Fox Fire chapter 6

Story by Deca4531 on SoFurry

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#6 of Fox Fire chronicles

Dratine sat on the edge on her bed, not having anything to do really. She simply sat there and stared at the floor trying not to think of her predicament.

A clatter outside got her attention and she looked to the door. Within moments the door burst opened and Tika, the young monkey girl she had made friends with, came running in and ducked behind her. Dratine was about to ask a question when Bormow burst in after her.

"Where is she?!" he snarled as he peered around the room.

"Where is who?" Dratine asked calmly, she could feel Tika trembling agents her back.

"That little slave girl spilled hot water on me," he growled, then caught a glimpse of a furry tail on the bed behind Dratine and made his way towards her "and now she's about to be punished!" he finished as an evil grin spreading across his face.

Dratine tried to stand her ground but she was shoved out of his way as he seized Tika by the throat. "Wait," she screamed "don't hurt her, you can punish me instead!"

Bormow paused, the small girl feebly trying to pry his fingers from her neck and kicking franticly as she hung in the air. He knew he couldn't punish Dratine the way he intended to punish the slave; he would be killed on the spot if Draken found out. He and his brother Dormow had been arguing for some time over who would get the young salves virginity, and that thought brought about another, another much more interesting punishment.

"Alright," he said at last "if you want to take her punishment its fine by me." he tossed the slave on the bed and left the room for a moment, returning shortly after with another female slave, she was about a foot taller than Tika and looked much older. He ordered her to wait by a chair and stepped close to wispier into Dratine's ear "alright, here's your punishment: I planned to take my pleasure from her, and since I cant take it from you, your going to take my pleasure from her for me."

Dratine blinked, not understanding for a moment. Then she thought she comprehended what he meant "you want me to have sex with her?!?!" she asked in a harsh whisper. She saw his grin spared wider and he nodded. "But-I I can't, I wouldn't know what to-"

"I'll tell you exactly what to do." Bormow said, not whispering anymore "and I think to start things off, you should get in the mood." he walked over to the chair that faced the bed and sat down. "Have her eat you out to start," he said mockingly "and she's not to stop until I can see your juices dripping off her chin, you got that?"

Dratine was in shock, 'I'm her friend, she trusts me, how could I ask her to do such a thing' she gulped and hesitated a minute, then she pulled her dress over her head and walked over and sat on the bed next to Tika, she had no problems with being nude at this point since whatever honor or shame she might have had to protect had already been taken from her.

She could see that Tika was afraid and petted her head to calm her. Tika of course had no clue what was about to happen having not understood Bormow's slang. "Its ok Tika," Dratine said, "he won't hurt you, I promise. Just do what I tell you and everything will be ok." she saw her calm a little and began to relax a little herself "now, I want you to.... to lick me, down here." she tapped her pussy with her finger "do you think you can do that?"

Tika was very confused; whatever Bormow had whispered to Dratine had made her very shocked and afraid. She got even more confused when Dratine had taken off her cloths, and now she wanted her to lick her pee hole. It was all very hard for her to understand, but she knew Dratine would never do anything to hurt her, and Bormow probably would if she didn't do what he wanted. And so with a nod and a gulp she slid off the bed and knelt between Dratine's legs. At first she wasn't sure where to start, then she decided to just jump right in so she ran her tong over the area.

Dratine looked first down at Tika, then to Bormow. He was sitting with his elbows on her legs and his chin resting on her hands and he watched. He didn't say anything, but he did mouths the words "start enjoying It." she sighed and placed a hand on Tika's head "try..." it made her sick to tell her to do these things "try licking deeper, and more here." then she pointed to her clit. There was nothing more she could think to tell her and so she lay back on the bed and prayed for a quick climax.

Doing as she was told, Tika dug her tong into Dratine as much as she could and licked at her inner walls. When she heard Dratine take in breath through clenched teeth she thought she might be doing it right. Her tong explored the inside of Dratine's sex; the taste was strange but not all bad. As she took the small button of flesh Dratine had pointed to into her mouth and began to lick it. She heard Dratine moan. 'Maybe I'm supposed to make her keep doing that, maybe if I get her to do it enough Bormow will let me go.' she licked harder and began to suck. She rubbed Dratine's sex with her hand and as she pushed harder she felt her hand slip inside Dratine, at first she thought she might have hurt her but Dratine moaned louder and bucked her hips into her arm. 'I guess she must like it' she pushed her arm more in until five inches was inside her, almost at her elbow.

