Chapter 37: Resolutions

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#37 of One Mind, One Heart, One Soul

The story concludes where Fox, his family, and their friends return to their homes and come to term with their loss, and then deal with Gordon Striker once and for all.

Chapter 37: Resolutions

After having been gone for months, it felt strange for Fox and his family to set foot inside the McCloud Family Estate. Word though did reach their local friends and neighbors that Fox had returned. The first to come calling was George Banks. He and his family came to visit them within a half hour after they had arrived.

The exuberant otter gripped Fox's hand and vigorously shook it. "Welcome home, my friend. The neighborhood was not the same without you."

"It's good to be back, George. And do come in." He smiled to Winifred and their two younger children. "All of you."

Marcus then appeared and soon had Ruby and Oliver follow him to the upstairs living room where the children began to play. The adults gathered together in the main living room while Krystal minded her twin siblings. Winifred then asked. "I heard on the news that several tabloids have been hit with a massive lawsuit by you."

"That's right. My lawyer has had investigators gather a lot of evidence that places them squarely in all the false conspiracies around me and my family, which led to that attempt on my life with that car bomb." Fox affirmed with a growl.

George chuckled. "I doubt we'll see their ilk anywhere near here again. After that statement you made earlier today on the news, I'm guessing that paparazzi will be terrified of you."

"Will you be staying here for good then?" Winifred asked.

"For the most part, for now." Krystal replied. "We'll still spend part of the year in New Cerinia though."

"Talking about car bombs, that reminds me that we no longer have a ground vehicle."

"How about I take you to the local dealership?" George offered. He then turned to his wife. "Will you be alright minding the children while we go shopping, Dearest?"

"That's fine." Winifred replied. "We girls can catch up while you boys look a ground cars."

George and Fox were soon looking over vehicles at a dealership halfway between the East End neighborhood where they lived and Corneria City. With Krystal's input through their telepathic bond, Fox soon purchased a family van with room for them and up to six children, plus cargo space.

By the time Fox had returned with a new family van, Marcus' friends had showed up. He smiled when he saw his son race by on his bicycle along the same paths he had made himself in his youth. Following Marcus were not only the Banks children, Oliver and Ruby, but also Jock Doglas and Vincent Vulpus. Akina and Renjiro had also arrived and appraised all of them of their dealings with Gordon Striker and his renegades.

By that afternoon, Hiroshi, Samantha, and the rest of the Cerinians joined them and told them of everything that had transpired at Corneria City General Hospital. Fox in turn told them that he had received a call from Charles Phoenix. The funeral for Katt Monroe would be held at the end of the week. Hiroshi affirmed that he, his wife, and their fellow Cerinians would be in attendance.

Fox and Krystal both thought of Falco. Their hearts ached for their avian friend. What happened to him had been Fox's worst nightmare with regards to Krystal. It was what had driven him to expel her from Star Fox all those years ago, no matter how foolish a decision it had been, and it was for this reason that they had retired from mercenary work. Fox and his bondmate felt torn. "I just don't know what we should do for Falco. Should Kurisutaru and I go to console and be with him?"

Krystal also felt torn. "And yet, we know that Falco would probably want to be alone at this time."

"Perhaps a compromise then." Renjiro suggested. "Have someone watch over him."

Fox and Krystal brightened. "That's a good idea."

Krystal immediately went to their personal comm station and placed a call to Star Wolf Security and Investigations. "Wolf here."

"Wolf, Fox and I have a favor to ask of you. Could you keep discrete tabs on Falco? We're worried about him. Katt's death hit him hard, especially since she had agreed to marry him just before she died."

Wolf initially bristled at such a task. He considered it beneath him and not worth his time. But one look at his wife, Vanessa, reminded him of how important the love of a mate was. What would happen to him if he suddenly lost her? He could not imagine wanting to go on living without the love of his snow vixen. Wolf closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. "Alright. I'll have some of my operatives keep watch over him."

"Thank you, Wolf. I know that this is not what you are normally hired to do...."

Wolf raised a hand to cut Krystal off. "It's alright. If I were in Falco's place, I'd probably need someone to watch over me too."

"You are a good person, Wolf. Give my best to Vanessa and Sean."

"Will do. O'Donnell Out."

It turned out to be fortuitous that Star Wolf agents were discretely keeping watch over Falco. The following day, a small group comprising of three tabloid reporters and three paparazzi were spotted gathering at the exit to the building where Falco had shared a flat with Katt. Minutes before Falco exited the building, six very large wolves walked up to the group and without preamble physically dragged them towards an alleyway amid shouts of protests.

Because people had yet to forget what the tabloids had done to the McClouds, passersby did not do anything to intervene and made no efforts to call the authorities. The reporters were later found in the alleyway, severely beaten, with all their recording equipment destroyed. Falco never found out and it was just as well. The last thing he needed now was to be harassed by paparazzi and obtrusive reporters while he was deep in mourning. It also served to remind the tabloids of Fox and Krystal's stern warning about staying away from them and their friends.

Falco though was not dealing well with the death of his beloved Katt. Two days after General Striker's defeat, for the first time in nine years, he walked into a bar and ordered the strongest drink available.

