The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War CH 13

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#13 of Perils Of War TLOS (Book 2)

Spyro took another week to recover enough to fly again. He had spent a lot of time with his grandmother, who told him everything about his parents. Michael had returned a few days earlier, informing them that he had managed to kill another dark master without using magic. There were only seven left, Spyro was happy to see an end to the war, even if it was far away. Spyro soared over Faun, enjoying the air currents. Cynder was in front of him, she was leading him to a cool forest she had found. The two dragons landed in the beautiful woods; the massive oaks loomed over them. They played, weaving through the trees, and chasing each other. Spyro enjoyed the exhilaration of chasing his mate, finally able to move without pain. They played for a few hours, then collapsed in a clearing, panting. Cynder rubbed against Spyro, filled with joy.

"I missed having fun with you" She gasped

"Me too" Spyro replied

They heard a twig snap, and looked up to see Michael and Trice walking through the woods. They watched as the two dragons walked up to the oldest tree they have ever seen. Michael tapped on the tree, and it reached down into the ground and pulled out a strange bag full of cores. Michael grabbed the bag and put it in his personal storage. The two dragons could barely hear Michael's voice as they spoke.

"These are the last of their kind in the whole dimension, it would be a shame to use them, but they are needed." He told Trice

"Maybe I could go to a close dimension, and find some of the other ingredients?" Trice asked Michael

"Yes, that would be good." Michael answered

"I'll use another form, but it's going to take me a while." She told him.

"It's going to take me even longer to find the rest of them" Michael replied "I still have to find the two other souls."

Trice sighed. "I want to see my sisters again"

"I know, I do too" Michael replied.

They took off, and Spyro looked over at Cynder.

"They were talking about our parents" Spyro stated

"They're trying to bring them back" Cynder replied "They probably don't want to get our hopes up, that's why they haven't been telling us"

They laid there for a while, napping, then got up and flew home. Spyro was lost in thought, they landed in the square and walked up to Jasper and Lumi.

"Hey" Spyro said

"Hi, just got back from your trip?" Lumi asked

"Yep" Spyro replied.

"Have you seen Camry?" Jasper asked

"We saw him and Layla flying around the market district when we left" Cynder told him

Jasper sighed and rolled his eyes. "They're planning a trip to Fen, Layla wants to introduce him to her father."

Spyro's eyes went wide at that, and he chuckled "Let's hope it turns out better then when we met."

Michael burst through his door, in full armor, and took flight. They watched him fly off with speed, and give each other a confused look. A fortress thumped into view, and they saw the black dot of Michael fly into, then it thumped away.

"He's been busy" Lumi explained "The Dark Authority is getting desperate, they are hiring mercenaries, using different spells, and attempting assassinations."

Spyro shuddered, remembering the attack. He wanted to fight, but Michael wasn't letting him. He looked over to Cynder and smiled.

"Busy dragon" he said

A portal opened on the other side of the square, Trice stepped through it, and it closed behind her. She looked tired, her armor was covered in dirt, she looked like she had been crawling through a mineshaft.

"Where have you been?" Lumi asked

"Searching the Abyssal trench" Trice answered

"Did you find anything?" Lumi replied

"Some things, but not what I was looking for" Trice told him

She shook, knocking the dust and rocks off of her, sending them flying. She nodded to Lumi, and walked into her house.

Spyro talked with the others while Cynder went inside, after a few minutes she called him in for dinner. They sat down together at the table, and ate their meal.

"We need to do some errands tomorrow" Spyro stated

"Yeah" Cynder replied "I barely had any ingredients to make this"

"Do you want to come with or..." Spyro asked, remembering the crowd.

"Sure" Cynder answered "Let's not go to that market we went to last time though"

"Yeah" Spyro agreed

They finished their meal, and relaxed on the couch, Cynder had taken up history books, and had one in her hand she was reading. Spyro was looking through one of the spell books Michael had given him. He was looking through the elements section when he found something.

"Hey, Michael told me that I had a boosted fire element, and it says here that dragons with boosted element powers can not only control their own fire in ways that others can't, but they can also control other sources of fire, which is pretty cool." Spyro told her

"It's kinda hot" Cynder replied, snickering at her pun.

