Officer Friendly

Story by TheMishMash on SoFurry

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General Disclaimer: This story may contain scenes of a graphic and/or sexual nature. As such it is not suitable for view by persons under the age of eighteen. Please respect the law in your area, it's in place for your own good.

Mission Statement: This story was written and collaborated on by one or more members of TheMishMash. We are a team of like minded friends who strive to bring humor, drama, adventure, and sordid affairs to the masses. Comments and questions are always welcome and we can be contacted through our user page here on SoFurry. Please denote who you're asking for when leaving a message. Sincerely... Ghoti, Bones, and Scratch.

Officer Friendly

Written by: Ghoti

Content: This story contains acts of a sexual nature between myself and a very forgiving officer of the law. Read in shorthand; M/F, oral, vaginal, bat, mink, outdoors, blood

Personal Notes: Ghoti says, "Hallelujah. I can still write Yiff even tho I cut out the cubby stuff. I've never been so proud. As for the story, while nothing like this has ever happened to me personally, I live in a rural Podunk town where it very well could happen. And with my real life predisposition for reckless and speedy driving, I can dream. Can't I?"

Ghoti was speeding. And enjoying the hell out of it. Moonlight flashed brightly off the chrome trim as the car briskly made it's way toward home under the persuasive influence of Ghoti's leaden hind paw. His music blared from the custom speaker system sending night birds into belated flight mere seconds after the car had made it's appearance near their nests then, like a hell-born banshee, shrieked ever onward.

He'd borrowed the car from Bones for the express purpose of returning his cousin Charlotte's armbands to her. And for the auxiliary purpose of driving like a bat out of hell on the way back home.

Although their only vehicle belonged to Bones, Ghoti and Scratch both had their licenses and frequently made trips here or there when they had to. Charlotte had visited a few days previous and stayed the night. Her little brother Keese had chipped an incisor and subsequently needed to be taken to an orthodontist who specialized in chiropterans. Not wanting to stay by herself when she had a cousin just one town over who just happened to have a bed he never slept in, Charlotte had called ahead of time and Ghoti had accommodated her on one condition. She had to leave something behind so he could bring it to her later.

That was all because of "the back way". Most animals, when driving from Amber Hills to GreenWood, took the highway. However, there was a little known road that led more or less directly between the two towns. Sure, there were a few hair pin turns. And a hill that would "get your tummy" if you hit it going fast enough. And all in all it was ten miles longer than taking the highway. But in Ghoti's opinion, it was a LOT more fun.

As an added bonus, there was the car. As he rounded a tight turn, fishtailing appreciably in the loose gravel shoulder, Ghoti was thankful for the differences between himself and his friends. Scratch was a gun nut. As such he owned a few guns, had begrudgingly taught his friends as much as he could on the subject, and by default, insured that they were reasonably ready for the zombie apocalypse. Ghoti was something of a jack-of-all, he had the others beat on computer literacy, money management, and was a fair hand at cooking when circumstances called for it. Then, thank The Good Lord, there was Bones. The one who was car crazy. Ghoti laughed somewhat giddily as he maneuvered the well kept car around another tight corner, barely keeping all four tires on the road and speeding up through the curve like a true pro.

Ghoti had always enjoyed driving fast and recklessly, but had the common sense to know that if he returned the car in any shape lower than he had left with it in, he'd never drive it again. Thankfully, his night vision was keen, and his driving skills were sharp. The police were his only worry. But it was night. On "the back way". And the holidays were just past, the cops were all taking a well deserved breather. He didn't foresee any problems with the 5-0.

As he approached the tall hill that marked the near end of "the back way", he floored the accelerator. He watched the needle climb past 60. Past 70. As he crested the incline at 77 miles per hour, he braced himself. Previous experiments had taught him that speeds in excess of 80 mph tended to hurl cars into the lower stratosphere when they reached the top of this particular hill. But his limited restraint paid off when he topped the rise and felt the car lighten in that quasi-magical way and felt his stomach lift into his chest. A girlish laugh escaped him as the car settled back to full contact with the earth and he let it coast back to a reasonable speed.

He was still laughing when the blue lights illuminated the back windshield fifteen seconds later.