Akina was helping Fox and Krystal restore their much-neglected hydroponic garden within the greenhouse when Fox's communicator chirped. "Fox here."

Wolf's holographic image appeared in front of him. "Fox, I have some bad news. Falco has been spotted walking into a bar."

Fox sighed. "Somehow, I'm not surprised that it would come to this."

"Hmph! There's no telling how drunk he'll get himself."

"And after almost ten years being dry, I doubt he'll have much tolerance for alcohol." Fox groaned. "Send me the address and I'll get right over there."

Fox found Falco in a corner booth gazing at his drink with bleary eyes. Just as he settled down opposite him in the booth, his avian friend downed the strong-smelling liquor. "Nuther drink..." he slurred. At first, Falco did not seem to be aware that his friend was sitting in front of him. With unsteady fingers and a frown on his face, he focused on the menu screen. "Bluah... 'Shex on the Beash' ...Shtoopid name." He then squawked in indignation. "Whoshe idea wazz it to name a drink 'Pink Lady'?" Grumbling, Falco haphazardly swiped past the mixed drinks menu and settled on his choice. "Whishky...Jusht plain old whishky..."

Falco's inebriated state was painful and heartbreaking for Fox to watch. It saddened him to see his friend like this. But given his loss, he could not in his heart fault him for falling off the wagon. Would he have fared better had his vixen died even before they bonded? He again thought to himself, "that could have been me, if Krystal had not survived during that escort mission years ago."

In response, he felt a burst of her love through their telepathic bond. "I would have been just as devastated had you died in my stead, Fox."

"I know....but we have each other now, and our souls will never part." Fox, with Krystal seeing though his eyes, looked forlornly at their friend. What could they say to someone going through a devastating loss that they themselves will never have to endure?

"You never did like whisky." Fox observed, finally drawing Falco's attention.

"Oh hey Fokshy!" he exclaimed in drunken cheerfulness. "Come to shelebrate da good...hic...times we had togejer?"

Fox let his empathy soak up the aching sorrow in his friend and nodded. "Yes, and we'll celebrate the life of a dear friend that we both miss at the end of this week."

"What'sh to shelebrate? She's dead!" Falco replied sullenly. "You got your mishush....I got nottin."

"You still have your friends." Fox assured him. "And we'll do everything we can to help you get through this."

"I don wanna get thru diszh...." His whisky then arrived and was placed down in front of Falco. The waiter looked askance at Fox who nodded and said, "I'll look after him."

Fox watched his friend down the whisky in one go and then grimace. He then reached out a hand to his friend and began to say, "I know what you are going through, but..."

Falco though angrily cut him off. "What would you know?!? You have no idea..." he started shouting, but was himself cut off. He then watched dumbfounded as his friend vented his own pain.

"Yes, I know what you're going through!!! I'm an empath, Falco." Fox cried. "I can feel how crushed you are, and it's tearing me apart." He cradled his head with his two hands and wept. "Krystal and I were there with you when Katt died.....we tried so hard to fix her with our telekinesis." He then pounded a fist onto the table in anguished frustration. "but our powers weren't good enough!"

He then lifted his head from his hand and looked at Falco. "I have the power to knock a truck on its side with my mind and blow it up, but I could not mend tiny blood vessels and muscle tissue." Fox closed his eyes and let the tears flow freely. "It was like trying to rebuild a sand castle while water was pouring down on it to wash it away....and there was so much damage everywhere in her body...."

"I know you did ya beshtest..." Falco sighed sadly. "I jusht want to hurt ta go away..."

Fox watched him squint at the drinks menu, determined to drink himself into oblivion. "I feel your hurt, Falco, and I hurt too. Katt was my friend." Fox sniffed and cried. "Oh Spirits! I so want to get drunk with you, but I'm a telepath. If I got plastered like you, I'd lose control of my powers, and with my telekinesis..." He left unsaid that losing control of his power over matter could be disastrous.

"Sucks, doeszhn't it." Falco looked blearily at his friend.

"Yeah, it does...But do you think Katt would want you to get drunk like this?"

"No...she wouldn't..." Falco was forced to admit to himself, no matter how reluctant.

"She was so proud of you for staying sober all these years."

"Yeah...." As intoxicated as he was, he could not expunge from his mind her proud face when he for the first time turned down an alcoholic drink. He did not know if he was a true alcoholic, but he nonetheless chose to stay sober all these years because it brought the best out of him.

"I don't know what to do..." Falco sobbed. "Evry time I shee her crushed body in ma mind, I just wanna to die."

"Then think of what you saw that so few have." Fox mentally said to his friend, and then touched Falco's memory of Katt's departing soul. "You got to see her spirit before she crossed over to the next life. Remember that she said you still have a purpose in this life. Focus on remembering her smile for you and her promise before she stepped into the light."

"She said we'd get married and there would be no 'till death do us part.'" And for the first time since Katt had died, Falco found in his heart the courage to go on. He looked down at the screen displaying the drinks menu and turned it off. "But how many years must I live before I see her again?"

Fox could sense in his friend the beginnings of a hangover and ordered a large pasta dish and a carafe of water for him and a chicken dinner for himself. "No matter how long those years you live, just remember that they will be infinitely short compared to the eternity you'll have with her when your time comes."


