Paying a Debt

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A man cant pay his gambling debt so unconventional methods are employed.

The first in a series of stories for Christmas season. This one gave me a lot of trouble but I think it turned out ok! You be the judge. Comments are welcome!

If you enjoy the story or are feeling generous you can support me HERE

A short walk from the city gates, nestled on an overcrowded side street, was a small warehouse. Just another large, bland building amongst many others. The locals would tell you it was abandoned. While the city guards never bothered to set foot near the place. After all, they were well paid not too. Tonight, in that building, a bit of dirty business was being conducted. On one side was a man who had made some bad life choices. While on the other were the people he had made those choices with.

"Look. I just need some time." Jim was five feet of scrawny man with a splash of dirty blond hair. He was dressed in worn down clothing laden with repairs. A simple man of simple tastes. Unless you counted his addiction to betting at the races. In front of him was a desk and behind it sat Benny. A man Jim had never met until today.

"Don't we all?" Benny was a far sturdier man then Jim and stood a foot taller. Dressed in fine, well kept clothing. Each thick finger was adorned with a gold ring. One might think him a gentleman if it wasn't for the spots of blood staining a cuff of his shirt. "But sadly we don't always get it."

Jim's eyes went wide as it sunk in he wasn't going to talk himself out of this one. He took a step back as he stupidly considered running. An idea that vanished when he bumped into the dark furred minotaur behind him. The imposing figure may as well have been a mountain. A mountain that placed a firm hand on Jim's shoulder, freezing him to the spot.

"Wait." Jim struggled for words. "Wait, wait. Ok, look, I can double it! I will double it. I have a promotion coming up. I'll live like a damn pauper until I pay you back. Please!"

Benny remained unmoved. "Look, if I thought you had it in you I'd take you up on that deal. We both know you don't. You'll either run or rack up more debt. Can't risk it either way." Benny motioned to the minotaur but kept his eyes on Jim. "But don't worry. We aren't going to kill you. How the hell would we get paid back then, right?"

The minotaur slipped something around Jims neck.

"The hell's is this?" As Jim started to reach up towards whatever it was the minotaur squeezed Jim's shoulder. Which left him frozen in place again.

Benny cracked an empty smile. "Consider it employment. You're going to work for us now. For as long as it takes to pay us back."

"I don't unde-" Jim stopped as an image pressed into his mind. An image of the thing that hung around his neck. A thick leather collar covered in dull metallic spikes. The image bore into his mind until it was all he could see. He didn't even notice the minotaur remove his hand. The collar bound itself to him and in that moment it shrank till it was snug against his neck. Its grip was cool but began to warm rapidly. A pulse of energy radiated from the collar. It moved through Jim as a wave of euphoria. In that moment all fear was driven from his mind. He went slack, sank to his knees, arms loose at his sides. A tremble as another pulse raced through him. His eyes glazed over as his mind yielded to the power of the collar. Another pulse, stronger than the others, rocked him. He arched at the feeling, head tossed back and he cried out in pleasure.

"Oh, gods!"

Jim's cock swelled quickly and within the span of a few heartbeats it had formed a visible tent in his pants. He fumbled with his belt but his shaking hands prevented him from removing it. All he could think about was getting a hold of his own meat. To try and bring himself some relief. Instead he had to settle for rubbing against the bulge.

The itch of fur as it began to spread over his arms was ignored. His dulled mind was too dominated by the lust that raced through his veins to care. Even as the fur reached his hands all he could do was paw at himself. The fur sprouted all over his body and rapidly began to replace human skin. His tongue grew and in doing so became too large for his jaws. It hung out of his mouth like an overheated dog. A moment after, his jaws began to lengthen. They opened to pant and in doing so showed off his new sharp canine teeth. Yet none of this distracted him from the erection uncomfortably tight in his pants.

His growl turned into a high pitched whine. "Gotta- Gotta Cum!"

