Preview - Mustangs Must Win!
#52 of Patreon
During his business management career, Coach Roberts was working for Fortune 500s. Not willing to fade into obscurity during his retirement, he's formulated a plan. With the help of Kamberlan Genomics, he'll turn both the teams he's coaching into state champions.
Given the non-peer-reviewed articles Kamberlan Genomics provided, Coach Roberts thinks there's minimal risk to the eight seniors he's picked for modification. But he's no scientist and his planned secret gene splicing lock-in becomes an orgy of gender-bending transformation. By the end of it all, these seniors will look a lot more like pinup models of the team mascot than High School athletes.
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Preview - Mustangs Must Win
By Zmeydros
(Edited by Wolfleah and Secretskunk)
No business in the town of Mountaineer had a new sign. The cute ice cream shop had the same sign it had in the nineties and the printing business next to it had been closed for a decade. There were only two cafes in town. One looked really pretty, but the food had no flavor and most of its business came from the fact it had the only espresso machine in town. The other cafe was always packed with diners who had nothing to do other than chat the day away. There was little to no industry. It was a town on the way to other places with no relevance or importance of its own.
Coach Roberts gripped the steering wheel tighter. A year ago, if someone had told him he'd be forcibly retired and back in his hometown, he would've had a good laugh. He glanced at his reflection in the rear-view mirror briefly as he waited at one of the town's six-remaining stoplights. He'd shaved his head bald and had a long graying beard that had been trimmed into a tidy smooth curve at the bottom. He had more gray hairs in his eyebrows than his beard, an annoying trait he got from his father's side of the family. His nose was wide and so was his neck. The extra pounds he'd gained from the stress of his forced retirement made him look less imposing than he'd be otherwise.
He turned right just after the football field, passing the twin twenty-foot-tall posts that held a wide rectangular sign. Emblazoned on the sign was white text on a dark red background saying "Home of the Mustangs." To the right of the words was a stylized horse head with a tousled mane as the logo. After glancing at the sign, he put on a confident smirk: he wasn't content to fade into obscurity. He was about to sow the seeds that would put him, and this town, on the map again.
The rudimentary high school building had white pillars holding up a metal awning that went all the way across the front, to protect people from the rain as they made their way in. The building wasn't even made of proper bricks, it was made of cement blocks painted the color of bricks. The result was a somewhat pleasing color, but without the prestige of an actual brick building. The parking lot was empty because school activities had long since ended for the day. It was just after sunset and the street lights had just come on.
Coach Roberts parked in one of the reserved faculty slots out front and made his way under the awning. Just in front of the simple glass and steel double doors that entered the school was a man in a deep blue business suit with faint gray pinstripes and a flashy cyan tie. His slightly wavy hair parted in the middle and arched exactly like Hugh Grant's hair. In fact, the guy looked a lot like Hugh Grant overall, complete with piercing blue eyes. The biggest difference was he had a much more angular chin. On his deep brown leather briefcase was a cyan logo that matched the color of his tie. It looked like a ladder that had been cut into three sections and two more sections were being spliced in. A thin-lined square surrounded the logo and across the bottom of that square was the company name, "Kamberlan Genomics."
The Coach smiled as he walked up to the man. Reaching out with his right hand, he got in a good, firm handshake. "Mr. Gentalen, so nice to see you again."
"The pleasure's all mine." Mr. Gentalen patted the Coach's arm before releasing the handshake. He motioned toward the high school's entrance. "Shall we get down to business?"
After stepping through the polished steel double doors, their footsteps echoed loudly in the empty halls. The flooring was industrial polished concrete, like the floor of a Wal-Mart. The only saving grace was that terra-cotta-colored dye had been added to it to contrast with the white walls and rows of gray lockers.
They turned right at the office and then followed the hallway straight, until the doors for the locker rooms were in front of them. Then they went to their left and Coach Roberts unlocked his office door.
It was a small office, filled with photos of past athletes that had won awards or scholarships to colleges. Team banners with the feisty-looking Mustangs logo and big foam hands to cheer with were also on the walls. A baseball was on his desk, signed by a team that got to the baseball semi-finals thirty years ago.
Pulling out one of the plastic and metal folding chairs that sat in front of his desk, he waited for Mr. Gentalen to start sitting and pushed it under him. Then he went to his creaky leather rolling chair and sat.
"If you want to move forward with Kamberlan Genomics, we're going to need a couple more signatures." Mr. Gentalen pulled a tablet out of his briefcase and laid it on the desk.
"Before I sign, are you absolutely sure no harm will come to the students and that this genetic modification won't be found out as doping?" The Coach's brow was furrowed. He needed this to work and needed it to go off without a hitch.
"We just finished another round of testing. We're so confident it's safe that we can launch two weeks early." Mr. Gentalen puffed out his chest a bit. "As I said before, genetic modification isn't a type of doping authorities even look for yet. We're ahead of the curve, forging a new path to athletic excellence."
"Two weeks earlier? Are you sure?" The Coach's heart was pounding.
"The longer the seniors you've picked have to adjust to their increased athletic prowess, the better the outcome. We've taken your wish to secure a legacy, to have your town and your name to be remembered, very seriously. We want this opportunity to benefit both parties, and the students, as much as possible."
The Coach laughed. "Look at me, all worked up when I should be trusting your scientists." He was about to make history. To ensure he'd make a mark on the world of high school athletics. "What do you need me to sign?"
"Eight of the seniors you identified as candidates have signed up for our treatment and--"
"Did any of their parents learn about our plans while you were doing that?" The Coach's back was sweating.
"No, of course not. All the seniors on your list were eighteen years of age. They didn't need guardian approval for our treatment. Three seniors refused to sign on as test subjects, but we were able to get them to sign an NDA. As a result, you have no cause for worry, Mr. Roberts." Opening the magnetic screen protector on the tablet, Mr. Gentalen navigated to a form full of legal and medical jargon in tiny, unreadable text and tapped on a blank field. "First, we need you to identify the species of animal you'd like spliced with your students."
"Oh, you, uh, want me to pick?" That sweat on Coach Roberts's back was soaking into his shirt.
"Many species have traits that would increase their athletic ability, so we've left the final choice up to you. I'll let you know if you choose something that wouldn't work."
"Well, the team's named 'The Mustangs' so how about we just go with that?"
"Splicing your students with horse DNA is an excellent choice." Mr. Gentalen typed on the screen and then tapped on another field. "You wish this to be the species we splice both the males and females with?"
"All our sports teams have the same mascot, so yeah." The Coach fidgeted with the calendar on top of his desk.
After filling in The Coach's answer, Mr. Gentalen turned the tablet toward The Coach and set it down in front of him. He pulled out a gold-plated stylus that was sitting elegantly in his lapel pocket and set it next to the tablet. "Four men and four women have completed the paperwork and will be genetically modified. If you sign here, you will confirm that you believe all eight of these students are fit to undergo the procedure both mentally and physically."
"Oh, that's easy. They're healthy young adults with tons of energy." The Coach signed for that and then zoned out as he signed for lots of other little things that he had to take Mr. Gentalen's word for.
