me get a chain for your plate, and then you can slip it on and start looking around the quest board or town."

Rulu was sitting in the main entry area, it wasn't quite a tavern, but it had seating and such for folks waiting for someone else to arrive. People could bring their meals and drinks and have gatherings there, but mostly, it was just used as a waiting area for the rest of the party to show up.

Gurak came out, wearing his shiny new metal tag, bloody fingerprint on the back, dried and everything. He smiles as he waves to Rulu and sits down across from him. "Hey, uh, Rulu....can I ask you something? I don't mean for it to come off as rude." The lizardman looks up from a book he was reading. He slips in a bookmark and closes the book before setting it down, nodding at the orc.

"You and Towen aren't....I mean you don't exactly look...." He gestures with his hand, and Rulu's face splits into a grin, as he starts to laugh softly.

"Is that all?" Rulu asks before he sets the book on the table. "We're not blood-related if that's what you are referring to. I was orphaned pretty young, don't remember my parents. Just Towen's. His mom and dad took me in, since they were part of a merchant caravan, we didn't stay anywhere for long, but, lizardfolk like myself are uncommon, to say the least. Fellas with fur all over are normal, but scales seem to be...popular, among certain crowds. Not sure why, you'd think they'd be repulsed by it being someone's skin but....some people." He shrugs softly.

Gurak nods and smiles at him. "Ahh, okay. Sorry if it was weird. I just...I've lived my whole life in an orc village, I've never really met any other races till just a day ago." Rulu nods his head softly.

"No harm was done, and I appreciate you asking, rather than just assuming things. Knowledge is the sharpest tool you can have in your pouch. It's always better to ask than to guess."

Gurak nods and smiles in return. "I agree. Anyway, what's next on the agenda?"

Rulu lifts the book and puts it into his backpack, before lifting it onto his shoulder. "Well, how about I give you a thorough tour of the city, it should take about half the day. We can hit up all my favorite local places. The caravan we're a part of is probably set to take off soon, Towen's gonna be living here for now, I'm not sure why he picked this town in particular, but, we stop by here every six months or so. So we'll see each other at least twice a year."

Gurak nodded and smiled, he was glad to hear the pair wouldn't be separated for terribly long. He'd never had siblings, either in his last life or this one, so he couldn't sympathize with losing touch with a sibling. He gets up from his seat though and, with Rulu leading the way, the pair walks through the city, taking their time to look around. Rulu showed Gurak all of his favorite places. The best shops for food and supplies. Where weapon and armor shops were located if he needed new gear or repairs.

After a few hours of walking around. Gurak felt they were being followed by someone. He didn't think anything of it. But he kept his attention focused on behind him when he could. The pair were talking down a street, it was fairly late now, and the sun was setting, it was then that a pair of individuals came out of the alleys and stood in front of the pair. When Gurak turned around to go the other way, he was met by three individuals, all wearing cloaks as well. Rulu scooted in against Gurak and looked concerned. "So uh...maybe I was...a little hasty in thinking I didn't need you to stick around". Gurak nodded his head gently.

"It's okay Rulu, I won't let'm take you this time." Gurak reached down and unclasped his axe, it spread out to full size, and he detached one of the axe heads. Facing the three opponents. Rulu was facing the pair.

"I'm not good in a fight," Rulu admits. "But, I'll do my best. I've seen what you can do, but don't overdo it here, guards don't care if it's bandits, murder is murder."

"You weren't supposed to get away, lizard. Your hide is worth more than a hundred gold. We'll sell you to someone else this time, makes no difference to us, we get paid no matter how many times we catch ya." One of the cloaked individuals said, their voice, distinctly feminine, and from in front of where Gurak was facing.

