Breaking the Ice

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Breaking the Ice

At the corner of our perception, just outside of view is another side to our world... a world of wonder, of magic, of other beings and endless possibilities. An elf named Savion has been accepted to Frostburn Academy, a university specializing in the supernatural. He finds himself roommates with a barbegazi, an ice gnome, and his scholarship rides on fulfilling his duties as a Yeti mascot... but where there is magic, there is possibility.

|||||||||||||||This story was created thanks to the amazing generosity of my patrons. They helped guide the content in both polls and a patreon discord and enjoyed up to a year of early access. If you are interested in helping to create stories like this or ensuring other ongoing series continue, please check out my Patreon at or you can send a one time gift with

Once again, thank you to everyone that made this possible!

Breaking the Ice

Written by Leo_Todrius

Supported by my Patrons

What was it about the end of the year that made time seem like it was moving so much faster? Surely the focus on so many back to back holidays and traditions while also trying to maintain one's life contributed... Or maybe it was as simple as the fact that the sun was a fleeting and fickle thing. Here it was, three in the afternoon and it was gray and snowing and as dim as a stormy sunset outside - and Savion couldn't have been happier. The eighteen year old sat at a table near the window, bundled up in a white and gray heathered sweatshirt, his bleach blond hair feathered in countless layers. His hands were closed around a paper cup of hot cocoa and his pert, full lips were curved in a smile.

The air smelled of Arabica and chocolate, the building had been festooned with holly leaves and fake mistletoe. There were white Christmas lights everywhere and the tablecloths had been replaced with red plaid like vintage wrapping paper. Only a few crumbs of the peppermint brownie remained on Sav's plate and his blue eyes glittered with the same frost that was encroaching from the corners of the window pane. To anyone observing he would have seemed like an eager, slightly out of place high school graduate that should have been off to college by now. The people that thought such things wouldn't have been able to perceive the fact that Savion's ears were pointed, nor that the silver necklace he wore was of an ancient metal unknown to ordinary humans.

The young elf's smile only brightened more as he saw a pair of middle schoolers walk by with highly recognizable yellow and red scarves and what appeared to be cloaks. The humans had been fixated on fiction depicting secret worlds and secret schools for a good twenty years at this point. Some of Sav's family felt it struck too close to home while others felt it was a good cover story. Savion had never received an owl carrying an acceptance letter to a school for witches and wizards, but he had gotten a certified letter that welcomed him to Frostburn Academy. Like many mortal schools it was expensive unless one had a scholarship. Savion might not have been the brightest elf in the glade but he'd made up for it with physical prowess.

His application had included snowboarding, skiing, cross country, ice climbing, ice sculpture and half a dozen other winter activities. To his surprise, it had been his extracurricular activity as a member of the cheer squad and stint as a school mascot that had attracted the attention of the Frostburn admissions board. If that's what it took to attend the best school in the realm, who was Savion to argue? Pulling up the sleeve to check his silver watch, Sav tipped his hot cocoa back and gulped the last portion down. He stood up, slung his backpack over his fair shoulders and turned back toward the barista behind the counter.

"Merry Christmas!" He called out cheerily, his cheeks practically sparkling in the coffee shop's lights. The barista blushed a little as he adjusted his black framed glasses, his mustache curving around his bashful smile as his dreadlock ponytail brushed the back of his shoulders.

"Happy holidays dude!" The barista replied. Savion smiled and bowed his head to him in an act that seemed a bit out of place for a human before he exited the coffee shop and moved down the snow lined sidewalk. While he felt quite at home in the cold, the wind was still a bit biting, draining what little color was in Savion's cheeks until they were a bit pale. He had to lean forward into the headwind a bit to keep progressing, and when he made it to the street corner in front of the old bookshop, he had to convince himself not to go inside and seek the warmth as he waited. Thankfully he didn't have to wait long.

Cool blue eyes looked down the street as the breeze picked up, swirling the falling snowflakes and picking up drifts that had already settled. The ice crystals swung around invisible eddies like a flock of miniature birds until it all seemed to settle and solidify into a moving object. A large white bus appeared, pristine and almost otherworldly. The white metal shell was bisected by seamless windows that looked like frozen ice. The wheels were translucent dark gray as if frozen out of street slush. The headlights gleamed with an unearned brightness, but the stop lights in the back were a pale blue rather than red.

Savion remained standing on the street corner until the passenger door of the bus shattered, cracked, and then the segments seemed to pull back from one another. Unphased by the elemental spectacle before him, Savion trudged up the steep bus stairs, stopping by the driver. He reached into his shirt and pulled out a lanyard with an ID card on the bottom emblazoned with the school seal. The driver grunted and hitched a thumb toward the back of the bus. Savion grinned with giddy anticipation as he turned and started walking down the narrow aisle of the bus. As the vehicle lurched forward, he reached up to grab one of the metal rings dangling from the roof to keep himself upright.

The first few passengers on the bus were fellow elves, though a few were humans. As Savion kept walking, though, he saw some more exotic students. A reindeer teen in a hoodie was rocking his antlers forward and back as he listened to music with headphones and the back of the bus was taken up by a very large, very masculine frost giant with perfectly styled bluish-black hair. Savion weighed his desire to meet people against his social anxiety and opted to settle down in a seat by himself on the right side. As he turned to look out of the window, he saw his childhood city rumbling past, all of it caked in a chilly layer of frost and snow.

