Getting Into the Holiday Spirit

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It's the holiday season and Danny finds it to all be overwhelming, especially in getting gifts. Fortunately there is a rubber raptor salesmen that had just the thing for people to get into the spirit of the season by also getting them into a drone suit.

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Danny couldn't think of a worse time during the year then holiday shopping; not only where all the stores usually packed but he often couldn't even find what he was looking for, which often led to him just buying whatever he could find and calling it a day. He had attempted to mitigate that this year by trying to get all his shopping done early but as the holiday deals rolled out so did those looking to capitalize on them. It didn't help that the mall closest to him often had product demos and huge advertisements that would take up most of the space. That meant being squeezed between all manner of people while trying not to lose his mind.

After a few hours he had managed to get most of the gifts that he had been looking to and was just about to call it a day as he went through the dreaded center of the mall to take the fastest route back to the parking lot. As he made his way through the mulling crowd he happened to see what was in the central display and it caused the man to do a double take. It was a closed display from a popular manufacturing company that specialized in creating suits and accessories for those that enjoyed being subservient, often completely covering their bodies in rubber. In essence they created drones; but given the controversies that surrounded their technology it was the last thing Danny expected to find in the middle of a busy mall.

Though it had never really been his things the curiosity of how such a company was getting into the holiday spirit, plus the fact that he wasn't moving quickly through the center of the mall anyway, prompted him to push forward until he got to the door of the display. As soon as he was inside he had to present his identification card and once it was accepted an inner door opened and allowed him into the structure proper. When the doors opened he was almost immediately greeted with several people completely dressed up and it almost caused him to laugh. Not only were they in festive greens and reds or other holiday patterns but there were quite a few that had taken on the appearance of festively-themed animal creatures.

As Danny went up to one of the men that was dressed head to toe in rubber and bound up with striped ribbon he suddenly felt the presence of someone next to him. "Our wrapping ribbon is quite the best seller," the man said, Danny turning to see that they not only had a gimp suit on themselves but the silver rubber was in the form of a velociraptor. "My name is Klaine, I'm the head of sales for this little pop-up here. Is there anything that I can help you with today?"

"I suppose I'm just browsing I guess," Danny replied as he shook Klaine's hand, trying not to look at the rubber suit that left little to the imagination of the raptor's body. "I am curious on how the entire process works, given that I can't imagine there are a lot of people that would want to be drones for any length of time."

"You would be surprised," Klaine explained with a slight smirk on his muzzle as he pointed to another of the standard drones. "For some the need to serve is just underneath the surface, and with our patented technology we are able to bring that bubbling up to take control. With our current promotion we also add a little holiday cheer to our drones which can be dismissed at any time."

"So you're saying that anyone can be a drone?" Danny asked, Klaine nodding in reply as the man looked back at the drone he had been investigating previously. Though he had just gone in to look about there was something about the sleek rubber creatures that had become more enticing the more he looked at them, especially Klaine as he mentioned the promotions they were running and holiday discounts on offer. "Well... I do have a few last minute gifts I need to give."

"I can already see your wheels are turning," Klaine said with a chuckle. "Why don't I show you a few different models and see if we can make sure some people on your list have a very merry Christmas..."

About two hours later Danny finally got home to his apartment, letting out a deep sigh of relief as he finally managed to get out of the snarls of traffic that were all over the city. As he looked around while he put down all the parcels he had gained over the trip he could tell that only one of his three roommates were in at the moment. Even with it being the holidays the other two were probably at work, which meant that the one currently sitting on the couch was Jack. He didn't even look back to regard him as Danny got his coat hung up and moved all the packages from the floor to the living room, all save for four that he had specifically kept separately from the rest.

It wasn't until he entered into the other man's field of vision and tossed down a box on his lap did Jack finally tear his eyes from the show he was watching to look at it. "What's this?" Jack asked in surprise as he looked the package over. "You got me something?"

"Consider it an early Christmas gift," Danny replied. "I managed to get a pretty good deal on it." As he sat down with the soda he had grabbed from the fridge the other man looked over the box before finding the way to open it. Once he had found it he put it on his lap and took the lid off, which immediately both began to hear holiday-themed music playing as a red and green glow shimmered from the box.

