The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War Ch 16

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#16 of Perils Of War TLOS (Book 2)

Spyro and Cynder led the prince to one of the guest houses. They showed it to him and he thanked them.

"I am quite surprised to see my aunt this way, may I ask why I was never informed?" He said to them

"Lumi didn't tell you, nobody else was going to say anything" Spyro answered

"So, he directly violated a declaration of law from a king?" Asher replied

"If you want to go so far as to say that, yes" Spyro replied

"Then he has to go to the capital and face punishment" Asher stated, looking sad

"That's not going to happen" Cynder replied, a devious smile on her face

Asher perked up "Why not?"

"Because I'm the king of elemental dragons, he told me, that's all that will be needed" Spyro answered

Asher looked stunned for a moment, then smiled "Yes, that would work"

Spyro gave him a confused look. "You seem happy about that"

"Yes, I would never wish harm upon my uncle, unlike my brother, Fletcher. He wants to have him dragged back to the capital and imprisoned for going against a direct order from the king." Asher looked down

"Well, you tell your brother that if he does that, I will personally imprison him." Spyro told him

"I'd rather not, he's supposed on his way himself, he just wanted to stop and flex his powers on a few villages before he arrives. You can tell him yourself." Asher told him

"You both are coming?" Spyro asked

"Yeah, and my sister is supposed to as well, but she might shy out of it." The prince answered

"What's your brother like?" Cynder asked him

"He's terrible, he hates me because I'm the heir, and he wants the throne to himself. He's mean and aggressive, he will be very angry when he finds out about Amber. You might have to use your power to make him back off, he could be here at any time. Oh, and he has a massive ego, nobody says no to him, except me of course." The prince looked embarrassed about his brother.

Another horn sounded.

"There he is now" Asher sighed

They walked back into the square as another dragon procession landed.

"Where is my brother?" A dark grey dragon shouted

"I'm here, you don't have to bother the whole district" Asher answered

Fletcher rolled his eyes. Then saw Spyro and Cynder.

"Greeted by the king and queen of elemental dragons themselves? Do you not have servants?" He snickered

They said nothing to him, he was about to say something when he noticed Amber staring angerly at him for waking her up.

"Is that Lumi's mate?" He exclaimed "And she's pregnant, why weren't we informed?" He turned to Asher

"They told Spyro, that was enough" Asher replied

"The king will decide what is enough, where is he? Where is that traitor?" Fletcher started approaching the door.

"Stop" Asher told him "He is protected by a king; you will not bother him"

"Nonsense, he is the king's brother, he is under the jurisdiction of him and him alone" Fletcher snapped

Spyro growled "You will leave, you are not welcome here"

"You will not order a royal prince, king or not" Fletcher turned to him

"Then you will be ordered by me" Asher replied "Leave"

"You aren't king yet, and once father hears about your disobedience, you never will be" Fletcher retorted

Asher stood up, and roared, causing Fletcher to flinch. "You heard the king, you are not welcome here."

Spyro charged his fire element, allowing a puff of flame to escape for effect. Fletcher looked like he was going to do something, then shied back.

"When father hears about this, he will be very angry" He mumbled, then flew off with his guards.

Amber sighed, then turned her head towards Asher. "Thank you"

Asher flicked around and smiled "Your welcome, unlike my idiot brother, I'm very happy to find out about all of this."

Amber softened "I'm glad to hear that, maybe I was wrong about you"

Asher beamed "I'm nothing like my father, I grew up reading about my uncle and found that I relate most to him. Sadly, we never spoke much."

Amber lifted her head and called "Lumi"

He rushed out the house instantly, then realized it wasn't an emergency, and calmed down.

"Yes honey?"

"Talk to your nephew, he wants to get to know you" Amber told them "And everybody quiet down, I want to get some napping in"

Lumi motioned for Asher to enter his house, he eagerly walked through the front door. Spyro sighed and looked over at Cynder.

"Royal affairs are a pain." He said, she agreed.

They joined his adoptive family in the house, and relaxed for a while. After the sun had set a dragon knocked on the door. Spyro answered and gave him a confused look.