He clipped his laughter short with an audible snapping sound and felt his stomach drop in that quasi-demonic way only a lit up black and white can inspire. Resigned to his fate, and with the knowledge that running would only add to his fines, he slowed the car down, turned the radio off, and pulled over. The cop pulled in close behind him, trained a spotlight on the back of the car, for use as additional illumination and as an effective intimidation tool, and Ghoti sighed deeply.

Familiar with the process, he dug the registration out of the glove compartment and retrieved his billfold from his back pocket. He waited with his license and the registration while the cop did whatever the hell it was they did while you waited.

Some minutes later, a dark silhouette got out off the black and white, adjusted it's hat, and approached his window. When the cop arrived at his window, a reddish furred paw with well manicured claws appeared and made a cranking gesture. Ghoti complied and rolled down the window.

"License and registration, please." A soft, but subtly decisive voice said. Ghoti handed over the requested paperwork and hazarded a look out and up toward the officer's face. A female mink, looking quite authoritative in her police outfit, gave him an unreadable look and turned her attention to his identification. Her badge, readily visible in the harsh illumination of her cruiser's spot light, read Jackson. She wore a GreenWood PD uniform.

"Do you know why I pulled you over Mr... Finnegan?" She asked.

"I was speeding, ma'am." Ghoti replied, hoping honesty without evasiveness coupled with his winning personality might save the day, but not really believing it would. "Depending on when you clocked me, it was anywhere between 60 and 75."

"In a 45 mile per hour zone." The lady cop added. "That 75 mph clock I got on you when you topped the hill puts you right in the reckless endangerment category."

Ghoti grimaced. Not only would the fine be substantial, but considering the nature of it, Bones' insurance would probably take a considerable increase. He tried to swallow past the lump in his throat and failed miserably. "I know you probably get this all the time," He began.

"ALL the time." Officer Jackson added, with something similar to a smile in her voice.

Ghoti pressed onward. "But I really don't need this kind of fine to pay. The end of the month bills are coming up, the car's not even in my name, and my birthday's in a few days."

"Happy Birthday." The lady cop said dryly as she handed his paperwork back.

Ghoti knew he was hooked. And he knew no amount of charm or persuasion would free him. But he tried anyway. "Is there anything we can do about this?" He asked, opening his billfold and returning his license in a way that showed off the not inconsiderable amount of funds he carried. "Anything at all?"

The lady cop leaned down, bringing her pretty face even with the window. "Are you attempting to bribe an officer of the law, Mr. Finnegan?"

"No, ma'am." Ghoti hastily closed his billfold and returned it to his pocket.

The cop stepped back from the vehicle and Ghoti's stomach attempted to bury itself amongst his lower organs as she spoke. "Step out of the car, Mr. Finnegan."

Ghoti complied immediately. He got out and stood on legs that wouldn't quite stay still. The lady mink was as tall as his ears were and she looked down slightly to make eye contact with him. "I have reason to believe you may be in possession of controlled substances or other illegal paraphernalia, Mr. Finnegan. That coupled with your erratic behavior leads me to think a search of your immediate person is in order. Please place your paws on the car and spread your legs." This was all spoken with a perfunctory clarity that denied argument.

Ghoti's first impulse was to rail dramatically against her accusations and more or less make a huge scene. A calm second of thought, brought on by the slight movement of her paw towards the service revolver on her belt, convinced him that, since he had nothing to hide, his best course of action would be to do as he was told.

As the lady cop began the pat down at his shoulders and worked her way down to his ankles, she spoke in her soft, direct voice. "It occurs to me, Mr. Finnegan, that you never really expected me to 'do anything about this'." She said referring to his brazen attempt at a bribe. "As a matter of fact, I often do take pity on certain animals I pull over, but I don't take bribes."

"What're y-" Ghoti began, then felt the words die in his throat as the lady officer, on her return ascension up his body, firmly clasped one paw over his buttocks and the other over his testicles.

"But I do accept alternate forms of payment for the fines I issue." She whispered in his ear, gave his crotch a gentle squeeze, and after returning both paws to his shoulders, turned him around to face her.

Ghoti, taken aback by the officer's brash change of attitude, simply stood and stared at her.