Ten minutes later, Mr. Gentalen was out the door and Coach Roberts was falling back in his chair, exhausted, but triumphant. The recognition he deserved was right around the corner.
* * * * *
The giant panel that divided the lunchroom in half for events had a splatter of ketchup on it, but the lunchroom itself was clean. It was also utilitarian. The polished, terracotta-colored concrete floor had more character with its rolling variations in color than the stainless steel fixtures, and the stark white-painted cinder block walls. The old fluorescent bulbs above needed to be updated to LEDs. There were at least three tubes that were flickering and/or casting ugly green-hued light.
Today, things were kinda odd in the lunchroom. The coach of the men's football and women's basketball teams had set it up for a lock-in. All but one of the long lunch tables that folded in the middle had been wheeled over to the wall opposite the partition. The lone lunch table in the center of the room remained unfolded and functional. Along the wall that the double doors were in was a big red-and-white cooler and a little table full of snacks, flanked by two cots on either side. Above the cooler and the table was a big projection screen that covered the already-white wall.
Across from the double door, in front of the window that looked out at the mountains and the faculty parking lot, was a chest-high gray machine with a chair in front of it. The machine had a main rectangular part with an arm that reached out right next to the chair. On the arm was what looked like a blood pressure cuff attached to two black tubes and two clear tubes. The top of the machine was shaped like a gold brick, but was the same matte gray as the rest of it. The slanted surface facing the chair was broken up into two sections. On the left was a bunch of switches and dials, the right section had a nice screen with a bunch of fields on it. All the text on the entire machine was in Korean.
When Mariana had signed the paperwork, she'd thought it was no big deal. Between seeing that strange machine and having to stay the night, to be monitored before she could go home, she was a lot less sure. It was just like her to worry like this, though. Carla didn't seem bothered by it at all. Wait, where was Carla?
Mariana poked her head out into the hallway to see Carla holding the sheet of paper that said, "MEN." She watched in horror as Carla put the "MEN" sign right beside the door to their partition of the lunchroom and had moved the "WOMEN" sign to where the "MEN" sign had been.
"What the hell, Carla?!" Mariana pointed at the signs. "Switch them back."
"It's not like anyone will know. Both sides have a weird machine and the only difference is that one side has the kitchen. Don't you want to be on the side where we can raid the fridge?"
"But..." Mariana fidgeted with her hands nervously, not able to come up with a good counter to what Carla was saying.
"But what? The football team gets eight times the funding our team does. Sure, we're in basketball and need less equipment, but even the Men's basketball team has twice the funding we do! I think we deserve some free chocolate milk and other goodies more than the football players do. Don't you?" Carla narrowed her eyes at Mariana.
"The chocolate milk in those little cartons is very good." Mariana rubbed her chin and tilted her head.
"I think drinking it out of those cartons makes it taste better somehow." Carla grinned.
"Are you sure this is necessary? They did provide us with snacks and there's plenty of drinks in the cooler. It's not like we're missing out that much."
"There's no apple juice or chocolate milk. And guess what else is in the fridge." Prancing toward the freshly swapped "Women's" partition of the lunchroom, Carla turned right and went through the big, swinging double doors.
Mariana was hot on her heels and when Carla got up to the tall stainless steel freezer on the far right, she waited as Carla opened the door.
"Put your hands out, palms up." Carla closed the freezer door, holding something behind her back.
"O-okay." Mariana tried to imagine what Carla was about to do, but knew it was no use guessing.
Carla kneeled in front of Mariana and put a vanilla-chocolate-swirl pudding pop on Mariana's upturned palms. "A pudding pop, my queen?"
"Why thank you, loyal subject." Mariana laughed. "Now put it back." She handed the pudding pop back to Carla, who was still on her knees.
"Aww." Carla looked devastated.
"I'm just saving it for later. My dad made lasagna and garlic bread for dinner."
"My parents didn't even remember I had to be at this lock-in and all I've had since breakfast is a peanut butter sandwich I made out of two Eggo Waffles." Carla opened the wrapper and licked the pudding pop. "So, you're okay leaving the signs switched?" There was an adorable, hopeful twinkle in her eyes.
"Yeah, it's fine." Mariana's eyes were fixed on Carla's tongue as she licked the pudding pop. "I'm gonna move our stuff over here before anyone notices our subterfuge."
"You don't have to move my stuff."
"Ehh, you're...busy. I don't mind." Mariana rushed off to what had been the Women's partition.
* * * * *
Two guys entered the school at a full run. Only the lights in the trophy display cases were on, casting their athletic silhouettes on the walls and polished concrete floor. They took a left, whizzing by the school office.
Zayne, the dark-haired one, whacked the wall with his sleeping bag, knocking a flier about an upcoming bake sale off of the office door. Shane, the taller one on the right, slipped on the flier and stumbled before regaining his balance.
As Zayne made a right turn to head down the hallway toward the lunchroom, Shane's blond curls passed directly under a spotlight, looking like spun white gold. The curls were too perfect, gelled and styled to the point that they looked like they belonged on a Roman statue.
As they got to the partition of the lunchroom labeled "MEN," Shane threw his sleeping bag at Zayne's legs and then dashed in as Zayne tumbled to the floor.
"Cheater!" Zayne cried as he got up and chased Shane into the room, his medium brown skin taking on a sickly green tint under the fluorescent lights. His buzz-cut and bright hazel eyes intensified his disdainful glare at Shane.
"Can't cheat if there's no rules." The fact that Shane had to look away from Zayne's glare weakened his argument, but it had no effect on his near-constant sneer of superiority.
"Oh come on, common sense dictates you can't just throw random shit at your competition's legs."
"What are you? A master-dictator?" Shane laughed as he grabbed his sleeping bag, which was lodged in the double doors.
"That's not even a joke." Zayne frowned.
"Well, it's still funny." Shane surveyed the cots and then plopped his sleeping bag and backpack on the one nearest the folded-up lunch tables.
"To only you." Zayne set his sleeping bag on the cot next to Shane's and then set his backpack on the floor next to the table full of snacks.
"I'm the only one that counts." Shane puffed up his chest with pride.
"Oh yeah? Try saying that next time I skip one of your parties."
"Hey! You can't skip my parties, we're best buds." Shane hooked his arm over Zayne's shoulders and gave him a manly hug.
Ducking out of Shane's hug, Zayne tweaked Shane's nipple.
"Now we're even." Zayne ran through the double doors.
"Come back here!" Shane gave chase.
"Hey!" Just on the other side of the doors, Andy dodged Zayne, dropping his big, light-blue duffel bag in the process.
Ignoring the two idiots running down the hallway, he leaned over to pick up his bag. He swore under his breath as his greenish-brown Australian outback bush hat fell off and his long, red bangs fell out in front of his eyes. Gathering his hair and trapping it back under his hat, he grabbed his bag.
When he got in the room, the odd gray machine in front of the window caught his attention for a moment, but then he set his stuff down on the cot just inside the door. It was the cot furthest away from Shane's cot. Sitting next to his backpack, he got out his wireless, noise-canceling headphones and put them on. The best colors of sunset were about fifteen minutes away and not one car or truck was parked in the Faculty lot, so he had an unobstructed view of the mountains. As he bobbed his head and tapped his foot to the beat of the Beyonce song he'd been listening to on the drive here, he sang under his breath.
