From Top To Bottom - Part 1 of 3

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#13 of Erotic Stories

A short story about an Assault Squad member who discovers his other qualities for overwhelming the enemy. Split into three parts to allow more precise tagging.

Max Glaw went over his gear again, checking the straps and buckles of his armour while the other members of his team smartly deployed from the van behind him. Giving his stun shotgun one last all-over, he received their captain's Go signal. Swiftly the little border collie ducked his head into the maintenance tunnel.

Recon scans had identified the shortest route into the gangers' lair twenty minutes earlier. Max was part of the quick response and assault unit, their scout. Retinal bio implants improved his sight and recorded all in his vision, uploading the feed through their unit's high-security link with the matrix.

The gang they were about to raid had undercut the security of several corps' establishments in the vicinity. Max knew his team was expecting a considerable force of muscle, a thought that made him shiver. Fantasies of hulking predators flooded his mind, ganging up on him and abusing his body, filling him with their throbbing dicks. He suppressed a horny groan, pulling himself back together. Brian Budge, his boss and head of his department, had made it very clear to Max that he was supposed to dominate the villains, not merely distract them, and his sore sphincter still smarted from the lecture.

As he ducked another cable duct hanging from the low ceiling, he saw the first signs of activity in the area below. Sophisticated computing equipment in top condition mingled with dusty, ancient crates and boxy technology Max didn't care to identify.

Lila's voice crackled over the radio in his ear-bead. "In position." She was the team's sniper, overlooking the underground entrance Max was approaching, non-lethal shock cartridges loaded into her slender rifle.

"In position," Max whispered into his mic. "Two contacts. Secondary access identified, a wall breach north of primary access." The two contacts were lean figures in hoodies and makeshift armour plates, rifles slung over their shoulders. Max quietly sought his way to the hole in the wall. His job was to gather intel of enemy positions and to update the map overlay they all were seeing on the inside of their tactical helmet screens.

"Confirmed," said Lila, "two contacts, unaware, and a cute border collie butt nearby closing in on the secondary access." Max blushed but ignored the bait, ducking deeper into cover. Lila wasn't even into men, he thought, why did the mean cheetah have to tease him like this during every mission?

The wall breach was a gaping maw with teeth of broken iron bars and shattered concrete. It was one possibility that this section didn't connect to the lair at all, but the mission's success relied on facts, not on suspicions. Carefully Max snug inside.

"Inside secondary access. Abandoned offices from the facility's former function." Alert, the border collie rushed forward silently, crouching low and missing nothing. A door stood out from the others. "Secondary access terminates at an exit, no windows. Confirm breaching."

The rough voice of Tonuk, their bovine captain, cracked in answer. "Negative. Step back and hold position. Prepare to disengage and join primary assault route on my command."


Max retreated several steps to take cover in the next door frame. He had hardly taken position when the door opened and a ram came out, lighting a cigarette. Cycling his artificial sight to thermal confirmed nobody else was waiting around the corner. In a single quick movement the butt of his shotgun connected with the temple of the ram, knocking him out. Stepping over the downed man and swiping the area, Max reported.

"Contact pacified. The exit leads into the workshop. Several contacts, uploading area scans."

"Good work, Max." Replied Tonuk, making the collie wag his tail. "Uploads received. We're going in. Lila, cover our asses and take position at Max's current location once we're through."

An affirmative purr was all the answer the cheetah gave.

The assault members breached the gate. From that point on things escalated quickly.

Max was rushing down the open stairwell, exposed and in plain sight, his only protection that all attention was drawn to the commotion an the front entrance. Picking out loners in his vicinity, he pumped the stun shots into one after another, restraining their wrists behind their backs and moving on. More than once the smutty border collie had to stop himself from groping the muscular henchmen at his mercy, and use these impulses instead to fuel the fighter in him. A quick glance to the front showed him the massive form of Tonuk, the one-bull-army wielding a two-handed rubber button to take out foe after foe, all incoming hits and shots glancing off his armour harmlessly. Around him hummed a swarm of homing drones of all sizes, dealing out shocks and tranquillizers in a feat of multi-tasking that Max could only admire. He threw a look over his shoulder at the crafty badger controlling them, standing at mid distance behind the assault line. Things looked good for them.

And then pink, translucent tentacles grew from the ground. Come on, Max thought, not tentacles. He hated them with a passion that set his groin on fire, his member stiffening in its sheath. Nobody from Recon had mentioned sorcery.

Panning left and right, he caught sight of the wildly gesturing rat. Of course the shaman was pointing right at him, and of course he was too far away for his stun bursts to do anything. Max fired anyway, running at the shaman as fast as legs could carry him. At least his shots dissipated the still forming tentacles in his way.

"Street shaman at my position! Repeat, shaman at my position!" Entering effective range, Max aimed at the conjuring rat. A slim tentacle dashed the barrel of his gun aside, shrapnel pinging off furniture and concrete harmlessly. Still rushing, running for his dignity more than his mission, Max swung a viscous downward blow at the rat. The strike actually connected, but momentum carried him down together with the rat.

"Stay down!" He commanded, lying on top of the shaman, fumbling for the rat's wrists. This close he could smell the aphrodisiac reek and horny musk, both signs of potency. Shamans fuelled their magic with their own lust and desires, the more pent up and imaginative they were, the stronger their conjurations. The rat just smirked, not even trying to fight back. "Have fun, slutty boy," he chittered.

