Tristan’s Misadventure

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Tristan's curiosity has always gotten him into trouble, but this time he may have bitten off more than he bargained for. It may be better to ignore the consequences of certain actions, especially if they haven't come back to haunt you. But then again, is it not the proper thing to follow through and make sure that what you've started ended well?

Hi there,

Yes, I'm still alive, though I have not had much success in completing anything worthwhile that I can post here.

This is just a short story, a single scene that had rolling about in my mind for a while. But like so many things in life, this was overwhelmed by real-world job responsibilities and other troubles, and just existed for a long while as a few short lines in a lonely text file. So, while there is space to grow this (albeit not into anything epic), I've decided to hammer out this single scene into a once-off short story as a form of writing exercise, hoping that it will help me get back into the rhythm of writing again.

Tristan's Misadventure

This was a bad idea.

Tristan knew he had gone too far already, but for the life of him, he could not find it in himself to turn his back on the sandstone cliff with the ominous shapes and crevasses eroded from it. It was a simple fact of life that no sane biped would dare approach these golden rock formations willingly and yet here he was, drawn in like a moth to the flame. But in the battle between logic and emotion, his heart won out.

He had to see them with his own eyes, even if it was but once. It was the equally true yet opposing fact in his life that was driving the middle-aged fox to betray cold reason, for if he could not follow through with this mad quest of his there would always be a hollow in his chest. He needed to know they were okay...

...or was it simply an excuse to see Her again?

The sudden thought made him hesitate, to question his deeper motives. Surely, he did not want to run into her again, did he? Their last meeting was... was... he suppressed a sigh as he had to admit to himself that he was not sure how he felt about what had happened to him just over a month ago. Sure, it left him feeling dirty and used, to be pressed into service like that only to be thrown out like trash once the deed was done. And yet, he found his rebelling thoughts drift back to that encounter whenever he allowed his thoughts to wander.

Did he want to see her again? No! Yes... maybe?

A rustle from the scrub in front of him startled the distracted male from his inner musings and he instinctively ducked beneath the thick cover of a Leucosidea tree. Through the mass of the small, fussy leaves he could see movement towards the far side of the rock face, close by his destination where the rumours claimed the cliff had eroded into a deep, cave-like hollow. There was another rustle of leaves before he finally managed to make out the shape of a black shadow slinking carefully through the thick copse that covered the cave entrance.

With his heart suddenly in his throat, he lowered himself completely onto his stomach so much that he ended up pressing his face into the carpet of dead leaves. For a fleeting moment, that treacherous side of his mind longed to look up in her direction in the hopes of catching but a glimpse of her spectacular form, but this time his survival instinct allowed logic to win a rare victory. He remained half buried in the leaf litter, not daring to even breathe as she made her way arduously slow towards a clearing lower down the slope of the mountain. The only thing he was capable of at that moment was hoping to whoever was willing to listen to the prayers of an idiotic gambler, that she did not notice him lurking this close to her lair.

She didn't.

In fact, she continued on her way surprisingly carefree, going so far as to give a noisy yawn as she passed beyond the copse to scrub-like trees. Then there was the snap of a leathery sail and the dragoness was gone.

Tristan continued to lie in the leaf litter a good minute after the last sound of her presence had died away before he dared to twitch an ear again. For a moment he glanced around, both a little hopeful and fearful of seeing her, but he seemed to be alone on the slope of the mountain. At that realization, everything seemed to happen at once. The fox was up on his feet and rushing towards the cavern before his logical mind could catch up and suffocate the little courage he had. If there was ever an opportune moment to see them, this was most definitely it! With his heart hammering at a pace somehow even more frantic than when the dragoness had made her appearance, he reached the cave entrance, slipping in his mad dash on loose leaves that covered a fallen slab of stone as he burst from the cover of trees. But he did not care. He was finally here, in the lair of the Scourge of Underberg, looking upon her...

...empty cave.

Frowning, Tristan glanced about the dusty space beneath the deep overhang but he could spy nothing out of the ordinary. The rush of excitement gave way to a wary confusion and the biped leaned against the rock to catch his breath as he tried to sort through everything he knew.

They had to be here, that was the one thing he was sure of. And yet, they were nowhere to be seen. Did she maybe have another lair where she could be hiding them? He didn't think so. Sure, she was a dragoness and didn't live in a home as the civil peoples did, but to his knowledge, this was the best shelter at her disposal for miles around and one she was famous for using with regularly. And why, if she had stashed them somewhere else, would she not be with them instead?

No, they had to be here!

Then again, she could have used magic to hide them! From personal experience, he knew she had access to some very powerful ethereal resonances, demonstrating that she was more than capable of reshaping reality itself. But if that was the case, how could he even hope to find them? He was but a simple farmhand, barely capable of reading let alone understanding the complexities of reality. Where should he start looking for them and how long would it take? Did he even have time...

