Playthings of the Rich and Famous: Chapter 4

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#4 of Playthings

Rocky has survived his 'interview' with Miss Juliet. Now it's time for training with the people he'll be working with while on the Angelic Passion.

Playthings of the Rich and Famous

Chapter Four

By StripedKittyScribe

My name is "Rocky," and that's about how my life has gone. A product of the Galatea Corporation that went awry, my destiny seems to lie somewhere among the stars. If only I could stop getting sidetracked on his way there! Sold to Angelic Escapes, I spend my days trying to discover just what it is that's wrong with me. Or is that what's right with me? It's hard to tell with how my assignments go.

This story may include bondage, random diatribes, dubious/non-consensual sex, tips for being a better lover, domination, comedy, sadism, distractions, masochism, impossible sex acts for mere mortals, exhibitionism, broken/fake science, sex machines, and intrigue. There. I warned you. Now if you keep going and you find something that you don't like, it's not my fault!

(Editor's note: I tried to keep him on track, I swear to god. It's like trying to get an 8 year old to remember what happened 5 minutes ago when he just got a new toy just now. As it stands, I'm still transcribing his various mutterings and wanderings, so this may take some time. Bear with us as I try to get him to focus on something long enough to talk about it without shifting to 'this one time at slut camp'.)

Advanced Training

I walked into the conference room where the rest of my 'siblings' were already waiting. It was clear that of the 31 of them that were already there, precisely one of them was looking at me with anything above anger. And Lei was looking at me with annoyance. Great.

Miss Juliet was standing at the front of the room, arms crossed under her breasts, eyes locked on the door. "On time. Which in my book is late," she declared, and pointed at the only empty chair. "Sit."

Now this just was not fair. Absolutely not fair. In no way was this fair to me. I wasn't late, and I'd even been delayed in getting to the room because Doc Mandy demanded one more round of tests while my initial and secondary data dumps took place. However, I also knew that anything that I said in defense of myself was going to just make it worse.

"Yes, Miss Juliet," I said as I slunk toward the seat and placed my butt down onto the memory plastic. Now that I was in place, everyone looked up toward Miss Juliet, who started giving the 'welcome aboard' standard corpo-spiel. There wasn't really anything all that critical that we didn't know, but one of the quirks of our imprinting kits is that we get a very real perspective on how there is a clear difference between 'knowing' and 'understanding'.

So, think about it like this. You 'know' that there's a difference between sex, and making love. It's a subtle difference. And they involve a lot of the same stuff. And it's not even that one is better than the other, but they're different. But what's that difference? It's hard to define without being able to understand that connection on a literally intimate level.

So even if you're in bed with this smokin' hot little thing and she's begging you to fuck her brains out, but you know that she actually needs you to be gentle with her because she's been through some shit, if you don't know that there's a difference between slipping in nice and tender and just driving your hips forward then you're operating with half the understanding. Especially when she ends up panting and gasping and she has that adorable little heel-kick thing when she's cumming. And she tastes... where was I?

Right. Miss Juliet. Understanding and knowledge. Right.

So we knew all about the company of Angelic Escapes. We knew all the data that we needed to about it. We knew the specs on the ship we were going to be crew on, the Angelic Passion. We knew that we were going to be doing all kinds of stuff there that didn't necessarily have anything to do with the official crew positions that we were about to get all of our Advanced Imprints for. We knew all of those things.

We didn't understand all of those things, nor did we really understand how we were going to work together, and what the expectations actually meant. To facilitate this, holoscreens winked to life in front of us, and we were run through drills and scenarios. Much of it was relatively basic, the sort of tests that anyone getting their journeyman spacer's certificate would go through. We were told that we would almost certainly fail the first test. That was part of what we were supposed to use to start understanding things.

And thus we failed. And who performed best among all of the 32 people? I did! Yay! ... No, wait. No. Boo. Boo! Bad Rocky! This performance made the perceptive needle tip more toward the bad side. Now, even Lei was pissed at me. Why? Because reasons, I guess. I didn't understand. The only difference between all of us was that I wasn't waiting around in the room with the rest of them. It wasn't even like I'd had a huge point difference. If it had been something like 'Rocky passed with flying colors and the rest of you shitheads couldn't even log in right', I could understand some resentment. But the difference was less than a few points, on a scale of a thousand or so.