Back at the front entrance, Luis was walking in with Jessica right behind him. He was wearing a hyper modern leather jacket with lines so sharp, it looked like something an anime character would wear. His gray dress pants had razor-thin pinstripes that matched the yellow pinstripes on his navy-blue button-down shirt. The perfect, black wave of two-inch-long hair atop his head would've looked good on a movie star if it hadn't been glistening from a too-generous amount of pomade.
Jessica was wearing pink, bright pink. It seemed her criteria had to do with how obvious the brand names were: eye-searingly obvious, or she didn't wear it. Luckily, she had good fashion sense to go along with her expensive tastes. Her straight black hair and light amber skin went great with bright pink.
"Luis, honey, could you get the door for me?" Jessica moved her light-pink-on-darker-pink Desley Paris rolling suitcase in front of her.
"Always, mi angelita." Luis set down his sleeping bag and pulled the door open.
"Thanks bunches!" She trotted in, carefully pulling her suitcase over the threshold.
As Luis walked by, he traced a finger along her forearm. She smiled down at him, her extra five inches of height obvious now that he was this close to her.
Shane and Zayne ran by the entrance, shouting at each other.
"Hey! Cut it out!" Luis yelled.
"Fuck off!" Shane called back.
Luis rolled his dark brown eyes at Shane's childish behavior while Jessica yelled, "RUDE!"
When the pair got to the lunch room, they shared a brief kiss before heading to their respective partitions.
He stopped just before entering the men's partition and waved at her. "Love you!"
"Love you too! See you later, hon." Jessica walked into the women's partition.
Carla and Mariana were laughing at a video on Carla's phone. Jessica ignored them as she rolled her suitcase up to the cot opposite Carla's. It was further away from the door than the other option and those two were harmless. She got out her toiletries bag and left for the restroom so she could take off her makeup.
Returning to the women's partition, she sat on her cot for a moment.
"Hey, Jessica!" Mariana waved.
"Hello. How's it going?" Jessica put on a warm smile even though she wasn't feeling it.
"Okay, I guess? We're trying to decide on a movie to watch." Mariana held up her phone, which was too far away for Jessica to read. "The school server's got like a hundred random titles."
"Forget that for now." Carla gently pushed Mariana's hand down. "Jessica, you're Korean, right? Can you read the writing on the machine over there?"
"I'm Chinese, not Korean, and my family's been here for two generations. I can barely read a children's book in Chinese." Jessica took a deep breath to calm herself. Then she looked at the machine and did a double take. "That's what they're using on us? A piece of junk?"
"Yeah, I guess." Carla shrugged. "Scientific equipment isn't made to look pretty, most of the time."
"Medical equipment is, though." Rosie said as she set her stuff down on the last available cot. Her dark blue jeans showed off her hips while her long, Imagine Dragons T shirt fought to hide them. Her shiny black nose ring and green-dyed-tips on her hair contributed to her punk vibe.
"Maybe it's ugly because it's a prototype." Carla walked over to the machine.
"Yeah, could be." Rosie followed her over while Jessica and Mariana watched from across the room.
"This looks legit. It's probably just a really new technology." Reaching out a hand, Carla poked the gray plastic arm rest.
"It's gotta be new because otherwise we'd all be caught for doping." Rosie inspected the tubes coming out from the cuff.
"We're going to get caught?" Mariana's voice was high-pitched with anxiety.
"Totally not what I said."
"The paperwork said it was a procedure to guarantee we're in peak health. They're probably just monitoring our blood work throughout the night so they can suggest better diets and stuff." Jessica shrugged.
"It sounded to me like they were doing something to us, not just monitoring us." Carla spoke slowly as she continued to inspect the machine.
"Who cares what they're doing?" Jessica waved her hand dismissively. "If it helps the team, it helps us. It's not like they'd do something dangerous to us or something that would get them in legal trouble. Coach Roberts isn't a crazy person. He's just passionate."
"Yeah, you're probably right." Mariana sighed and rolled her shoulders to reduce the tightness in her neck.
"Seeing this machine makes me a bit worried, but tons of medical stuff is made in Asia and then we just put English words on it." Carla walked back toward her cot.
"I hope it does something cool, like gives us nice muscles, or higher jumps, or both." Rosie was still looking at the machine, falling just short of flipping switches.
"Oooh, I hope that's the case. The fitness junkie look is in nowadays. Plus, I've heard a nice set of pecs can lift your breasts and who doesn't want a rounder ass?" Jessica opened her suitcase and pulled out her sleeping bag.
* * * * *
Luis didn't even get to put his stuff down before Zayne bear hugged him. "LUUUIIISSSS!"
"Hi Zayne." Luis stood there, waiting for Zayne to calm down.
"Did you figure out binomial expansions yet? Mrs. Pfeifer was talking really fast at the end of class and I missed something. " Zayne let go of Luis.
"Pascal's Triangle is all I got out of her speed talking, but I think what I'm doing works. Though, I'm going to send her an email before bed because some of the homework problems are purposefully confusing."
"When you two figure it out, let me know." Shane was munching on a granola bar.
"You're going to help this time or we're not giving you the answers." Luis stared Shane down.
"Oh yeah? Well maybe I'll just get the answers from Andy then." Taking three wide steps, Shane was standing in front of Andy.
Andy looked up to see Shane standing over him and froze.
Shane pointed at Andy's headphones and motioned for him to take them off.
"Yes?" Andy took off his headphones.
"Can you help me with the precalc homework? These two ungrateful assholes are trying to push me out of their study group."
"I-I'm not in precalc, I'm retaking Algebra 2." Andy cringed.
Shane laughed. "Everyone assumes the quiet ones are the smartest, but they don't know about you, do they?"
"Stop it." Zayne grabbed Shane's arm. "Without our help, you'd be retaking Algebra 2 right along with him."
"Yeah right, only reason I don't do my homework is it's boring. It's not like I actually need the help." Shane pointed at Andy. "And, if he needs help, why isn't he coming to our study group? It's not like we made it a secret."
"Luis invited me, but my parents and his parents hate each other."
"Your parents are dumb!" Shane shook his head, showing a bit too much pity.
"That's one thing we agree on." Andy put his headphones back on and turned away from Shane.
Shane grabbed Zayne's shoulder and shoved him. "Next time you try to be alpha, I'll lie you flat on the floor, understood?"
"Oh?" Luis laughed. "Will you lie him down gently? Maybe spoon him?"
With a growl, Shane leapt toward Luis.
"Good evening, am I interrupting something?" A spindly man in his late twenties with a couple angry red spots on the right side of his face had walked through the door. He'd shaved maybe a couple days ago and his shirt was only half tucked in. His face drooped with tiredness and there were dark bags under his eyes. He looked like a grad student who was surviving on caffeine and pizza until he finished his doctorate.
This distraction helped Luis step out of the way of Shane, and Shane stumbled to a stop.
"Not anything important." Luis narrowed his eyes at Shane.
Shane scoffed.