The private memorial for Katt Monroe was attended by all of Falco's closest friends. Fox and Krystal stood with him, along with their children, Marcus and Ophelia. Also present were the entire Phoenix family. Peppy and Lucy Hare were there as well. Slippy and Amanda Toad had flown in from Aquas to offer their support. Also in attendance were Wolf and Vanessa O'Donnell and their son Sean, and Panther and Miyu Caruso and their daughter Jennifer. Bill Grey and Fay Spaniel were there as well. And Dash Bowman was also present to offer his support.

And behind them stood their friends from New Cerinia: Hiroshi, Samantha, Renjiro, Akina, Hinode, and Shinko, who minded Kushinju and Nozomi. Also present were Chief Minister Uncia Frost and Senator Felicia Tawny, who both felt deeply indebted to Falco, Katt, and the others who liberated them and the rest of the Senate. Most surprisingly, Kool, the leader of the Hot Rodders, also attended. The blue-furred feline had at one time vied for Katt's affection during her initial rocky relationship with Falco, and it seemed that he never held it against the bird that he had in the end won Katt's love.

Falco was deeply touched that Fox had converted the memorial to James and Vixy McCloud into a Star Fox memorial. He watched the casket with Katt's body being lowered into the ground at the base of the large grave stone upon which her name had been added to those of Fox's parents. In the natural course of time, all who had served on Star Fox and Star Falco would be buried there if they so wished in their wills. Seeing her name etched in stone, he knew with certainty that he would want his name below hers when his time came.

After the service, Falco approached Fox and shook his hand. "Thanks for everything."

"It's the least I could do." Fox replied. "So what are you going to do now?"

Falco gazed back at leader of the Hot Rodders. "I need to get away for a while. Kool invited me to rejoin his gang, and I accepted."

Fox nodded. "I can sense that he mourns her death too. Hopefully, you two can console each other. Stay sober, my friend, and never hesitate to look us up if you need anything."

"I will. Thanks for everything, Foxy."

As the gathering parted, Fox contemplated all of his friends. Fara and Kei, and their family would go back to their lives. Bill, Fay, Slippy, and Amanda would be joining him and his family at their home for some rest and relaxation, followed by a day at River Rapids. Hiroshi, Samantha, and the other Cerinians would return to New Cerinia. And Lucy would return to her teaching job on Fortuna while her father worked to rebuild the CDF headquarters. The only one left was Dash Bowman. Fox approached the ape and asked. "Now that Star Falco is disbanded, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to go to Venom." When Dash saw the look of surprise in Fox and Krystal's expressions, he went on to explain. "I've been giving this some thought. The apes and lizards on that world followed Andross because nobody else came forward to lead them, or did anything to rehabilitate that planet's environment. With that world now made habitable after the Anglar Blitz, they are leaderless and unable to deal with the organized crime and warlords that have taken over."

Uncia Frost, who was nearby, overhead Dash's comments and said, "Yes, there has been some discussion on how to rectify that. There is fear that some other despot could rear up and plunge Lylat into another war in years to come."

Dash in reply pointed to himself, "And how about if a benevolent despot took over? In the last few months, several agents from Venom have contacted me because I'm the grandson of Andross. They want someone to rally around and put an end to the warlords and criminals that have infested their world in the power vacuum left by Andross' defeat."

"And what would you do if they made you emperor?" Uncia asked guardedly. To a liberal proponent of social democracy like himself, the idea of a dictator who was on the side of good seemed oxymoronic.

"I've given this a lot of thought. The reason they are in anarchy now is because there is much resentment towards Corneria for defeating them and then leaving them in ruin. If I let them prop me up as their emperor, I'd begin by decrying your government for making them suffer just because they wanted to fight for a better life."

"They did chose to follow Andross..." Uncia pointed out.

"Yes, but did they have anybody else to lead them?" Dash asked. "Your government did exile that monster to their world. A people without hope will latch onto whoever steps forward with grand promises."

Fox nodded, "He does make some valid points, Sir."

"Yes, I cannot disagree with that." Uncia was forced to concede. "And what would you have us do in reply to your denouncement of Corneria?"

"Acknowledge their plight. 'Make amends' by offering to help them rebuild." Dash suggested, making quotes in the air. "It would help strengthen my position and consolidate power, allowing me to work more easily at putting an end to the anarchy there."

"And what would be your ultimate goal?" Uncia asked pointedly.

"I can see you are uneasy, and I understand why. Even if I ruled for many years as a wise and just ruler, there's no guarantee that any successor would be just as good and benevolent." Dash acknowledged. "I'd work on establishing a representative government with an elected leader similar to what you have on Corneria. If they insisted on keeping me as their emperor, I'd push to establish a constitutional monarchy, where I and successive emperors would by law have to answer to leaders of their elected body."

Felicia Tawny, having listened to Dash's proposal, nodded. "In centuries past, before Corneria was united under one peaceful government, there had been many wars. The only ones that ended with lasting peace were where the defeated nation was lifted up onto its feet by the victor and helped to rebuild."

