- ZOO - Woven Souls - A Feral's Love

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Owen. almost crippled with anxiety and other issues, finds strength in the unlikeliest of places - in the heart of a ESA trained Fallabella feral filly...

  • ZOO - Woven Souls - A Feral's Love

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

18th January, 2024

All Rights Reserved.

Outside the city, in a cozy dwelling gifted to him by his wealthy parents upon his college graduation, Owen, a mild-mannered mule deer stood on his front lawn. His head twisted to and fro, his large, leaf-like ears twitching and filtering the surrounding sounds of suburbia. With a quick glimpse through large, expressionate eyes, Owen uttered a quiet sigh, before he glanced at his wrist, checking the time for what felt like the five-thousandth time since he'd received the call that morning.

Nervously, the young buck shifted from one cloven hoof to the other, the weight of anticipation and growing stress mounting exponentially within him. Today marked the arrival of his new service companion, one would share its life with Owen and assist him - reciprocating the love he had always had for these loyal creatures.

Owen's large, expressive eyes, capturing the warmth of the late summer sun, squinted slightly as he pondered going back inside. He struggled with being alone out in the open - his species always had problems with anxiety and stress - and today - he was swiftly reaching his limits...

At last, a van slowly made its way down the street. Owen's adrenaline spiked within him, his nervousness rising, before it pulled up into his driveway. Stepping from the van, a human man, dressed in a suit and tie, walked over, holding his hand out towards the trembling stag.

"Mr. Hartwood? Is it?" He asked.

With a nervous smile, Owen timidly placed his paw in the human's hand. "Sorry, yes - that's...me."

"A pleasure meeting you, now, I can see you're distressed, so we'll skip formalities."

Turning back to the van, he gestured and another slid open the door, revealing a sight that had Owen audibly gasp.

There, standing gracefully in the van, was a most unexpected surprise.

"Allow me to introduce Willow, your new service companion. She's four years old, fully trained, and as you can see, quite diminutive, being a Falabella."

A ramp was placed, and a lead rope clipped to Willow's halter, as she gracefully stepped down and onto the grass, her gentle eyes looking around in curiosity as she advanced, then come to a stop, gazing up at the quivering stag.

Owen's eyes were wide, as he stared down at the little horse who gazed up at him, then gave a twitch of an ear and a playful nicker. Her fur was a chaotic blend of woodland brown and pristine white. Her forelock hung down over her eyes and her patchwork-coloured mane was like silk, as was her tail that was neatly trimmed just above her hind ankles. On her dainty little hooves, she wore hard-wearing leather booties, that were Velcro-strapped around her ankles.

"She's...beautiful - " Owen murmured. "A... I never expected a -"

With a quiet chuckle, the man nodded. "Given your circumstances, Sir, we decided a herbivore would be appropriate."

Willow tenderly nuzzled at Owen's paws, imprinting his scent on her, as she looked up expectantly, her bright fluorescent coat with SERVICE ANIMAL emblazoned on it, just below was DO NOT PET OR DISTRACT.

Lost for words, Owen knelt down, then tenderly cupped the curious filly's chin, touching his nose to hers. With a soft exhalation, Owen exchanged breaths with her, her ears flicking forwards and she blinked - from then on, she would be his loyal friend, and he, hers.

"She's fully trained, including house training - some minor modifications will be needed by you to accommodate her, but I'm certain she'll be welcomed."

Owen, his eyes locked on the filly before him, was almost oblivious, feeling his heart fluttering in his chest as he tenderly stroked her neck, feeling her silky smooth fur and immaculately brushed mane.

"Uh?" Owen squeaked, as he stood up, then blinked. "Oh, sorry, I was smitten by her, yes, of course, is there - "

"Sign here please - "

Owen scrawled his signature on the form, receiving a copy, before he folded it over and looked down at Willow, who gazed back at him with a look of intelligence and trust in her new owner.

"Formal registration papers will be sent to you in the post. Thank you, may she provide many years of service, and you, companionship and friendship."