"I, uh... don't know what to say," Jack said as he picked up the first thing that was in the box, pulling out the gas mask that was inside. It was a festive red and green rubber with a muzzle that had a pair of filters sticking out of it while the tinted lenses shifted back and forth between the same two colors. "Like, really don't know..."

Danny could see the confusion on the other man's face, but as the music continued to play and he kept looking it over there was something else there. From what Klaine had told him the effect of their technology would be apparent as soon as the box was open, and though he doubted it a bit he could see that the initial repulsion at getting such a lewd gift was quickly ebbing away. "As soon as I saw it I thought of you," Devin said as he gave the subliminal programming more time to work, watching as the eyes of the other man slowly became fixated on the gas mask he held in his hands. "I wasn't sure if it was exactly your cup of tea but decided to give it a shot, why don't you at least put it on and see how good you look in it?"

Though there looked like Jack was about to have some initial resistance to the suggestion Devin could see that the words he had just said were sinking in as he adjusted the plugs that were in his own ears. After muttering something about it being rude to not at least try on the item he slowly took the edges of the neck entry of the gas mask and opened it up, looking inside to see that the same glowing red and green colors were on the inside lenses as well. The hypnotic effect from the shifting hues was magnified from seeing the unfiltered version and with another gentle prompt from the one watching Jack slowly slid it over his short blonde hair. The shiny antlers wiggled about slightly as the rubber deformed from the rubber being pulled over the human face before it disappeared into the muzzle of the gas mask.

A muffled groan escaped from the gas masked face as Danny could see the somewhat tense body of his roommate begin to relax, his head leaning back against the couch. "Are you enjoying your gift so far?" Danny asked as the smirk grew on his face while watching the guy tremble slightly. "How does it feel?"

"I feel... festive?" Jack said, though he sounded confused it was clear that the hypnotic reprogramming of his mind was having an effect. As far as Danny knew he was strictly a ladies man, at least from the number of people that he and his roommates had seen walking in and out of his bedroom or heard late at night, so as he saw him groping himself while in the presence of his male roommate meant that his inhibitions were starting to dampen. "This mask... it feels so good, like nothing I have ever had on before."

"Good, just keep watching the spirals and listening to the voice then," Danny replied, glad to hear that his mind didn't reject the hypnotic programming outright like Klaine had warned some do. "And if that rubber mask feels good then maybe you want to put the rest of it on so that you can really get into the season."

Though it was hard to tell with the gas mask Danny could sense some excitement coming from the other man as he leaned forward and looked back in the box once more. He was already becoming so pliable, he thought to himself as he watched Jack get the other pieces of gear out, maybe that salesman was right after all as he watched the other man pull out a shiny red thong with a brown rubber deer tail attachment on the back. "Wha... what in the heck is this?" Jack asked as he examined it with one hand while the other picked up a cuff that jingled with the silver bells that were attached to it.

"That's your new outfit," Danny replied, feeling the slightest hint of fear when he heard the resistance from Jack only to watch him slowly sway the cuff with the bells back and forth while listening to their rhythmic jingle. "You wanted to be this for Christmas, to be a good rubber reindeer so that we could all have such a happy holidays. We knew that with you being the biggest of us all you'd rock out that costume, so why don't you get naked and put it on?"

For a few moments there was a hesitation on the part of Jack, only for Danny's eyes to widen as the other man nodded his head and moved to take off his shirt. "Yes, I want to make sure my roommates have a wonderful holiday," Jack repeated, the words mingling with the programming that was coming from the mask that was piping in the festive enthrallment. It didn't take long until Jack's upper body was completely exposed, revealing the rather decent stomach and chest that he had as well as his toned arms.

His pants came off next and as Jack stood there in their living room with just his underwear on Danny found his breath catching in his throat. This was the last bastion of his modesty and as he got to the last piece of clothing if he took it off it meant that he was completely enthralled by the drone programming. It was possible that maybe this was some sort of ruse, that Jack knew of this product and was just putting him on. He didn't know that Danny was gay though and perhaps thought that this was just some sort of joke and was about to shout surprise and call him gay.