"And, now what?"

Tristan yelped and collapsed to the ground as he twisted around at the sudden voice that rumbled directly behind him. With widening eyes, he stared up at the sharp, angular muzzle on the face he had hoped never to see again from this close, even as he longed to touch the black scales that adorned her sleek body.

"Did you really think you could sneak up on me, little hunter?" the dragoness asked, her voice raspy as she growled down at the intruder in her lair. "I could smell you long before you even reached to copse of trees in front of my cave!" She gave a threatening step towards him, baring her teeth as the fox kicked at the dusty floor in a miserable attempt to get up again. She bared her teeth in amusement at the pathetic display, leaning closer to intimidate her unfortunate new toy even more. "So, tell me: What did you plan to do next, now that you found out there is nowhere in this lair to lie in ambush of me?"

"A-ambush?" Tristan replied, his voice squeaky as he tried to crab-walk away from her domineering presence. "I, I didn't come looking for trouble!"

"Right!" the dragoness said with an unamused drawl, easily keeping herself within striking distance with but a lazy step after his scrambling form. "I clearly remember your scent! I know who you are, and what is it you have come here for... unless you came here to offer yourself up for a repeat performance?"

"I... I..." Tristan's feeble attempts to explain himself were cut short with a terrified yelp as the dragoness brought an end to his pathetic retreat with a heavy stomp of a forepaw right next to his face.

"Look!" she said, snarling through gritted teeth. "You are not the first to come here seeking vengeance and nor will you be the last..."

"I am unarmed!" Tristan managed to shout, closing his eyes and twisting his face away from hers as his unnaturally high-pitched voice cut across her furious growls. To the surprise of both parties, his desperate shout stopped her tirade in its tracks and for a long, uncomfortable minute only silence reigned in the cave. When nothing happened, the terrified fox dared to look back at the dragoness who had completely trapped him a second time in a single month.

He half expected her to be raging and growling down at him, but instead, he was astounded to see her merely looking at him with an intensity that was somehow even worse. Her alien features betrayed nothing of her thoughts as she stared him down, only the errant flick of an ear offering a meaningless clue to her emotions.

"If that is so, you will submit yourself and allow me to see for myself if your claim is true!" she finally broke the oppressive silence, startling the intruder once more as she leaned her sharp snout towards his own.

"S-sure!" the fox stuttered, not daring to move as the dragoness started to sniff at him. She worked quickly yet diligently, investigating every inch of his body that lay exposed to her with both scent and gentle touches with the side of her muzzle, though the male thought she lingered a little longer than needed when she nosed the firm bulge in the crotch of his pants. When she had completed the first pass of him, she gave him another stare that he thought might have been judgemental. Then, with another flick of her ear, she returned her attention to her investigation of him, this time paying particular attention to where the civil species usually liked to hide weapons

"Fine, you indeed seem to be telling the truth!" she conceded Tristan's point after she had rolled him over with a not-very-gentle paw to make sure he did not lay on anything. With an almost disappointed huff, she allowed him room roll over onto his back once more and even to sit up in a more comfortable position. But it did not seem to be the end of his ordeal as she continued to loom over him, making sure to block his only escape route.

"Then tell me: If you had not come to kill me, what are you here for then?" she finally asked when Tristan seemed to have calmed down a bit. "Surely it cannot be for a repeat of our previous meeting?"

"I," Tristan started to say, but his excuse faltered momentarily as he looked up at her with a quizzical frown. Had he genuinely heard a hint of hope in her voice at the second question? Had he truly seen her piercing gaze drop meaningfully to the much more noticeable bump in his groin as she asked the fateful question? Or was it his questionable intentions clouding his judgement again?

"I just wanted to see them!" Tristan glanced away, licking his lips as he forced out the reasoning he had used to convince himself why he needed to come here in the first place. He fully expected the dragoness to laugh at his foolishness or more likely, to call out that he was bluffing. However, the large reptile only continued to stare at him with unblinking eyes.

"Them?" she repeated after him, her ear flicking once more.

"My... my eggs?" Tristan elaborated, suddenly wondering if the flick of her ear was not a gesture that indicated confusion. "You know, the eggs we created last month."

The dragoness flicked her ear once more as she shook her head with a forceful snort.

"Why do you want to see our eggs?" she asked, shaking her head dismissively and finally turning away from the strange male that sat propped up against the cave wall. "Males have no business with the eggs!"

"Call it a civil thing!" Tristan muttered, watching her as she stepped away from him and towards a sandy patch of floor. "But I need to see them. I need to know how my children are doing."

"There are no eggs!" the dragoness said, muttering more to herself than answering her uninvited visitor's question as she lay a careful paw on the fine sand. "Your seed did not take either!"