"A message from the king of the Triad territory." The dragon stated

Spyro took the letter from him, and thanked him, handing him a coin. The dragon nodded and flew away. He walked back into the living room, reading the letter.

"What is it?" Cynder asked him

"The king is demanding that I turn Lumi over to him. He also is demanding that when Amber lays, her eggs are to be handed over as well. He says that he will raise the children as punishment, and Lumi is to be beaten in the main square." Spyro looked up from the paper, furious

"What else does it say" Sparx asked

"Something about if I ever insult his son again a similar punishment will be brought to me. He also demands that we wear the Triad emblem during the Warfang parade." Spyro answered.

Cynder had a murderous look in her eyes. "Let's go pay him a little... visit"

Spyro lit the letter on fire. "I don't even know how to react to this"

"What would Michael do?" Flash asked

"He would set an example" Spyro answered "But we should just blatantly refuse, the king doesn't seem to understand the order of power here"

Asher burst through the door "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I just received a very distressing message"

"We know what the king has demanded" Spyro told him "And we won't be complying"

Asher relaxed "Okay, so he is going to send an official commissioner to ensure the orders are followed. There will be soldiers with them"

"They will be refused at the gates, I'm calling a general" Spyro told him, writing a fire rune on a letter.

"All this over a pregnancy?" Cynder asked

"The king isn't happy about the disrespect coming from this city, he wants to make an example, the fact that it's Lumi is just a plus. What you don't know is that he just gave Fletcher the power to drag enforce his orders, he'll be coming." Asher replied

"How mad would everyone be if I killed him?" Cynder said, flicking her tail

Everybody froze and looked at her.

"What?" Cynder looked confused

Asher considered it for a moment "it would be bad in the long run, I would recommend capturing him and sending back to the capital in a box"

Cynder smiled "I would gladly do the honor of whooping him, and putting him in said box"

They put on their armor, preparing for a battle. A general rushed through the door. Gasping for breath

"What's this about defying the king of Triad?" She asked

"He ordered Lumi to be brought to the capital to be beaten, and his and Amber's eggs to be taken and raised by himself" Spyro told her

The general immediately understood. "Our plan of action?"

"Call two fortresses, the commissioner will be turned away at the city gates. If he returns with forces, capture them and hold them. Let's try to hold off on the killing. Fletcher is already here, and he has been given power by the king to enforced his orders, so he needs to be stopped." Spyro told her

"Lumi is a general, I have full confidence in his ability to beat Fletcher, and his guards. So, we shouldn't worry about them." The general replied.

Spyro sighed and shook his head. "Why now? Why is all this stuff happening now, we were supposed to have some piece and quiet but nooooo, violence"

"It's because Michael's not here, they think you can't handle these situations, but I know you can." The general told him

Spyro was about to say something, but they heard a voice boom from outside.

"LLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMIIIIIIII, come meet your maker." Fletcher's voice rang through the square.

The group rushed outside to see Fletcher and Lumi facing off.

"The king demands these punishments enacted, and you will not stop him." Fletcher growled

"No, but I will" Spyro snapped

Fletcher turned. "You will not get involved" He ordered

"Oh, but I will, you will not enter my home, and demand things of my friends." Spyro snapped back

Cynder stepped forward and smiled.

"I'll handle this" She smirked

Fletcher laughed, then nodded to his guards.

"Go, show these pitiful dragons what happens if you defy the king of Triad."

They lunged towards Cynder, who vanished. The guards looked around confused, and Cynder teleported behind one and brought her tailblade down on his head. She hit him with the blunt edge, and he crumpled. She laughed and flashed into the middle of the group, breathing red smoke. The guards began screaming and slashing frantically. By the time the red smoke faded, the guards were incapacitated. Fletcher stepped back, surprised, Cynder turned towards him and smiled. He was about to say something when Cynder lunged. She knocked him off of his feet, using her wind powers to send him flying against a wall. He struck it, and slumped to the ground, Lumi walked up to him and chuckled.

