Only the Best (Female Trainer x Male Alpha Gardevoir)

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Sapphire desires to have a strong starter Pokemon, so she foolishly hurries off to go find a Pokemon she's dreamed about for years- An Alpha Gardevoir.

"An Alpha Pokemon?" Sapphire asked innocently to the professor, twiddling her thumbs after Professor Laventon looked over at her.

"Yes- Pokemon that have shown themselves to be powerful enough to lead the others around them. To have their own marked territory. You need to be careful around them, especially since you don't have your own Pokemon to protect yourself. They tend to have the highest fatality rate with the trainers who attempt to go after them. I forbid you from going to find one. Not yet, at least. Once you earn at least one star, then you can."

Sapphire sighed, an overdramatic, loud sigh as she turned around.

"I want the best for my first Pokemon, Professor. I won't accept anything less!"

She called out, before taking off towards the Obsidian Plains. Despite Laventon's protests, Sapphire was already gone. The Survey Corps' newest and most foolhardy member, she was fair skinned, freckled, and rather short, with blue hair and dressed simply in the classic uniform . Sapphire had a goal in mind she would do anything for- A starter Pokemon worthy enough for her. With her supply of 30 Pokeballs stuffed into her pack, she arrived at the snowy mountain.

She came this far for a reason. She didn't just want a Pokemon, she had a specific one in mind even. A Pokemon renowned for their beauty, their power, and their rarity. Something called a Gardevoir. She'd never seen one in person before, as much as she wanted to, only a picture painted by a Survey Corps member she saw when she was young. As cold as it was here on Alabastor Icelands, it was the only place to get a Gardevoir. With a gulp, she climbed the snowy area, running and hiding from every dangerous Pokemon she spotted. Thankfully she was small and nimble, able to hide and dodge the more dangerous Pokemon around.

Night came. She was searching the entire day, nearly dawn to dusk, looking for her golden prize. And yet, she came up short. The Icelands was simply too big for her to explore in one day. Her belly growled; she couldn't to find any berries, and the nearest camp was too far for her. She had one choice she had to make; venture on forward into the snow, or cower home with her tail between her legs. Sapphire was stubborn, so she continued forth- And going over the big snow mound she could hardly believe her eyes.

A large, open area with a few spread trees around, and rolling hills with the darkened snow on them. She saw a light, familiar green color she remembers from the art depiction. It was moving too. Sapphire rushed forward, grabbing a ball from her satchel, as she hid behind a nearby tree and peeked out... She saw the signature red glow. An Alpha Pokemon. A Pokemon filled with might, having proven itself to be worthy of the title. Through sheer luck in genes? Through some sort of abnormality? Or pure, raw viciousness? Whatever it was, Sapphire saw the beautiful creature, nearly half the size of a tree, and twice the size of her. A real Gardevoir.

Still some ways away, Sapphire watched with bated breath, a light dusting of pink creeping across her face, her breath heavy in the cold air, fogging her vision up. The Pokemon she felt attracted towards- She never wanted to admit it, not to her friends or the Professor, but she thought Gardevoir was stunning. The most beautiful Pokemon in the world. She loved their lithe bodies, beautiful flowing dresses, how their green 'hair' covered their face in such a way to make them almost seem mysterious... She was smitten with the creature. Male, female, it didn't matter to her. As long as this gigantic, beautiful thing belonged to her.

She took some steps forward, hiding behind another nearby ttree, slowly making her way forward into some tall grass, hiding in them as she crept ever closer. The Gardevoir simply looked around their territory for a new meal and some entertainment. She watched as the creature's dress drifted across the snow, making a small path behind it. Near the grassy colored thing was a small pond with a waterfall crashing into it- Gardevoir approached the water, while Sapphire hurried through the grass. Her heart racing, her thighs trembled with anticipation. This was it.

She raised her arm, stepping closer, moving out of the tall grass... And she threw. The red ball soared through the air, and hit it straight on the red spike on her back. Sapphire leapt with joy, the Pokeball falling onto the snow. Sapphire hurried forward towards it, getting too far ahead of herself. Her arm reached to grab her brand new Pokeball.

The latch snapped.

Sapphire looked up, her heart dropping. A mix of emotions hit her heart all at once. Supreme fear for her life, as the gigantic Pokemon loomed over her. Awe, of such a beautiful thing. And attraction, as up close she noticed so much more- The painting never captured it's true beauty. Sapphire tried to move, but Gardevoir's arm raised, as it used Hypnosis on her. Sapphire's brain felt broken, briefly, forcing her to black out.

