When The Sun Goes Down Around Here...

Story by Ziegenbock on SoFurry

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When the Sun Goes Down Around Here...

By Ziegenbock

The collie sighed as he drove on, clutching the steering wheel of his Land Rover and shifting through the gears. The sun was setting slowly over the western fells, the collie staring ahead as the narrow country road dimmed before him. Here in the peaks, the roads were unmarked, unpaved and empty, dipping down hills and beside dry-stone walls, here and there passing over a little stream before inclining immediately again on the other side. The collie grunted and shifted back down into second gear, releasing the clutch and feeling the powerful engine engage into gear. Even in his brand-new 4x4, he would be lucky to get out of third gear around here. When the road straightened for a short while, he spared a moment to glance across at his fellow passenger, a large and powerful wolf. Tall, lean and well-built, brown-furred with patches of grey around his eyes, he sat silently in the passenger's seat, fur ruffled by the cool air conditioning, glancing ahead at the landscape, wild and untamed and so different to anything he knew in the city.

"Much further, Marlon?" he asked the collie whilst still staring ahead.

"Nah, we're nearly there pet," came the reply in the collie's thick Lancashire tones. A few moments later and he turned on the indicator, setting off the familiar click-click and turning left onto a short single-track road. There, ahead of them, stood a tall sign emblazoned with a red double-arrow, surrounded by two or three flint-clad buildings, an unpaved car-park with a few empty cars, and a long wooden fence straight ahead, with two platforms just behind.

Pulling into the station car-park, Marlon drew up to a short slope, which led to a gap in the fence and the station entrance, and cut the engine.

"Alright then Brad, here we are."

Both front doors swung open, the two occupants climbing out of the Land Rover and onto the gravel. The wolf, Bradley, stretched out his backs, arms and legs with a low growl and a satisfied smile, taking in a deep breath, filling his lungs with that clean country air. It was a cool autumn night, the twilight sky speckled with cloud, the little valley both sides of the station sheltered from the brisk breezes across the dales that night. Of course Brad had often thought about living somewhere like this; who in the city hadn't? And having met Marlon, he even had a bona fide reason now. But for the meantime at least, work beckoned.

The collie meanwhile had padded to the back of the Land Rover, pulling open the door and retrieving the wolf's holdall from inside.

"Oh, hurrying me along are you?" Brad grinned as Marlon walked around and handed him the holdall, which he promptly took. "I get it, you can't wait to get rid of me."

"Oh absolutely, you daft bugger. We can't stand you city types round here. Off you go then. Quick, before I get out my pitchfork."

The wolf froze, and crept behind the collie with a sly smile. "Hmm, wouldn't be the first thing you've 'got out' for me, hey, country boy?" he growled lewdly, clasping the collie's shoulders, growling and nibbling his ear. The collie laughed and brushed him away, glancing around the deserted car park just to make sure no-one saw that display. He had moved to lock the car doors when he paused, perking an ear, hearing a familiar but unexpected rumble.

"Er, Brad?"

"Yep?" The wolf busied himself with the holdall, rummaging through to check his belongings one final time.

"What time's your train?"

"7.43. Ten minutes' time."

"Oh. Then why do I hear a train now?"

"Going the other way perhaps?" Brad returned to his holdall, before freezing suddenly. "But hold on... that train comes at ten past the hour. It's the one I came on, so..." He fumbled in his jeans pocket and pulled out a timetable, unfolding it and running a claw along the line from the station name. His eyes grew wide as he read the four digits where his claw rested. 1934.


Grabbing his holdall, he ran up the slope to the platform, around the corner, and sure enough there stood the train on the opposite platform. At once he bolted at full speed along the platform, sprinting on all fours like a feral, scrambling up the stairs to the iron footbridge, across in a shot and down again as the train's engines rumbled to life and slowly, before the wolf's eyes, the train snaked its way out of the station.

Skidding to a halt, Brad stamped the concrete, shouting and cursing at the train which trundled away regardless. He kept crouched over, eyes closed and panting furiously. Gulping down some deep breaths, he trudged into a nearby shelter on hind legs, threw down his holdall and collapsed onto the narrow ledge on its back wall, his choice selection of four-letter words thankfully stifled by his heavy panting, as he blinked tears from his eyes and glared in rage at the two red lights disappearing in defiance along the tracks.

