Wings and Whiskers: Tangled Tail's

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Luna, an anthro pegasi, works long, dreary hours in an office, longing to be free, for such a sterile environment is an anathema to her very soul...

Wings and Whiskers: Tangled Tail's

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

28th January, 2024.

All Rights Reserved.

In the bustling office, Luna sat behind her desk, surrounded by concrete and glass - an environment starkly contrasting her pegasi nature.

Her sleek, golden fur, adorned with white patches, shimmered under the unforgiving glow of the office lights. Despite attempting to stay alert, her eyes flicked over the paperwork and the knowledge that endless phone calls would resume. A brief respite interrupted her monotony, allowing Luna to unfurl her gossamer-like wings. With a gentle flap, the feathers spread apart, tips briefly touching like two lovers above her head. A sigh escaped her lips as she folded them back against her back, momentarily easing the cramping in this confining office space.

Amidst the hum of the photocopier, Luna yearned for a breeze carrying the scents beyond the sterile, air-conditioned air, a reminder of the world she could only glimpse through the glass confines of her workspace.

"Just a few more hours - " Luna muttered to herself. "Then it's home for the weekend."


Luna opened the door to their modest apartment, the soft creak of the hinges making her wince, before she entered, carrying a heavy paper bag loaded with groceries. Instantly, her nostrils flared and her gait stopped. Stepping cautiously, Luna carefully set the heavy paper bag on the sideboard table near the door, the soft thud echoing in the quiet apartment. Her warm, honey-gold eyes widened as the scent of lavender and vanilla enveloped her.Lavender... vanilla? The familiar fragrance, her favorite, filled the air, instantly drawing her curiosity further into the apartment.

A trail of delicate rose petals guided Luna to the dining room where a small table was set for two. The gossamer-like tablecloth, sky-blue, and sparkling tableware, all under the soft glow of strategically placed candles, formed a scene straight from her dreams. It was an enchanting display, that left Luna startled and speechless, her eyes wide, nostrils flared, and ears slightly back-swept in surprise.

"Oh, you're home!" came a cheerful voice from the kitchen. "Perfect timing!"

From the archway, Sebastian, a smoky-grey and deep ebony-furred rat, stepped out carrying a large tray between his gloved paws. His smile, almost reaching from one large, fur-less ear to the other, with his slightly bulbous, dark eyes, reflected in the candlelight.

Sebastian, my husband - my life-mate. Luna thought with a warmth that matched the glow around her.

His playful tail lifted and waved at her from over his shoulder.

"Welcome home, my love," he said, his ribbed tail circling around her hips as he spoke, Luna's mind whirling with the unexpected beauty of it all.

I never expected... this!

The surprise of his affection and unusual hug, mixed with her surprise, then her deep love for her life-mate.

Sebastian set the tray down, taking a dish from it. As he walked over, the tip of his tail brushed under her chin, like a lover's caress. He set it down at her place at the table, before turning and smiling at her, gesturing with his pale paws, at the preparations.

"I put a lot of thought into - "

Thought into creating something straight from one of your books, so magical... Luna marveled, absorbing the thought and care he'd put into it.

Sebastian smiled, then crept up onto his toes, gently kissing her cheek. completing the embrace of their shared moment.

"," Luna murmured, as she sat down in the chair, her wings slightly drooping.

Sebastian smiled, then sat opposite her, taking his own dish from the tray. "No need to explain my love, I can see it in your body language, eat your dinner - then I got a surprise for you..."

Luna, her fork halfway to her muzzle, stopped and looked at him, her lips open and eyes widening.

"More? Isn't..." With a flick of her wings, she encompassed the room.

Sebastian merely smiled, his cheeks dimpling in that adorable way he had, as he began eating, refusing to elucidate.

During their sumptuous meal, Sebastian, savoring each bite with a look of pure, innocent delight, allowed his tail to weave its way around Luna's lower left leg, teasing the light feathering of hairs. Luna twitched at the unexpected sensation, then let out a shy giggle. Emboldened by her reaction, Sebastian's tail ventured further, gently tickling up her calf and then her thigh. Just as Luna was about to issue a playful reprimand, she shot him a _look_from across the table, that ceased his tails advances.

"Sorry," Sebastian's nervous giggle escaped him. "I swear, it's got a mind of its own..."

Luna's gaze spoke volumes, a mix of amusement and affection before she rolled her eyes and let out a quiet nicker of laughter. She couldn't resist. His innocent yet sheepish look on his face, the dimples in his furred cheeks, and his skillful hangdog expression always reminded her of the reasons she had said 'yes' when he'd asked for her hand in marriage.


After a long, hot shower, Luna sprawled on the couch, naked as the day she'd been foaled Luna reclined on the couch, her form draped with an effortless elegance. Lying on her back, one leg slightly cocked, she exuded an air of casual relaxation. Her wings, the embodiment of her nature, were askew beneath her, adding a touch of charm to her repose.

Her tail, a delicate extension of her being, draped over the side of the couch, gently trailing the floor. One paw rested comfortably behind her head, cradling it in a relaxed pose, while the other found a cozy spot against her right cheek. Her golden fur caught the ambient light, and the room seemed to embrace the tranquillity that radiated from Luna's relaxed body.

Sebastian returned, carrying the small tray with assorted bottles, which he set down on the carpet and his eyes gave that adorable _boggling_that rat's had, as he smiled and gently took Luna's left ankle into a paw.