Jackson smiled down at him. "Since you aren't carrying anything illegal, your fine stands at reckless endangerment." She reached out and placed a paw on his chest, where she rubbed him softly through his shirt and jacket. "Perhaps you'd like to pay your fine here and now, yeah?" She asked.

Ghoti still couldn't speak, but had to admit to himself that the female officer was attractive. He'd always had a thing for girls who were older or taller than him. And Officer Jackson was both. She continued to softly smile at him as she rubbed his chest. Felling somewhat mystified, Ghoti spoke finally. "What'd you have in mind?"

She winked at him and Ghoti's insides unknotted and warmth seemed to bloom under the lady cop's massaging paw. "I'm sure an intelligent bat like you can think of something you could give me, hmm?" She trailed her paw down to the waistband of his jeans and hooked a claw in the front of his pants.

Ghoti could already feel his body's reaction to Officer Jackson's advances. He hesitated then placed his own, slightly smaller paw against the mink's face. "I'm not sure this is the appropriate method of resolving traffic violations, Ma'am." He said and petted her gently.

Jackson murred against his touch and released his jeans before moving her paw further down to cup his hardening member. "I don't often file the proper paperwork when I make late night stops out on the edge of town." She said and began to rub him through his jeans.

Ghoti moved his own paws to her breasts where he instinctively began to knead his dexterous fingers. Jackson deftly unbuttoned the front of his jeans and then moved her paws behind him to undo his tail snap.

Ghoti snapped his sharp claws over one of the buttons on her uniform shirt and undid it before moving his paw inside and tracing his fingers over the side swell of one breast through her surprisingly thick undershirt. The mink leaned against him as she undid his tail snap and pressed her lips against his. Ghoti kissed her back, playing his extended tongue around hers.

She broke the kiss. "I had heard you bats could give a licking as well as you could take it, but I never knew exactly what it meant."

Ghoti grinned at her and stuck his tongue out. At a foot in length and tapering to a near prehensile tip, it had only served him well when dealing with the opposite sex. She surprised him by leaning back in and sucking his tongue back into her mouth. They shared another deep kiss before he broke from her. "So what do I owe you for the ticket Officer Jackson?" He asked.

The mink gave him a sly look and reached into his now open pants. She firmly grasped his dick through his boxers. "This'll do for starters." She said and removed his exploring paws with her other hand before dropping to her knees in front of him.

She pulled his pants off and Ghoti exhaled a visible breath of air as the cold night air played around his legs. Officer Jackson knelt in front of the bat and withdrew his fully erect penis from the fly of his boxers. Ghoti shivered as she played her neat, trim claws over his exposed flesh before beginning.

He leaned back against the car and began to run his fingers through the mink's thick head fur as she experimentally licked his shaft. Jackson ran her tongue up the length of the bat's dick and played it over the tip before sucking him. She lightly and gently scraped her sharp teeth down the length of his rod as she engulfed him in her mouth. Ghoti shivered again, leaned forward, and reached down behind the lady cop for her tail snap.

Jackson began to suck him in earnest and Ghoti unbuttoned the tail snap on her pants before going after the one on her panties. Jackson lifted her tail to give him better access and worked her tongue around his shaft. Ghoti reached his paw under her tail and traced his fingers over her moist slit.

Jackson made a purring sound and Ghoti gasped at the feeling it made against his dick. Jackson continued to blow him and Ghoti eased a slim claw inside her. The mink pushed her backside against the bat's invading digit and reached a paw up to fondle his balls. Ghoti delved his claw inside the mink's honey pot and began to finger her as she nursed him towards climax.

Jackson arched her back sending her backside higher and Ghoti inserted another claw, eliciting another agreeable vocalization from the mink. The lady cop deep throated him, managing to also suck his balls into her mouth and Ghoti felt his release building, as well as a familiar dark desire.

Jackson felt the bat's pleasuring fingers withdraw, but continued to service him. Unknown to the woman, Ghoti's mouth had begun to involuntarily yawn open, exposing his pointed incisors and lower canines. As his body prepared to evacuate his seed into the mink's throat, Ghoti fought to avoid the woman's tempting tail and bring his own arm to his mouth instead.

