Man of Your Dreams

Story by Damionstjames on SoFurry

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This is an original work of gay erotic fiction by David Bennett. All characters unless stated are Copyright me. Any use of the name, or likeness of an individual is purely intended in some places, but is alright. Use of songs are copyright their creators.

If you are under the age of 18 or 21, then turn back now. If you are offended by gay erotica, or if you are offended by the following content: Incest, beastiality, watersports, scat, BDSM, Snowballing, Man on boy, boy on boy, rape, or gay relationships in general, stop reading. But if these are your cups of tea, then by all means unzip your fly and enjoy my little stories.

If you like what you read, give me an E-Mail at [email protected] . If you don't have access to an Email, you can contact me by typing a letter to


6927 SE Long St

Portland Or 97206

Thank you and enjoy the read!



"Huh...where the fuck am I?" Don asked himself as he began to emerge from his drug and alcohol induced dream. His head swam, and his tail was sore...along with his ass. He opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar mattress beneath him...and an even more unfamiliar fur lying next to him. Don rolled naked out of bed, and saw piss stains all over the bed.

"Fuck...I drank this dude's piss didn't I? I wish I could have been awake or sober enough to enjoy it." He said to himself as he searched for his clothes. He found his panties hanging off of the lamp, his daisy dukes on a chair, and his cutoff tank top hanging off of the doorknob. He looked around to try to piece together what had happened. He looked and saw syringes and cocaine on a table next to the bed he was in...and there were beer bottles all over the place. Don reached back...and checked his asshole with his fingers. Yes...he was still lose from his fucking. He groaned and put his pink panties on, followed by his denim daisy dukes and then his black cutoff tank top with a rainbow flag on it. He looked at the male, a Great Dane lupine. He could tell by looking at his nakedness that the male was obviously enormous inside of his hilt. He gulped. He supposed that his prostitution had cost him again. He checked his pants pocket. He felt money. He reached in and pulled out a handful of $100's. He smiled; at least he got paid for his night he can't remember. He then started to get angry. He never did drugs, but obviously he had. He was starting to feel symptoms of withdrawal already. His tail set into wagging a little as the Ferret fur walked over and kicked the side of the bed. The Great Dane opened a pair of bloodlogged eyes and looked at Don. He smiled.

"Hey were so night last good..." The Dane said in his stupor.

"Alright...what the fuck happened?" Don asked in his feminine voice. The Dane reached down and began to rub at his naked crotch suggestively.

"We had evening last sex...."

"Obviously..." Don scoffed. The Dane then reached under his pillow and grabbed another $100 and waved it at don. Don's anger melted away fairly quickly at the sight of such money. To Don, $10 was enough to feed him for a week, 100$ could really help.

"Suck my please dick?" He said as he wafted the money out.

"Um...what do I have to do?"

"Pee my drink...and dick my suck..." He said as he pointed to his cock. Don wondered, after having a night of booze and drugs, would this be wise? On the other hand $100 was $100, so he nodded and went onto his knees. The Dane sat up and held his hilt to Don's muzzle, let out a soft groan, and then a powerful stream of urine flowed freely into Don's mouth. Don loved piss, but this was not a pleasant experience. The drugs and beer made the piss overly strong, and he really had to work to swallow it. Once the supply of golden juice was diminished. He began to lick out his john's pisshole, hoping to coax his sheath out of hiding. He tasted a delicious flavor of precum and piss.

"Good you're so..." The Dane mumbled...

"Whatever you say asshat..." Don thought to himself as the sheath began to slide into his awaiting gullet. Don wasn't a fan of huge cocks. To him, bigger wasn't better; rather the quality of the john that pleased him. This guy was scoring a 2 on his scale of 1-10. Hell, the fucktard couldn't even talk right...Don thanked gods that he was getting paid to service this dipshit.

The enormous sex organ of the unknown male was deep into Don's gullet in no time. He could feel the angled head poking at the back of his throat as he worked on nearly 14 inches of manhood. He worked his tongue, cheek muscles, and throat to attempt to please this man. Don sighed, and wondered if this is what all gay sex is like...getting paid to service a man you don't even know. Don had considered just chopping off his dick at one point and mailing it to his father; tattooing a message onto it saying, "Hey dad, I'm a failure. Chicks don't get men don't want why use it?". He was glad that he didn't...or he would be out of a job.

Don was starting to loose himself in the blowjob, as he wrapped his lips around the Dane's knot, tying his cock to his mouth and throat. The stimulation to his john was enough to have a hot and gummy stream of semen deposit itself in his mouth. The Dane moaned...and collapsed...fainting. Don then sneered at the male, opened the Dane's mouth and hocked up a cum spit wad and spit it back into the Dane. Don stood up and grabbed his sneakers and walked towards the door.

"That is the last time I sleep with a druggie..." Don affirmed as he stepped out of the motel he apparently was in.

* * *

"Well leave it to you to break your own rules Don."