"Glad to hear it. My name's Milton and I'll be administering your treatment." Milton motioned toward the strange machine.
"Milton?" Zayne chuckled. "Is your last name Bradley?"
"Can't say I've heard that one before." Milton's smile didn't match his bone-chilling stare.
Zayne swallowed and took a step back.
Andy took off his headphones, suddenly aware there was another person in the room.
"If all of you could line up at the splicer, we'll get this done quick and you'll be able to go back to your unimportant, testosterone-derived activities." Milton grabbed a stainless-steel cart that was just outside the door and wheeled it in.
On top of the cart were latex gloves, hand sanitizer, alcohol swabs, cotton balls, first-aid tape, and a key. When Milton got up to the machine, he put the key into a keyhole in the bottom middle of the machine's control panel and turned it. The screen brightened and little amber LED lights under each of the switches lit up. Then he pumped hand sanitizer into his left hand and methodically sanitized his hands before shaking his hands until they dried.
The guys lined up, Shane pushing Zayne behind him. Luis stood behind Zayne and Andy took up the rear.
"Now that you've figured out your pecking order, I'm ready." Milton motioned for Shane to sit and then put on a pair of latex gloves.
"Hah, pecker order." Shane sat down and stuck his arm through the cuff.
Zayne laughed while Luis shook his head and Andy smirked.
Milton rolled his eyes theatrically before flipping a couple switches and hitting a green arrow on the touch screen several times in a row while barely looking at the screen.
"There will be a slight pinch and then a bit of a chill. Do not be alarmed." Milton's voice was robotic, as if he'd said this a million times.
The cuff filled with air, holding Shane's wrist firmly before a whooshing sound and a yelp from Shane. Then one of the clear tubes turned red as Shane's blood traveled down it. Just as Shane's blood entered the machine, there was a loud whirring and lots of puffs and clicks as pneumatic actuators fired inside.
A pop-up on the screen with a yellow triangle and an exclamation point was accompanied by three harsh beeps.
"We really have to update your software so you're not such a primadonna." Milton tapped the green button on the bottom right of the pop-up.
"Is something wrong?" Shane looked like he was considering yanking his arm out of the cuff.
"No, no." Milton rubbed his eyes. "We've been getting errors right after the blood draw on these units. One of the thermocouples was wired wrong, I think."
Another warning popup appeared. The Korean characters on it were different from the first one.
"Boy are you cranky today." Milton dismissed the pop-up.
"What was th--" Shane stopped mid-sentence as he saw the other clear tube fill with a faintly blue liquid. "Geeze, that's cold."
"As I said." Milton was looking out the window, watching the lights in the empty parking lot turn on.
Thirty seconds later, the cuff deflated and Milton got out a cotton ball. "Show me your wrist."
Shane held his wrist out for Milton. There was a little dot of blood that was slowly growing. Milton put the cotton ball on top of it and then wrapped a length of tape around Shane's wrist.
When Luis was in the chair, he waited for that second pop-up and asked, "What's that one complaining about?"
"High testosterone levels." He closed the warning pop-up and then clicked through the menu to get to a spreadsheet. "Your levels are all fine for teenage athletes."
Luis let out a breath he'd been holding. "Glad it's nothing concerning."
"I've been glancing at all the numbers and everything is going fine, none of you have anything to worry about." Milton patted Luis on the shoulder, giving Luis his first genuine smile of the evening.
* * * * *
The women's partition of the lunchroom was dead quiet as Jessica's blood was drawn into the machine. Just after some raucous laughter from the men's partition, the first error came up.
"What was that?" Jessica's eyes widened when Milton just dismissed it.
"The backup thermocouple was wired wrong. It's a known issue that won't affect the procedure." Milton sighed as the second error came up. "And this one says you've got too much estrogen, but it looks completely normal to me, so I'm dismissing it."
"Still working out all the bugs?" Jessica smiled nervously.
"Yep! That's why I'm keeping an eye on everything."
The light-blue-tinted liquid went into Jessica's arm and she shivered for a moment.
Once all the girls had had their procedures, Milton got everything situated on his cart.
"Aren't you going to stay and monitor us?" Mariana walked up beside him.
"It'll be hours before there's any side effects." Milton yawned. "I'm going to take a nap until then."
"Side effects?" Mariana's eyes went wide.
"Didn't you read the paperwork? Over the next twenty-four hours, there might be muscle cramps, cramps in our guts, a pins and needles sensation, and/or bouts of wooziness." Rosie counted out the side effects on her fingers as she listed them.
"Precisely! And if anything goes wrong while I'm napping, here's my number." Milton pulled a card out of his shirt pocket and handed it to Mariana.
Mariana glanced at his card. "Wait, your middle name starts with a B? Does that mean--"
Carla and Rosie giggled. Jessica looked back and forth between Milton and Mariana, her brow furrowed in confusion.
"Of course not, that would be silly."
"Sorry." Mariana said.
"No apology needed." Milton wheeled the cart out of the room, one of the wheels squeaking rhythmically as he made his way down the hall.
Before Milton had even made it to the door, Carla was opening the freezer. With a box of pudding pops in her hands, she grinned at the other girls. "There will be no witnesses to our pudding caper!"
"Hey, Jessica." Luis trotted into the room.
"Oh no! A witness!" Carla put a hand to her forehead melodramatically as she acted like she was going to faint.
With a tilt of his head and a furrowing of his brow, Luis tried to process what Carla was doing. Mariana laughed while Rosie smirked.
"Did you miss me, honey?" Jessica's voice was almost a coo.
Rosie retched quietly. Seeing this, Carla bit her bottom lip as she held back a laugh.
"A little, my dove." Luis kissed the nape of her neck.
Carla handed a pudding pop to Mariana, but when she tried to hand them to Luis and Jessica, they weren't even paying attention.
"May I come in?" Zayne waved from the doorway.
"Do you want a pudding pop?" Carla asked.
"Sure!" Zayne walked up to her and grabbed one. As he unwrapped it, some flecks of ice fell to the floor. "We can't get our projector to work, so I was sent over here to ask if we could have a co-ed movie night."
"Is Shane being extra annoying tonight or just normal annoying?" Carla set the industrial-sized box of pudding pops on top of the strange machine and took a pop out for herself.
"Normal annoying, I'd say." Zayne spoke quietly. "Plus, he's often better behaved around Jessica."
"Huh, that's true."
"Weird, right?" Zayne licked at the pudding pop. "I think he might be into Jessica."
"I think it's why he doesn't get along with Luis." Mariana had made it through half of her pudding pop.
"Ehh, I think Luis is less willing to take his crap." Rosie had been licking her pudding pop and it was now almond-shaped.
"What's taking so long?" Shane stomped into the room.
"It's been about two minutes, asshole." Carla gave Shane a withering look.
"Oh yeah? Assholette?" As Shane got uncomfortably close to Carla, his eyes drifted to the open box of pudding pops.
"If you stop insulting me, you can have one."
"Is it an insult if it's the tru--"
"They already said we can watch movies in here. Don't fuck this up." Zayne leaned toward Shane, challenging him as he said this.