Spyro laughed and turned the page, they relaxed for a few more hours, then went to bed. Spyro took his usual position, curled around Cynder, and laid his head down. His mind kept straying to thoughts of the war, how it was just like many others. Michael's pity had allowed the Dark authority to keep existing, whenever they would back down and stop attacking, Michael would too, declaring victory. Now, Michael seems to be pushing harder than ever, the cursed armies had stopped attacking a long time ago, but Michael's armies are still taking planets, still pushing the lines. He felt Cynder's breathing slow as she fell asleep, then cleared his mind and followed her.

The morning sun shown through their window, making Spyro open his eyes. They were talking about getting better shades, but never went through with it. Spyro looked down and smiled, the sun had shown directly onto Cynder's face, but she was unaffected by it. He watched the glittering of her black scales for a while, enjoying the beauty of her relaxed features. She yawned in her sleep, and snuggled more against him. Spyro spotted Michael out the window, he had taken off his armor, and was talking with Lumi. Spyro watched them talk, Aura landed in the square, and joined them. They talked for a while, one of them laughed occasionally. Torch stepped out of his house and stood on the edge of Michael's. He called to them, and they turned to look at him, he called again, and they laughed. Spyro watched with a confused expression as Charlotte walked out of the smaller house wearing some armor. They clapped and Michael fake bowed. Spyro assumed that he had made the armor. The two phoenixes flew off and Lumi returned to his house. Flame walked out of his house, stretching his wings, he yawned, and looked over at Michael and Aura. He walked over and talked to them. Cynder opened her eyes and yawned again, then looked up at Spyro and smiled.

"Morning" she cooed

Spyro kissed her, and nuzzled her a bit.

"I think they're planning something out there" Spyro said

She lifted her head to look out the window, Ember had joined her mate and was talking enthusiastically.


"Speaking of planning, I asked Michael when your hatchday was" Spyro told her

"You what?"

"He said he would look into it, when I find out what it is, you're going to get the best party ever"

Cynder sighed "There probably isn't anything I can say to change your mind"


"What if it already happened?" Cynder asked

"I'll just throw one anyway, and just tell everybody what day it is" Spyro answered

Cynder playfully slapped him "Don't"

Spyro laughed "Try and stop me"

Their fake serious faces fell apart and they laughed. Much to Cynder's protests, Spyro got up and stretched. He walked out the door and into the kitchen, Cynder could here him cooking, and soon the smell of food pulled her from their warm bed. They ate, and talked about the plans for the day, and packed a lunch in preparation. Michael knocked on the door and Cynder answered.

"Hey" she said, letting him in

"Hello you two, so apparently since Camry and Layla are going to Fen, Ember and Flame also want to visit Warfang for a bit. I'm leaving tomorrow to collect reports on the war, and I won't be back for a few days at least. Everybody else was planning on leaving tomorrow as well. I wanted to make sure you guys would be okay for a week."

"Is everybody leaving?" Spyro asked

"Well, Torch and the others just left to go visit his parents. Lumi and Amber are going to be secluding themselves because of her instincts. Jasper and Samantha will be staying in Warfang while Camry is in Fen. Aura and Trice are coming with me. So, the only people that will be left will be Mary, Jake, Nuri, and the kids." Michael ticked them off

"Wow, it's going to be quiet" Cynder remarked

"I've been speaking to Sam and James, and they want to find Jade, so when I get back, we'll travel to Kanos and start looking" Michael told them, then looked to Cynder "I also sent a team of hunters to find Dawn and Shane, your aunt and uncle have been staying together, but they went into hiding a long time ago and haven't left. But I did hear that Shane found a mate a few years back."

"Good for him" Cynder replied

Michael looked at the small bags they had packed


"Yep" Spyro told him

Michael nodded "Alright I'll go now, If I don't see you later, I'll see you when you get back."

He left, and Spyro looked over to Cynder. "A nice quiet week for us"

Cynder smiled "It should be fun, maybe we can go to one of those royal events."

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Spyro responded

They walked out of the house, and took off towards the market district. They shopped and looked through many stores. Unlike the other markets, the crowds here left them alone. Spyro spotted a stack of magazines, the top one had a photo of him and Cynder on it. He bought the stack and a few others from a very embarrassed shopkeeper and showed one of them to Cynder. She gave him a confused look and laughed. While they were looking at a set of intriguing quills, a small black dragoness approached them.

"Are you Cynder?" She asked

"Yes, I am, and who are you little one?" Cynder lowered her head to look at the young dragon

"I'm Cynder too!" The young dragon wiggled "I was named after you!"

