Tina's Big Mess

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#12 of Patreon

This reward story for one of my Patrons involves a trio of college girls who mess with magic they don't fully grasp and it comes back to bite them in the ass. Results are rather messy and horny. ^^

Tina Martin's day started early and in a very unusual place for the preppy, green eyed buxom redhead. She was at a farm for the first time in her life trying to sneak into the stable. The elderly owner of the farm still wasn't up so it wasn't too hard for her to manage. It was the smell of the inside of the stables that was the rough bit where Tina struggled. She had grown up in the suburbs, not the country, so the foul odors and general state of things had her fighting an urge to wretch. But Tina was nothing if not determined once she set her mind to something. So she pushed through and found the pair of donkeys she had come for.

Using some scissors she brought along with two labeled sandwich bags, Tina clipped fur from the docile jack and jennet. She'd need a handful of either for the ritual she was planning with her friends that night though exactly why she wasn't sure. Many of the spells they'd found included all sorts of strange, far flung ingredients. Tina reminded herself clipping donkey fur was easier than collecting giblets or some bird's innards and was done, off the property and back in her car without anyone, but the donkeys, the wiser.

The trip was planned so that Tina arrived at university in time to shower, change, and go to her usual first class on Thursdays. Tina strolled in with all her nails painted purple, brown sandals, a black sweater, and jeans as well as her backpack and found her best friends, Bryce and Kennedy. They found their seats together in the back of the large, packed lecture hall. It was these two that Tina had been dabbling into arcane, eerie magic rituals ever since they'd come across some torn pages folded and stashed in the book shelves of dusty old part of the university's massive library. They'd be won over when the first spell they tried - done while they were all drunk and fucking around- resulted in each modestly gaining a cup size. So they were eager to see what else they could do.

"You still haven't said if you got what you were supposed to, Tina," complained Kennedy. A spry brunette, Kennedy worked out with Tina and was in athletic shape like her friend. She was petite with a bubble butt like Tina but was a little less adventurous.

"You think I would be smiling if it had gone badly, Kennedy?" gloated Tina. "Clippings from some mated asses collected as well as some wild flowers from the side of the road not far from the farm. That should do nicely for the 'petals of wind born flower' ingredient, right?"

"Yeah, sounds right to me I guess. You know best, Tina," Bryce agreed readily. Which was typical for the slim, curvy blonde who was amenable to most anything. Especially after her modest breasts got an upgrade to better match her rather large, perky butt. Of the three sophomores Bryce was more reserved and thoughtful, but would never go against her friends. She, like Kennedy, was in black yoga pants, sandals, and tight, long sleeved shirts. "Is that everything? Did Kennedy still need to get more candles?"

"I told you I got those last night, Bryce. We should have everything we need to see if the magical banes do as well as the boons," Kennedy said with a devilish smile.

"You know it will, Kennedy," snickered Tina. "It'll be great."

"Like, can you imagine the looks on Amber and Michael's faces when they start acting like a couple of donkeys in the middle of the student union? There is, like, no way they are going to live that down," Kennedy bragged.

"I think the looks on the faces of everyone else is what I'm going to be filming the most with my phone once it goes down. Can't think of any two people more deserving of a little bane in their lives," giggled Tina with her friends joining in.

"Ugh, so happy you suggested those two assholes. I probably would have picked one of our professors because I lack, like, that sort of creativity," said Kennedy.

"Not when it comes to making up your own mixed drinks," Tina playfully teased back.

"That's more science than, like, creativity," replied Kennedy.

"More like a drinking problem," Bryce added as the group joked.

"Like you can talk, Bryce. Have you ever turned down a shot?" Kennedy asked her friend.

"No, it wouldn't be polite," Bryce answered with a wink.

"Can you two focus a little bit for a sec? When did we want this experimental spell anyway? Tomorrow or the weekend you think? Try to catch them at a party?" suggested Tina. She, like the others, paid no attention to the lecture currently being given.

"Do we have to even wait? Why not today? We have class with them later in the afternoon, remember? Sociology? Imagine that happening to them while they're, like, in the middle of class! It'll be perfect," Kennedy suggested energetically.

"Not a bad idea, Kennedy, but where would we be doing this exactly?" Bryce was quick to ask.

"I dunno, like, the bathroom? Me and Bryce's dorm is close but we'd have to book it," suggested Kennedy.

"Or we could stay after in the chem lab and do it there. I have all the ingredients in my backpack including the page for the incantation so we can do it wherever, but it seems like the best choice to me. Place is always deserted after class, we'll have plenty of room, we don't have to worry about setting off any fire alarms, and I don't think there are any other classes after ours in there until tomorrow. Shouldn't take more than ten minutes, right? It's not much more complicated than the last one we did from what I vaguely remember," Tina recalled.

"That'll definitely save some time," Bryce agreed. "I had been wanting to talk to the professor after class about what I could do to bump my grade up some."

"You could try studying once and a while, you know," Tina teased along with nudging her friend with her elbow.

Bryce sighed. "Ugh, I might have to go the way this semester is going," she admitted.

"Well you'll just have to, like, do that next class or something. I wanna bang out this ritual, chill back in our room for a bit, then go see the fruits of our labors in class later. They should be feeling the effects at least, like, a little bit by then, right?" Kennedy asked with a shrug.

"Oh definitely by then. This one is supposed to be more potent than our last experience with our you-know-whats, which took almost a day to fully fill out," Tina clarified while taking note of people looking their way. Mostly for how loudly they were still talking.

"Perfect. You don't think either would chicken out and not go to class once things start getting, like, very, very donkey horny for them?" Kenny asked, also lowering her voice.

"Maybe. But Amber never misses a class and Michael needs it for his major, I think, so they'll probably be here. If not, if they're out somewhere, we just have to follow the crowds. Plus social media will be popping off about it no doubt," Tina giggled at the thought. "Either way, those two are never going to live down acting like a pair of stupid donkeys. Even if it's just for a few hours it'll be be enough."

"We'll see just how powerful these spells are. Love that they'll never even know it was us!" chuckled Bryce.

Several around them shh'ed the trio including a brief stare down from the professor. They read the room and quieted, preferring to imagine what sort of things their victims might do once afflicted.

They'd carry on the conversation via text through the rest of class and the next one. During lunch they chatted more before going back to text after arriving for their chemistry class. Which like always was in one of the university's largest labs. By then the conversation had turned to future spells, incantations, boons, banes, and targets for anything they wanted to test. The possibilities seemed endless. Exactly how the student body would react and if the couple would drop out or transfer schools after the indignity they'd have anonymously gifted upon them.

Class ended and as expected all of the class filed out along with professors and TA's. Leaving the three who had been hanging out in the back of the lab with no one the wiser. They found an end of one of the long lab tables that had the sort of discreet space they needed.

"Okay, we'll do the jobs like last time. Bryce you draw the markings and junk right on the table. Just find some white chalk so it'll show up. Meanwhile me and Kennedy will get the ingredients prepared and make sure we get this incantation down. It's got some weird words in there we might have to just flub," she admitted with a laugh.

"I'm, like, the worst with that stuff," Kennedy disclosed openly.

"Just try to say it like I do. And if it helps, thinking about Amber and Michael in class braying and trying to sniff the other's butt," suggested Kennedy in a serious man that was undercut by her joking expression.

