Commission: The Desire

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This is a commissioned piece I have recently completed and am allowed to share for your viewing pleasure!

Please enjoy and feel free to reach out either via inbox, comment or Discord for any questions!

Alyndra stared at herself in the mirror with a stillness that filled the room, with only the sounds of the birds outside breaking the silence. Her Golden eyes were vibrant as they shimmered in the light. She examined herself closely as the passage of time began to creep and show signs of age across her face with her fingers gingerly caressing her skin. There was a gentle sigh that pushed from her lips as she turned her attention downward while she chose a shade of lipstick for her outing.

She moved from one shading to the next before she finally decided on a colour. The reddish black filled out her lips nicely as her eyes once again returned to her face. Her mind began to drift back in time toward when she was more youthful than now, but her mind returned to the harsh reality as there was a knock upon her door.

"Mother? Are you ready to go?" The voice called out faintly as she recognized the source. Her son.

Her golden hues drifted toward the closed door in the reflection of the mirror before she returned it to herself, finishing with her current task as she didn't reply. She began to scan the makeup which was littered over the surface while she started to apply the rest. The black mascara allowed her eyes to stand out more than previously, along the eyeshadow helped to accent them nicely. She was in the process of wrapping up with the blush being applied last when that rasping knock returned upon the door.

"...Mother?" The timid tone echoed the question once again, which felt like nails against her ears.

"I'm almost ready, Rodlan." Her voice snapped as she slammed her hand down upon the surface of her make-up table.

"You must learn patience, it's unbecoming of you." She followed up after a brief moment of silence, with her make-up being put away neatly into the drawers.

Rodlan leaned close to the door with his slender ears only an inch away from the wood before he was startled by the sudden slam along with her voice. He quickly took a few steps back as he grasped his left hand within the right as they were placed in front of him. He felt his heart quicken in his chest as he swallowed to steel his nerves before he cleared his throat afterwards.

"Yes, Mother." He replied sheepishly while he stood there quietly, waiting patiently.

He began to fiddle with his fingers as he stared down at the ground while he could hear the sound of her moving about within. His hands began to check, and then re-check, that his attire was in order. The white shirt was tucked nicely into his slim black pants while his sleeves were rolled up, allowing the muscular tone of his arms to be seen. He began to ensure that his blonde hair hadn't been ruffled or appeared dishevelled in any manner before he returned his hands in front of him. His slender ears twitched as he heard the sound of clothing being rustled from within while he continued to wait silently.

Alyndra adjusted the gold and ruby-encrusted earrings before she ensured her necklace was fixed in place. She examined herself in the mirror with a faint smile appearing at the appearance before it faded as she turned toward her closet. She pulled various dresses out and laid them out on the bed for consideration before her eyes fell on the strapless black dress that seemed to stand out more than the rest. She gently ran her fingers along the golden embodiments that were engraved into the fabric, as well as, the few pieces of golden adornments which only made it more obvious that it was an expensive piece. Her smile spilt across her face as she began to slip into the dress.

Her hands ran along the fabric that hugged her curvaceous figure as she stood in front of the mirror once again. She turned in a handful of poses to see the different angles before she nodded her head at the choice. There was an ample amount of cleavage on display, though she didn't feel that it was too much. Her attention was drawn once more toward the door with a quiet sigh escaping from her with who waited on the other side. She finished by tying her long silver hair into a ponytail to keep the strands out of her face before she opened the door, to the sight of her _son_standing there patiently.

"Your hair is a mess. And fix your shirt! Are you trying to embarrass me?" Her Golden eyes scanned him from head to toe for anything that was out of place.

Rodlan straightened his back as he heard the door click open before he was greeted by his Mother, who immediately began to berate him. His smile had appeared as quickly as it disappeared from his expression. He hung his head with his gaze being cast toward the floor once again. Both of his hands hid behind his back though he began to fiddle with his fingers and give soft squeezes to his thumb as he endured her words.

"Yes, Mother. Sorry, Mother. No Mother, I'm not _trying_to embarrass you." He could feel his heart begin to ache at the accusation, as he had never tried for anything other than to make her feel proud of him.