Jim started to get bigger fast. His clothing pulled tight against him for a brief moment before they tore apart. Cock, now free, sprang to full attention with a spurt of pre. Jim grabbed it eagerly. Padded digits gave a squeeze against pulsing meat. His cock grew larger under his grip.

"That's nice!" A warble of a laugh followed.

One stroke, then another. Still on his knees he leaned forward, one hand braced against the ground while the other kept a firm grip on himself. The drooling tip left a nice layer of lubrication along his fingers as he pumped.

He heard his two captors walk around him. They chatted with each other casually. One picked pieces of shredded clothing from his body. He didn't care. All that mattered was reaching climax as fast as possible.

Along with his larger size he grew a new layer of muscle. Once scrawny, now he was filled out with a dense and heavy physique. Together with the spread of fur most of his humanity was already gone. His flat human feet became paws. His ears, now at the top of his head, grew thinner and furred. All the while all Jim could do was masturbate like there was no tomorrow.

His snarl came with a snap of jaws. "Fuck! Close!"

Hips twitched, then began to jerk forward. Humped against his own hand. Release came with a rush. Lines of cum sprayed from throbbing meat. A gasp of delight followed by a low groan as he continued to jack himself off. Until, with a last spurt of cum, it was over. He remained hunched over. Panting like a dog. He clung to his meat until it softened. As it began to retreat he spotted his new sheath and the meaty balls that hung under it.

It was Benny who spoke first. "Quick and easy."

"It always is their first time." The minotaur took hold of Jims collar and yanked him to his feet. "Time to go."

Jims stood, unsteadily at first, on his two paw like feet. He finally had a real chance to look himself over. He lifted his hands, turned them over to get a good look at the pads. Then reached back to find a tail had sprouted over a naked ass. His new fur was yellow and covered with dark spots. The fur of hands and feet in particular darkened to near black. He licked over his jaws and found many sharp teeth.

"Gnoll?" Jim felt over his snout and ears. "Gnoll! I'm a Gnoll." A laugh followed, long and warbling. "Fuck, yeah."

Jim's eyes glazed over as the collar worked its will upon him. A line of drool dropped from open jaws. He was a gnoll now and that's what mattered. Not his previous life. Not his previous desires. No one cared about that sad stick of a man he had been.

Benny busied himself gathering his coat. "They always like it."

The minotaur applied a leash to the Gnolls collar. "Collar makes sure of it."

The click of the leash snapped Jim out of it. While he could remember who he was, the memories were distant. Something his simple mind would easily forget. That life had been boring anyways. Now, as a Gnoll, he could have all sorts of wicked fun. A restless energy boiled up within him and he began to fidget.


Benny ignored the gnoll's outburst. "Get him dressed. We're taking him straight to his first job. Got a few girls who are going to love him."

Jim rumbled. "Were going? Where we going? How we going? Who we going to? Am I going to do them? Are they going to do meee?" Jaws snapped. "Will there be snacks?"

The sudden burst of questions cut off as a loin cloth landed on his snout. "Put it on, Gnoll. No one wants to see your dick all day."

Jim snatched the loin cloth from his face. "Yeah, yeah. You two sure had fun watchin' me enjoy myself."

Benny was already on his way to the door. "Hurry up mutt. I'll tell you all about your job in the carriage. Think you're gonna like it."

"Sure hope so boss. You are boss yeah? Of course your boss." Another warble of a laugh. "I really like how my laugh sound!" He tied the loin cloth in place. Sheathed member now hidden as much as a loin cloth hid anything. "Like how I look. So big now! Strong! How long will be this way?"

The minotaur tugged Jim's leash. "Just worry about the job."

"Oh. Ok, boss." A big nod, "Ok."

The three of them left together. Jim was eager to see what was in store for him. Not another thought about when or if he would be changed back. The carriage outside was going to take him to a very different life. The mess he had left in the warehouse left for some other poor sap to clean up in the morning.