"Fuck you man..." Don muttered as he leaned up against his usual lamppost. It was later that evening, and Don had told his best friend Kim about the events of the previous evening. Kim was another one of what was known as the "West Kemper Queens". Kemper was a regular metropolis, and West Kemper was the "diverse" side of town...home to gay hookers, and drug dealers. Don looked over at Kim. He was a dark brown Otter type of fur. Don secretly wasn't happy with Kim. About 6 months prior, Kim changed to the gay side after his long stream of women dried up. Kim said "Oh I must have been gay all along!" as if he knew what he was talking about. Don knew he was gay...ever since he was a cub. He remembered looking at the other boys in school, when his mother could still afford to send him to school. Kim had a good life, and just whored himself out for extra cash. Kim was dressed in a shiny pair of silk pants and an opened matching silk shirt. To Don, Kim was an abhorrence of faggotry. Don was still dressed the same...though now he was fed. Don now had $795 dollars to his name. He shuffled and continued to scan the streets. West Kemper was looking particularly dry that evening.

"Well? Are you going to be here all night?" Kim asked in a whining tone.

Don scoffed and struck Kim's abs a little hard with his tail. Kim took a step back and rubbed his stomach. Don looked at him with a depressed scowl.

"Look Kim, you're my best friend, but you should understand that unlike you I do this for a living and not for profit."

Kim stepped back and dusted himself off out of instinct. "Well, it's damn near 11 O' clock. You spent 3 hours talking to me about last night and this morning. No one has even bothered to check us out, and we're West Kemper's best! I think we should turn in..." Kim whined. Don shrugged his shoulders.

"You can go anytime you want. You have a place to sleep. Me I have to sleep in a dumpster and shower at the YFCA. I have to get fucked in the ass by people I don't know or care about to be able to eat. You have a home and a steady income." Don hissed.

"Whoa...calm down...I'm sorry Don..." Kim said as he walked a step closer. "I know life has been hard for you. I know I shouldn't flaunt my money so much."

Don sighed and put an absent hand on Kim's shoulder. "It's alright...I suppose I'm just tired." Don whispered as he looked with kind appreciation towards his friend. Kim smiled and gave Don's ass a grope. He looked suggestively towards the alley behind them.

"Hey...I don't want to go to bed with a full load. I'll pay you to let me fuck you and then least that way we both get what we need." Kim suggested. Don raised his eyebrows. He had never had sex with Kim before. His ethics told him never to let another whore buy you, but here the only thing that mattered was wafting itself under his nose once more. Don licked his maw and lowered his hands to his naked waist...and thought about it. Ethics...or food? Morals...or warm clothes come winter? His beliefs...or a warm bed? Eventually...the warm bed won the argument. He turned to Kim, and began to look at him for a male...and nut just as a friend. He was a hot little otter, with a powerful swimming tail. Kim loved swimmers...their sleek and wet bodies were a turn on...then again just getting wet was a turn on to Don. He smiled and nodded.

"Sure. I'll charge my usual fee..." Don whispered. Kim nodded.

"$200? Not a problem." He said as he pulled out 2 100's and slid them into Don's pocket. It was all Don needed. Don then held out a limp wrist and was led into the dark secluded alley which was known to them as the "Whore's Drawer". There you could strip completely naked and have full sex without fear of getting caught, because no one goes down there anyway.

Kim took Don and told him to stand against one of the brick walls of the alley with his back turned to him. He nodded, and closed his eyes. He felt his shorts and panties be pulled all the way off of him, as he stood there in nothing but his cutoff tank top and his sneakers and socks.

"I can't wait to be in you..." Kim muttered.

"Well don't keep me waiting, you're paying for this ya' know..."

"Oh yeah...just a sec." Kim said as he stripped off his clothes. Don closed his eyes and began to daydream. He dreamed of being in a fancy home...covered with white walls and carpets. He dreamed of fancy leather couches, and a big comfy bed. He could imagine a man...lying in the bed...beckoning for him with a finger...but the male's face was not clear. Don then felt a hard cock rubbing against his ass, but there was something about it. It felt abnormally slick and didn't seem to be the correct texture. He opened his eyes; his concentration broken and looked over his shoulder and saw that Kim had a condom on. Don kept his hands on the wall, like a convict being "strip searched", but sneered over his shoulder.

"'re wearing a fucking condom?" He scoffed.

"Y-yeah. Why?"

"You know only humans and straight males need to use those. We don't get disease...and I sure as hell am not going to get why wear the fucking rubber?" Don asked in disgust.

"I...I..." He stammered.

"You what?"

"Look Don, I'm still not used to the idea of anal sex yet. I get nervous about getting shit or something on my cock. I get this feeling like my balls will rot if I I wear the rubber."

"Kim you're pathetic, just fuck me and get it over with." Don sighed.

"I'm sorry Don. I am new to this gay shit...bare with me." Kim pleaded.

"I will make this acceptation once...but if I hear about you using rubbers again I am gonna shoot you." Don affirmed.

" we go."