"How is that possible?" Tristan asked, surprised at the sudden stab of disappointment at the news. "You transformed me into a dragon... and we both know that you were definitely in heat when you... when we... when I..."

"Well, what can I say?" she asked exasperated. "Everything I know confirms that I should have clutched by now, and yet...!" She swiped at the sand, scattering a good paw-full of it across the stone floor. Then, as if the action had robbed her of her strength, she collapsed onto the ground where she stood. "And yet, it never works!"

Stunned more than he had ever thought possible, Tristan watched the moping dragoness, genuinely unsure of how he felt about the situation. Yes, he could certainly attest that she was more than deserving of her title as 'Scourge' of the region. He still thought of her raping of him as a humiliating experience, even though there had been no one around to witness his predicament. And yet, to his shock, it had done nothing to dampen his fascination with dragons in the slightest. In fact, if the fluttering in his chest whenever he thought of her was anything to go by, meeting her may even have groomed it in a surprising direction if he had to be brutally honest. Sure, he was not a sucker for punishment, at least he didn't think of himself as one, but there was little denying the fact that he longed to experience more of her.

As such, it should have been no surprise that he felt sorry for the large predator. That, and the knowledge that the forced mating had come out to nothing kind of left him feeling... hollow.

'This is a bad idea,' he thought to himself once more as he carefully got to his feet and cast a glance towards his offered freedom. And once more, he did not listen to his more logical side. Instead, he stepped closer to the dragoness and laid a gentle hand on the nape of her neck. A muscle flexed in response to his touch, but otherwise, she pretended to ignore him.

"Are you sure that transformation spell made us... compatible... like that?" he asked carefully, more to fill the suffocating silence.

"What is it to you?" she asked through a growl, her tail snapping at nothing in particular.

"I... just... I don't know!" Tristan stammered, stepping quickly away from her side and raising his hands in surrender even though she did not even turn to glare at him. "You just seem, I don't know, distraught by the fact that you are sterile..."

"And what makes you think that?" she hissed with another whack of her tail upon the ground.

"'And yet, it never works'?" the fox dared to remind her, feeling the need to touch her neck again but thinking better of it when she twisted her neck to glare at him. "Or did I misunderstand you?"

"I have conceived clutches before, I'll have you know!" she insisted through a deep growl finally turning her head to glare at her visitor. But just as quickly as her indignation flared up, she seemed to deflate. "Just... never with any of the civil species..."

"Why us though?" Tristan asked before he could catch himself. "Won't it be a better fit to find a real dragon?"

That question was definitely a step too far. With a furious bark, the dragoness was on her feet again and rounded on the uninvited guest with a lightning-fast snap of her jaws. Tristan yelped in terror, backing away from her and only ending up tripping over his own feet in a clumsy attempt to escape her.

"Don't flatter yourself!" she demanded in a booming voice. "Do you think I don't prefer a real dragon above a pathetic weakling such as yourself? I would not hesitate to offer you up as a courting gift if I had the slightest inkling that there was a genuine prospect for me within a hundred miles! But it has been decades since I have either had sight or scent of another dragon, let alone a proper male who can truly sate my needs! So I have to make do with what I can get!"

"I... I'm sorry!" Tristan whimpered, hands held up in front of his face as if he could ward off the furious creature before him. "I didn't know..."

"Of course, you didn't!" she hissed again, snapping her jaws at him once more to prove her point before returning to her empty nest with a dull huff. Without another word, she dropped onto her stomach, but this time she did not curl about herself again. Instead, she continued to glare at the intruder where he was still cowering on the cave floor but a few yards from her.

"Is it also a civil thing to speak without thinking first," she suddenly asked when it seemed her visitor had started to calm down.

"Er," Tristan stuttered, taking a deep breath to buy a little time. "I... guess. Though, I seem to have a knack for putting my foot in my mouth more often than others..."

"Your... what?" the dragoness interrupted him, her ear flicking in confusion.

"Er... I meant to say that I say things I regret soon afterwards," Tristan said quickly.

"Then why don't you say that?" the dragoness asked with a huff and a flick of her tail.

"It is a figure of speech," the fox replied, speaking carefully as the dragoness regarded him with a piercing gaze. "I guess it is meant to portray that I am as awkward as I would have been had I managed to put my foot in my mouth." When the dragoness just stared at him, Tristan continued even when it went against his better judgement again. "Look, I'm sorry for the confusion. Your Common-tongue is better than even most civils I know and I thought you understood Figures of Speech and Euphemisms and all such flourishes."

