Bitter Darkness: The warm welcome

Story by RedCrow on SoFurry

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#1 of Bitter Darkness

My name is Gray and for the past year I have lived on a small farm not far from a peaceful fishing village in Canada. I work for a family who look after a few animals around here, I was taken in as an extra pair of hands for odd jobs here and there after I came here from England after a tour of duty over seas fighting for a land who's people would kill you because you don't call god by the same name. I have seen and done things that I find hard to talk to others about and after I lost some of my friends out there....well I decided that I had had enough so I came here looking for a better life.

At a young age I ran away from home to escape my family and start a life serving in the British Army. My mother was a drunk who somehow managed to date a new guy every week and because of this my father is now in prison, well it was actually for taking his anger out on me nearly beating me to death. Luckily I came out of the fight with only a few broken bones but my little sister wasn't so lucky, after the funeral I left and applied to be trained and go to war, it wasn't long before I found myself in a situation where my life was in danger again. To this day I don't know why it was that I left a violent family in order to find more violence in war but now I spend my time drawing or painting what I see and of late some people have even asked me to paint pictures for them.

Its coming up to winter and there is a lot of work that needs to be done to keep the farm going through the bitter months to come, I went to the local store to get some supplies and it is strange how some people still find my English accent funny but it does keep me in their good books.

The way back to the farm was always lonely and cold even in summer but today was really cold, colder than most nights. The sound of my favourite rock band started to play as I realised I had a call. It was an unknown number and my first thought was to hang up but thinking again it might be someone wanting to commission a painting so I answered it.

"Hello Gray here..." as I answered I could see the breathe in the cold air trail in front of me.

"...hello.....anyone ther...?" The voice was very quiet and hard to hear as though the signal was really bad.

"Yes this is Gary Nash can you hear me?"


"Can I help you?" without any warning the call ended, I just shuck my head and carried on walking home thinking nothing of it. By this time it was getting very dark and a thick fog was forming along the road, it wasn't long till I could hardly see the way ahead. The only thing I could see was a dim light far off in the distance. I decided to make my way towards the light as I no longer knew where I was, the fog made things almost feel like I was in a dream; the air seemed so still and my steps so easy and weightless but as I walked the light seemed to come towards me. Slow at first but faster as time went by, I feared that it might be a car unable to see me in the dense fog and as I tried to move out of the way but the light only followed me and came at me with greater speed getting brighter. I now tried to run to the side to get off the road but the more I ran the closer the light came.

It was not long till the light was only a few feet away, I closed my eyes thinking this was it, hoping, praying, wishing and then there was nothing, no pain, no light, everything just went dark. I had no idea what just happened but I felt cold yet warm, heavy yet light, tired but awake, the only thing I could do was wait to wake up....

Like every time waking with a hangover my head felt like a solid mass of pain, my lips are dry and my stomach is sore but the only thing is I don't remember having anything to drink. I try opening my eyes and to my surprise I see clear skies and birds flying above chirping as they go by. Lifting my head off the ground I could see that I was in the woods but I had no idea as to how I got there. Bringing myself to my feet I was filled with relief to know that I had no visible injuries from whatever hit me....if it even hit me at all and other than feeling a little dizzy I was fine, in fact I was starting to feel a lot better almost right away.

Trying to bring myself to I couldn't help but think that I had never seen this part of the woods before nor the landscape, I had the feeling that I was really far from the farm. The first thing I needed to do was find out where I was so I started to climb a hill nearby, it didn't take long till I was near the top, best thing about the British Army is you never loose the attitude or your shape. At the top of the hill I could never have expected to have been so surprised in my life.

"HOLY SHIT!" were the only things I could think of at the time as my eyes gazed over an unending mountain rage full to burst with thousands upon thousands of trees as far as the eye could see. I was no longer in shock but full of fear as I had no clue were on EARTH I was; it was too warm for this time of year to be Canada and the mountains were far too many to be anywhere near the farm but the trees were about right just too many and too dense. I looked in all directions to see if I could find any roads or buildings but to my horror there were none anywhere however at the far end of the valley at the bottom of the hill was a river. If I could follow the river I would eventually find some form of road or bridge or....well anything.

"Okay Gray don't panic just follow the river, just follow the river" In times of stress or fear I often spoke to myself in an attempt to keep calm, surprisingly most of the time it worked but I was really having trouble this time.

"Just stay cool...yeah stay cool..."

