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#108 of Against All Odds Universe


Here's another story featuring our red panda boys of varying sizes, Sam & Marek.

This idea came about on the back of a silly and very fun conversation, revolving around what might happen if an "extra large" red panda like Marek encountered another "extra large" somebody of a typically bigger species. Ultimately, that led to discussing Marek coming up against a even larger than usual polar bear during a rushball game, and the end result... or rather, the "aftermath".

One thing's for sure... Sam's probably going to be having a good time watching.

As always, thanks in advance for reading and I hope you enjoy!

_ Aftermath _

Ball clutched to his chest, the broad moose in mud-splattered claret started another tired charge downfield.

Wearing his cleaner green and gold-hooped shirt, my boyfriend Marek steadied himself, arms poised, legs ready to respond.

The moose dropped a shoulder. Jinked left. Neared the far sideline.

Laser-focused, Marek had read the move. Shifted his weight. Pushed off in unison to close him down.

The opposition found their clear path ahead narrowing, the equally broad red panda on defence homing in fast.

Marek dipped. Powered forward.

The moose glanced right, looking for a teammate's support.

Far too late.

With a thud that echoed from the far side of the field, Marek's shoulder slammed straight into his opponent's flatter gut... An impact strong enough to start my big 'panda's own stomach sloshing... pretty pleasantly, I gotta say.

The moose boomed a grunt as he damn near folded in two.

He fumbled the ball. Let it fly towards the sideline.

Down he crashed. Hard. Flat on his back at Marek's feet.

Players from both sides sped to the scene. A tiger in green and gold arrived first. Lukas.

He dove for the bouncing ball, arms extended. Grabbed it... Almost.

It skimmed out of play, but out of the opponent's possession, too.

To the cheers and applause of the other Warriors supporters in the stands, the raccoon referee blew his whistle to halt play. Just in time for me to pull my buzzing phone out of my pocket and read the latest message I'd received from my friend, Fabian.

'Booking a table for dinner at a place I know in town. Does 7pm work for you and Marek?'

Nice. Plans were coming together thick and fast. I didn't hesitate to go back to him to confirm.

'Sounds good! Checking into hotel after Marek's game. Will probably chill there til meet up time.'

Phone slipped back into my pocket, I looked back up to find play still paused. That poor moose, his kit now more mud-coloured than claret, had only made it up onto his knees.

Meanwhile, Lukas and a few more of Marek's teammates offered him fist pumps, fist bumps and paw slaps; congratulations on another great tackle.

Even from the other side of the field, I could see my big 'panda's even bigger smile. I reckoned that made me feel just as good as he did.

With this first round Koprovice Province Cup game still early in the second half, the Warriors were up 34-7 versus the Kosilny Towers and cruising. I'd hardly call myself an expert on rushball, but even I knew it'd take one hell of a collapse for them not to advance.

Watching Marek's team performing, and winning, so comfortably made the hour-long drive east from the city to a cold but sunny Kosilny all the more worth it. That wasn't even to mention the mini weekend break we'd turned the trip into, during which we'd agreed to meet up with Fabian, an old university buddy who'd moved out this way soon after graduation.

Turning back to the game itself, I struggled to remember a Warriors match that had been so well-attended, home or away. These makeshift stands behind the coaches and substitutes benches were packed full, our Maleni-sized seating section at the top and back of them included.

What's more, beyond the field's far sideline, a few more spectators my size had positioned themselves behind a tall chain-link fence; the fence dividing this park from the smaller-scaled trees and building tops marking the edge of Kosilny's Maleni district.

From there, they all had a front-row view of my Marek having a fantastic game on the Warriors' forward line. On offence, he'd spent the whole match storming through tackle after tackle, gaining so much ground for the team. On defence, he'd played a key role in breaking up plenty of Towers attacks before they'd even got going.

The moose positioned up against him on that far flank had suffered the most from Marek's performance, struggling to cope with him to the point where he looked genuinely pissed off to be out there. At least he did, until that last tackle smashed him into the turf.

Annoyance had turned to frustration for the guy as he picked himself up and plodded back into position, muddied muzzle hanging its lowest yet. Poor guy. I _almost_felt as sorry for him as I felt great for Marek.

Another shrill peep from the referee's whistle rose into the air. He pointed towards the stands. The Towers bench, to be exact. They must've been preparing a substitution. A substitution that me and the rest of those watching quickly took note of.

One of their players, a polar bear, started to rise from among his teammates...

And rise...

And keep on rising.

...Holy hell.

My phone buzzed in my pocket again, but I just sat there, way more concerned about this guy dominating the touchline.