Alyndra listened to him prattling on while her hands reached out to fix and tug at his shirt in various places, even if it didn't need adjustments in truth. She scanned over his attire briefly before reaching out to press firmly down on his hair as if it had been jutting out violently. Her head simply shook from side to side as she inspected her work afterwards.

She sighed as she brought a hand up to pinch and rub at her nose for a few seconds before she walked by him, expecting him to follow. She held her head high as she walked down the main stairway that connected to the grand entrance hall. Her gaze stared dead ahead toward the main doors despite the row of Elven maids that stood in a row on either side of her as they had their heads bowed.

"Have a safe trip, Lady Miralith."

The twelve maids spoke in unison, as they had been trained to do whenever the Master of the House left. None of them dared raise their gaze as each held the perfect posture, as one would expect for servants of the Grand House Miralith.

Rodlan walked with confidence just a few steps behind his Mother as his eyes drifted from one maid to the next with his thoughts wandering if any of them felt similar to how he felt. His mother had never given any of them praise or attention regardless of how long they had been serving. He brought his attention back toward his Mother who stepped out the front door into the daylight which only basked her as if she were an Angel sent by the Gods. His steps waived for a few seconds while he froze before he quickly returned to his position behind her, not wanting to disappoint.

Alyndra kept herself a few feet in front of her son at all times while they walked, though once they began to approach the market she slowed to match his pace. Her hand dipped under his right arm as she took it between both her hands as if they held a close bond with one another. The hand draped on top of his arm was placed gingerly and calmly, while the other remained on the underside with her fingernails poised to dig into his arm if needed. Her chest squished softly against his body as she began to force a smile upon her expression, though one would easily mistake it for the genuine deal.

Rodlan felt his smile return as he felt his mother press up against him, even if somewhere deep down he knew that it was a facade. The warmth of her body against him began to radiate into him while her perfume wafted and filled his nose. He began to lean into her body as if he sought support from her taller stature but he simply wanted to be as close to her as he possibly could, for the time being. His eyes were fixated upon the smiling expression that brightened her face before his attention drifted south for a brief moment before he was torn back to reality.

"Lady Miralith? Ah! It is you... I thought it might be! None have the beauty like the Ruby of Tyrathia!" A feminine voice called out as Alyndra and Rodlan stopped to look for the source before they spotted her.

"Greetings to you, Lady Silvanar. What brings the House of Silvanar out to the market today?" Alyndra spoke with that smile never faltering from her expression, while her nails began to dig fiercely into her son's skin, ensuring that he was on his best behaviour.

"Blessings to House Silvanar." Rodlan bowed slightly and spoke immediately from the digging sensation of those fingernails into his skin.

Lady Silvanar smiled at the Rodlan before her emerald hues returned to Alyndra as she laughed softly. Her head briefly glanced back toward her two servants who trailed closely behind her before her hand came out to wave them away to resume their duties. They each bowed deeply toward her and then toward Alyndra as they departed.

"You two really are perfect. You must be quite proud of him Lady Miralith. He is still the youngest to enrol into the academy _and_to be accepted into the Royal Guard upon graduation. As for the reason I'm here, well, just taking a stroll through the city I suppose."

"He truly is something isn't he? Such a darling young man. I simply couldn't be prouder of him! My sweet little Rodlan." Her smile remained though her nails dug sharply in with the double meaning for him to pick up on, despite her voice never revealing that.

"Stand up straight, can't you even do that for me? We are in public!" She whispered toward him when she noticed Lady Silvanar glance away from them.

Rodlan felt his heart ache as though he had just been stabbed though he was unable to show it on his expression, with that gentle smile being fixed in place. He stood there quietly while he endured the painful sensation of his mother's fingernails digging and twisting into her arm as she had to speak highly of him, even though they were backhanded compliments in truth. He hardly caught the rest of the conversation as he returned to reality just as Lady Silvanar bowed and turned to make her leave. His entire body was heavy when he glanced up at his Mother who smiled the entire way back to their home.

Alyndra continued to grind and dig her nails into his flesh even once they were back inside their home before she scratched them along the underside as she pulled away. Her blood began to bubble and boil while she looked around before she forced herself to calm down as the maids began to flock into the grand entrance hall.

"Leave us." Her voice was calm and collected though there was a hidden layer underneath that seethed which only Rodlan was able to pick up on.