With that, the two men got back into the van, reversing carefully, before they drove off, leaving the quivering deer holding the filly's leash, her standing obediently and quietly beside him - just as she would in the noisy, bustling city.

"Willow, what a beautiful name - " Owen spoke quietly, placing a paw lightly on her forehead, then tenderly stroking down towards her nose.

Lifting her head up, Willow blinked and watched him, her ears twitching as she listened to the world around her, but her primary senses attuning to him.

"Come on my lovely little girl - " Owen smiled, as he began walking back towards his house. "There's so much for you to see..."


Willow, once inside, was let off the lead rope, and she obediently followed as Owen led her around his small home. Her ears remained pricked forwards, gazing and sometimes even sniffing at things, as he watched and when she returned to his side, he'd move into another room.

By early evening, Willow knew every inch of Owen's home, to his surprise, she moved with a cautious grace, never once bumping something or even brushing against it. Owen sat on the couch, Willow gazing up at him expectantly.

Owen glanced at her, a slight frown touching his forehead. Curious, he patted the cushion beside him. With a tilt of her head, Willow looked from where he pat, back to him. She cautiously crept up onto the couch, her movements unsettled as the cushions gave beneath her weight. Kneeling, she looked up at him, her eyes filled with curiosity.

"Good girl, Willow! Very good!" Owen praised her, stroking her neck. "Excellent, you're very well trained!"

Willow, not understanding a word, merely nuzzled his chest gently.

"I never - imagined - you'd adapt so quickly, it's like you've always lived here, with me -"

Willow quietly nickered at him, her ears flicking forward as she kept her eyes on him. Owen swore he sensed a glimpse of the intelligence, and his admiration and adoration of Willow deepened with every moment.

"You're beautiful, intelligent, and...amazing - "

Willow blinked, before she playfully nuzzled his chest again, then to his surprise, she lay her delicate head down on his lap, lying as comfortably as if she'd always done it with him.

Owen smiled down at Willow, his heart filled with love for his new companion. Her playful nuzzling and the unexpected act of laying her head on his lap deepened the connection between stag and filly. Her trust in him, and willingness to be close, brought comfort and peace to Owen's anxieties.

"You're more than I could ever have hoped for, Willow," Owen murmured, his fingers tenderly running through her mane. "I've never felt this...understood, by anyone."

Willow, seemingly attuning through unknown means, to Owen's emotions, gazed up through her forelock. Her presence calmed him, she could smell his scent, and in this, she was content. As they further bonded, Owen continued to caress her, sharing his hopes and dreams for them together. Willow listened attentively, occasionally responding with a gentle nicker or a playful nuzzle, affirming her adoration for her new owner.

"We'll have to go to town tomorrow - I need to get you some feed, and - " Willow's voice trailed away, as he slid his paw lightly along Willow's side.

One again, Willow merely gazed up at him, his words meaning nothing to her, her entire existence dependant, and controlled, by Owen - but she sensed in this nervous, shy, and confused creature, a kind, warm heart - in this, Willow found contentment.


As weeks turned to months, Owen found newfound freedom from his anxieties, Willow by his side every step of the way. When he began to become overwhelmed whilst, in public, Willow would lead him away from what she perceived as the cause, letting him draw strength and comfort from her gentle nickers and soft nuzzles. Their bond had grown into something profound - and unexpected. Willow, although she was a feral Falabella, displayed a depth of concern and bond with the Mule deer that transcended anything Owen had ever experienced with another service animal.

There began to form an unspoken understanding between them, an invisible thread, that one early afternoon, the inquisitive and intelligent Falabella decided to explore...


In the quiet moments of his home, Owen caressed Willows's silky mane, then he began to notice an unusual and subtle shift in her demeanor. Her bright eyes gazed at him, then with a gentle nicker, Willow nudged his chin - and to his delight and surprise, she gave a shy, furtive lick.

"Easy girl,"

Owen laughed quietly, as he picked a piece of carrot out of a bowl, then held his fingers flat, letting her delicately take it from his outstretched fingers. Grateful for the treat, Willow nickered again, then looked at the couch and then back at Owen.