Huge, wide, even for his species, he resembled a walking wardrobe stuffed into a claret shirt and shorts. Shit, I'd say he'd be taller than most wardrobes!

Gods damn, the fox coaching the Towers looked almost child-like standing next to him, barely coming up past his gut.

I spotted a few of our players lined up on the nearside of the field, less watching, more staring at him, no doubt realising that they were gonna have to go up against this fuzzy fridge with legs. Rather them than me, even if I was Visoka-sized.

How the hell had I missed this guy until then!? Somehow, he'd blended right in on the Towers bench, hidden from view by the spectators down on the first few rows, maybe... Either that, or I'd managed to mistake him for _two_players. Or their team bus.

Surely, he couldn't have been around in the pre-game warm-up until late, if at all... I'd have expected honest to gods _craters_in the turf if this dude had been running and jumping around on it.

In the row ahead of me, the front of the Maleni-sized section, a cougar and a panther supporting the home side turned and leaned towards each other, perkier than they ought to be given the scoreline.

"I was wondering how long it'd take for this new lad to come on," said the cougar. "Biggest forward tackle _I've_ever seen."

"I hear ya!" the panther replied. "Game's been blown wide open again."

Back on-field, the muddy moose that'd been on the end of Marek's last tackle came jogging over towards the benches, receiving some light applause from the home majority.

I focused back on the huge polar bear, who actually looked kinda lost while bending, hell, almost _crouching_down to get some last-minute instructions from his coach. Twenty-seven points down, their team obviously needed to find a route back into this game, and a way to combat Marek's success on that far flank.

...But what a way to go about it.

With a slap of their drastically different sized paws, that tanker-sized bear hauled his wide ass and gut onto the playing field, less jogging, more thundering across the turf to fill in where his teammate had left off.

Marek meanwhile stood like a statue on the far side, paw on hip, turquoise-tipped ears fully perked. Only his brown and orange tail flagged in the breeze. I wondered what must've been going through his head while watching this dude take up position. Probably the same sorta thoughts as mine. Thoughts I just couldn't keep to myself.

"Holy fuck..."

Both sides readied themselves for the restart; fifteen players on each side lining up to compete for the kick-in. Since the ball went out of play while in the Towers' possession, it'd be one of our players to take said kick.

Our half-back and captain wolf, Konrad, strode over to that far sideline, ball in paw, readying a kick to go right down the middle of both sides' three-man forward lines.

Truthfully, my attention was less on the kick-in to be competed for, and more on Marek. He and that damn bear were lined up directly opposite each other, closest to Konrad. They couldn't be missed, unless you were looking in the other direction. Maybe.

Up until a few moments before, Marek had stood as one of, if not _the_largest player on the field... This dude, however, took 'large' to a whole new level. I'd wager Marek probably stood as tall as your average polar bear. But with this guy, he only just came up to his chin when standing face to face.

Jeez... Maybe this bear missed the pre-game warm-up trying to squeeze himself out of the changing room.

The referee blasted his whistle. Konrad had already sent up his drop kick by the time I'd snapped out of my thoughts.

The ball sailed true, arcing over the churned-up channel separating the green and claret lines.

It started to drop. Almost perfectly towards our centre-tackle, Jozka. That 'almost perfectly' would've been just 'perfect', if only the big buck had reacted quicker.

That gave an opening to the opposition instead.

Their own centre-tackle, a stocky ram, charged out of their forward line. He had an incredible spring for his size. One that he used to leap and snatch the ball from high above Jozka's fingertips.


I groaned, the pair ahead of me cheered.

Jozka barely had a chance to recover before the ram's momentum barged him aside. The space he left was more than enough for the Towers to start up a new attack.

No prizes for guessing who'd be their focal point.

To the murmured anticipation of a couple of hundred locals, their centre-tackle threw a short pass back to his left. Right where that massive polar bear lurked, primed and ready.

From the moment that guy took it into his grasp, the damn ball shrank, I swear. Seriously, he could've squeezed the damn thing flat with just one of those oversized paws.

Instead, he clenched the ball to his chest with one arm, positioning the other for protection.

Or offence.

The bear took a while to get going. No shock really. But, when he did get up to speed, it was one hell of a sight to behold and then some.

Shoulders forward, head down, he lumbered downfield, picking up pace with each turf-flattening, thigh-rippling stride.

He hurtled towards our forward line like a huge, furry freight train, aiming for the gap between Marek and a recovering Jozka, eyeing to break through and take on the smaller guys on the second row.

I didn't have a great view of the big bear's face from my seat so far back, and on the opposite side of the field, but I couldn't see the same intensity that most players making a forward charge had. Instead, he looked more... aware. Or wary. Like trying not to make a mistake or take a thunderous misstep.

