The Landing

Story by Smiling Wolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Hunter Hunted

Series: Hunter Hunted

Jimmy and Tyan sat in the bunk for a long time, content in each others company closed away from the world if only for a short time, Jimmy's hands never resting in one place for long were constantly roaming over Tyan's body.

"Where the fuck is Jimmy?" the Sergeant shouted

"With Tyan sir, it would be best not to disturb them" Mikael responded

"Right, well I'm sorry but the beaches are less than an hour away so I need him and Tyan out here as soon as possible" the Sergeant said

Mikael ran up to Tyan's and Jimmy's door "Hey Tyan, Jimmy the Sergeant says we got an hour till landing so he wants both of you on deck as soon as possible" the bolted before either Jimmy or Tyan came after him.

"Do we have to get up" Tyan groaned as both she and Jimmy levered themselves off the bed and began to prepare for the oncoming battle.

"Well if I'm going to die I'm glad I will actually be dying with someone I love than in the streets of the city by myself." Jimmy said

Tyan felt tears prick her eyes "Stop that Jimmy its hard enough to walk away from you let alone consider you dying"

"Well I am glad you feel that way so do I" Jimmy said laughingly

"Oh stop that" Tyan said punching Jimmy in the arm

Jimmy finished tying on his armour and went over to help Tyan, he attached the shoulder straps and tested them then kissed Tyan on the neck nuzzling into her neck making her dissolve into giggles.

"Don't do that Jimmy I'm ticklish" Tyan laughed

"Really, how badly?" Jimmy asked

"Oh I can think of a way to show you" Tyan said in a smouldering tone

Jimmy walked up to the Sergeant "So how close are we to the target?" Jimmy asked

"A very long way from it, the landing is just the beginning from there we have to travel over land to reach Rael's Landing and from there to the City of Serpents. When we get there we will meet up will our Intel and then proceed to the target."

"Your shitting me couldn't we land any closer to the target?" Jimmy asked

"Yes I guess we could if you didn't mind fighting more of those sea monsters and worse then having to land against a prepared enemy" the Sergeant said nonchalantly

"Ah right got it" Jimmy said quickly

"So what's the word on the target" Tyan asked Jimmy

"You don't really want to know, apparently we have to get the intel for the place a couple of hundred miles inland and then attack the target" Jimmy said "But believe me the alternative is more than slightly unpleasant"

"Sergeant what kind of defences are we expecting" Jimmy asked

"Very little at the most but most likely none at all, the LZ is so far from the target they rarely patrol the area, the trireme was just a fluke" the Sergeant replied

"So they ordinarily carry those sorts of fuckers on board?" Tyan questioned

"I'm surprised that there weren't more of them" the Sergeant said

Both Tyan and Jimmy stood there silent for a second stunned by the answer they had received, the Jimmy asked "Can they do that sort of shit on land sir?"

"Don't know never seen one of them do it but with these guys you really never know" the Sergeant said

Calias walked up behind the Jimmy as he and the Sergeant were talking "Sergeant" Calias asked "Who gave you this intel on the Landing area?" he asked enraged

"What's the issue?" the Sergeant asked concerned

"Well I just received a rather unpleasant report about this beach, your intel is about two years old there is now a dockyard there and unfortunately we are to close to attempt a landing else where so expect heavy resistance when you arrive" Calias said fuming

Jimmy was pretty concerned he had seen Calias dispatch some of the toughest training monsters with barely a backwards glance if he was pissed than the beach was going to be like going to hell and back.

"So Calias" Jimmy asked "how bad do you expect the landing to be?"

"Unfortunately I expect it to be fairly bloody and we can't allow any of the enemy to escape or they'll be raiding us the whole way to Rael's Landing and to the City of Serpents." Calias said grimly

"Will there be any of those ships there when we attack?" Tyan inquired

"No there won't be any the one we encounter had just left the dockyards so we shouldn't encounter much trouble with ships it the inhabitants of the docks that I am worried about these things will probably be huge and possible smart so we will have trouble if we lose the element of surprise" Calias said

As of that moment Calias assumed full command of the entire operation including the landing which thankfully meant that Jimmy and Tyan wouldn't have to be the first ones ashore though neither wanted to be one the ship if any more of those demon sharks were summoned. It was also assumed that all the Intel given to the Sergeant was bullshit so the plan was changed, they would head straight for the City of Serpents and get the Intel straight away.

