Reikhan Meets Shugo

Story by Reikhan Tealdoby on SoFurry

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Reikhan Meets Shugo

We all should know what furs are. The anthro creatures that are animals with human characteristics. In result, the animals can walk on two legs, have hands talk and feel like regular humans. They still have animal instincts but they aren't wild. This time we are going to focus on one particular fur. His name is Reikhan. He's a Doberman pincher. He has been rejected for many different reasons by his kind. One because of his looks. He looks like any other Doberman except all parts that would be brown on his fur are teal blue on him. Plus he doesn't have a solid eye color. His eyes are like a mood ring. How he felt resulted in his eye color. He had a shaggy tail much like a fox's. Overall because of his appearance, he was rejected, beaten, and called a freak. He was all alone in the world.

During his struggles, Reikhan wandered around a new place. His scraggily feran appearance gave the impression that he was a rabid demi as the residents tried to shoo him away. One good deep growl as his eyes glowed red with anger kept them at bay. He walked into a dark alley were he lied on his side where no one could see him. Having being kicked in his chest earlier he softly coughed up blood as he was slowly falling asleep. It was there his body locked in place. He was too tired to fend off what was coming. A silhouette of a tall figure can see been walking towards him. His anxiety was telling him to get up but his body would not respond. He blacked out as he saw the figure reach for him.

Later on, Reikhan woke up to see that he wasn't on the ground outside. Instead he was in a warm bed under some blankets.

"Where am I?" the curious Doberman pondered as he looked around. Glancing down at his body, he saw that the was bandaged up around his stomach area, his left paw had a brace on it, and all the cuts, scrapes and bruises he had were gone. Plus, he was nice and clean. Also, noticed that he was in his regular fur form. And some one was coming in!

"Well now, it's about time you woke up" A human walked into the room. He wasn't too skinny or fat. He was about Reikhan's height. He had long black hair with a tan streak in it, with a pleasing demeanor on his face. Reikhan stared in awe as he watched him check out his wounds.

"So how're you feeling?" he said, gently unwrapping the bandages around Reikhan's waist.

"I feel good. Great actually," Reikhan started. "The best I've felt in a while."

"Seriously, what has happened to you?" the human asked as he pulls out a clipboard and a pair of glasses. He begins to read from the clipboard.

"Massive blood loss, fractured jawbone, shattered paw, 3 broken ribs, and to top it all off, a huge gash to the side of the liver. Seriously, what have you been doing? Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Shitizen no Shugo but you can just call me Shugo." Shugo had a nice smile on his face that filled Reikhan with peace and comfort.

"My name," Reikhan started, "Is Reikhan Tealdoby." After the introductions, he began to tell his story. Starting from the day he was born, about his three forms, everything.

That's not right. Shugo thought to himself angrily as he took off his glasses. It's not right to beat a dog senseless over what he looks like. Reikhan saw that the human had a huge frown forming on his face while having his hands crossed. He was sad thinking that his new friend was getting dismayed at his expense. As he stands up he walks towards the door to leave, only to be stopped by Shugo.

"What are you doing?"

"You're staying here with me."

"Isn't this a clinic?"

"Are you kidding? This is my house!"

Reikhan did not believe this. Opening the door a crack, he peeked out the dog a looked down what looked like a well decorated hall way leading down to the living room. A big screen TV was on and bright colors could be seen. On the other side of the hallway, he could see a huge window leading to the back deck. The doby looks back at Shugo who had a huge smile that he was trying to cover up while laughing.

"Yep! This is my place! C'mon." He grabs Reikhan's good paw." I'll give you a tour." As he was listening to Shugo talk during the tour, Reikhan decided, this human was different from the others he's encountered.

30 minutes later, they were in the kitchen. Shugo quickly fried up some eggs ham and bacon only for it to be eaten by a hungry Reikhan who greedily gulped down all the meat and then sat back and licked his lips and his nose and muzzle. Shugo just watched as Reikhan rested from his meal. His eyes were a shining blue color. He's cute, Shugo thought as he gave Reikhan his third helping of meat. He must've really been starving. He watched as Reikhan chomped down on the food. There's no way he could love a human, Shugo sighed. Reikhan finished the last of the meal and sat back in his chair with a full belly. He was quite content.

"Feels like I haven't eaten in years!" Reikhan chuckled while patting his tummy.

"So I noticed" Shugo replied petting Reikhan on the head." It's a good thing I found you." He reached over to pick up Reikhan's plates only to be pulled into a hug. The doby held the human close to him chest to chest as he wrapped his arms around Shugo in a hug. He was taken by surprise as he felt the dog give him a little lick on the cheek.

"W-what's this about?"