"I only know what is needed to make myself understood!" she said with a huff, looking for a moment towards the entrance of the cave. "This is the longest I've ever talked to any civil creature, and the most friendly meeting with one of your peoples I might add as well!" She turned her attention back to the fox and to his surprise, Tristan thought her gaze had softened somehow. Maybe it was a small twitch at the outer corners of her eyes or the raise of the heavy brow but her stare did not seem as piercing and hostile as before. It was the closest thing he could call any form of facial expression he had ever seen her make, something that seemed to remind him of... amusement?

At least there was no denying that the tension in the cave had dissipated, so much so that Tristan started to feel much more at ease around her. A dangerous thing he knew, but he could not help himself. He glanced to the side once again, acutely aware that he was free to just get up and leave. But something made him hesitate. What the strange sense of propriety was, he was not entirely sure. But even as he allowed himself the luxury of studying her body more closely, admiring her from the strong broad shoulders over the proud arch of her back to the strength of her flanks, he was confident it was not only the erection in his pants which was not muddling his decisions. No, somehow he found the idea of just getting up and leaving her without being dismissed to be extremely... rude. Even if it went against his better judgement yet again, he was determined to stay a while longer.

"I, am sorry... about..." Tristan stumbled over his own words again as the shift of her tail to the side made him realise that he was staring. He was unsure of what to say and yet, had an urgent need to say something that would be comforting. "About everything, I guess. I wish there was something I could do to help, but..."

Tristan's voice died when the dragoness suddenly stood up again. For a moment, his heart was racing again, running over his words and trying to decipher what he had said wrong this time. However, the clear lack of aggression in her movements lulled him into a false state of ease. Instead of noticing what she was doing, the fox found himself admiring the strength of her body as she stepped to one side, only realizing too late that she had moved to block off his escape once more.

"I think there is something you can help me with," she suddenly announced, sitting down on her haunches and leaning her head in close to the biped's own. "I advise you to take off your clothes within the next thirty seconds... unless you do not mind losing this set as well!"

"What, why?" Tristan squeaked, falling back over onto his back again at the renewed interest, even if he could not detect any malice in her at that moment.

"There is only one reason a dragon will ever tolerate the presence of another in her lair," she said through a deep purr, elaborating her statement with a gentle prod of a claw against the bump in the male's groin.

"I... I didn't come here looking for... er, well, that!" Tristan stammered, flinching even as he spoke for by now it was painfully clear that even he didn't quite believe himself.

"Don't try to hide it from me," the dragoness replied, not deterred in the least. "I have scented your arousal when I searched you for weapons. And I can still see that it has not gone down any bit." She stroked at his groin again and her claw caught on the rough wool, her purr lowering for a second or so as the man's trousers pulled tight against his body. "In fact, it seems to have grown more acute in the past few minutes. And after our earlier... misunderstanding, it would be beneficial to any future meeting if we have sex before we part ways again."

"Sex?" Tristan squeaked, hating the sudden excitement that bubbled up in his chest and fighting not to let it find its way into his voice. "We... we barely know each other." When the dragoness gave him her questioning ear-flick he quickly added. "We consider sex between strangers to be a sign of poor character... it's another civil thing."

"But I understand finding another species sexually attractive is also a... 'sign of poor character', no?" she stated with another flick of the ear. However, the amused pull of her eyes returned to her features and Tristan was not sure if she was asking out of genuine interest or trying to point out that he hardly had a solid argument to deny her demand.

"I..." Tristan started to argue but found there was nothing he could say. She had him in a corner both physically and morally. And he knew she knew it.

"Anyway," the dragoness continued, coming to his rescue before he could find the courage to do the socially acceptable thing and decline her request. "When two dragons meet, they always end up doing one of two things: Fight, or fuck!" The amusement pulled at her eyes again as she leaned in close enough that Tristan could feel the puff of her breath ruffle the fur on his cheek. "It is... a dragon thing!"

"Even with dragons you just met?" Tristan asked, more surprised by what she was saying rather than feeling alarmed by her invading his private space as she was.

"Of course," she replied softly, deliberately dropping her gaze to his groin again without even pulling her head back to a more comfortable position. "Sex has always been the way to unwind any form of tension between dragons, regardless of gender or territorial status. So, if you are to leave my lair on good terms, we are going to have to mate! If we do not... well, I think you can guess what will happen next time we meet."

Tristan gulped nervously, feeling a little unstable as his already weak willpower crumbled. Then again, she had already indicated she knew he found her attractive and if he was being brutally honest with himself, he was finding the idea of mating with her again rather appealing, despite how their first meeting had gone. Then, the dragoness looked up at his face again and the fox could swear she was capable of reading his mind. As their gazes locked, Tristan knew they would be coupling again and the only thing he had control of was if it would be with him restrained like the previous time, or not.

"Now," she added, a victorious growl slipping through her teeth as she gave a meaningful pull on his trousers again. "Are you going to take these off, or are you going to allow me to destroy them? Again?"

