Halo: ODST Chronicles: HellJumpers: Chapter 5

Story by LuxrayAngelfire on SoFurry

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If your under age then pray you won't get caught. Other than that enjoy.

Well Chapter 5 I'm doing good if i say so myself. And a quick explanation Jazy is a lady charmer but in his case he charmed five drones,two Jackals,one Elite and ALOT of Grunts. But Jazy is thinking no towards the grunts and Drones.

Chapter 5: Seductive Night.

Jazy was walking down the hall with Sapphire in his arms and Ruby following close behind. Jazy looked at the Elites and Jackals all impressed with his strength. Jazy just walked past them and looked at Ruby who look lost.

-Ruby where is you and Sapphires room?

-On the left up ahead. She responded quickly.

They walked to the door and it opened for them. The room was pretty bright but Jazy didn't mind. Sapphire moaned a bit then woke up only to realize she was in Jazy's arms.

-Uh...How long was i sleep? Sapphire asked looking in Jazy's Visor.

-About ten minutes. Ruby said looking at Jazy.

Uh...Why are you looking at me like that? Jazy said setting Sapphire in her bed.

-No Reason. Ruby said rubbing Jazy's chest.

Jazy shuddered on how Ruby knew how to rub on a guy in the right spots. Ruby crawled in her bed and laid her head down. Jazy took off his helmet and the Jackals couldn't believe what they was seeing. Jazy had black braids in his hair with blue eyes. He had a scar on his right eye symboling that he been in many battles. His skin tone was light brown. Jazy smelled the air and he was surprised is was breathable. Jazy then lay on his back on the floor and closed his eyes. Sapphire looked at Jazy and they shrugged. The lights turned off and they drifted off to sleep.

Meanwhile with Mira.

Mira was thinking to herself about Jazy. She was amazed how he just submit to his punishment. She then got a smile on her face. She called a Sangheili then told her to get Jazy to discuss his punishment. The Sangheili kneel then walked towards Sapphire and Ruby's private quarters.

Back with Sapphire,Ruby and Jazy

A knock on the door woke up Jazy as he picked up his helmet put it on and walked towards the door. The door open and Jazy saw an Elite with golden like armor.

-Jazy the Prophet would like to see you.


-Yes. I'll escort you.

With that said Jazy walked with the elite down the hall and into the royal sanctum. As they arrived Jazy seemed very unsure about whats going to happen. The doors open upon their arrival. The Elite entered first with Jazy close behind.

-You may leave.

They Elite kneel turned around then left winking at Jazy as she walked past him leaving.

-So whats this all about? Jazy asked hoping its not what he thinks it is.

-Well i figured out a punishment for you.

Jazy heart just dropped after he heard that then knelt down to accept his punishment.

-I am ready. Jazy said looking down.

Mira stripped down her armor and bent over and looked back towards Jazy.

-Well I'm ready.

Jazy looked up and he nearly lost his breath when he caught a clear look at Mira's dark blue swollen sex.

-Come on don't be shy. She said in a playful manner.

Jazy then went in front of her then took her hand.

-Come on lets go get you in a more comfortable position.

Mira straighten herself up then followed Jazy towards the throne. Jazy caught a glance on Mira's Breast looked soft but controled his urge.Jazy then sat down and Mira sat on top of him.

-I must warn you i'm still a virgin at all this. So please go easy on me.

Jazy then looked at her in a surprised manner.

-You must of been holding back for quite some time.

-Yeah Sangheili males been trying to woe me into sex but your different.

-Because i'm human?

-Well that and you seem to care for our race.

-Well i hate killing Sangheilis and Kig-Yars. The rest of the covenant can burn in hell.

Mira smiled and look down towards her vagina.

-Is it going to hurt? Mira asked worriedly.

-Well your a virgin and i have to break your hymen. You will feel pain for who knows how long then it will be replaced with pleasure.

Mira then unzipped Jazy's pants and let his erection come out. She lifted herself over his erection and Jazy grabbed her hips to help guide her down. Jazy penetrated her which she moan softly. She sinked down slowly until she couldn't go no further.

-Well thats your hymen Mira. Like i said if i break it you will briefly feel pain.

-Please just get it over with. She said with lust.

Jazy then lifted her half way up. Mira closed her eyes. Jazy then pressed her down really hard and fast. Mira's hymen broke and she closed her eyes and bit down hard trying to keep her pain scream unheard. She was in pain for a brief minute or two and she relaxed. Her pain was replaced by huge amounts of pleasure.

-How do you feel? Jazy asked.

-This feels so incredible.

Jazy then let her take over. Mira did what came naturally. She bounced up and down letting herself loose. Her breast went up and down and jiggled everywhere. Mira grabbed Jazy's hand then placed them on her chest. Jazy massaged her breast and nipples. Mira was in complete ecstasy. She moaned everytime their hips met. Jazy was moaning too. Jazy was about to cum but held it back. Mira got off of him and got on her knees and start sucking off Jazy. Jazy moaned and was amazed on how her mouth was so warm. Mira was a natural at this. She sucked harder and harder. Jazy couldn't hold back any longer. He climaxed in Mira's mouth. She wide eyed but continued to suck on his penis. She swallowed all of Jazy's cum and Jazy was tired out.

-Well Jazy you make me feel good. Mira said putting on her armor. Thank You.

Jazy tried to stand but couldn't and replied.

-Your welcome.

Jazy then passed out and fell asleep. Mira put her armor on and picked him up. She carried him towards Sapphire and Ruby's room. She set him down by Sapphire and walked out the room with a smile on her face.

Halo: ODST Chronicles: HellJumpers: Chapter 6

If your under age then pray you won't get caught. Other than that Enjoy. Well sorry for the delay. I guess it wasn't a long wait but you know. I didn't go into complete detail,But it's detail enough to me. XD Well Enjoy Chapter 6 The...

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Halo: ODST Chronicles: HellJumpers: Chapter 4

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Halo: ODST Chronicles: HellJumpers:Chapter 3

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