"Ohhh, that's a good idea!" Kennedy eagerly concurred.

Bryce easily found some chalk and was right at work at making the same ritual triangle as before. There were circles at each point which would contain either one of the totems they'd constructed for their victims, Amber and Michael, as well as the hair clippings Tina collected from the donkey pair that morning. Next came the tricky part for Bryce with the writing of the markings needed for the incantation to work at all. What the chicken scratch meant none of the girls knew but Bryce had done it correctly before so she was confident she could again. Certainly that allowed her to make several crucial errors in the all important runes. She finished, discreet errors and all, in under ten minutes. In that time Tina and Kennedy practiced the incantation, pronouncing several key words incorrectly without knowing it, and gathering the things needed to anoint the circle. As well as the all important beeswax candle which they placed at the center once Bryce's job was done.

For the anointing they all participated with Tina sprinkling each reagent while the others directed her where to put it as placement was easy. First came a mixture of sea salt, bone dust, cinnamon, and the ashes of a burned sage followed by the wild flower petal Tina's snatched that morning, and drops of the three's blood that they had previously collected for the first ritual. The blood Tina dribbled sparingly since no one in the group was good with bodily fluids, let alone pricking their fingers to draw out enough blood. Tina's frugality with the blood would only upset the very forces they wished to call upon.

"That should just about do it. Who has the hair clippings?" asked Tina after carefully placing the unlit candle in the center.

"I do," said Bryce, showing the plastic baggy.

"And I have Amber's totem. Yuck, I forgot her picture is on it," Kennedy remarked, sticking her tongue out.

"Perfect. That just leaves... Wait, where is Michael's totem?" Tina asked when she didn't see it anywhere on the table. "Kennedy, I thought it was your job to get the totems?"

Kennedy shook her head. "You said to get my totem from your backpack. So I, like, thought you meant just grab one," she answered.

Tina let a short, sharp sigh. "I told you to get them, Kennedy. Obviously I meant both."

"Obviously not very obvious, huh?" Kennedy retorted stubbornly.

"Fine, then I'll go grab it. Remember we have to place the totems at the same time. Maybe get on the opposite side of the table with Bryce so you're closer to your circle," Tina instructed. An argument with Kennedy was the last thing she wanted.

"Do I have to wait to put the hair down too?" asked Bryce just as Kennedy came over next to her.

"Not for that, Bryce. You can even light the candle if you want. That way we'll be good to go once I'm back," Tina responded.

Kennedy and Bryce gave a thumbs up and waited while Tina walked the few paces to her backpack. In the time it took her to retrieve the totem and start back Bryce had emptied jack and jennet fur into its rightful place. This while Kennedy dug a lighter from her purse for the candle. Just as Tina returned, Bryce took the lighter from Kennedy, bent down, and lit the candle. In an instant the whole ritual went up in black flames, producing a small, muted blast that sent Tina flying backwards from the counter and her friends, who were also sent tumbling back. After the initial stunned shock wore they all got back up and found themselves uninjured aside from some bumps from the fall. Some singed, smoking clothing, mussed hair, and burning in their noses was the only ill effect. That and some bruised pride.

"What the hell happened?" Tina was the first to blurt out.

"I have no idea! Kennedy was just lighting the candle like you said and then, boom!" a shaken Bryce recalled.

"Exactly! Something must have gone wrong!" exclaimed Kennedy who was checking her hair for any damage.

"Yeah, but what? We didn't even get to the incantation. Now it's all gone," huffed Tina as they all came to stand around the botched ritual.

"Not all gone. We still have the totems," Bryce pointed out.

"Silver lining I guess but that means no bane or any magic until I can get back out to the farm. Might bring you two this time so I don't have to make that drive out to the country alone," Tina said as acceptance set in.

"Damn it! I was looking forward to some, like, massive embarrassment later," Kennedy groused.

"Me too," agreed Bryce as she retrieved the Amber totem Kennedy had dropped

All three were frazzled with varied degrees of disappointment. Probably none more than Tina who had gone through so much that morning for it. With everything including the chalk indistinguishable black ash there was nothing to do but clean it up and wash away the evidence in one of the built-in sinks. Once everything was cleaned up and they double checked each other for injury, they left trying to figure out what had gone wrong.

"Maybe the markings were wrong or something. Candle was just like the one we used last time, right?" Tina asked as the group left the science building towards the dorms.

"Yup. I bought the six of them together, was, like, the deal they had, so unless they fucked up making them then, like, I don't think it's that. The lighter shouldn't matter, should it?" suggested Bryce who was rattled by the blast.

"No, that's the same we used last time," Kennedy said. "Maybe you wrote the scribbles wrong, Bryce. You sure they were all exactly correct?"

"They sure looked it to me, so, I don't know. You sure that's donkey hair, right, Tina?" Bryce asked.

"Clipped it from the pair myself, Bryce. Trust me," a frustrated Tina snapped. She was stuck going over what happened in her head and the lack of a clear answer was annoying her.

"Fine, fine. I believe you. I don't know, I guess we'll have to find some time later or this weekend to figure it out. Right now I have to finish some reading before class later, since it's not going to get interrupted by anything fun," Bryce said, trying to lighten the mood.

"So disappointing," Kennedy fussed as she kicked the sidewalk. "Think I'll take a shower to wash up. I don't know why but I feel grimy after that. Like my skin is, like, I dunno, weird. Nothing some hard scrubbing can't take care of."

"Me too. Maybe it's soot or something," Bryce supposed, herself finding a fine, grayish-brown film in places on her skin.

"Now that you mention it, I feel like there is dirt or something on me too. Annoying since I just showered this morning and I haven't done my laundry yet. Might have to borrow a towel from someone else in my building," surmised Tina in a calmer voice. Brought on by refocusing on the now.

"I'd offer one of ours but I think we'll end up using them all on ourselves," said Bryce.

"Honestly wish I could take a bath. Soak this gross out of me," Kennedy remarked, sticking her tongue out.

The three continued chatting until they had to split up, with roommates Kennedy and Bryce going one way and Tina the other. Tina was back to running through the failed incantation in her brain to determine where exactly they went wrong. She'd have a little over an hour to think about it before class so she wanted to have something to suggest when she saw her friends later. Course by the time she actually got back to her room that sticky, stinky grime on her had somehow managed to get worse.

"Fuck, I really am going to need to take a shower after that. Really hope one shower is free at least. Should be this time of day," Tina said to herself as she stepped off the elevator onto the fifth floor. Soon as she did though a worrying ache struck her stomach. In the short time it took to reach her room the small ache bloated into a soreness of her gut and a cramping in her bowels. A cold sweat even had her as she fumbled to unlock her door with her key card. "What the hell has come over me? All I had was a salad for lunch, fuck! There's no reason it feels like, like, like-"

Tina unlocked the door but didn't get beyond grabbing the handle as she released a loud, long, and wet fart that filled the hallway with a rank, wretch-inducing smell. Several smaller but no less unsettling ones followed for a girl who had never even passed gas in public before. She could hear people in other rooms groaning as she pushed her way hurriedly into her room to get out of sight, her flatulence continuing despite herself.