Carla unwrapped a pudding pop, getting ready to offer it to Shane.
"Ladies can't resist me, there's no way they wouldn't agr--MMPH!"
Jessica dashed to Carla, grabbed the pudding pop from Carla's hand and shoved it in Shane's mouth while he was speaking. The amount of grace in her movements was a stark contrast to her words. "Shut up and enjoy your popsicle or I'll get a giant ladle from the kitchen and beat you to death with it."
Everyone's eyes were wide. Jessica looked like she meant every word. Carla, Luis, and Shane were blushing.
"Wow, Jessica, just wow." Mariana was still in shock.
"We put up with his shit for the last three years. I'm not putting up with it all through my senior year too." Crossing her arms, Jessica set her jaw.
"That's my girlfriend!" Luis cheered.
"Shut up, Luis. I've been waiting for you to confont him for three fucking years." Jessica walked out of the girls partition.
Everyone blinked, looked at each other, and then Mariana laughed awkwardly. "Well, that was kinda intense."
Luis and Shane laughed as if Mariana had made a good joke and the rest reluctantly joined them. After the laughter left, everyone's eyes were still darting nervously as they worked to finish their pudding pops. Carla handed one to Luis.
When Jessica came back, she had Andy in tow. "Now that we're all here, let's pick a movie."
It was awkward at first, but eventually, they were all looking through the movie library on the school's server. Though it was supposed to be a democratic process, everyone just agreed with Jessica when she suggested they watch "Batman Returns."
"This was my mom's favorite movie." Jessica smiled as the beginning credits rolled.
"Her mom had a huge crush on Michael Keaton." Luis chuckled.
"If he wasn't seventy now, I'd probably have a crush on him too." Rosie said.
"Same here." Jessica looked around the room for a moment. "Zayne, Shane, and Luis, get some gym mats so we don't have to sit at a lunch table."
"You can't just order me around like I'm some--" Shane was pointing at Jessica accusingly.
"Just leave it, man." Zayne pulled Shane toward the door.
"Why won't you back me up?" Shane furrowed his brow.
"I am backing you up, you just don't get it."
Shane was so confused that Zayne managed to drag him all the way out to the hallway. Luis followed a few steps behind. Ten minutes and two trips later, gym mats covered a nice big area in the center of the room and the lunch table was folded up with the rest of the ones against the wall.
Everyone settled in, many of them getting their pillows so they could lounge while watching the movie. Then Rosie hit play and the movie started. There was harmony, there were funny comments and laughter, everything was going great. That was until a half hour into the movie when Shane groaned and doubled over.
"Pause it." Zayne waved at Rosie and then turned to Shane. "You okay, man?"
"I don't feel so good. Cramps." The grimace on Shane's face worsened.
"Oof, I'm cramping some too." Zayne rolled his shoulders. "Didn't expect the side effects to be this bad."
"You can keep playing, I'll just tough it out." The pain in Shane's voice made it hard to take his statement at face value.
A half hour later while Selina Kyle was having an ominous discussion with the Mayor of Gotham, Shane leaned toward Zayne and whispered just above the volume of the movie. "Hey Zayne, feel my pecs."
"No, that's weird." Zayne furrowed his brow. What Zayne wasn't paying attention to was that his own pecs were starting to stretch his shirt. It was easy to ignore that sensation when they were other, more powerful tingles centered on his groin.
"Whatever they gave me is beefing me up, bigtime." Shane pushed his chest out to show off. His shirt was stretching a lot and his nipples were very prominent.
Zayne did a double take and then felt Shane's pecs.
Biting his lip, Shane groaned softly.
"Dude, I'm not sure those are pecs." A blush reddened Zayne's cheeks as his prick came to life. Shane's "pecs" felt supple, pleasing to grope.
"Oh, yeah? Wait until I flex." Shane grunted, flexing and pushing his chest out a bit more, but while there was noticeable movement, his chest remained soft.
"Huh, something's not right here." Zayne felt Shane's plump nipples and squeezed them gently.
Shane moaned so loud, everyone turned toward him. It wasn't a manly moan at all and Shane looked horrified after it echoed throughout the room.
On the big screen was one of the most inexplicable scenes in the movie where Selina Kyle was brought back to life after falling several stories by a bunch of cats licking her. Other than the meowing of the cats on screen, the room was dead silent.
Ignoring the onlookers, Shane looked down at his tits and cupped them with his hands. Just then, Zayne looked down to see why his shirt felt tight and gasped in surprise.
Zayne and Shane turned toward each other and blushed. Their eyes darted from their own tits to the other's tits.
"We have boobs?" Shane gulped.
"Yup, those are boobs, alright." Carla didn't look like she fully believed what she was seeing and there was a fair amount of awe on her face.
"I guess that means we're not hallucinating?" Zayne bit his lip, his eyes wide with shock while his cheeks got redder. It felt oddly nice to hold his tits, a comforting feeling that was fighting his nervous tension.
"What the heck is happening to us?" Luis poked one of his breasts. They weren't nearly as far along, but there was no mistaking what they were.
"NGH!" Jessica spread her legs as something made a tent in her pink jeans. It was pulsing visibly and getting larger with each passing second. The sleeves on her pink T-shirt looked way too tight as did the legs of her jeans. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" She was breathing hard and gritting her teeth, obviously in discomfort.
"Is your clit usually that big?" Shane was still feeling up his boobs, but his full attention was on Jessica's groin.
"Eww, eww, ewwwww!" Jessica cried as the seams on her shirt and jeans started popping.
"Mi angelita!" Luis rolled onto his side, forgetting the strange sensations all over his body. "Tell me what to do to help."
"Get me out of these clothes before I ruin them!" Her normally confident voice was full of desperation.
"Someone call Milton!" Mariana doubled over, dropping Milton's card on the floor.
Rosie grunted as she fought her cramps and grabbed the card. She then pulled out her phone and dialed Milton's number.
Milton didn't pick up until the last ring. "This is Milton, with whom am I speaking?"
"This is Rosie. Something's gone terribly wrong." Rosie dropped her phone on the mat as she got a tent in her jeans. "WHAT THE HELL!?"
"Hello? Hello?" Milton's voice was high-pitched with concern.
Grabbing the phone with one hand, Rosie reached toward the tent in her Jeans with the other. "Just get your ass over here!"
"Haah!" Mariana scrambled to get out of her pants, the pressure in them too much to bear.
When Luis got Jessica's pants off, she shrieked. A thick, four-inch pole of flesh was stretching her panties. Luis just stared, slack-jawed and trying to find words. Jessica's cheeks were pale with shock and her eyes were wide. As her phallus gained another inch, her panties started to complain.
Mariana's three-inch stiffy was so tight in her form-fitting panties that she worked to free it. When it popped out of its prison, she muttered, "No, no, no!"
"I don't know what you girls are freaking out about, having a dick's gotta be fucking awesome!" Carla stood up and started undressing. When she got her panties and pants off, she grabbed her two-inch clit and gasped as it grew even larger. "Mmm! Sometimes, dreams do come true."
"Truth." Rosie unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down, a smile curling at the edge of her lips while her mouth hung part-way open. Seeing her clit expand in real time was making her whole body heat up.
