[SNEAK PEEK] Quick Snack

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Ion eats some seeds. They're probably fine.This is just a preview; the full story will go live next month, but if that's simply too long to wait, head over to my Subscribestar to read it, and other stories like it, before everyone else~!

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Quick Snack

Subscriber Reward for Izzy (Jan 2024)

By Limewah

Featuring characters and setting from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon



Ion's stomach was growling non-stop, to the point that it was making the Shinx whimper loudly. He was still holding his satchel open, digging around for something, anything that could at least satisfy his craving slightly. But he had no snacks left, not even crumbs...

When he got out of this dungeon - there was no if - he would remember not to overdo it on the snacking, or at least pack some extra treats...

Once he figured out how to get out of here. Retracing his steps was even harder on an empty stomach, and he wasn't sure if he was making wrong turns in the mostly identical cave...

His heart leapt when he saw a shaft of sunlight coming from a nearby room. His stomach leapt for joy, too, when he saw several bright green bushels and small trees, reaching up towards the light and glistening with dewy drops of cave-water.

They were absolutely covered with berries and nuts of all sorts. And.... There was a big sack too, which he could see was overflowing with seeds of its own.

"Oh, thank Arceus..." he moaned, scrambling towards them as his stomach rumbled with anticipation. Now, some of them were certain to have some adverse effects on him, but that was a problem for future Ion, not present, hungry-as-hell Ion.

He nosed the pouch open, taking a deep inhale of that nutty smell. There was a broad mixture of brightly coloured seeds, thrown together with very little rhyme or reason. He was aware that eating unidentified random snacks could have some inconvenient effects...

But one or two wouldn't kill him.

Or five.

He carefully took a few into his palm(maybe more than five). The nutty sweet taste filling his mouth as he crunched. They would have tasted better toasted, but..


He felt his eyes cross inward, and his brain did a little flip. His vision smeared at the edges, and the hint of snout at the bottom of his vision was thrown into sharp focus.

Oh... they were X-eye seeds.

The Shinx's eyes were pushed inwards, crossing towards the middle and throwing him completely off balance

"Nngh!" His legs got wobbly, and a bout of vertigo made him pirouette in place before he managed to get his footing, bobbing from one leg to the other as he giggled.

"Mmmmmaybe five's too musch," He said, his tongue lolling out of his slurring mouth. He would have bitten his tongue if his jaw was articulate enough to close... it definitely was not, though. He started to laugh; he must have looked so ridiculous with his slack jaw and crossy eyes! It was an open-mouthed, full throated gurgle, the sort of noise a slow-witted Snorlax might make. His laughs made him laugh even more - he sounded so funny...!

Maybe it was the laughter cutting off air, or the thick air of the cave as it was, but Ion began to get light-headed. His head was getting swimmier, and his eyes felt like they were trying to go criss-crossed even more than they already were... He stumbled and fell right onto his butt.

"Oof!! Huh huh huh...." He gurgled. He looked around the cave.

What was he doing here again...? Whatever it was, he was having a hard time remembering, like all of his thoughts were being sloshed around in a big pot before they could congeal and form.

From where he was, he was in paw's reach of some of those bushels. He at least could remember that he was still hungry, and that the seeds tasted good, and that everything else would probably taste great too.

It was hard to see what he was grabbing, since everything that wasn't his nose was a blurry mess. But he bapped at some berries, feeling some of them burst in his hand as he guided them to his mouth and sluggishly ate them off of the cave floor. He lapped up the tangy juice and tried to get the bits of seeds from his teeth. His head was spinning even more, wicking away his thoughts, his sense of place, and his sense of self...

Then he felt another spinning sensation between his legs, and something began to pump and stiffen. It brushed against the floor, and he fell back onto his haunches again, watching it grow before him. It had a shaft that looked a lot like his fur, like a big sock wrapped around a weird pink shape. He cautiously reached out to rub his hands against the base, and it felt really good to touch. He squished his fingers into it and felt a little thunderbolt go through his thighs and right down to his toes. The big fleshy thing was dribbling something slick and clear, too...

It was his pe...

His peen..


No, he didn't recognize it. Just what was it...?

To read the rest of this early, Subscribe!