"You have given us much to think about, Mister Bowman." said the chief minister. "Once we have dealt with Gordon Striker and his followers, it will be the first thing on our agenda."


There was much litigation in the weeks that followed. In a much publicized trial, Felis Pantera, one of Gordon Striker's operatives, was exposed as the instigator of several conspiracy theories involving the Cerinians. It was revealed that the true conspiracy was the one Felis instigated on behalf of Gordon to fan public fears of the Cerinians in order to make possible the disgraced general's return. It was also revealed that he and Striker were behind the conspiracy theories regarding Fox McCloud in order to feed all the misguided hate towards the retired Star Fox leader, which directly led to the car bombing at River Rapids.

As a consequence, it proved instrumental in the McClouds' lawsuit against the Corneria Enquirer. Coupled with the testimony of others in Lylat News, including Wolf Morrow, Pricialla Kane's involvement with Felis Pantera and her complicity with Gordon Striker's telepaths proved to be damning evidence. The infamous tabloid journalist was convicted of defamation and incitement to violence against the McClouds, accessory in the murder of Walter Kent, and high treason against Lylat. The end result was that she was sentenced to life in prison. All holdings in the Corneria Enquirer were also forfeited to the McClouds, who promptly liquidated the tabloid and dismissed all its employees. Other tabloids, though less involved, sought to settle out of court to avoid being liquidated.

In the weeks that followed, each of Gordon Striker's followers were put on trial, with the exception of Devin Wulfrick, who pled guilty. His testimony also was admitted as evidence against the disgraced general and the other conspirators. Arnold Duff also provided testimony as part of a plea deal that reduced his sentence to 35 years. Consequently, all of Gordon's surviving followers were sentenced to life without any possibility of parole, except for Devin, whose sentence was reduced to 30 years. Also tried was former senator Winston Starkey. All in the Senate except for his staunchest allies voted to convict him. The ex-senator, who had previously served prison time for his involvement in the Paradigm Shift scandal, was sent back to prison to serve a life sentence for colluding with Gordon Striker in his coup attempt.

Finally, there was Gordon Striker himself. With Chief Justice Malinae Brock and the other four justices presiding, the general was tried publically in the Senate. In addition to testimony given by Arnold Duff and Devin Wulfrick, Fox, Krystal, and the rest of his team all took the stand against the disgraced general. Falco even appeared for a day to give his testimony before returning to fly with the Hot Rodders. Renjiro and Isamu also testified in regards to the telepathic atrocities committed by the general and his followers. Even Uncia Frost and Felicia Tawney, who had excluded themselves from any Senate vote since they were victims of mind rape, offered their testimony. Elder Hiroshi provided his own testimony by giving details of what the general's victims had gone through.

In the end, Gordon Striker was unanimously found guilty of murder, sedition, and high treason. Even those senators who would have supported the general in his coup attempt were not so foolish as to commit political suicide in an attempt to acquit the bullmastiff given the mountain of evidence against him. Then came the sentencing debate, and here Fox, Krystal, and all those who fought to stop this traitor grew alarmed.

"As tragic as this attempted coup was, let us consider the general's war record." One sympathetic senator began. "Gordon Striker served with distinction through the Lylat War, the Apparoid Invasion, and the Anglar Blitz to defend our worlds. And while it can be conceded that what he did is wrong, let us consider that he did what he did out of a desire to protect our worlds."

With Gordon Striker looking on with smug interest, a debate then began on whether or not his past record could be used to justify a reduced sentence. When several senators then suggested that he should be exiled, Krystal and Fox could no longer remain silent. Fox interrupted the debate by striding to the center of the Senate floor to stand in front of the gathering, with his back turned to the convicted general. "Exile?!?! Have you all forgotten the lessons of our past history?!?!"

"You have already given testimony, Mister McCloud. You are out of...." One senator began to shout, but quickly shrunk back in his seat under the telepathic fox's terrifyingly furious glare. In anxious silence, they listened to this blue-furred Fox McCloud rage against them.

"Andross was once a well-respected scientist who had this government's admiration." Fox growled. "He too, was convicted of crimes, having conducted destructive and dangerous experiments with bio-technology. And instead of putting that monster in prison, he was exiled to Venom. Because of that, he took over that world and plunged Lylat into a war. Because of that failure, thousands died in that war! Because of that failure, FIVE HUNDRED MILLION CERINIANS DIED AND THEIR RACE WAS NEARLY WIPED OUT!!!!"

Fox was seething, venting all his anger against this large minority who would have repeated the mistakes of the past. He then pointed an accusing finger at Joshua Howly who Fox had learned had given the illegal order to have the New Cerinia colony eliminated. "And if Striker had his way, you would have finished the job, you filthy coward....just to ingratiate yourself to this would-be usurper!"

Fox glared back at Gordon Striker, who stood in front of the judges in shackles. "And like Andross, this monster built his own secret base, conducted unsanctioned experiments, and would have plunged all of Lylat into a civil war that would likely have resulted in more deaths then were ever counted in all our previous conflicts."