"You - " Owen pondered. "You want up? You want to lay on the couch with me?"

With a gentle snort - unusual from her, Willow nuzzled him again, her multi-colored tail slowly swishing from side to side.

"My beautiful, sweet girl - what's wrong?" Owen asked her, growing alarmed and concerned at her surprising change in behavior.

Willow nickered again, before, seemingly exasperated, backed up four paces, before she turned about and backed up, her tail lifting and draping over Owen's left shoulder, before she nickered and looked back at him.

"Willow!" Owen gasped, his eyes wide and a nervous gasp escaping him. "No,no...we...we..."

Owen was shocked, in all these months, his beloved companion had been nothing but loyal and responsive - now this side of her... he didn't quite understand.

Gazing back at him, Willow blinked, before she trembled and stepped away, letting her tail trail down over his shoulder, as if sensing in him his confusion. Again, Willow lifted her tail, tilting her head slightly and nickering loudly, as if trying to...

Suddenly, realization spread over Owen's face, and his mouth fell open and his ears went back, as he realized what that unusual scent was.

"Oh...oh Willow..." Owen nervously laughed, then gestured.

Obediently, Willow approached and nuzzled him, her playful lips pinching delicately at his shoulder before she gave a light nibble - her way of expressing her affection. It didn't hurt him, if anything, it reinforced the bonds between them both.

"You're...really I mean - "

Willow moved from one hoof to the other, gazing up with a look of intense compassion and adoration for her owner. With a nicker, then a whinny, Willow struggled - reaching out how her instinct and desire drove her - struggling to breach this almost insurmountable gap between their disparate worlds.

"You're..." Owen whispered, cupping her chin and gazing into Willow's eyes intently. "You're in season - aren't you..."

Owen reached out, extending his paw and gently stroking along Willow's neck, a silent gesture of love and understanding. His surprise was unmistakable, yet beneath it, was a growing curiosity mixed with a healthy dose of bewilderment.

Kneeling down, Owen cupped her chin again, as Willow gazed at him, then playfully nudged his shoulder, her tail swishing faster.

"Willow, my sweet - " Owen's flush made his ears turn a pale red, as he shuddered and looked away, his gaze coming back as his filly nuzzled him. "When...years ago - I... I was at a friend's farm and..."

Willow snorted softly through her nostrils, his words meaningless to her, only her growing awareness as her nostrils perceptibly flared and she glanced down, then back at him, her ears pricking forwards in curiosity.

"... you noticed - " Owen laughed timidly. "I mean, I had... a... a_thing_... with a pony mare -"

Again, Willow nuzzled him, glancing down, then back up before she spun about and again slapped her tail up over his right shoulder - and Owen laughed in guilt and embarrassment - as he tenderly pulled aside a few tail hairs and glanced at Willow's dark, leathery folds.

To his surprise, Willow lifted her tail as high as she could - gazing back at him, before she trembled and her labial folds twitched - showing a bright red and slick muscular wall, a tight tunnel leading upwards - before her labia closed again, a small dribble of clear, slick liquid dripping from the bottom of it and dripping to the floor.

With a nervous giggle, Owen looked around, then smiled and tenderly placed a paw on Willow's rump, giving her a comforting petting. Willow nickered at him, again, gazing back with a look of absolute trust as she took a step backward - her invitation written largely in her body language and her eyes...

"Alright, alright!" Owen nervously swallowed, then took a few shallow, panting breaths.

With an encouraging nicker, Willow twitched expectantly, as Owen playfully fluttered his fingers up and down her labia - watching as Willow trembled and her folds winked in increasingly stronger and rapidity.

Giggling, Owen leaned forward, his slender, tapered muzzle and black nose, lightly touching Willow's folds. He inhaled her scent, sighing in pleasure, watching as her clitoris poked out like a button as her labia winked once more. As he took in her scent and willingness, his own urges began to surge within him.

"First...things first, my love - " Owen murmured gently, his furred fingers lightly prying apart her folds, as his slender, pink tongue tantalizingly probed the edges.

