In Too Deep

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Kairi had a well-deserved reputation for indulging pawsluts in her home. Her one hard rule: Make it interesting for her. SoulFoxness broke that rule and Kairi found her own way to make it interesting.Questionable Content: This story contains the following

Con to dubconShrinkingDominationFeetA sharkess being an evil bitch to a male mammal ????You could have read this two weeks ago on my SubscribeStar! Early access is available for just $3/month.

Soul gulped as he approached the condominium. This place was fancy and he knew he'd look out of place. The fox was here for a legitimate reason--he'd specifically been welcomed--but the doorman cross-checked that with the resident he was visiting. He was guided to an elevator and sent to the topmost floor, forty stories above ground, to meet his host for the night. When the elevator doors opened, he stepped out the mundane and into a world of technological luxuries.

Kairi's home wasn't full of the stuffy crap from your average McMansion. The furniture was minimalist, yet practical. Colored LED lights were abundant along the walls and ceiling. Sand-colored carpet spanned the room. The view over the city, overlooking a high-tech distrtict, was spectacular. "Hey Soul," Kairi introduced herself. She was nude, barring a small pair of black panties, which stunned Soul out of a response. "Welcome to my shark tank. Whatcha think?" He didn't have words for it. He just stared in awe at the kitefin shark and nodded dumbly.

"Heh, guess you like it," Kairi continued. "We talked over the rules online. You're here until noon or until I have to call security, whatever's first. Keep me happy and I'll keep you happy. Red light's the only thing that's gonna make me stop. And if you're enough of a pathetic slut to get off on the floor or furniture, you owe me for the cleaning."

Those terms were reasonable enough. "Okay!" Soul said, to which Kairi responded with a derisive snort. She took a seat on a black leather chair with angular arm rests and propped her bare feet on a white, cuboid ottoman before it.

"Then get to fucking work, bitch." Kairi looked at the fox and aggressively pointed at her feet. Soul hadn't earned more words from her. That arrogant attitude was all he'd get. He hesitated briefly, which earned him a disapproving glare from the shark, before he finally knelt before her. Her five-toed feet were humanlike, though with slightly coarser skin than a human might possess. Kairi's dark, dusky purple skin stood in stark contrast to the bright light and furniture. Soul leaned closer and picked up on her scent, salty as the ocean, as befitting a sea creature. Her feet were well cared for--there wasn't a single imperfection upon their surface--but they still had a sheen of sweat.

Sweat was among Soul's requests for the night, though. He wanted this. This is why he was here: To have the privilege of being at Kairi's feet. To be beneath her in more ways than one. He grabbed one of her feet in both hands and started to massage it. "Your feet are beautiful, Kairi," he said, daring to speak to his Mistress for the night.

"You know it," Kairi replied. "Thanks to foot sluts like you who pay just to see them. It's great." She pressed her other foot firmly against Soul's snout. "Don't fucking ignore the other one, mammal." With her toes planted just above his nose, the scent saturated Soul's every breath. "Start licking between my toes and thank me for letting you taste 'em."

The aggressive attitude made Soul blush. "Yes ma'am," he said. His tongue promptly obeyed that command and began flossing between her toes. Their taste was devoid of any hygiene products a fancy lady might use. There was just the faint earthiness of accumulated dirt and dust to accompany the pungent sweat. "Thank you for letting me clean your toes, Kairi," he added between licks. "These are incredible..." The fox nuzzled firmly into her toes and took another deep breath of her scent, which had diminished just slightly from his cleaning efforts. He'd be happy to lick every inch clean if that's what she wanted...

Kairi, however, was already getting bored with this. She'd told the fox to fight back a little, rather than being the spineless doormat he'd become. The fox was fixated on her feet, fervently licking one foot while massaging the other. He didn't notice that Kairi grabbed her shrink ray off the glass table next to her. "You know I deserve better than that, sea slug," Kairi chastised as she removed her feet from her client's face. "So let's make this interesting." She fired the shrink ray before Soul could say no. His world became nothing but blinding cyan light.