"And you want to exile him!?!" Fox shook his head. "I did not fight against Andross in the Lylat War only to have you allow another monster make it necessary for my children to revive Star Fox to fight in the new conflicts that would ensue." He then strode up to the convicted general while addressing everyone. "If you will not do what is necessary to prevent history from repeating itself, then I will."

Gordon stood there, facing his biggest accuser, and soon began to fear for his safety. That fear turned to alarm and shock when Fox withdrew his staff, extended it, aimed it at his enemy, and froze him alive with a freezing blast before anyone could react. Once the cloud of cryogenic frost dissipated, everyone could see that the now deceased general had been turned into an ice statue. Fox then swung his staff through his enemy, shattering his body into frozen chunks of flesh. In front of everyone in the Senate and all in Lylat who were watching the trial, Fox McCloud had slain Gordon Striker.

Bowing his head in resignation, Fox let slip his staff from his fingers. The Cerinian weapon, still extended, clattered to the floor, punctuating the ensuing silence. He knew that, having argued that past fame was not grounds for clemency, he would be summarily convicted of murder regardless of his own renown. Worst yet, he feared that the Senate would demand that Hinode be brought back to Corneria to strip him of his telepathic powers like the other rogue telepaths.

When the clamors for his arrest began, Fox knelt on the floor and placed his hands behind his head. While the guards started to converge upon him with weapons drawn, he tearfully made eye contact with the vixen who he loved above all else. "Take care of our children and let them know how much I love them."

Sensing the fear from the guards around him, he simply said, "I surrender." Heartbroken, Krystal watched her beloved soulmate offer no resistance as one of them took his wrists and drew them behind his back. They had just begun to manacle him when Uncia Frost spoke out. "STOP! Release the prisoner!"

The guard paused and looked on uncertainly at the chief minister and the senators.

Having been publically humiliated by Fox's accusation of cowardice, Senator Howly tried to regain face at Fox's expense. With a falsely noble air, he voiced his objection. "As much as I hate to say it, Mister McCloud cannot be excused of killing Gordon Striker, no more than the general could have been excused of his crimes."

"Oh shut up, you craven fool!" Felicia Tawny shouted back. "You were ready to offer clemency to Striker, you hypocrite! How in the world you escaped being tried for collusion with Striker is beyond me."

"That doesn't change the fact that Fox McCloud is not above the law." another senator in the back shouted. Before the proceedings could degenerate into a shouting match between opposing views, Uncia Frost gave several strikes of his gavel.

Krystal, Fox, and everyone else in the entire Senate chamber stood in silence as the snow leopard addressed the assembly. "Senators, I can sympathize with your desire to maintain the rule of law, but I will take umbrage with anyone who equates Fox McCloud to Gordon Striker. Having been mind raped by him, I knew Striker for the true monster he was."

"I understand, Uncia. I was a victim of his minion too." Felicia reminded her colleague. "But as reluctant as I am to agree with many in this chamber, we have no choice but to press charges against Mister McCloud."

"You may not have any choice in the matter, but I do." Uncia declared. "As the duly elected chief minister of the Lylat System, I hereby issue an Official Pardon to Fox McCloud for all crimes he stands accused of."

The Senate exploded in uproar with cries of objections and questions of legality. After repeated poundings of gavels by both the chief minister and Chief Justice Brock, order was restored. Then the presiding judge of Lylat's highest court brought the question to an end. "Chief Minister Frost's decree is legal and final. Fox McCloud is officially pardoned of all crimes."

"Then I call for a vote of No Confidence." Senator Howly called out, speaking for the opposition party, precipitating a heated debate for and against such a vote.

Uncia Frost though ignored them and sat down to write out the document forever freeing Fox from any prosecution for doing what he himself secretly agreed had been necessary. Once he had finished it, added his seal, and handed said document to the chief justice, Uncia composed another document, this time a simple letter, and signed it. Malinae had just finished making copies of the pardon for public records and for Fox to keep when he received Uncia's letter. The badger looked up at the snow leopard, who returned his gaze and nodded.

With a sigh, Malinae Brock recorded the letter while the chief minister struck his gavel and spoke out loudly before a vote could be made. "The vote of No Confidence will not be necessary. Following issuance of Fox McCloud's pardon, I have tendered my resignation as chief minister. I am retiring from public service, effective immediately, to be with my family."

In the ensuing silence, Uncia laid down his gavel, walked off the dais, and strode up to Fox McCloud, who had just been released and had retrieved his staff. The snow leopard shook the tod's hand and affirmed to him his decisions. "When he attacked me telepathically, I saw Gordon Striker for what he truly was. The big difference between you and him is that you truly wanted to protect Lylat while he sought to impose his will over us all. As far as I'm concerned, your pardon was well-merited."

Fox was for several seconds speechless. When he found his voice, he expressed his gratitude mixed with his dismay. "It means a world to both my wife and me that you would do this for us, but Sir, you did not have to resign. I cannot believe that the vote would have gone against you."

"It most likely would not have." Uncia agreed. "But I, like you, have served Lylat for many years, and like you have done so, I now wish to retire and devote all my time to my family. When I fled within myself from Gordon's attack on my mind, I despaired at ever seeing my wife and sons again. Thanks to you and your Cerinian friends, I have been given a second chance, which I do not plan to squander."