It was everything he'd remembered from his first time with a mare...and more...

Willow squealed and her folds crushed down on Owen's tongue as his eyes went wide and he giggled deep in his throat. Almost instantly, the tightness of her grip relented and her quivering told him he was bringing her immense pleasure and satisfaction. He tilted his head slightly, his tongue curling and probing inside her, the heat from her vaginal folds almost brought him to orgasm there and then - as he closed his eyes and worked on Willow.

Tenderly, he licked, nuzzled, and even lipped playfully - Willow nickering, squealing, and pushing back against him.

"Mmmph!" Owen bleated, pulling his head back. "Woah, easy Willow...easy..."

Shuddering, Willow just looked back at him, flicking her dainty ears forward and gazing adoringly at him.

"I know my dear, but...please - I'm new to this...and you... just try...to be a little more - patient with me... please?"

Willow blinked, yet again, not a word he said made any connection, it was more the tone and his body language, that made her quiver and snort playfully through her nostrils at him.

With a quiet chuckle, his right paw holding the root of Willow's tail tenderly, the other playfully feathering and tickling her, Owen resumed his sensual licking and nuzzling. As he relaxed into it and genuinely began to enjoy it, Willow stepped from one hind hoof to the other and back again, her body growing increasingly aroused with every nuzzle, kiss, and lick.

Owen's nostrils and lower muzzle were soon slick with a mix of her vaginal secretions and his own saliva before Willow suddenly squealed and Owen gasped, as he felt her push backward, his nose and partial muzzle pushed hard against her folds as her first maregasm flowed through her like an electrical current. Clear, viscous fluids filled his muzzle, as he swallowed repeatedly, feeling the crushing strength of the labial and vaginal muscles until at last Willow snorted and gave a full-body tremble, a few loose hairs floating lazily in the breeze as she dropped her head and panted heavily, her flanks wet and chest heaving.

Carefully, Owen pulled his head back, then wiped his nose on his forearm and sat back on his haunches, trembling and panting himself. His pants tented uncomfortably, his arousal straining against the boxer shorts he wore, his desire, it was more than that, the primal _lustful_need... flooding his young body.

Placing his quivering paws on Willow's rump, Owen patted and caressed her, as he shivered and moaned softly.

"Wil...Willow..." He rasped, then swallowed a few times, clearing his sticky throat. "Oh, honey - that was..."

Willow twitched and dropped her tail before she moved away and circled back, lovingly nuzzling her owner and nickering at him, before lipping playfully at his shoulder. Owen smiled, wrapping his arms around her neck and burying his slick, sticky muzzle against the side of her neck, giving her warmth, love, and affection, which the eager Falabella returned threefold.

"I...did we - " Owen panted, resting his forehead against her neck, caressing and cuddling her. "I mean... I'm... not a..."

Leaning gently against him, Willow smelt the conflicting emotions, and the tonal voice change, triggered her training to offer comfort and emotional support.

"I'm...alright Willow," Owen's muffled voice came, as he kissed and stroked her neck. "I'm alright, truly - what...how...did I deserve such an amazing companion...like you?"

Willow pondered, her ears twitching, before she turned her head and playfully bunted his shoulder with her nose, before she looked down and back up at him - her beautiful eyes widening slightly.

"What...what do you want?" Owen asked, sitting back on his haunches again, as he tenderly cupped her chin. "Hungry? Thirsty? No?..."

With a tentative nicker, Willow rested her head against his chest and playfully pushed him back. With a startled bleat, Owen fell backward, and then Willow looked down and curiously lipped at the tightly tented bulge.

"Eeek!" Owen gasped, sitting up and lightly pushing the curious filly's nose away. "No, no Willow!"

Confused, she stepped back and looked at him, her tail swishing slowly from side to side.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice at you, you're curious and...no, that's not a carrot I'm hiding in my pants, Willow..."

Blinking her eyes, Willow nuzzled him again, tenderly lipping at his shoulder.

"It's...difficult to make you understand, just...just wait - please?"