"The fuck is wrong with me? Can't stop, ugh, farting. And why does it smell so fucking bad? Am I dying?" an exacerbated Tina groaned as she staggered about. Her roommate Darcy was thankfully out but that was little comfort to Tina in the moment. Just like the hallway the room was filled with an awful stench that churned the young woman's stomach. She hurried to her nightstand where she grabbed all the medication she could to try and alleviate whatever was afflicting her. Then came lighting as much incense as she could. "Haven't smelled anything this bad at the stables this morning. Fucking yuck! I need to get to the bathroom but everyone is gonna know it was me stinking the place up. Shit," Tina cursed.

For the next twenty minutes it only got worse for Tina with her flatulence getting more pungent as sporadic farts of wildly different volumes kept coming. The gassy feeling in her gut was visibly giving her normally toned tummy a bloated appearance. More troubling was the feeling of the gas in her bowels somewhat solidifying. Both bladder and rectum were filling up, making that fear of the bathroom something that couldn't always be avoided. Tina's stomach and the rest of her organs grew more tender from the persistent cramping as the minutes ticked by, making her desperate for the medicine to kick in.

Such incessant distress made it hard for Tina to focus on much else that could be going on in her body. An aching at the base of her spine was easy to mistake amid the sometimes violent bouts of flatulence she'd have. The bump this aching produced was hard to notice when Tina was rocking back and forth cradling her stomach in her arms. A touch of growth around the tips of her ears which steadily elongated them with a subtle equine appearance showing as the sides widened. This had Tina's usually slender ears sticking out from her frazzled red hair. None of it enough at the twenty minute mark for her to notice that her problems weren't confined to an apparent stomach virus.

A dire need to relieve herself was beginning to outweigh Tina's shame of being caught. So she slowly sat up, wincing as she did, and got to her feet. "Oh my fucking god, this is the worst fucking cramping ever. Have to get to the bathroom," Tina hated to admit. She hobbled to the door trying to keep her legs close together when she caught a glimpse in a mirror of what had happened to her ears. "Are those-?" Tina asked in disbelief as she tentatively tugged at her misshapen ear. Confusion quickly morphed into a freak out. "They're real! They're real and they're growing? Shit, shit, shit! How is this happening? How could this have happened? How could- wait... Oh no. Oh no, no, no, fucking shit are these, donkey ears!? No, that can't, can't- fuck, I need a bathroom."

Tina's frantic thoughts trying to unravel the rather obvious cause were interrupted by the strong need to relieve herself as her bowels were clenched as hard as she could. She hurried the rest of the way to the door intent on making a run for the bathroom down the hall. That was derailed when she heard at least two girls outside in the hall talking.

"I don't know, it started maybe a half ago? Either wafted in from outside or maybe a sewage pipe broke," one girl answered with what sounded like her hand over her nose and mouth.

"I just came from outside and it does not smell like fucking horse shit out there," replied the other girl in disgust.

"Then I hope someone called an RA or maintenance or something. I am not staying in a dorm that smells like a gross barn, I know that for sure," restated the first girl. They sounded like they were standing just outside the doors of the toilets and showers which kept Tina sweating as she waited for any kind of opening.

"At least they don't know it's me. Have to keep it that way," Tina reassured herself quietly. Her eyes were closed, forehead against the door for stability, and her lower body was trembling. A faint sense that her anxiety would be gone if she relaxed and didn't worry so much. The counter-intuitive urge didn't overpower her but it tempered her without Tina knowing the source.

"I was going to take a shower but I won't feel clean until that stink is gone," the first girl stated unequivocally.

"Right? I feel so fucking disgusting right now just smelling it. If this someone's idea of a prank it's not funny," the other scoffed.

"Whatever sort of prank involves manure in the building should get someone expelled. Especially if they find any actual fucking shit in this place, they might as well burn it all down cause it'll feel really clean, ya know? I know my mom will be pissed when I tell her," the first said scornfully.

"Ugh, pissed," Tina moaned softly as the word stuck with her. It caused something in her mind to heed the notion and before Tina could stop herself relaxing her bladders. A wet stain grew in her crotch and spread down her inner thighs as Tina deliberately peed herself. As a puddle of it developed under her the acrid, inhuman smell of the urine snapped Tina out of her stupor. "What in the fuck am I doing?" whimpered the woman who even aware of herself couldn't stopping urinating.

"Whatever or whoever it is, they gotta fix this before I get back from the library or I'm gonna be livid," commented the second girl, her voice trailing away as she moved away down the hall.

"I hope so too. I have to go wash up quickly then get to my psyche class. I really hope this stink isn't fucking stuck to us now. It's-" the girl paused a moment, gagged with revulsion, then continued, "It's gotten worse somehow. Almost like, piss? Yuck! I can't take it. I gotta go. I'll see you later!" she shouted down the hall to the other.

"Ew, piss? I'm leaving before I can smell that. Later, hun! Stay clean!" hollered back her friend.

Tina winced sharply when she heard the bathroom door open and close. Depriving her of any chance for anonymity to relieve herself before Tina's big mess got really out of hand. She had not been able to stop herself pissing until it was down to a trickle. By then the vinyl tiling under her was covered in a large puddle that both reached her roommate's rug and under the door. The latter Tina noticed when it was too late.

"No, no, no! This cannot be happening to me right now. My luck cannot be this bad," Tina gently wept to herself. The aching in her ears had continued to shape them into longer, protruding, and more equine ears all this time. By the time she thought to check them again there were also many coarse hairs up and down its length. She also reached back to a soreness that's been budding for a while at her backside not expecting to find three inches of still growing down slithering into her piss soaked panties. "Fuck, really? A tail? I really can't be turning into a, a, a donkey, could I? Why would this even happen? What could have- shit. The ritual? But, how?"

Realizing the source of her plight didn't do anything to stop the dire situation Tina was in. Her asshole was sore from how hard she had been clenching and possibly more but the real issue was the crap she felt queuing up inside her. It added to the very real size she had packed on around her waist, ass, hips, and belly that stuck out all made her soiled jeans feel several sizes too small. And it was getting worse it seemed as every noxious fart that eked from her backside risked her having shitting her pants to her list of low points for the day.

"I, I gotta get out of here. I need to find, somewhere private where I can, relieve myself. Have to find Kennedy and Bryce and see if I'm the only one with problems here. Need to, get this, fixed f-f-fast," a quaking Tina told herself in an attempt to see a way out of this trouble. Much as she wanted to just leave the stench and mess in her room, her pants were soiled beyond recovery, along with her panties, and she would have to change first. So Tina gathered herself with some deep breaths and then moved away from the door, unsuccessfully avoiding stepping in her donkey piss. But in just a few steps she had to stop. Leaving her hunched over in the middle of the room face beat red with sweat as she felt her butthole relaxing open. Her need to stop herself being undercut by a basic bestial instinct. One that told her that donkeys don't care where they relieve themselves. "No, no, no! It's coming, I can't can't... stop, myself... Maybe if I just let a little out... I'll feel, better."

With Tina's shame and dignity wavering between human and animal there was some sense left. Enough to get her ruined jeans and panties down somewhat when partially solid donkey turd flooded out behind her. Tina let her pants fall to the ground so she could put both hands over her nose and mouth in disgust at what she was doing. A messy pile of turds spilled over the floor, staining the carpet, and spreading over her discarding ill fitting clothes. Any relief was fleeting with how things were going.