Soul felt like he was free falling. He fell against the ottoman and braced himself on the side of that cube, though its fabric felt much coarser than before. As his vision started to clear, he started to piece together what was happening. Her footrest was taller than his body and continued to rush upward. The walls spread apart; her spacious apartment now looked big as an aircraft hangar and was still expanding. Up above, Kairi chuckled darkly at the bewildered and terrified look on Soul's face. "If you wanna act like a micro shrimp, may as well make ya that size," she explained.

How small was he going to get? He was... what, six inches? Three? When he could see under the furniture that initially seemed flat to the ground, he knew he'd become much smaller than that. He had only a moment to consider what'd happened before Kairi stood up and looked down at the speck. Soul's black fur stood out against the carpet;, it didn't take a ton of work to find him. From the fox's perspective, however, the 5?3? shark resembled a leviathan from the deep rather than the woman he'd been servicing earlier.

Kairi disabled the room's lights to give Soul a more dramatic view. Her front bioluminesced and cast its ocean-like glow upon the minuscule micro. He could barely take his gaze away from her feet, but curiosity compelled his gaze to nervously wander upward. He saw the curves of her thighs, stomach, breasts... and her malicious, toothy grin oh-so-far above. Beyond her teeth, only the slight glistening of her amethyst eyes pierced the darkness. Kitefin sharks are commonly found about 500 meters underwater; Soul may as well have been that deep given how helplessly out of his element he was.

"Yeah, that's more like it..." Kairi said. She spoke softly so as not to rupture the pathetic mammal's ears, though her voice was noticeably deeper than before. "Let's get comfortable." Kairi stepped forward; Soul panicked. He turned to run but, at a size comparable to her small toe, it was a futile effort. She barely noticed the attempt. Her two largest toes squeezed firmly around the fox and hoisted him upward. His destination: The same footrest that Kairi had used. She placed him near the edge furthest from her chair and took her seat. "How's it feel to be a bug?"

Soul tried to answer but couldn't shout loudly enough to be heard. If Kairi leaned in close she might pick up those words but, as she smugly leaned back in her chair, it was not gonna happen. Instead of listening, she brought her feet back onto the ottoman and placed them uncomfortably close to her client. Her legs were slightly spread to retain a view of the micro cowering beneath her, but her feet dominated his view of her body. The lights slowly turned on, casting a dim bluish light on the room, to permit the fox a better view of her body.

Previously, Soul could lick between her toes. At this size? He could lick into the individual whorls of her footprint. The hints of dust on her foot that previously gave her soles a slight shade were now clearly visible for the tiny particles they were. Her scent was all-encompassing and inescapable, especially given the sweat that'd previously been infused into her ottoman from repeated use. Each of her soles resembled the façade of a high rise building; her feet were two dark buildings against a dimly lit sky. The arch of her foot was an architectural feature in its own right and showed Soul how clean her feet could be in contrast to the areas he stood against. Or, perhaps, he was just too small and far away to tell that they too would need attention.

"Get back to work, speck," Kairi commanded from on high. Her toes flexed menacingly above to remind Soul that, if the mammal ceased to entertain her, any one one of her digits could end him. A few tiny pieces of lint, freed by the movements of her toes, rained around Soul like bits of gravel. Simply existing around her at this size was dangerous. She was the Apex Predator of her domain and Soul was simply a visitor who'd gotten into trouble far beyond his control.

Soul hastily resumed licking once the immediate risk had passed. Instead of a single, uniform flavor, he could now identify the differences in taste between her sweat and the dust embedded in her sole. The former was purely of her body's creation; the latter carried hints of the original source, infused deeply with her sweat. He felt obliged to try massaging her, even if it meant working his hands against an unyielding wall. If she wanted his best, he owed it to her to try. His life might depend on it.

Kairi reclined fully and sighed contently. "That's it, gnat. Just keep that up and maybe I'll let you try out the rest of my foot later. Maybe my other foot if you're really good. And remember..." she moved her feet aside temporarily. "You booked me all night. You're with me for another 15 hours. So this ends when I want it to. Got it?"

He got it. Her words and commands were unambiguous. He'd have to give everything he had just to survive until morning.

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