Dratine felt physically sick, but when she felt those tiny, warm lips on her clit she couldn't help but respond, she had begun to rub and pinch her nipples in order to cum faster. She didn't like the fact she liked this so much but her pussy had been neglected for some time and the small hand that caressed it felt very good. It was all she could do to keep from screaming when her arm pushed inside her, it was about the same size as Arthur's cock and brought back many memories. Tika's arm was pumping in and out of her and the tiny hand grouped at her inner walls and tickled her insides.

When Tika pulled her arm free she found it soaked in thick juices. The smell coming from Dratine seemed to cloud her mind and make her make her body hot. She returned to licking Dratine's sex and played and pinched the swollen clit. She got a good taste of the fluid that was dripping from Dratine's slit and found she liked it. She licked deeper until her whole face was buried in Dratine's pussy. She could feel a spot that felt different, spongier then the rest. When her tong moved over it Dratine responded by bucking into her and she could feel Dratine's hand resting on the back of her head, pushing her face into her more.

It was all getting to be too much; after Tika had found her g-spot she started to loose control of herself. She pushed the small girls face into her pussy more; she could tell she was close now. With one hand on the girls head and the other at her breasts her orgasm didn't take long and before she knew it her love juices were shooting into Tika's mouth.

As soon as Dratine's hand fell away Tika pulled her head back and gasped for air, Dratine likewise was panting heavily. Her whole face had been covered in the sticky juice and it ran down her chest too.

Once Dratine had her breath she sat up and looked to Bormow. The slave girl knelt between hid legs and was licking his sheath. "Is that enough?" Dratine asked with scorn.

"No," Bormow stated flatly "that was just a warm up, now comes the real fun. You're going to have a gift, something my brother and I have been arguing about. I'm giving this girls virginity to you." he laughed as Dratine's eyes went wide "and since she was nice enough to make you come you can't stop until she dose, got that?"

Worried and confusion played across Dratine's face as she stared at him. "But, I can't. I don't even have a," she took a hesitant look at Tika "have the 'equipment' to do that-" Bormow stood up and walked over to her. He placed a hand on her tale and pushed it between her legs so it stuck out in front of her. He gave her a wicked smirk and took his seat again. Dratine then turned to Tika, who had cleaned her face in the basin and waited on the bed. She swallowed the lump in her throat and said to her "ok Tika, one last thing. I need you to take off you close and lay on the bed." Tika hesitated a moment but complied. "Now," Dratine's voice began to crack as she fought back tears "this- this might hurt a bit but it won't for long and soon it should feel good."

Tika gave a nod and laid on the bed, Dratine moved between and stuck the point of her tail into her pussy. Dratine took in a breath then shoved inside her. Fire ripped throat Tika's body and she screamed as she felt something inside her rip. "Stop!" she cried "it hurts, please take it out!" she began to sob and thrash, but Dratine held perfectly still. Once the pain had lessened she calmed. Then Dratine started thrusting into her, about four inches of her tail disappeared into her body and stretched her insides painfully. She screamed and cried anew, trying to crawl away but Dratine held her by the waist. Everything felt wrong to her, for one Dratine had hurt her, which didn't seem possible, second her body was starting to feel hot and tingly. It was all too much to try to understand and so she simply lay there, grunting and yelping with Dratine's thrusting.

Every cry seemed to cut at Dratine's very soul. Already she could see a frightening amount of blood covering her tail as it spilled out of Tika's tiny body. Soon thought she had stopped crying and just lay back, seemingly broken, this most of all hurt her. She curved to tail tip up to rub at her more sensitive spots and began to suckle at her unformed breasts. After what seemed like forever to Dratine, Tika's grunts and cries started to become moans and groans. Dratine chanced a quick look back at Bormow, his member was fully hard now and he had lifted the slave girl onto it and was pumping it into her. His eyes were still fixed on what Dratine was doing though, and to her surprise so was the other slave's.

Tika's mind had gone numb and she was afloat in feeling she had never felt before. Her body seemed to move on its own as she bucked her hips into Dratine's tail. She could feel something growing inside her, an awful need for release of some kind. Then without warning something shot through her and she wailed out in pleasure as her vision exploded into stars and fluid sprayed violently from her aching pussy. She felt warmth wash over her, felt her muscles tightening as wonderful new feelings consumed her body and mind. Tika's breathing was reduced to short, gasping breaths as she fell back onto the bed; her mind overloaded from the ordeal and she lost consciousness

Dratine collapse onto Tika, similarly exhausted. She was just glad it was all over; Bormow too was finished and had left. The slave however had stayed behind; she walked over to Dratine and waited by the bed. Dratine lifted herself up and pulled out her tile, causing blood and Tika's cum to gush out of the gaping hole she had left in her.