Unable to stop herself, Tina shuffled forward slowly until she reached her dresser. Turds trailed behind her along with her growing tail springing free at last. More subtle changes to that region of her backside had caused Tina's fatter ass cheeks to separate. Revealing that the woman's anus had puckered into a dark equine one already. A sight that was unseen by Tina since she was trembling at her reflection in the vanity mirror on top of the dresser. Seeing how much her ears had changed since the last time she glanced in a mirror minutes before. Tina thought maybe her nostrils were getting bigger and her teeth more bucked too, but she couldn't be sure she was just delirious. Her bowels were slowly emptying but the changes they accompanied persisted.

As Tina pushed out the last of the unbelievably large amount of manure she had managed to pull out a pair of jeans with a similar look but could actually stretch. She also took out a shirt she never much liked and unceremoniously wiped her ass with it. Tina's face soured when she felt her enlarged equine butthole but it took several more shirts to wipe down her urine soaked feet. Her sandals could be recovered and her sweater was loose enough to cover her protruding belly so Tina figured she just had to wriggle into her jeans and, with her bowels no longer troubling her so much, she could finally get out of her room.

Tina tried to put her pants on standing up but was undone by her thickening midsection. Not wanting to fall back into her own mess she shuffled to her bed. There she tried sitting down on the edge of the bed but that didn't work either. On back was her last resort so she moved into position, pinching her tail. "Ow! Stupid, fucking thing! I fucking hate, hate, haaaeeeeEEEEE-HAWWWWW!"

The unexpected sickly bray twisted her words and forced itself out of her mouth, tugging her forward violently. Now sitting up on the bed Tina couldn't believe such a real sounding bray could come out of her. A soreness in her throat lingered but was dwarfed by the level of embarrassment Tina felt. With the bray echoing in her ears and head she lowered her head and shielded her face trying to hide from the shame. She didn't say it but scolded herself internally for ever having dabbled in magic at all. She of course also blamed her friends for encouraging this and the university for even having such things in their library. Reason told Tina she wanted her friends unaffected by magic so they could fix her, while spite had hoped they were in the same dire straits.

"They certainly deserve it," Tina stated as she tried to get back to her task. She opened her eyes and meant to look up but caught a glimpse of something worrying around her slit. A similar dark, leathery flesh that puckered her anus had spread up her taint to darken her vulva and labia. Additionally, unusual swelling had her slit appear like a sealed mound with a seal as part of a mound while another puffed out and shaped sat stop where her clit had been. The radiating arousal from the spot reminded Tina of a clit but the more she stared the worse it got. "What in the ever loving fuck is happening to my cunt? Why does it look like that? Feel like that? And why isn't it stopping," she whimpered in utter disbelief.

The uncomfortable answer came as the leathery dark, formless mounds matured and gained unstintingly recognizable forms. Tina watched the mass atop her throbbing clit elongated into a cylindrical shaft with a flared tip. As it neared six inches bulging veins, puffing glans, and a faint mottled coloring set in followed by mounding, gray-black flesh at the hilt. Tina knew what it was. Same went for the lower mound with its two swelling orbs within.

"A f-f-fucking cock? And balls? No, no, no, no! It's getting bigger and, and ooohhhhhh, why does it feel g-g-good?" admitted Tina through trembling lips. Despite the dread of what having a donkey jack's penis, scrotum, and testicles meant, the sensations and scattered urges the new organ stoked a euphoric, equine-tinged sexual lust in her. A lust that she couldn't help herself from enjoying. Remembering her pants and with no way to stop the changes Tina attempted again to get them back on. "Have to get help before this gets worse. This feels so so wro-aaaWWWWW-EEEEH HAWWWW!"

Rather than let further brays out Tina rushed getting her pants on. She had to bury her sensibilities to stuff those engorging genitals into her jeans. Handling them roughly didn't prevent the brief contact turning Tina on more. It was a tight fit but she managed to get them close to her waist before her hips and ass proved too wide. Tina also had to stow her over foot long hairy tail in her pants making things a very tight fit. But it was good enough in Tina's frazzled mind so she got back to her feet.

Tina had the wherewithal to grab her phone and backpack as she waddled towards the door. Her legs shook the whole time, making putting her sandals back on tricky. It made navigating the mess she made everything truly impossible. She settled for just not stepping in any turds while nearing the door. Pausing only to check herself out in the mirror, front and back.

"Okay, I don't look t-to bad. No one will, will... HAWWW! HEE HAWWWW! Damn it. Have to hurry. Find KennedyyeeEEEEH and BryyyeeEEEEH-HAWWW!" Tina brayed repeatedly. So she abandoned speech to check her phone. She found dozens of texts and missed calls from Kennedy and Bryce, all panicked as they too were becoming donkeys. Blurry pictures of their ears, tails, and uncomfortably familiar piles of turds helped paint the picture of her friends' similar issues. The very last texts from them, mostly from Bryce, said they were going to class and to meet them there if she was still able.

With only a quick listen into the hallway to make sure it was clear, Tina lumbered out of her room only to hurry back in when she noticed her ears were rather conspicuous. The quick fix was a workout headband and using her long hair to cover what she could. Once they were masked about as well as she had hidden as the massive equine bulge in the front of her jeans. It was good enough for Tina and she was out the door for good this time.

She went right to the elevator and smacked the down button. The stagnant smell of manure still hung in the air to remind Tina how bad things had gotten. A gurgling deep in her bowels gave birth to gas that was bubbling up just as the elevator doors slid open. "Empty. Some luck for changeeEEEH HA- no!" she huffed, pushing down a bray for a change. She hit the ground floor as well as the close door button in rapid unison, urging, "Faster, faster!"

The elevator got under way and instead of lurking down it continued up. Tina's heart jumped. She watched the numbers go up to the seventh floor. The door opens to a pair of chatting guys who enter and immediately side eye Tina. Standing awkwardly in the corner with her hands trying to cover her crotch she stood out. They said nothing to her but huddled the opposite side of the lift as the door shut and they descended.

Loud gurgling noises from Tina's gut drew the guy's attention and had them whispering. Tina kept herself in the back corner, head down, just trying to get through without letting the massing gas in her ass out.

"Hey Tina," one of the guys who recognized her.

"Oh, hey T," acknowledged the other.

Tina could bring herself to look at them to answer with how flush she felt. "HeeEEEEH-" but the short reply proved too much. Instead just shutting her mouth and wondering why she never noticed how slow the elevator was before. She wanted nothing more to just have a moment to relax.

The two men grew visibly ill when the stench of manure filled the lift with its source rather clear to them. Their whispers were not so quiet now and spoke such stinging things that she tried to ignore. But knowing that they knew who she was left her ready to make a break for it as the elevator reached the ground floor. When it did Tina pushed past the two guys and made for the door with every step.

"Oh fuck, look! She shit her pants!" one of the guys shouted after Tina.

"She did! So nasty! Looks like trying to smuggle turd apples!" taunted the other followed by a camera flash.

That was enough to get Tina to pause a moment to check herself, thinking one of her farts had betrayed her. She could have died of embarrassment when she saw massive brown stains and the smelly lump of donkey turds causing the seat of her jeans to sag. In the shock she pushed even more manure out along with a few repulsive farts. Drawing the further attention of the other students just passing in the hallway. Tina could feel the eyes on her so booked it for the side door without looking back.