But that didn't happen, instead Jack hooked his fingers into the waistband of his underwear and finally pulling them down. As his cock sprang free Danny was surprised to find that he was already half hard from the programming that was being pumped into his mind. It made it rather thick and though he tried not to stare at it just in case he couldn't help but keep looking at it. Jack seemed to either not notice or not mind the attention that he was being given as he took the rubber thong and quickly put it on in order to try and complete the ensemble.

As Jack willingly put the new adornments on his wrists and then ankles Danny watched while remembering what that salesman had told him about the outfit. After he had given the rubber raptor the plan he had Klaine told him to use this drone suit first in order to help with the rest of them; the bells would not only continue to bring them under as the hypnotic programming would reinforce when he heard the jingling but also help with the others that he was planning to bring under his thrall. That was what the other boxes would be for, but for the moment all he could do was stare at that stretched rubber that encased his cock. By the time Jake had finished putting on the last piece of gear, which was a harness that adorned his shoulders and chest, Danny was hard as rock as his fingers rubbed through the fabric.

Even though he was certain that Jack was somehow completely under the enthrallment of the drone programming, which meant he was in control of him through proxy, he hadn't yet chosen to expose himself. It was possible that somehow he was still playing along for a gag and would immediately be taken aback at the thought of being told to do something... sexual. "State your designation," Danny said as he remembered what the sales man had said to him.

"I am Rudolph drone," Jack replied in a festive manner, something that was quite unlike his usual tone.

"What is your purpose?" Danny asked.

"To spread holiday cheer for my master!" Jack once more replied as he looked at Danny. "You are currently designated as my master, so would you like me to help you get into the holiday mood? From my sensory and database connections I can optimize your experience."

Danny had never heard Jack speak like that before and if this was some sort of prank it was one of the most elaborate ones that he had ever done before. His belief that perhaps his roommate had been turned into a holiday drone was growing stronger and decided to go for broke, nodding his head and telling him to give him the best Christmas ever. The enthralled man nodded his head and he could faintly hear the sound of Christmas music playing while he walked over to him and dropped down to his knees. As he felt his zipper get undone Danny's breath caught in his throat, trembling slightly while feeling those smooth, rubbery fingers reach in and fish out his erect maleness.

Wait, rubbery fingers? As Danny looked down and watched the other man slowly stroke his shaft he could see that there was a shiny green sheen to the digits that hadn't been there before. He didn't remember there being gloves when he was sold the kit and from the looks of it the drone didn't seem to mind it either. When he glanced down further on the couching human's body he found that wasn't the only change that he had undergone as the rubber from the deer tail had begun to spread over his back and his feet where his toes were merging into hooves!

The sight of his roommates transformation had shocked him so much that he hadn't even realized that the front of the gas mask had opened and that the reindeer drone was slowly pushing the tip of his cock into the slick confines. The sudden shock of pleasure coming from it nearly made Danny double over, which was when he grabbed onto the antlers and found the rubber had grown quite a bit stiffer then he had imagined. While he had heard rumors of things like mind control and brainwashing were going on in this company he never expected rubber transformation to be on that list, but as the drone began to slide up and down on his throbbing member he kept losing his train of thought on the matter.

The pleasure that came from the gas mask of the kneeling creature was so amazing that Danny couldn't help but pant and groan at the feeling of the inside of it. Was he feeling the inside of Jack's mouth as he began to thrust forward, or was there something happening to the human underneath the mask? The feeling was so sublime that it had to be something happening to him for it to be enveloped so completely, the slick, wet warmth causing him to shudder. As he felt the fingers of the other man start to slide up his back he could feel that rubber against his bare flesh and found it to be incredibly enticing.

As he held the antlers of the rubber reindeer drone he looked at the nearby clock and gasped before pulling out of the port opening with a wet slurp. Jack, or Rudolph he guessed considering his new designation, seemed to want to keep sucking him off, but after seeing the time he knew that they would have to stop. His other two roommates would be coming home soon and he wanted to make sure that the other suits would be put to good use as soon as possible, especially as he ushered the drone to stand up and saw that the rubber had completely covered his body. The already somewhat toned body of the other man had become sleek and lithe while his new shiny skin glinted in the light, making Danny's cock throb as he began to give the instructions to his drone on what was about to happen next...