Busy downtown graduated to the industrial district, then the harbor, the outskirts, the suburbs, and then vast fields of snow. Savion felt his eyes grow heavy as the smell of cinnamon and mint swirled around him. He cuddled up against the corner of the seat and drifted away, lulled by winter comforts and the reassuring vibration of the bus as it left the human world behind and headed into a realm of magic and enchantment. Savion's dreams were light and airy at first with echoes of events of the day and hodgepodge combinations of elements that should never have been combined, but eventually he settled into a deep slumber that ensnared him completely.


Even with his elvish hearing, it had taken Savion a good ten minutes to realize the bus was no longer moving. He yawned wide and opened his eyes, tears forming at the corners as he rose his arms above his head. Blinking blearily and looking around, he couldn't tell where he was through the thick condensation on the glass. The sun had set on the journey, though that meant little in winter as it could still be late afternoon. He braced his hand on the naugahyde surface of the bus bench and hoisted himself upright, navigating down the narrow aisle and down the even more perilous stairwell. As the elf's boots crunched into thick snow, he looked up and gasped in delight.

There were many natural wonders in the world, from waterfalls that froze in inspiring sculptures to vast glaciers migrating to the hypnotic undulations of the aurora borealis. Frostburn Academy seemed to gather all of that majesty unto itself and crystallize it into one magnificent form. The main structure appeared to be half way between a castle and a mountain, the outer shell translucent and glowing with a rainbow of light from within. Other lights cast out across the perilous steps and a set of ski lifts that ferried students up and down the hillside. The light from the school sparkled in Savion's eyes, adding to his own wonder. He was so taken aback he almost didn't realize someone had walked up beside him until he heard a crunching of teeth and caught the scent of fresh baked cinnamon butter pecans.

"First time?" A gentle voice asked before a mitten covered hand extended the bag of pecans. Savion dipped his fingers in, amazed they were still warm despite the chill in the air. He selected a few and looked up at the student offering him the snack. The other young male was about five and a half feet tall, covered in soft white fur. Long oval ears dropped out of his knit beanie hat to drape over the puffy faux-fur hood of his puffy coat. The ends of each ear had been pierced with black gauge discs and a silver hoop glinted from the twitching pink rabbit nose.

"Yeah. I kind of wish I had gotten here sooner so I could enjoy it longer." Savion said. The rabbit nodded sagely, popping a few more pecans into his short muzzle, munching away on them.

"I think the humans are right about that, having an orientation week before everything gets crowded, but I guess traditions have their place too." The rabbit said, offering his other hand for a fist bump, "Trigger." he stated simply.

"As in-" Savion started to say before he froze, looking sheepish. The rabbit laughed a little and shrugged.

"Yeah, Hare Trigger... I decided to roll with it." The white rabbit admitted.

"Savion." The elf replied, returning the fist bump so as not to leave the other hanging.

"That's a bit of a mouthful, any nickname?" Trigger asked. Savion tilted his head side to side a little.

"Sav, I guess. Nothing interesting." He replied. The rabbit smiled.

"There's still time." he said, popping another cluster of the sweet morsels into his mouth.


While the exterior of the school was as grand and magical as one could hope, the journey inside had affirmed that it was, in fact, a functioning place of learning. There were bulletin boards, flyers, advertisements, and a plethora of mass produced campus publicity photos showing the justifiably diverse student body and how much fun they had there. Savion signed forms and filled out paperwork before being ushered forward with the other students into the grand hall. As the cavernous space stretched out before him, it was hard to deny the magic creeping back into his heart and a passing feeling of deja vu from pop culture depictions of magical schools.

Several tables had been set up with chairs and the students gradually filtered into them, settling down. While there was no magical feast, each place setting had been set with a gift bag of items. Savion wasted no time in untying the white bow from the silver bag and opening it up to reveal a school map, directory, orientation booklet, pens and a few other items. He examined them all before tying the bag back up, bringing his hands together to rest in his lap as he looked up at the front of the hall where some of the staff had gathered. Some of the other new students had already started to murmur and converse, each casting eyes up at the school's dean.

Firm, strong hands gripped the armrests of the old carved chair, hair dusted knuckles tightening as the man pushed his respectable mass upwards. Rising to his boot clad feet, his hands smoothed down the fuzzy silver and white robes he wore. He stepped forward to the podium emblazoned with the silver snowflake that acted as the school's emblem, one hand rising up to smooth his incredibly dense, collarbone length white beard. The man wore a slackened stocking cap, a white puff ball dangling from the end. If it hadn't been for his pointed ears, it would have been easy to mistake the man for Santa himself.

"Welcome, incoming class of Frostburn Academy. You have traveled from far and wide to heed the call of future generations." The dean said, slate gray eyes scanning over the young men before him, "Some of you have lived your lives in the shadows and are now able to finally be yourselves. Others will start on that journey of discovery today. I invite you all to enjoy that journey of self discovery, but be careful not to lose yourselves. This school shall light the way so long as you keep your gaze on the winter lights." he intoned before stepping back, making room for a pointy eared malamute in a black and gray suit to come up to the podium, his clawed canine feet clicking on the stage.

"Thank you, Dean Moroz, for that splendid welcome." The malamute said, his tail wagging a little, "And I can't agree more. This is the start of such an adventure for all of you, and it is our pleasure to be such a seminal part of that journey!" The speaker enthused, though Savion was already getting distracted. He looked around, realizing at least half the students were elves like himself, but there were so many other winter species. There had to be at least five frost giants at their own table, their blue skin and dark hair clashing with the light decor of the hall. Six reindeers were playing a paper football game, flicking it between each other's fingers. A strange nagging pull began to tug at Savion's gut. It felt like he was missing something, and what the dean had said about some people just setting out on their adventure felt like something Savion critically needed to hear.