"Let's look at you," Sebastian grinned, as he glanced at her cloven hoof, lightly tapping it with a claw here and there. "Good frog, nicely shaped hoof - "

Luna sighed on the couch, feeling the warmth of the shower leaving her relaxed and completely at ease. Sebastian gently lifted her cloven hoof and began a gentle rubbing. Sebastian's fingers worked the protective oil into her cloven hoof, paying particular attention to the gap between it. Once he was satisfied, and it glistened, Sebastian gently laid it down and tapped Luna lightly with a claw tip. With a deep sigh of contentment, Luna lifted the other one, crossing her leg over the other, watching through slitted lids, as Sebastian diligently worked on the other one.

"You've got a magic touch - " Luna murmured quietly. "So gentle..."

"You've given me plenty of practice, if I don't look after your hooves, who will?" Sebastian smiled, then wiped his paws on a clean towel, holding them up to turn them forwards and back, ensuring he got the oil off. "Now, _my_favorite part..."

Luna gave a nicker of laughter, as Sebastian began a sensual massage of her feathered ankles, his soft fingers kneading the flesh and easing the muscles. Carefully he worked his way forward, straddling her thighs and picking up her tail, he draped it over his right shoulder, the fine hairs hanging down his back.

"No teasing - " Luna's mumble floated back to him. "I _know_what mischievous plans you're brewing..."

Sebastian emitted a hushed squeak, followed by a delicate laugh that echoed with tender affection. His fingers lightly traced along Luna's left hip in a play, yet subtly suggestive dance.

"I'd never - " He protested before Luna lifted her hips and wriggled against him. "Uh..."

A soft nicker escaped Luna, accompanied by a teasing glint in her eye as she met Sebastian's gaze, raising an eyebrow with an invitation to continue their flirtatious exchange. As Sebastian's fingers continued their gentle exploration, Luna's laughter bubbled up in response to his protestations.

"Oh, don't play innocent with me," she teased, her eyes gleaming with a look of mischief and rising desire.

Sebastian, unable to resist Luna's playful charm - especially when she tickled his chin with her tail tip, leaned in, brushing his lips against her ear.

"Maybe, I just enjoy hearing you whinny - " he whispered, his voice low and intimate, his warm breath tickling the fine hairs of her ear.

As their playful banter grew more intense, whispered words, gentle kisses, and licks from Sebastian, their mutual affection grew and intensified. Before either truly realized it, they found themselves entwined in a moment of intimacy and genuine affection...


Luna moaned, her head leaning back against the top of the couch, her body slick with sweat and Sebastian sprawled across her, his furred cheeks resting just above Luna's quivering furred breasts.

Sebastian's whiskers tickled, and Luna twitched and nickered in pleasure, a limp paw slapping down on Sebastian's neck and giving a tentative touch.

"Happy now?" Sebastian murmured, rolling his eyes up to look towards her.

A low moan escaped Luna's muzzle, as her lips parted and she quivered from ears to ankles.

"You know - " Sebastian nervously laughed, his tail lying limply on the floor, wet and sticky. "I_really_ don't think that scent will ever come out of the couch..."

In the soft afterglow of their intimacies, Luna and Sebastian lay entwined on the couch, bathed in the ambient glow of the dimmed lights. Luna's golden fur, slick with the sheen of her sweat, caught the subtle illumination, her golden fur a testament to the warmth and love that lingered between them. Sebastian's fingers traced absent patterns around her upper arm as they both reveled in the tenderness of their post-intimacy bliss.

"Sebastian," Luna's voice, a soft whisper, broke the tranquil silence. "This...was amazing."

Sebastian's eyes, filled with gentleness and affection, met hers. "It was wonderful indeed -"

Luna nickered in laughter, her voice a quiet, tender sound to Sebastian's ears. "You know, I don't think I've ever been so relaxed, so utterly fulfilled -"

His ears slightly reddened, as he tenderly licked her throat then gave her chin a gentle kiss.

"You're my life-mate, my wife. You deserve all of this - and more besides."

His sincerity wrapped around them both like a comforting blanket.

As they lay together, limbs intertwined, Luna's fingers stroked down Sebastian's slick back, feeling the gentle tremble in his muscles beneath the fur. She felt him reach down, his fingers lifting up her hand before he lovingly kissed each knuckle in turn.

"I love you," he confessed, the words carrying the weight of his admiration and adoration for his beloved Pegasus.

Luna's eyes reflected his vulnerability, as she wriggled slightly, eliciting a quiet gasp from Sebastian and a spasmodic twitch of his wet, sticky tail that lay on the carpet.

"I love you as well," she replied, her voice husky with arousal and pleasure.

Sebastian winced, peeling his tail off the carpet with a ripping sound of fibers before he grinned lopsidedly up at Luna. Luna nickered and caressed her rat lover's cheek gently.

"I'm_not_ done with you yet - " Luna playfully teased, pushing his upper body back and up with her fingers.

Sebastian's grin spread from one ear to the other, as he flicked an ear, emulating a gesture he'd seen her do, often instinctively.

"Well," Sebastian grinned, looking down at his right fingertips, then brushing them against his chest. "You know what they say about us bucks..."

With a nicker of laughter, Luna moved slightly, and feeling Sebastian twitch and a low, quiet gasp come from him as Luna did _that_thing, that she knew drove him into an almost feral lust.

"I'd love to put your self-assurance to the test, it's the _least_I could do - after this magical and wonderful evening..."

Sebastian, finding it difficult to express his thoughts, as Luna did _that_thing with her pelvic muscles, that simply turned his rational mind right off. With a gentle nicker of laughter, Luna splayed her fingers out over Sebastian's rump and gave a playful squeeze.

"You can't even begin to imagine..." Luna's sultry nicker echoed. "Pegasi like me? We aren't just cute and demure, you know..."