In the quietness of Owen's home, where Willow, with a flick of her ear, stood patiently, ready to wait for her bonded owner, sensing in her own way, his needs and desires.

Owen, with a subtle awkwardness, rose from his kneeling position and stood. With a shudder, he began to undress, slipping his shirt off the guiding his fingers down into the waistline of his shorts. As he lowered them, revealing the pale brown and white hips, there was a distinctive large wet stain on the front of his boxer shorts. With a nervous giggle, Owen stepped out of the clothes, kicking them aside with one cloven hoof.

Willow's keen eyes followed, her head turning, as she moved over to the discarded garments. Without hesitation, she lowered her head, and using her strong lips and teeth, she picked them up and brought them back to him, a gesture of unmistakable loyalty and assistance.

"Good girl, very clever!" Owen praised her, a smile playing across his lips as he ruffled her forelock tenderly. "Thank you, but I did not need you to bring them, but, you did - so thank you for your thoughtful offer."

Willow blinked, gazing at him as she bobbed her head up and down, offering them to Owen. His smile persisted, as he gently stroked her, expressing a deepening connection between the filly and himself. With a light touch, he took the clothes from her and set them on a spare sofa chair.

"Now, Willow..." Owen murmured, placing his paw under her chin, as her eyes dropped and then looked back up at him. "I'd...can we..."

Willow frowned slightly at him, her tail swishing as she struggled to understand.

Crouching down, so he was more on her eye level, Owen smiled and kissed her velvety nose tenderly.

"Willow, my dear companion," Owen whispered, quietly and gently. "You've become - quite attuned to me, and my home. I'd...with your permission - I'd like to try something...new with you, is that alright?"

Willow blinked again, before swishing her tail and giving a gentle nuzzle, happy to follow him anywhere and do whatever he wanted - to the limits of her equine physiology of course.

Owen sighed, a twinge of frustration tugging at him as he grappled with the challenges facing them both. He didn't know how to truly convey his thoughts and words to Willow, who, whilst very intelligent and curious, followed as best she could, sometimes the lack of words was almost insurmountable.

Shaking off those momentary doubts, he stood and patted the couch, gesturing for Willow to join him. As she began to kneel with her forelegs, Owen gently placed a paw on her neck, prompting her to look at him inquisitively.

"No, my sweet - I'd like...you to lay down, here - like this," Owen explained, his voice carrying a mixture of reassurance and encouragement.

Helping her back to all four hooves, Owen settled onto the couch, his head resting on a cushion. He held his paws close to his chest, trying to simulate Willow's hooves, his own hind hooves resting comfortably in a relaxed position.

Willow twitched one ear, signaling her almost insatiable curiosity. Owen climbed off the couch, and with patient guidance, Willow attempted to follow her owner's posture. With a gentle wriggle, she lay on her back, forelegs tucked close to her chest, her head and neck resting on extra, soft cushions. A soft nicker escaped her as she swished her tail slowly on the couch.

"Excellent, well done!" Owen praised her, looking down. "That's...perfect my love!"

Willow squirmed, finding it a little uncomfortable, but if it made him happy, she would endure for as long as he desired.

"Now, easy my dear - I'm going too..." Owen murmured, as he knelt down behind her, placing a paw lightly on her belly and tenderly rubbing the soft fur.

With a tremble, Willow tried to wriggle, so she could see him, but his quiet words stopped her and she returned to a calm, restful state.

"You're...so beautiful and...trusting of me - " Owen murmured, tentatively. "Now... I'd like..."

Willow twitched and squealed softly, as something lightly brushed against her slick, sticky labia.

"Shh, easy girl," Owen whispered quietly, his fingers sliding down her broad belly, then lovingly fluttering over her teats and giving her udder a gentle squeeze. "I would never...hurt...you, you know..."

Owen eased himself forwards, before he gasped, feeling Willow's labial muscles squirm as he ever so carefully eased his penile head inwards. As he groaned at the increasingly tightening folds and Willow's nickering, Owen took a few panting breaths, then a slight rocking of his hips and he hilted himself inside her. Willow squealed - but it wasn't one of fright or pain - more of confusion, swiftly up-scaling into a quavering nickering.