Don felt the lubricated condom covered cock slide into his ass with ease. He groaned; the otter cock was pleasant, yet awkward with its rubber shield around it. Don hated safe sex, and discouraged it amongst gay furs. There was no sexual why bother? The cock in him took to humping right away. Kim was humping slowly, but deep. Don let out a grunt with each peak; he was being thrilled after all.

Kim looked down at his condom-covered cock and watched it disappear into the pinkish lips of Don's asshole. He smiled and pulled it back until he could see his cock tip, and then plunged in again. He looked down with love at Don. He took Don's hard cock into his hand and stroked at it as he humped.

Don hissed at the oblong sex organ caressing his velvety and silken inner membranes. He started to clench his thrill his john...just like his father showed him. He remembered...his father and the "Sexcapades" that occurred almost nightly for a year before he died. He didn't really like his father that much...but hell a lay was a lay at that time.

Don could feel Kim cresting and reaching his zenith with each thrust. Oddly...Don didn't feel as much pleasure as he had hoped. The rubber had taken nearly all the fun out of the sex. He closed his eyes to daydream once more as his love canal was repeatedly stuffed and compacted. He dreamed of that intangible male...that seemingly impossible goal of finding this male. He knew that once that male was with him, he would have love...and not lust. Suddenly his daydream was rocked with a heavy throbbing in his ass, and Kim moaning into his right ear. Kim had just deposited his life seeds into his condom. Kim pulled out, and removed the used condom and threw it aside. He then found his clothes and redressed. He sighed lovingly at Don.

"Thanks...we needed that." Kim whispered as he gave Don a kiss on the cheek goodbye. Kim then ran out of the alley and disappeared around the corner. Don sighed...leaned his head forward and let the top of his headrest against the brick wall his arms were bracing against. He looked down and saw he was still hard...and his load still was eagerly awaiting release.

"Fuck Kim...jeez..." He muttered to himself as he grabbed his shorts off of a garbage can lid to his left. He then lifted a leg to put his shorts on when he heard a footstep come towards him. He paused...keeping his right leg lifted and holding his shorts out.

"Who's there?" Don asked in a whisper. Suddenly a voice that almost matched his came out of the shadows.

"I see you're finishing up a my you're handsome." Came the voice. Don Quickly pulled the shorts on and started to back away from the shadows slowly, but he was heading deeper into the alley, which was a dead end. What a pun...a dead end.

"Y-yeah so w-what's it to ya'?" Don asked softly.

"I must say, that it didn't look like you were enjoying yourself."

"You...watched us?" Don asked as he pondered what could possibly be speaking to him at this point.

"Yes, with pleasure I might add. I happen to find you a vision of complete godliness. You are an Adonis, my handsome ferret." The voice cooed as another step came closer. Don looked up and saw the being in the shadows would soon step out into the moonlight if the shadow took another step closer. Don took another step back, and the hit wall. He gulped, and grapevined his tail around his left leg out of instinct.

"Who are you?" Don asked softly.

"A secret admirer."

"Step into the light..." Don requested. Then as if the being had the up most respect for Don, he stepped into the light.

What Don saw was...almost literally, himself. It was another ferret type of fur staring at him with loving curiosity under the moonlight. This mirror image of himself was dressed in a fine and expensive suit and tie, and had on a fine pair of dress shoes. Don lightened up a bit and smiled.

" look like me!" He observed verbally.

"You are correct. We do have a striking resemblance."

"It's cool," Don began as his tail uncurled and his body relaxed. The male then stepped closer, and Don didn't even seem fearful. He welcomed the male closer. "So, what can I do for you sir?"

"Well I must admit that I have been watching you ?work' for a long time now, but I haven't had the courage to come forward until now. I have a strong affection for you...A very strong one." The male said, as he was now but mere inches from Don. Don smiled at him and put his arms against the wall, bracing his back. The gesture was one of welcome, rather than fear.

" one has ever really said that to me before..." Don whispered.

"I mean every word, and I mean this as well..." The ferret whispered as he leaned in and pressed his lips to Don's. In the 25 years of Don's life...only 5 men out of hundreds of Johns a year have ever kissed him. He was startled, but he smiled and melted into it.

His tongue mingled with the one of the stranger; the two organs of taste and oral pleasuring mingling and getting to know one another better. Don closed his eyes and did something rare...he reached his arms around the male in front of him. The male moaned, and wrapped his tail around Don's waist, and pulled their groins together. Like two swords crossing, both of their cocks met under their clothing and were pressed firmly against one another. Don held tight to this male, he didn't know why, but this kiss was something more than he had ever experienced.

The kiss was not a lusty, tongue-in-cheek maneuver; rather is was a very slow and loving mingling of two mouths...melting into one. Don was happy, for the first time in years. He almost expected the male to grope at him and try to undress him without permission, but the hands of his loving kiss partner were held on his hips in silent obedience.