No risk of that.

Jozka made the first move, dipping down, arms open wide.

He didn't flinch away from the far taller, wider polar bear. I wouldn't have blamed him if he had.

Especially after the end result.

Running full speed, the buck clattered into his bulky hip.

A heavy, muzzle-creasing thump went out across the field. The whole park, even.

But, that moving cliffside of a bear barely broke stride. Barely even changed direction.

Jozka crumpled, ragdolling away from the impact.

His jellified legs gave out. The rest of him followed. Back. Then down.

He hit the turf almost as hard as he'd hit the bear.

I reckon he'd have fared better trying to take on an _actual_freight train.

Marek had hung back as cover, tucking in-field to try and close the gap the bear had aimed for.

The home crowd got louder, voices raised in approval for the way their man had smashed through our big centre-tackle like he wasn't even there.

That bear-shaped train parting the field had got faster, stomping strides stretching longer.

My paws clasped and squeezed themselves as I focused on my 'panda.

Marek stopped. Set himself. Shoulder down, knees bent. Ready to explode.

The rest of the Towers players charged upfield, following their forward man's drive.

Our front and second rows gravitated towards Marek, save for Jozka, who'd need a minute to pick himself up again.

This bear kept his line, not even hinting at a dodge or a feint. He aimed to plough right through Marek as well, no question.

My paws clamped themselves around themselves. My jaw set.

I had faith in my big 'panda. Always.

But I cared for him, too.

Marek burst into life, springing forward, hurling himself at the bigger polar bear.

Green-gold hoops and claret came together, head on.

I clenched my eyes shut.

My ears pricked and flicked to a thunderous crash.

Like a gunshot.

No, like a bomb.

It seemed to reverberate through the air, and the ground itself.

A loud chorus of oohs rose from the crowd.

I refused to open my eyes and witness the aftermath.

"Yes, M!" someone cried from down the Warriors bench. "Take him!"

What? No way...

I tore my eyes open again.

And my tight jaw dropped.

The pair of them stood locked together, a meeting of might, thick arms wrapped around one another while tree-like thighs and calves shifted and bulged, fighting to find the power to force the other back.

A husky arrived on-scene for the opposition, throwing himself against the overgrown bear's back, trying to force their team further forward.

Marek surrendered a backward step. Only one. The stomp he came down with set the foundation to resist against them both.

Lukas was his nearest teammate, sprinting from the second row to assist.

But the tiger was still a second away.

A heavy heave from the polar bear forced Marek into another retreating stride, driving his face into his chest.

Their stomachs shifted and battled for position with the rest of them, their arms still locked, still unrelenting.

Marek's legs wobbled.

I couldn't see, but I could sense his grimace.

It forced me to jump up from my seat and shout at the top of my lungs.

"Come on, hon!"

Something shifted. Changed.

Marek's legs strengthened and steadied.

Lukas had made it within a stride of him.

The big bear barged forward, determined to mow my 'panda down.

Marek could wait no longer.

He roared loud enough for me and the rest of the park to hear.

With all of his power, and all of his opponent's, Marek's arms squeezed deep into claret.

...And started to lift.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

Taller than him, heavier than him, it didn't matter. He strained, heaved, hauled that enormous polar bear clear of the turf, leaving his massive legs dangling helplessly in the breeze.

It was a split second, a moment at most, but I'm sure I saw a prideful lash from Marek's tail.

Right before gravity took over.

Marek staggered back. Started to fall.

His opponent dropped along with him. The ball, too, clamped firmly in the mess of fabric and fur between them.

My 'panda wasn't beaten yet.

With a wicked turn of his broad hips and rear, Marek threw himself and the bear around. Like a kinda side suplex.

They swapped positions.

Kept on falling.

But now, it'd be the polar bear slamming shoulders-first to the mud.

And slam he definitely did.

The biggest dudes on the field pummelled the turf together, the bear flat on his back, Marek right atop him.

Their thick midsections collided, shifting and shaking. That probably helped cushion their fall.

It definitely helped the ground less.

A rumbling thoom echoed out from the impact of so much combined bulk. Low and bassy. Like the ground itself was complaining beneath their weight.

My ears perked. I thought I felt a shudder, a tremor roll beneath my feet. Faint, but noticeable.

I looked down to the floor. Found light reflecting from ripples in my soda beside my seat. That confirmed it for sure... My gods.

Others around me reacted, too. There were wows, woahs, and more. Some came with muttered noises of amusement. And not just from Maleni spectators, either.