A clanging from the metal footbridge, then a patter-patter of paws along the platform as Marlon jogged over to meet the wolf.

"Gone... it's gone," Brad gasped, addressing no-one in particular, before launching into another tirade of fine inner-city lingo and kicking over a nearby litter bin, standing in dominance over the spilled contents, growling savagely, neck fur bristling and grinning as though he'd just disembowelled a deer, the predator satisfied that at least he could control some things in life. A few more deep breaths before he glanced at Marlon, who stood silently a short way off, before he slunk back to the bench muttering passionately to himself.

Marlon was the first to speak. "Sorry... I'm sorry."

"7.34. not 7.43. Seven thirty-bloody-four!"

Marlon thought hard for something to say, clasping his paws together and staring at the ground, before eventually breaking the silence once more. "When... when's t' next one?"

Brad snatched his timetable, flicking through it and twitching his tail agitatedly. "Two hours' time. 9.34. But that's no good. My connection in town is nine o'clock. And I have to get it, that's the last one home, see?" He waved the timetable furiously before the collie's muzzle and snatched it away again, regardless of whether the collie had actually read it.

"I'm sorry Brad. I really am." Marlon sidled up next to the wolf, nuzzling him.

Brad swallowed hard, and sighed. "I know," he whispered, altogether more calmly. Marlon wrapped his arms around the wolf, who rested his own head against the collie's and scritched his ears. "Sorry."

"It's okay, pet." The wolf might have been a bit coarse around the edges, but he was a good guy. It was just a shame that they couldn't spend more time together; but Brad had his job in the city with which to contend, and he himself the rigours of farm life. So for the time being, the two of them would have to be satisfied with these little visits. He was going to miss his wolfy this week though, that much was certain. And to tell the truth, Marlon would have just stayed where he was if he could, nestled into the wolf's snug warm fur, listening to his gentle heart beat and immersing himself in the delicious lupine scent. Standing there in the silent station, in the clutches of this gorgeous animal, with not so much as a bird for company, all of this was so intriguing, even exciting.


A mischievous grin broke onto the collie's muzzle as a dirty little thought crept into his mind, muzzle watering while he formulated a plan. With any luck, Brad would soon see the situation his way. At least with a little... persuasion.

"Hey. Hey Brad," Marlon whispered from the wolf's chest.


"We're all alone. And we've got a bit more time to ourselves."

"Yes, so?"

"How about we, you know... give you a proper send-off?"

Brad tilted his head. Marlon, to make his point clear, stared up at the wolf whilst still crouched with his head to Brad's chest, beaming the full length of his muzzle as he surreptitiously ran a paw between their waists, reaching down to the wolf's jeans.

"Wha... Marlon, are you crazy?" He grabbed Marlon's paw and pulled it away.

"What's wrong, there's no-one 'round. No-one ever comes here at this hour anyway. Take a look yourself."

Brad peered around the corner of the glass shelter, glancing right along the platform, glancing left, then across to the other platform. All was silent, save for the rustle of paper and cans from the upturned bin as they were stirred by the wind. Two rows of street lights stood vigil along the parallel platforms, bathing the station in their fluorescent orange glow. All that light, and not another soul in sight.

Brad looked down at the collie, who was still smiling eagerly at him, the street lamps highlighting the white accents in the collie's fur with a subtle amber. "Okay, so there's no-one in the station. But... in public? I'm sorry Marlon, I don't know..."

"But you're so tense, wolfy-wolf. How's about we help you... relax? Hm?" The collie was just so handsome, and cute, staring up at him with those deep blue eyes sparkling in the lamplight. Oh, not the eyes... Brad just couldn't resist being drawn into those pools of azure. And Marlon knew it.

"Hmm... well I see you're getting more relaxed about this plan all t' time," Marlon beamed as he returned his paw, idly running a claw over the crotch of the wolf's jeans, the fabric beginning to tent rather noticeably.