Don panted through his nose, he could feel a torrent of precum leaking out of his penis while he kissed. He could sense the same of the male he was kissing. He wanted more...but he didn't know how to go about in such a manner. Don was used to being told what to do...being painfully submissive, but the thought of being dominant for once was a thrilling endeavor.

With one final lick of the lips, the male pulled his mouth away slowly and rested his nose on Dan's. They smiled at each other, a bond of love definitely forming.

"Are you usually this aggressive with the ones you admire?" Don asked with a lovelorn sigh.

"Not at all, this is a passion I have reserved solely for you."

Don smiled, and hugged the male once more. "I've never felt this way for anyone before." Don sighed.

"That's not surprising, you've never been loved before." The male said as he gave Don a peck on the lips. Don grinned and pecked back.

"What do I have to do to see you again?" Don wondered aloud.

"Just be at your lamp post at 9 pm tomorrow. I will meet you here to whisk you off of your feet." He said. Don smiled and nodded.

"Till then..."

And with that...they were parted.

* * *

"Are you crazy Don?" Kim asked in anger.

"No...I'm not." Don said as he sat with his burger and fries. The two best friends were sitting at Warren Burger, the best chain of fast foods his city had to offer. They were in the placid colored dining area, discussing Don' s plans to meet this male.

"You are breaking your own rules! You never go to their place!" Kim scolded.

"Did I say that we would be going to my place?" Don groaned.

"No, but you are meeting him at your lamppost. He made the arrangement not you, so that suggests that he is calling the shots not you. I can bet you my entire sex earnings for this week that he will ask you to come to his place. If you go, then who knows what could happen to you!"

Don bit into his barbeque bacon and onion ring hamburger with extra cheese slices. He savored the exquisite flavor of the beef, onions, barbeque sauce and the sesame seed bun. Once he was done chewing, he swallowed and looked at Don from behind his new sunglasses. He had bought a pair of Bay Rans, a rather expensive brand of sunglasses for furs. Don had spent his money that he would have spent on food for almost 3 months, on a new outfit. He was wearing a white silken shirt that was open in the front, white silk tights, a pair of white riding boots, white sunglasses, and to top it off; Don had his nipples, navel, and right ear pierced wit genuine ivory rings. He was wearing almost $700 worth of clothes. He went naked under his sight silk pants; he wanted it to highlight his moneymaker. Kim was dressed in jeans and t-shirt, he wasn't working that night.

"So what...what if I want to go to his place then?" Don said without care.

"Don, damnit you never learn! This guy probably isn't that guy you've been dreaming about for all these years. He isn't going to be the guy with the penthouse, and the expensive car, and the millions of dollars, and he's not going to love you! All he wants is to bend you over and fuck you...all he wa-"

Kim was cut off by a speedy and vicious left cross; sent across the booth connecting with his right temple. He sank down into his seat, holding his head in pain. Don put his burger into his bag of food for later and then stood up and walked around to Kim.

"Don't you ever shit on my dreams! I don't shit on yours so don't treat me like I'm undeserving of something better!" Don shouted, getting the attention of everyone in the room. Kim sat up and looked up at Don with an expressionless face.

"Hey...I was just saying...It's been 15 years. You have been whoring yourself since you were 10, and you never got your dream. Why don't you stop living in the clouds and come back to the gutter where you are." Kim said. Don sneered and everyone in the room was silent. No one knew Don and Kim, but they sensed that they were supposed to be friends.

"What did you say?" Don whispered in quiet anger.

"I said, ?why don't you stop living in the clouds, and come back to the gutter where you are.' If you didn't day dream so much maybe you would come to realize that you are homeless, and you cant afford to eat or bathe, yet you spend all this money on expensive clothes in the hopes that this male of yours is ?the one'. I say you should stick with what your good at, which is whoring people that are honest and real." Kim said sternly. Don pulled his lips back in a snarl and leaped onto Kim, and took to pummeling him right away. Don's fists were sent into Kim's face and chest, thudding off with a gruesome percussion of pain. Kim was pinned, and couldn't raise his arms to defend himself. All he could do was howl and scream in pain as he was pummeled.

Behind Don, a large Saber-toothed tiger Catling walked up. He was dressed like a biker. He grabbed onto Don's waist, just as he was giving Kim a final head butt to knock him out cold. The feline biker was polite enough to grab Don's food for him with his tail, and walked outside, carrying the struggling ferret. Once outside, and in the safety of the parking lot he set Don down next to his chopper. Don turned around and looked at the long-fanged cat with anger, and fear.

"Why did you do that?" Don asked with frustration.

"You were going to kill him." The Saber-tooth said with a soft and gentle voice.

"SO? He deserved it for the things he said." Don said as he kicked the side of the curb with his boot. The cat moved in front of him, and Don turned to get a good look at him. He was wearing a biker's leather vest, pants, and boots. Don caught a glimpse of the design of the biker's gang on the back. It was if a nude female Catling wrapped in a bunch of thorny vines with roses blooming on it; the vines covered her breasts and vaginal area. The letters of the bike gang were a purplish red, and were also covered in the vines of thorns. It read "Acolytes of Bast". Don looked the male over further and saw one dangling silver earring from his right ear, one of the "Eye of Bast", or the holy symbol of his religion.