Cynder looked up to Spyro, shocked, he shared her look.

"Where's your mother, or father?" Cynder asked, turning back to her

"She's around there" The black dragon pointed "I came as soon as I saw you"

Just then, a cry was heard through the crowd.

"Cynder, where are you"

The little dragoness turned "Over here"

A very dark blue dragoness ran over. "I was worried sick why are you over here?"

"Look!" The little dragoness pointed at Cynder

The mother looked up and blushed. "Oh, hi"

Spyro could tell that she was only a little older than they were.

"I'm guessing you're a fan" Cynder smiled

"Well... when I laid her, I was trying to think of good names for a black dragoness, and the only one I could think of was you, Cynder." She explained "I'm sorry for bothering you, we'll go now"

"We weren't bothered" Cynder replied "Bye"

Cynder waved at her younger version, who waved back at her. When they were out of view, Cynder turned to Spyro, beaming.

"I wonder how many young dragons are wandering around with the name Spyro" Cynder bumped his shoulder.

"Probably not much, I have seen many black dragons, but so far only one other purple" Spyro replied

They finished shopping, and ate their lunch in a massive community area. They watched the crowd as they walked, shopped, talked, and ate food from the many vendors. There were many people that recognized them, some took photos, but they all kept their distance. Cynder caught Spyro's attention.

"Hey, you see those kids over there, I think they're roleplaying us"

Spyro looked over "Yep, two purple painted ones, a black painted one, and a yellow painted one. Sparx would be happy to hear that. Look, there's even two wolves playing Meadow and Hunter."

"I wonder what they're up to" Cynder replied, watching the kids run and play, laughing

"I don't know, we'll stop by next time were in the area." Spyro told her, then turned to the kids "Want to mess with them?"

Cynder smiled and nodded, they walked up and sat just outside where they were playing, and watched the kids run. They were oblivious to their presence, running and reenacting their adventures. The two dragons watched the kids for a while, Spyro realized that the one roleplaying as him was female, Cynder gave him a funny look. One of their mothers noticed them, and smiled. She was about to say something, then thought better of it, winking at them and returning to what she was doing. After a few moments the kids got tired out, they stopped chasing and were talking about what happened after they defeated Malefor. They each had their own ideas of what happened, and while the dragoness painted as Cynder glanced behind her and jumped when she saw them. She nudged the yellow painted dragon, and he turned to look at where she was pointing.

"Are you two the real thing, or are those really good costumes?" The yellow dragon asked

"Were the real thing" Spyro told them, they gasped "And none of those theories are correct by the way"

"What really happened?" The dragoness roleplaying as him asked

"Well, Michael didn't save us from the explosion, my magic did. We were sent to a very magical place known as the Valley of Souls. Michael was there, in a statue, and I woke him up. He told us all about our history, and our family. He helped us come here, and we had our little mating ceremony. Now where here." Spyro explained

The mother had finished her work, and was waiting patiently for Spyro to finish. When he did, she called them with a smile.

"Kids, time to go"

After a chorus of "Awws" The kids said their goodbyes to Spyro and Cynder, then left. The two dragons smiled at each other.

"Fame has it's benefits" Spyro told her.

Cynder bumped him again, they took off, and flew home. They landed in the square, the setting sun still shining some light on the stone. After unpacking and setting everything in their places, they went into the nest room. Spyro's eyes widened at the massive pile of letters and other mail. They spent the rest of their day reading mail and opening packages. Cynder had moved all of the stuff from the infirmary, except for the flowers. They collected a massive pile of sweets, a bunch of cards, and a surprisingly high number of random gemstones. After they had finished clearing out the mess, they stared at two large piles. One was entirely made up of treasures, and the other was piled high with letters and art. These piles also contained what they saved from the last few piles of mail as well.

"What are we going to do with this stuff?" Cynder asked

"We can take the treasures to the royal vault, and Michael gave us this magic book that can store all of the letters and art." Spyro answered, and retrieved the book.

Storing the art was easy and took about half an hour, Spyro was stunned at the magic, it had taken a massive stack of papers, taller than they were, and put it all into one book. Now all he had to do was think about a certain piece of art or a certain letter and the book will automatically flip to that page. He put the book back into its place, and looked back to Cynder.

"Were definitely famous" he stated

She rolled her eyes at him, and gave him a 'no duh' look. They laughed for a moment, then went to bed.