Gurak grunted, there goes that idea. He could just main them a little, probably. Worst case, he could heal them enough to survive till guards came. He turns to Rulu and gives a nod of his head before he lobs the axe head, he throws it wide, intentionally trying to avoid hitting any vitals on the three he faced. The first one he met head-on, since he couldn't go for a killing blow, he used the bottom of the haft to catch the assailant in the gut, followed by an uppercut of the same piece. Clocking the first on the chin and knocking him flat backward. The next two worked in tandem, a coordinated, practiced attack. Gurak blocked the first sword with his shield, his axe blade catching the second sword wielder's attack.

The pair didn't hesitate though and deflected both his shield and axe, then caught him in the chest with their shields, knocking him back several feet and the wind out of him. He looked over his shoulder. One of the attackers was on the ground, groaning in pain, so Rulu must've taken one out, but neither was anywhere to be seen. He cursed under his breath and waited as he looked at the pair. He carefully directed his axe as it returned, and caught one of the attackers in the back. It didn't lodge itself deep, but deep enough that it knocked the assailant flat on his chest, with the blade sticking out of the wound, as it was slowly bleeding out around the axe itself. The final attacker cursed in a language Gurak didn't recognize, before turning and darting off. Gurak desperately wanted to chase them down, but finding Rulu was much more important than worrying about one who escaped.

Gurak made sure to remove the axe head from the second attacker's back and heal him up enough so that the bleeding stopped. He'd be sore, and likely wouldn't be getting up for a bit, but he wasn't in danger of dying anymore, at least.

It was then that Gurak heard the clang of metal against metal. Up on the rooftop, about 5 stories up, he saw the silhouette of 2 individuals, one cloaked, the other with a lizardlike tail. He'd hoped this was Rulu, they were several buildings down, so he couldn't make out any significant details about either.

However, his relief turned to terror as one of the individuals suddenly gave a hard shove, and the other started to fall. Gurak's heart was pounding in his head. His legs immediately started to move. His axe locked back together and shrunk down as he sprinted, as hard as he physically could.

Each moment felt like it lasted longer than the last. His eyes take in the view of the individual slowly falling. All Gurak could think was, that he needed to get there, he needed to be faster. His wind magic wasn't enough to get him there, but he called on it anyway. Channeling it with full force into his legs, and his feet to get him moving faster. Little ripples of wind came off of him as the magic took effect, but not enough to do what he needed. It was faster, but not fast enough for his liking.

He felt his body become almost weightless, his steps faster, the sound of his feet hitting the cobblestone under him. With each step, he was suddenly closer, he didn't care about collateral damage, or the attackers anymore, he had to save Rulu. That's all that mattered.

A sudden burst of wind magic at his back, gave him the speed he needed, within just a few heartbeats, of his rapidly racing heart, he was near enough and jumped, as hard as he could, his arms caught the falling individual and he hurtled forward. He did his best to stop, he had never used so much of his power for wind magic before, afraid of the consequences to his body. Sure he could use it to run faster, or maybe even fly if he tried hard enough, but wind burn was a very real concern, and he hadn't devised a countermeasure for it yet. So slowing down, after catching the falling lizardfolk was difficult. He didn't do a great job of it. He turned, slid, and impacted a wall with his back, cracking it in a few places, but the brunt of the damage was to himself, not the lizard he'd managed to save.

Though, once he was able to focus, he realized he was looking into the eyes of an elf. A faint familiar glow radiated off the elf for the briefest moment. From a distance, he wasn't sure which was which, and he'd reacted thinking Rulu was the one shoved off. The elf almost snarled and flailed to pull away. Gurak of course, only tightened his grip, the elf struggled, punched, and even bit him a few times. But he didn't let go. That meant whoever was on the rooftop, was likely Rulu and he was safe. Gurak sighed in relief but didn't relax his grip in the slightest.

Gurak held the elf, for as long as he could. He heard the clatter of armor, hopefully, that was guards coming to check on all the noise. He looked up and swore he saw a familiar face before his strength gave out and darkness engulfed him.