"Well, he's gay..." Don thought to himself. "Only a firkin' idiot could miss that."

"He may have deserved it, but just because one ?deserves' something, does not mean that that person must necessarily get what they deserve, depending on the context." The Catling said Calmly.

Don ran a hand through his hair. "And who decides the context?"

The Catling places a finger on Don's chest. "You should be civil minded enough to be able to make that decision on your own. Besides, while your friend is laying unconscious in a pool of his own blood, and more than likely has facial fractures, what have you accomplished?"

Don shifted, he was taken back by the question. "What do you mean?"

"I mean...what have you accomplished?"

Don gulped. "Well I...I uh..." don stammered.

"All you accomplished is hurting your friend. You didn't get yourself any further than where you were before."

Don wanted to say otherwise, but he knew that this feline was right. He knew that this badass fag was correct. He groaned and ran his hand through his hair once more.

"You're right man. I owe him an apology." Don sighed.

"Well you can take care of that later. Right now why don't I take you away from here and let you calm down. You can come to my place."

"I...I suppose I trust ya." Don said softly.

"You should...I could have snapped your neck easily, but I didn't. Now, I'm going to get on the bike...hang on once you get on." The feline purred. Don nodded, and once the feline mounted the large custom chopper, Don hopped on. Don snickered; he remembered the old innuendo of "Bikers are all gay cause they love the power between their legs." That his dad always told him. Don sighed; he missed his father...he never found out what happened to him.

The bike was a little noisy, but handled like a dream on the streets. Don smiled as the wind whipped wildly at his shirt and hair. The Catling he was hugging to would occasionally wink at him in one of the rear-view mirrors. They rode for almost 2 hours out of town, to a small house in the countryside. It didn't seem to add up to Don. He looked about at the nice open pastures near this small country house. Don sniffed the was clean and free of the drugs and pollutants that he was used to smelling in the air. He turned and looked at the house after his sniffing. It was the stereotypical 2-story country home with the large porch. Don stepped off of the bike and looked about. Nothing seemed to make sense. He turned and looked at the man getting off the bike. He walked around the front of the bike and taped his shoulder. The saber-tooth looked at him and smiled.


"Um...not to sound rude, but what are we doing here? And what time is it?" Don asked patiently. The Catling looked at his wristwatch and then at Don and shrugged.

"3:37pm. I brought you here to cool off and have some fun. You looked aggravated, and I didn't want you to do something you regretted, so I took it upon myself to remove you from the situation and put you in a more pleasant one." The Cat said with a smile. Don smiled back; once more some stranger was being so nice to him. Maybe things were finally going right for once.

"Wow thanks! That is so nice of you!" Don said as he gave the male a kiss on his lips. The biker almost seemed to blush, but he then made a false face of bravado and grinned wide.

"The name's Razor, my friends call me Blyde." He said pointing to himself.

"Razor Blyde? Sounds like a f-" Don started to snicker.

"I know...a funny name, but it's my name." Razor said calmly. "Yours?"

"I'm Don."

"Don? Are you the ?don' of gay sex?" He joked.

"No...but I wish!"

"Who knows with me you may have that chance!" Razor joked once more. The two broke into laughter and started to take a few steps towards the large house.

"Ok...ok. So what are we going to do?" Don asked with a shrug. "I don't have anything to do until 9."

"Well, how about a soak in my private lake?" Razor asked as he gestured to the house. Don turned around, but he didn't see any lake. He looked all over the place, but all he saw were wide felids of crops. Don thought something was fishy here, and it wasn't the feline's breath.

"What fucking lake?" Don asked as he held his arms out in confusion.

"Follow me, you'll never believe it until you see it."

"Ok're leading!" Don said with a smile and a swish of the tail.

"Seriously! Trust will love it so much." Razor said as they walked up the steps to the porch

"I wonder...could he be a little...messed up?" Don thought to himself as the door was opened.

* * *

"Well fuck my ass and call me Aunt Betty..." Don said in amazement.

Razor laughed. "That may come later..." He said slyly. The two stared out at an enormous underground lake. The house that was on the surface was built above it. They took a long series of stairs and hallways down, but they found it. It was indeed a lake. It was the size of a standard surface lake and was just as deep, and clear as crystal. The area was lit with halogen lamps. They were strung into the cave ceiling and hung all over. A small hydro generator powered the lamps, a small stream flowed in the far end of the cave that allowed the water to exit, and that is where Razor had set up this generator. Don was incredibly amazed.

Don looked down into the water below, and could see the bluish purple rocks of the cave under the water. The water was so still that he could make out the cracks of every stone, and count every pebble.

"Wow! How did you ever find this place?" Don asked, his voice echoing off of the stone walls.

"Well it's an interesting story. Take off your clothes while I tell it to you." Razor requested. Don shrugged and pulled off the silk shirt without embarrassment and set it aside, and then began to take off his boots as Razor walked away.