Once outside the changing woman kept going but was hampered by the bulging loads in the front and back of her despoiled jeans. So she limped along, trying to keep to the trees and bushes along the footpaths that lead away from the main dormitory quad. Clumps of manure from either down a leg or that spilled over the waistband traced her path which did have as its end point at her sociology class where her friends would be waiting. At least probably since Tina was too preoccupied trying to hide to check her phone. It was enough to find a secluded grassy area behind some chest high bushes and under a trio of trees to hide and catch her breath for a moment. She made sure no one was following and double checked no one could see her before dropping her backpack and dropping to her knees.

"This is, baddeeeEEEH HAWWW! HAWWWWW!" Tina bit her tongue rather than let another bray out. Her throat was so rough that she couldn't trust another word wouldn't come out and as brays. It was frustrating but the feeling didn't last long. Not with the steamy hot arousal she was subject to thanks to the friction of her jeans on her hefty set of donkey jewels.

'Everyone saw me. Saw what I did, what I was doing. When I get back to normal I am switching schools to the other side of the country. Other side of the world. Maybe some super remote convent or temple even,' Tina thought while trying to gather her composure. Knowing she'd have to run again, Tina gingerly undid the button on her jeans to let the load in the back spill out. Again the sight made her cringe but the smell was almost normal to her now. 'Have I really gotten used to the smell of manure already? Is this just in my head?'

Tina realized she was more right than she knew with her nose growing prominently. Widening nostrils moved further apart as the nose broadened along its whole length. This spreading of the bridge up to the brow caused her eyes to cross while they moved apart. The pressure this caused around her sinuses and into her cheeks spread steadily to most of her skull though it never caused Tina outright pain so much as it briefly confounded her equilibrium.

Falling to hands and knees allowed her manure stained tail to pop out. It was a little over twenty inches and growing, sported tawny-gray fur for most of its length which also covered much of her lower back and butt. Her ears were completely covered in a similar colored coat of hair which spread down her neck and into her scalp. This came at the cost of some of her hair which had either fallen out or transitioned to a donkey's. Hairs were showing around her lips, chin, and cheeks with no sign of slowing. Wasn't more than a few minutes in her hiding spot and Tina had a visible equine snout.

'It keeps getting worse and I can't even be mad. Too damn horny from this fucking monster of a dick to think straight. Fuck me, the curse was supposed to make those assholes Amber and Michael act like a couple of dumb, simple minded donkeys but I wasn't actually turning them into donkeys! I wasn't that cruel, so why is this happening? Maybe it's some kind of magical irony? I keep my brains and get the donkey body while they get, wait, nothing! Unfair! Fucking evil!' Tina agonized in her head. Still believing that her actions were all those of the human mind. 'Fuck it. Need to let this thing out so I think clearly.'

Tugging down the front of her pants with one hand while bent forward still on her knees Tina had to use her hand grab and pull out her donkey cock. It sprung inconveniently under her sweater but she just reached her hand under to caress her erect donkey dick. At eighteen inches with a black and gray mottled coloring and a girth to rival any stallion the fully formed equine penis went rigid under her, pushing into her bra, tits, and close to her chin. Plucking out either of her baseball sized testicles brought added relief but her hand went right back to her cock. So rather than stem Tina's soaring sexual arousal it had become utterly intoxicating.

'It's so big. Feels, warm...' Tina thought with her wits drunk on jackass hormones while casually stroking herself. Not being able to get one hand around her shaft brought the first smile to her face since her changes had started. It grew to a wide grin with brays and farts escaping in equal order as things rapidly escalated. Smelling her own precum added greatly to the lurid desires and images acting out in her head. 'Feels good. Feels better if I could find a cunt,' she wished as her hips bucked and trusted forward.

In a matter of seconds the dripping of cum became spurts then thick ropes as the orgasm hit. "HAWWWWWW! EEEEEH-HAWWWWWWW!" Tina brayed without a care about being heard. It was the jackass in her that wanted to vocalize how thrilled it was. Didn't matter that massive load all emptied on the inside of her sweater and all over her tits and stomach. A big mess was worth the indulgent euphoria her donkey jack orgasm gave in the moment.

The intense bestial orgasm drained Tina in more ways than one. She rolled over onto her back after removing her sticky sweater and spread her legs to let her depleted and sore donkey balls recover. Taking the time also to catch her breath and runaway thoughts. To her it took a couple minutes but she was back to normal wits and remembering that she needed to reach her friends. Tina pushed herself to get back up and with the help of one of the trees actually did it. 'You got this. You can do it. You're strong. You're tough. You're strong. You're virile. You got this,' she thought to reassure herself. Not noticing her dulled reasoning or wholesale swapping of basic instinct she grabbed her backpack and headed out. Leaving behind her soiled pants, sweater, phone, and a pile of manure.

Wearing sandals and a bra, with donkey cum on the front of her and manure smearing on her butt, Tina trudged back to the concrete footpath to reach her friends. She teetered as she walked thanks to a pendulous cock and a widening pelvis. Signs of donkey hide or hair were also present most everywhere. Her tail would finish growing, a tuft of fur at its tip that Tina felt brush against her hairy thighs. The transformation of her head had almost completely robbed Tina of her face along with most of her features. Despite all this and a brain that couldn't understand why she had a bra on Tina felt she was keeping herself together.

'Keep going. Some people will stare, or laugh, or talk, but I keep going. I can fix this. I can use magic. Just need to, keep... go,' went Tina's broken reasoning.

Tina didn't know how much time passed between her first changes, exiting the elevator, ejaculating her first load, and now as her destination came into view. She was aware she had changed more than when she had started but Tina didn't think her body felt so strange as her fractured memory told her she used to be. There were people who looked, stared, laughed, took pictures, videos, and a few wretched who noticed the manure or piss plopping or dripping from her. She heard 'Is that Tina Martin?' several times which still made Tina blush as she kept moving. A group had formed that was trying to figure out if this was some weird performance piece or a prank. Whatever their thoughts it made no difference to Tina in her current state.

'Have to find Kenny and Bry. Don't see them,' she fretted as she approached the building. Tina's unsure what to do when a warm, juicy scent wafted into her nostrils. A sweet, pleasurable scent she couldn't place yet knew she adored. It stiffened her donkey dick up again too so it was a no brainer for the rather donkey brained Tina to follow that scent to its source. Forgetting all about her friends in the span of a couple seconds. 'That smells so good. Makes me want to fuck something,' she thought blissfully.

The scent led Tina towards the rear of the building at a hastened pace. Those following the changing woman kept up the best they could but stopped when Tina wandered the off limits loading dock area in the rear of the building. Some either dispersed after that, gossiping already about what they had seen, or searched for a better angle, drawing other curious students and staff in to see what everyone was talking about.

As Tina neared the source of her smell she could grunting, panting, indistinct speech, and wheezing similar to her own initial brays. Figures bumping behind pushed out dumpsters seemed the source of the sounds and smell, so Tina staggered over. She pushed the one dumpster in her way with an ease she thought nothing of. Ignoring the swelling of the muscles of her shoulders, chest, and arms to find out what had been driving her crazy.