Back on the field, Marek took pause atop that even bigger bear, his curvy butt so well displayed beneath tight-fitting shorts. A magical sight for me to take in while pondering the aftermath of his brutal takedown.

The fact that I'd felt him hit the turf from that far away, the other side of the field... meant the rumbling must've been even stronger closer to the crash site.

The smaller trees beyond the chain-link fence opposite all rustled. Way more than they should've been in the autumn breeze.

Beyond them were the tops of the buildings lining the edge of the Maleni district. All safe and secure with their dampers, even if that impact were somehow strong enough to-

Moaning metal and crumbling concrete forced me into a pause of my own.

Behind the treeline... I watched the peak of a slanted metal rooftop... shift.


Fall in on itself.

No way... Was that for real?

In a blink, in _less_than a blink, the whole structure had collapsed from view.

A distant crash rang out. Yet more vibrations radiated underfoot.

The spectators, the players, hell, everyone in earshot no doubt turned to witness the dust cloud rising above the trees. Marek and the polar bear included.

Past the cries of shock and awe from the stands, I picked up on the similar calls coming from the Maleni folk that were watching from the other side of that fence. Laughing, clapping, cheering and hollering: the locals living over in that district looked and sounded just as impressed by the display as I was.

Well, personally... impressed might not have been a strong enough word.

I had to sit myself down while everyone around me had risen to stand, leaning forward to hide exactly what my crotch had made of the tremor, and the chaos that my huge, heavy 'panda and that monstrous polar bear had created... Not to mention my wondering over what more they might cause during the rest of the game.

In reality, somewhat disappointingly, after a brief pause in the match to better check what had unfolded beyond the fence, the final half hour passed pretty uneventfully. At the least, there was no more property damage to note during Marek and the Warriors' march on towards a comprehensive 49-17 victory. Something that allowed the denim of my jeans to remain far more relaxed throughout.

With final handshakes done, the players showered, dressed, and back out from the changing rooms, only one topic of conversation floated around post-game: the Maleni district and its one fewer building.

Marek's puffy green training jacket offered a comfy place to rest my head while riding along in his breast pocket. Most spectators had already left by the time Marek had come to pick me up, literally, from the stands. The same also held true of his teammates.

The damp, earthy scent of the pitch lingered in my nose on our walk back towards the modest brick changing rooms. With the chattering and cheering crowds gone, as well as the players sprinting and slamming themselves around on-field, the swishing of the cool breeze carried that much louder through the park.

Not everyone linked to the Warriors had begun the journey back to Koprovice, though. A couple of Marek's teammates, Lukas and Konrad, remained near the pitchside, hard to miss in those same green jackets.

Like those from the opposition still hanging around a little further along the field, the tiger and wolf were deep in conversation. The main topic of which became all too clear once Marek approached to join them.

"Hey, M!" Lukas waved, grinning from ear to ear. "I ain't getting over that show you put on out there for a _long_time."

Marek's quiet groan rumbled down my back, then into the rest of me. I kept my snout shut, right up until the tiger's gaze dipped towards me.

"Yo, Sam." He offered out a fist. "How you doing, my man?"

"All good, thanks." I reached out my own to bump it to his knuckle. "Great game you guys played today."

"Could've been better," Konrad replied. The greying grey wolf just about managed something resembling a smile. "But thanks."

"Hey, hey, hey." Lukas leaned in, nudging that knuckle into my shoulder. "So, what did ya make of your M manhandling that bigass bear like that?"

"Ah, well-"

"And what happened after! Ain't never seen nothing like it."

I couldn't get a word in past his excitement, so I just chuckled back instead.

"Cool as fuck though, yeah?"

Remembering my big, silent 'panda above and behind me made sure my laughter wouldn't last. "...Uh, yeah, pretty cool, I gotta say."

"Gods," Marek croaked. "I still can't believe that happened."

"Hah!" Lukas lurched forward to bump him in the chest. "Man, _I_can't believe you got that guy up off the ground like that. That tackle deserved some fanfare, and godsdamn if ya didn't get it!"

Marek made a noise that sounded like the start of a reply. His hesitation brought back the whistling breeze for as long as it took him to say, "I took out a building."

"True that!"

"Actually..." He turned his shoulders with a grunt. I moved along with him as he pointed towards the Towers players still gathered just down the pitchside from us. "_We_took out a building."

The polar bear Marek had been pitted up against had also hung around post-game, towering above his teammates. I didn't need to hear his side of any conversation to work out how he felt, what with him jumping between pinching the bridge of his muzzle, rubbing his eyes, and shaking his hanging head.

The words his team offered sounded reassuring enough, joined along by pats on his thick arm, and his shoulder from those able to reach it. He looked as willing to hear them as Marek did his teammates.