The way down was not so easy as the way up, I had to hold onto whatever I could to prevent myself from falling. It tuck some time to get down but soon I could hear the sound of the river as I got closer but not long before I was there I could hear a voice calling out.

"Hel..hel....helppp!" The voice was hard to hear over the sound of the rushing water and with no question coming from the river.

I then hurled the rest of the way downhill until I could see the river stopping myself just short of falling in. Looking around to see the source of the voice I called out.


It wasn't long till I could hear the voice again trying to call out but unable to sounding almost as if the river was pulling them under. As I looked I could see a dark cape kicking in the water desperately holding onto a branch hanging from a dead tree, without even thinking I jumped in.

With a huge crash I soon realised how cold the water was and how strong the current was too but battling on I had no other thought in my mind but to save the person in need. It was lucky that I jumped in up stream from therm or I would have never have got to them but swimming as hard as I could I pushed myself over to the drowning victim and made a quick grab for them. I held on tight as I searched for a safe place to pull us both out of the water, finally a bit more down stream I found a small bank just big enough to get onto. Crawling out of the river with what energy I had left I coughed up a gallon of water and a small fish. When I knew we were both out I laid on my back taking in air to recover some energy but I realised I needed to make sure the other person was alright. Lifting myself up I turned to look at them. Lifting over their coat or cape or whatever it was I soon found the fear rush back from before.

WHAT THE FUCK!" Jumping up into the air almost falling into the river again I found myself looking at a cat in a humanoid form.

"What the hell is going on......where the hell am I?" All I could do was stare at the human like cat but soon I knew that deep down I needed to do what I could to make sure they were ok, I did just pull them out of a river after all. Taking a closer look I could see that if anything it was a she and she was mostly naked apart from the coat which was strangely arousing I mean I sometimes fantasised about it and I even looked at furry porn but this was like nothing I ever expected to find. I could see her firm figure under her wet fur, her fur glistened a strong golden brown colour and her face was somewhat soothing to look at, she was if only about 5 feet tall and very slim. She also had a strange symbol hanging from a gold rope around her neck which for some reason looked to be of some significance as to who she was. Her eyes were closed and she was without a question out cold.

I could see that she was breathing and probably worn out so I picked her up with little effort and moved her to someplace dry, we were both soaked so I needed to start a fire to keep us warm and dry off. It was a good thing I knew how to make one too because it was starting to get dark and I sure as hell didn't want to freeze to death. By the time I had a good fire going it was totally dark and getting a bit cold too, taking some clothes off to dry next to the fire I started to wonder who the cat girl was; was she some kind of were-cat or a experiment escaped from a lab or just a really hairy young girl. That also played on my mind she only looked young so why the hell was she all alone out here by herself....was she alone? Could there be others out there looking for her or was I hit REALLY hard by that light and am I lying in a hospital bed having a vivid dream from some random drug they are pumping into me. Whatever was going on I thought it best to ask her when she woke up and in the meantime try to get some sleep myself.

I found it had to sleep and could only get a hour or two. Waking up I was hoping that the cat girl was awake too and I could get some answers. Looking to she if the cat girl was still ok or awake I could not see her, she was gone. I jumped up from the ground thinking that something had taken her or she had run off scared. I looked in all direction to find her but I couldn't see anything. It wasn't long after that I found myself staring at a pair of glowing red eyes looking right at me, all I could do was stare back in fear. In what seemed like I life time but in reality was actually less than a second I heard a twig snap behind me and as I turned to look a huge force pushed me to the ground. Struggling to get up something held me down and a pair of PAWS walked toward my head, looking up at the figure I could see the light of the fire shine off what looked to be armour and on top of that the same glowing red eyes.

In a low commanding voice the figure ordered someone behind me to take me in and before I could say anything I was hit in the head and out cold.

When I first came to Canada I was surprised by how friendly the people were around here and how easy it was to make new friends. The first friend I made was a girl called Sue who could always make me laugh and we went out for a time but she moved to New York to claim her fame and glory as a writer. I still had the picture taken when we went fishing on my bedroom wall back at the farm, we had so much fun that day; all I was able to catch was an old plank of wood but Sue managed to land a huge fish. She left soon after saying that she needed to follow her dream, I wanted to go with her but she said she needed space in order to write. I regret just letting her go but something in the back of my mind always said that it was better this way and that somehow something else was in store for me...

I was later woken up when something hard hit me in the head, it really hurt. I was blindfolded, dizzy and confused as I realised I was hung upside down on something while been carried someplace.