The maids froze in their tracks at the sudden command before they bowed deeply, spun on their heels, and left to their quarters until summoned again which left Rodlan alone with his Mother.

"You were TRYING to embarrass me again weren't you?!" Her voice immediately began to raise as she crossed her arms in front of her which propped her heavy chest up in her black strapless dress.

"No Mother I was-" He took a step toward her to explain himself before she cut him off which forced him to stop in his tracks.

" Enough! You always have excuses. No matter the situation. You ALWAYS have to say something to defend yourself, don't you? Why can't you just accept the truth I speak?! You are EMBARRASSING me." Both her hands shot up to stop him from getting close as she visibly recoiled.

He once again felt that dagger stab into his heart at the intensity of her words. His eyes began to swell with tears as he strode toward her despite her hands being raised, which he clasped firmly within his own. He stared past the tears that began to run down her cheeks with his head shaking swiftly from side to side. His nose inhaled the perfume that flooded into him along with the sight of her curvaceous figure being swallowed by his subconscious.

"I have only tried to make you proud of me! I studied and trained to the best of my ability just so that I could be the youngest to enrol into the Academy, to make YOU proud! Not only that but I even was offered a position in the Royal Guard! Why can't you... Why can't you be proud of that!" His voice quivered and shook as he fought back the urge to cry.

His body began to press up against her own as he took a few steps closer until he forced her into the railing. The warmth radiated from her body and into his own once again as more of her perfume filled his smell. His mind began to tingle and warm from the combination of stimulation which only coaxed his cock to throb within his tight black pants. The sensation of her body up against his own only spurred his cock into hardening within a manner of seconds as he stared into her eyes which stared back in a mixture of disgust and confusion.

" Stop it! Let go of me! Get ahold of yourself Rodlan! This is extremely inappropriate!" Her eyes stared back at him with her expression becoming stern though she felt his manhood against her, which only made her uncomfortable as she knew that he could overpower her if he lost control.

Both his hands remained around her own as he held them tightly. The smoothness of her skin further fuelled his subconscious mind as he began to gently grind against her and that pleasure began to seep into him. His head shook from side to side at her words before he felt a few tears roll down his cheek, though he never let go of her hands to wipe them away.

"I just... I just need you to love me, Mother... Why... Why can't you just..." His words stammered as he struggled to string together the words as his mind raced.

He dropped his hands, along with hers, down in between their bodies. His manhood throbbed as he began to press firmly into her thigh and he gently began to rub and grind. His cock twitched in response to the pleasurable sensation that tingled in his mind. He felt the thin layers of clothing that separated one another as he began to feel something nip at the back of his mind. He continued to rub up against her as he struggled to understand the feeling though his body understood it well, he wanted to be as close to her as possible.

Her eyes went wide from the feeling of his manhood throb and twitch against her body. She struggled to break away from him as she remained pressed firmly into the railing of the staircase while her head looked around quickly in panic. Her attention returned to him with a scowl painting over her expression as she continued to pull her hands, though they hardly moved an inch from his powerful grasp. She felt her rage bubbling and boiling over though she knew that another approach might be more appropriate.

"E-Rodlan!My baby! How about we do something else okay? Just the two of us, nobody else!" She knew that the servants wouldn't make themselves known unless they were summoned, but her mind still raced with the thought regardless.

His ears flicked at her words though he wasn't able to fully process them due to the confusion and conflict that rattled within his mind. That pleasure never ceased for a moment as he continued to grind and rub against her with his cock only throbbing from within the tight confinements. His body shuddered once again with another groan bellowing out from him as he slowly pushed his hips forward and then pulled them back again. His groans were quiet as they escaped from him while he listened to her sweet words, which made him crave being even closer with her.

She watched his reactions as she knew he wasn't listening to anything she had to say while her head snapped from side to side again as though the servants were going to walk in at any moment. She knew what she had to do, even if it was unsavoury and against everything that she believed in.

"El-Rodlan...Baby. My sweet boy." She spoke softly despite her rage wanting to explode. She watched him carefully as his gaze had been averted the entire time, though once he made eye contact with her she began to smile at him.

"There he is... My sweet boy. Why don't we... Why don't we go upstairs okay? Just me and you." Her words were gentle and reassuring as she saw his tears spill over his eyes and trail down his cheeks with a faint nod being made.

