Monster Hunter: Abnormal Companions Chapter 6

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#6 of Monster Hunter: Abnormal Companions

Chapter 6 to a dirty fanfic. Contains adult content and extreme fetishes. Proceed with caution, should the following themes discomfort you:

  • Sex (Male x male monster , Male x Female Monster)

  • Vore


This story is fan made and based on the Monster Hunter Universe.

A/N Start:

This story contains extreme and sexual themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

If the following themes are unsettling for you, I advise you to leave the page:

- Monster Sex

- Vore

- Size difference

- Domination

- Violence

A/N End

The forest was boring. My energy was spent, and it took Nargacuga a few minutes to realize I needed a break before he stopped teasing me.

If my body wasn't focused on recovery, maybe I wouldn't be so exhausted and could go a third round, though was I really wanting that? Was every monster I interacted with in the future going to try milking me dry?

Grass became the victim of my frustrating thoughts, getting ripped from the ground as I lay against my problem: Nargacuga. He was asleep, bored, and apparently not hungry enough to hunt. I had felt pangs of hunger when he was staring at me earlier.

That was all he did afterward. He would stare, reading into me like some novel book. My thoughts were on a reel and he was the viewer, getting to enjoy my show as a cascade of moral and personal dilemmas played throughout my head.

"You're an interesting human," was the last thing he murmured before fading. Part of me wished he hadn't fallen asleep, due to my boredom. Another part of me felt as if I could run away and spend time to myself.

The forest was unpredictable though. Whether I'd admit it vocally or not, Nargacuga was my protector. I'm sure he knew this already, but did he know it was agitating?

I didn't believe so. Nargacuga, unlike me, seemed to be turning a new leaf. Having met me, and experiencing the human wonders of sexual stimulation, I'd say his life had taken a turn for the better. I on the other hand was grouchy from my healing injuries and troubled thinking about our future, which he seemed to bear little worry about. I'm sure Nargacuga would have no problem telling another humans that he sexually pleasures me and feel proud about it.

Would he feel proud? This was what tore me up. My fetishes had been birthed or exposed, then exploited by him. I undoubtedly enjoyed what happened, but what I don't enjoy is the thought that I am perceived as a mere pleasantry; something to play with and have to take care of.

I was a pet.

That was enough to get me up. Nargacuga stirred, looking at me questioningly and half-asleep. I looked back at him, unsure of what I wanted to do. All I knew was I didn't like this.

"I..." I trailed off. Nargacuga sat up more, blinking a couple of times and squinting. He delivered that same stare as if trying to catch up with my thoughts to understand why I was standing.

My mental space was completely exposed at all times!

_"You're upset." _He stated. Was I exaggerating? My head dipped and my hands raked through my hair as I crouched and plopped my rear.

"I'm not used to this," I admitted dejectedly. Nargacuga waited, or perhaps he was continuing to read my mind. I didn't know what to say and so silence grew between us. Half-expecting an answer, his continued quietness caused me to glance at him, to which he was staring per usual.

"This is exactly what I'm not used to!" I laughed, shaking my head and rubbing my eyes.

_"I can't find an answer." _He replied, bringing his head toward me in a coaxing manner. I looked at him unsurely, his gesture sparking emotional conflict. Every doubt that raced through my head was followed by me wondering if he was hearing or feeling my doubts mentally. It tripped up my words and actions, made me feel no sense of privacy, and I knew that things could only get more complicated from here.

_"Neither of us asked for this." _Nargacuga dipped his head into me and I received it with minor satisfaction.

_"I'll protect you," _He added.

"I know that, but what of my life?" As I said this, I then added, "What about yours?"

_"Humans and monsters have gotten along before." _The response sounded factual, possibly hopeful. I rested an arm on my knee and looked directly at him.

"I'm frustrated then. Our bond is different than that of a Rider and Monstie. Our lives are gonna be different, and I know that. I'm not trying to come off as self-centered, I know this is weird for you too..." Nargacuga's ears twitched.

"I've been happier, the more time we spend together." _When I responded with silence, he added, _"But you grow agitated."

"I feel like a pet." The word 'pet' did not seem to make sense, and he waited for me to reiterate. I bit my lip and inhaled sharply.

"I feel stuck with you. Like I'm not allowed to leave you because I'm a frail human." His eyes lit up in understanding.