Miss Juliet then told us all that we were going to break into our respective watches. Each watch would consist of 4 crew, in the 4 stations that they were supposed to be manning. Engines, Astrogation, Environmental, Signals. This would mean that we were going to be closely operating with each other, and would almost totally live our little lives in each other's company. Each day would consist of a few hours of personal time in our 'morning', followed by a three hour watch at our stations, followed by 'other duties as assigned'.

The personal time would be generally used for any kind of appointments with medical crew, exercise, or whatever we wanted to do around that.

Then, when we went 'on watch', it was all business. And this was quite serious. Infractions of the rules were punishable in extreme measures, up to and including 'retirement'. While standard Federal legal code had eliminated the death penalty for anything except mass terrorism and murder, it also didn't mean that the alternatives were appealing. I still don't exactly know what happened to the crew that supposedly failed to do anything to prevent a catastrophic decompression. I just know that it was bad.

We all know that as Galatea models, we were supposed to be sexually active and available. The exception was that 3 hour period where we were supposed to be fully attentive and on duty. Hell, we were even supposed to wear full jumpsuits. Full. Jumpsuits. And that didn't count the other times that we were all hands on deck; docking, cargo transfer and storage, and a few other times. I didn't know until this point that there was such a thing as a crew jump suit for a Galatea model.

I sure as fuck knew that mine wouldn't fit correctly.

We were sent off into our groups, and I was extremely upset that Lei wasn't in my group. No, I didn't get my favorite otter. I got teamed up with a giraffe femme, a badger girl, and a rat guy.

Urujani, the giraffe woman, was a total sweetheart. Don't get me wrong, she was still salty about being paired with me, but she was the first one to try to extend a hand in a sort of peace offering. She was the one that ran the Environmental systems. Super even-tempered, and she kind of ended up being the glue that held us all together the whole time we were on the Angelic Passion. She didn't have the largest breasts, but she was, as you probably could imagine, taller than the average woman. And she made the most adorable little sounds if you sucked on her nipples while on top of her. This kinda huff-gasp-whine-moan. Exact same pattern, every time. You could play her like an instrument, too. Any song in 4/4 time, if you were good enough and had enough practice. I think that I'd gotten to the point that I could get her halfway through a really bawdy spacer bar favorite before she came by the time that we were separated.

Erika seemed to have been selected to be the polar opposite of Urujani. She was short, and she had a temper that was even shorter when it came to anyone who was messing around. She was our astrogator, and the best way that I can illustrate her is by giving some science. If you use pi to calculate things (trust me you do, just roll with it) for interstellar voyages, assuming that you went from one side of the galaxy to the other, you could use less than 40 decimal places and be off by less than the width of a hydrogen atom. That is, in my opinion, pretty goddamn good. If Erika wasn't allowed to use at least 45 decimal places, she couldn't sleep, because that wasn't precise enough. She was absolutely the little dominatrix of the group, and we went with it because it just made things easier to deal with. And don't you dare even hint that she liked getting eaten out by a guy of any sort. Certainly no big cats.

Kangto was the rat, and you'd think that the whole cats and rats thing would mean he and I didn't get along. We actually got along really well, especially because we quickly recognized when to leave the other one alone. He was our team's signals guy, which put him in charge of a whole bunch of weird things. Nice guy though. Real quiet. Lots of listening, not a lot of talking. One of those guys who everyone shut up to listen to because when he actually wanted to say something it was worth hearing. And that guy? I have never, never, not even once, met anyone who had such an intense grasp of how to use words. I heard him come up with a poem, on the spot, about the woman that he was in bed with, and she practically divorced her husband and purchased his contract so she could get more. And not even three minutes later, he pulled the most filthy dirty talk out, flipping her over on her hands and knees and telling her exactly how he was going to fuck her and make her mewl. And she was a wolf! You don't say that shit to wolves!

