Eternal Night - 3. Wanting

Story by Judah Vishas on SoFurry

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I woke up alone.

Giovanni had not left me, but he was not in the bed with me now. I'd forgotten what it was like to

wake up and not have been sharing my bed with a corpse. I was accustomed to waking up alone, but it

was different to have someone stirring in my apartment.

The tabby was making coffee. It was a good thing keeping cover food in the place was second-nature

to me. If he'd gone out there and found no food in my cabinets and refrigerator, I'm certain he would

have suspected something. I was at the door then, listening to him move about. The other feline was

singing. I didn't know the song, but it didn't matter. His voice was making me more and more grateful

that I hadn't killed him.

Footsteps... he was on his way back. I was sitting on the side of the bed a moment before the door

opened. I watched him with my ears instead of my eyes. If I opened them, he'd surely see the bright

blue glow. Giovanni carefully made his way through the dark room to the small table in the corner and

put down the tray he'd carried the two coffee mugs on. "Rise and shine, bellissima." He said before, to

my horror, he threw open the blackout curtains covering my window overlooking the city.

I screamed at the top of my lungs as the light burned my face. The next instant, I was on the floor on

the opposite side of the bed. I raised my paw over the bed for moment and sharply closed it into a fist

to close the curtains from where I was, then immediately yanked it back to lick at the burns on it.

Giovanni frantically shuffled across the room and flicked on the lights. I cringed a little, thinking for a

moment that it was the sun again. He found me crouched behind the bed, wrapped in a sheet and

rocking back and forth with my right arm held close to me.

"What is going - [i]che diavolo[/i]?" I heard him say. I didn't realize it until then, but my teeth were

clenched. He could see my fangs. I sat back on the floor against the wall and looked up to him. Now I

was worried. What if he ran? If he did, I'd have no choice but to kill him. I began to work my hypnosis

over him


I stopped and retracted my aura without question and, as I expected, he ran. I looked up, not at the

ceiling, but toward the sky. "Mother, I hope you know what you're doing." If he opened his mouth to

anyone, he'd have to die. I didn't doubt Nyx, but I was worried for him.

I couldn't dwell on it long. It had been a long night and I needed my rest for later. The fleeing mortal

was the least of my troubles.


With my back to the camera, I took off my jacket halfway to show my black silk vest and the leather

bands I was wearing around my biceps. I looked over my shoulder and there was a painful flash.

Modeling had been hellish since I'd become a Strigoii, but I loved it too much to quit even in death.

Perhaps I could find dark tinted contacts. The glow in my eyes would show the red color through them

so no one could tell.

"Alright, Mr. Sinclair, you can take a break while we set up for the next couple shots." The ursine

photographer said, moving to the front of his camera to change the lens. "Great shots, by the way.

You sure you're an amateur?"

"One hundred percent sure." I replied, pulling my jacket back onto my shoulders. "People have told

me I should model but I never took it seriously until recently." I snickered so softly that he couldn't

hear me. The photographer had been undressing me with his mind as he took my photos. I'd almost

lost my composure and laughed when his thoughts went nuts the moment I tugged the front of my

slacks down a little for one of the pictures. The wedding ring on his finger made it even more hilarious.

I felt somewhat sorry for him. It must be tough wrestling with your wandering eye and a marriage. If

he were immortal, he could wait it out and act on his thoughts later. Too bad for him.

I left his mind and looked to the two assistants setting up large, white foam letters spelling out

ANDRIC. One of them was a fairly handsome otter. His thoughts were nothing more than his schedule

for the rest of the night. Leave here, go to the bank, pick up pizza for his pups, and call the rehab

center to check on his wife. He was a good man and I couldn't help but hope nothing bad ever

happened to him. I even made a mental note to make an anonymous donation to his household.

The other assistant was a beautiful Siamese cat. Her thoughts were strange. There was an upbeat-yet-

sad song playing in her mind with dark colors pulsing to the beat. Then I saw her in her thoughts. She

was chasing a male cat that was running at full speed from her toward what looked like an open coffin.

The feline was worried about something, someone.

"Mr. Sinclair?"

I shook myself out of her thoughts and looked to the photographer. "I'm sorry, are we ready?" I

asked. When the bear nodded, I made my way back into the camera's view. Before he started, I

looked behind myself and the letters to the backdrop. There wasn't one. I'd been taking pictures with

an ornately framed, gold mirror and the gray wall behind it. "Just a moment, Mr. Sanders." I said,

walking behind him.

