[DolphinSanity] Easy Prey

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ft. @@certifiedgsd

Latex encasement, hypnosis, and assimilation. Askim the GSD gets ambushed by Tarrex. A struggle ensues, but the latex beast soon has a firm hold upon his target.(1.6k words)

After all these years, I'm still very pleased with it. Tarrex starts to show hints of who he came from with his charm and narcissism. Even though this story is pretty short, DolphinSanity transformed this mindless latex symbiote trope into a seductive, sentient creature and kickstarted his further evolution into...well, you'll see.>

This series is part of my Canon Lore!Check out the prequel series: https://bit.ly/TeryxC_Story_RainStormFor more of my stories, check out: https://bit.ly/TeryxC_Stories

Commission from @@DolphinSanityhttps://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/dolphinsanity/

Easy Prey

Tarrex Shots: Chapter 2

For TeryxC by DolphinSanity


There's often a feeling of communal safety in the bright lights and crowded streets of an evening downtown. Askim the GSD certainly felt safe enough as he strode along in his black suit with white shirt and tie. His black-rimmed glasses were freshly clean. He looked, and felt, sharp and confident.

When he smelled the strange, tar-like odor, he should have moved on. It wasn't even a strong smell, but the presence of it at all to his sensitive canine nostrils made it a puzzle he had to solve.

Two steps out of the light and into the darkness of an alley between two of the buildings. Two steps, and he found himself caught in... something.

...Something that swept up his legs, caressed his ankles, flowed both over and under his clothing as it spiralled up the length of his body.

"What th--aahhhkmph!"

One second, and one second only. Askim startled, speaking in confusion for the briefest of instants before trying to cry out -- only to find a tendril of goo wrapping firmly around his muzzle and holding it tightly shut. He then tried lunging forward -- only to find his waist becoming similarly engulfed. In desperation he put all of his arm and leg strength into a forward lunge and just... crumpled forward a bit, his knees bending as he found his neck straining.

"Control the hips, control the head, control the person~" a disturbingly smooth male voice said from the darkness behind Askim's right ear. "You'll find me especially good at that second part."

The GSD tried to scream but found it impossible to make more than a growl, which did not impress the creature despite how angry it sounded. Askim's eyes could just make out the shape of a draconic claw-hand reaching in from the side, before it plucked his glasses from his face. He expected to hear them hit the ground a moment later, but they never did. He could hear a slurping, sloshing sound as oozing latex continued to snuggle inward past his fur and against his skin.

"Mm," continued the creature, "and these are synthetic threads, right...?"

Askim could hear it chuckling as the clothing simply dissolved, his body being rendered progressively more naked in a matter of seconds. Everywhere the clothing disappeared, the fluidic monster would squeeze inward against him. For just a moment, the one article left intact was his underwear... until he felt something pressing in firmly against the rear of the fabric. At first it could've been mistaken for a finger, until the fibers dissolved under its pressure and allowed the creature's thick cock to prod inward against his pucker.

"The name is Tarrex, by the way," said the creature, now in a tone of genuine seduction as tendrils of latex began to enfold Askim's scalp and tease into his ears. "Why so scared? That much fear won't help. You only need enough fear to realize that you should give yourself to me."

Askim was breathing more... slowly. His thoughts were starting to clear, or what he thought counted as clearing. Somehow the creature's voice, and the cooling feeling of the latex starting to penetrate his skin, melding with it... it was making him feel things. He had a rush of memories... times in his life when he had felt so alone and would've given anything to have someone else around, even one person. One warm person to hold him... tight...

Shlup... shlup... scrunch...

The encasing latex continued to pack tighter in around Askim. From all around, his muscles felt squeezed at first, almost to the point of bruising. Then all their tension faded away as a cascade of warm, prickly feelings replaced it. Soon the liquid monstrosity was penetrating every fiber of his body, connecting with it and assimilating it into a new instrument of Tarrex's will.

I hope you like power... and pleasure, cooed the symbiote, now directly into his thoughts. I've got all of it. Just keep me warm... make me whole, until you're all used up. Then you'll live in in me forever, just like all of my adorers eventually will...