And with those words, Uncia Frost walked out of the Senate, never to set foot again in that chamber where he had spent the majority of his political career. Fox and Krystal then embraced each other, both weeping in relief that the nightmare was finally over.

Bill and Fay walked up to them at that moment. "Damn, Fox. You know how to make an argument." Bill declared. Fay was more tearful. "Oh my stars! I was so worried that they were going to take you away."

Fox wiped his eyes, having calmed down. "So was I....I just could not stand by and allow these idiots to let Striker get away with everything he's done." He then looked up at senators from the opposition party, returning their angry glares. "I'm so disgusted with the cowardice I see there."

By then, they were joined by their Cerinian friends. "Then let's leave this place." Hiroshi suggested. "Hopefully, your people will see them for what they are and vote against them in your next elections."

"I think that is a likely outcome for many of those senators, especially Joshua Howly." They heard a familiar voice behind them. Fox turned and nodded to Felicia Tawny. "Senator..."

"You've done us a great service, Mister McCloud, and at great personal risk." Felicia declared. "And I am glad Uncia gave you that pardon for essentially doing what needed to be done." She then handed a document to Fox. "Compliments of Chief Justice Brock."

Fox glanced down at the paper he was given. It was an official copy of his Pardon. "Looks like Wolf and I have another thing in common."

"If there's anything else we can do for you, let us know."

Krystal nodded to the senator. "Actually, there is. While the Corneria Enquirer is no more, there are other tabloid media sites and paparazzi out there. We want an end to their harassment and lies."

Felicia smirked at the notion. "There are many who would oppose such laws, but if there was any time where we could pass some reform legislation on that matter, it would be now."

"Thank you, Senator." Fox acknowledged. "Come next election, you have our votes."


They retreated to the sanctuary that was the McCloud Family Estate. Under a late summery sky, they sat in the grass under a tree near one of the ponds in the large back garden of the home while Marcus, Ophelia and their friends played in the front. In a playpen next to the gathering, Kushinju and Nozomi entertained themselves with their toys or gnawed on teething rings. Samantha was laying on her back, dozing off and on. Next to her, Hiroshi was kneeling in meditation. Arrayed around their group, Renjiro, Fox, and Krystal were also on their knees and in deep meditation. Akina, Hinode, and Shinko sat in a nearby circle with their two canine, non-telepathic friends. "What's going on with them?" Bill asked. "They've been quiet since we left the Senate."

Hinode replied. "They are still coming to term with what they had to do the night that you fought those rogue telepaths." He then sighed and leaned against Shinko for comfort. "Using our mental powers to kill others is an act that none of us ever wants to even contemplate, no matter how necessary it was in this case."

Akina took over and explained. "Elder Hiroshi has been helping them cope, especially Fokkusu. He's still so new to such powers compared to the rest of us. So to suddenly find himself using his telepathy and telekinesis to destroy other minds just months after his powers awoke?...." she paused and gazed down at her hands. "This week's testimonies only dredged up all that unpleasantness they were trying to put behind them. And Katt Monroe's death has hit Fokkusu and Kurisutaru very hard."

Fay swallowed the lump in her throat even as tears started to well up in her eyes. "I miss Katt too. She was one of my best friends." In response, Bill drew her into his arms from behind and gave his girlfriend soft kisses behind her floppy ears. Hinode and Shinko were already nuzzling and kissing each other lightly, seeking comfort in their bond.

Sensing the growing emotions of desire and love from the two couples, Akina found herself wanting to be in her lover's arms. She got up from where she was and walked over to Renjiro to sit in front of her tod and lean back against him. She then drew his arms about her while nuzzling him under his chin.

Renjiro did not mind having his meditation interrupted, not when his soulmate desired comfort in the intimacy they shared. Every Cerinian in their gathering had already reverted to wearing their traditional, scant attires, including Samantha. So he was not hindered from reaching under his vixen's loincloth to slide a finger into her.

Aware of the growing emotions of love and desire beginning to bloom about them, Fox and Krystal ended their meditation. "We sense that we all need to celebrate being alive and able to love each other." they thought to the three other bonded couples around them.

Because of the bond of friendship and telepathic familiarity amongst them, a group mind link readily started to form itself. "After everything we've gone through, it will do us some good to give in to our desires for each other." Renjiro and Akina thought in agreement. To their surprise, they heard a new voice in their minds. "I had been so worried that I'd lose all that I've gained by joining your community. Now, I want nothing more than to make love to my dearest Hiroshi."

The three telepathic couples in their group stared at Hiroshi and Samantha. The red vixen was now wearing her husband's diadem, and had been drawn into the growing group mind link. She had already stripped herself of her bra and loincloth and was removing Hiroshi's loincloth with one single goal in mind that they could all read.

Many tails were wagging at the sight and lusty thoughts they were picking up from the middle-aged couple. Krystal and Fox then turned to look at the dogs in their gathering. They had paused in their make-out session and had noticed the growing passions on display among the Cerinians. "Bill, Fay, come sit with us."

Their canine friends scooted themselves over until they were facing Fox and Krystal. "Is this another celebration of love and life like we had just after the Paradign Shift scandal?" Bill asked.