"What're you up to?" he asked while staring at my ass once I'd passed him.

"I'm no artist, but I think this would look a bit better." I said, picking up a large black canvas. "Could you

help me with his please?" I didn't look back, but I beckoned for the assistants. The otter was the first

to grab some of the cloth and help me bring it across the room. We put it down and placed ladders on

either side of the room. "Each of you stand on one of these and hold this up, please." I instructed

them. Once they were in place, I handed them both a corner of the canvas, making a makeshift black

backdrop. "How's this?" I spread the letters out a little more than they were and lied across them with.

The bear looked through the lens and shook his head. "There's no way you can make me believe

you've never done this." He said, snapping pictures.

I was nothing short of thrilled when it was all done. My eyes were killing me after all those flashes. Of

course Blaine was waiting for me, and once more there was pair of glowing eyes inside the car. I tried

to listen to the thoughts of whomever it was inside, but I couldn't hear anything. Ordinarily, it wouldn't

have bothered me that another vampire was in my limo, but there was something different here. The

eyes inside were blue, not red. Warily, I approached the vehicle and stepped in.

"I'm warning you now, whoever you are." I said as I climbed in and the door closed behind me. "If

you're foolish enough to try anything, I'll kill you. And if you manage to kill me -

"-hordes of your undead brothers and sisters will tear me apart?" she said. "I don't doubt that. Good

thing I'm not here to fight."

My eyes ignited in the dark space and I saw her. It was the photographer's beautiful feline assistant. "I

knew there was something strange about you." I said, sitting back and crossing my legs. "Well, why

have you hijacked my limousine?"

"I need to talk to you about something, Andric." Unable to read her mind, I was forced to rely on

listening for telltale signs of emotion in her voice and watch her subtle movements.

"Let's start with your name."

"Luya. Now, listen, we haven't much time." the feline said. "You and your friends are the ones that

murdered the Trackers in America, right?"

"What business is that of yours?" I asked.

She held out her right paw and flicked her wrist. The next instant, she was holding a Tracker's recurve.

"I used to belong to them."

I closed my eyes and chuckled. "Really now? And I suppose you've come to take revenge on us one by

one. Is that right, Luya?

"I said 'used to belong' didn't I?" she said, sitting back in her seat. "Listen, I came here partly to thank

you for it, but also to enlist your help."

"Help? What would a Moroii want with one of us?"

"The leader of the American coven is still alive."

If my heart were still beating, I think I would have had a heart attack. I shook my head. "We destroyed

them. She can't be alive."

"You destroyed all of her sheep, but she was not there that night."

"And how do you know this?" I asked, twirling a finger in my hair. "Come to think of it, how did you

escape? Were you not there as well?"

Luya shook her head. "I've been away from them for decades. I know she wasn't there because she's

still sending her minions after me."

"So Alextra is making new vampires then?" I said. "This could get ugly."

"No, you don't understand." The feline said. "She's not a vampire"

"Wait. You're telling us that a werewolf convinced scores of us that she was a vampire?" Bacchus


"That's the damage." The feline, Luya, said. "In a nutshell, Alextra's a wolfbitch, she's hunting all of us

for different reasons and corrupting the minds of otherwise good vampires. We need to work

together and kill her."

"And she can't do it alone because Alextra's got her hooks too deep in her." I whispered into my

wolf's ear. The next thing I knew, there was a katana floating at my throat. I looked to Luya to see her

luminescent azure eyes threatening to burn holes in me.

"That is not something to poke fun at, Andric." The cat hissed. "Alextra was like a mother to me for a

long time! Imagine if he turned out to really be the monster we used to think he was and maybe you'll

know how I feel." She said, pointing to Bacchus, who actually looked quite monstrous at the moment.

The only reason his paws weren't around her pretty little neck was that I was in his lap.

"First of all, for the record." I said pushing the blade away before she took it back with her mental grip.

"My name is Arael. 'Andric' is my cover so I can model here. Secondly, I understand how you feel, but

if that little poke hurt so much, then you're not as ready to take her on as you may think." She cringed.