"Just to thank you for saving me," Reikhan said as he slid his right paw around Shugo's chest holding him tightly while doing so. Shugo started to breathe heavily as he slid into the warmth of his new friend. As he slid his hand back, he found he was squeezing something and it made Reikhan yelp. He looked down to see that he was squeezing Reikhan's sheath. That when the thought hit Shugo. He forgot to give Reikhan some clothes to wear. He just got hugged by and incredibly hot naked fur and Reikhan didn't seem to mind! Or notice that he was naked for that matter. Shugo could feel his own meat shifting in his thin boxer shorts as he pushed away from Reikhan, with his face totally red. The doby watched as the human ran in a flustered hurry. What was his problem? He thought.

Shugo sat his bathroom trying his best not to think about the naked doby when there was a knock at the door.

"Shugo are you in there? Come on out please." The dog whimpered on the other side. The nervous human opened his door to see Reikhan, still naked, looking up at him with orange eyes.

"Hey are you okay?" he asked. "Your face is totally red. The doby looked so cute the way he was sitting on all fours Shugo's embarrassment went away.

"Aww I'm okay." Shugo replied. The human pets Reikhan lovingly on the head. Man Reikhan thought. I can get used to this. His tail thumped happily against the tiled bathroom floor as Shugo led him out of the room like a real puppy. He loved having his head rubbed and petted, and Shugo knew it.

Shugo led Reikhan to his workout area, which had a built in mat room for sparring and wrestling. Looking back at the dog, who was looking around un suspecting, Shugo took his chance and flew at Reikhan to tackle him only for the doby to catch him.

"Shugo, I'm not that easy Hun," Reikhan says setting him down the human. Shugo's back cringed slightly as the word "Hun" rolled off of Reikhan's tongue. He started sounding very sexy. He got up brushing himself off, as the dog assumed a Martial Arts stance.

"So you can fight huh?" Shugo said enthusiastically. "Show me what you got!" He swung a fist at Reikhan and his fist met Reikhan's paw as the dog held his fist and placed his paw on the human's head. He pushed slightly on Shugo's head while tugging on his arm knocking him down. Shugo came tumbling down.


"Sorry!" The doby rushed to his aid placing his paws around Shugo's waist helping him up.

"Ugh..., now I know you can defend." the human replied. "How about this?" He threw a flurry of punches at high speed at Reikhan. The doby stopped all the shots and pushed Shugo back a bit. The human then swung a huge roundhouse kick at Reikhan's side. His foot hit its mark with a loud smack. The human just realized what he just did.

"Reikhan, man are you okay?"

The doby suddenly fell on his back; his eyes wide open slowly slipping into unconsciousness. He heard the human shouting out his name as he fell. Then he saw Shugo's worried face as he passed out.

A few hours later, Reikhan woke up, his eyes mixed with yellow and orange. Tired and confused, he sat up to see Shugo. The human's face had not suddenly looked so attractive before but now this was something different.

"Did something happen?" he asked yawning.

"You passed out in the middle of sparring."

Reikhan tried to sit up. He felt so weak but he pushed himself to get up and when he did, he felt a sharp part in his side that made him yelp in pain. A single tear welled up in his left eye.

"No no no don't move yet." Shugo insisted. "Your side hasn't fully healed yet" He fuzzled Reikhan's head. Soon the doby's tail was wagging happily with his mind off the pain.

Then the human started playing with his tail. Reikhan starts panting as Shugo rubbed his tail fur up and down softly.

"You really are a special case."

"What do you mean?"

"Other Doberman's don't have long tails like you." Shugo replied. "Only little stubs." He was rubbing Reikhan's injured side lovingly. Then he scooped his arms under the doby.

"Wha-what are you doing?" the dog asked confused. The human sputtered for a second but then picked Reikhan up.

"We're going to the den to watch TV." Shugo answered carrying the dog out the room. He carried Reikhan into the den. There was a huge TV on one end of the room that took up the whole wall. Speakers could be seen all over and there was a recliner, and a black sofa. Shugo set Reikhan down on the sofa, and then plopped down next to him.

"How are you able to pay for all this?" the doby asked Shugo chuckled.

"You're not the only fur I've taken care of." He replied giving Reikhan a pat on the head. "I'm sort of like the doctor. All furs and scales alike come to me with injuries and I help'em out. Plus, healthcare costs a lot do I get paid a lot." He chuckled a bit. "Besides. Why should I have this huge house and no one to share it with?"


"Never mind. Forget I said it." Shugo answered quickly. He had just gave away the fact that he wanted Reikhan to stay with him. The pup didn't notice. His attention was focused on the big TV. He hadn't really been able to watch television before and he was amazed at what he saw. His tail flicks a bit at he watched the screen. Shugo couldn't keep his eyes away from he dog. He found himself looking him over. Reikhan's body wasn't really built. He was lean and slick like that of a swimmer. His teal paws and markings contrasted his black fur completely. He was now sitting on all fours like a regular dog. The human wondered why the dog wasn't paying him any attention. Looking back at the TV, he saw that it was changed to a yiff station that played nothing but yiff 24 hours a day. Reikhan was panting softly watching two wolves fucking.