Jackson sensed some inner conflict in the boy and redoubled her efforts, sucking his tasty appendage furiously. Ghoti felt his cum approaching and overcame his bestial will. He clamped down on his own arm, instantly piercing through the meek double layers of his coat and shirt into his flesh. Jackson heard his muffled cry and mistook it for pleasure as she drank down his semen and licked him clean. Only when she raised her head, perhaps thinking to ask him why he had stopped fingering her, did she noticed him simultaneously trying to drink his own blood through his darkening sleeve and squeezing pained tears out of his closed eyes.

Jackson watched with some alarm until, after a few seconds, he recovered. Ghoti breathed deeply through his nose a few times before carefully opening his mouth. The quadruple inch long blades of his teeth reluctantly withdrew from his arm and he sighed somewhat wearily. "Had I known you were gonna pull me over, I'd have come prepared." He said as he rolled up his sleeves to check the damage.

Jackson took a pocket flashlight from her belt and shone it on the boy's arm. Blood flowed slowly into his pristine white fur. Ghoti lowered his face to the wounds and licked them clean. When he raised his head, Jackson noticed both that his wounds didn't appear too serious, and that he had a scarlet smear of blood across his nose.

"Hope I didn't scare you, Officer." Ghoti replied sheepishly. "It's ah... It's a bat thing. Would've been your throat had I been able to get to it. Was almost your tail anyway."

"I never believed that story." Jackson said in reference to the oft heard rumor that bat's drank blood. "It's a sexual thing, then?"

"Anger and arousal trigger it." Ghoti admitted.

"I hope you'll be okay." Jackson said as she reached for his face and gently wiped the blood from his nose.

"It's not the first time." Ghoti said. "Won't be the last." He realized he was still mostly naked from the waist down and reached to pull up his pants. "I don't wanna sound rude, but this always knocks me off my game and, quite frankly, embarrasses the hell out of me when people see me do it. Are we done here?" Although the low light hid it well, a blush had risen to his oversized ears.

Jackson became all business again. "I'm afraid not, Mr. Finnegan."

Ghoti gaped at her. "Wha..?"

"You just admitted to intent to assault an officer of the law. Attempted Assault, in other words." The mink, with her tail snaps already undone, unbuttoned her uniform pants and dropped them to the ground before stepping out of both them and her panties. "I'm afraid that carries a much heavier fine than Reckless Endangerment."

Ghoti looked the near naked mink over, his eyes drawn to the downy patch of fur between her legs where moonlight glistened off of her moisture. "You're serious?" He asked.

"Always." She said and approached him at a sultry stride. Ghoti dropped his pants again as the lady cop grabbed his shirttail and lifted his jacket and shirt over his head. His clothes fell behind him and Jackson ran her claws through his chest fur. She kissed his chest and he moved his paws back behind her.

"Nice bands." She remarked and traced her claws over the armbands on his left arm as Ghoti ran his fingers through the light fur on her backside. "Will you take 'em off?"

Ghoti balked. "That could make me a little hard to handle in the very likely event I go for the kill again." He said honestly.

"Just go for my shoulder." She whispered and kissed him. Ghoti twined his talented tongue around hers and trailed it away before they broke the kiss. Jackson stepped away from him and leaned over the back of Bones' car exposing herself to the quickly recovering bat.

Ghoti first dropped to his knees behind her and deeply inhaled the clean scent of her maidenhood before snaking his tongue out to lick the beguilingly aromatic juices from her cunt. Jackson laced her tail around the boy's neck and Ghoti delved his tongue inside her. She pushed back against his face as he sent his tongue higher in attempt to trigger more of her feminine flow.

Jackson bit back a girlish squeal as she felt the bat's tongue tickle the inside of her womb. Ghoti withdrew his tongue, dragging a fair amount of her juices into his eager mouth in the process, and stood behind her. "Bands off?" He asked.

Jackson had temporarily replaced the boy's tongue with her paw and was massaging herself furiously. "Yes." She assured him somewhat breathlessly. Ghoti noted with a fair amount of well concealed good humor that her pussy was literally steaming in the cold winter air. "Remember, my shoulder." She added.

Ghoti shucked his armbands, freeing his pale wings, and then stepped out of his boxers. He approached the mink's inviting back end, his fully recovered manhood leading the way. Jackson removed her paw, licked her fingers, and waggled her butt at him.