A few minutes later Andy came home from work, a bag of take-out in his hand as was the usual tradition when it came to ending a long day like he had. Fortunately it would be the last one for a while with the extended break he was taking for the holidays as he set his food on the counter before taking off his coat. As he did he found himself slowing down as he thought he heard Christmas music coming from the television, which was interesting considering neither him nor his roommates really took the holiday very seriously. Yet he could distinctly hear some sort of music coming from the living area as he put his coat away and went over to check it out.

To his surprise the television wasn't even on, though that definitely wasn't the most shocking thing he saw in there. The man that stood there was dressed in a green rubber reindeer suit with red cuffs, harness, and a gas mask with swirling red and green lights on the lenses. "Who the hell are you?" Andy asked, prompting the drone to turn towards him. "What are you doing in here?"

"I'm rudolph drone!" The creature replied in a cheerful tone, the music playing even louder as he went from something he was putting on their tiny tree and moved towards him. "I'm glad that you are back, we have so much fun planned for the holiday season! I already started to make things a little more festive, but now that you're here we can really get you into the mood!"

"What..." Andy was so confused at what was going on that he couldn't even factor the fact that the reindeer drone was rubbing his latex bulge while pointing towards the tree. "Wait, what did you do to our tree?"

"I made it more festive!" Rudolph replied happily as he brought the other man over, keeping his attention on the flashing lights that were twinkling on the branches. In reality what the drone had done was string the cuffs and collar from the second box on it just like his master had told him to, the music continuing to pump out its hypnotic holiday subliminals that matched the jingling of his bells. "Don't you want to be more in the holiday spirit?"

Andy was once more about to tell off this strange man and ask what he was doing there when he found his gaze lingering on the twinkling lights. The pattern was strange and even though he thought he didn't care he found himself trying to follow it, and as he did he felt the world around him starting to fade away. The reindeer drone had continued to say how good it felt to be in the holiday spirit and that he would look great with a little more Christmas cheer while slowly taking off his clothing. Even as his shirt was pulled over his head Andy couldn't help but continue to be drawn in as he did start to feel the holiday spirit, especially in his groin as his pants began to tent.

It was the signal that the other drone was looking for and by the time he had gotten the other man completely naked Andy was completely erect and starting to hum along with the Christmas music coming from the drone. When Rudolph asked again if he wanted to be more festive this time the man nodded his head, asking if he could be more like him in embracing the Christmas spirit. The drone was more than happy to oblige as he took the gas mask that was hidden underneath the tree and brought it up to his head, slipping it over him where the same twinkling pattern was reflected in the lenses. Unlike the reindeer the green rubber was molded into the shape of a fox, and once it was secured onto his head the shiny material immediately began to tendril down his neck.

The entire time Danny had been watching from his room to make sure he didn't interrupt the process at all, which from the looks of it was a very potent mix of hypnotic commands. The horny reindeer had already formed his maleness back out from his shiny groin and as he rubbed his hands up and down the slowly transforming man he asked if he wanted to get ridden by a reindeer. To Danny's surprise Andy sounded almost enthusiastic and bent over, practically begging to be made more festive. With the rubber drone becoming distracted and the other man clearly enthralled by this point he decided to step out and help with the process.

When Danny got out into the main room the rudolph drone was already starting to push his cock into the hole presented to him, watching Andy shudder as it was slowly and methodically pushed inside of him. He was taking it quite easily and he wondered if the transformation into a drone went there first or if he had perhaps done that before while grabbing the drone gear off of the tree. Unlike the reindeer he was more than happy to put the cuffs onto his newest acquisition, hearing the bells jingling as the lithe rubber creature start to thrust into the partially changed Christmas fox. When the twinkling light cuffs were put around Andy's ankles the thick latex almost immediately coated over his foot, causing it to arch up slightly as the material molded into a pair of large vulpine paws that wiggled as they finished encasing the human feet.

As Andy lifted them up Danny was surprised to see that instead of the red that he expected to keep with the theme they glowed with a similar multi-hued light just like the cuffs and harness. It began to sync up with the music that was coming from the other drone and soon the tune could be heard in stereo instead of just from one while accompanied with the jingling of those bells. They rang in unison with the humping of the reindeer drone as the rear he was pushing deep into had shiny green rubber spreading over it. Danny watched in amazement as he could see the butt of the man tightening, growing taut with the thick cock still spreading him open.