When the orientation had let out, Savion had been hit with an almost overwhelming freedom. No parents, no explicit rules or regulations. Classes wouldn't start for two days... If it hadn't been for how dark and cold the night was, Sav might have been frozen by indecision. Thankfully the need for shelter had guided him to the part of his welcome packet that indicated his dorm room. He'd traversed up three zig-zagging stone staircases into one of the many wings of the school, traveling down the corridor with a heavy duffel bag full of possessions slung over his fit shoulders.

The white marble stone felt like ice blocks making up an igloo, though the flickering torches brought a bit of warmth the elf was thankful for. With eyes darting back and forth between his housing car and the doors that lined the hallway, Savion came to a stop outside C25. Savion reached for the doorknob before realizing that whatever roommate he might have been assigned might be startled by a sudden intruder. The elf reached up and knocked three times, putting on his best smile.

There was a soft scuffle on the other side of the door, the click of a lock and then the door swung wide open. An immense warmth spilled out, washing over Savion. Savion had to guide his gaze down to take in the five foot tall nineteen year old before him - a man wearing nothing but a backwards baseball cap and a very overstuffed jockstrap. A shock of neon teal hair stuck out of the gap in the hat, clashing with the very long, jagged, dense silver beard growing from his young face. Trying not to embarrass himself, Savion let his gaze drift past the hairy flat stomach, the swollen jockstrap, the short hairy legs and then the almost snow-shoe sized bare feet, each of them tipped with black painted toenails.

"You fresh meat?" The bearded man asked. Savion's eyes widened.

"Are you a wendigo?" he asked in shock. The shorter sophomore broke into laughter.

"Dude, I'm a barbegazi... Ice gnome. I was just asking if you were a freshman, bro." he grinned. Savion blushed furiously and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm your roommate." Savion said.

"Welcome home, bro!" The gnome exclaimed as he slung an arm around Savion's waist and tugged him inside, shutting the door before all the heat got out. Savion looked around at the modest surroundings. The walls were stone made of the same ancient stone blocks that the hallway had been tough that hadn't stopped the gnome from making himself at home. Exactly one half of the room, the right side, had been completely filled in with every comfort one might hope for. The small counter by the mirror was filled with beard oils and waxes and balms, a stereo system filled the narrow space under his bed, his desk was covered with stacks of books and notebooks and there were even a few different sizes of weights sitting in the cubby holes beneath the room's window. Sitting atop the counter, however, was what appeared to be a terrarium full of live mushrooms.

"I'm Savion by the way." Sav introduced himself, hesitantly offering a fist to bump after his encounter with Trigger. The bearded gnome gave an ear to ear grin, bumping a firm fist against it before miming that the first exploded like fireworks.

"If we're going by government names, I'm Lucien, but like everyone calls me Lucky. You want a beer, bro?" The gnome asked. Savion was nearly bowled over by it all. He slowly set his bag down on the bed on the empty side of the room.

"Sure." Savion said, sort of at a loss. Lucky made himself busy, turning around to dig into a mini-fridge under his desk. Savion's eyes widened as he saw those bare, plump, muscled half orbs wobbling before him. He licked his lips a bit, mustering up some courage, "So, uh, why just the jockstrap?" he asked. Lucky's green eyes glinted with a bit of mischief as he glanced over his shoulder.

"I had to preserve a little bit of mystery. I knew you were coming and I thought if you walked in while I was jacking off, I might scare you away." Lucky said, popping the top off the glass bottle before offering it over. Savion accepted the bottle, looking down at Lucky's stomach and then his groin. It was like it was a gravity well and he couldn't escape its pull.

"So you... usually go nude?" he asked. Lucky grinned wider.

"Oh yeah, at least in the dorm room... and the pool... and the forest, really." Lucky admitted, using his teeth to pop the cap off his own beer bottle before taking a big gulp. As he set it down on the counter, one hand drifted down to rest on his rather prodigious groin, "I asked for the gayest roommate they could find." he added. Savion's eyes went huge.

"W-w-was that on one of the forms? I-" Savion stammered before Lucky started laughing loudly. Sav's lips tightened in mock-rage. "You fucker." Sav said. Lucky's eyes brightened with excitement at that.

"If you insist." he said before he used his huge feet to lunge forward, knocking Sav back onto his bed. The gnome started to grind against him, bringing his beard rimmed lips down onto Sav's. Sav murmured in shock until he realized just how good it felt to have someone touching him, pressing against him, wanting him... The heat and musk of the room started to soak into his bones, warming them. His face tickled and tingled from the bearded kiss, and then he gasped as he felt the zipper of his pants drawn down.

With a practiced hand, Lucky reached back to untie his jockstrap, letting it fall away. He sunk a hand into Savion's fly, opened it wide and slid an obscenely large cock into the slit, letting it glide up along the elf's. Lucky changed his movements, letting them melt into gentle, intimate, close gyrations. Savion's eyes rolled into the back of his head as his cock firmed and hardened rapidly. Lucky grinned, breaking the kiss, moving to nuzzle Savion's neck before he began to kiss and suck.