_"You are hurt, and it's because of me that you're hurt." _He nuzzled my leg aside, removing the obstruction between my face and his.

"I feel indebted." He admitted, which surprised me. He realized this, developing questions based on my reaction.

"You thought I wasn't guilty?" Now I felt guilty, just being asked that. Nargacuga didn't skip a beat, the space between us beginning to feel claustrophobic.

_"Why are you guilty now?" _I pressed against his body, somehow finding comfort in his fur versus being so close to his stare.

"It's because of..." It was because I viewed him as a monster. It's something he is, but I meant the preconception of one, versus how I view him as one now.

_"Say it." _I flinched at those words, and Nargacuga drew back.

"Sorry," His voice had been calm and curious throughout this. He was able to realize that despite this, I was discomforted by our proximity. All of these things built up the guilt within me, as I came to terms with the fact I was in the wrong.

"I've been judging you based on how I viewed you... before all of this." Nargacuga knew immediately what I meant.

_"...I see," _He started, his tone lacking inflection. As my guilt grew, he switched tactics, determination emanating from him.

"But I was exactly what you thought of me before all of this. We are both working through changes and ultimately, are wanting to understand each other." _His head tilted cutely and he quipped, _"Right?"

"I'm sorry for doubting you." I hugged one knee, letting the other stretch out. "Yes, I want to understand us better, and I just have a lot on my mind on the future; my future."

Now Nargacuga fully brought his head back, staring at me with certainty.

_"Humans are strong." _I was surprised to hear him admit that. His statement felt truthful, though all I could think about were those hunters he killed. He seemed to sense my doubt.

_"I have met strong hunters. Upon meeting you, I am certain there is more to humans than their ability to kill," _Upon stating that belief, I felt a pang of sadness that belonged to him. He said nothing more, the stillness luring my curiosity.

"What's wrong?" Nargacuga shook his head, a surprisingly human gesture that threw me for a loop, but I welcomed it.

"I respect humans, at least some. I've come to realize that before this, I have simply been a monster, as you would portray one." If guilt had physical form, I'd be impaled.

His words pulled me up, guiding me to his neck. I wrapped my arms around him, breathing deeply, and he did the same.

"I've been self-centered, Nargacuga." Nothing more needed to be said. We both had our bouts of confusion. It was clear that we both weren't comfortable with who we were before this, or who we were gonna become in the future.

"Thank you." I wasn't sure what to expect, nor was I gonna figure out what was in store for us. All I knew was that we had each other, and both of us wanted the best.

_"I look forward to learning more." _Nargacuga purred. Part of that felt sexual, though there was also sincerity in that statement and I made sure to take note of it.

Upon letting go, he stared at me the way he always did. It no longer bothered me, but in addition to his stare was a contemplativeness that caused me to roll my eyes.

"Geez, are all monsters gonna be this horny?" His head reeled in shock, which almost got a laugh from me.

_"I am not thinking of tasting you!" _The mere fact he said that meant otherwise, and I could no longer help but laugh. This annoyed Nargacuga, who no longer wanted to stare at me, and so instead, he brought his paw behind me and pushed me into his chest. My laughter was smothered, my hand trying to push back. Tilting my head up, I gasped for air and chuckled.

_"Be wary, human." _The warning caught me off guard. I was enjoying being pushed against him like this more than I expected. Sinking my face back into his chest, my hands did the same and Nargacuga relaxed.

_"I will admit, the sensations you convey to me are... alluring. It's like having a mate, but not quite so. Your sensations and taste are also addictive." _I heeded his words, some of them relating to concerns I had recently pondered.

_"All monsters behave differently. I'll have to make sure you are not hurt." _His add-on was touching. Despite the dampener that we shared pain being an incentivizer for protection, I could tell he meant this in a different way. It felt like he cared about my well-being. What had been my emotional dilemma and now solved, brought forth a new problem.

I felt like a weakling.

_"Do not fret." _Nargacuga's paw slipped between his chest and me, prodding me to look at him and step back. My sadness from this did not go undetected, and amused look flittering in his eyes, but he remained serious.

"I know you are strong and can be stronger. I am just saying that I will look out for you." His reiteration had caught the new problem before I had time to dissect it.