"Wake up demon!" As the voice sounded I could hear the sound of chains moving and a gate opening. I was soon cut down and my blindfold removed, with the light hurting the back of my eyes, I was soon thrown into a small room with stone walls all around. There was nothing but the small line of light from the metal gate, dirt was everywhere in the room and a pile of rags in one corner which I assumed must be the bed.

"Hope your nice and comfy hahahahahaha!" the laughing figure knelt at the door looking down at me as they closed the gate and locked it.

I kicked and shoved to loosen the ropes that still held my arms and legs and soon I was free...well apart from been locked in a room that was near completely dark. Sitting up against a wall in a dark corner I sighed as I began to think that nothing could possibly be worse than this and to be fair I wasn't hurt at all in any way I just had a sore bump on my head. My sigh did not go unnoticed as I could hear chains move from the other corner of the room.

"Never met the guards before have ya?" To my surprise the voice sounded sweet and innocent nothing like what I expected in a place like this, looking closer I could only just make out someone on the other side of the room.

"Errr no I never have.....where am I?" They moved forward into the light as I could see again is was no human but now I was looking at a rat-like girl. Covered from head to toe in muck and rags she looked like she had been here for a long time and with little in the way of food too.

"You must be from one of the hill villages or something right?"

"ummm yeah something like that?" I noticed that I was still in the dark so they could probably not see me.

"Well fella your in Drewmer or Drewmer castle dungeon to be exact, my name is Ritta by the way nice to meet ya, ha nice to meet somebody after been in here for so long"

I find it strange to be talking to a furry but here I am.

"How long have you been in hear?"

"Well I'm not to sure I think its just over 2 years now or something like that."

"2 years in this shit hole....what they lock you up for?"

"Well I stole some was only so I could eat but they just locked me up said that I was a criminal and I've been here ever since, say you don't have anything to eat do ya?"

"No sorry I don't"

Oh well when they bring something for us to eat we can share if ya like"


She was been very nice to me and she didn't even know me.

"They should be around with something soon......anyway what you in for fella"

"Well I'm not too sure...oh and my name is Gray by the way"

"Gray....what kind of name is that?"

"Well I'm not from around here"

"Well Gray you might want this it will keep you warm in here" Ritta held out her chain bound arms presenting a rag of clothing that she tuck from her back.

"What wait I cant take that you need it more than fact take my coat I have plenty on to keep me warm" I handed over my coat trying to cover my hands with the dark putting it just within reach of Ritta.

"What do you want for it?" Ritta looked confused maybe by the look of the coat or by something else.

"I don't need it so you can have it for free" She tuck the coat looking at it with a blank expression.

"No one has ever given me...well anything befor...errm...thank you"

I could hear her put on the coat with ease as I was much bigger than her and it looked a lot better than those rags.

"Hay Gray this is huge you must be a big fella what are you then? I'm a rat myself and legend says us rats are the kings of stealth but if that were true I might not be here though haha"

She said nothing and waited for an answer, I was dreading the response I would get if I told her I was human but before I could answer a guard came to the gate.

"Alright demon out ya get...someone wants to see you!" the wolf standing at the gate was the same one that threw my in the cell in the first place. Getting up to my feet I looked back at Ritta who I could see better from this angle.

" don't deserve to be here you're a nice person"

"Well I can only hope tha......" before she could finish her sentence I stepped into the light revealing who I was. Without a word she just gazed at me almost in shock with her mouth wide open.

"See you around Ritta"

I turned to leave the cell and follow the guard who was much taller than myself. After leading me down a long narrow hall we went outside into a small alley under a massive building which I guess was the castle that Ritta talked about. Moving along the alley I was soon taken through a set of doors leading to a set of stairs, we seemed to climb them for a ages until we reached the top. The guard pushed opened a door and pulled me into a highly decorated room with beautiful furniture littered with silver, gold and all kinds of other wonderful items everywhere I looked. I had never seen so many jewels and rare metals in my entire life and not likely to ever again if I ever made it out of here. Passing by a suit of armour I could see through a window at the far side of the room, outside was a massive town that filled the landscape and looked like it was from the medieval times. The sight seeing was short lived as I was still been lead by the guard into another hallway which was as well furnished as the room, I could see a door at the other end that was surely my next stop. Before getting to the door the wolf released my chains and pushed me in front of him, we came to a stop and as I looked at him he simply pushed me again. I wasn't going to make him wait longer as I opened the door fearful of what was on the other side.