We ran through several drills together, that wasn't too bad. A lot of it was getting used to operating as a team, more than performing our jobs. I won't say that mine was the most complicated, or that it had the most intricate parts. It really honestly didn't. But it did have the most points of failure. Astrogation is just a ton of math. Signals means electrical theory. Environmental is close, but not. Lots of interplay between systems, but in general you kind of know what's going to go wrong, and you can swing that back into balance with a bit of planning.

Engines? Man, that shit's wild. You need to know some electronics and some mechanics and some physics and some of this and some of that and a couple of prayers to the elder gods. I don't care what anyone tells you, dealing with any kind of large engine system isn't a science, it's an art. And sometimes that art piece needs a gentle caress. Sometimes that art piece needs a wrench slamming into the reactor casing just behind the number four bulkhead. Why? Because it fucking works, that's why.

Once our little section got working together enough to pass our quals, we were brought back into the main room.

By the way, this is a period of several days. This isn't like some whirlwind thing where we got thrown straight out of initial processing and into space suits and sent off to flounce around the shipping lanes. No, no, this was like, three weeks. I'm just glossing over parts. Yes, those parts that I'm glossing over include our crew getting to know each other in bed. It took most of the first day for my natural charm to win over Kangto and Urujani. Erika got to the point where she tolerated my existence, because it was more efficient than demanding I be replaced.

Look, if you really want to know how things normally ended up, it was something along the lines of me and Kangto sandwiching Urujani between us, while she ate Erika out. That wasn't the only pattern, of course. But it was our collective favorite. I usually was on my back with Urujani on top of me, facing me. It meant that I got to really pay attention to her breasts and neck. Like I said, she's a total sweetheart, and she doesn't have a mean bone in her body. I never got confirmation, but I heard that one time, one of the guests tried to get a refund because they booked her for a session, and tried to get her to dominate them. It didn't work.

Kangto almost always was behind her, and in her pussy with me. Sometimes he was under her tail, but most of the time he was in her folds. She said that she liked the way we felt all together like that. Plus it meant that he could sing to her. Didn't I tell you he could sing? Oh. Oh, he could sing. Musical bastard. He would sing, and compose poetry, and she would melt.

Look, I'm just not that good, okay? I'm charming, but not poetic. Kangto could pull all of this referential shit out of his ass. And I'm not talking that pop-culture stuff. No 'sweeter than the Sucrose Savior's transformation sequence' crap. High brow shit. He's the guy who knows what meter is with poetry. A meter is just a hundred centimeters to me. I couldn't rhyme the word 'me'. You think that nothing rhymes with 'purple'? Only if you don't speak any other languages! Cheating bastard. Only reason I don't genuinely hate the guy is because he composed some stuff about me that made me cry, the good kind of cry. No, you don't get to hear it. I tell you about how I fuck people, a guy has to have some privacy, okay? Maybe later. Maybe after we get to know each other a bit more. But that shit was special to me.


Right. Erika. Erika got her pussy licked by Urujani, because she didn't like predator guys all that much. She would participate if the situation required, but in general, she would probably have been happier on an all herbivore team. She was the one that almost always actually slept alone. Urujani and Kangto and I would sometimes mix it up a bit. I liked the Rocky Sandwich nights the best. Urujani would curl her arms around me and I'd wrap mine around Kangto. We never excluded Erkia, it just never really worked out where she joined us.

ANYWAY. Training. We finally got ourselves situated with working as a team, and then we got brought back in for a second exam. This one we all passed, no problem whatsoever. My crew placed second, which I was okay with. Erika? Not so much.

Now that the 'basic spacer' stuff was out of the way, we were broken up into our departments and given much more advanced training. All the engineers got to learn about the brand new engine systems on the Angelic Passion, and I got to spend some more time with a certain otter girl. Unfortunately not enough of that time was spent relieving our stress. We got to, sure. And... mmh. Otter girl makes for some very delicious eating. Especially otter girl cream pie.

But for the most part, we were actually going over the engine design and maintenance requirements. I have to admit that this was something that I genuinely liked. And the instructor was pretty good, too. Former spacer who knew what actually went on out in the dark, not what the nerds sitting in offices getting sucked off while they put values in formulas said would happen.