"Okay-okay, I'll take them off!" Tristan yelped, grabbing at her forepaw in a desperate attempt to save his clothes.

"Be quick about it then!" she hissed, allowing the wool to slip from her claw and leaning back to give her new toy some room to manoeuvre.

However, she did not retreat out of his personal space completely and continued to inspect him closely as he started to undo the leather strip that bound the collar of his shirt securely around his neck, intimidating the poor male even more. Something she seemed oblivious of as he gave her a nervous glance when the lacing came undone. She only gave him a curt nod to continue, and gulping nervously once again the fox complied. As he started to pull the fabric over his head, he was momentarily startled when her soft purring started up again and his shirt nearly got inexplicably caught around his head.

Luckily for him, the fox managed to extract himself from the constricting fabric quickly enough that the dragoness hadn't noticed him faltering. At least, he thought he did as there was no interruption in her gentle purring. Finally, with the shirt off, he bundled the rough wool into a tight ball as he looked up at her, only to falter in surprise once more at her expression.

"Well?" the dragoness insisted, her purring not faltering more than was needed as she studied his exposed torso, which had been toned through years of farm work, with undeniable interest. As he bundled his shirt into a tighter ball and tossed the fabric to safety, Tristan could not help but wonder if she was truly desperate for male companionship, or if she found bipeds as alluring as he did dragons.

With that thought now dominating his conscious mind, the trapped male surrendered his dignity without any further fuss and with hands shaking with excitement, he hastily undid the little booties that protected his digitigrade paws, tossing them aside to join his shirt in short order. Tristan licked his lips with nervous anticipation when he noticed her purring drop an octave or so lower as he started to undo the rope that served as a belt, and he found himself smirking in agreement. By now, his desire was overriding any sense of self-preservation so he was surprisingly a little annoyed when a sharp, scaled snout darted into his groin, getting in his way just as he pulled his pants off his fluffy tail. She sniffed once, twice and even gave his now painfully hard erection an exploratory lick before she pulled her head back just as fast.

"Impressive, I guess, for a biped!" she stated bluntly as she lifted her one forepaw and hovered it over his chest. "But we both know your dick is wholly unsuited for my needs!"

"Wait-wait-wait!" Tristan yelped, staring wide-eyed at the strands of pale blue light that started to shimmer and twist about itself as the gathering magic writhed between her curled talons. She did not wait, instead allowing the pulsing orb of ethereal power to drop onto him. As soon as it touched the white fur on his chest, the magic exploded in a wash of cold power that left the terrible itching he remembered from a month ago to spread from the point of impact to every extremity of his body.

"I've waited long enough!" she insisted with a devilish grin as she stepped away, allowing the squirming creature she had infused with magic the necessary space to transform into something more compatible with herself.

Tristan tried to retort, but whatever he wanted to say was lost in a silent grunt as the air was forced from his lungs. For an agonizing couple of seconds, he could barely breathe as the first major change to came upon him affected his chest, twisting and reshaping the vital organs his new body would need to function. And to accommodate the new organs, his ribcage strained and popped as it shifted orientation, becoming the familiar barrel shape required for his new quadrupedal stance rather than the wide and oblong form best suited for bipedal movement.

When the fox was finally able to gasp in a gulp of fresh air again, the itching had worsened to a burning wave of pin-pricks as the sharp ends of scales started to press through his fur, the shade matching his original colouration albeit a striking green instead. But the poor creature had no time to contemplate his new epidermic protrusions, for with the swell of his chest cavity to the proper size, the rest of his torso started to shift as well. While this also contained vital organs that needed transforming post haste, the stomach area was a lot more squishy and the shift from bipedal to quadrupedal was less intense for the fox-like critter, allowing him the time to awkwardly kick at his trousers once more.

He succeeded in saving them just in time, for even as he pulled his last slightly swollen foot through the fabric the same painful reshaping of his skeleton reached his pelvis. It took all of his willpower not the empty himself as his intestines and bladder were shifted around. The sudden pressure on his prostate was too much for him however, and he groaned in a confusing mix of delight and pain as a powerful throb of his twisting penis splashed a generous amount of pre onto the scales where the fur had by now receded into oblivion. However, the glory of near orgasm was short-lived however and Tristan's groan morphed into another cry of pure anguish as all four of his limbs rolled around in their very sockets to assume their new, proper alignment.

The dragoness watched with mixed emotions as she examined the writhing creature shift from a so-called civil species into a proper dragon. The first time she had cast this spell on an unsuspecting traveller, she had initially been terrified that she had gone too far and killed the poor serf. Then once she had learnt that this was just how a living body shifted from one form to another, the screams and begging of her other victims had been more annoying than worrying. But now, as she watched the neck and limbs of the male who had come to her willingly stretch and pop into proper dimensions, she was surprised to recognize a feeling almost like telling a desperate hatchling that there would be nothing to eat that night.