Bradley squirmed against the collie's touch, but Marlon reached his free paw up to the wolf's neck, stroking his claws through the wolf's thick pelt. Suddenly Bradley twitched, ears flicking as he heard something else fall from his pocket.

"Well well, what have we here?" Marlon picked a small piece of orange card off the ground, brandishing it before the wolf. "An' there you were, all desperate to get 'way from me. But you can't go around throwing away your ticket now, can you? You see, if you're careless like that, you might very well find yourself stuck here whether you want to be... or not. And if you want me to give it back, to do a favour for you, wolfy, maybe you can do a little favour for me?"

Of course, Brad could easily have overcome Marlon and taken back his ticket. He was a good six inches taller than the collie, and a good deal stronger too. But the collie's 'tough dog' act was just so adorable. "Oh?" he asked with a quirked brow.

Slipping the ticket into his own trousers with a grin, Marlon snugged the wolf tight, resting his head beside the wolf's chest whilst slowly pulling open each of the wolf's jeans buttons in turn, top to bottom, before reaching in, drawing a deep soft growl from the wolf as the back of the collie's paw brushed against his sheath.


Brad glanced down, breaking into the slightest of pants. "Yes. We'd best keep it quiet though. You know, just in case."

" 'Course. Just keep an ear out."

And with a lick of the lips, Marlon resumed his lazy caresses, turning his paw over and brushing up and down. Brad bared his sharp teeth with a little snarl, holding onto the bench with one paw whilst wrapping the other gently around Marlon's muzzle to bring it near his own. There, in unison, both muzzles parted, Brad from above, Marlon from below, slowly and slowly and finally intertwining, the two canines exploring each other ravenously with muzzle and tongue. Brad smiled as he embraced his beloved collie, twisting and snaking around that gorgeous warm white-furred muzzle and feeling Marlon lap eagerly at him in return. And all the while, the collie's paw roamed over the wolf's sheath, tracing over him with his gentle paw, feeling as the dark pink tip emerged, then tugging gently to coax more of the wolf from its furry confines. The thick scent of lupine arousal now met the collie's twitching nose, mingling with the musk of the wolf's fur and the collie's own growing arousal, Marlon grinning to himself at how readily the wolf had submitted to the touch of his paw, when all at once he felt a paw against his own inner thighs.

The collie couldn't help but break into a pant as the wolf's paw traced up one side first, then down the other, wandering idly within the collie's trousers, and creeping ever so slowly through the collie's fur, nearer and nearer to the collie's arousal, now fully emerged and slick with canine fluid. Marlon would whimper each and every time that warm and teasing paw crept near, then slipped away again, the collie oh so desperate to feel those rough pads slide along his length, whining and drooling fervently into his mouthful of lupine muzzle and fighting hard to keep his bushy tail from wagging, his own paw trembling as his grip on the wolf slowly slackened.

Brad had to smile at the situation. Of course the paw teasing him felt wonderful; his steadily growing arousal was proof enough of that. But his own state was nothing compared to Marlon's, who stared hungrily up at him with glazed eyes, whining away with an occasional little buck of the hips. And to think, Marlon was the one desperate in the first place to get his paws on a bit of wolfy cock... God, it was almost cruel to keep him hanging on like this. With his free paw still stroking and brushing through the collie's ebony neck fur, Bradley shifted his touch to the collie's pride and joy, running a single claw along its trembling length, base to tip.

Marlon broke the kiss with a gasp, about to moan throatily before suddenly remembering their location. Instead he released his grip on the lupine length completely, slipping his hand from the wolf's jeans and clutching onto his sides. Down below, his arousal twitched as Brad's paw wrapped the full length around, stroking firmly but briskly with those broad warm pawpads. Oh God, this was so naughty... He squirmed against the wolf, sharp teeth gnashed together and thick rivers of saliva drooling from his muzzle and down his shirt, all the while aware of his actions and fighting his body's urges as they screamed at him to jump on this gorgeous wolf right there and just mate him! But something told him that, even if this were the time and the place, he wouldn't be getting the chance, as at that moment his pulse started to race, breath coming harder into the wolf's neck, the collie bucking with vigour into that tantalising teasing paw, breaking out into all manner of little huffs and grunts as he felt himself swell in the lupine's grasp, fighting desperately to control the little jolts of pleasure surging ever stronger through his body as his mind clouded over with the scent of canine arousal and rich lupine musk until finally all control of his libido abandoned him and he bit the wolf's neck, hard, growling in delight as he bucked against the wolf and shot his collie cum, the sticky warmth spreading through his lower fur and underwear, leaving the wolf's paw coated in thick canine semen.