The reaction was so small that a mortal wouldn't have noticed it, maybe not even another Moroii. I

lean back and rested my head on Bacchus's shoulder. "Thirdly, we'd love to help, but we can't find the


"Carmina Wilde and Maxwell Ashford?" she asked. "Those the others you mean? That won't be a

problem. Carmina's in Milan." Luya cocked her head to the side.

"She's my sister." I answered before she could ask. "Carmina's my older sister. How do you know

where she is?"

"She still has her recurve. She and I had a little spat in the organization." I picked up that 'spat' was the

understatement of the millennium. I could see that Luya had been the apple of Alextra's eye, only to

be replaced by my sister. The cat was driven into jealous rage and the fight that came after was nearly

apocalyptic. "My bow collided with hers and now, for some reason, I can track her with it."

"Interesting..." I said. I could see in her eyes that she could hear the note of mocking in my tone. Luya

was pissed. I looked to Bacchus. "Sweetheart, are you up for another adventure? We'll see our friends


The big wolf licked my cheek and nodded. "We should contact father. I'm sure Vasile would be more

than happy to help us with reinforcements."

I looked back to the Siamese cat. "Then it's settled. We're in." I was at the sliding glass doors that led

outside, looking at the sky. "11:39p.m." I reported. "I don't mean to rush you away, but surely you've

other matters to attend to than recruiting us before dawn." I caught an image of a male tabby cat

before I heard her stand up.

"I do."I saw her reflection in the glass turn to me and curtsey. "Thank you, both." She said, turning to

Bacchus and curtseying once more.

I slid the door open and stepped aside and she was gone.

"Arael?" Bacchus said.

"Yes, love?" I turned around to find the wolf putting his arms around me.

"Are you certain we can trust her?" he asked, nuzzling into my neck and gently nipping at my


I nodded, kissing him on the cheek. "Yes. She cannot hide anything from me. Just as you cannot." I

said, smiling slyly at my wolf. He drew his head back and gave me sad puppy eyes that made me not

see their vicious red color. He even gave a little whine. My smile turned into a smirk. I nodded and the

room was suddenly a blur of color for a moment, then I was in our bedroom. I suppose I'd never get

used to how fast he could pick me up and carry me.

"I've missed you, Arael." The wolf said, holding me close to him. "I know you enjoy your job, but

you've been working so late sometimes I worry you won't have time to get home before sunrise."

"I'm sorry." I said. He'd picked a horrible time to wear the clothing I had made for him. As he held me, I

felt the dark cotton shirt he wore against my cheek instead of his fur. Luckily it was secured with snaps

instead of buttons. A quick swipe of my paw and I buried my face in his chest, breathing him in.

"It's okay. Just lonely around here sometimes." He said, bowing his head to kiss me. From across the

room, I grinned at his confusion when he found he was holding air. Suddenly, I was pressed to the

bed. Regardless of the light sensitivity that came with vampirism, it was still hard to see him in the dark

room when he moved like that. He pawed at my jacket as if his centuries without a shirt had made him

forget how to operate buttons. I'd forbidden him from shredding my clothing off, but I could hear in

his mind how much he wanted to. "Oh, go ahead!" I said as he fiddled with the six buttons. Almost

before the words were out, my upper body was exposed.

No matter how much I complained about it, I loved when he tore my clothes off like that. As he raised

his paw to slash through my belt, I undid the diamond initial buckle to save it. Bacchus smirked at me

and carefully undid my slacks and removed them. I saw the thought in his mind. He didn't shred my

slacks because I allowed him to destroy my jacket and vest. The big wolf grinned and kissed me again,

licking at my lips until they parted, allowing him to drag his tongue over mine.

And then my devious wolf changed places with me, rolling over so that I was straddling his middle so

quickly that I didn't even have time to see it in his mind. Somewhere in that small space of time,

Bacchus managed to slip out of his tattered black shorts, leaving nothing between me and his fully

erect twelve inches now. I smirked at him and moved backward off of him, taking care to slide slowly

over his length. That got a little whine out of him. I wrapped my fingers around his shaft and gave it a

couple strokes before taking the head into my muzzle.

Did I hear a sharp intake of breath? I grinned to myself as I carefully worked the first six inches of wolf

dick into my mouth so as to avoid my fangs. With no trouble, I took his length into my throat before

coming back up to glance up at the wolf. His teeth were clenched and his claws were threatening to

tear the mattress beneath him. I was doing my job well. As I slowly started to bob my head on his

length, I felt one of his baseball mitt paws on the back of my head. He wasn't pushing me down

though, just running his fingers through my raven hair as I got him nice and slick for what was next.

