Rudolf the Bareback Reindeer

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This Week's Writing Challenge: "Present a holiday celebration (real or world-specific) in an in-world chapter from one of your established story worlds."

Now, considering I have exactly zero established story worlds at present, I've decided to do the next best thing; a story about our 9 favourite reindeer!

After Rudolf's first successful Christmas delivery run, the red nosed reindeer finds himself getting invited to a rather sensual afterparty, hosted by the other eight reindeer, and Rudolf just can't resist finally getting into some "games" himself for once...

As always, leave a comment telling me what you think.

Merry Christmas to you all, and enjoy the story!

"Great job out there, team!"

"Woo, another Christmas down!"

"Couldn't have done it without you, Rudolf!"

"O-oh... a-aha, thanks."

The nine reindeer that pulled Santa's sleigh, plus Santa himself were all cheering each other on after a particularly tricky Christmas run, thanks to a fog and blizzard that had rolled in.

Thankfully for everyone, Rudolf's glowing red nose had allowed them to make their way through the ensuing whiteout, and allowed them to make their deliveries on time, and still be able to make it back in time for their own celebrations.

Rudolf wasn't used to being praised so much, let alone from the most famous and prestigious reindeer in Santa's village, from even Santa himself; the fact he was officially one of them now had yet to sink in.

By the time the portly polar bear and his team of reindeer got back to the ursine's house, Rudolf's face was almost as red as his nose from all the praise being heaped upon him by the original eight reindeer of Santa's sleigh. He was almost glad that the other reindeer began to engage in more banter between themselves as they neared Santa's house; he wasn't sure that he could handle so much more praise.

When they all made it inside, Rudolf thought that, now that they'd accomplished their mission, he and the other reindeer, as well as Santa would soon be parting ways, to head for their own individual celebrations. The red-nosed reindeer, as ostracised as he had been, wasn't looking forward to spending another Christmas on his own, especially after pulling off what he did.

"Well," began Santa Claus, "I'm going to spend the rest of the night with Mrs Claus. You fellas have your fun!"

"We will, Santa," the reindeer, save Rudolf, all answered in unison, the red-nosed cervid quickly answering with them. Strangely enough, he found the eight reindeer sneaking some rather strange glances at him as they all answered Santa.

"Oh, and try not to be too rough with dear Rudolf here," the polar bear added.

'What was that supposed to mean?'

"We won't," Dasher, the unofficial leader of the group, reassured him. The other reindeer around him all nodded in agreement, still glancing at Rudolf weirdly.

"Very good," Santa replied, evidently pleased. As he turned and made his way upstairs, he shouted over his shoulder, "Have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!"

As soon as the polar bear was out of sight and earshot, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen, all turned to Rudolf, their glances now turned into full on stares. Rudolf couldn't help but shrink a little at all their sudden attention.

"Uhhh," Rudolf muttered, "what... did any of that mean?"

Dasher grinned, "Well... let's all sit down. We have a lot to tell you about ourselves, Rudolf. Specifically, what we do after a good Christmas delivery run."

To say Rudolf was stunned was an understatement.

"You're telling me," he said slowly, "that all you guys... have an orgy together... for an after party?"

"Yep," Blitzen confirmed simply, smirking.

"And Santa knows? And he doesn't mind?"

"Yes, he knows, we have needs after all, and he doesn't mind us doing this," Prancer replied. "So long as we aren't too loud."

"Luckily, we have a sex dungeon," Dancer added, snickering. The red-nosed reindeer wasn't sure if he was joking or not.

Rudolf was left speechless, his mind racing with all the revelations that had been given to him. The eight reindeer in charge of pulling Santa's sleigh, the eight reindeer that all the other reindeer in the village looked up to the most... engaged in what many regular reindeer would call "debauchery". Actually, "debauchery" was probably a light word for it, though Rudolf wouldn't know any other word for it. Not only that, these eight reindeer were doing it with the leave of their boss; the leave of Santa Claus himself.

However, the most dominant thought that came from this was...

"And... you want me to... join you?"

"Of course," Dasher spoke up. "Can't let our newest member be left out, eh?"