His ears twitched and flicked as though they couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had always wanted to spend time with his Mother in private and not just in public, but she never once offered, no matter how young he was. He wiped the tears away from his face as he smiled at her with a few more head nods being made. His hand kept a firm hold on her own as though he was a child once again. He hardly realized that they were ascending the stairs as he only came back to reality once the sound of that door closed behind him. His heart filled with false love as he was unaware of the real reason she wanted to be anywhere other than the entrance hall.

She leaned against the door with a sigh of relief being forced out of her lips. Her mind began to race with how to deal with her _son_as she stared up at the ceiling. She worked through the various thoughts and ideas that came though they were quickly swept aside by the sudden sensation of his lips pressing flush against her own. Her golden hues went wide once again as she forced her hands against his shoulders with a firm shove, though she simply wasn't able to muster the strength to get him to budge. She began to strike and hit his torso while her tongue was being made to wrestle against his own which was dominating.

He was hardly able to contain himself with the overwhelming love that seemed to burst from him as he forced his lips against her own. His tongue explored and danced within her mouth. He was unable to help himself from rubbing and grinding against her curvaceous figure with that cock throbbing and aching for release as he forced her hand back down to greet him. His groan was muffled into her own mouth as his free hand wrapped around her back and pressed her tighter into him. He enjoyed and relished in the sensation before he began to walk backwards toward the bed. He spun her around a foot in front of the bed as he watched her topple upon it.

Her eyelids fluttered as she found it difficult to breathe with the way his lips almost perfectly sealed her mouth shut while that tongue flailed wildly within. She watched as every strike that she delivered seemed to go unnoticed before her eyes went wide from the sudden walking motion that she was forced into. There was a sharp gasp that escaped her from the break in their kiss just as she began to fall onto the bed, with her supple curves wobbling and jiggling from the impact. Her eyes stared up at him with that scowling expression returning as she began to sit herself up.

" Rodlan!** My sweet baby boy... Why don't we just take a moment to come to our senses okay? You don't want to do anything rash to your **** Mother ***do you?*" She scolded him while she rested upon her forearms on the bedding, though unable to stand up fully as he blocked the way.

His gaze trailed and lingered along her curvaceous body as he began to climb on top of her. His mouth once again met and pressed into her own as he silenced her words. He simply needed her with an intense craving that built and swelled within him.

He hardly realized the last time that she admitted that she was his mother, and it only spurred his thoughts to race wildly within his mind. He dipped one hand underneath her dress and began to hike it up around her waist before he began to spread her legs. He forced himself in between her legs despite how she struggled to keep him out, ignoring that fact as he could feel his cock rub against her now. His mouth pulled away from her own briefly as he took hold of her hips to twist and turn her around until she was on all fours. Both his hands ran along her bare ass with only the sight of her black panties keeping her from being completely nude, though his fingers quickly made short work of that protective fabric.

She could feel that tongue cram back into her mouth as she struggled and shoved with all of her might against his shoulders, though she felt helpless and powerless for the first time in her life. Her protests were muffled and silenced as she felt her dress being hiked upward until she was suddenly repositioned. She gasped for air while she struggled to get her thoughts in order from what was happening, as she simply couldn't believe it herself.

" EL-Rodlan! STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Her voice raised into a shout at him as she tried to crawl forward, though his hands clasped firmly around her hips.

"I just... I just need... I need you... To love me..." He stammered out with his mind racing while his body urged him to be closer to her.

He yanked her firmly backwards before he hastily worked the front of his pants down until his cock came free. His hands returned swiftly to pull her back once again before his manhood pushed and rubbed against her with an audible groan escaping him. The warmth of her body seeped into his cock as he tilted his head back to stare up at the ceiling. He continued to prod and nudge forward without his attention on her body as he felt an opening, which he began to push into. There was a sharp resistance that greeted him though he only grunted and began to exert his strength until he managed to pop the helmet of his dick inside of her asshole. His groan was amplified by the pleasurable tightness that came clenching down around him.