"Don't think I'm hiding behind my friends, your lucky they got to you first or I would have sent you back to you father missing an eye" He lifted his paw and smacked Fletcher's head against the stone, knocking him out.

The general called out for support and a group of soldiers joined her. They quickly bound the unconscious dragons and dragged them out of the square. A scout approached the general.

"The royal commissioner has arrived and was turned away, he seemed angry. He informed us that he would be returning with an appropriate force." He informed her

She nodded and the scout left.

"Were within our rights to defend ourselves right" Spyro asked, doubting his actions

"Yes, Lumi has his rights to not inform the king. Not only does his position as a high prince grant him immunity from such declarations, but he told you, which means that the pregnancy is known by a king. Lastly, and probably the most important part, Lumi is a general in the ML, he reports to you, not him. If Michael was here, he would already be in the capital yelling at the king, but that isn't a good idea for you. This will be resolved within a few hours." The general told him

"Ugh, we have to deal with this, then we have to go to Warfang and participate in a parade where I will have to sit there and get booed at." Spyro sighed.

Lumi sighed as well "This is all my fault, I should have told him, I just didn't want to deal with what he might have done"

"No" Spyro turned to him "What you did makes sense, the king just wants to make an example while Michael's gone"

"Why does your brother hate you so much?" Cynder asked

"I guess it all started when our mother took favor over me. We just had more in common, he also hated how he had a ton of responsibilities as an heir, while I just spent my time with my mother and we did a bunch of stuff together. I had been friends with your parents since I was small, I knew our family didn't like them, but they let me have my friends. When my mother died, my father knew it was time for him to step down, so that he can follow her. So, he passed the crown, making my brother king. When he ascended, he was afraid, and I let him lean on me, I helped him. Amber joined the group; she was a duchess whose family had died off. I immediately fell in love, but the king had started leaning on me harder and harder. He found out about Amber and resented her at first, but accepted her eventually. But before we even got mated, the king ordered me to do something I didn't want to do; he wanted me to ditch Fury and the others, take Amber, and become a high general. He wanted to put so much pressure on me, and I couldn't handle it. So I took Amber and left, we settled back in Faun and I cut all contact with my brother. Michael took me in and I joined his army. Since then, I renounced my status and haven't talked to him since. He doesn't like Faun because a long time ago he had imposed some taxes on the planet to pay off some city restructuring debts. Most of the taxes were accepted in Faun, but if anybody else in any other city complained, they had their necks stepped on. The only thing that wasn't accepted was the taxes on the ML lord markets. The ML didn't accept these taxes because they were the sellers, the profits from these transactions pay for the city so they don't allow it to be taxed. Ever since then nobody in Faun even cares about the Triad territory, and they ignore it because they are a ML city, not anybody else's. Since Michael left, the king tried to impose his law over ML law. But the defensive forces that stayed in Faun stopped him. Now he's using a more legal approach to impose his power." Lumi gasped, out of breath from his speech.

Two fortresses thumped above them.

"That should be a good show of force" Spyro stated.

A letter appeared over the general's head, she grabbed it and read it.

"Your presence has been requested at the main gate." She informed them

Spyro nodded and smiled maliciously "Send a bunch of soldiers, make the odds ten to one."

The general nodded, and they took off, flying to the main entrance of the city. Spyro noticed a group of dragons standing just outside the gate, their armor was shining in the moonlight. Spyro landed on the inside of the gate and watched a massive group of soldiers form behind him.

The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War Ch 17

Spyro looked over at Cynder, and nodded at her, she nodded back and he turned towards the gate. The massive ethereal doors opened to reveal a small army of soldiers standing in an orderly group. A yellow dragon stood in front of the group; he wore...

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The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War CH 15

Deep in a cave on a distant planet, three dragons walked on the slick stone, ducking and dodging the various rock features that dotted the cavern. They each emanated a glow, but it only pierced a few feet of darkness in front of them. Dark magic seemed...

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The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War CH 14

Cynder woke up to a flash of light through the window. She looked out of it to see Michael take off, his armor flashing in the morning sun, Trica and Aura following. She laid her head back down with a sigh. She was happy to have some personal time with...

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