"HAWWW?" gasped Tina as she gawked at the sprawled, naked, half-donkey creatures which bore striking resemblances to the best friend she had forgotten she was looking for in the first place. The one with some blonde strands of hair, a mostly equine face, hairy forelegs and hooves instead of arms and hands, leather teats at her waist, and a leather dark jennet cunt was Bryce. She was laying on her back with her upper body propped against a dumpster while Kennedy laid at her feet licking the undersides of friend's bare feet. Kennedy herself had a hairy but human face but her ears, hands, feet, tail, udder and winking equine pussy were all donkeys. Both didn't notice Tina until hearing her puzzling brays.

"Tina? Is that, like, you?" Kennedy, her voice hoarse, asked blithely. She paused her foot licking to ask and went right to it before Tina could answer.

"HAWWWW!" replied Tina, dropping to her hands and knees to crawl the rest of the way to her friends. Paying no mind to the scattered piles of manure and urine puddles as she moved along.

"EEEEH HAWWWW!" a content Bryce voiced to her best ability. Her interest perked up when her nose caught a musky scent that accompanied Tina's presence. She soon found herself ogling the partially erect cock and sizable balls of her friend with a jenny's growing lust.

"It is you. That's good," sighed Kennedy, her mouth moving to suck what Tina could now see were merging toes. "We wondered if you'd show. We had problems," she continued, unfettered by the morphing feet. "Started with gas then our ears. Panicked, you weren't responding, so we left to, like, find you. Got lost somewhere and, like, it was just easier to come here. Had to go potty so we went to the dumpsters and then, like, you showed up. I think, like, we're turning into donkeys, Tina."

Kennedy's hazy recollection hadn't told quite the whole story. Their problems started earlier for the other two than they had for Tina. They get back already feeling a gassy aching in their guts. One that quickly escalated to full blown flatulence and shitting of donkey sized manure.

"Bryce, like, you're ears! They're all funky lookin'!" Kennedy had cried out at her friend. This while in the midst of her own bout of farting donkey turds into her tight yoga pants while hunching over her bed.

"You think yours don't look weird either?! Something is haaAAAAAWWWWP-pening to us!" Bryce was saying in a panic when a bray cut into her speech for the first time. "Did I just- no, no this can't be happening!" she shouted as she grabbed at her elongating ears.

"The m-magic we tried before, the, the, the donkey... we need to call Tina before this, like, gets way out of, ugh, hand," grunted Kennedy on account of the sizable crap she was unable to stop herself making. Moving just the few feet to reach her phone caused the rear of her pants to rip open. That allowed the mess she'd made to pile out onto the floor. The sound of which made her want to gag.

"Shit, you think this is the curse? That's bad news for us if we don't hurrAAAAWWWWW! Shit! I did it again!" Bryce blushed. "I'm not sure I can find my phone, Kennedy. I'm, I'm really struggling just to stop myself!"

They thought like Tina had with a notion of heading into the bathroom to relieve themselves and the showers to clean up. Kennedy called Tina several times but when there was no answer resorted to texts and messages through every social media account to her friend that she could. She struggled when she felt her tail sprouting and worse when spying Bryce's protruding, black fleshed pussy sticking out after Bryce had to get her clothes off. Both felt their bladders fill and showed signs of mental degradation when first Bryce began urinating followed by Kennedy when noticing her friend. If that wasn't enough the changes to their cunts had roused their sexual desires enough to further dull the edges of their human reason.

Since they had fully relieved themselves the two young women stripped off the rest of their clothing with the intention of at least taking a shower. That got derailed while the two were taking their shoes off and their horny brains noticed the other's feet. Bryce crawled over on hands and knees to start licking Kennedy's toes despite both women saying that they shouldn't at a time like this. But with their usual level of restraint gone neither protested once Bryce was sucking her friend's toes.

Their feet were sweaty with some excess hair but were unchanged as they indulged their shared fetish. Elsewhere their ears and tails were coated in donkey hide and hair. Making them look plucked straight from an ass to be stuck on them. Below their tails was their shit stained puckered equine assholes and soiled jenny cunts. All things they had been aware of but during their foot play the skin around their breasts and nipples darkened with only Kennedy aware of what was happening.

"Bryce, honey, my tits, your tits, like, they're changing now too! Rrrggh, they're coming together but, like, moving down my chest," Kennedy said between heavy panting. Steadily watching her breasts migrate to her thickening waistline was close to enough to shake her out of the lust fueled trance. "Bryce, you gotta stop. I, I, we need to shower still. And, and like, find Tina. Cause I think, like, we're gonna keep changing."

Stopping mid-lick up her friend's sweat sole, Bryce took a moment to notice her own shifting breasts. "Huh. Maybe we should shower. I don't quite remember how long I've been down here," she groaned.

"Because this stuff has our brains all, like, scrambled like we intended for Amber and Michael. If we don't watch it we'll end up embarrassing ourselves, Kennedy. So, like, get it together! Grab your robe and let's shower before we lose our minds," insisted Kennedy.

"Fine. One last lick for the road," Bryce replied with her tongue already out.

After they both let Bryce indulge a little more they did get back to their feet at last. Bryce grabbed the bath robes the two usually used while Kennedy checked her phone to see no word from Tina. She texted again then grumbled to Bryce about not hearing from Tina while they wrapped themselves in the robes and prepared to head out.

Bryce was about to open the door when Kennedy noticed something they failed to hide. "What about our ears?"

"Oh darn, I forgot about the ears. Ummm, fudge it. Just run really fast into whatever shower is open! Thinking is really haaWWWWWWRD!" Bryce said in a fluster.

"It is, isn't it? That's probably not good but we gotta clean up if we, like, want to go anywhere. Like finding Tina. She's still not texting back," an annoyed Kennedy complained while trying to hold her ears down.

"She could be having her own problems. Now come on! I feel like I might stink," Bryce said with restraint given the room smelled of a barn. She was at the door trying to listen for anyone in the hall but the pair's continued flatulence and heavy breathing made that hard.

"Okay, just hurry!" urged Kennedy as she got behind Bryce at the door.

They rushed down the hallway towards the bathrooms once they saw that there wasn't anyone waiting for them. Some had their doors ajar and could be heard coughing or complaining about the stink. Getting to the bathroom without being spotted was enough for the two transforming students to feel they made it. One girl drying her hair in the mirror does make them rush into the first shower stall and pull the curtain closed behind them.

"That was close," remarked Bryce. She stripped off her robe like Kennedy and let it fall to the floor.

"Y-Yeah," Kennedy stammered from the naked sight of her friend. It hadn't been long since she last saw her but as they had a habit of having drunk shower sex in the past, the sight of Bryce undressing, udder, ears, and all, fueled a breakaway lust. Bryce turned the shower too hot then paused to urinate but happily found herself in Kennedy's arms. "I need you," Kennedy moaned into her friend's donkey ear. At the same time moving a hand to Bryce's cunt to finger it, seemingly not bothered by the piss there.

"Now?" questioned Bryce who wasn't stopping Kennedy.

"Now," Kennedy insisted as she inserted four fingers into her friend's pussy.

"Ah! AH! HAWWWW! Bryce brayed loudly out of pleasure.

Notions of cleaning themselves off melted into the two giving into their lusts. Fingering each other down to their knees and eventually their sides as they lay 69ing each doing a mixture of fingering and slathering their tongues over the other's feet. They giggled, moaned, and increasingly brayed from instinct, the other venerating their toes or soles with tongue and blackened donkey lips. Other students could hear them and were not nearly as nose blind as the pair to the pungent manure odor that was everywhere. It had people whispering but no one that was around had the heart to check on who was making all the wet love making sounds mixed with brays.