Ghoti grabbed her tail in one fist and positioned himself behind her. Jackson murred as he placed his swollen member against her cum slick slit. Ghoti steeled his mind to remember her admonishment about her shoulder and eased himself inside her welcoming warmth.

The lady cop pushed herself against him and Ghoti began to slow fuck her, easing himself most of the way out before sliding all the way back in her. She moaned and matched the backwards movements of her hips to meet his forward thrusts. Ghoti sent himself high inside her, occasionally yanking her tail softly or lightly slapping her ass with his free hand. A light breeze occasionally blew past them making brief sails out of his wings as he increased his pace and began to slap himself against her with each thrust.

They both began to pant heavily, their individual puffs of expelled vapor mingling together above their heads as they fucked under the winter moon.

Ghoti reached in front of his entry point and teased the mink's clit between two of his nimble claws. Jackson whined behind clenched teeth at his touch and began to shiver as her orgasm approached. As her pussy began to involuntarily spasm around his invading dick, Ghoti braced for his own release.

When he felt her body release a flood around the base of his cock, he also felt the tendons in his jaws creak as his mouth opened on it's own accord. Thinking quickly, he lunged for her shoulder before his instincts could make him forget and bit down on her a spare moment before he filled her tight warmth with his sperm. He wrapped his wings around her in what his father had often called a "death shroud" and clamped down. He sank his teeth into her shoulder, expecting the candy-like flow of her life blood, and his inner beast seemed to wail when it didn't come.

With no flow to sustain it's presence, his primal lust passed quickly. He came back to himself, laying on top of her, their mingled cum dripping between their hind paws into the dirt, still with his mouth around her shoulder. They were both completely enshrouded in his wings and he slowly unfolded them. Carefully, so as not to injure himself or her, he extracted his teeth.

"It... Worked..." Jackson panted beneath him.

Ghoti looked at her shoulder curiously. "I guess it did." He said. He could see where his teeth had sunk in, but there had been no damage to the lady cop's person. He stepped away to allow her room to stand up and took the opportunity to gather his clothes.

"I'll..." Jackson began, took a deep breath to steady herself, then continued. "I'll have to tell the chief that these new full upper armors really work."

Ghoti had put his underwear and pant's back on and was in the process of collecting all his armbands. "That's why your undershirt was so thick. It's fiber woven armor isn't it?"

Jackson nodded, then joined him in getting dressed. "I didn't KNOW they'd stop your teeth, but I'm glad they did." She had found her panties and was mopping her dripping pussy with them. "How's your arm, Mr. Finnegan?"

Ghoti looked himself over. His exertion at fucking the mink had re-started the flow but he doubted the fang marks would even scar. Bat's like himself who had took pains to resist their bestial nature often became quite resistant to bites. "I'll be fine." He assured her with a smile. "So long as my debt with you is square, that is." He added as he folded up his wings and secured them once more with his armbands and put on his shirt and jacket.

Officer Jackson put on her serious face. "Actually, I think I owe you now." She said and tossed her soaked panties at him underhand. "Consider it a souvenir." She said with a wink and pulled on her pants.

Ghoti caught the unfortunately stiffening garment on the fly and tucked them into his jacket pocket. "Much appreciated, Officer." He said.

"Marie." She said and belted her pants before primly returning to her cruiser. Ghoti watched her leave.

Before returning to his roommate's vehicle, he cast his eyes to the heavens and thanked whoever had set this up. He opened his jacket and inhaled the lasting aroma of the woman, got in the car, and returned home.

Ten minutes later, he unlocked the front door to his house.

"Was beginning to think you'd wrecked my ride." Bones said from the living room couch. The skunk was watching TV with his sketch pad in his lap.

"Never, B." Ghoti said and tossed him the keys.

"You're lucky you didn't get pulled over, Speed Racer." Scratch called from the kitchen. "Some cop just barreled down the road, blue lights blazing."

Ghoti grinned to himself. "Lucky's my middle name, Buddy." He said.

Ending Time Stamp: Friday, January 21, 2011, 8:36 pm

Welcome to GreenWood

**General Disclaimer:** This story may contain scenes of a graphic and/or sexual nature. As such it is not suitable for view by persons under the age of eighteen. Please respect the law in your area, it's in place for your own good. **Mission...

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