Max felt strong ropes coiling around both his ankles at the same time. Before he could even yelp, he was dragged off the rat in one fluid motion. More tentacles took his neck, wrists and tail, spreading all limbs wide apart. He struggled, knowing all too well what was coming next. Questing tendrils exploiting every little nook and fold in his protective suit quickly overcame its layers of armour and cloth. Sticky, squirming snakes rushed up his right leg, plunging between his cheeks without hesitation. Another tentacle invaded under his belt from behind, with more of them getting in from the side and front. His belt buckle burst with an audible crack. As his pants went down, his already hard and dripping shaft sprang into light. He suppressed to moan, growling with horny frustration, equally humiliated and aroused when the poking tips of the well lubed invaders found his pucker.

The rat took a moment to savour his accomplishment, which was his downfall. An invisible force punched him from his feet, his body twitching with electric seizures from shock bullets. "Shaman down," Lila purred.

Max ground his teeth when the first tentacle invaded his hole. Nothing else had been drilled into him quite as completely as the need to stay on top. Dominate! He shouted at himself in his head, fighting against the squirming tentacles, even as a second slippery invader joined the former. Both began thrusting in turn, first one, then the other, overpowering his will as quickly as they had his armour. His legs were spread further. He shivered when they hit his prostate for the first time, drawing out long, sluttish moans. He felt his knot swell, needy for attention.

Down the workshop, Tonuk simply tore through every tentacle that grasped for him. They latched onto his armour, tearing down plates, finding safety clasps, buckles and zip fasteners. While Max hang in the air, double-penetrated by conjured tentacles, he watched as the same ethereal tendrils stripped his captain down to the brown fur of his muscular body. His member was stiff, swinging ponderously like the heavy rubber baton in Tonuk's hands. The tentacles groped, stroked and invaded, but the male simply ploughed through them, taking down what was left of the gangers. One of them, a lean black panther, was thrown to the ground and literally fucked into submission right on the spot. That's how Max knew they had caught the leader of this band.

A third tentacle invading his behind brought his attention back to his own predicament. Moaning in a high and higher pitch, he struggled and strained, but the conjured appendages stopped at nothing. Could they not at least stroke his cock, he thought pleadingly? The last thing he needed now was to cum hands-free in front of his team.

Just on cue, an elegant form in tight black leather walked in front of him, back turned towards him. "Lila!" Max called out, more moaning than shouting. "Help me!"

She was taking something out of her jacket. Still standing with her back to him, she held up her cellphone. A second later, a video-call popped up in Max's AR HUD. Gritting his teeth, panting against the thrusting assault of three penetrators, he saw himself hanging behind Lila, the devious cheetah smiling into the camera.

"Hey ya'll," she greeted, irritating Max further. He shouted, "What are you doing! Lila, get me down!" He pleaded, gasping for breath in one moment, moaning from sheer pleasure in the next. His knot was throbbing, painfully hard, and he felt his balls drawing closer to his body. No, no, nooooo!

"It's me and Max, enjoying another day at the office." Lila commented.

Max howled. It was too much. His hips buckled, and he watched with watering eyes as rope after rope of thick jizz shot out of his member. Lila whooped cheerfully, all the while recording the show, probably streaming it back to HQ. Squirming helplessly, his whole body shivering, Max howled again, pleasure still prevailing over surmounting humiliation.

Only when his body was weakened by after-glow, their intend accomplished, did the tentacles let go of him. Sinking to the ground, were he lay shivering, his member still twitching, his pucker recovering far too slowly, Max closed his eyes and tried to find the strength to get up and gather what dignity there was left for him.

A slender hand touched his shoulder. "Thanks for distracting the shaman, he-bitch. Another take-down for my rep." Purring with amusement, Lila left him.

Just when he thought he had recovered enough, the sound of heavy steps closed in on him. Max didn't even have the time to look around when a sure hand caught his neck, never mind yelp when two broad fingers found his tailhole and started thrusting in violently.

"You like that, huh?" Capitan Tonuk shouted at him, without anger, rather like he was trying to encourage Max. "You love that, little slut?" His fingers just kept thrusting, Max squirming with his neck pinned to the ground. "No! No Sir!" But moaning all the same.

A third finger penetrated his hole, making him yelp and shudder. "Do you like that, slut?!" Tonuk repeated.

"Ah! Yes, yes Sir! Please stop, for God's sake! Ah!"

The thrusting stopped, and the captain lifted him off the ground effortlessly, putting him on his shaking legs. "Th-thank you, Sir." Max whimpered, completely beside himself. But Tonuk only grinned down on him, chuckling as he did. His body was covered in sweat, muscles still twitching with arousal and adrenalin. Involuntarily Max's eyes were drawn to the bovine half-chub dangling close to his own still stiff cock, both dripping cum.

Tonuk opened Max's visor and kissed the border collie on the lips. Max was too stunned to protest, even if he had wanted to. Still grinning, Tonuk wrapped an arm around the canine and guided him out of the underground workshop, steadying him as Max followed on shaking legs. "You know I love working with you, Max." Tonuk said casually. "You always keep things interesting."