She began to kick her legs wildly against the bedding as she felt him nudge and prod against her asshole. Her mind panicked and stole her ability to voice her protest. The sudden pain seared into her body as she dropped her head downward with an audible cry before she bit down firmly on the bedding, not wanting to draw attention to the bedroom. Her body shuddered and shivered from the sensation of his cock being forced into her asshole. The intense shame draped upon her like a heavy cloak that was hot with the painful surge that came from having him stretch her out.

"Rodlan! Stop this right... nngh... Right now! I'm your MOTHER... Nnng... This... This is not decent!" Her protests were audible though they were hushed as she tried to endure the sensation.

His cock throbbed with his pre cum leaking out from the rippling waves that her muscles delivered around him. He held firmly onto her hips before he began to work slowly forward with another inch being fed and then another and another as he kept a slow yet steady pace forward. He bit down on his lower lip with the intense pleasure that bombarded his mind before he managed to work himself fully inside of her body. The warmth of her asshole surrounded him while he held there for a few moments. He gently ran both his hands up her back and then back down again, repeating the motion a few times before he returned his grip to her hips.

She could hardly process the continuous push deeper into her asshole as that shame grew with every inch. He was defiling her in a way that no Elf should be defiled and there didn't seem to be any sign of him stopping until she felt his hips against her ass. Her muffled cries grew louder and louder into the blankets as she struggled to endure the thickness of his manhood. The brief moment of pause that greeted her didn't last as long as she wanted before she felt him begin to pull back out again. Her body shuddered violently from the foreign sensation as she whimpered out loudly until only the tip of his cock remained trapped inside.

"...E...Rodlan... Stop... This is... Isnt... Right..." Her voice gasped and panted as she tried to keep her dignity despite her situation while her head turned to look back at him.

He slowly began to push himself back inside of her asshole with that cock forcing forward regardless of the resistance that came from her muscles. His groans returned to him with his head being thrown back once again due to the pleasure that overwhelmed him. He kept pressing forward until his hips greeted her ass before he retreated, though he never pulled back too quickly. His hips were at a slow and steady pace to ensure that he didn't harm her in the slightest, as that wasn't his attention. The repeated gripping of her muscles around every inch of his cock only heightened his pleasure as he could feel his climax beginning to creep closer, though he fought it off for the time being.

The sudden intrusion back into her forbidden backdoor made her squeal out in surprise before she swiftly bit back down on the blankets underneath her. Both her hands were digging into the sheets as she gripped them fiercely from the repeated pain that surged through her, though there was something that lingered in the background of it all. Her mind wasn't able to process it fully as she was too focused on the humiliation and shame that came from having her own son defile her in such a manner. She began to pray that he wouldn't last long as she wasn't sure how much longer she could endure. Her toes curled and cracked as she felt her strength being drained from her legs as they shook while the rest of her body quivered from the experience.

" Baby! Please! No more! I cant..." She whispered with a whimpering cry though she was unable to fully string together a sentence from the bombardment of sensations.

He had to stop himself from bucking too quickly back into her body, though he was unable to catch himself at times, as his hips speared forward sharply. His ears twitched and flicked at the whimpers that came from her whenever he moved too swiftly which forced him to slow back down. He ran a hand gently up then down her back to reassure her that he didn't mean it. He kept the steady and slow pace for a few more minutes before he retreated completely from her asshole, with that cock throbbing and covered in some of her filth. His golden hues gazed down at the messy member before he shook his head from side to side. His body began to crave that sensation of being close to her even though he didn't fully understand what he was about to do. He only knew that he needed to be closer with her again.

She felt her knuckles going white from how intensely she was gripping the blankets before he suddenly pulled free from her asshole. Her entire body relaxed with an audible gasp while she shuddered and shivered. Those slender ears twitched as she heard him speaking though she couldn't make sense of it while she tried to catch her breath. She could feel her asshole ache and burn slightly though there was a faint pleasure that began to make itself known to her before she was drawn to his body suddenly in front of her. She rose her head until she stopped at the sight of his, rather impressively sized, cock in front of her.

"... What... What are... Are you doing E... Rodlan... Get... Get that away... Away from me..." She turned her head away from the sight of his manhood that was covered in specks of her filth, while her nose wrinkled at the slight smell.