I was happy that Lei was another engineer. I was less happy that she was slated to be on rotation right after me. What that meant was that we would see each other, daily. Yay! We also weren't allowed to touch each other (literally) during that period, which meant that while I was on shift, she would be doing her daily personal time. And while she was on shift, I would almost certainly be claimed by some passenger or other. And then it would be her turn to largely be taken up by some passenger's request, and we'd have to find time working around that. Sure, there would be times where we were in port, and thus would have more free time. But from 0900 through 1159 shipboard time every day, my tawny self was planted in front of the engines. And then from 1200 to 1459, it was her turn.

We did manage to spend some time after class 'studying'. And by 'studying', I mean that we had some insanely good sex.

Oh, come off it, like you expected anything else out of me. I took that otter to her bunk and the only reason the rest of the engineers weren't throwing things at us after they all finished was because they were either cheering us on or were actively participating.

Next to last night of that section, it was her and me. Or was it the night before that? No, the night before that was the raccoon girl riding my face while the bunny girl pegged me. ... right? Hell, I don't remember. That was a good night.

Lei and me, though, we always seemed to gravitate toward each other. And I don't know if it was some kind of imprinting thing, or if it was just that we really clicked with each other, or what. All I know is that girl did things to me that I always wanted more of, and the reverse seemed to be true.

I remember this one night after we got out of a class having to do with some of the more intricate parts of the reduction coils, and everyone was tired. We all got in the showers, and no one really seemed to want to initiate. We all wanted the release, but no one really seemed like they were quite energetic enough to make the first move. Lei was standing there with her head bent forward, stretching her neck out, and all of us knew exactly why she was doing that. Whatever moron designed these engines made it so that in order to actually get the reduction coils exposed, you practically had to pull your spine out of your own ass in order to bend around the stabilization matrix, reach one hand around the cabling, and the other hand had to snake in through a gap between the primary and secondary fuel lines. Absolute nightmare. Everyone had a crick in their necks, in the exact same spot.

I went over and gave her a gentle kiss at the back of her neck, and started a shoulder rub. Nothing sexual, I swear. Just a shoulder rub. She gave me one of those 'thank you so much' smiles, and I was about to make some wisecrack or other when I felt someone's hands on my shoulders. I didn't have to look over my shoulder to know who it was.

All of the engineers got along with each other. Same general sense of humor, same complaints about the astrogators (for the most part) and a lot of the same proclivities. This guy, I actually was kind of annoyed that he was on the exact opposite schedule as me. If we saw each other more than an hour a day, it would almost certainly be either time off of the ship, or in passing on the way to sleep.

Adorable little canine guy. He just wanted people to be happy, and he'd bend over backwards to make that happen. One of those types that wants you to fuck his ass, but his tail is wagging so hard that it makes getting in a challenge. His name was Mosor. He was a little shorter than me, which put the base of my neck just about the right height for him to kiss there.

Soon enough we had a massage daisy chain going. Mosor wasn't all that great with massages. Too afraid of hurting you to really get in there and knead, but his heart was in the right place, and he kept making these happy little sounds while he was trying to work the knots out of my neck. Failing, but it's the thought that counts.

Lei, though? Damn. I don't know if they gave her an extra dose of massage therapy or something but once someone called 'switch', we turned around and she started working on my shoulders. And she knew exactly what she was doing. You should always tip your masseur/masseuse well, especially if they do a good job. I mean, I think that you should generously tip anyone who does a good job.

And no, that's not a sexual innuendo. ... I mean it doesn't have to be.

Anyway. She got in there and within a couple of minutes, she'd unlocked the majority of the knots in my shoulders, and was working on getting the last one loosened up.

I had my hands on Mosor's neck, thumbs rolling up his spine, when he started to giggle. And I started laughing.

Lei was about to ask what was going on when she got a look over my shoulder.

Mosor's wagging tail was tapping against my dick, and the stimulation had given me a hardon. The laughter worked it's way around the group, and before long we were pretty much done with the massage.

Mosor turned to look at me over his shoulder, and gave his hips a little wiggle before pushing them back into me.