"And besides," Donner spoke up, "it's been a while since we got to initiate a newbie to this whole thing."

"It's all up to you, of course," Dasher said to Rudolf, "if you want to join in or not. I'd understand if you don't want to."

"You'd be missing out on a lot of fun though~," Comet called out in a sing-song voice.

"Don't pressure him, Comet," Dasher chided.

Rudolf wasn't fond of being put on the spot. Now he was expected to make a decision quickly. Join in, or not?

That said, Rudolf, for his part, remembered how he'd been left out of all the other reindeer's games. Now that he finally, finally, had a chance to join in on some fun, especially with Santa's eight famous reindeer, he had no intention of getting left out for once.

"I'm in," Rudolf declared with resolve.

All the eight other reindeer looked very pleased with his decision, with Dasher even saying, "Excellent."

He clapped his hands and all the reindeer stood up, Rudolf doing so a bit more hesitantly.

The deer who'd been sitting next to him, Donner, gave Rudolf a grin.

"Trust me, kid," he said, an excited glint to his eye, "you're gonna be in for a fun time."

It turned out the reindeer's sex dungeon was real.

Unlike what most people would imagine a sex dungeon to be like, this dungeon was... surprisingly merry. Even though it was in the basement of Santa's house, it was very well-lit. The abundance of decorations was also certainly a bonus.

Indeed, if Rudolf hadn't known beforehand, he would have thought this was a regular old basement, decorated for Christmas. However, if he looked a little closer, he could spot several pieces of Christmas-themed sex gear, the only things that belied the room's initially innocent appearance.

"Uhhh... so... how do we begin?" Rudolf was, unsurprisingly, a bit nervous about the whole thing, given his... lack of prior experience.

In response, Dasher smirked and said, "Now, we start with the initiation."

He nodded to some of the others, and they in turn stepped forward and grabbed Rudolf, placing a pair of Christmas themed wrist cuffs on him, and bound his hands to a hooked pulley hanging from the ceiling. They then proceeded to bring out a leg spreader and put it on him.

"H-hey! What are you-"

"I forgot to mention," Dasher went on, "when we initiate someone to the afterparty, we like to make them the centre of attention for all of us, just to make things fair."

"Y-you mean..."

"We're all gonna take turns fucking you, bud," Comet bluntly said, smirking a little.

"We'll all be gentle with you, of course," Dasher once again reassured him, giving a significant look to all the other reindeer as he did.

He looked back at Rudolf. "Of course, if you want, we could do something different if you don't fancy the idea of getting fucked eight times in a row..."

Rudolf's heart was racing at the thought of getting fucked by all of Santa's reindeer in one session. And clearly, the blood it was pumping wasn't just going anywhere.

"Huh, would you look at that," Dasher noted wryly as he watched Rudolf's member start to rise up. The red nosed cervid couldn't help but look away, flustered. The older reindeer, amused, stepped forward, and began to stroke Rudolf's rapidly hardening dick.

Rudolf gasped and trembled at Dasher's touch. He gave out a small moan, as Dasher continued to rub his member until it was fully erect. Then, the unofficial leader of Santa's reindeer stepped away, only to press himself, and his own erect cock, up against Rudolf's back.

"Lube," Dasher curtly said. A small shuffle, then the sound of a bottle being opened, and fluid being squeezed out from it. Rudolf shivered at the cold fluid that spilled onto him. For several moments, he could hear the sounds of Dasher applying the lube to himself. Then, Rudolf felt his lube-covered finger poke against his entrance. He gasped again.

"Just warming you up, kid," Dasher told him, before slowly, gradually, pushing his finger into the bound reindeer's hole. The unfamiliar sensation got Rudolf gasping again.

"Damn, you are tight," Dasher grunted. "Never gotten any action before, huh?"

"N-no," Rudolf panted out.

"Mmm, I expected that," the older reindeer muttered, "Don't worry, though; we'll be fixing that very soon."

At that, he pushed a second finger into Rudolf's tailhole, and the red nosed cervid moaned. Then, as Dasher curled them both inside him, a shock of pleasure went through Rudolf's body, and he moaned even louder than before, his dick throbbing at the same time.