Both women had seen excess hair sprouting all over while they sucked, licked, and fingered the other to repeated orgasms. Further, more physical changes hit Kennedy's legs the most, with the muscles and bone massing in size. Whereas for Bryce it was showing in her broadening face and bucked equine teeth. These growing impediments didn't slow them down at first but with each successive orgasm the horny haze of donkey lust in their brains cleared enough to remember what they had come to do. Finally ending with both getting to their feet with the others help and balancing against the wet walls of the shower.

"We gotta get outta here f-f-fast," Bryce said with difficulty. Seconds later she bent over against the wall clenching her teeth as she helplessly shits more manure.

Seeing this triggers Kennedy's brain to do the same, farting and crapping without a care. "After this, we hurry to the room. Then get some clothes on and, like, get to class. Tina probably went there if she went, like, anywhere, right? No way she stays in the room either," assumed a weary minded Kennedy.

"Makes s-s-sence t-to meeeEEEEEH HAWWWW! HAWWWWW!" Bryce brayed yet again. This time not bothering to be embarrassed about it.

Having done nothing but let hot water wash over them for a few minutes they determined they were clean enough to at least make it to class without drawing attention. Unfortunately they'd soaked and soiled their bath robes so the pair had to think fast as they exited the stall. With a little bit of luck that snatched a towel each that had been left drying and made for their rooms. But when they tried the door they found it locked.

"Shit! It must have automatically locked! And I forgot to bring my card! Do you have yours?" Kennedy asked her friend in a panic.

"Of course noaAWWWWWWWT!" replied Bryce the best she could.

"What the hell was that?" they heard someone shout from a room.

"Oh crap! Run!" Kennedy yelped as she took off running for the stairwell. Bryce wasn't sure of the plan so simply kept after her friend.

Other students on the floor were poking their heads out to see what the noise was about as Kennedy and Bryce slipped in the stairwell. They didn't stop, running down to the ground floor where Bryce had to stop Kennedy running out the emergency exit in nothing but a towel. That's why they snuck into the nearby empty laundry room where some people's loads were predictably waiting to be picked up. Taking advantage of this they dressed in loose clothing and hoodies to hide their ears.

"HAAAAAAW! HA-How do I look?" Kennedy asked with some effort.

"Ridiculous but so do I. Let's get out of here and find Tina and get this shit fixed!" insisted Bryce.

Kennedy nodded rather than try to speak again. They didn't spare any time rushing out of their dorms towards their next class. They'd lose their way while attracting a crowd and end up behind the dumpsters having again been overwhelmed by lust and a need to relieve themselves. All but forgetting why they were there in the first place until Tina happened upon them in the throes of more feet worshiping.

However they got there Tina was happy to see her friends. Tina took it upon herself to crawl up to where Tanya was tongue bathing Bryce's rapidly transforming feet. Without even thinking she joined in on the licking and sucking. Exactly why she wasn't sure beyond seeing Kennedy- who was indulging her fetish with Bryce like they had done in private since they became roommates- enjoying herself. She found the act pleasurable so she kept doing it.

"You still have hands. That's good. You smell good too. Smell like a boy," Kennedy snorted as her and Tina's heads came to be side by side.

"HAWWW! EEEEH HAWWWW!" Bryce commented.

Kennedy appeared to understand as she paused her sucking to notice Tina's donkey jack genitals. "Tina, you're a boy. So big too. Why is this happening? Didn't we, like, magic someone else? It's hard to think with so much to do," reasoned Tina, licking her lips. "We need to fix this but, like, it can wait."

All appeared to be of the same mind that something with them turning into donkeys was bad but it didn't feel as pressing a matter as saying their newfound instincts. The girls at Bryce's feet were captivated with them through their shifting into hooves at the end of hind legs. Requiring the swollen middle toes to fuse while the others diminished to nubs or were gone completely. The rest of the foot melded into a donkey's cannon. Meanwhile Kennedy's arms and legs took on more equine proportions. She had to constantly readjust her posture and stance so she could keep her tongue and lips at work but she didn't mind.

For Tina it was swelling muscles in her hips and shoulders to fit a jack's bearing that continued her transformation. Stiffness traveled down her arms and into her fingers. Tina could feel each finger go numb one at a time as they merged or disappeared, replaced by something sturdier than her hands had been. Making Tina welcome what were her own first set of hooves closer to the time that the ones she was tonguing were done changing. Looking at what had become of her hands the first time Tina reacted with a confused cocking of her head.

"Tina, your hands are gone. That, that, that isn't, like, good?" Kennedy tried to surmise upon seeing her friend. Then she looked to herself. She'd kept her voice but at the cost of her body below her neck. It wasn't just her arms and limbs anymore with her chest barreling and spine stretching too, making four legs the comfortable only option for standing anymore. A moment she celebrated by lifting her tail and farting out turds. Triggering Tina to do the same. "Feels good. Feels, like, right? H-Hey, Tina. Can I lick your feet? They look preeeEEE-HAWWW!" she said to Tina when Kennedy's first bray slipped out.

"EE-HAWWW!" Bryce agreed, having rolled onto all her hooves. She was prowling towards Tina like Kennedy with an instinct addled expression and her tongue lulling from the side of her mouth.

"Hawwww," replied Tina, who couldn't think of a reason not to indulge her friends. Trying to lay down like Bryce she ended up on her beefy left haunch. The realignment of Tina's hips and ass meant her legs and feet stuck out rigidly under her along with her close to fully erect cock. Her feet were still human with only a few donkey hairs on it when Kennedy's lips found them. And while those were tended, Bryce moved to Tina's donkey dick to give it the same treatment. Tina showed her approval with a, "HAWWWW! EEEEH-HAAWWWWW!"

Finding herself being serviced by two sweet smelling jennets that used to be her best friends. A part of her had come around to at least understanding they were being turned into donkeys thanks to some sort of magical curse. And that despite what her donkey instincts had her feeling this was not something she wanted. The donkey stupor had her unable to go beyond that to find a way to fix their humiliating situation. Eager, loving tongues on her toes and penis meant finding a cure was secondary. A very, very distant second.

'Should tell them to stop. Need to. Think it's all, speeding up. Or maybe I'm slowing down? I, I'm not sure I want them to stop though. They smell so, so needy,' Tina thought to herself as her nose drew in the sweet scent of her friends. 'Never wanted to fuck Kennedy and Bryce so badly in my life. They seem to like me too.'

Tina was content then when it was her licked feet that were next and last to shift into hooves. Her middle three toes swelled and fused together, a blackened mass that would be flecked with purple that was all that remained of her nail polish. The same way the color dotted her front hooves. As this hoofed portion elongated to form a pastern. Leaving the remaining vestigial toes to melt away into the massing horse hide. Coarse donkey hairs were quick to sprout in these new areas. Spreading from further up to where bulky musculature fitting for a donkey jack was also getting a coating. Throughout it all Kennedy bounced between the feet as they grew into hooves with her interest and tongue split. An impressive feat considering her face stretched, broadened, and transfigured. Bringing the upside for Kennedy of a longer, wetter, and more flexible tongue. That she could only bray now didn't bother her in the least.