Gurak awoke with a slight jerk. He was in an unfamiliar bed. Rulu was sitting beside him. He blinked slowly and looked at the lizardman. Rulu smiled softly. His dark-scaled features split into a wide, white-toothed grin. "Thank the gods, you stupid orc. You nearly killed yourself saving that damn elf. He wouldn't have died from the fall." The lizardman said with a soft snort, then a laugh.

"I'm glad you are okay." Rulu followed up with. "The healers did what they could. You'll probably be sore for another day or two they think." He smiles softly. "Damn, idiot. When you started running, I didn't expect wind magic, shook houses all down the street, you got everyone's attention with that. Thankfully, guards came almost as soon as you were blacking out. They caught three of them. The fella I knocked out, the guy you hit with the axe, and the one you were holding."

Gurak slowly sat up and the room spun when he tried. He laid back with a soft grunt. "Whoa, whoa, you took a hard hit Gurak. Lay back, and take a minute to catch your breath. You weren't in danger of dying, but you'd knocked the crap out of yourself with that move. Dunno how you managed to keep hold of that elf. But now we have some people behind bars. But they got three of'm. The elf was terrified, and he broke almost immediately and started talking as soon as the guards came. Confessing, giving names, all that stuff. Towen was one of the last to show up, but he talked to the captain and vouched for us at least, and with the elf giving up everything, he let us rest here in the barracks till you were on your feet. But once you're up, it's back to the inn, for bed rest. No arguing." The lizardman says arms crossed as he stares at Gurak.

The orc didn't even try to argue, he just nodded. He took a slow steady breath and pressed his hands to his chest, focusing on healing magic and he could feel where they'd done their best, but most of his wounds weren't fully healed, especially a few fractured bones. A gentle wave of healing magic washes over him. Rulu's eyes were transfixed, surprised by what he saw.

Gurak took in a slow steady second breath and sat up, no more dizzy spell, no ache in his bones or muscles. He stretches out and grins. "Ooh...okay, much better." He grins. "Sorry to worry you Rulu. I....When I saw that figure falling, I thought it was you. And all I could think about was trying to tell Towen I was right there and didn't save you, so I put everything I could into catching you...or at least, I thought it was you." He laughs. "I felt so stupid when I saw that elf's terrified face." He laughs softly. Rulu started laughing too though and they had a good moment between them.

After a few more seconds of that, Gurak slowly stood up and smiled at the lizardman. "I'm glad that you were okay. Towen's an incredible guy, and I'd hate to be on the wrong side of his ire."

Rulu smiles and stands up as well. His face is a faint bit flushed, but he nods. "I'm glad you're okay too. Towen was so worried about you. He'll be glad to know you are okay. I'll let the others know and I'm sure they'll tell him. For now, let's get you back to the inn. I don't care if you were the goddess of light herself, you're still resting in bed." He and the lizardman start for the door when the orc's stomach suddenly grumbles loudly.

Gurak laughs softly. "Well, how about dinner, then bedrest? I haven't had anything since breakfast, and I'm due for it." Rulu nodded his head, he hadn't had anything either, but he was a little more focused on the orc than his own need for food for the last few hours.

The pair talked to the guards, even seeing Towen before leaving. Towen thanked Gurak again, saying he owed the orc more than he could put into words, Gurak of course, waved it away dismissively, he didn't do it for praise, he was just glad both were safe. After a short conversation. Gurak and Rulu headed back to the inn. Got a table and had a large meal. Gurak even paid a whole gold piece for it. Far more than it cost, but he felt like being kind to the innkeeper who had been so kind as to cook them something so late in the evening. Afterward, the pair returned to their shared room and took their beds.

Though, Gurak was awoken by Rulu carefully climbing into bed beside him, in the middle of the night. He didn't say anything, just put his arm around Rulu, and hugged him tightly. The lizardman made a noise and pressed in closer. Feeling the cool scales against his warm green skin was kind of odd, but he didn't dislike it. His body heat warmed up the lizardman in no time at all. He also said nothing about the arousal pressing against his hip, he didn't want to frighten Rulu and make the lizardman feel uncomfortable.