Bradley removed his messy paw from the collie's trousers, holding it before their noses to see the fruits of Marlon's exertions. Not bad, the collie mused, as he licked up the thick strands now trickling through the wolf's paw.

With Brad's paw licked clean, Marlon took a deep breath in, then out again, quickly looking around the still-silent station before stealing a glance at Bradley, who smiled back and gave a nod of the head towards his own crotch. Marlon was still ensnared in the final throes of climax as he slipped down to his knees, peeling away the wolf's open jeans and underwear to get his first good glimpse that night of the lupine length.

"My God..."

Eight inches long, fully hardened, and so thick that Marlon could barely wrap his paw around. The collie's paw was almost trembling as he reached up to its base, gripping the thick oozing lupine flesh with both paws as he knelt forward, drinking in that gorgeous scent, all musky and male, with nearly-closed eyes parting his muzzle and with his tongue slurping up the meat, making the wolf tense and grip the bench tight, a thick bead of pearlescent fluid forming at the tapered tip; and as the collie's broad tongue reached the tip, he curled it around to lap it up before devouring the meat, straight down until it nudged the back of his throat, gorging himself on the slick wolfhood whilst giving the wolf's sac a good squeeze.

Brad tensed up, gulping hard and gritting his teeth to steady his body and flicking tail, while Marlon sucked and slurped all over him, skilfully twisting his muzzle every which way, his broad tongue stroking and rasping against the tender flesh, another gout of lupine lube leaking onto Marlon's tongue. And with a muzzle like Marlon's, the wolf was never going to last long. Once more he stole a quick glance around the station, but as there was still no-one in sight he relaxed with a hearty sigh of delight, leaning against the shelter as Marlon worked his hardest to bring his beloved wolfy-wolf to a tender blissful climax, oh so nearly there, and... yes, there it was, the wolf's solid composure finally breaking, a series of powerful grunts signalling the sheer ecstasy ripping through every muscle, as suddenly Marlon's muzzle filled with thick lupine semen in long gushes, the collie coughing at the copious liquid that the wolf ejaculated, tongue working feverishly to gulp down as much of the sweet semen as possible, coaxing the wolf with muzzle and paw until every last drop was spilled from his furry balls, giving one last messy lick before removing his muzzle, the base of the wolf's arousal now swelling just like Marlon's until it stood proudly before the dog's nose, eleven inches with knot against the collie's seven, thick frothy strands of wolven fluid slowly drooling down the collie's face.

Marlon quickly rose to full height, licking the last sticky strands.

"How was that, wolfy-wolf?"

Brad took a few breaths, before managing a hoarse response. "Pretty fine."

Marlon was pleased that at least he'd got the wolf just a little out of breath. "My pleasure, city boy," he growled with an embrace and a scritch of the wolf's back. Brad simply rolled his eyes.

"Time to go. Definitely."

Each fastened their trousers, concealing their still-hardened arousals as best they could. This wasn't like the collie's bed in his little farmhouse, where they could simply lie together, even drift into slumber, whenever they recovered from one of their wild howling matings. Brad in particular struggled to fit his entire length back into his jeans.

Marlon turned for the footbridge, but Bradley slapped a paw on the collie's shoulder. "You're forgetting one thing."

"Oh? What's that?"

He held out a paw. "Ticket."

"Rats, almost got 'way with it!" Marlon handed the ticket to Brad, receiving a little clip to the ear in the process.

Marlon laughed. "Come on then. I'll give you a lift int' town."

"I hope you two are going to clean up that mess you made."

Instantly both collie and wolf froze, slowly turning to look behind. There, standing on the platform just feet from the pair, stood a red-furred vixen, fixing them both with a stern gaze.

"And the litter, too."