Savion groaned, his back arching, the blood welling to his neck as the suction grew stronger and harsher. The sting of pain felt so good as Savion moaned louder and louder. When it felt as if he was about to blow, Lucky edged back, dialing his movements down with a calculated perfection. Savion was panting, sweating, writhing on his naked bed with another man's cock in his pants. Lucky reached up to pet Savion's blond hair.

"We're gonna have so much fun, bro, you don't even know it yet." the gnome whispered, his silver beard draped down the elf's chest.

"I guess I really got Lucky, huh?" Sav panted. Lucky laughed at that, laying his head gently on Savion's sweatshirt and using it as a pillow.


Savion had never been hung over, but there just wasn't a better word for how he felt. He hadn't even had more than half a beer! He and Lucky had spent four hours humping and grinding and frotting and every time that he was about to cum, the gnome would dial back. After their marathon session, Lucky had accidentally brushed his beard against the elf's raging hardon and Sav had cum harder than he had his entire life. He'd coated his face, his hair, his chest, his stomach, and given the mattress a dowsing that he was sure would come out of a security deposit. He'd blacked out cold and it had taken the combined efforts of his watch and his cell phone's alarms to rouse him in the morning.

It was a strange combination to have his body feel like rubber, his brain feel like crushed grapes and his stomach to be full of winter moths. While other freshmen were settling in to get ready for their first term of college, he had a duty to perform. He'd come to Frostburn with a scholarship and that scholarship was based on him performing as a mascot for the Frostburn Frosties. He'd fumbled his way into the Athletic Center, finding the stairwell that led down to the locker room. By the time he got there the team had already headed out for practice, but there was no doubt for Sav that he was in the right place.

Three of the four walls were covered with lockers and two aisles of freestanding units occupied the center space. The very center of the closest aisle had been left open, revealing a football mascot uniform hung up with reverence and care. Cartoonish black mesh eyes peeked out from an unruly mane of long, shaggy white hair. A toothy grin peeked out from an immense shaggy white beard. Puffy, fuzzy white arms jutted out from a teal and navy blue sports jersey and stocky, furry white legs extended out from short shorts in the same color. The legs hung there with shaggy ankles, a gap between them and the immense leathery foot-shaped shoes sitting on the bottom of the locker.

An involuntary amount of saliva began to pool in Savion's mouth as he remembered how good Lucky's huge feet had felt on his face, and how good his toes had tasted. His erection came rebounding wickedly in his pants, the elf blushing scarlet red. He controlled his breathing, trying to push the image of the barbegazi out of his mind. He exhaled slowly before he moved up to the locker. Savion opened one of the smaller side units and put his school bag in first, then his shoes. He debated his options before pulling off his sweatshirt and stuffing it in as well.

Stripped down to his undershirt, jogging pants and socks, Savion carefully pulled the mascot costume from its hooks in the larger locker. He found a zipper in the back and drew it down, realizing it worked sort of like coveralls. Positioning the furry outfit against one of the benches, he stepped into the gap, feeding one foot down one leg, then the other on the opposite side. Tugging upward, he felt his jogging pants rumpling and bunching uncomfortably against his legs and hips. His heart started to pound harder. What if he was late? What if he didn't make a good impression? He had to get this right!

Stepping back out, Sav ditched his pants and hopped back into the suit, pulling the furry legs up over his own. He shrugged an arm into the long sleeve, feeling each finger pop into individual slots in the gloves. Getting the other side in, he reached back with elvish dexterity to grab the zipper and draw it back up until it hugged him around his throat. Looking down, Sav couldn't help but grin. He shook side to side, watching his long white furry body swish. Grabbing the shoes, they flopped down onto the floor with a leathery patter. He was about to put his sock in when he realized just how good the gloves had fit his fingers. Surely the designer would have thought the same way about the shoes...

Letting his socks fall aside, Savion slipped his fair, firm foot into the comfortable, tight embrace of the overs-ized foot-shoes. Sure enough, each toe found a home nestled inside. He wasn't sure by what mechanism his toe movements translated out to the mascot's digits at the end of such a large foot, but he was just glad they did. Shifting his weight side to side, the shoes slipped up until the tops disappeared beneath the wild shag of the white furry legs. Turning his attention back to the locker, he met eyes with Frenzy the Frosty Yeti. Reaching out, he lifted the headpiece from its shelf, positioned it over his own and lowered it like a crown.

Darkness swept across his face, replaced with rubber, foam, plastic, arn and a half dozen other materials. The neck rested easily against where the torso piece had come up to and Savion felt the heft of the shoulder length hair in the back and the nipple length beard in the front. Closing both lockers, he took a few test steps around. He lumbered a little as the suit artificially extended his hands and feet, but the craftsmanship was particularly good. Every movement of his fingers and toes was replicated by the suit. The slightest tilt of his head evoked curiosity, shock, or outrage. Savion caught sight of the Yeti outfit in the mirror of the shower room, grinning beneath the mask. Maybe this was going to turn out alright after all.


In any human school, the cheer squad would have had their own practice apart from the athletes. They would have focused on cheers, acrobatics, performances... but most human schools were co-ed. Frostburn had carried on an ancient tradition of harboring its male students on one side of the great river and the female students on the other. There were no cheerleaders, male or female, for Savion to practice with. He was their sole source of cheer-based encouragement.

It had taken a few minutes for Savion to find his way out of the locker room and out to the foggy field. The day was young, the gray skies giving just enough illumination for practice while the artificial lights gleamed like lighthouses at the corners of the field. Sharp whistles cut through the icy air, sharp commands coming from the polar bear coach's deep baritone. Sav had felt a bit awkward at first until he saw one of the Frost Giants come over to the bench and slump down, panting a bit, his red eyes drooping and his midnight blue chest heaving with breath.