"You see," Razor began to say from an unknown location behind him. Don sensed that he too was undressing. He was tempted to turn around and sneak a look, but he chose to simply wag his tail in an inviting way. "You see Don, when I was remodeling the basement to put in a bomb shelter, I literally stumbled on a cavern; I quite literally fell through it and landed where we came through the end of the basement. I looked about and decided to grab a lantern and explore. After a few minutes I discovered this place. Who knew I already had the perfect bomb shelter here?" He said softly.

Don stood naked now, not caring at all as he stretched before the water. He then felt a pair of hands slide onto his waist from behind. He looked back and saw the smiling face of Razor. He leaned into him and let himself be cuddled a bit. Razor's hands began to explore Don's chest a little bit, and sink lower...and lower...but before he could touch groin Don leaped and jumped into the water.

Don was shocked at how warm the water was. He had mentally prepared himself to be cold, but the water was warm as a fine bath. He opened his eyes, and could safely see. He smiled and then came to the surface, shaking his hair out. He then got his first glimpse of the naked body of Razor. Razor had a fine athletic body, as if he had been a body builder. His tail was nice and long, and only it's rounded tip was wagging at this point. In one hand tucked under his left shoulder was a 5-foot katana. Don looked lower at Razor's other "Sword". He had a fine hilt/sheath combo, and a healthy pair of testicles. He grinned, and thought about having them later.

" now...or sex tonight?" Don Debated with himself. Don smiled and frolicked in the water for a while, losing himself in his peaceful bliss. It was incredible...he felt as if magically every worry he had ever been forced to endure was literally being washed from him. It was excellent.

Don came to the surface after a while of rock diving. He had collected a rather healthy pile of smooth stones that he could use later...but for what he wasn't sure of. He began to backstroke, as he turned his head to see Razor standing on a very small rock, and practicing sword slices and karate kicks. Don grinned at the naked male. His prowess was outstanding. Don treaded water for a moment as he got a mischievous idea.

"I have the most scathingly...brilliant idea..." Don thought to himself as he dove under the water and swam towards Razor's rock. He broke the surface Razor as quietly as possible. Razor was standing in the crane stance. Don smiled, reached up, and pinched Razor's ass. Razor was so startled by the sudden action that he dropped the sword and fell into the water. Don's eyes went wide, and he started to snicker. Once the soaking wet and slightly annoyed Saber-tooth broke the surface, his look said it all. Don burst into laughter and pointed at him. Don had never seen anything so funny. Razor didn't stay mad long. He too burst into laughter, swam a few feet over and wrapped his arms around Don in a hug.

Both laughed until their sides were sore, letting their foreheads rest against each other's. When they stopped laughing, they realized that they were staring into one-another's eyes. Don smiled, and Razor smiled back. Both kept kicking their legs to stay afloat. Don felt Razor moving in closer, and so he did the same. Before long, their lips met...and they kissed. Don closed his eyes as he experienced a kiss not unlike the one he had the night before. Where as it wasn't as magical and loving, it was no less special. They held each other and allowed themselves to sink into the water; both cocooned by the warm comfort of the lake water and the embrace that they shared. Don moaned under the water, he could feel himself emerging from his hilt. Razor was also out of his hilt in no time, both their hard cocks pressed firmly against one another.

When air ran out. They broke the surface in tandem, holding hands. Razor turned to Don and gestured to the shore with a head nod. Don nodded and both swam to shore. Razor hopped out, and then pulled Don out of the water, and then brought him to lie on top of him.

Don leaned in and let his tongue slowly creep its way into his mouth, past those two enormous fangs. Don loved the taste of this new friend's mouth. Don also couldn't wait to try out this cat's meat. He paused from the kissing to talk to Razor.

"Hey...I want to thank you."

"For?" Razor asked.

"For being a friend to a complete stranger. Can I let my ass thank you?"

"Sure." Razor whispered softly, as he began to maneuver his cock.

Razor's cock was a little thin for Don's taste, but wasn't bad. He could feel Razor inside of him, humping and poking at his prostate. He brought himself to moan, his voice echoing off of the walls. The cock in his ass was thrilling.

Don felt himself pushed back by Razor, bringing his back to bow as he was fucked. He groaned, and bit his lips. Don liked this spontaneous sex. Don hissed in pleasure when he felt his cock being sucked. It would seem that Razor had tremendous flexibility.

"Yes...yes!" Don whispered. Razor moaned along, taking the delicious sex organ deep into his gullet. Don clenched his ass like he always did, and held Razor's head to his cock tight, as he was growing unexpectedly close. However, to Don's surprise it was Razor that expended his cum first, Don came second, exploding down Razor's throat. Don sat there, resting with Razor's cock up his butt, and staring lovingly down at him.

"I think we can call this a ?friendship with benefits'." Don said with a smile.

"I agree..." Razor whispered back.

