Dancing contest#3

Story by daxiusii on SoFurry

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he had only one thing on his mind as he and Bellany made their way to the bedroom something that Bellany had on her mind as well...

Keeping Nikkah's hand in her own Bellany, opened the door of the bedroom, pulling a very willing Nikkah inside. Releasing her grip on his hand, Bellany swiftly spun around and pushed Nikkah, face down, onto the bed. Nikkah once again was surprised by Bellany's amourous advances, she had changed the duvet covers on the bed, from the usual plain, white cotton, to a much more enticing, deep red, satin silk. Nikkah was inpressed, and couldn't help but feel his cock begin to stiffen. Before he even had time to react however, he felt Bellany pounce on his back, grab his hands and put them behind his back, where they were swiftly handcuffed. Giggling, Bellany moved off of Nikkah and walked slowly, deliberately teasing him, over to the window to draw the curtain's. Nikkah was breathing heavily, he could feel his heart beat ever harder, every second Bellany wasn't touching him seemed like forever.

As the curtain's drew to a close under Bellany's hand, the room darkened, Nikkah found it hard to spot where Bellany was in the room, until he heard her whisper, from somewhere at the foot of their bed ''let your eye's adjust''. Doing as he was told, Nikkah waited a few moments before trying to locate Bellany again. This time he could see the faint outline of a figure standing next to the right edge of their bed, the farthest edge from where Nikkah was lying. ''I can see you over there'' Nikkah taunted. Quickly the figure cimbed onto the bed and began removing Nikkah's underpants, deliberately slowly. Hearing Bellany's characteristic high pitched giggle, Nikkah began tensing his legs, lifting his butt off the bed. Making his now throbbing cock, more noticable. ''mmmmm, looks good'' he heard Bellany say, as the figure positioned itself between Nikkah's legs. ''if you manage not to cum, I'll let you handcuff me next'' He heard Bellany say, in a voice as rich and smooth as chocolate. Nikkah couldn't help feel disappointed that he had not considered dating Bellany when they had first been made dance partners three years ago. ''still...'' he thought to himself, ''at least there's the here and now''

Deciding that the room was too dark for him to have any effective use of his eyes Nikkah clamped them shut, as he began to feel something warm and slick rub against the sensitive underside of his cock. ''mmmmm'' he heard Bellany say, her tongue lapping up the taste of Nikkah's swollen member. After only about three seconds of licking Nikkah felt his cock being lightly sucked on, he could feel the pressure increase as Bellany began to exert herself, sucking Nikkah's hard cock with a renewed vigour. Nikkah couldn't help let out a moan, he realised that he hadn't a chance of resisting the urge to cum. Time after time, Bellany drew the increasingly aroused Nikkah, ever closer to orgasm. However she managed to keep Nikkah in what could only be described as, balanced on the blade of a knife, so close to orgasm, yet totally within Bellany's control. After an additional fifteen minutes of playing around with Nikkah's proximity to climax, Bellany finally decided to let Nikkah shoot his load. releasing more seed than he can ever recall realeasing before, Nikkah let out an almighty moan of pleasure as his orgasm rolled over his entire body, sending him into a state of absent minded euphoria. Gazing at the figure of Bellany, now above him, he heard her utter ''I'm going to get a carrot, but not for eating'' followed by her excited giggling. Nikkah waited, his eyes closed until...

Carrots... they were kept in the fridge.... the wolf, Bellany would see the wolf, Nikkah couldn't do a thing, by the time he realised this he had already heard a scream from the kitchen...