Closing my eyes I pushed the door open slowly hearing the creek from the hinges.

"Finally your hear, welcome come on in" the voice was a surprise to me after the treatment I had so far, opening my eyes I saw an even more beautiful room than the last.

"I have been waiting what tuck you so long Bruth?"

The wolf bowed his head and left the room closing the door behind him.

Walking slowly I moved to my left to better get a look at who was talking. The room was sort of dark but a well lit table in the middle of the room boasted a huge pile of food that made my belly rumble.

"You must be hungry have a seat dig in...after all it's the least I can do"

"What?" I was confused as to why they ware been so kind to me and a little mad too.

"I am sorry if my guards hurt you at all but they knew not of who you were"

"Well my head hurts a lit...wait a minuet start from the beginning mate who the hell are you?"

"Oh I'm sorry....." from the other side of the table sat another cat person, clothed from head to toe in great robes and fine jewels and with the same strange symbol as the cat girl from before.

"I am the king...the king of Drewmer"

"WOW umm well in that case its nice to meet yo..."

"Come now there in no need to be formal...come take a seat I don't bite"

Sitting down at the opposite end of the table my nose was filled with the sweet smell of freshly cooked food.

"Have something to eat"

How could I say no it was a long time since I ate anything so I dug in.

"let me ask you something, do you know where you are right now?"

"Not a clue"

"Well in that case do you know how you got here?"

While filling my face I revelled my whole story from the fog and the light to the dungeon below and then coming to this room.

"Well like I said before I am truly sorry for any trouble but now all is well especially now that you are here"

Swallowing a huge chunk of food I looked up and said,

"Come again?"

"Well you're the one the stories talk about, the one who can defeat the darkness and save us all"

"SAY WHAT!" Spitting out my food I shot out of my chair. "Look mate I think you have the wrong guy ok I just work on a farm all I want to do is get back home"

"But you must stay you're the hero the legends speak of"

"Mate I'm no hero ok I just..."

From a corner of the room behind me a voice so soft and so quiet that I almost missed it said, "You are a hero because you saved me"

Turning to look at who it was I noticed that the voice was the same one from the river. The cat girl that I saved, walking forward I could see she too was also in fine clothing walking into the light as if an angle revealed to the world.

"I never got a chance to thank you but the guards thought you had kidnapped me"

"Oh hello I take it you're the one from the river?"

"Yes my name is Methil and I thank you for saving my life"

"No problem"

"If it wasn't for you my daughter would have been taken by death for certain"

"Wait she is your daughter?"

"Yes and you saved her life the least I can do is welcome you into my home, I have a room that I am sure you would like"

"Look thanks for the offer but I really need to get home"

As I finished talking an arm grabbed mine from behind and as I looked I saw Methil's face covered in tears.

"Please you have to stay" looking into her eyes is what finally made me crack, I could never say no to a face in so much pain and fear.

"So I stay and fight off an evil darkness or something"

"The dark is getting stronger by the day, it is no longer safe to travel outside the city walls and we have not heard from some towns in many days, we need your help"

"I don't know how I'm supposed to be able to help mate I know nothing of this place or of this darkness"

"Let us worry about that in the morning for now you must rest"

I had to think before I could say anything, what was I going to say; stay, leave I had very little other choice.

"Ok I will stay.....for a while....and only if you do one other thing"

"Of course anything you need"

When I reached my room I was in awe at the detail of some of the furniture, a plain glass window looking out towards the town and a balcony great if I needed any fresh air, a huge fireplace at the side of the room. There was more food on a table near the fire and a fresh set of clothes too I was glad to see that the room had two beds just like I asked. Taking the clothes I got changed and was happy to find how comfy they were and a good fit too only thing is they were a bit revealing.

"Wow what is this place?" I soon realised that she was here she had been given a bath and new clothes too wear after I asked she be freed, her fur was creamy in colour and smooth too. She was still wearing my coat which made me laugh. My little chuckle turned her head to me as she realised she was not alone.

"Hello again Ritta you ok?"

" you!"

"Yes I take it you remember me from the cell?"

"The...they say you freed me" I could see she was scarred so I sat down near the fire.

"Well you were in that cell for 2 years and I though it was wrong so I asked that they free you"

Slowly she moved closer looking right at me her eyes locked in position.

"But why am I here and why have they been so nice to me and why...?"