The words were accompanied by a surge of the same emotions he would normally feel while being seduced by someone in the past... an unnatural, too-strong surge of lust that he knew wasn't right. Nevertheless, even as Askim renewed his efforts to break free in both mind and body, Tarrex was closing in: wreathing his average abs with the symbiote's rubbery eight-pack... encircling his sheath and firmly suction-coaxing his balls. A moan of confusion and arousal escaped him as the dragon's face crept around to encompass his, the sheen of Tarrex's latex perfection beginning to either replace or enhance Askim's own features as the dragon saw fit.

It was at that moment that the cock stopped teasing his pucker and snaked its way in. It should've felt too big to take... yet it was flexible, squeezable, fitting its way inside of Askim before then relentlessly expanding and creating an intense pressure within him.

Forget your primitive notions of separation. Embrace the greater "I," just as it embraces you.

Pre leaked into Askim's bulging sheath, forced out by the constant pressure against his prostate. That feeling of the goo-cock shifting within him only grew more maddening as the rest of the encasement progressed. The way it engulfed his head should have been suffocating, yet Askim soon felt no need to breathe on his own. He became smoother but pointier -- ears tall and proud, snout longer and with more dragonish fangs while still retaining the noble breadth of the shepherd muzzle. He also became erect -- so very, hopelessly erect, and his shaft immediately became encircled and augmented by a latex "skin" of ridged draconic girth. The liquid paid special attention to his knot as well, coaxing at it and filling it out to greater size.

Every bit as much as the goo was encasing Askim's body... so too were its less visible tendrils probing down into his thoughts... one might say his very soul. Eventually, it found the darker parts it wanted. It unstoppered the pipes of desire that lurked within most people if one knew where to find them. The goo opened up Askim's desire to be greater... and shoved itself inside to fill the void.

The most worrying thing should have been that his thoughts were growing hazy, and quieter , as this happened. It was as if his mind were a radio whose station was inexorably being dialed toward Tarrex's own. The fear and the struggling faded, replaced by a growing arrogance, lust, and insistence upon self-pleasure.

He looked down at himself and took hold of the thickened dogmeat he had helped to create. They... no, he , Tarrex alone, had claimed this flesh and would craft it as he desired, keeping the original mind subdued into no more than a drone. After all, it was the nature of greatness to eclipse the weak.

Tarrex stroked himself, continuing to play with the shaft's design. Did he want a bit of spiny texture today? Additional ribbing for his own pleasure? He fluidly teased himself with each of the possibilities, feeling the host body's now-helpless status as a sack of meat and nerves for his use. This sweet, warm flesh... so pent up and eager for him...

"Heh... haah..."

He formed a spiky mane for himself, expanding upon the shepherd's modest neck fur, but kept the pronounced snout and animalistic nether-assets. He leaned against the nearest wall and squatted slightly, pressing his back and tail against it as he jerked himself. Then he stopped jerking and merely folded his arms and stared as he milked the cock with the small sucking motions of his own flexible mass. His muscles continued to bulk out and chisel themselves into those of a warrior worthy of a comic book -- a perk of the added mass that assimilating the dog had granted him.

All the while, the host was submerged under the weight of Tarrex's overpowering personality. He was Tarrex, even though he now also had Askim's memories and mental processes. The greater subsumed the lesser, just as it was meant to be.

Tarrex ejaculated into his own latex mass, catching the seed as if he were his own condom. He continued milking the cock relentlessly after that, clamping on the knot and making it feel like it was stuck and engaging in a marathon of rounds of sex. All the while he continued to admire himself, the darkness no impediment to his vision as he watched his arms, legs, pecs, abs, and glutes all shape themselves according to his current whim.

When he was finished with this masturbatory round of "calibrating" his new form, Tarrex redirected the captured seed back inside his body -- waste not, want not -- and chose to grant himself a proper opening so that he could dispense it all into the next person fortunate enough to wind up beneath him. He would stabilize his form soon, but he needn't settle in as a perfect copy of the quaint GSD body he remembered... at least not yet. The night was young, after all, and he was out on the town with plenty of fun to be had. The memories of his various friends and acquaintances were already generating a list of targets for his... unique affections.

When the strange dragon-dog left the alleyway a few minutes later, it would be to slip directly into the backdoor of a local gay bar -- and straight over to the most likely haunt of one of his friends. He wondered if they'd appreciate his new look... but, whether they did or not, he felt sure he could teach them to see it his way.

[DolphinSanity] Bathed in Perfection

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