"Yes. After everything that's happened, we all need the love and comfort of our mates, and we don't want you to feel left out." And so saying, Fox took his diadem off and Krystal removed her own focusing gem.

Realizing what they were suggesting, two canine tails began to wag. It was a testament to their familiarity, friendship, and trust that they so readily agreed to let themselves be drawn into the telepathic communion. Bill was soon wearing Fox's diadem while his girlfriend once again wore Krystal's string of pearls with its central ruby over her forehead. Following their vulpine friends' lead, Bill rested his forehead against Fox's and Fay rested hers against Krystal's, and they were soon drawn into the group mind link.

The emotions of love, passion, and desire from the three vulpine couples fed into the feelings that Bill and Fay had for each other and inflamed their own emotions. The canine couple let themselves be carried away and were soon both naked and kissing with a needful hunger for their mutual love for each other. And the same could be said of the other four couples.

Akina sat on Renjiro's lap, facing away from her bondmate while she impaled herself on her soulmate's maleness. With their love for each other was added a profound happiness to be alive, especially after everything they had endured. Renjiro caressed her pregnant belly, thankful for the baby sister she was carrying for him along with his soulmate's baby brother.

Next to them Hinode was orally pleasuring Shinko. The pregnant vixen was moaning and squirming under her bondmate's unrelenting tongue. As the healer in charge of the Legacy of Cerinia, he had implanted in Akina and many of the other vixens the zygotes that resulted from the eggs and sperm belonging to parents of each bonded couple. That included his dearest Shinko, who now carried her sister and his brother. They would effectively be an aunt and uncle to their own toddler pups waiting their return in New Cerinia.

Krystal was also thinking of her little brother Nozomi and sister Kushinju, who she had previously given birth to by virtue of the Legacy of Cerinia. They were currently curled up in their playpen near to their gathering. Completely naked and lying on her back with her legs spread apart, she gazed up at her soulmate and caressed his face with one hand while guiding his maleness into her with the other. As she felt him fill her, she thought back to that terrible moment when he had surrendered himself after slaying Gordon Striker. "I almost lost you today."

Sensing her becoming emotional, Fox laid down on top of his vixen, wrapping his arms and legs tightly around her while she clutched to him with her arms and legs. "I will never leave you." he thought to her even as he began to undulate his hips while running his fingers through her hair and along her ears and rubbing the side of his head against hers.

When she felt Fox project his love into her, thoughts of what could have happened gave way to what did happen. And she took comfort in his arms and in the pleasure of his length sliding in and out of her nethers.

Hiroshi once again felt incredibly fortunate to be in the position he was in. The revered elder was sprawled on his back with this beautiful, exotic vixen riding his length. Samantha was confident and strong-willed, and yet tender and loving towards him. She was everything a Cerinian tod could ever hope for in the matriarchal culture that he had grown up in. Ever since the destruction of his home world, Hiroshi had resigned himself to living a celibate life while guiding 24 young couples in rebuilding their civilization.

The middle-aged fox grew tearful at the thought that he was no longer alone. When Samantha sensed her soulmate become emotional, she laid down atop Hiroshi and wrapped her arms around him while she continued riding his length. When she had first fallen in love with him, she had never imagined experiencing the incredible intimacy that would result from binding her soul to his, and sharing all six senses with him, especially the sense of touch at this very erotic moment.

The strong, musky scent of four passionate vulpine couples permeating the air around them only added to the emotions of love, passion, and desire they were experiencing through the group mind link that Bill and Fay had been drawn into. Fay was no longer satisfied with just kissing and cuddling her boyfriend. To feel Bill's emotions of love and desire for her, and to hear his thoughts as well because of the group mind link, only added fuel to her own needful desires.

The she-dog broke away from her boyfriend and rolled onto her front and knees to raise her rump invitingly in the air. "Please Bill. Take me! I need to feel you inside me." She did not hold back her whining and moaning when her stud promptly mounted her and let his passion for her drive him. Even as he pounded into her, she took comfort in feeling his arms tightly wrapped around her waist and his hands groping and fondling her breasts.

Bill Grey would be forever grateful to Fox and Krystal for granting him and his girlfriend the privilege of actually hearing each other's thoughts and emotions. When his knot began to swell, he shortened his strokes to keep himself deeply buried in his girlfriend until they were tied. It was not long after that he reached his peak with a grunt and joined Fay in orgasmic bliss. "I love you, Fay. I love you so much!"

It did not take long before cries of joy were heard from the foxes around them as they also reached the apex of their respective pleasures. Sighs of contentment and emotions of sated love were shared among them. They each rejoiced in the companionship of their respective bondmates. Bill and Fay though could not help but take in the sight of Fox and Krystal making out in their post-coital afterglow while she sat impaled in his knotted maleness. Renjiro was spooning Akina from behind while they were laying on their sides, also tied together by his knot. Hinode was curled on top of Shinko while tenderly licking her on the top of her muzzle. Hiroshi took comfort under the weight of his red vixen who was pressing her forehead against his to soak up the love he was projecting into her mind.