The once fox yowled again as a set of proto wings ripped through the forming scales on his back and before she could catch herself, she had laid a paw on the mostly draconic chest as if in comfort. A very un-dragon-like thing to do, but in the heat of the moment the implication of her action was lost on her. The only thing she was certain as the worst effects of the transformation started to fade, was that she would need to find a way to make this process more bearable in the future, should he return a third time.

Tristan's screaming finally quieted down as his scull finally shifted into the proper form, the pain finally starting to ebb away to a dull ache just over a minute after the spell had been cast. While the eruption of a full crown of horns was still uncomfortable, it was nothing compared to the agony of shifting and twisting bones. He panted, trying to regain his composure as mass was added through some unfathomable method to the unnaturally spindly dragon, filling the dangerously thin creature out until he was a powerful, healthy, strong dragon in the prime of his life.

As the excruciation of the transformation finally dissipated, the once-fox just continued to lay on his back, staring disorientated up at the stone overhead as he wondered for a confused moment why he had agreed to be put through that horrible process again. A movement over him finally brought him back to the present and he let out a startled meep as he noticed the dragoness stepping nonchalantly over his exposed belly.

"Wait-wait-wait!" he yelped again, pulling his forepaws protectively against his chest as he felt her starting to gather magic once more. "I-I won't resist, I promise! Just don't trap my limbs again!"

"I'm still going to be the one in charge of this mating," she replied dryly, a twist of her tail signalling to a new instinctive part of his mind that she was not impressed with the interruption. "If you were thinking of mounting..."

"No-no-no!" Tristan stuttered, finally stopping to writhe about in a pathetic attempt to extract himself from beneath her larger frame when he finally realized that his new body did not allow movements like that. For a moment he held his forepaws up awkwardly in a very anthro manner to appease her, before realizing that this was a waste of effort as well. "You, you can take charge... It is just, bondage is not really my thing..."

The dragoness's concentration on her entrapment spell faltered completely and the magic dissipated with a soft crackle.

"Bon- WHAT?"

"It-it is a, er, well," Tristan stuttered, teetering on a precipice between mortally embarrassed at the explanation and hopelessly amused at the confusion on the suddenly, rather gorgeous face glaring down at him. "It is just a sexual kink that some people like..."

"Kink?" the dragoness repeated, not satisfied with the poor explanation in the slightest. "Like in armour?"

"I, guess?" Tristan licked his lips awkwardly with an absurdly dexterous tongue, his embarrassment rising a bit higher when he recognized a flicker of amusement in the dragoness's eyes at his action. "A kink or fetish is an irregular sexual activity someone likes to participate in, or non-sexual ideas that can make people aroused," he tried to elaborate, hoping the burning of his frills wasn't what he thought it might be.

"That... doesn't make sense!" she growled with an irritable snap of her tail. "I mean..." She glanced around, looking for something very much not sexy to use as an example, smirking when her gaze fell on the forepaw she was still holding up in preparation to cast her stone-shifting spell.

"I mean, how can smelly feet be considered sexy!" she announced victoriously, pressing her hand firmly down on the male's face. She leered down at the overpowered dragon for a second or so, but then she felt a sense of vertigo almost as if the wind had disappeared from beneath her wings mid-flight as the male twisted his snout firmly between her toes and started to inhale deeply.

"I... I'm not..." Tristan started to say, but he failed to articulate a proper response and instead gave in to the sudden urge to lick at the slender digits.

The dragoness yelped in shock as a slender tongue curled itself about one toe and tried to yank her foot away in disgust, only to find that the drake had taken a firm hold of her wrist with both his still free forepaws.

"Stop that!" she growled, only to snort in surprise at her own disappointment when he obeyed instantly. "This doesn't make sense!"

"That... is the whole point of kinks, I think!" Tristan replied, smirking as he pulled her paw back to his snout after a short hesitation. The dragoness watched him in anticipation as he slowly opened his maw and glanced up at her for approval.

"You... like feet then, I take it!" She muttered, finally giving consent for the weird activity by pressing the toe he had been licking just now into his mouth. She made a confused warble, unable to sort out her feelings on the matter as she watched him carefully close his lips around the offered digit before he gently started to suck on it. Why was she growing more moist beneath her tail at the sight of the male degrading himself like this? Did She like feet in that manner? Or was it the idea of dominating a willing male so completely that was making her lusty beyond reason all of a sudden?

"Actually, I've never cared for feet like this," Tristan admitted, somehow more at ease with the situation than he had been since first approaching the cave twenty minutes ago. "I think it is the dragoness they are part of who brings out the kinky side of me!"

"Lusting after a different species, how... kinky indeed!" the dragoness growled amused, failing to stop a croon from escaping as the male took the next digit into his mouth. "Looks like you will have to come by here more often. To teach me more about such things as kinks."