The slave girl lifted Tika off the bed and carried her to the door, before she left thought she looked back to Dratine "thank you," she said "I know this must have been hard on you. I'm just glad it was you and not one of them, knowing those two by the time they were done I probably wouldn't have a daughter." and with that she left.

Dratine stared at the door for a long while, then started to cry again. The smell in the room mixed with the knowledge of what she had just done, in front of the girl's mother no less, was too much for her. She curled up in a ball on the bed and wept, she wept until she had no more tears left to shed then she just laid here sobbing until she fell asleep.

"He'll come for me," Dratine said "and then you'll see, you'll get what's coming to you!"

Draken only laughed and closed the door. He had expected her to be angry, was hoping for it in fact. The only reason for his visit this morning was to taunt her for what Bormow told him he had made her do.

His two nephews were waiting outside the door for him for him "orders, boss?" Bormow asked

Thinking for a moment, a wicked grin crossed Draken's face and he scratched at his chin. "It get a little cold at night around here. I think my new mate could use a new coat, I hear fox fur is quite warm." he laughed again and motioned for the two to leave. They knew what to do.

"How do we find them, bro?" Dormow asked

"Simple. They were in Mayberry last night, that means they should be just outside Mullcreak by now." they went to the cave entrance and stood on the ledge over looking the countryside. The sun was just starting to rise; the sky was alight in oranges and reds. Bormow turned to his brother "this will be fun, huh bro?" Dormow nodded his agreement.

Arthur was packing up camp when Daniel emerged from the woods. "Where's Sam?" he asked as Daniel went to work next to him.

"Sleeping." he said, giving him a sidelong glance and a shy smile. Arthur understood immediately. Daniel got to picking up when the sounds of birds squawking in the distance caught their attention. From the depths of the forest came the same two drakes that had abducted Dratine, their noses to the ground. Arthur scowled and drew his sword; a moment later so did Daniel.

"Found em'" the taller drake said as he straitened up.

"So we have, brother." Bormow said "and he's got a friend too. You think we should bring um' both back." he laughed and drew his own sword. "The fox is mine, you take the stinker." with out warning he charged Arthur and swung his sword. Arthur danced back and avoided it; bring up his own sword to counter. Bormow leaned back and dodged Arthur's swing. Arthur just barely deflected Bormow's second attack, his strength was formidable. Bormow continued to strike at him while Arthur opted to stay at a good distance and only nick at him, trying to make him madder.

Dormow moved closed to Daniel, sizing him up and think it would be a quick and easy kill. He hadn't gotten three steps before his prey turned and ran into the woods. Dormow made chase into the thick trees "cowered!" he called after him "don't think you can get away, you and your friends are coming with us weather you like it or not. Draken wants his new mate to have a new fur coat, I'm sure he would be pleased with a selection. You got any more friends who might want to join you?"

Daniel ran at top speed, he was not foolish enough to take on a full-grown dragon. His firs thoughts were to get to Sam and make sure she was safe. 'They mean to skin us alive' he thought. It wasn't until then he realized he was leading the dragon right to Sam. He came to a dead stop and turned bringing up his sword to charged the dragon. Dormow brought his own up

"Done running are you, good." Bormow sneered

Daniel charged, bring up the sword he hadn't the slightest clue how to use. Just as the drake struck he dodged and climbed the side of a near by tree. He lunched himself off the tree with his legs like an arrow and struck at the drake, his sword tore at his scales but he was not strong enough to cut him deep. Dormow howled out in pain and struck out again, only to miss and the nimble skunk landed on another tree and repelled off again, striking out on his way.

Bormow was infuriated, swing at the Arthur erratically; Arthur hoped he would tire before landing a blow. The drake struck and Arthur ducked and rolled. His back struck a tree and his head hit against the trunk hard, dazing him. In the next instant the drake had him by the throat and raised his sword, preparing to lop him in half. Arthur did the only thing he could and stabbed forward. He felt the tip of the blade enter and scratch on the drake's ribs. Bormow screamed and released the Arthur to clutch at the open gash in his chest and he swung his sword, cutting clean through the trunk. Arthur ducked as fast as he could and felt the wind thrown off by the sword; a few strands of hair fell to the ground. He backed away as the drake held his chest in an attempt to stem the flow of blood.