His fingers felt the silky soft strands of her hair underneath him before he began to force her attention forward again. He prodded and nudged his cock into her mouth before he bucked sharply forward, unable to hold himself back. He groaned at her tongue wiggling wildly underneath his cock as he took it as wanting more while he began to feed her every inch that he had to offer. His hands were firm in their grip as he could feel her struggling and trying to pull away though he wasn't consciously aware of it. He soon felt the entrance to her throat with another sharp buck as his balls slapped against her chin with his entire manhood being sheathed inside of her.

"Oooooohhh... Mother... By the Twelve above..." He groaned in euphoric bliss while his mouth hung open.

Her eyes went wide from the way he forced her attention forward though she was unable to protest the sudden invasion. She recoiled in disgust from the taste of her own filth against her tongue though she was unable to break free as he kept advancing. Her body was sapped and drained from strength which only made it impossible to fully struggle against him, not that it mattered even if she had all her strength. She writhed and squirmed before she felt him hilt himself into her throat which only made her gag from the foul taste that dominated her tastebuds with that shame returning from the act of having her mouth defiled as well now.

Glllllgagkk... Gllrgk! Gllagk... Glllllruughk... Glllrgk.... Glllagkk...

The sounds of her gagging and gurgling around his cock, along with the way her throat rippled and massaged as well, only made his lust grow for her. He swiftly pulled his hips back before he slammed forward again while he was struggling to remain gentle with her due to the overpowering euphoria. His hips were constantly shifting from slow and steady to swift and vicious. He could feel those balls being coated in her saliva as it drooled out of her whenever they slapped into her chin which only spurred him onward. He shifted his feet further apart as he took on a better stance before he began to steadily, and quickly, fuck her throat as the pleasure became too much to hold at bay.

She felt utterly humiliated now as both her asshole, and now her throat had been claimed by her own son. Those tears began to swell in her eyes as they overflowed and spilt to run down her cheeks. Her black mascara was dragged with her as they left black streaks along her otherwise porcelain white features. The repeated assault on her throat only coaxed her to gurgle and gag loudly from the combination of him being too large for her and the foul taste of her filth that she was forced to clean as if she were the lowest of servants. Her mind screamed that this was wrong and that she should get him to stop, though there was that lingering pleasure in the background once again, along with a voice that whispered sweet nothings to her.

" My baby... Please! You don't want to keep doing... Doing something as foul as this with your Mother... do you?" She spoke from the brief moment that he accidentally pulled too far from her mouth and throat.

He looked down at her while his cock throbbed with a desperate need to return back into her throat, which he obliged with one firm thrust back inside. His toes curled and cracked from the constant barrage of pleasure that came from using her throat in such a manner, but he wasn't able to stop himself. His cock repeatedly moved from tip to hilt inside of her throat with his balls clapping and then slapping against her chin. He looked through the pleasurable haze down at her as he saw the strands of saliva connect his balls to her chin. He groaned in euphoric bliss while his hips never slowed in their steady assault upon her throat he felt his climax bubbling and building deep within as he knew that he couldn't keep it at bay for much longer. That constant rippling of throat muscles, her sloppy gurgling gags, the sensation of her tongue against him and the fact that it was his mother only amplified everything beyond what he thought possible.

Her lungs began to burn and ache for oxygen as she wasn't able to get more than a nose full of air on occasion. That lack of air was causing her throat muscles to squeeze and tighten in an attempt to swallow the blockage that kept her from getting oxygen, despite the fact it was impossible. Her body continued to writhe and squirm along the bed with her hands simply resting against his legs as she wasn't capable of mustering them to do more than that. She felt her eyelids fluttering as her eyes began to roll into the back of her head with that tingling pleasure growing more intense than either the shame or her anger put together.

Glllagk! Gllrgk! Glllgkrg! Glalrkg! Gllrglk! Gllglk! Gllrgk! Glllragh!

His panting and grunting grew louder and louder until he gave one last shove into her throat with his balls churning out the seed that had been kept at bay. He threw his head back from the divine bliss that swept him off his feet while he emptied himself into her throat which was milking every last drop out of him. His entire body shuddered and shivered before he pulled back with a few strands of sticky white rope splattering against her face while she panted for air. He stood there without a single thought going through his mind from the sheer overwhelming sanctification that coursed through him. Both his hands loosened their grip on her head before they went limp and hung on either side of him as he caught his breath, though not as badly as she needed to.