"I suppose..." Marek shifted on his feet, rocking me in his pocket by extension. "I guess it's kinda cool, but... I can't deny I'm feeling... awkward about it, too."

"As we keep on saying," Konrad replied with a dry hint of annoyance. "It _wasn't_a big deal. There wasn't a need for it to take your head outta the game like it did."

"It didn't take it outta the game!"


"...Not really. Going up against that bear was a tough time and then some. He's the biggest guy I've ever faced, and to be honest, I'm glad I restricted his drives as much as I managed to."

I could feel the tension in the air, and hear the uncertainty in Marek's voice. A firm rub at his chest was in order while I rested my head against it, enjoying his warmth and the soothing strength of his... quicker than usual heartbeat.

"Look," he snapped, huffing before saying, "I'm really struggling to see how what happened's not a big deal."

"C'mon, M. It's like we all got told." Lukas extended an arm towards the other side of the field. "It was an old, empty warehouse. Fenced off, inaccessible, halfway to falling down all by its damned self."


"Peeps from 'round here wouldn't be saying it if it weren't!" The tiger nudged him, and me, with a gentle shoulder barge. "You just helped finish it off with that big ass of yours."

Marek snorted the barest starts of a chuckle.

Meanwhile, I resisted the urge to half joke, half confirm that I'd always been a fan of what his big ass can do.

That left space for Marek to fill. "No-one was there, right? It was_definitely_condemned?"

"Definitely!" Konrad barked. "We got told as much."

"M, chill," Lukas said, bringing back some calm. "Everybody enjoyed the show... Maybe except the council or whoever'll be pissed about an unscheduled demolition. The local paper'll be getting a story out of it, too..."

"What!?" Marek jolted back. I had extra appreciation for the padding of his chest when I hit it. "What paper?"

"Oh, yeah, you weren't..." Lukas stopped smiling for the first time post-game. "Coach said someone from the local paper was poking their snout around."

"Wah- Why?"

"I mean, it's kinda newsworthy... Accident or not, condemned or not-"

"It was _definitely_an accident!"

"Yeah, obvs, but what I'm saying is, whatever the case, our rushball match just took out a whole-ass building." Lukas took a look around. "Not sure if they're still about..."

"They are," Konrad confirmed, arms folded. "I saw them heading across the field, towards the fence. Aiming to talk with some of the Maleni that were watching from there, I guess."

"Gods," Marek groaned. "I need to get out of here before they come back asking me questions, or wanting an interview or something."

"Ahh, for real?" Lukas found his toothy smile again. "That's a shame, 'cos I can picture the headline now. Marek Gorecki: The Demolition Panda."


"Hey, maybe one of those crews that run Maleni demolition jobs like they're a damn sideshow'll see the story. Come atcha with the career opportunity you never knew you needed."

Marek snorted another half-laugh at Lukas' jokes, but again, I could feel a tense groan rumbling through his chest once he went quiet.

Another gap in the conversation let me hear more of the murmuring coming from the Towers squad still pitchside. Curiosity had me leaning forward, away from my 'panda's chest, aiming to get another glimpse of those guys beyond the round peak of his other pec.

That polar bear still looked devastated, but his teammates weren't giving up their efforts to cheer him up. Speaking louder, as if hoping it might help get through to the big guy, meant I could pick some of their words out of the air.

"...not your fault."

"It's on the association. ...moved our game to the pitch nearest the fence. What they think was gonna happen?"

"Don't feel bad..."

Those attempts at reassurance brought me back to Marek. I peered up towards his muzzle, only to find him showering me with a warm, cheek-lifting, eye-creasing smile as only my big 'panda could. Still, no chance I could have missed the low turquoise tips of his well-flattened ears.

I opened my mouth to ask if he was okay, but Marek beat me to the punch, muttering, "I'm sure you enjoyed the show as well at least."

A quiet laugh escaped through my nostrils. He'd earned a double-armed squeeze at the hefty muscle beneath his pillowy chest. "And then some, hon."

At Marek's insistence, we didn't hang around the park for very much longer. Not that I could've done much to keep us there from within his pocket, even if I'd wanted to.

So, we said our goodbyes to Lukas and Konrad, and rushed our way past that massive bear and the rest of the Towers players towards the car.

As we went, I did my best to keep sharing some words of comfort with Marek. That person from the local paper wouldn't have wanted to talk to him, and, again, taking out a crumbling, derelict warehouse_really_wasn't a big deal.

I held off opening up about just how much I'd loved watching Marek shake up the local Maleni district, and just how much it'd got me going, deciding instead to read and relay the last text message I'd received during the time.