Savion had run over on his large feet to grab one of the large glowing red bottles of panacea from the rolling trunk before bringing it over to the eight foot tall twenty year old. He offered it with both hands, fingers splayed wide as if it had been magically obtained. Shaking his head side to side, his long white hair shifted and swayed. The frost giant couldn't help but let out a chuckle of amusement, a grin remaining on his lips as he popped the cork and tipped the magical elixir back. He gulped at it, splatters of the glowing ruby liquid running down between the football player's thick pectorals and across the intricate embossed swirling patterns abraded across his stomach.

Feeling the risk of another erection coming on, Savion turned and jogged halfway across the edge of the field, raising his arms in triumph above his head as if to cheer and root the team on. When he built up enough speed, Savion took one last breath and lunged forward. He arched through the air; his gloved hands catching the grassy field long enough to push off again, springing in a flip. Thanks to the large size of his feet, he landed easily and skidded to a stop. The football players let out excited whoops of delight and excitement, shouting their pride in such an effective mascot - at least until the coach let out another sharp blast from his whistle.

"Eyes on the prize you snowmen! Yes, our cryptid is talented, but if you don't want to see him pantomime crying, we have to be good enough to beat the Jungle Kings!" The coach grunted. The athletes hooted and hollered in agreement at their mutual enemy, though one of the reindeers gave Savion a playful wink as his teardrop shaped ear twitched affectionately. Sav blushed brightly beneath the heft of his mascot mask, his cheeks tingling as much as they burned. He broke into another sprint to take him to the far end of the pitch, feeling a dull ache in his legs. Savion knew that he was going to be getting quite the workout.


It was so easy to lose track of time in winter... It felt like it was almost bedtime but practice had wound down in time for the athletes to go get a hearty lunch and refuel. Savion had opted to stay in character, following the boys into the locker room, clapping their shoulders and asses, hugging and wrestling with them until they started to get ready to return to their lives. As they had wrapped up, he'd stayed behind to collect the towels and washcloths and dump them into the bin, staying in costume the entire time. There had been an electric thrill to it all, an energy that suffused his muscles and his mind. They liked him, they needed him, and he had done a good job.

With the locker room finally quiet and empty, Savion returned to the first aisle and opened the large door that held the mounting racks for the mascot costume. He reached up and slowly lifted off the headpiece. After marinating in his own sweat and breath for so many hours, the fresh air felt cold and crisp as it rushed in around his throat, his chin and his cheeks. The ebbing light spilling through the milky windows of the locker room sparkled off fresh white stubble growing out of Savion's cheeks and chin as well as the now frosted tips of hair that was a good two inches longer than when he'd gotten up that day.

As the head piece came the rest of the way off, Savion's face looked different as well. His nose was a little rounder and fuller and his brow bone was more pronounced. Unaware of the changes, Savion rested the mascot head piece back on its shelf and reached back, unzipping the suit. He shrugged his shoulders out, though the dim light now glistened off a fine downy fuzz of white hair growing out of his perfect skin. It was harder to pull out of the sleeves as his arms had swollen, gaining mass in his biceps and triceps. The arms that emerged were not mere noodles but actually impressive.

Realizing the changes, Savion started to freeze. He looked at his shoulder in shock, wonder, awe and confusion. He pulled it off the rest of the way, extracting his hand from the glove inside. The fingers that emerged were familiar but different, like seeing a familial resemblance in someone else. They were longer, his palms wider, and his forearm was dusted with that same sheen of new white hair. Sitting down on the bench, he reached down to pull off his shoes. He grunted and groaned, feeling an immense pressure from his ankles. He dug in with his fingers, pulled as hard as he could and, at last, the shoes popped free, clattering to the ground.

Looking down, Savion saw the second largest pair of feet he'd ever seen in his life, coming second only to Lucky. They had to be bigger than size eighteen, nineteen? There was no way to know for sure... They were broad, wide, long and thick. He wiggled his toes, each one plump and distinct. He splayed his right leg out to look at the bottom of his sole. His foot still glistened with sweat from the workout, but there was a thick layer of skin on the bottom of his foot that hadn't been there before, like a well worn callous. Trying not to completely panic, he got the other shoe off, stood up and stepped out of the mascot suit, only to stumble a bit from being off balance - off balance because his legs were longer than they had been.

Standing there in only his underwear and a sweat soaked undershirt, Savion walked barefoot into the shower room. Steam still hung in the air from all the jocks that had washed up minutes prior. The elf reached up to wipe the condensation from the mirror, looking at himself. He still had his pointed ears, but he looked decidedly less elfin... His face was fuller, his hair longer, a white stubble beard growing in. He forced a stern look which only made his brow bone look thicker on his forehead. He looked down at the collar of his shirt to see a patch of white hair sticking up from the edge. Raising his arm, he caught a peek of a thick white forest of fur under his arm too. He swallowed a bit, trying to imagine how people were going to react.


"Bro, this is so fucking dope!" Lucky hooted, leaning back on the backwards chair he'd taken when Savion had returned to the dorm room. The barbegazi slapped his own hip eagerly, "We could start a foot fetish club! Or a bearded bros club! Dude, you can totally share all my beard oils and shit! You gotta grow it out dude, yeti yeard!" Lucky said.