Her body felt so cold. Yet her core felt warm. Something hot was keeping her safe. Her eyes slowly beginning to crack open, she winced in a sudden pain, crying out and arching her back. Her eyes shot open, trying to figure out what that pain was that forced her to moan. She felt a warm length between her legs, and wetness on her inner thighs while her eyes opened. Finally, she saw what was happening. She was left completely naked in some sort of rocky cave, her arms bound by some force she couldn't comprehend behind her back, while she sat on the Alpha Pokemon's lap. The Pokemon's telekinesis raised her up and down at high speeds, across the male Gardevoir's cock, up and down with no remorse. His cock was hot and massive, much larger than any guy in the village. Girthier too, and a solid white.

Sapphire threw her head back, only to feel it get caught by the Pokemon's telekinetic grip. Her head was fuzzy and in shambles, her comprehension failing her- She had her mind messed with, afterall. She knew where she was, and what was happening, but couldn't form the words to say what was on her mind, only moan out in response. She watched as the Gardevoir's hips pushed up in tune with the psychic motions, trying to force as much of the Alpha's member into her as possible. Her mouth opened again to make a noise, but the Gardevoir leaned forward and pushed against her lips. Did he just, kiss her--?

Her mind felt violated. Her thoughts picked through. He saw what her intentions were, saw how she felt about him, so he reciprocated. He's giving her everything she wants... It's only natural for such a cute little trainer, afterall. Gardevoir's arms moved up to her sides, under her arms and gripped tightly, pulling her with the psychic energy onto the dick harder, kissing her with a larger tongue than she might expect, forcing it deep into her mouth. In her broken state, all she felt was raw lust. It was everything she wanted. She wanted a Gardevoir lover... And she got it.

She felt the cold snow sting on her back when she got forced against it, the giant Pokemon bearing down on her and prodding her chest with the red spike between her tits. Drooling, she looked back into his eyes and came. Her pussy tightened, gripping the cock with the energy it had left, and trying to milk it of everything coming from it. In her head, she felt concepts. Not words- Gardevoir couldn't fully communicate those to her, but instead concepts to her. Concepts of love. Ones of ownership, like a trainer and Pokemon normally is, but with Gardevoir owning her. It seems he liked the ideas in her mind... Just in a different order than what she was hoping for. He reaffirmed those statements with a rough thrust into her, forcing her body to conform to a mating press styled fucking, her legs pinned against her by a heavy psionic force.

He was nearly there. Sapphire could feel it. She screamed, her face red, crying from the overwhelming bliss of it all. The pain she felt was gone, blocked in her mind by the brutal Gardevoir, as he started messing with her mind more. More feelings of love and bliss, more concepts of breaking her down, of fucking her each and every day. She will never be alone again. It was only then she felt the dick surge, and the warmness entered her womb.

Alpha cum was too much. She felt how virile it was, practically overwhelmingly so, packed to the brim with sperm meant to impregnate the scores of weaker Pokemon around it. Sapphire had no clue if a Gardevoir could impregnate her, but as she idly wondered in the cloud she was living on, she saw images in her mind of bearing his young. Her new lot in life, she thought, and one she could easily get used too. Yet, he didn't stop thrusting. Riding out his climax, her slapped his hips against her ass, the cave echoing their noises of pleasure.

Her eyes, teary and tired, with little hearts in them looked deep into his eyes, and she fell for him. THe mental leash lashed around her neck, one that would never be broken. As soon as he began to slow down, Sapphire's weak, sore body began to tremble and twitch, as he slowly began to pull out. Her thoughts, slowly, began to return.


She tried to speak. To say something. Before the Alpha's dick surged, getting rock hard again already. The Alpha was ready again. Sapphire shrunk, feeling a cocktail of fear and excitement for the rest of the night, as Gardevoir pushed against her, and pushed into her mind again.

She was in love, and he would make sure she was his.

Sapphire returned home a few weeks later. Search parties had been sent out to try and find her, but to no avail. She came back on her own time a changed person. She seemed happier, and more confident, if a little clumsy on her feet. She kept bragging about her new Pokemon... And, when she finally did show him off, he was the talk of the town. A beautiful Alpha. But each and every time she brought him out, she silently apologized under her breath.

She knew better than that. He wasn't her Pokemon. She was his. Each time she said it, she felt a tug on the invisible leash, and a psychic hand grabbing her ass in public. No one could see it; her lust, and her absolute submission. She had to keep up appearances... But Gardevoir was insatiable. He demanded to be tended to multiple times a day. To be cared for, fed, and loved. She was happy to do so, afterall, no matter when or where. Even from the Pokeball he could pull on her psychic leash, and demand for her to step somewhere safe for some fun. Sometimes he would even create full psychic cocks to push into her while she was speaking to people, just to remind her who was in charge. She loved it. Every second of it.

And every night, back in her room, when she released Gardevoir from his ball... She fell to her knees, with big hearts in her eyes, and looked up at her husband.

"P-Please... I'm sorry for telling them all again today, remind me who's in charge..."

He did every day without a break.

There was no mercy, there was no breaks. Even as a bulge began to form in her belly.