"I asked them to bring you here so I could be sure they didn't just throw you out on the streets"

All she could do was stare at me with a confused and scared look on her face.

"You were the first person to be kind to me and you didn't even know who I was and you were going to share your food with me so I wanted to repay the favour"

Again she was either too scared or too confused or maybe even too shy now that she knew what I was.

"I see you still have my coat do you like it"

She started to remove the coat as if she was going to give it back to me.

"No...I don't want it back its yours I gave it to you"

She looked to the ground almost in a cute shy kind of way and with the dirt and muck gone from her fur she was very beautiful. "Come on have something to eat with me...please..."

She slowly moved to the other end of the table and sat down on a cushion looking right at the food in front of her. I wasn't that hungry but I knew she had to be and I could soon tell by the sound of her stomach. I knew she would never eat with out me saying something so I picked up so fruit and held it out to her gesturing for her to take it.

"No ones ever been this kind to me before"

"Well when something good comes up it's a good idea to take it or you will never get anywhere in life"

With that she slowly tuck the fruit and it wasn't long before she was scoffing it down. I had already had something to eat with the king but I tried to eat as well to make her feel more comfortable.

After a while I was able to start talking to her and she talked about all the things she wanted to do now that she was free, go shopping, have a drink at the local tavern or go see a play. I just listened and watched as I saw a broken soul jump back into life in a matter of seconds. She soon asked me about myself and telling her everything seemed to make her a bit quiet again so I soon changed to subject back to her and what she wanted to do. She was less willing to talk about herself now and far more interested in me;

"What are you going to do then...are you really the hero from the stories?"

"NO...well I don't think I am and I'm sure as hell going to do everything I can to get home....but I don't even know how I am going to do that"

I soon thought of how I was going to get home and if I would even get back, the king was insistent on me staying to fight some kind of evil or something and until that was done I don't know if he would even let me leave.

Ritta was moving closer now each time pulling her cushion closer to mine.

"Well if you are the one you cant just leave"

"Its not that I don't want to help its that I really don't think I am this hero they are after"

"Well you are a hero to me" I looked at Ritta who was at an arms length away now.

"Well you freed me and if you hadn't I would still be in that cell if not for you, I'm still not sure why you helped me"

"Well that's different I was able to help you but this hero thing....."

"Even small deeds can make a great difference" I realised that Ritta was right ever since I got here all I had done was help people without even really thinking about it, maybe I was this guy they were talking about after all that Ritta's paw on my leg?

Looking down I could just see Ritta's paws reaching under the table slightly brushing my leg, I looked at Ritta to find her eyes fixed on my crotch.

"Well I'm absolutely worn out so I'm gonna try get some sleep" Almost jumping up I moved to the bed on the far side of the room. What the hell was that, did she just...and was she looking at? My head was spinning with confusion she was a humanoid rat and I was a human but she it kinda hot....No no I cant be thinking like that this cant happen you have only just met her and you have no idea how it would even work, would it work?

"Well if you are sure then"

"Yeah I have had a day and a half after all so I think its best I try get some sleep"

I don't look back as I walk behind the curtain separating the two beds, once there I feel safe and relax for a while. I calmed down and started to take off my clothes ready to get some sleep. Getting into bed it was not long before I could hear Ritta doing the same and shortly after my eyes closed as I fell asleep.

I must have been asleep for a while as I opened my eyes to see it was now dark outside and the only light was from the now dim fireplace, the bed sheets were unbelievably comfortable. Grabbing a handful I turn on my side to better cover up but my head hits something on the way.

"Ouch my nose!"

"WOW!" I found myself looking Ritta right in the face, I make a quick move to create some distance as she held her nose but she saw this and jumped on top of me holding me down.

"Please don't leave me" I look at her as the light from the stars outside made her fur shine and her wonderful figure stand out all the more. I say nothing, what can I say?

" have done so much for me and yet you haven't asked for anything you don't want anything and you only help me are the nicest person I have ever met"

"Ritta I...." she places her paw softly over my mouth.

"Just let me be with you tonight, please"

My hart pounds and my blood pumps as I watch the beautiful rat move her head closer to mine. Her mouth closes in on my lips kissing me and yet I find it so relaxing and lovingly, it has got to be the best kiss I have ever had. She kisses me for a good minuet or two and then moves down under the sheets to my chest, I have never felt anything so nice in my life as she pecks and licks me, yet the nice feelings soon becomes more as I could feel my body getting hot. I could already see the bulge in the sheets at my crotch and it was not long before Ritta also saw it.