"Are you two crazy? We have no idea what's happening to us." Mariana glanced at Carla.
"Yeah, I'm still cramping, bad." Luis curled into the fetal position.
"Oh shit!" Carla ran over to Luis. "Are you okay?"
"No!" Luis groaned.
A ripping sound cut through the room as Shane's shirt gave out. The rip started right between his tits and then went outwards until his shirt split enough that his knockers could hang free. Zayne pulled his shirt off and then nervously looked at his pants. It was really tight in there and it was only getting tighter, so he undid his belt and worked them off. The tent in his boxers was way bigger than normal. His eyes darted around the room, lingering on Jessica's five-going-on-six inches of dick.
When Zayne pulled his boxers off, Andy's eyes locked onto Zayne's misshapen seven-inch dick. The head was flatter than it should've been and the shaft was too dark. There was also this faint ring about two-thirds of the way down. Andy blushed deeply while watching Zayne's shaft become more and more equine. He was forced to avert his gaze when his own pants got tight.
Mariana's tits ached so much in her bra that she got completely naked. Then she was staring at her clit as it got longer and longer. Reaching out a hand, she touched it.
"Oh wow! NGH!" It felt so good, instinct took over and she was thrusting into her hand.
Rosie blushed all over her body as she watched Mariana give into her lust. Her own dick needed attention, but she couldn't take her eyes off of Mariana's pussy as Mariana shoved a finger inside herself. Rosie moaned, stroking her growing clit as her own pussy clenched.
"What the fuck? What the fuck? WHAT THE FUCK!?" Shane's dick was throbbing like everyone else's, but instead of getting bigger, it was getting smaller. On top of that, as his initial shock wore off, he was struggling to stifle his moans.
His cry of disbelief didn't get much attention from the other quickly-transforming student athletes as they all had their own things to worry about. Zayne, however, gave Shane his full attention.
"Hang in there, bro. Help is on the way." Zayne grabbed Shane's hand. It was clear, from Zayne's wide-eyed expression of shock, that he was very concerned by what he was seeing, but he didn't let that get into his voice.
Zayne's dick was almost eight inches long and looking outright bestial. It was black with a big splotch of pink in the middle of the shaft. The head was flat with a ridge of flesh to make a flare and the faint ring had become a full-blown medial ring. The combination of tits and a big horsedick was confusing to Zayne, but hotter than hot to Andy who sidled up to Zayne.
"You're so beautiful. May I?" Reaching out cautiously, Andy moved his hand toward Zayne's dick just as reddish-brown fur sprouted on Zayne's belly.
Zayne's dick lurched, dripping precum on the gym mat below. "S-sure, um, it's not gay for a bro to help a bro out, is it?"
"Who cares?" Andy wrapped his hand around Zayne's dick and stroked slowly.
"Haaah!" Zayne's spurt of precum hit Shane's side.
"Gross, man. Gross!" Shane said as his hands hovered near his crotch. He clearly wanted to use them to stop whatever was happening.
Andy rolled his eyes and kept stroking Zayne's shaft. A tugging sensation got him to spread his legs as he did so. White fur with large patches of light reddish-brown was quickly spreading over his thighs.
Mariana spread her legs wider and wider as a new clit split off from her shaft and her labia thickened dramatically. Her snatch was impossibly wet. "Feels so good!" She fingered herself harder, moaning while her eyes kept darting to Rosie's enlarging shaft.
Rosie's dick ached as she sniffed the air, her nose flattening into her face. Strong instincts got her to crawl between Mariana's legs and point her dick at Mariana's snatch.
Seeing the head of Rosie's dick flatten as her whole shaft took on an equine appearance, Mariana moved her hands to her pussy and spread it wide. "Rosie, please." Her blush was getting harder to see because dark chocolate-brown fur was coming in on her cheeks.
Mariana's needy scent overpowered any better judgment Rosie had. With a grunt, she shoved her dick into Mariana. Being inside Mariana only increased Rosie's lust and she worked her shaft in and out, trying to get the whole thing in there. Only issue was that her cock grew in girth and length with every beat of her heart. Light brown fur spread across her neck and chest as she kept going. Discomfort in her abdomen was followed by an urge to push, so she did. Three times, straining as she felt something move inside her each time. On that last push, her balls fell into a sac that she hadn't noticed forming.
Their jaws popped and their teeth pinched in their gums as they got muzzles. Mariana was too busy stroking her growing cock to care and Rosie was deeply distracted by just how hung she was getting. Her balls were now big enough to make nice, satisfying smacks against Mariana's ass while her dick was swelling past eight inches long with no sign of stopping. On top of all that, her breasts were changing shape, getting wider and projecting less while her musculature was becoming more defined on her arms, legs, and abdomen.
Mariana's bosom expanded along with her hips, giving her increased feminine curves to go with the meaty pole between her legs. She couldn't stop stroking it because it made everything Rosie was doing feel that much better. The clit at the front of her equine pussy got as big around as a marble as her cunt came around Rosie's shaft.
Milton walked through the door while Mariana whinnied at the top of her lungs, spurting ropes of clear precum from her dick. The color in his cheeks drained as his eyes darted to Shane's disappearing cock, Andy as he took a nice long lick of Zayne's horse shaft, and the tits coming in on Shane and Zayne. Then his eyes widened as he saw just how big Jessica's prick was getting.
"NOOOPE!" Milton turned to leave.
"Hey! You can't leave, you have to fix this!" Jessica yelled.
"Yeah! Do something!" Shane craned his neck to get a better look at Milton.
"No, I'm not going down for this. I'm out!" Milton took off his lab coat, dropped his work cellphone on top of it, and fished out his Kamberlan Genomics security fob.
"What are you doing? HELP US!" The frustration in Shane's voice was magnified by the fact his voice was higher-pitched than before.
Milton didn't even glance at the students as he dropped the fob on the rest of the pile and ran down the hallway as fast as he could.
"GET BACK HERE, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" Jessica shrieked after him.
"Don't stop!" Mariana's prick couldn't fully go off yet, but her pussy wasn't having any issues and was on its way to exploding again.
Zayne could hear, and even smell, Mariana and Rosie going at it, but he couldn't pay attention to them or Shane whimpering over the changes to his body. No, all he could focus on was his new tits as they got covered in reddish-brown fur and Andy's enthusiastic worship of his dick. The pleasure was so powerful that he felt clenching in his abdomen and tingling behind his balls. Simply on the basis that he'd never had someone this talented touch his cock before, Zayne made the assumption that the tingling was Andy's doing. Therefore, he didn't think twice about the building pressure between his legs as his flesh was pushed up into him.
Andy's eyes moved from Zayne's dick to his tits. One of Andy's eyebrows raised as he saw Zayne's reddish-brown fur sprout on them. Reaching up with a hand as he continued to enjoy Zayne's delicious pre-dripping horsecock, he felt Zayne's right boob.
"Huh, this feels like horse fur. Makes sense, I guess?" While feeling up Zayne's boob, Andy glanced down to see his own reddish-brown-spotted white fur. It looked really good on him because the spots matched the color of his hair.