"Is that an invitation?" Tristan smirked as the second digit popped from his lips, the anthropomorphic gesture failing to materialize quite the same as he had envisioned it on his now scaled muzzle. Still, the message was received as intended and she leaned her muzzle to almost touching distance from his own, returning the same awkward smirk.

"It is a command!" she corrected him.

Tristan chuckled, not sure if she was being serious or playful, nor whether he should be nervous or excited about his impending future. But all concerns about the statement fled his mind as he felt the dragoness's tail curl about his exposed member, lifting the now bestial shaft into position with less dexterity than he remembered from the first time she had loomed over him like this. He felt her tail quiver and suddenly he understood that she was as needy to be filled as he was to feel her spread around his girth.

"Y-yes, my lady!" he said, taking the last digit of the foot he was holding on to into his mouth as she started to squat down onto his groin.

Her aim was off by only an inch or so, and with a quick shift of her haunches she adjusted herself. Tristan moaned past the finger in his mouth, his rumble joining her own as the sharp crown of his penis pressed past her tight folds. She rumbled in delight as he penetrated her, her vocalization devolving into a mindless groan as his reach became deeper and fuller. She seemed determined to take him completely in one go, for she did not hesitate nor waver as her body slid slowly down his shaft.

"You make... a very good pet!" she finally managed to say, hissing in satisfaction through gritted teeth as the scales of her groin came into contact with the ones the once-vulpine's stomach now sported. "Maybe, I should keep you here permanently!"

"I... doubt you will find feeding and cleaning up after me... quite as much fun as playtime," Tristan replied through his own gritted teeth, huffing as he throbbed and squirted a generous helping of precum deep inside her body. For a moment he was not sure if the flutter in his chest was the lust in his soul already looking forward to the next encounter or the nerves that he may genuinely be chained to the wall for the rest of his life, but the intensity of the moment became too much and he stopped caring of what was to come.

"I've taken care of hatchlings before..."

"But did you tolerate any of my size lingering about? "

"I guess you are right," the dragoness replied, leaning over his chest to glare menacingly at the male she had pinned beneath her bulk. "But make no mistake: You belong to me now! Now, until," She squeezed his shaft with a powerful, vaginal contraction for emphasis and failed to stop herself from smiling when her prey moaned aloud, scrunching up his muzzle in an obvious attempt not to blow his seed right there and then.

"Until you have performed your male obligations and made me heavy with a clutch or two!" Somehow, his attempt to make it last made her want him even more and with a devilish smirk she added: "Or ten!"

"Ten?" Tristan gasped in shock, sure his heart stopped for a second. The dragoness coughed in what the reptilian side of his new instincts informed the new dragon was a delighted laugh and she leaned down to nip at the soft scales in the crook of his jaw.

The touch was more than he could bear and with a deep groan of release, the male came. The dragoness joined his groan of delight when she felt the desperately sought-after warmth spread in her abdomen. Caught up in a sudden display of dominance, she flared her wings wide and she leaned her body back to put as much of her weight onto his groin as possible. Her strange coughing laughter grew in volume with each spasm of his penis within her, only dying down to a delighted rumble when she was sure his ejaculate started to dwindle to a trickle.

"Good boy!" she grinned as she leaned down to nip at the erogenous zone below his jaw again. "Five more like that, and I'll consider letting you go for today."

"F-five?" Tristan gasped through a somewhat pained moan as the dragoness above him shifted about in his lap, masturbating herself with his overly sensitive penis. "L-last month it... urg... we just went the one time!"

"Sure," she replied, her domineering grin never faltering though she did stop torturing his dick, leaning instead down to lay prone across his chest. "I don't see a problem with that! Five times is not that many and unlike last time, we need not fear interruption now..."

"I... I'm just not sure if I have another load to give you!" Tristan admitted, fruitlessly squirming beneath the larger dragoness in the vain hope of getting a little more comfortable. But he was properly trapped and could do little more than lean back and enjoy the feeling of her silky, pulsating walls holding his still powerfully hard penis in a very comfortable embrace.

"Oh?" the dragoness asked with a squeak to her voice and a flash of worry crossing her features. But the look was gone before the male could decide if it was out of empathy for his predicament or dismay that she could not have the time she desired.

"The mind is willing," he quickly stammered, staring wide-eyed up at the upset dragon pinning him down, "but-but the body, well..."

"Oh!" she gasped, that disconcerting chuckle of hers returning for a moment. "I wouldn't worry about what the weak body you are used to could or could not do. Until the sun sets you have a new body, one I know will be more than up to the task to perform as I desire. You see when dragons breed, they often mate after only a few minutes of rest and continue for three consecutive days, so I know you will not disappoint!" She leaned down again, seemingly satisfied in having won the argument.