"Will - " Owen wheezed, lost in the moment.

Willow squirmed and nickered again, twisting her head to the side to glance side-eyed at her owner, her ears snapping forward as she blinked and let her warmth flow both for the comfort and pleasure of her owner. In her own way, as he carefully and gently mated with her, Willow derived a strange pleasure from this intimacy, not that she truly had the thoughts to give rise to the emotions and sensations her mind was. It was more - instinctual, primal in nature - all she knew, was she could sense and smell, her owner's pleasure and happiness - which in turn fed back to her own similar, if more primitive, emotions.

Gently, Owen pulled back, shuddering as Willow's labia slapped close with a wet, sticky squelch, before winking even faster than before. Once more, he eased inside her, feeling the slick, powerful muscular contractions as they rippled down his enfolded penis and sent his senses into meltdown.

With a gurgle, Owen thrust once more, and Willow nickered at him before he gripped her hind legs up near her ankles and began to convulse as he slapped his groin against hers, grinding his hips as he felt his orgasm surging. Willow squealed in alarm before her eyes went wide and instinctually, he body reacted to what it perceived as a stallion - squeezing and winking her labia and milking his length for the hot fluids that warmed her from the inside out.

Wheezing and gasping, Owen collapsed forwards onto Willow, who snorted and twitched, before she wriggled slightly and draped her forelegs over his sweaty shoulders, giving her attempt at a warm, loving cuddle.

"I'm...sorry Will - " Owen moaned, his hot breath rippling her shoulder fur. "I did not...you're so..."

Willow blinked and awkwardly nuzzled at him, not understanding what they'd shared, but through his scent, she knew she'd shared something special...and was more than happy to bring such feelings to him again.

"I...love you..." Came his broken voice, his shivering body against hers. "More than...you might know - I...what we have..."

With a curious snort, Willow lipped playfully at his chin. Owen shivered, still remaining inside her, hilted and feeling Willow's labial muscles squeezing down tightly.

"I guess..." Owen mused aloud, then shivered and looked down, tenderly bumping his leathery nose against her velvety one. "You're...not done yet..."

Willow gazed back up at him, her eyes wide and expressionate, before she flicked her ears curiously forwards and began to playfully squeeze with her vaginal muscles again, watching with peculiar delight, her owner's expressions as he moaned and began to move in time with her.


Years later, Willow lay on the grassy hill, her chin resting on Owen's lap, his legs folded and tucked beside him, then with a soft sigh, Owen reached down and stroked his paw lightly along Willow's shoulder. Through her love and trust in him, he had managed to drive back the worst of his anxieties - becoming much more relaxed and at ease with the world around him - and people in general.

Willow's gentle nickers brought a sense of peace and a deep, emotional bond that this equine and the stag both shared.

"Yes, my dear, sweet mare - " Owen laughed quietly, stroking her ears adoringly. "I know, I love you too...you've brought - so much out in me, and I'm forever going to be thankful..."

Her ears flicked to and fro for a moment, before she made a querulous snort and looked up.

"Yes," Owen snickered, leaning down and lovingly kissing Willow on the forehead. "Especially with that _special_bond we share... It will be our secret my sweet, I promise..."

Before Owen realized it, Willow stood and shook her diminutive self off, a few hairs floating away before she nuzzled Owen and he placed a paw on her shoulder and stood up. Her eyes took on that look she had when she realized it was 'work' time, and standing loyally beside him, Willow dropped her head and picked up her lead rope, holding it up for him, her tail swishing.

"Alright, alright - " Owen laughed quietly. "You think it's time we went home..."

As he took it from her, Willow willingly dropped it into his outstretched hand, Owen smiled and began walking, Willow happily and obediently by his side, every step of the way...

They shared more than just a connection - a companion service animal with its beloved owner - indeed - it transcended that of normality, truly, their two souls had been woven into a tapestry that few would understand...