Gazing at these four happily married couples, Bill shook his head to himself. "What is wrong with me? I really have no excuse for putting this off any longer." He tightened his arms around his girlfriend's waist. She really was the girl of his dreams, and he was already imagining spending the rest of his life with her, loving her, caring for her, and raising their pups with her.

And because they were part of the group mind link, Fay was able to hear and see these thoughts going through Bill's mind. She also picked up on a thought he had of a recent shopping trip to a jewelry store. She consequently grew tearful and felt her heart swell with unbound happiness upon realizing he was about to ask her that special question. Eight pairs of vulpine eyes were also fixed upon them, having also picked up on Bill's thoughts.

They watched Bill separate from his girlfriend the moment his knot had softened enough. Their eyes followed him as he rummaged through the pockets of his discarded pants. Eight vulpine tails began to wag madly when they saw him withdraw a small velvet case and understood the significance of what it represented.

Fay was about to shout her affirmative answer when Bill stopped her by holding up a finger. "Ah-Ah! You may be reading my mind now and know what I'm about to ask, but let me do it the proper way." He then knelt down on one knee and opened the small velvet case to reveal a diamond ring. "Fay Spaniel, my sweet, sweet girl, will you marry me?"

"Yes! Yes! I'll marry you, Bill Grey." Fay cried while throwing herself into her fiancé's arms.

Fox smiled to his wife. "Looks like we have another wedding to plan."


The wedding of Bill Grey to Fay Spaniel would be a quiet affair at the McCloud home, attended by all the members of Bulldog and Husky squadrons, along with Fara and Kei Phoenix, and Hiroshi and Samantha on behalf of the Cerinians who could not attend as the second round of births had just taken place. There were now 96 pups to care for in New Cerinia, increasing the entire population to 145, not counting the McClouds.

No paparazzo approached the McClouds or their friends ever again. The impunity with which Fox had slain Gordon Striker in front of everyone only enhanced their fear of the vulpine. In the special election that followed Uncia Frost's resignation, Felicia Tawny was elected chief minister. One of the first things she did was push for passage of a law forbidding any media outlet from publishing personal information on private citizens without their express permission to be interviewed.

Dash Bowman met with Chief Minister Tawny soon thereafter and the two had a long conversation. Afterwards, he left for Venom to become their emperor where he demanded reparations on behalf of his people. The Cornerian government then began negotiations with Emperor Dash and relations between the two worlds were eventually normalized, with embassies being established on Corneria and Venom.

In the coming days, it would became apparent that life would never be as it had been before. Fox chose to not have his reddish/brown fur restored, preferring to remain blue-furred like the other Cerinians, with whom he had a close bond. It would also serve as a reminder to anyone in the public who saw him as to why he had changed his colors. Most of all, Fox and Krystal had finally achieved their fondest goal: to live a peaceful life, full of love and friendship between themselves and their neighbors, where they and their children could go out in public without fear. In the end, it was all they had ever wanted.

The End


Fox McCloud took another deep breathe of the sea air and exhaled slowly as he continued to meditate with Krystal at his side. Both let their telepathy soak up their impressions of the surrounding wildlife that had made its home on their property. On summer days, the back garden of their home had become a favorite spot for their daily meditation, especially under the trees overlooking the seashore. He was now 42 years old, and his wife was 35.

Next month, Marcus would celebrate his 14th birthday, and a few weeks later, Ophelia would turn ten. Nozomi and Kushinju were now eight and looking very much like Krystal, though they still had no idea that she was really their sister. In the years since the unpleasantness with Gordon Striker and his rogue telepaths, they had two more children: a daughter named Michelle, or Misheru in Cerinian, who was now six years old, and a son named Lukas, or Rukasu in Cerinian, who was four years old.

So for the first time since it was built, the McCloud Family Estate was finally blessed with a large and full family. Thinking of children, Fox and Krystal were again reminded of the growing numbers in New Cerinia. The population had grown to 481. Even Madam Samantha had chipped in, giving Elder Hiroshi a brother and sister from the Legacy of Cerinia. With her and the 49 adult Cerinians now inundated with 431 children and another 48 on the way, they had to call for help. Social workers, who all had learned to speak Cerinian, were brought in to aid in caring for the large number of pups, leaving the adult Cerinians free to care for the infants and toddlers who had not yet learned to control their telepathy.

As they had promised themselves, Akina, Shinko, and all the other vixens had given birth to twins each year from the Legacy, with the following year being the tenth and final year. They would then focus on rearing and nurturing all those pups for the next ten years. Hiroshi was also busy as ever, teaching this new generation that was being resurrected from the ashes of their civilization's near destruction.

It also helped that the oldest children, who were now approaching adolescence, were aiding their parents in raising the younger pups. The coming ten-year respite in birthing children would allow this first generation to grow towards eventual adulthood where they would then take up the mantle of bringing forth the next generation from the Legacy. That was when their population would begin to grow exponentially.

Fox reached over next to him and intertwined his finger with Krystal's. Marcus and Ophelia had already taken upon themselves to plan with the younger children of their household a celebration for their parents. Next week would be their wedding anniversary: 15 years into an eternity of being One Mind, One Heart, One Soul.

Chapter 36: Aftermath

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Chapter 34: Cerinian Rescue

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