After our brief bit of dinner planning, Fabian had replied to say he'd be ready to meet up at around 6pm. That'd leave me and Marek a couple of hours or so to make the short drive to our hotel, check-in, then get ready to head out again and into Kosilny's town centre.

Somewhere between all of that, I absolutely needed to take some time to settle down with Marek, relax and... reflect on his awesome on-field performance...

"Unf..." I climbed up and collapsed down onto the right-most peak of my big 'panda's gigantic rear, sprawling out bare fur to bare fur atop one of his vastest, and most comfortable, pleasurable regions, catching my breath amid the most intense afterglow.

Idle nosing and kneading down at a small patch of his intoxicating brown-furred softness ensured I stayed firm, even while fully spent; all the motivation I needed to break the peace of our cheap but cheerful hotel room.

"Y'know, hon..." I squeezed my arms into as much of his hot, bulky butt as I could. "All our joking and fantasising about you throwing all your weight around, flattening stuff... causing earthquakes, even..." Another firm pump of my hips against him started me trembling. "Mmff... I never thought you'd actually pull it off."

"It_wasn't_an_earthquake_." Marek huffed, shifting on the creaky bed and wobbling me atop mine. "And the building that came down was condemned anyway... Crumbling. Remember?"

"Mmm..." I nuzzled into his fur, my tail swaying and heart racing while I basked in his powerful scent. "Still, I'm betting that whole Maleni district felt your landing."

His own tail lashed over the ample width of his other cheek.

"They'll probably have to inspect the local bridges and everything," I added. "All because my big 'panda came to town."

Marek stayed quiet. Silent. I'd expected him to play along, fire back some fantasising of his own. Instead, I got nothing at all.

I looked up from my luxurious bed, using a footpaw to stroke where his rear met his thigh. Before me lay the rolling tangerine hillscape of my Marek's doughy hips, strong back, and broad shoulders, all rising and falling in time with his gentle breathing.

As much as I might've tried, I couldn't read much from looking at the back of his head. His ears, however, splayed out either side of his matching turquoise-tipped headfur, did offer a hint.

"Marek?" I clambered over and off of his rear, starting a crawl up my 'panda's sizeable self.

As I passed his hips, then his waist, I tried to catch a glimpse of his face. Nothing doing. Marek kept his snout locked towards his pillow.

That's when the worry started to set in.

"Hon?" I took a pause on my knees, rubbing both paws into and under his deep backfur. "Is everything okay?"

"I... Yeah."

"You don't sound like it. If I'd have known... We didn't have to do all that just now."

"Oh, no, it's fine."

Marek's heavy sigh raised me up, dropped me down, then sent me bouncing as I suggested, "Again, you don't sound like it."

"I am, was, really. I'm just feeling a little... bad, that's all."

"Bad?" I hurried my way on paws and knees towards the shallow valley between his shoulders. "Why?"

Finally, he turned away from his pillow and let me see his face. His sadness, too. "Probably the same reason as that bear I was up against..."

"Huh?" I stroked his back. Harder. "Sorry, hon, but I really don't follow."

"What's there to follow?"

"Well..." Sliding over, I settled into the comfy fur over his shoulder blade. From there, I could better see into his gentle green eyes as he set his turned head back down to the pillow. "...I don't know how else I can say that you really, honestly, didn't do a single thing wrong today."

His eyes kinda glazed over, peering off towards the side table and the blinded window beyond.

"Is that everything that's bothering you?"

Back came the silence. The rocking from his shallow breathing, too.

I figured I shouldn't press any further than I already had. Marek would open up to me when he was good and ready. He always did.

At the same time, I had my own ways of helping him get untangled from his thoughts. And what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't do everything I could to help?

"Are you doing an overthink again, big 'panda?" I pushed myself up and forward to nose at the cotton-soft fluff inside his flattened ear. "You're too thoughtful for your own good sometimes."

He shuddered from my touch, letting slip a giggle that creased his chocolate-striped cheek so perfectly.

"Aww." I petted at his ear, shining the widest smile down at him. "Who knew such a large 'panda could be such a cutie?"

"Oh, stop it," he said with a snort, wagging his head to bat me with said ear. "You shameless little flirt."

"I'm not flirting!" I slid down onto the bed, flopping down within the tight space between his snout and shoulder. "Just telling it as I see it."

"Uhuh." Marek lifted his chin to widen that space from tight to cosy. "If you hadn't already had your fun back there, I'd be inclined to think that's what you're after."

"Who says I'm after anything?"

"I do."