"Ah, found your sweet spot," Dasher hummed, before curling his finger against that sweet spot repeatedly, making Rudolf moan over and over again.

"Ohhhh, fffuckkk..."

"That feels good, doesn't it?" Dasher cheekily asked him. Rudolf could only breathlessly moan in response.

Slowly but surely, Rudolf could feel the pleasure build up, and he felt as though he was well on the way to having a much more powerful orgasm than the ones he was used to. However, the reindeer doing all the pleasuring suddenly stopped and removed his fingers from his hole. Rudolf couldn't help but whine in disappointment, from both the sudden emptiness, and the orgasm he couldn't experience now.

"About to cum, were ya?" Dasher teased. "Don't worry, you're about to get something much better than fingers."

Wasting no time, Dasher lined his cock with Rudolf's tailhole. The sensation of the older reindeer's cock poking at his entrance was enough to get Rudolf trembling again, this time in anticipation.

"Here goes," Dasher grunted, before sliding his length in.

To say it was filling for Rudolf was an understatement. As Dasher steadily pushed further and further in, the red nosed reindeer moaned ever louder, until Dasher was hilted within him. Then, Rudolf ran out of breath, and was left panting from the feeling of being fully penetrated for the first time in his life.

"You alright?" Dasher asked him, concern in his voice. Rudolf was quick to reassure him with a nod.

"Y-yeah..." he breathlessly worded out. "Just... just give me a minute."

Dasher patiently waited for Rudolf to catch his breath, before the younger reindeer signalled he was ready. Then, Dasher began thrusting.

If the initial penetration was intense, the thrusting was mind-blowing for Rudolf. The thick and long cock filled him up plenty, and it did a great job of constantly pressing against his sweet spot, intensifying the pleasure he experienced many times over. Rudolf couldn't stop moaning at all the stimulation the older reindeer was giving to him, and his climax was rapidly getting closer.

"Damn, you're so tight," Dasher moaned out. "Your ass is just... impeccable!"

Rudolf would've thanked him for the compliment if he could. He made do with making a grateful moan, in time for another thrust.

Rudolf could feel himself getting closer, his dick throbbing more and more as he was pounded further. Dasher, however, showed no signs of slowing down; in fact, he was just starting to speed up, plunging into Rudolf that much quicker and harder.

Inevitably, Dasher thrust into Rudolf's prostate hard enough to have the red nosed cervid seeing stars, almost screaming as he came from the thrust, shooting numerous ropes of seed all over the floor.

"Came already, huh?" Dasher sounded slightly disappointed, as he started to pull out.

"No!" Rudolf blurted out. "K-keep going, please."

"...If you say so."

Rudolf thought Dasher shrugged at that, before he began thrusting again, scrambling Rudolf's mind, leaving him only able to moan, his cock twitching from the overstimulation, his prostate being pounded so soon after cumming making his body tense up as he instinctively tried to close his legs, except the leg spreader was in the way.

In short, it was somehow even more intense than before... and Rudolf, strangely enough, enjoyed it. Quite a lot, honestly.

After several minutes of pounding, Dasher finally came, filling Rudolf's ass to the brim with his cum, enough that some of it began to overflow and leak out, trickling down Rudolf's thighs, making him shiver at the feeling.

Dasher groaned in satisfaction as he pulled out, allowing all the cum he'd shot inside him to spill out into a puddle on the floor. The older reindeer slapped the younger's ass, making the latter yelp, as he called for the rest, who had all been enjoying the show very much, if all their signs of arousal were any indication, to start taking their turns. None of them needed to be told twice.

For the next... honestly, Rudolf didn't know how long for, the red nosed reindeer found himself at the mercy of the other reindeer; not that he particularly minded.

Prancer and Dancer, brother and sister, decided to take Rudolf at the same time, with Prancer fucking Rudolf in the ass, and Dancer taking away another form of Rudolf's virginity as she sank her pussy onto his member, and began milking it for all it was worth, while his prostate was simultaneously being relentlessly pounded. Needless to say, Rudolf was also quite quick to cum with them too, this time shooting his load into Dancer's pussy as the she-deer crooned in satisfaction.