The last half an hour before they reached the docks was very tense everyone was on full alert even Jimmy wasn't making jokes. Everyone checked their armour, swords and crossbows before they prepared to land.

"I can see the docks" came a hushed voice from the top of the mast

Everyone drew their crossbows and prepared to fire, "Aim and fire" Calias said.

The bolts hissed into the docks dropping countless monsters instantly then one seemed to realise what the problem was and roared as the next bolt slammed into his neck silencing it forever its neck broken from the impact of the bolt.

Then with a roar the Sergeant's raider ran as one to attack the enemy on the docks, slamming down boarding ladders to allow the raider to rush straight into the enemy also to hold the ship there while the attack took place.

The attack was over sooner than they thought it would be when they counted the bodies there was only forty enemy bodies.

"Strange there should be at least triple this amount of workers here and where is there compliment of soldiers?" the Sergeant said "Something is up either their gathering troops somewhere or we just waltzed into a trap"

There was a thump next to Sergeant everyone whirled hands on their swords but relaxed as they saw it was just one of the scouts, "Reporting in sir" said the scout "I found a large gathering of the enemy about a mile from here there was around three hundred monsters there, I think they are the workers from the docks but I have no idea why they would abandon their docks"

"They don't, obviously they were drafted to do something outside the docks and in all likelihood they are probably on their way back now" the Sergeant said slowly

"Sir! The ships just left the docks" a soldier cried out

"WHAT signal them back" the Sergeant roared

"We tried they aren't responding to any signals" the soldier replied

"Shit, shit, and shit" the Sergeant growled

"What should we do sir?" the soldier asked

"We move now!" the Sergeant shouted "We have to get as far away from the docks as possible then strike for the city"

All the troops gathered and escaped from the docks in a forced march (marching at faster speed, practically running) and raced across the plain heading for the river that would guide them to the City of Serpents and from there to their target, if they survived.

"Just how long to you intend to keep us going?" Jimmy asked the Sergeant "The men are practically dead on their feet sir, if we keep going someone will collapse or worse" they had been going for the better part of two days not daring to rest in case the workers of the docks had given chase.

"Alright we'll stop now" the Sergeant conceded then roared "MAKE CAMP"

The soldiers set up camp quickly, much quicker than Jimmy or the Sergeant would have thought possible. Soon the camp was surrounded by a ditch and dirt wall-trench to stop infantry attackers then the tents were set up and the camp was wracked by the exhausted snores of the soldiers.

"That was fast" commented Tyan

"Certainly was and I would approve if there wasn't just one problem" Jimmy said

"Oh what's that?" asked Tyan

"They left us to keep watch" the Sergeant finished

"Bastards" Tyan swore

"Well you only need two to keep watch so I am of to bed wake a couple of soldiers in two hours" the Sergeant said tiredly then walked over to his tent

"Motherfucker" Jimmy breathed

"Well it just us until our two hours are up" Tyan said

"Well let's hope that the enemy doesn't find us for at least twelve hours" Jimmy said "I could sleep for ten"

"And we're that lucky" Tyan said sarcasm dripping from her voice "We be lucky if they didn't attack during our watch"

"Probably right" Jimmy said "Well the camp is fairly small and we can watch the whole approach from the hill in the middle of the camp. How did you get in here?" Jimmy asked

"What you mean this group of fuck ups and criminals?" Tyan asked

"Yeah pretty much" Jimmy said

"Fairly long story" Tyan said

"Well we got two long hours to waste; if you tell how you got here I tell you how I got here" Jimmy said

"Well mine is fairly simple my father is in law and one day he pissed me off to much in trying to make me a litigator so I walked off and joined the army then was offered a place here and I accepted though I still wonder why" Tyan said

"Well that is a fair bit boring compared to mine to put it basically I was one of the best thieves in the city I was known as Jimmy the Hand, but this fuck of a guard gave me false information on a place I went in the fuck put a compulsion on me so I had to go and try to steal the king's daughter but I got caught and so I was given a choice join the army or die. Then the Sergeant saved me from the frontline by offering me this job so I took it" Jimmy said