After about - exactly - three minutes and eighteen seconds, I started to taste the first drops of

precum from the wolf. It was time to stop before I'd be cleaning wolf seed from my face. I gave one

last lick before crawling on top of him once more. I leaned down and kissed him. Bacchus seemed to

enjoy tasting himself on me, pressing more firmly against my lips and licking at my tongue. He ran his

paws down my sides and around to my ass where I felt his claws. I could hear the faint echoes of

impatience he tried to hide in his mind. He wanted me now. I grinned and lifted my tail out of his way.

When I'd dreamed that death made the pain of taking him up the ass unnoticeable, I'd been very

right. Suddenly Bacchus was halfway in and I was digging my claws into his chest. Seven...eight...nine... I

mentally noted every inch of wolfcock in me. He was going murderously slowly. I didn't have to read

his mind to know he was doing it on purpose. He pulled out all the way to the head before wrapping

his arms around me, holding me close to him while he rammed himself back in. The last breath I took

would be the last one for a while as the wolf started thrusting wildly into my tailhole. What I mistook as

an embrace was him keeping me from being sent into the headboard and smashing a hole in it with my

head as he gave what no mere mortal could.

I pushed against his chest to sit up, but he wasn't exactly willing to let go. With the twelve inches of

wolf dick in my, I hadn't noticed his claws on my sides and when I sat up, they left trails of blood as

they scratched me. They'd already started to heal, but not before the smell of my blood scrambled his

thoughts. I felt his paws around my waist before I saw him move, claws digging into my lower back as

he from his 'slow' start to just plain fucking me. I can't say I didn't like it. If I did, the stifled screams

and my own rock hard maleness in the air between us. I reached for it, but one paw left my waist and

stopped me. The wolf took my length into his paw and stroked it in time with his jackhammering

thrusts. Suddenly, I was against his chest again as if I were lying on him again, but I wasn't. He'd slid up

in the bed, sitting with his back against the headboard, bouncing me in his lap. I put an arm around his

neck to keep from falling backward onto the mattress and wrapped my legs around his waist.

I felt a spurt of pre between us and knew I wouldn't last much longer. He was close too. I could feel his

fully formed knot starting to stretch me, demanding entry. He growled softly into my ear as he pushed

me down harder and harder to tie with me before it was too late. Suddenly, not unlike a shark, he bit

me, locking his teeth on the soft spot where my neck and shoulder met on the left side, knotting me

at the same time. I could feel his ragged breath on my neck now as he started to drink from me,

dragging his tongue slowly over the wounds to get every drop of blood he'd spilt. The feeling of him

feeding from me did it. My next breath came as a bark before I bit a spot on his chest where I'd

scarred him before and matted his fur with hot fox cum.

When I came, every muscle in me seized up, squeezing the wolf dick in my. With one more mighty

thrust and a howl that shook everything in the room, Bacchus wrapped his arms around me so tightly

that he'd be killing a mortal and filled me with so much pent-up wolf seed that it took no time for me

to feel it dribbling out wherever it could around his knot.

Neither of us moved. There was no need. I'd been drained of a fair bit of blood, but I didn't mind. I

couldn't move anyway with his knot still buried in me. Bacchus, too exhausted to go on no matter how

much he wanted to (and damn did he want to), contented himself with licking at my neck where he'd

sank his fangs into me. There was no doubt in my mind that we'd be sleeping like this for the day. I

glanced down to the floor to see that it was past dawn. I couldn't help but snicker. We'd been at it

since before midnight and without realizing it, went for nearly six hours. I loved that most about being

a vampire.

Bacchus tore himself away from the blood still dripping from my neck and pressed his lips to mine. I

liked tasting my blood on his tongue as much as he liked his preseed on mine. _"Multumesc, meu

dragoste."_ He rumbled into my ear.

I cheated, picking his brain for what it meant rather than thinking about it. "You're welcome, love." I

said back as the fatigue from the bloodloss started to set in.

[Author's note: I know the sex isn't as grand as my readers expect from this series, but gimme a break. I'm coming back from almost not being able to write sex at all]