"That's it, fill me right up, Rudy..."

"Nice of you to make my sister feel good, heh."

Rudolf cumming so soon didn't deter the siblings in the slightest; indeed, it only seemed to spur them on, making them work Rudolf even more from both sides, even as Rudolf struggled to catch his breath from being overstimulated even more, his limbs now trembling from it as well.

Several minutes of this sandwich later, Rudolf was nearing the edge once more, Dancer's pussy doing wonders of quickly getting him fully hard and willing again. However, he wasn't the only one getting close; Prancer was fucking him harder and harder, pounding him with more abandon than before, same with his sister, who had begun to pick up the pace at which she rode up and down on Rudolf's cock. It was only a matter of time before all three of them would climax, and the red nosed reindeer wondered which of them would go over the edge first.

The answer arrived a mere minute later; Prancer grunted as he gave one final, terrific thrust, before shooting load after load into Rudolf. That last thrust into his prostate was enough to make Rudolf cum for the third time in a row, spilling his seed into Dancer once more, making the she-deer shudder, before her pussy began clamping down on Rudolf's dick, as she began to climax herself.

After that orgasmic domino effect, both siblings pulled themselves off him, even more cum spilling out of their respective orifices in copious quantities.

"Thanks for that, Rudy," Dancer told him, her voice sultry.

"Yeah, Dasher was right, your ass is irresistible," Prancer gleefully said, squeezing the younger reindeer's butt as he did so.

Rudolf was scarcely given any time to recover before Vixen came next; here, the other she-deer seemed much more interested in making Rudolf last a lot longer than before. She would give Rudolf her pussy, milking him as much as she could, up until Rudolf was just about to cum; then, she'd either stop moving completely or pull herself away, teasing Rudolf as the bound reindeer was left hanging, uselessly thrusting his hips into where her pussy used to be in an attempt to get to climax.

Rudolf didn't know how many times she edged him with her pussy, how many times he'd begged her to let him cum, how many times she'd laughed as she teased his cock as it was on the verge of spilling out another load.

As she did all this, Rudolf could see, out of the corner of his eye, the other reindeer beginning to pleasure each other as they waited their turn, stroking each other's dicks and clits as they continued to watch Vixen play with Rudolf. The lusty gazes being levelled at him made the bound reindeer's face glow almost as red as his famous nose; the only reason it wasn't any redder was because more blood was being sent to his member. Speaking of which...

"V-Vixen- ah- please... please, I wanna cum..."

The she-deer only giggled. "But your cock is so fun to play with, Rudy... and I just love it when you beg..."

Rudolf couldn't answer that, as Vixen began to tease him with her pussy once more, the female reindeer chuckling while Rudolf tried to thrust into her, to no avail.

Rudolf didn't know when, but at some point, Vixen seemed to finally begin to commit to fucking Rudolf to climax, as she began to fuck him faster and harder, her pussy milking him as she went. The red nosed reindeer was all too happy to reciprocate, thrusting his own hips into hers in time with Vixen's own movements. It got to a point where they were fucking each other hard enough to make loud slapping sounds as their bodies met.

"I- I'm gonna cum-"

"Do it, then, Rudy," Vixen breathlessly goaded, "fill me up with your seed!"

Rudolf readily obliged; with one last thrust of his hips, he buried his cock as deep as it could into Vixen's womb, filling it with his fourth load of the day. Vixen cried out and moaned as she went through her own orgasm, her pussy again assisting Rudolf in emptying his balls into her.

She pulled herself off, leaving another sloppy mess of a pussy, as she huskily thanked the red nosed cervid for the fucking. Rudolf was, understandably, not in a state to return her thanks very well, though Vixen didn't mind at all.

Up next for Rudolf was another duo, this time composed of Comet and Cupid. Both males wasted no time in showering Rudolf with their attention; both of them adjusted the pulley he was cuffed until he was completely bent over, his ass even more exposed than before, and his mouth now level with the other reindeers' cocks. And both of them were quick to take advantage of that fact.