* * *

Don was once more dressed and standing at his lamppost. He and Razor had showered, ate, and returned to the city. Don now had what he felt was a real friend, but he was still looking for love. Don had been thinking about what had happened for the entire 20 minutes that he had been standing there. Don liked Razor a lot...but he didn't love him. He wouldn't mind fucking him...but still he didn't love him. The only person that he really felt this strange longing love for was the man he met the evening prior.

"So...what do I do with my life..." Don wondered.

Suddenly Don felt a tapping on his right shoulder from behind. He turned around and gasped at what he saw. It was Kim, but he was wearing a metal mask on his face. It would seem that the damage to his face was severe. Don gulped and took a step back.

"Kim?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's me..." Kim growled.

"Hey man...I just wanted to say I'm-" Don began.

"SHUT UP!" Kim yelled. The only part of his face not covered by the mask was his mouth. Don gulped and shut his mouth.


"Look what you did to me!" Kim shouted. "Look what you did to my face! Now no one will buy me you asshole! I say you owe me..." Kim grumbled.

"Hey...calm down."

"No...I don't think so." Kim sneered. Behind Don a limo pulled up, but he wasn't paying attention. He was focused on Kim. Don held his hands up in another calm down gesture, but it was all futile.

There was a quick spring sound, and Don saw that Kim had a silver switchblade in his right hand. Don swallowed hard and had nowhere to run. Kim then lunged in a right to left slash at Kim's face. It connected in a slash across his left eye. He screamed in pain and held his face. The cut didn't bleed...much to Don's surprise. It was the silver in the blade that had cauterized the wound, generating an instant scar. Don's face throbbed...and his fear flowed.

"Kim! Stop please!"

"Shut up...I'm going to mess up your face!" Kim reared back to lunge once more but as Kim was about to swipe, an arm caught his. Kim was surprised to say the least. HE turned around, and saw...the Ferret from the night before, the one identical to Don. Kim's mouth opened, and he dropped the knife.


The other male smiled evilly. "Magic. Now...I believe your flight was just leaving?" The ferret said slyly. Kim's eyes went wide as the male then maneuvered his body to send him flying. Kim was Irish whipped into the air and came crashing down in a pile of garbage.

Don looked on with joyous shock as the male dusted off his hands and led Don towards the limo. "You aren't going to skimp out on our arrangement are you?" The male said happily. Don simply shook his head, and hopped in the expensive limo.

Inside was everything! The limo was equipped with a full bar, TV, Video player, stereo...the works! Don was enthralled at what he saw, and the male holding his hand was the cu de gras.

"Where are we headed?" Don asked softly, rubbing his thumb across the top his hand.

"To Shangri-La..." He whispered back. Don looked about and sighed. He lowered his head and rested it against the rich ferret's shoulder. He was falling in love.

" all this attention..." Don sighed.

"I love sweet."

"What is your name?"


"I want to know what name so scream when I'm making love with you."

And with that...they kissed.

* * *

"Holy fucking shit sticks on a crutch!" Don said as he looked out on something he thought he would never see. It was the penthouse of his dreams. White everywhere, leather couches, a hot tub...and a big screen TV. Don grinned...and walked to the center of the room. He smiled and threw his silk shirt onto the couch. Dan moved up behind him and gave him a kiss on the back of the neck.

"Wait here...count to 25, and then turn around." Dan smiled. Don nodded, and did as he was told.

"1...2...3...4..." Don said, as he was standing alone. He started to slip off his boots. "10...11...12...13...14..." He counted as he dropped his tights, and stood naked in the room of his dreams. He held his chest and thought to himself. "Thank god...this is a dream come true...". He finished counting, and turned around. He looked, and saw a huge bed, the kind with a shroud around the head. He saw the man of his dreams laying there, naked and beckoning him forward. He grinned it was a dream come true.

"Come to me..." Dan whispered. Don nodded and obeyed, crawling in long sleek strides towards the bed. He crawled into the bed, across his love, and brought his lips to Dan's. Don groaned as once more their mouths met. It was as if the mouth upon his was crafted solely for him.

Their taste buds excided one another, there was nothing else to them, only mouths, and tongue. Don groaned and brought his hand to caress the sides of the face in front of him, while Dan did the same back, running his tumb across the new scar on his cheek.

Their cocks were out, hard, and practically melted together. Don was rolled onto his back by Dan, and moaned as the kiss was broken. Dan then turned his body around, and presented his groin to his new lover. Don gasped in joyous pleasure. Never before had he been in a situation like this. Instinct told him what to do, and he listened. He leaned up, and plunged the oblong love tool into his mouth.

The taste of Dan was so exquisite. He couldn't get enough of it. He smiled a little and then set into work, bobbing on the man of his dreams. He remembered of how many years he had fanaticized about this night...and here it was. Don was so lost in his cock sucking; he didn't notice Dan losing himself in the same action. Don opened his eyes and gazed up at the gorgeous butt in front of him. Don marveled Dan's wonderful golden white fur, the stripes...and his tail. Dan smiled as he noticed Don losing himself.