"I only wore the costume once!" Savion said, still hung up with the origin of his changes more than the potential outcome. Lucky laughed a little.

"You're here on scholarship, right? To be a mascot for the whole school? That doesn't just end when the game does." Lucky replied. Savion's eyes went wide.

"You mean I'm going to turn into a yeti forever?!" he asked. Lucky put on a fake pouting face, crossing his muscular arms in front of his chest.

"Would that be so bad?" he asked before snorting a bit, "Of course not forever, unless you wanted that. That'd be like a huge lawsuit waiting to happen if they couldn't undo it. Besides, you know what they say about dudes with big feet." Lucky added, groping himself lewdly. Savion felt his mouth starting to water again before he shook it off.

"I'm trying to think here." Savion protested. Lucky swung his legs out from the chair, stood up and moved over, trying to put a hand on his roommate's shoulder. When he couldn't reach, he merely just grabbed onto one of his pecs and started to squeeze.

"Bro, your time for thinking is over. You're just a huge, handsome, dumb horny Yeti now. Embrace it dude..." Lucky said comfortingly. Savion looked down at the gnome in consideration. He was right, really... He was here to be a mascot, to be a symbol. Like the dean had said, this was a path of self discovery and change. If he was going to fuck his way through freshman year, what better guide than Lucky? Savion reached up to rub at the stubble on his cheeks.

"You have any ideas on how to make this grow in faster?" Savion asked. The grin on Lucky's face was almost manic as he ran over to the pile of supplies by his mirror and started scooping them all up.

"Time for a makeover!" Lucky grinned, starting to unscrew some of the containers as the smell of pine, cinnamon and honey filled the small room. While Lucky seemed to be combining hair products into some unholy potion, Sav set the dorm chair aside, put down two towels onto the carpet and another towel on top of those before he put the chair back in the center. Stripping off his clothing, he tossed them over onto his bed before looking down at his boxers. He'd only been living with Lucky for a little more than a day, but if his roommate didn't mind being naked, maybe it really was the way to go. He pulled his boxers down... and down... and down, his eyes widening before his long, wobbling cock sprung free. Even at half hard, it had to be ten inches already? It was clearly longer than it had ever been. He reached for it only to receive a swift swat to the hand, leaving a smatter of turquoise slime on the back of his wrist.

"No touching, not until we're ready!" Lucky said. Savion pouted.

"Why are you such a buzz kill?" he asked. Lucky rolled his eyes.

Barbegazi can sense when things are about to avalanche. I want you ready for what's about to come." he said, licking his lips beneath his sharp mustache.

"Have you done this before?" Savion asked. Lucky looked down at the plastic bowl of peacock colored slime.

"Sort of... Not for this exactly, but my cousins were late bloomers. They needed some help for high school. I got them biker ready beards." Lucky grinned.

"How does it work?" Savion asked. The gnome grinned before he stepped forward, sliding a leg through the arm of the chair, then the other, coming down to straddle Savion with the bowl resting between them. Lucky dipped one hand into the slime, scooped it up and proceeded to splat it on the very top of Savion's head. The elf winced a bit, although he felt the tingling chill of peppermint sinking into his scalp. Lucky reached up with both hands, massaging and working it into Savion's hair. It took a bit of work with how many layers he had, but the gnome wasn't satisfied until he'd saturated it all.

At first the concoction had looked a bit green; blue slime on yellow blonde hair. Slowly it began to blanch and fade back to the original teal color. Lucky had remarkable precision as he worked from the crown of Savion's head down to his ears, to the nape of his neck, then back up. The strands of hair were wet and heavy against Savion's skull, but as Lucky worked he could feel the mass shifting. It was subtle at first, just a few ounces here and there, but as the tingling grew more intense, the weight added up more quickly. The follicles went into overdrive, pushing out centimeter after centimeter. The grow out was crisp, alpine white and the blond hair Savion had was quickly bleaching out to match.

Lucky began to grind lewdly against his roommate, practically drooling. His roommate went from having a boy band haircut to what could charitably be considered a mullet, then a surfer cut, then more. The wet strands traced down the middle of Savion's neck, then his collar, then his shoulders. Lucky was starting to grunt and moan as he massaged, rubbed, fondled, and then tugged on the hair. Lucky grunted before he suddenly let go, panting himself. Savion was wobbling in the chair, his erection so hard that it was starting to tilt the bowl between them. Lucky let out a huff.

"Okay, that part worked good..." he murmured, dipping his hand back in. Swirling it around, he nodded at the consistency before the second hand was added. When he came back up, he held Savion's face in his hands for a moment. The blue goo dribbled down his cheeks, running along to the point of his chin. Lucky began to massage it in, spreading it around, working it up and down his cheeks. Savion began to feel that familiar burning and tingling sensation like when the boys at practice had flirted with him. The smooth, perfect layer of slime began to dimple and flutter as thousands of new hairs pushed out from his follicles, adding to the stubble he already had.

The tingling grew into a burning heat that sunk deep into Savion's cheeks, defiling their elvish innocence and acting as fertilizer. White hairs emerged, growing rapidly, thickening and becoming denser. Lucky used his fingers to smear it across his roommate's upper lip, coaxing out a mustache that grew longer and thicker by the second. Lucky humped harder and harder, moaning loudly, lust practically oozing out of his pores. Savion grunted, feeling his head throb. The beard growth was amazing, as was the weight of the gnome on his lap, but his head... He grunted, clenching his eyes shut, seeing flashes and strobes of pressure in his eyes even with them shut.