"Puh." I wiggled back into the thick fuzz of his neck, curling up to settle against him. "Maybe I just wanna snuggle up with you a little."

"Mmm." He lowered his muzzle until it met the top of my head, creating a place to fit me and me alone. "That's fair, I suppose."

We both fell quiet, breathing in time together. Honestly, I felt so at home, so restful in that warm, snuggly nook, I could've dozed off right there and then.

That wasn't the time for resting, though. I had a big 'panda to put at ease instead.

"So..." I bumped my nose up against his chin. "What's got you feeling bad, hon?"

I heard him puff through his nose. Another moment of silence came. This one he ended quickly.

"Today... What happened today."


"...I know it was an accident, and that everyone's fine with it."

"It was. And they are."

"And don't get me wrong..." Marek managed a laugh-like grunt. I felt his snout shift with a smile I could hear as he said, "There's a part of me, a _big_part of me, that's... proud?"


"Same way I was proud of stopping and lifting that polar bear to begin with... Hah, I knocked a building down with my weight alone... I mean, it was already falling down, and I had help from the other guy, but..."

"You absolutely _should_be proud." I slid and lifted my arms to hug both sides of his snout, rubbing the fur around his whiskers. "It was amazing to watch you handle that massive bear the way you did... and to _feel_it... Mmff... A 'panda so hot and huge, the place could barely handle him."

Marek shifted back and away. Only for a moment. And only to plant a suitably large kiss between my fast flicking ears.

It felt great, strong and deep enough to send blissful shivers from my head to the base of my tail. I aimed to offer him a kiss of my own, but he still had more to tell me.

"At the same time... as proud as I was, and as much as it's _apparently_not a big deal... Okay, I didn't hurt anyone today, but what if I had... You know?"

I did know, and I understood completely. Hopefully my patting at his snout said as much while I gave him all the time and space he needed to continue.

"It's one thing for us to joke and fantasise about the things we do... Me rumbling about, breaking stuff around and beneath me and all..."

"A great thing, by the way. I still think about the table we crushed at the gym that time."

He snorted hard, teeth well on display for all but a moment. "But... I don't want to..."

There came the time and place to return Marek's loving kiss. To his neck or snout wasn't enough, though. No, I had to slide away, roll, and plant it upon the soft sweetness of his bottom lip. "But you don't want to do it in reality... Furniture aside."

"Mmm..." He licked my chin. His smile said I'd made a breakthrough. "I mean, mostly? Like I said, there's a part of me that's proud and wouldn't mind seeing what else I might be able to bring down after a strong tackle."

"Unf..." The thought of that had me squirming like crazy. "Make sure I'm watching again when you do. I went from zero to rock hard in an instant when you came crashing down today."

Back came the quiet. I'd expected Marek to laugh, but when I did get a response, it was a bone-rattling groan instead.

"What's wrong?"

"Ugh... I really don't know where I'm going or what I'm trying to say here."

"Hey, it's fine, I get you." I grabbed his snout again and wrapped myself around it. "You're trying to say that you don't want to hurt anyone or freak anyone out... Of course you don't. The fact you're so cut up about this just proves what I already know."

"And what's that?"

"That you're my big, strong..." I kissed him again. Deeply. Between his lips that time. "...Kind, sweet 'panda."

Marek beamed so bright, eyes creasing while his ears perked up high. Be it from my words, my kiss, or both, I think, hope, that I'd helped reassure him. Not that I was done there.

"In all seriousness, hon." I patted him on the nose, making sure to meet his glowing eyes with mine. "Next time, they need to warn people. Or better yet, they need to not have you playing right next to a fucking demolition site in a Maleni district. I mean, what did they honestly expect? Rushball players aren't exactly small or subtle... Some are even too huge and too hot for their own good."

Marek watched me catch my breath, his broad smile easing into a light smirk. "You've already said I'm hot."

"Well, just making sure you know it."

"You mentioned huge, too."

"...Just making sure you know it!"

Finally, he gave me the mattress-trembling laugh I'd wanted to hear. His delicate nosing at my chest only increased my delight. "Thanks, sweetheart."


"And... I'm sorry."

"Huh? Why are you sorry?"

"My mood?" A gentle sigh blew through my chest fur. "I don't mean to keep self-flagellating over what happened."

"That's... fine. You don't need to keep punishing yourself for it, either."

Marek chuckled, his snout rubbing the underside of mine while he shook his head.

"What?" His small laugh spread to me. "What's funny?"

"Oh, nothing."

His happy snout lifted, settling and nuzzling into my cheek and neck. A big little kiss sent warmth right the way through me.

Returning Marek's affection with a smooch of my own was instinctive. Just like my need to make sure he'd be okay.