"I... sure, of course, my lady!" Tristan replied, his throat dry as he recognized the truth of her words. Having been originally Vulpine, he was no stranger to tying with his mates. However, something he had not anticipated was the powerful desire already building up in him. Despite having just had a strong orgasm, he could feel the need to hump up into her again, searching for that wondrous friction that will inevitably make him spend his seed within this suddenly very gorgeous creature once more. And after that, he doubted he would be satisfied to call the mating successful. Maybe being a dragoness's sex toy might not be such a bad experience after all!

Something of his thoughts must have shown in his body language for the female crooned in delight and leaned in to nibble at his jaw again. However, overcome with inspiration, Tristan twisted his snout in the last second and caught her opened jaws with his own. She squeaked in surprise and tried to pull away, but her fangs had caught behind his own and she could do naught but give a muffled complaint as Tristan's lips sealed against her own. However, her protests quickly stilled when she felt the male's tongue brush up carefully against her own. At first, she frowned in confusion at the strange sensation in her maw, but she quickly found herself crooning in delight before with a possessive growl, she pressed her face down onto his to wrestle control away from the male once more.

Tristan meeped in surprise when the dragoness suddenly took over again. Though he tried to maintain the vantage her surprise had afforded him, he found it impossible to deny her insistence and after a short tongue wrestling, he was forced to relent to her greater power. Yet, the spike of renewed desire Tristan felt as he surrendered to her dominance caught him completely by surprise, and before he even knew it, he had laid his forepaws on her hips to hold her in place as his hips started to push the little he could up into her.

They kissed longer than Tristan had intended, but it was a wonderful experience so he could not find it in himself to even try and signal to her to stop. Instead, he squeezed her thighs and curled his tail now powerful about hers as his pelvis rolled about in slow leisurely movements. Eventually, the dragoness herself decided when all things must come to an end.

"Most interesting," she said with a soft croon as she pulled away to look at the male who had somehow managed to surprise her several times over in one afternoon. "Is that also one of those 'kink' things?"

Tristan chuckled as she snorted in surprise at seeing the string of mucus connecting their muzzles before he snapped it with a shake of her head.

"No," he said, not faltering with the movements of his hips. "It is a show of deep affection." He hesitated for a heartbeat, already guessing the consequences of his next words. Yet, after a moment's thought, he committed himself fully. "It is reserved exclusively for mates who intend to breed!"

The words had the reaction he had expected and after another nip at his throat that almost made him cum, she initiated another forceful kiss. Luckily one that did not last quite as long as their first.

"I have told you that breeding dragons mate several times over," she practically purred as she also started to shift her hips in conjunction with his movements. "But seeing how I had to go about to find seed this past decade, I have never had the opportunity to breed properly. I think that is the reason why all my previous attempts ever took."

She licked at the sensitive spot at his neck again and with a strangled groan, Tristan felt himself lose control of his prostate once more. She continued to lick him even as he squirmed and moaned beneath her, filling her up with spurt after spurt of precious semen.

"Thank you for volunteering to breed me like a proper drake next time my heat comes around!" she whispered with a satisfied croon when he started to calm down.

Tristan looked up at her, unable to sort his emotions out. 'This is a bad idea!' a weak part of his mind tried to reason with him, but at that moment he found it difficult to care. On one side he was rather nervous of what trouble he had gotten himself into now, but on the other, he relished the challenge. He was not sure if it was the lust in his mind talking or the new draconic instincts he was experiencing, but one thing he was sure of was that he wanted to see this female swell with his progeny.

"What is your name?" he asked instead, trying to hide his inner turmoil with a nervous lick to his snout.

"My what?" the dragoness asked in confusion before a sly smirk spread over her features. "Is this another kink?"

"No-no-no!" Tristan chuckled, rubbing at her flank with mindless circles, wondering if she would be releasing his penis anytime soon. "It is a... well, a word that identifies yourself, I guess."

"I am 'dragoness'," she started to say, but a giggle from the male made her hesitate.

"I want to know 'who' you are, not 'what' you are!" he smiled. "I'm Tristan, for instance. It is... a 'civil' thing!"

"Dragons don't have... names!" the dragoness stated bluntly, though there was a glint of amusement in her eyes as she regarded the once-fox she was still sitting on. "We are solitary creatures and do not need one!"

"Still, I would like to know who the mother of my future kids is!" Tristan admitted, still chuckling mirthfully. "If you don't have one, can I give you one?"

The dragoness started to roll her hips around once more as she leaned over to lick at the very tip of his snout, though she pulled away with lightning reflexes when the male made to lock his teeth between hers for another kiss.

"You can if you want!" she relented from her position of dominance for the first time. But then a devious smirk crossed her features. "But only if you can make me cum as well!"