Comet promptly lined his member up with Rudolf's hole, while Cupid presented his cock to his mouth. As if in sync, the two males sank their lengths into both orifices at almost the same time. Both of them wasted no time in getting up to speed, almost immediately going to town on the deer sandwiched between them, though Cupid was at least somewhat more gentle as he mouthfucked Rudolf. Comet had no such reservations; he pounded Rudolf's ass mercilessly, loosening him up very well.

As time went on, Cupid started being more aggressive in his endeavours, grabbing Rudolf's antlers as he started fucking Rudolf's mouth in earnest, once he discerned Rudolf was able to take it. Now both reindeer were fucking him at close to the same pace and intensity, and Rudolf couldn't get enough of it; his ass was eagerly clenching around Comet's cock, while Cupid was eagerly making use of Rudolf's mouth as the red nosed reindeer moaned around it, in time with the thrusts to his backside.

In a mere few minutes later, all three reindeer went through their own orgasms, almost simultaneously once more, with Rudolf's mouth now finally getting the treatment his ass had been getting, cum flowing into, then overflowing from it, even as he struggled to swallow as much as he could. He still ended up having plenty of seed trickle down from his mouth for all his efforts; not that he minded that much anyway.

Comet gave Rudolf a little pat on this butt as thanks, while Cupid stuck his fingers into Rudolf's cum-filled mouth, feeling just how much was in there, before smiling and praising him, calling him a "good boy", leaving Rudolf a bit flustered and aroused from it as a result.

Finally, it was time for the last reindeer to come up and have their fun with Rudolf. Donner and Blitzen did much the same as Comet and Cupid did, sandwiching him, except that this time, they readjusted Rudolf's position on the pulley so he was upright again, before Blitzen got down on his knees and began eagerly wrapping his mouth around Rudolf's member, sucking it with intense vigour.

Donner, meanwhile, made use of Rudolf's now well gaped hole, sliding his cock in with almost laughable ease, before quickly accelerating the pace and increasing the strength of his fucking, all the while Blitzen was happily sucking Rudolf's cock, licking off all the layers of cum that coated, replacing it with his saliva.

Rudolf couldn't help but start bucking his hips into Blitzen's mouth, though Blitzen didn't seem to mind; on the contrary, he seemed to enjoy it a lot, if the sultry gaze he gave him as he did so was any indication.

Rudolf was, by now, well used to the feeling of being deeply penetrated by a reindeer. That didn't stop him from indulging in the feeling, craving more even as his cock seemed to almost be begging for a break. Rudolf wasn't in any position to stop, anyway; it was clear the other reindeer servicing him now were enjoying it as much as he was, and they, too, wanted as much as they could get.

Between Blitzen vigorously sucking his dick, and Donner pounding him with as much reckless abandon as all the others that came before him, Rudolf couldn't hope to last long. Still, he at least tried to make an effort of it to last a bit longer; that is, until Donner reached around him and began pinching and pulling at his nipples, giving a new source of pleasure and stimulation that had Rudolf gasping in surprise once more, before predictably following that up with a series of breathy moans.

"That's it," Donner murmured huskily into his ear, "moan for me... show me how much you love this..."

"Ah- ahhhhh...ohhhhh ffffuuuuccckkk..."

Rudolf could do nothing but comply; he really did enjoy it when his nipples were played with, the extra sensations another way of building up the pleasure he experienced. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), the nipple play only quickening the onset of his orgasm, and Donner could very well see that.

Donner, just as he had done with his thrusts, ramped up his efforts to play with Rudolf's nipples; he pinched and he pulled, yes, but he also began rubbing his fingers against them, twisted them, pressed them hard. All of it, Rudolf couldn't resist, moaning out his enjoyment, his arousal fueled ever further, his cock now almost ready to burst again, Rudolf having lost count of how many times he had cum at this point.

Rudolf, under this new onslaught, finally couldn't hold back any longer, and he finally came, filling Blitzen's mouth, though the other deer was able to swallow virtually every drop of it, thanks to the diminished amount of cum Rudolf had produced after having so many orgasms back to back to back. Blitzen looked no less pleased for it, in the end.