"You one of the best thieves in the city not likely" Tyan mocked "Your fairly clumsy with a sword"

"One I didn't here you complaining when I saved your ass from the Gentryll and Two I was a thief not a fighter so what do you expect I was fairly handy with a dagger but not much else" Jimmy bantered

"Well you know how I got here and I know how you got here what else can we do?" Tyan asked

"Well I can think of something" Jimmy said evilly as he passionately embraced Tyan

Tyan felt her body respond to Jimmy's embrace and slipped deeper into the kiss. "You know we should really keep watch" Tyan panted

"I am watching and all I see is nothing but miles and miles for miles and miles, and in front of me I see the most beautiful person I have ever seen. What do you think I find more interesting?" Jimmy said

Tyan laughed and kissed Jimmy, "Good answer" she said

Jimmy embraced Tyan again and this time she didn't pull away, Jimmy slowly untied the fastenings on Tyan's armour sliding the armour off her and began caressing the soft fur on her breasts. Tyan moaned around the kiss as Jimmy caressed her breasts; Jimmy's hands slipped lower loosening Tyan's greaves (armour made to protect the groin and legs) and slid the armour off her leaving her totally naked.

Tyan reached up and pulled the fastenings off Jimmy's armour expertly stripping Jimmy in a matter of seconds, "I see you've had practice" Jimmy laughed

"Funny ha ha" Tyan said sarcastically then she reached down and punched Jimmy lightly "Now just shut up and fuck me"

"Yes mistress" Jimmy said mockingly

Jimmy slid down and began to lick Tyan's slit sending waves of pleasure crashing through here body as well as the arousal of fucking in the middle of the camp with everyone sleeping around them. Tyan moaned and grabbed the back of Jimmy's head holding him in place, Jimmy smirked evilly and began to lash Tyan's slit furiously making here clutch harder at the back of his head trying to force him to continue.

Jimmy sat up leaving Tyan on the edge of orgasm desperate to cum, "Fuck me" she hissed at Jimmy

Jimmy pinned Tyan to the ground and gave her, her wish and began fucking her hard slamming his cock in and out of her sopping pussy. Their hips ground together as both tried to drive each other over the edge before they went over to join them. Tyan rocked back thrusting her hips against Jimmy's thrusts making him moan into her neck as he inner muscles caress his length like a warm silken glove, Tyan clenched her muscles as Jimmy began to thrust faster increasing the sensations for both of them making both pant as their pleasure rose.

Jimmy howled as he reached his release his warm cum spurting inside Tyan setting her off as well both howling as they reached their climaxes together, "Gods how I love you Tyan" Jimmy whispered

"I love you to Jimmy now lets go wake some else and sleep for as long as we can, hopefully the Sergeant will be to wasted to wake for another few hours" Tyan said

"And the Gods like us that much" Jimmy replied

Tyan and Jimmy quickly surveyed the area they could see from the hill and as Jimmy had said there was nothing but miles and miles for miles and miles. Jimmy went across to the nearest tent and awoke the inhabitants telling them it was their watch and then struggled over to his and Tyan's tent and collapsed next to Tyan who was already asleep and soon he was to.

It was midday when the Sergeant ordered camp broke and the march continued, he walked across to Jimmy "You sure that you saw nothing last night" he asked Jimmy

"Absolutely certain, nothing moved when Tyan and I were on watch" Jimmy replied

"This isn't good the workers of the docks should have sent a messenger by now and if we haven't seen it, it means that it is probably already past us warning the enemy" the Sergeant said

"How long do you reckon it will be before we reach the City of the Serpents?" Jimmy asked

"Around late today early tomorrow why?" the Sergeant asked

"Just wondering, hey what is that cloud on the horizon?" Jimmy asked startled

"Shit..." the Sergeant breathed "We've got to move double time I think the city is under attack"

The troops set off across the plain racing towards the City of Serpents and possibly the first full attack of the enemy. It was almost night when the troops reached the City of Serpents and it was a sight that shocked even the Sergeant.

The gates had literally been ripped from the walls and tossed inside the city, the city was burning and it was obvious that not a single living thing was left in the city.

"What the fuck happened here?" Jimmy asked in a quiet tone