Once the cuffs were completely placed the collar and harness were next, and while it was a bit hard with his body getting pushed forward from the other reindeer drone he managed to get them on completely. Even with expecting it Danny marveled at the changes that were happening to his body as the rubber spread over his skin even faster than before. Perhaps it was because there was already another that was a drone helping it, or maybe because he was getting pummeled from behind by him. As the Christmas fox drone continued to get reshaped Danny asked his designation he got the response of Vixen.

Though Andy was a bit taller and thicker than Jake even with the added height and muscle the other man was actually shorter when he was pulled back up. He was shrinking... and that was something that Klaine hadn't mentioned when he got the drone outfits. By this point he was already invested and found himself stroking the multi-hued cock that had been completely enveloped by the rubber. He heard a muffled groan from the creature inside the gas mask and as he continued to stroke him he found the lights that adorned his entire body to be quite mesmerizing...

Danny suddenly jumped as he heard the door unlock once more, remembering that his last roommate was due to come home as well. He looked to the other two drones and told them that it was time to spread the Christmas cheer to one last person before ducking back into the bedroom. The entrance door opened just as he managed to get on the other side of his own, peeking out and seeing as the last of their roommates walk inside. Gerard was the biggest of the group and was why he had saved the drone outfit for him as the drones stepped aside.

Just like with Andy the two drones waited for the other man to step inside, Rudolph getting the second to last box open while Vixen got ready to appear in front of him. Though it was hard to hear over the Christmas music that the two were producing, which had also seemed to confuse Gerard as he glanced around to find the force, he heard the other man ask if anyone else was home. That seemed to be the cue for the Christmas fox who darted out in front of him and took the other man by surprise. He could see the shock on Gerard's face immediately begin to melt away as he said something, seeing his eyes start to get glazed over already while the reindeer drone came over with a candy cane striped polar bear gas mask...

In a matter of minutes Danny stepped out from his hiding spot to see the newest holiday-themed drone that was created, the reindeer and fox thrusting into the gas mask port and tailhole of the muscular rubber polar bear drone. It was a sight that he would have never thought he would gaze upon and as he stepped out the three stopped when they looked at him. "You guys... look amazing," Danny commented as they pulled out of one another and began to swarm him, those rubber hands sliding over his skin as they had an idea of what they wanted to do with their master. "You are going to make some friends of mine very happy for the holidays."

"We are happy to spread the holiday cheer," the polar bear drone said as he pressed his muscular body against him, letting Danny gaze over his striped red and white form before pressing the port of his mask against his lips. To Danny's surprise it tasted like peppermint and as the tongue pushed into his maw he felt his clothing being taken off.

"Does this mean that we will have new masters?" the reindeer drone asked as Danny was turned around, feeling the thick candy cane cock of the polar bear drone already pressing up against him.

"Oh... yes, I suppose it does," Danny replied, watching as the lighted up fox came into his vision and rubbed his pawed hands down his exposed stomach. "As fun as it would be to keep you three I did intend on you being gifts."

Once more Danny found himself gazing into those pattern of colors, and as he felt his body start to relax while in the embrace of the rubber bear behind him he suddenly felt a set of fingers press against his ears. "That's wonderful to hear," Rudolph said as suddenly Danny could hear much better than before as the drone tossed the plugs aside while the fox took his half-hard cock and began to bob up and down on it. "Because there is one suit left, and we must continue to spread our Christmas cheer."

Danny let out a slight gasp as he realized too late what had just happened. He had told the others that he essentially wasn't their master anymore, which meant as the polar bear pushed his cock into his hole he was susceptible to being their drone. Klaine had given him one extra suit that he hadn't been sure on how to use, but as he started to have his hips get pushed back and forth from the two rubber creatures he saw Rudolph grabbing it and pulling it open. Almost immediately the smell of gingerbread was in the air as Danny's eyes widened at seeing the smooth brown and white rubber of a wolf gas mask being pulled out...

Looks like he would be getting into the holiday spirit after all.