Deeper and deeper they swallowed on each other. They were falling so in love with one another. They held tight to each other. To wasn't just a 69, it was...nirvana. He groaned...and pulled off for just a moment.

"I love this..." He groaned. Dan stopped and looked down his shoulder at him.

"I want you to piss down my throat while I suck you..." He groaned. Don raised his eyebrows.

"What? No one has ever done that for me."

"Do so, and Ill piss in you...lets get started."

Don quickly plunged Dan's head in the back of his throat, closed his eyes...and got ready. At the same moment he released his urine, it was as if like magic, a slow and steady stream flowed into him. It was unlike anything he had ever didn't even taste like piss. It tasted like apple juice. He drank...and drank. He knew what he was drinking, but it didn't seem like it. His pleasure was so great. Without warning, the piss stopped in his mouth, and Dan pulled off. He was still pissing, all over himself and the bed. Dan then moved around, and positioned himself in-between Don's legs...and inserted himself. He groaned, and something happened. He felt himself get lost. Don couldn't think anymore, his animal passion had taken over. He growled in ultimate pleasure as he felt this part of himself join Dan. He he was really in love for once. Don groaned and bucked his hips as Dan fucked him, his member plowing his field of dreams, and filling his love hole nice and deeply.

"AHHhhhh Fuuucccckkkk..." Don screamed.

"Yes! Yes!" Dan answered back.

Dan forced himself to his zenith, getting all of himself into Don. He crested and gripped onto Don's hips lovingly. Don's legs wrapped around him, and rode this wild and loving ride of his dreams. Suddenly, something snapped in him. His instinct took over all the way. He looked up and shoved him off. Dan looked at him in surprise, but not for long. Don then threw him down to the bed, spread his legs, and speared himself into Dan. Dan screamed in pleasure/pain, and then melted into the flow.

Don felt Dan's wonderful, silken ass close around him as his pink sheath plummeted deeper into his love. No one spoke. They just grunted and rode the passion. Don had never done this before, he had never been on top...and he loved it. Don then did the same thing Dan had done, which is plummet to his peak, and let himself writhe inside of him.

Don looked down, and minus the scar on his cheek, felt that he was looking in on himself. He home...inside of Dan. He also felt at home with Dan inside of him...and he needed that as well. He pulled out of Dan, turned around, and squatted onto Dan, brining him to scream in pleasure. Dan then pushed Don forward, as they fucked doggy style, Dan's arms wrapped around his waist. Don groaned and took it, wrapping his tail around Don's waist.

"Daaaaaannnnn..." He screamed. He moaned as he felt chest and stomach against his back. There was then a sudden licking against his back...and happened. Dan came. It felt like no orgasm in his ass he had ever experienced. It was passionate...and powerful. Don groaned...and then turned around as he pulled off of him. Dan then turned around and presented himself in a similar manner. Don took a moment, and caressed Dan's pretty ass. He had never done that before. He moved in and inserted himself once more. He took to humping once more, docking with what he felt was his place to belong. They moaned together in harmonious fulfillment. It was...everything he dreamed of.

When Don's semen burst forth, he felt as if part of his soul had entered Dan. He had never had a throbbing this powerfull, or spirtual. Dan his instinct let his mind take over once again. Dan was moaning Don's name over and over was something to hear. Don pulled out...and collapsed onto the bed next to Dan. Dan reached over for a moment, and grabbed two bottles of champagne. They were the expensive kind. They were all neat and bubbly, kind of how Don felt at that moment. Dan then handed him one...and the two toasted the evening.

"That...was...amazing." Dan said softly.

"It was the first time I had ever made love..." Don admitted.

"Truly?" Dan asked in disbelief.

Don giggled and nodded. "In fact...that was the first time I'd ever been on top."

"Well...I'm glad I could do that for the one I love."

" you too..." Don smiled.

"Yes...I am glad that I could do that for my beloved brother..."

Don gasped and looked at Dan. "I'm your brother?"


"But how? I never...I never remember having a brother."

Dan sighed and cuddled his naked cock to Don's, a little cum oozing out still. "You see, when mother and father had us...father couldn't afford to keep us both. So...he sold me to a rich old woman who never had a son of her own. When she died about 10 years ago...I inherited all the money. I used some of it to search for you. After 2 years I found you...and started watching you. I couldn't come forward at first...because I fell in love with you. I didn't know how to say that I had the love for my twin brother. It took until yesterday for me to get the balls to do it." Dan said softly.

"So, we were separated, and I lived with Mom and Dad till they died?"


"And you fell in love with me?"


Don turned his head away, and his face fell to sorrow. "I can't love my brother that way..." He sighed.

"I...under-" he began.

"That's why I'm going to have to change that. From now are my fiancé." Don said as he brought his lips to Dan's.

"I love him." Dan thought to himself. "He will be my mate..."

And so it was...the couple made love long into the night...and every night afterward. They were married...and blessed with a son of their own...

...And if you want to know how...just remember...dreams do come true...