"Wow is this a normal size one...its huge" I always thought it was about average myself but it was nice to think that she thought it was bigger. Moving down she got a firm hold of my dick with both her paws making me shiver all over.

"This is the first one I have ever seen but I was taught what to do so don't worry" Oh god well now that you've said that.

I close my eyes in fear of what she was going to do and if it was going to hurt but to my surprise she started licking it, her tongue was so soft and smooth yet firm and strong not to mention very long. With little effort she was able to rap her entire tongue around my dick and started to move it up and down almost lick a hand job but a hundred times better. I was struggling to keep control of myself as I was already near my limit but I held on the best I could as not to seem....well crap. But then she positioned her head directly above my cock and tuck me in her mouth. Only the tip to begin with but she kept taking in more and more, soon she was half way but she stopped. I realised she could not fit anymore in her mouth which was a relief as I felt like I was going to blow her head off if she carried on. The break was soon over as her head started to moved down even more, she was now taking me down her throat this was insane I was getting dizzy trying to hold on but it got harder and harder to resist as she tuck more and more down her throat. With one last final push she had reached the base of my dick taking my whole length inside her, and I could no long hold back. Thrusting my hips I shot everything I had into her belly, shooting rope after rope unable to stop from the immense pleasure. I could hear Ritta swallow each shot the best she could, gulping down every last drop. Finally I stopped and laid back as I tried to come to.

"Are you ok, did it feel good?" I could hardly move or answer as I was sucked of energy looking under the sheets to see Ritta licking her lips and smiling at me.

"That tasted better than they said it would"

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it" Ritta then moved up till her chest and head were level with mine.

"I did but I want to make you feel good"

"You have no idea just how good that was Ritta, you sure that was your first..."

My hart skipped a beat as I could feel Ritta rubbing her soft nether lips over my shaft wetting me with her juices. I looked at her seeing she was enjoying watching me so I then grabbed hold of her breasts which felt amazing to hold, giving them a tight squeeze. Ritta moaned loudly, she cries filling the room. I was surprised at how much joy she got from just her breasts so I then tweak a nipple and started to move my other had around her back and slowly down until I got a firm hold of one of her sweet cheeks. She was now dripping wet and without a doubt mad for it, lifting herself over the head she then pushed down forcing my member into her incredibly tight pussy.

I had never felt anything like it before as my dick seemed to melt inside her, the walls massaging each inch and her juices almost drooling on my crotch and onto the bed. When she had me all in she stopped to take in some breathes.

"Are you ok Ritta?"

"" I could she be the look in her face that she was enjoying every moment so I thought that I would help her out a little. Grabbing her behind with both hands I started to lift her up and then pull her back down, repeating this over and over getting faster and harder each time Ritta just cried out in long loud moans of pleasure. It was not long after that she started to move be herself and as she moved I thrust my hips to match hers only increasing the pleasure. We did this for what must have been 20 minuets of constant no stop thrusting and soon both I and Ritta were closing in on a huge climax. I wanted to make sure that she came before me so I started thrusting as hard and as fast as I possibly could and as I watched her face melt in pleasure I could see it would not be long until...

"OH MY GOD!" With a huge cry Ritta came and as she did her pussy walls crashed around my dick trembling her whole body sending me over the edge. I explode inside her pussy giving her all I had to give pulling her in close to me burying myself as deep as I could. I could feel the force of my cum making her belly swell out and the pleasure was overwhelming as my head began to spin. As soon as I shot my last load into her I collapsed back onto the bed, Ritta soon collapsing on top on me.

It takes several minuets before either one of us could move or talk but as I turn my head to face her I am immediately greeted with a passionate kiss. Her lips press into mine and as we finish she lifts her head up and looks at me with a huge smile on her face and then falls to my side. I turn so that I am facing her and place my arms around her holding her close as I could feel her hart beating though her chest, her breathe was still heavy and if not for the fur I would say she was sweating a bucket load. I take in a breathe so I can ask,

"You ok?"

She turns her head away and shyly says,

"You were my first and I never knew how good it felt"

Kissing her again only lightly I could see by the look in her eyes that she was sad.

"What's wrong?"

"Well...was I any good?"

Holding her in close I look her in the eye and pull her in for another kiss.

"You were amazing" the smile returns to her face and we both fall asleep.