The development of our relationship was astounding. Each huff of air from his large muzzle drew me closer until I pecked the top of his beak. That serious tone of his quickly wavered, and I could feel his excitement upon realizing he had stirred me up.

_"Such provocative behaviors..." _Despite making fun of my kiss, Nargacuga was quick to return it tenfold, pushing my body back as his muzzle planted against my face.

As soon as his tongue shot out, I readily pressed against it and sighed shakily, overcome by his hot breath and wetness. My hands ran across the sides of his lips, grazing sharp teeth and gripping his gums as I anticipated the next lick.

Nargacuga's muzzle parted but froze, his tongue poking my chest and retreating. My body, sensitive and tense, deflated as I looked confusedly at him.

However, his attention was on our side, completely pulling me from our moment. If it weren't for his conveyed emotions, I would still be dumbfounded over why he stopped. Listening closely, it began to make sense.

Step. Step. Step. Each one was light. Nargacuga growled though I felt little alarm. Whatever was approaching was small. If it were potentially hostile, it would see Nargacuga, shit, then run with a tucked tail.

What emerged struck true fright in me.

"Yo man!" I stared like a Kelbi in headlights. Nargacuga settled down ironically, and I was at least wearing shorts. Slowly, I realized nothing was out of the ordinary to Xander.

"Xander!" My mind was still elsewhere. I had no clue what to say, and something else was worrying me that was currently eyeing the gear Xander brought. Would Nargacuga act sexually in front of Xander?

Oh fuck.

There was no way I could stop that. My mind felt dizzy, wondering what the hell I'd tell Xander if Nargacuga or some future monster were fucking me in front of his eyes.

"I got a bunch of stuff man, and uh Elder Einzel went somewhere. She said she told you that though." As Xander took a step forward, Nargacuga matched his step, growling.

_"Stay back." _Though Xander couldn't hear him, he most certainly backed up, then looked at me surprised.

"Uh," My face must have been pale because he continued with, "Are you okay?"

_"You interrupted us," _Nargacuga replied, the worst answer I had anticipated. I still had no answer for where this was heading.

"Damn man, I brought meds too. I think Nargacuga is worried about you, can you let him know I got some good stuff?" Xander shook a bag, to which Nargacuga growled again.

"Nargacuga stop, the bag is fine." Nargacuga turned towards me. I could feel the sexual tension, even though my boner had run for the hills as soon as Xander appeared. It was Nargacuga who was still worked up.

"What the..." I barely managed to break eye contact with Nargacuga as I tried to convey some sort of emotion that said "No sex right now!"

Xander had spoken and was looking at Nargacuga's crotch. His dick was fully erect, to which my surprise mimicked Xander's but for different reasons.

Xander knew nothing about our sexual relations, Nargacuga's ability to feel my pleasures, so this probably looked like a randomly horny monster. I knew that it was a sexually angered Nargacuga who wanted to indulge in my sensations.

"Hey man, is this a side effect of... your ability?" My silence was beginning to annoy Xander. Nargacuga wasn't getting the hint and was now ignoring Xander to readdress our moment.

"Wait, no." I started as Nargacuga took a step.

"Oh shit, he's wanting to..." Xander trailed off and looked at me with wide eyes. My hands shook, my vision became rippled, and my brain felt like mush. This level of sickness was enough for Nargacuga to postpone his advances, as well as let Xander approach me as I sank to my knees.

"Dammit, hold on." He started fishing through for meds, though that wasn't the problem. I was so sick from trying to think of how to break this down that I simply lost feeling in my legs.

Before Nargacuga could make things worse, I grabbed Xander's arm tightly, staring with a look of seriousness that quieted both of them.

"Xander. We fucked."

I had anticipated silence, which followed but knowing didn't make me feel better as I watched Xander short circuit. A hiss of air escaped his lips and he shook his head amusedly.

"Yeah, okay man. I'm pretty sure that thing wouldn't fit in your ass." I shook his arm and shook my head.

"No, Xander. He got me off." This was as long as Nargacuga would stay silent. His head butted in towards us, becoming involved in Xander's moment of realization, who now slowly turned toward Nargacuga: the only one who was not fazed by this.

I could not spell the sound that escaped Xander's mouth. It was more like a crackle, quickly fading into nothingness. When he couldn't come up with words while staring at Nargacuga, he looked back at me.