Overwhelming heat came like waves crashing against the breakwater of Savion's brow bone. The skin stretched taut over it as the bone emerged from his skull, tapering down the orbital bone around his eyes which looked deeper set. The blond blanched from his eyebrows, now matching his mane of hair and thickening beard. As Savion's chest rose and fell, it grew softer and less distinct, fur spreading out from the center of his chest. As Lucky rubbed against him, he saw the white fur spiral out from under his arms, climbing up from his groin and sweeping rapidly down his legs. Lucky was clearly enjoying himself, gringiding and humping to his heart's content... but something about this felt different.

He could feel the tides and currents, the rising pressure of the change. He knew just how much it would take to make Sav cum , but it felt different than that too. It was as if he was ushering in something special, something sacred, and he had to do his part to help Savion break through the ice. He reluctantly detangled his legs from the arms of the chair and pulled back, leaving his roommate grunting and growling.

"I know big guy, I know, but it'll be worth it, I promise." Lucky said as he held the bowl in one hand and used the other to steady himself as he sat down. Placing the bowl on the ground in front of him, he picked up one of Savion's feet and guided it down. The long, arched feet settled into the goo with a bit of a wet plap. Lucky began to massage and knead the flesh again, using the hair treatment like some sort of moisturizer. In some ways it felt like it worked as the top of Sav's feet were supple and soft, but his sole started to feel tougher and more leathery. Sure enough, an electric tingle of thrill jolted through Lucky as he felt the foot beneath his fingers start to reshape and grow.

An inch longer, an inch wider... The big toe rounded and plumped, the smaller toes growing longer. His arch flattened, his heel broadened, little by little it became bigger and bigger. Before long Savion's foot was so long it couldn't properly fit in the bowl any longer. Lucky leaned down, giving the big toe a gentle kiss of appreciation before he set it aside onto the towel and brought the former elf's other foot into the unusual bath. Dipping it, squeezing and fondling it, it began to grow as well, spreading in eerie dimension in Lucky's hands. The barbegazi looked up to see the bearded, long haired, brutish face of a newly forged Yeti in absolute pleasure. His chest was furry, as were his arms and legs. The fuzz was spreading across his shoulders and waist, closing in from every angle... but Lucky was at one particularly good angle.

Without taking his eyes off the prize, the gnome dipped his hands into the goo before him, held it aloft as he came up and grabbed onto Savion's swollen dick. After the last few days of wearing the costume, it had already stretched to a good fourteen inches. The hard, leathery flesh absorbed the tonic like a parched field. Rather than growing longer, though, Savion's dick seemed to bloat wider and rounder in Lucky's hands. The bearded gnome grinned with glee as his fingers were pried apart, unable to close entirely around the girth of the other man.

Savion had once been shy and elegant, but now his knuckles gripped the arm of the chair as he started thrusting his hips upward. The fur covered his ass cheeks, leaving them fuzzy pompoms of fur. His cock rose and fell, slipping messily through Lucky's grip. Savion's voice cracked and chirped as his vocal cords thickened. His lips tightened into grimmer faces. What little flesh was still visible became splotchy as new pigment formed, taking it from a pale frost kissed peach to a dark slate gray. His lips thickened, his nose broadened, his ears shifted. Fur covered flesh bloated and expanded as new muscles spread across his body, but it was only a hint as to what was coming.

The dorm chair groaned as Savion's mass started to increase rapidly. His bones creaked as his vertebrae swelled and his ribs pried apart. That dull ache from the football pitch came back to his arms and legs as they grew. Savion's hips widened, his beard brushed up and down over swollen pectorals. Even his flat stomach had dimpled into defined abdominal muscles. He was tall, fit, hung, and incredibly horny. Savion stood up without warning, the last of the product dripping off his immense feet. He towered over Lucky, his eighteen inch cock wobbling before him. Lucky's jaw dropped in wonder, feeling as though his roommate was double his height. It was an exaggeration of course, but Lucky was thrilled.

The gnome sprung to his feet, knocking the bowl of product over onto the towels. He jumped up onto Savion's bed, landing on all fours before he hoisted his own bubble butt in the air. Savion grunted with pleasure as he came forward, bringing his slate gray monster dick between those cheeks. He thrust in ruthlessly, operating entirely on instinct. He grabbed onto the barbegazi with powerful hands and latched onto his hips. He began to jut forward and back, picking up speed, grunting and snorting with bliss. The more he thrust, the more Lucky's eyes rolled into the back of his head. The gnome drooled into his beard, panting and huffing. He felt every inch of the yeti's cock descend into his ass, but he was particularly engineered to accept it all.

The bed began to lurch and jump as the two went at it, devoting themselves entirely to the coupling. Lucky let out a symphony of moans and whines of pleasure, his stomach starting to distend around Savion's dick. The yeti threw his head back, feeling his long hair brush the middle of his back while his bushy, thick white beard curved out before him like a manly crest. His bones had stopped aching, his joints no longer popping. He was as tall or taller than any of the Frost Giants he'd seen, but his attention was on the gnome before him. What little part of Savion's mind still functioned was taken aback in wonder. When he'd first laid eyes on the nineteen year old, he'd thought of Lucky as one of the hairiest people he'd ever seen, a teenager with the beard of a fully grown adult... But now it felt as if he was the hairy one and it was Lucky who had to play catch up.