Zayne tried to say something, but all that came out was a long moan as his nipple hardened under Andy's palm.
Andy was awe-struck at being able to make Zayne moan. Soon, he had both of his hands on Zayne's tits and was playing with them. Zayne's balls enlarged to the point that they touched just below Andy's neck and Zayne was pre-ing much more heavily now. The ample pre tasted better and better as Andy's jaws cracked and his face pushed out.
Meanwhile, Andy's dick found its way down the leg of his gym shorts and dripped pre on the mat below. Moaning right along with Zayne, but at a lower pitch, Andy shivered as his cock formed a flare, a medial ring, and grew five inches. His balls got heavier as his shaft thickened, the seams in his boxers starting to tear. A hot ripple of sensation traveled across the area behind his balls, making him buck his hips and become even more obsessed with Zayne's prick.
The loud ripping of Andy's boxers caused both of them to pause. Andy's dick broke free of its confines, his boxers and gym shorts shredding. Reaching back, Andy tore his shorts and boxers off. A stubborn section wedgied between his forming pussy lips and he moaned as he felt his flesh part under his fingertips. A clit formed while he rubbed at his mound. He added two fingers, then three, then four and was oblivious to Zayne's questions about what was going on.
Then Zayne groaned as his own snatch plumped up under his balls, his clit soon growing so large it was digging into the back of them. He kicked his legs a bit, overwhelmed by the sensation of his vaginal canal opening up in his abdomen.
Being so close to Zayne's crotch, Andy could smell Zayne's blooming sex. Instead of playing with it that moment, Andy took his fingers out of himself and straddled Zayne's groin, facing away from Zayne's head.
Looking over his shoulder at Zayne, Andy said, "Sorry, Zayne, but I need this." Then he lowered himself onto Zayne's shaft, popping Zayne's flare into his pussy.
Both of them gasped deeply, Zayne as he felt labia part for his dick for the first time, Andy as he enjoyed being stretched open for the first time.
"NO! NOOO! NO!" Jessica's voice was shrill, but also lower and more gravelly than before. Her cock was over a foot long and her breasts were flattening, looking more and more like pecs. An awkward fleshy sac under her dick sat in front of a plump mare muff that was leaking wetness on the gym mat below.
Luis popped up onto all fours at the horrified cries of his mate. The movement tore the buttons out of his strained shirt and two C-cup breasts flopped out while his hips ripped his dress pants and boxers right down the middle. Eight inches of a not-so-human dick and red-and-white-mixed fur was now bared to everyone as he felt a sucking just behind his balls. With one last cramp, that whole area plumped up and then the flesh parted.
"Ha-AAAAH!" Luis cried out as a brand new clit ballooned into being and his cunt had its first orgasm.
Carla's dick spurted pre on Luis's leg as she watched a waterfall of girl juices spill out of Luis's winking depths. Jessica's nose got shorter as her face grew outwards. Orange-brown fur dusted her cheeks while black fur was dusting her neck. For the time being, the changes in her face were making it hard for her to continue complaining about other changes.
Luis's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped the moment his orgasm ended. Blood rushed to his cheeks as he saw just how masculine Jessica's build was getting. Her arms were more built than his, her pecs were massive, her thighs just kept getting thicker, and her abs were going to be better looking than his very soon.
That new place between his legs ached as he looked at Jessica's dick. It ached so much he had to bite his lip to stop from moaning. A whinny of passion came from him as Carla's tongue entered his virgin passage. This situation had no precedent, nothing to compare it to. All these new sensations felt so good and the urges he was getting were impossible to fight.
While Carla used her transforming tongue to plunge into his depths, he couldn't take his eyes off of Jessica's gorgeous dick. It started off black at the base, but at the medial ring, the shaft took on a deep pink that led to the biggest flared head in the entire room. Luis reached out and felt Jessica's biceps, immediately getting a rush of feminine need. He had to feel more of her, had to feel how she'd changed. His hands roamed over her pecs, her thick, powerful neck.
"Luis, what are you doing?" Jessica's face was no longer human, but her frustration and annoyance was clear.
"Feeling all your gorgeous muscles." Luis sounded like he was in a trance.
"What the hell are you talking about? I'm ugly!" Jessica groaned. "I shouldn't have signed that paperwork. I knew it sounded sketchy."
Luis grabbed her dick and whinnied as he felt it throb and gain another inch of length.
"No! Don't get lon--NGH!" Her voice broke as Luis licked along her shaft, nuzzling it.
Luis's face burned as more red-and-white roan fur sprouted on it. His nose was fully equine now and his lips were changing to fit with his species hybridization. The moment he took a sniff of the air with his equine nose, he gushed wetness that soaked the patches of fur on Carla's forming muzzle.
Something flowery and feminine caught his nose and he reached behind Jessica's sac to find her pussy. It was full-figured, truly incredible, and as he slipped fingers into the love of his life, he sucked on the head of her cock.
Jessica grabbed her head and moaned while her hair ran down the back of her neck, looking more like a mane. As Luis continued to worship her twin sexes, she moaned deeper and louder. Luis found her pre tasted sweet while being satisfyingly salty. The more pleasure she felt from her cock, the more pressure built in her abdomen.
"You taste so good, you feel so're still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." Luis gently pulled away from Carla and climbed atop Jessica, meeting her muzzle with his and using his muscular equine lips to kiss for the first time.
She kissed back, grabbing his head, tears coming from her eyes. His tailbone clicked as new vertebrae formed, which hurt some, but this was countered by her throbbing shaft hotdogging between his pussy lips while they kissed.
"You really think so?" Jessica asked, tears streaking down the fur on the side of her face.
"Yes. I even think it fits you. Think about all that time in the gym. All the times you told me how jealous you were of how easy it was for me to build muscle. Now you're like an adonis."
Carla could see how conflicted Jessica was, but she was fucking horny and agreed with Luis. So, she got between Jessica's legs, lay on her front, and lapped at Jessica's cunt. As she did this, she rolled her hips to rub her cock against the gym mat. She groaned as she lapped at Jessica's muff, feeling her dick grow bigger and bigger, reaching farther into space between her belly and the gym mat.
"Haah! Y-you're into this?" Jessica gestured toward her body, then moaned as Carla started licking.
Luis took Jessica's muzzle into his hands, and looked into her eyes. "Mi, Angelita, I'd be into you no matter what you looked like." He pressed back against Jessica's cock and gasped. His tail was getting long black hairs as it got closer and closer to full length.
"You really want to be fucked by your girlfriend's..." There was a twinkle in Jessica's eyes and then a confident grin that made Luis whimper. "Boyfriend's cock, don't you?"
"So, so badly!" Luis shivered against her, his dick throbbing along with his clit.
Jessica thrust his hips to rub his cock on Luis's snatch as well as grind his cooch against Carla's face. A tightness in his abdomen gave him the bizarre urge to push, so he did. That tightness slid down the front of his vaginal wall, hitting some very pleasurable spots along the way. Whinnying and grinding, he came from his pussy as a rope of pre shot straight up and landed in Carla's hair.