Dormow yelled and slashed blindly, all he could see of his target was a brief blur as he flew past and cut at his skin. He wasn't taking much damage but it hurt a good deal and made him all the madder. He heard his brother scream and turned from his prey to see what had happened. Bormow was bleeding badly as he caught his eye

"Lets get the hell out of here!" he said through clenched teeth and took off into the air, followed shortly by his brother.

Arthur laid on the ground and tried to catch his berth, he was soon joined by Daniel who was holding his left arm, blood soaked his fur and dripped from the tips of his claws. A rustle in the bushes caused then to ready their swords again, but it was only Sam. She stumbled out of the woods, still wiping the sleep from her eyes

"Morning guys, I heard a crash and it woke me up, what-" it was then she saw how the two men were covered in dirt and her love held his bloody arm. She ran to Daniel, bounding on all fours the same way he did from time to time. She was inspecting the wound and asking several questions, but Daniel only smiled at her and kissed her brow

"Everything's okay," he whispered to her gently "I'll tell you all about it latter."

Arthur watched as Sam cleaned her loves arm and wrapped it. He laughed to himself as he watched her opted to use her tong to clean off the blood 'truly birds of a feather' he thought.

Bormow sat with his brother in the tavern, pounding down one ale after another. His gash had healed but it still hurt him. "Blasted rodent," he coursed "had he kept his blade flat thing might have taken a turn for the worse back there."

Dormow nodded then asked "so what are we gonna do now. Boss won't be happy we failed." he downed his own mug and waved to the bar tender for another round. "If we come back empty handed the boss might take our skins instead."

"Then we just won't go back empty handed. We said we would bring back a fox pelt and that's what we're gonna do. How's he gonna tell the difference anyway, its not like he ever saw him."

"But if its not the same fox won't the girl be able to tell?"

He had to think about that one for a second. He knew his brother was right, no random fox would do, even the smell had to be the same or she would notice. Then it hit him "what did that fox back there smell like, because to me he smelled like a forge."

"What's your point?" it was then the bar tender came with the drinks, a young fox who owned "the fox hole tavern". Bormow looked him over as he nervously placed their drinks on the table. As he started to turn away Bormow grabbed him by the throat and slammed his head on the table.

"There's a blacksmith in town ain't there?" he asked as he drew a knife and put it to the mans throat.

It was nearing dusk as Bormow sharpened his sword while the fox pelt dried near the blacksmith's forge. His brother in the mean while was cleaning the blacksmith, out of his teeth. Bormow ran a finger down the length of the blade and pronounced it done.

Bormow snatched the fur off the its hangings and inhaled deeply into it "its done, lets head home." his brother belched and nodded his agreement. They flew off into the setting sun back to mount crag. When they arrived they found count Draken sitting in his favorite chair and smoking a pipe. "We're back boss." he said as he entered, his brother waited for him of the other side of the door.

"What in blazes took you so long!" he shouted "how long dose it take for you to skin a rodent!" he snatched the pelt out of his hand, paused, and held it to his nose "why dose it smell so bad?" he asked as he held it at arms length.

"The fox was a smith I guess." he said, doing his best to hide his nervousness.

The count eyed him for a moment and walked off, toward the cell door. As he came to the door he knocked then walked in, not waiting for a response. He did this to remind her of her place and to taunt her a little. As the door opened light flooded in from the hall. "I brought you something my sweet." he said in a mocking tone.

Dratine sat up in the bed and regarded him. Her eyes were a bit blurry since she had been crying again. He saw this and his grin spared further across his face. "I brought you something, a gift to cheer you up."

"I don't want anything you have to give me!" she said and turned her gaze from him

"But I brought you something to keep you warm. You did say you were cold, didn't you?" she looked at him again then down at the object he clutched in his hand. He tossed her the pelt and she caught it in her arms. "A gift from a young fox you might know."

She looked down at it confused. It was softy on one side and rough on the other, and the smell was familiar too, like burning coal. It was then the light gleamed of the softer side and she saw what it was, fur, reddish fur. 'Fox friend?' she thought, and then it hit her. She held it out before her to get a better look, and saw what her heart cried out for her not to see. In her hands she held the hide of a fox. She found she couldn't breath, she wanted to scream but her throat was closed shut and tears were welling in her eyes once more 'oh my god, Arthur no!' she held the skin to her body and buried her face in it, the pelt muffled her sobs as her tears ruled down the soft fur.