The moans built louder and higher and Lucky started to grip and claw at the mattress. While his senses weren't as attuned as the barbegazi, he could tell things were getting closer. Grabbing onto his partner, he flipped Lucky around while still mounted on his dick, treating the gnome like a rotisserie. As Lucky came crashing down, Savion leaned over him, coming down to kiss the sophomore. They were a compliment and a contrast to one another. While Savion's hair was long and white, Lucky's was short and blue. While the barbegazi's beard looked like hair frozen in icicles, all jagged and sharp, Savion's was long and soft like a gentle misty waterfall. The yeti was tall, the gnome was short, and yet they were intrinsically linked. Scion brought his lips down to press and wrestle against Lucky's. The gnome let his lips part so their tongues could dance in ways their bodies never could. He reached up to fondle and grasp and squeeze anything he could get a hold of.

The two kept at it until they reached fever pitch. It had been potent enough that Lucky had lost his general sense of where they were on the cliff, or if danger was approaching. When the yeti's huge furry balls tightened and that pillar of a cock lodged in his ass started to quiver, Lucky knew it was time. He grabbed onto Savion's head, letting his fingers sink into his long hair. Holding themselves there in that moment, Savion came. The first few spurts were silky and smooth as any elf's semen might have been, but it started to become thicker, coarser, and hotter. The pearly luminescent seed graduated to a yellowed, prolific flow.

Savion threw his head back and roared again, opening his eyes as the roar ended. He caught sight of himself in the reflection of the computer monitor on his desk. He was huge, he was proud, he was manly and virile. There was no way in hell he wanted to be turned back. He'd broken through the barrier and discovered who he was. He was a yeti. More than that, he was a gay yeti that was going to fuck his way through freshman year. Lucky had gotten lucky with him, it was sure, but as the yeti filled the gnome's ass with copious amounts of seed, he knew the night was just getting started.


The roar of the gathered crowd penetrated deep into the athletic building, making it all the way to the locker room. Savion was getting ready as fast as he could, pulling on his turquoise and navy jersey over broad furry shoulders, shaking his unruly mane of long white hair loose afterwards. He lifted one huge foot up and slid it through the hole of the short shorts, resting the sole on the cool cement as he traded legs and threaded the needle on the other side. Tugging them up, he was thankful they were as stretchy as they were. In fact, a pouch had apparently been built in to hug his junk and make it the least obscene spectacle it could possibly be. Wiggling his firm ass into the material, he turned.

"How do I look?" Savion asked, his voice deep but as smooth as it had always been. Lucky stood on the bench and reached up to smooth part of the yeti's long beard.

"You look great." Lucky said proudly.

"It's a little easier not having to wear the costume anymore." He admitted.

"Not to mention the fact that we got invited to an orgy after the game." Lucky added. Savion's jaw dropped.

"We what?!" He asked. Lucky grinned and shrugged a bit.

"The boys have apparently been enjoying your cheer so much they want to see what it's like up close and personal after the game. I thought I'd leave it up to you." he said. Savion stroked his beard thoughtfully.

"Our team?" he asked, considering.

"Well..." Lucky trailed off, rubbing the back of his head, "Our team plus a cougar tight end from the Jungle Kings." Lucky added. Savion looked down at his short shorts.

"I mean, you and I have been doing pretty good in the bedroom department. I have a lot of stamina." He mused.

"Second only to me." Lucky added proudly.

"It's not too crass to fuck half the football team and a competitor?" Savion asked carefully. Lucky shrugged.

"How else do you build school spirit? Now get out there and slay them my king." Lucky said, leaning up to kiss him on the lips. Savion retuned the kiss, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend for a long moment before he broke the kiss, turned and ran towards the ramp that led out of the locker room and up to the surface. Lucky watched him go for a long moment, focused on just what their future might be - at least until he heard a familiar crunching of teeth on snacks echoing from beside him. He turned to see the long eared bunny standing there, eating caramel popcorn from a pouch.

"How long were you standing there?" he asked.

"Long enough to admire my work." Trigger commented. Lucky hopped down off the bench, looking directly at the rabbit.

"You set all this in motion?" The gnome asked. Trigger twitched his whiskers.

"You got yourself the most handsome, desirable roommate on campus." Trigger shrugged. Lucky seemed to hesitate at that.

"The important thing is that he likes what he's become." Lucky said defensively, though his attention was drawn to the locker that he was standing next to, "Will the costume continue to transform whoever puts it on?" the gnome asked. The rabbit laughed.

"Oh yes, for many, many years to come." he added, offering the popcorn to Lucky. Lucky declined with a shake of his head.

"Are you going to watch the game?" he asked reluctantly. Trigger's puffy tail twitched from where it stuck out between his pants and shirt.

"No, the dean has me working on another assignment." Trigger admitted. Lucky reached up to stroke his long beard in contemplation.

"What's that kinky old cook up to?" he asked. Trigger gave a mild shrug.

"He's got a particular taste for young men with Santa traits. Something about the clash of age and maturity gets his rocks off." Trigger said, heading for the stairs.

"You really do enjoy your work, don't you?" Lucky asked, calling after him.

"Making everyone go at it like rabbits? You're damn right I do. Have a good game, or whatever they do up there with sportsball." Trigger's voice echoed from the stairwell long after he'd disappeared. Lucky stood there for a moment, looking at the locker that held the mascot suit. He'd have to confess to Savion what had been done to him, of course, but with any luck he'd understand and be thankful. Right now, though, he had to go root on his boyfriend as his boyfriend rooted on the football team.