Lei's hands had moved to settle around my chest, and she seemed to think that now was a good time to stroke my cock while settling Mosor's hips in place. I could feel her nipples pressing into my back as she ran her fingers along my girth, and the heat between her legs as she ground against my tail base.

Everyone seemed to be pairing or at least joining in on their own little sections of fun. Lei and Mosor had me between them. Tai, the bull, seemed to be getting his hands full with Bilatah the deer and Souci the rabbit girl. Bilatah and Souci were making out with each other almost as much as they were stroking Tai, who looked like he wasn't sure which he enjoyed more.

Meru, the impala male, and Ijuba, the cheetah woman, were going at it hammer and tongs. As much as Erika seemed put off by being with predators, those two adored the power play. It didn't start as a wrestling match to see who would be on top, but it got there pretty damn quick. What made it really fun to watch was it looked like each of them wanted the other to win.

All I can really say for certain is that Mosor and Lei were focused on me, and I had plenty of attention to give both of them. Mosor pushed his rump back into me and scrubbed that round backside around and along my shaft. In case I haven't said so previously, I am, absolutely, one hundred and three percent, without a doubt, an ass man. All hail the butt, praise lord Gluteus and his consorts Prince Hiney and Princess Booty.

None of that really matters, though, unless the recipient actually enjoys the attention. You know the old joke about how the perfect relationship is between a sadist and a masochist? My version is 'anyone who enjoys having their hindquarters worshiped and adored, and me'. Kind of a personal joke that requires some pretty specific knowledge to be humorous, but now you're in on it. Mosor and Lei both loved it, and I was utterly there to provide. Lei's hand curled gently around me, stroking while she bit my shoulder, and Mosor spread himself for me to have an easier time getting in.

Eager boy, didn't like foreplay as much. Totally a cuddleslut though. After care, and being told that he was a good boy. His ears did this adorable little floppy thing while he was squirming. I heard that one time, one of the passengers booked a session with him and Kangto. Kangto got Mosor off with nothing but positive reinforcement and praise. I don't know that I totally believe that happened. .... But I wouldn't put any money down against it either.

Where was I?

Oh right. Lei. Aiming me into Mosor. I was already leaking pre all over the place, and she made sure to paint his ring with my tip before nudging me forward. I know that this is going to sound weird, but I don't really know who was more excited for the act of penetration among the three of us. Lei was a total firecracker in bed, and I'd gotten a chance over the past couple of weeks to visit her at night and resume our session from right after activation. There's not supposed to be anything special between Galatea models, or so the literature says. But I think there's something between us. Don't ask me what.

Point is, she was at least as excited for me to slide under Mosor's tail as Mosor was. And I wanted it pretty damn bad too. So when the spotted canine reached back for my hand and started pulling me forward, I couldn't resist. With Lei's fingers caressing me, and his fingers laced with mine, I eased myself forward into the smaller male, getting a happy whine out of him, and a shiver out of Lei.

I barely moved for the first minute. Barely thrust at all past that initial drive forward. As was previously noted, this sandy-brown kitty is 'exceptional'. Tough as our enhancements made us, I had no doubt in the world that if I got too wild or rough all at once, I would turn this from a good time into a bad time.

Tip six, everyone. I don't care if you've tapped the ass of your lover every day for the past three years. Give them time after initial penetration.

Mosor? He wriggled around on me like he was already about to pop all over the shower floor. It was hot and adorable, and I caressed his ears while Lei slipped out from behind me, and moved to pet over his chest and shoulders while I started pushing deeper. I don't really know why she kissed him the way she did. It was almost like she was trying to muffle his sounds of pleasure. Even if she hadn't, we weren't the loudest group by far. That prize went to Ijuba and Meru, and believe it or not, Meru was the one snarling and grunting louder than she was.

Souci was being rather handily held up by Tai, like she were nothing more than a cocksleve. He had his hands under her knees, spreading her while he thrust into her slickness, and Bilatah was alternating between tonguing Tai's balls and Souci's clit.

A good time was being had by all, and we were feeding off of it and each other's delight. Even Meru, who looked like he was trying to fuck Ijuba through the tile floor.