It wasn't long before Donner finished, as well, shooting a very respectable load into Rudolf as he gave him one final powerful thrust. By now, Rudolf's tailhole was almost completely covered in deer cum, with enough fluid leaking out to make what was almost a waterfall, but made of cum. Admiring his work for a few moments, Donner nodded in approval, before signalling Blitzen to take his turn. The last reindeer in the group got up quickly to take his place behind the red nosed reindeer.

At this point, Rudolf was beginning to tire; he could barely feel his legs now, and both his anus and cock were unimaginably sore. He had no doubt that, if not for his bonds, he would have collapsed to the floor long ago. As it was, Rudolf was exhaustedly hanging from his wrists.

On the upside, Blitzen seemed eager to make Rudolf feel good, now that he was at the end of the sex train. He employed the same methods as Donner, making sure to pleasure his nipples as he plunged in and out of his ass, though this time, he added his mouth to the equation, leaning over and lending his mouth over to his nipples, licking, nipping, sucking them enthusiastically.

Rudolf showed his appreciation of his efforts by quickly getting hard again, making plenty of vocal moans, moaning for more, and moaning especially loudly when Blitzen pleasured his nipples particularly well. Aside from that, it was pretty much a rehash of how all the other reindeer had fucked him, and indeed, it inevitably ended the same way.

Once more, and for the final time, the reindeer fucking Rudolf emptied himself inside the red nosed cervid's hole, Blitzen groaning with satisfaction. However, Rudolf hadn't been able to cum just from getting fucked alone this time; he was still hard, but yet another orgasm seemed to be out of reach this time. At least, until Blitzen noticed, and decided to "lend a hand".

Rudolf's last orgasm was finally forced from him, as Blitzen skillfully stroked his hand along Rudolf's length, while at the same time continuing to pleasure his nipples with his free hand and his mouth, coaxing out more cute moans of out the bound cervid.

Finally, and for the last time, Rudolf groaned out, as intense waves of pleasure overcame him again, as his, by now, sore and milked dry cock, shot out several short strands of cum, before quickly petering out into a mere dribble. After Blitzen finally pulled away, Rudolf let himself droop in his bonds, now unbelievably tired from the experience of getting fucked by multiple reindeer, both male and female, in such a short period of time.

Now, Rudolf was as far away from being a virgin as any sexually active reindeer. And he had a feeling he was definitely going to experience more of such things in the future. For now, though... he really felt like a nap was needed.

"Alright, let's get you down..." Rudolf heard Dasher's gruff voice speak up, before his body appeared in front of him.

First removing the leg spreader on Rudolf, Dasher promptly uncuffed Rudolf from the pulley. It was only through exceptionally fast reflexes, honed from years of pulling Santa's sleigh, that Dasher was able to catch Rudolf in his arms before the red nosed reindeer crashed to the floor.

"Shit, my legs..."

"Here, I'll help."

His lower body almost completely numb now, from all the pounding it had gone through, Rudolf couldn't hope to walk. He definitely appreciated Dasher's assistance, though he didn't think that Dasher would go so far as to sweep him up in a bridal carry and bring him to lie down on one of the sofas in the room, before laying himself down behind him, his arms still wrapped around his body. Still, he wasn't complaining.

As Rudolf idly watched, he could see the various pairs and threesomes that had formed, indulging in their own "Christmas spirit", the sounds of pleasure clear and unmistakable, if what he was seeing right now wasn't evidence enough.

Perhaps, if he was in a different shape, he would have found himself a lot more interested in what and who he was seeing engage with who. But Rudolf was far too exhausted for even that, as evidenced by his eyes getting heavy and the big yawn he let out.

'To think I lost my virginity, and then some... now all I want to do is sleep...'

"Really tired, huh?" Dasher chuckled behind him.


"Go to sleep, bud; you've more than earned it."

"Mmm... okay..."

"Hehe... good night, and Merry Christmas to you, Rudolf."

"Mmm... Merry Christmas to you, too, Dasher..."

The last thing Rudolf heard before he shut his eyes for the night was Dasher's warm chuckle, as the older reindeer tenderly petted his head while he drifted off.

As for his final conscious thoughts...

'This is gonna hurt so much in the morning, isn't it?'

Not that he would regret it a single bit when he woke up, anyway.

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