"You ever seen anything like that?" Shugo asked curiously.

"Yup. I've done it..." Reikhan said. "With a wolf once..." He sighs "It was for my own good. I had to do what he said or else."

"Or else what?"

"He would've killed me"

"Oh," Shugo couldn't believe it. Reikhan was raped before. "I'm sorry for asking...I was just curious."

"That's okay." Reikhan replied. He lied his head in Shugo's lap. "I was hoping that when I was older, I could do that would someone I like. Y'know, someone that I really like. Like you." He looked up at Shugo with a smile. Shugo felt his face get hot.

"You like me?"

"Yup. Sure do." Reikhan replied. "You were the only human I've met who wasn't mean like the others. You have more of a heart than those furs out there."

"Heh heh, thanks" the human said with a smile. "I was really only going my duty." Just then, the scene on the TV changed. The wolves were moaning and howling in estacy as one blew his load on the other.

"Whoa," Reikhan said. Shugo noticed that his eyes turned pink, which meant that he liked what he was watching. The dog sat up and sat on his haunches, with eyes glued to the making wolves. He really likes that. Shugo thought. The doby's tail thumped against the couch as he was wagging it. He didn't notice that the human was looking him over. He was panting softly and his cock head rose slowly out of his sheath which immediately caught Shugo's attention. He tried to cover his own shaft which was starting to poke out f the vent in his boxers. It wouldn't stay down and it only got bigger and harder. The hot fur was rite beside him naked with a hard on! He just wanted to grab that slick doggie member and just pleasure the dog. To make him happy. He wanted the dog to be his. All his shuffling and movements caught Reikhan's attention. His eyes slowly turned fuscia as he saw the human with his hands on his crotch. He slowly inched his way closer to the human.

"Shugo, why are you covering yourself up?" his face was near Shugo's now, his lips just a few inches from his.

"W-well I..." Shugo started but then he was stopped when thee doby sealed his lips on his in quick kiss. This is my chance Shugo thought. He took a deep breath. "Reikhan, how would you like to stay with me?" The words barley got out of his mouth before Reikhan landed another kiss on his lips. Then he looked into Shugo's eyes with one of the sweetest smiles you would ever see.

"Seriously?" the Doberman was nearly crying. "I can be your..."

"Well, I didn't say that but sure. Reikhan, do you want to be my doby?" The dog wrapped him up in a big hug.

"Yes, yes, YES!" He had never felt so happy before. This human wanted him as his own. Never again would he have to deal with the constant hardships of the outside world. It would just be him and his human. He nuzzled up against the human who held him closely. The dog yips a bit when he felt a little bump against his leg. Looking down, he saw that it was Shugo's dick, which was hardened to it's full length. Reikhan giggles as he traced the veins on the shaft with a finger and watched as the human squirmed.

"Ah hah! So this is what you've been hiding from me." He said triumphantly. He licks the head which made Shugo cry out.

"Oooohhh" he moaned. The doby's warm tongue wrapped around his length and slowly he suckled on it. While servicing him, the human squirmed violently as he loudly moaned.

"Haven' forever!!!!" he bellowed as he came into the eager doby's mouth. Reikhan lapped up all of the human's warm seed and swallowed satisfied with the taste. He soon climbed on top of Shugo and soon forced his tailhole open on Shugo's cock making the human cry out. The dog whimpered loudly as his pain was soon washed away. He began bouncing off the human cock feeling it bury itself inside him numerous times.

"You're way bigger," he panted. "than that bastard wolf....ahhhh!" His doby cock was fully hard and flopping in Shugo's face for a while till the human's lust took over. He sealed his mouth around the doby dick, sucking on it hard. The dog whines loudly with delight. Shugo moaned with his mouth full of cock as he felt his own cum rising again. It didn't stay there long and soon he came again. This time in the doby's hot ass. Reikhan howled as he lost his load inside the human's mouth. Shugo's mouth was soon faced with a new taste. The doby emptied himself and most of the cum splashed all over Shugo's face. Soon the dog collapsed on his human licking all the excess cum off his face.

"I love you my human." he said tiredly with his eyes turning yellow.

"I love you too my doby" Shugo replied. The master and expert hugged for a while and then they both fell asleep.

So what did you think? This is my fist story so I couldn't guarantee a professional job. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy reading. Any questions, comments or concerns can be sent to [email protected] I hope to be able to write more but being new to this, I would appreciate any and all support.

  • Reikhan Tealdoby