I was balls deep inside Mosor at this point, and Lei was stroking him while he buried his muzzle into her cleavage. He went off first, splashing her belly and thighs while dancing from foot to foot. Lei was kissing me, and I wasn't far behind Mosor. Everyone knew what to expect from me at this point, and it was a bit of a game when we all played. Not really a 'competition', as much as bragging rights, seeing who could do what; wear the most, drink the most, leak the least. It was an utterly asinine competition, and while I recognized that, I hope that you don't think that I had any kind of desire to stop it.

Lei gave me a wink, and then she took Mosor's hands and slowly eased him forward off of me. Little guy's knees were shaking. Real trooper though, he never once asked me to stop, not a single time that we played with each other. I think that he got off almost as much being held as he did getting his prostate stroked.

Lei gave him one more kiss, and then pointed down at the floor. I looked down, and didn't see anything. When I looked back up at her, she was frowning. "Both of you, get on your knees."

OH! Oh. Oooooooh. Oh hells yes! I almost saluted her before I shifted down so that I was sitting with my legs crossed, and then I drew Mosor up into my lap. Was I kneeling? No. Was that the important part? No.

Tip seven: know when good enough is good enough. I knew what she was going for, and while Lei can be a little on the demanding side, the act of being on our knees wasn't important. It was just being 'down there'.

Kissing Mosor a few times, I scooted back until I was almost against the wall, and Lei moved in to stand over us. The worshiping began in earnest, and we both made sure that we were as thorough as possible. Lei braced her hands on the wall and lifted herself up onto her toes, which made her butt stand out all the more. Mosor had helped me earlier by spreading himself for me to enter, so I helped him by spreading her. Both hands, apply to toned otter butt. Squeeze. Squeeze some more. Ripple those fingers and gently pull to the side. Make sure to keep your fingers nice and spread so that you can have as much actual grip as possible.

Mosor's hands were on her chest. I was squeezing more, he was rolling his hands around more. I'm not sure that Lei was really all that interested in critiquing our technique. I think that what she wanted was something else.

Why did I think that? Because she grabbed our hair and shoved our muzzles into her body. I was getting another sample of Lei's nectar on my tongue, and I could hear the eager huff-wuff-whine of Mosor while he slurped all over her. She'd been standing in the shower for nearly fifteen minutes at this point, and while we would have to wash up after the sex, she was quite clean. Clean, slippery, squirmy otter girl, her fist in my hair while I got the chance to drive her out of her mind. I fucking love my life sometimes.

Mosor and I did our best to make sure that Lei had to be carried out of there. With his fingers on her nipples and my tongue working around on her clit, she got more oral attention than most women could handle. But not my Lei. If she'd had Urujani in here, she'd have added the giraffe to the mix. And probably a couple of other people as well. When Lei finally came, Mosor and I had been keeping her on the edge for nearly five minutes. It was getting to the point of physical threats. Not ones that made any sense, but that's not the point. I'm not even sure how she was going to use my tail to clean the fuel lines out, considering they're tubes with an inner diameter as thick as most strands of fur. But her claws were digging into my scalp, and I knew that she'd try if we didn't let her finish.

I pulled my tongue back out of her, sucked on her clit and just started lathering. Slurping. Sucking. Throwing everything that I could at her. She screamed so loudly that someone poked their head in from outside just to check if everyone was okay. Yes, she was. Or at least the gurgling sounds she was making and the dreamy look in her eyes told them that she was. Yes. We had to carry her out of there. Yes, she punched me in the arm later because I held her on the edge for so long.

The blowjob she gave me the next day was her vengeance.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. All characters are a product of the author's imagination and copyright to them, unless noted guest appearances of other copyrighted characters are listed in this notice. Comments may be left (and are encouraged!) on the author's FurAffinity or SoFurry page. If you liked this story, and wish to support the author, please visit their Patreon.

This story is a work of fiction. Any immoral acts included in this story are a fantasy and should not be taken as encouragement to perform or endorsement of these acts by the author. Specifically, because apparently it needs to be said; anything other than expressed consent for any sexual encounter by a legal unimpaired sentient adult is wrong, immoral, and evil. Unwilling subjugation of sentients who have committed no crime is wrong, immoral, and evil.