Her vision grew blurry and hazy from the deprivation of oxygen while she felt that salty thick seed flooding down into her throat as the taste lingered on her tongue. She gasped and coughed violently from the sudden ability to breathe while she wasn't able to process the few strands of white that clung to her face that he painted her in. Her mind reeled with thoughts with difficulty in processing it all while she slowly tilted her head to look up at him, unsure of how to react. She knew that there should be a rage that engulfed her from what he subjected her to, though that pleasure still captivated her entirely.

Both of them stood in silence for a few moments to catch themselves before there was a sudden blaring alarm that rang out through the city.

The Wyvern Alert System.

Rodlan felt his body straighten with his ears perking up at the alarm which rang out through the city. He reacted without his mind giving it much of a second thought before he felt a pair of hands clasp firmly around his own which forced him to freeze on the spot, unable to pull away. His attention was drawn toward his Mother who wore an expression which he had never seen in his life. His eyes went wide as he wasn't sure what to do while his heart sank at the sight.

Alyndra wore an expression of terror and dread as she recognized that alarm while her body instinctively reached out to prevent him from leaving. Her eyes stared up at him as she mistook him for her husband before her head shook from side to side quickly. She was unable to stop her thoughts from drifting back into the past when she had lost her husband to a similar event. Her fingers gave an increasingly tight squeeze around his hands as she refused to let go, unable to come to terms with the conflicted feelings that dwelled inside of her.

He watched in silence for a few moments before his body relaxed as he was no longer on edge due to the alarm. He leaned down until he was on both his knees in front of her with a gentle and warm smile radiating from his face. He stared into her eyes as she stared back into his before he felt her grip loosen around his hands. His left hand raised as he gently caressed along her cheek before simply holding it there.

"It's okay Mother... I'm here... I'm not going anywhere..." He spoke softly while his eyes dropped toward her lips as he began to lean toward them, before hesitating.

She watched his lips move closer to her own before he stopped which only made her smile grow across her face before she pushed into them, understanding how she truly felt toward him now. Her tongue delved into his mouth as they began to wrestle with one another both her arms were around him. She squirmed gently from feeling his own wrap around her before they both began to walk in unison back toward the bed. She felt her knees hit the bed though she pulled him with her this time as they both fell onto it.

His hands began to roam and explore her body with them being drawn toward her heavy chest. He gently squeezed with that flesh swallowing his fingers up before it came poking out between his finger gaps. His hips worked between her legs that willingly spread for him. He dropped his hands away from her chest to hastily work at freeing his cock as it sprung free with it already fully erect and throbbing in need. He grasped the base of his dick before he felt the opening of her pussy which was slick in her juices. His hips pushed forward as he nudged and pressed into her with an audible groan bellowing out from him at the welcoming squeeze that came surrounding him.

She trailed her hands up along his arms as his hands came to rest on either side of her body. The sudden sensation of his manhood spreading her open as he pushed forward only coaxed her to moan loudly in bliss. Her eyelids fluttered up at him as her smile never faded from her expression. She shivered at the feeling of his cock being pushed deeper into her pussy with her walls squeezing down around every inch. Both her hands fell down onto the blankets underneath her as she gripped them briefly for a moment while her head was thrown back as far as it could against the bed. That pleasure overwhelmed her mind as the tingling surged down her spine before coursing throughout her.

His eyes watched the expression on her face as he knew that she was enjoying herself which spurred him to work a bit faster as he gave a buck to his hips. He dropped his hand down to caress her cheek before he coaxed her to look up at him before he leaned forward to press his lips against her own. His tongue explored her mouth once again as he pushed deeper until he was fully inside of her though he pulled back immediately to buck forward sharply. He could feel her moans vibrate inside of his mouth with his own groans vibrating back into her mouth while their tongues danced with one another. He knew that he wasn't going to last long with how things were playing out especially with how his balls began to tighten already.

She could feel his cock throb and twitch inside of her as she flexed her muscles to the best of her ability, which sent her pussy squeezing and rippling along every inch that he bucked into her body. Her mind wasn't capable of thinking of anything other than the pleasure that surrounded her. Both hands came to wrap around his body as she hugged him tightly without giving him the option to pull out of her. The warmth that swelled inside her only made her aware of that climax that was building alongside his own. She broke the kiss as she felt her lungs craving for oxygen as she gasped and panted whenever he sharply thrusts. She stared up at him with her eyelids half closed as she caressed along his cheek once again.