"But, please, listen," I whispered before planting a second kiss between his lips. "You didn't do anything wrong today, I promise. No-one got hurt, and no-one, other than some health and safety bods, are gonna be upset."

Marek settled his head to his pillow, watching me with bright, creased eyes that offered his silent thanks.

"Hell, I'd say that most of the Maleni in attendance today _enjoyed_the display. I know I'm one of them... Those tight shorts of yours are irresistible at the best of times, never mind when you're kicking off a natural disaster in them."

"Urgh, Sam..." He shifted his big, brawny arm, setting a finger between my ears and ruffling up my fur. "You say all these sweet, thoughtful things... but you just _can't_help making it horny, can you?"

"Hah. Nope!"

"Even when we're due to head out to meet your friend an hour from now."


"And_even_after you've already climbed onto me and had your fun."


"An impressive amount of fun, I might add, even for you... I didn't think it'd stop."

I reached up for his arm-sized finger and squeezed, bumping my nose to his pad. "We've been together over a year now, and you're _still_shocked by all of that?"

Marek rolled his eyes, then rolled the rest of his mattress-squashing self up onto his side. He held me close and secure throughout the shifting and shuddering beneath, holding that sweet smile, too.

His other arm moved aside, revealing the three-sided valley between his shifting hillside of a stomach and his strong, soft chest. The cream-coloured fur there looked inviting, as always. I was only too ready, too glad, for him to nurse me into his palm to pull and snuggle me deep within it all.

My outstretched arms found their place either side of Marek's neck, all while the rest of me sank into his bulk and fuzz. He helped me along with that, stroking up, down, all over my back with strong, soothing fingers.

We spent a good while like that. Relaxed. Totally at peace... There for each other.

I'm not sure whether it was having so much of him and his warmth around me, or just a subconscious desire to keep conversation flowing, but either way, I didn't hesitate to speak up from our quiet, intimate embrace.

"Oh... Just one more thing, hon."

His rubbing and petting continued, exploring more of my back, backside, taking a moment to twirl my tail around his finger, too. Too occupied to reply, maybe?



"I wanted to say... About us training together. You know I'll help you be whatever size you want to be, and I'll love you all the same, no matter what..."

Marek's fingers stopped fast. "...Of course. Why bring that up?"

I pushed my muzzle deeper into his neck fur, grinning so wide he must've surely felt it. "...Because I just can't stop wondering how big the impact would've been if you were as heavy as that polar bear. And those tremors."

He let out a groan so hard that I think our room, if not the hotel itself, trembled.

I decided against pointing that out. "Heh, what?"

"Alright." Marek eased me away from his chest. Far enough that I could see narrowed eyes beyond his snout. "That does it."

"What does it?"

"You need to take some time to get yourself less horny..." His finger curled behind me. A claw jabbing at my rear came next. "Once we get back home, you're sleeping on the couch for a week."


"A week."

"...The couch, huh?"


"Hmm..." I stroked my chin slow and steady enough that he couldn't miss it. "Do you plan on sitting on it while I'm there?"

His eyes bolted shut. A stiff gust left his nose. "...Make it a month."

"A whole month? Great as it sounds, I'm not sure I'd last _that_long under so much 'panda."

"Damnit, Sam!" Marek choked out a strangled chuckle. "You really know how to kill a moment, don't you?"

"Heh. Just call me the, uh... moment assassin... or something."

"Yeah?" His paw tightened. I hurtled back towards him. "Assassinate this."

"Oh, gods-!"

Like a moving mountain, my Marek rolled back onto his front, smooshing me into his chest in the process.

The whole of him crashed atop the whole of me. A colossal landslide of softness that so utterly overwhelmed each and every one of my muscles.

All I could hope to do was groan, moan, squeeze, and nose at as much of my huge 'panda as I could, stuck fast beneath his incredible, irresistible mass.

Godsdamn... If I hadn't 'had my fun' already, I totally would have right there and then. All those players he came up against on the rushball field _really_didn't know how lucky they were, having all this hotness slamming into them.

"Hah." Marek's voice less entered my ears, more rumbled right through me. At least it did until he shifted his paw and pec, allowing space for air within that toasty darkness. "Love you, too, little 'panda."

And right there's where we stayed, as close and as cosy as we could possibly be. The only way I'd have considered moving out from there would've been if Marek had moved himself... As if I had even the slightest chance otherwise.

At some point along the way, a buzz from beyond his bulk, beyond the bed, caught my attention. My phone, I think. Fabian, most likely. Whatever he wanted to say or ask would have to wait. I had myself my big 'panda to keep on comforting... or something.