"Looks like your all mine now, and tomorrow night, under the light of the full moon we shall consummate our new relationship." Draken tuned and closed the door, leaving her in the dark, and started down the hall back to his sitting room. As he reached the door, roughly a hundred feet from her room, as he placed his hand on the handle he heard he blood curtailing scream come from her room. The grief and sorrow that carried with it told him all he needed to know, she was broken. He smiled to himself. "Maybe that will teacher her some respect." he said to himself as he made his way back to his favorite chair and pipe.

Dratine sat on her bed, staring off into space as thoughts and memories of Arthur filled her yet brought little comfort. She almost hadn't noticed as Bormow walked in laughing to him "what do you want?" Dratine said, practically spitting out the words.

"Well I'm here to thank you on such a nice job." he said. Dratine gave him a hateful look but he went on anyway "I don't know what you did to that girl but she just can't seem to get enough of us." he could see Dratine still didn't comprehend. "Come with me, I've got something to show you." at that he stepped up next to her and unlatched the lock of her chain.

It was the first time Dratine had gotten a good look at the lock, her heart sank a little as she was the band around her wing had been welded on and couldn't be taken off. This was also the first time she had been able to leave her small room, her first thought was to make a break for it, but she couldn't fly with the band still on and there was no where to run anyway. Not that it mattered anymore, Arthur was gone and she felt dead inside too. She followed Bormow as he led her into a room at the end of the hall, she could hear Dormow in there as he grunted and panted. She also heard light moaning and as Bormow guided her inside the room her jaw nearly hit the floor.

Tika was panting heavily, her head leaned back as her tong lulled from the side of her mouth. "More, more!" she moaned as Dormow rammed into her. One hand worked fiercely at her clip at the other ribbed and pinched her nipples. Dormow held her tight by the hips as he brought her down on him again and again, each time nearly ramming right into her womb.

"Damn your tight bitch" Dormow growled. He was growing closer and closer to his climax, and the closer he got the harder he brought Tika down on him. It was getting to the point she was yelping from the pain of the impact. He felt her walls clamp down on him; this made it the third time so far, as she cried out with her orgasm. Her warm cum seeped down his shaft and added to that which already soaked his stomach and thighs. He never relented on her, fucking her straight through her orgasm. With a grunt and a roar he forced her down as hard as he could, shooting his load deep into her core.

Tika's mouth opened but no sound came out, her last orgasm hadn't even finished before the next overcame her. Her body was rigged, trembling, then she collapsed onto Dormow's chest. With a sigh of content she let her body go slack, sprawling out. She grinded her hips against his, moaning softly. She could feel his cum leaking out of her, adding to her own that covered the table and spilled onto the floor.

"My turn." Bormow said, he locked Dratine's chain to a ring set into the wall, she didn't seem to notice though, she looked to be paralyzed. He walked up behind Tika. She looked back at him and smiled, then lifted her tale to give him better access. Bormow pressed the tip of his cock to her tail hole, it took a little force but then he finally got it in, electing a small scream from Tika. He pushed himself fully into her, pausing to enjoy her tight passage. He grinded her on him a bit then looked to his brother. Dormow nodded to show he was ready to go again. At the same time they pulled out, Tika squirmed to get comfortable and braced herself. With great force that both thrusted into her. Tika gave another throaty moan as she sprawled on Dormow's chest, holding his sides tightly as her tiny body was pushed to its limits.

Tika had never been sodomized before, it was new and it hurt but it felt good at the same time. She screwed her eyes shot and clenched her teeth as they fucked her. Sure it was kind of painful but her mind was swimming in too much pleasure to let it bother her. She moaned again as the thin wall that separated her vaginal and anal tunnels was pinched tightly. Her baby fat rippled from the force of their fucking and she found it hard to keep a breath in, each thrust only knocked the wind from her long every time she took a breath.

Bormow grunted and griped her hips tightly, she was tighter than he expected. A small amount of blood from the torn ring of her anis help to lubricate him well enough to make humping easer. He smiled to himself as he saw her leaning into them, tiring to get as much of them in her as she could. It didn't take long for his climax to build. He thrust a few more time much harder, causing a few sharp yelp from Tika, and emptied his load into her bowls. As he pulled out there was a lewd pop as her exited her ass. Cum leaked from the stretched out hole and dripped over Dormow's balls as he continued to fuck her.