His cock continued to twitch and throb while he teetered on the edge of his climax. The expression that she wore and how affectionate she was being with him only pushed him over the edge, as he couldn't handle all the stimulation. He pushed once more into her body with a violent shudder rocking his body as he groaned out loudly before his balls tightened. His cock hilted fully inside of her as he felt her pussy milking him just as much as her ass had earlier, while he unloaded his seed inside of her womb. He stared down at her through his own half-lidded eyes before he felt his climax taper away while he was left to gasp and pant heavily for air.

The moment his cock erupted inside of her was when her own climax exploded forth with her pussy tightening nicely along him to further help him along. She closed her eyes fully for a few moments to relish the blissful euphoria that crashed against her mind as if she were a small vessel during a raging storm. Her chest raised and lowered with every deep gasp that escaped her before she came back to reality with her eyes opening to the sight of her son hovering above her. She immediately smiled up at him with her hand coming to caress his cheek just as he began to pull off her.

He watched as his manhood was freed from her pussy before he climbed onto the bed beside her. His head nestled snugly underneath her chin while his body was pressed flush against her, having both of his hands wrapped around her to hold her in a tight embrace. The warmth that radiated from her curvaceous figure wrapped around him like a blanket while his mind went over the events of the day, still in slight disbelief of it all.

She didn't protest or try to pull away from his body that came too snugly against her with her arms wrapping around him as well. Her lips planted a soft and gentle kiss upon his forehead before she rested her chin against the top of his head, keeping him secured and safe. She closed her eyes as she listened to the sound of his breathing while her heart fluttered and beat swiftly within her chest, simply enjoying the silence after their shared experience.

One hour later...

He stared up at the sky as he watched the birds flying freely as he felt a kinship with them. His smile spread over his expression before he heard the sound of the door opening which drew his attention toward it. The sight of his Mother emerge with that strapless black dress hugging her curves only made his smile grow wider. His eyes lingered on her figure before they came to meet her eyes as she smiled back at him.

"You look lovely Mother." He straightened his back as he offered her his arm.

"Thank you, honey." She brushed a few strands of hair behind her ear as she took his arm with one hand draped on top, while the other was around his waist this time.

They made their way down the stairs together into the grand entrance hall with the servants bowing in two lines.

"Have a safe trip, Master Miralith. Lady Miralith."

The two large doors closed behind them as they glanced back briefly before turning their attention upon each other. Their eyes locked with a smile spilling across both of their expressions before they leaned in close until their lips met. Once again their tongues explored and danced with each other, though more briefly to ensure nobody saw, as they pulled away with Alyndra gently caressing along his cheek.

"I love you." She whispered softly with that hand lingering upon his cheek.

"I love you too Mother..." He leaned his head into her hand while that smile grew across his face.

Both of them walked from their home back into the marketplace as they began to browse the various stalls that were set up on the streets. They exchanged hushed words to one another with the occasional laugh being made them before their attention was drawn toward a familiar voice that called out to them.

"Lady Miralith! Fancy running into you again!" Lady Silvanar spoke as she clasped both her hands in front of her.

"And look at you two... I still cannot get enough of you both." She smiled from Rodlan and then toward Alyndra.

"Well met, Lady Silvanar. I see you're still enjoying your stroll through the city?" Alyndra spoke while she gave a gentle squeeze to Rodlan's waist.

"I heard the alarms earlier and rushed home but I was relieved to see that it was false..." Lady Silvanar spoke directly to Alyndra though her attention shifted toward Rodlan.

"I am glad that it was a false alarm, my son tried to rush to the defences though I stopped him... You understand I'm sure. A mothers concern for her son." Alyndra spoke with a smile beaming from her expression as she turned to look at Rodlan.

"Yes, of course! I completely understand Lady Miralith." Lady Silvanar smiled as she simply drank in the sight of the two of them practically radiating with love for one another.

Rodlan straightened his back just a bit more than usual at the loving words while his attention was fully focused on his mother when she spoke. His smile reached from one ear to the other as he felt his heart swell with pride and joy, but most importantly...