Carla's hair was turning into a mixture of white and black strands to match the black-spotted white fur growing in on her back and shoulders. A similar tightness to Jessica's was now in Carla's abdomen, but the urge to push had not yet manifested.
The moment Jessica's orgasm passed, Jessica pushed Luis up with her powerful arms and grabbed Luis's breasts. Black fur coated her arms and ears as her ears stretched into an equine shape.
"Fuck, I feel so strange, but also really good!" Luis blushed as his nipples hardened.
"Look at those tits. Maybe you're the girlfriend now." Jessica's body throbbed from head to toe as all her muscles burned and her bones ached. At first she was worried, but then she noticed her perspective shifting as her body got two inches taller and more powerful. Her grin got even bigger, making the edges of her lips pull up on her muzzle. It was a very sexy grin laced with a confident smirk.
"Yes, Jessica, I'm your girl!" Luis arched her back, nearly cumming as she said it.
"Call me Jessie for now. And yes, you're my girl, Luisa."
"Luisa? I love it!" Luisa smiled.
Jessie gently shooed Carla away from his snatch with his feet and then pushed Luisa onto all fours. Two more inches of height gain had his spine feeling like it was being tugged on, but the discomfort was short lived and he felt on top of the world afterwards. Grabbing the base of Luisa's tail, he pressed the fat head of his dick against Luisa's soaked mare snatch and spread her wetness on the end of his dick. Then Jessie shoved inside, feeling his boyfriend-turned-girlfriend's hot wet passage part for his girth.
Deeper and deeper, he pushed, getting less resistance than he expected from Luisa's well-muscled tunnel. It was a tight fit, but Luisa was dripping wet. It was so hot in there, so slippery, so soft.
"You have such an amazing pussy!" Jessie thrust his medial ring into her just as the pressure inside his abdomen flared up again.
"Give me everything!" Luisa begged.
"That's a good--GRRRL!" The urge to push nearly stopped Jessie from thrusting, but he challenged himself to do both at the same time. And as he hilted himself in Luisa, his balls popped into his sac. He grunted as his body continued to expand, gaining another inch of height, even more muscle, and wider shoulders.
Instant relief poured over him followed by extreme arousal as the already satisfying weight of his balls increased dramatically. As he thrust into Luisa, they went from an inch in diameter to over three and a half inches in diameter, as big as softballs. His muscles grew and orange-brown fur covered the front of his muzzle, chest, and groin. Black fur filled in everywhere else. A pinch at his pucker and pussy was followed by him getting an equine donut and dark brown horse flesh.
Since Luisa was too busy moaning and thrashing to stimulate her dick, Jessie reached around with one hand and started stroking. It wasn't over a foot and a half long like his, but it was still a good twelve inches and thick as a pop can. Jessie felt his pussy wink as he stroked Luisa's length.
A heated grunt from Carla got Jessie's long horse ears to pivot toward his back left. Turning his head to follow the sound, he caught Carla in the middle of jacking off while staring at his pussy. Her shaft was passing ten inches long and it was pink with black mottling on it.
"Put that beautiful dick inside me." Slowing his thrusts into Luisa for a moment, he reached back with his free hand and pulled on a muscular ass cheek to spread his snatch open.
"Yes, sir!" Carla jumped at the chance, putting her flare at Jessie's entrance.
As he felt another growth spurt hit him, Jessie thrust backwards and impaled himself with Carla's flared head.
"Oh wow!" Having a dick was one thing, being inside a twitching, needy snatch was something else entirely. Carla's awe didn't last long, it turned into sheer, unbridled lust.
As she shoved deeper into Jessie, the tingling deep in her abdomen became tension. It was hard at first to find a rhythm that matched Jessie's, but once she did, she was hilting herself in Jessie's wonderful muff over and over.
Luisa was moaning and out of breath at the same time, her snatch getting ridden so hard that her breasts were flopping everywhere. Jessie kept teasing her length. Not really going fast enough to get her off, just keeping her at max hardness. Luisa's ears quickly went fully equine and she was able to hear the smacking sounds of Carla dicking Jessie's pussy. Jessie's huffs of delight as Carla's flare and medial ring got plumper made her hot all over.
Carla grunted as she pushed, something inside her was moving outwards toward her crotch. This screwed up her thrusting for a few seconds, but Jessie didn't seem to mind.
"You ready?" Jessie grabbed Luisa's hips, clearly several inches taller than he'd been before.
"YEEEESSS!" The idea that Jessie was about to cum inside her set Luisa off. Her hot, trembling tunnel milked Jessie's length as she threw her head back and whinnied.
"Good girl!" Jessie's voice broke into a neigh as he slammed home as deep as he could, thumping his balls against Luisa's. He grabbed Luisa's full tits and squeezed them as he dumped copious amounts of jizz in his mare.
Carla needed to cum badly, but the urge to push was even stronger. As she pushed, she grunted and her horse tail pushed out of her tailbone. Then that movement in her abdomen got right above her sac and her balls plopped into it. Her dick ached with how much she needed to shoot her load and she grabbed the base of Jessie's tail before thrusting hard and fast.
"I'm--GNAAAH! CUMMING!" Carla announced to the whole room as her flare expanded, locking her deep inside Jessie's cunt. Then thick, creamy jets erupted from her equine shaft.
Jessie whinnied along with Carla, his passage sucking on her thick shaft to get all of her load. Both of them writhed in pleasure, but Jessie was having the most powerful orgasm. His dual sexes were now going off at the same time. He clutched Luisa against his front, feeling her roan fur against his black-furred chest. Staying in deep, he made tiny thrusts, loving how her breasts bounced in his hands as he rounded her belly.
Carla's balls grew to over two inches in diameter as she came. Her ears finished changing as white fur with black spots filled in on the rest of her body. Her muscles became more defined and lifted her breasts, making them more pert. She retained her feminine curves and shape, but was now an even more athletic version of herself.
"Love you so much." Jessie nuzzled Luisa's furry cheek.
"Love you too. This is so weird, but I really like the way it feels." Luisa turned her head to look back at Jessie's face.
Grabbing Luisa's dick, Jessie gave a gentle squeeze. "After I pull out, you have to use this on Carla to thank her for what she did to my pussy."
"Ngh!" Luisa clenched around Jessie. "Wait, you have a pussy? You're like me?"
"Yep, we're the same down there." He kissed Luisa's muzzle. "As it should be."
"Mmm, the things we can do to each other now."
Jessie chuckled. "Exactly."
"Thanks for the offer, Jessie, but I want to be the first to try out Mariana's new cock. Luisa should go pay Zayne a visit. I've been shipping them since freshman year." Carla was smiling while glancing at the nice thick shaft jutting up from between Mariana's legs.
With a grin, Jessie looked down at Luisa. "You heard Carla, go fuck your best friend's brand new pussy."
Luisa moaned and arched her back as her cock dripped pre on the mat below. Now she was painfully hard.
"Glad y'all are happy being freaks. Maybe now one of you eggheads can figure out how to reverse what's happening to me?" Shane's dick was only four inches long now and... To see Shane's feminization, the rest of the team transform, and everyone team up on Shane at the end, go read the rest on my:
If you want more variety, pick a species for the team to TF into:
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