Bormow then moved around to the other side out the table and made a twirling motion with his hand to his brother. Dormow quickly responded and paused long enough to stand up, Tika still impaled on his dick, and turn the girl over so her belly faced the floor and her limbs were left to dangle in the air. Bormow stood in front of Tika with his member at face level with her, she of course knew what he wanted and opened her mouth and stuck out her tong, making the 'come here' motion with the tip. Bormow gladly accepted the invitation and put the head of his cock in her mouth. He didn't pump into her though, he just stood there a minute and let her lick and suckle the head, small drops of cum falling on her tong as she coaxed more out. After a while he very slowly began to push into her throat, letting her feel every inch that slid over her lips and tong and into her esophagus. She made a chocking sound but made to move to stop him. He could feel the muscles of her throat squeeze his shaft as she gagged by reflex yet tried to swallow him at the same time. He took his time as he face fucked her, slowly pulling out until only the head remained. He let her suckle for a bit, moaning as her tong slid over his piss slit. It wasn't long before he was up to full speed

With her throat blocked by Bormow's large shaft it was hard for Tika to breath. She didn't complain though, in fact she was enjoying it in a way. Small drops of cum fell on her eager tong each time he withdrew, and the taste was exquisitely addicting. She marveled at the amount of cum a dragon had in him, already her belly seemed full from just the pre that she swallowed. Dormow was adding his own into her womb still and the combined amount was causing her belly to swell.

Dormow was getting bored with fucking her cunt so he pulled out, causing a great deal of cum to gush out and cover not only her legs but his as well. Tika started to groan in protest but it turned into a muffled scream as Dormow quickly crammed his dick into her ass. A brief pain shot through her body, causing a small convulsion, but the discomfort was quickly overwhelmed by her lust. Dormow didn't give her the chance to get use to him as he quickly went to work pounding into her ass, the sides of which had torn a little on his entry and now leaked blood down her cum soaked legs. The two brothers soon got into a rhythm and as Bormow was pulling out Dormow was slamming in. the two brothers look at each other as a thought struck them both, they gave each other a toothy grin. They both slammed her harder and faster, Bormow suddenly hit his peak and began to shoot his load directly into Tika's stomach. Before he was spent however he pulled out of her mouth and gave her face and chest a hefty spray of cum. Tika was swallowing everything she could, and even held her mouth open after he pulled out in hopes of catching more. Dormow hit his climax seconds latter, and after giving her innards a good coating her pulled out as well and bathed her rum and up her back with a thick layer of spunk

The feeling of being covered head to toe in hot, thick cum was all Tika needed as her orgasm washed over her, a wail ripped out of her now unobstructed mouth as she came hard, her love juices shot out from between her legs in a solid stream and soaked Bormow's feet. After that her body went limp, and would have hit the floor if not for Dormow's hands still holding her hips. He gave a look to Bormow and they both started laughing, then he carelessly tossed the girl to the side and they left. Tika's body struck the floor with a splat and left a smear of cum on the cold stone surface.

Dratine got up and went to Tika's side, her chain just barely long enough. She dropped to her knees and cradled the girl in her arms as she wiped the cum from her face, leaving her fur slick and greasy.

Slowly Tika opened her eyes and gazed up at Dratine "oh, Dratine, when did you get here?" she asked, still panting, "it was wonderful, did you see? Thank you so much, I didn't understand it at first but you showed me the most wonderful feeling yesterday, it was all I could think about." she leaned her head closer to Dratine's chest and started licking her nipple through her dress. "I wish I could return the favor," Tika yawned and eased ach in Dratine's arms "but I'm really tired." and with that she was asleep.

Dratine started rocking back and forth as she tried to wipe away as much of the cum as she could. "I'm so sorry Tika." she said in a cracked and shaking voice "this is all my fault, I never should have done those thing to you." She clutched her closer and buried her face in Tika's tiny chest as she started to sob "can you ever forgive me Tika?!" she knelt there for a long time, finally the girls mother came. At first she feared she was dead, but seeing that she had only passed out made her breath a sigh of relief. She tried her best to comfort Dratine, then left with her daughter to clean her up. Not long after Bormow came back and took her to her cell, there she sat much the same way she was before Bormow had shown up; only this time she had all the more to torment her thoughts and tare at her soul.