Bryce was no less spirited with her own tongue as she serviced Tina's donkey endowment; working the tip, shaft, the growing sheath, balls, and asshole with equal passion. The advancing changes to Tina's thighs, waist, and now belly caused her entire backend to fill out. Hide, hair, meat, bone, and organ had that unmistakable equine bearing. It added the sweaty masculine musk that got Bryce's juices flowing. As well as shifting her own backside to near completion like the others. There were times where Bryce was thinking more like her human self when attempting to suck Tina's donkey cock. Doing as they were both transforming was hard enough but Bryce's yellowed donkey- something they all shared by this point- teeth kept ruining that idea. But Bryce just went back to licking the rest.

When Tina's feet had gone completely, Kennedy moved to join Bryce in ravishing their friend's engorged genitals. "HAWWW!" Tina brayed when she felt two jenny tongues servicing her cock. Within a few seconds the mild stirring in her loins was stoked to a blaze, drawing out the first few drips of cum. The mere smell of which had Kennedy and Bryce's cunt winking and dripping with a need of their own. They didn't hold back as they licked up the seed as it oozed out until Tina erupted in her first fully equine orgasm. "HAWWWWWW! EEEEE-HAWWWWW! HAWWWWWW!" she cried out triumphantly. The act causing her bra to snap off, leaving her as naked as the others. Who joined with their own joyous brays.

One after the other the girls got to their feet once Tina's climax ran its full course. Kennedy and Bryce had licked up all the seed they could from Tina's chest, face, and wherever else the ropes of cum had fallen. Keeping them occupied on all fours while Tina rose up last and for the first time all four hooves. 'This should feel wrong but it feels good. Body not fit good and I want to feel good again. And head is spinning. Lots of good smells though. Kinda making me hungry. Think I have to, to, to go,' thought a simpleminded Tina. Who just moments later urinated where she stood to great relief.

Kennedy and Bryce found themselves pissing as well out of an instinctual desire to show off to Tina they were in heat and interested in a partner. Neither was aware they were even doing it. Their minds were hindered by the weight of donkey thoughts just like Tina, so they were puzzled about what to do. Bryce was able to at least know they couldn't stay where they were and so pushed her bulking body between dumpsters to open up a gap. Kennedy was following Bryce out and she had the wherewithal snatch up Tina's backpack with her teeth, knowing the magic that changed them came from the bag somehow. Tina finished relieving herself and couldn't follow her friends fast enough. It was the sight and smell of their equine cunts that made him hop to it as quickly as she could.

Standing there in the shaded, secluded, and empty paved loading dock the three donkeys looked completely at a loss what to do next. Their bodies packed on the fat, the muscle, the mass to round out their new physique. Getting their necks lengthened, widened, maned, and brought in line with the rest. Tina had the most weight put on by the time all was done and changed. It was still some minutes before that but none of them were capable of deciding a course of action. Milling around sniffing the other and shitting more manure was all they could settle on doing.

It was Bryce again who broke them out of their rut by leading them out of the loading area when her hungry eyes spied grass. The others followed, Tina bringing up the rear, thinking nothing of the numerous students, faculty, and annoyed grounds crew that had amassed. Either following the stink, the commotion of brays, or just to see what others were looking at.

'Almost, big enough. Can fuck nice smells spot soon. Both so nice to follow,' Tina's mind casually thought as she trotted out in full view of everyone. Her donkey dick flopped fully exposed and partially erect thanks to her pussy filled view. For a brief moment Tina saw all the people staring, pointing, laughing, or being visibly disgusted. A twinge in Tina's chest told her to feel embarrassment. Something her donkey brain couldn't quite grasp. 'Feel weird with people stare. I can't help be donkey. It feels good. Stop looking. I need to breed my jennets.'

Bryce began grazing with an audience as her transformation and the other's transformations completed. Kennedy did the same, dropping the backpack so she could nibble at the grass. The two girls felt the people's eyes on them but couldn't be bothered to care between hunger and a need to be bred. With either jenny now ripe for the mounting, Tina didn't hesitate to act. Choosing Kennedy for the simple fact she was a little closer, Tina leapt up onto her friend's presenting rear and probed for her cunt. There were many gasps and pleas for the coupling to stop from the people watching but none gave Tina any pause. Hearing her name spoken didn't do it either. All that mattered were her brays and the delightful noises from Kennedy beneath her. Which grew over excited when Tina's cock found its marks and slid in.

The sight of mating donkeys sent many students racing away. They had no desire to see what was happening next while those that remained were baffled by what they were seeing. The name Tina Martin was on many lips of many with some holding the far fetched idea she was one of the donkeys. Others were skeptical but were definitely puzzled. Campus police arrived at the same time one male student dashed out to snatch the backpack up and bring it back to the ground.

"Don't do something that dangerous again! You don't know what some dumb animal is gonna do, Michael," a girl the man was with said as he started unzipping the pack.

"I was fine, Amber. Those two are busy and the other is too hungry to notice. Wanted to see what's so special that the one had it," the guy replied. He started taking out notebooks, books, clothing, and other effects which bore Tina's name as well as a picture of Tina, Kennedy, and Bryce together included with totems. "Uhhh, Amber? What the hell is this?" the man asked as he took out the two totems with their faces on it.

"Is that... me? And you? That's so creepy!" cringed Amber.

"You're telling me. All this stuff looks like it belongs to that Tina Martin girl in our class. The one that always sits and gossips with those two girls. Never could remember their names," Michael shrugged, dropping the totems back in the bag with the rest.

"Kennedy and, umm, Brittany? No, Bree?" Amber offered. She was shielding her eyes from the fevered thrusting and what would be coming.

"Says 'Bryce' on this one notebook on 'Magical Stuff'," Michael said, double checking the pack.

"Is that, like, new age witch stuff or something?" Amber asked.

"Beats me. Someone said they saw Tina so drunk she was shitting herself but what's that got to do with that?" Michael wondered. He made the mistake of looking at the mating donkeys at the moment the jack climaxed. Causing both donkeys to be as loud as ever.

'Yes, yes! I cum so good, so much, so deep and warm. Me like this jenny,' thought Tina in the midst of her orgasm. As she came down from the high and dismounted Kennedy, seeing the despoiled backside of her friend dripping excess seed brought a sense of pride to the former woman. She would do the same to an equally willing Bryce once her balls had recharged enough. Or about ten minutes. Then it was back on top with her cock just as eager to impregnate Bryce as Kennedy.

The arrival of campus police calmed the situation slightly while animal control was contacted. Michael had the backpack he found taken for evidence but it didn't stop him and Amber spreading rumors and gossip to a campus already abuzz with the strange goings on. Where the donkeys came from and who they may have been was all that was talked about by the students in the sociology class the trio had intended to watch their plan unfold. The noted absence of Tina, Kennedy, and Bryce in class and for the day and weeks after all solidified a common rumor: the girls crossed a witch who had turned them into donkeys. Not many actually believed it but spread the story anyway.

As for Tina and her friends, they would find themselves in a local farm with enough of their wits to hope for a time when their transformations revert. Figuring out how things went very wrong with their botched ritual would wait until they had the brains to think straight. In the meantime the jennets grew pregnant, Tina made sure they stayed that way, and the farmer that owned them never made so much off of selling manure in all his life.

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