The Lion King: The Cubby Chronicles - Part 2: Who's Your Daddy?!

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#2 of The Lion King: The Cubby Chronicles


DISCLAIMER: The following story contains ADULT on CUB action. If this isn't your thing, don't bother reading past this point please. If you have any complaints about the material found in this story after reading it, you may, by all means, PM me about it or leave a comment if you must but the sole intent of this story is just for entertainment purposes only and shouldn't be taken out of context.


Author's Notes: Parts 3, 4 and 5 of this series will probably be a long time in the making, seeing as college is starting up again for me in less than a weeks' time, thus my online activity and free time will be cut short. I will try to get the next part written in between assignments, yet I can't promise anything. There will be more to cum though, so just hang tight and be patient please. Thanks again to anyone who reads these stories and gets enjoyment out of them. I write for all of you after all. ^^


"...and that's how I learned about mating." Simba concluded, his voice trailing off into the darkness that still surrounded him and his fellow pride members.

A hush had fallen over everyone as each feline interpreted their king's erotic story in their own unique way, the sounds of soft breathing intermingled with the torrential downpour that still raged on outside the meager confines that the five lions and lionesses had taken residence within, being the only thing that one could detect amongst the pitch blackness.

"Oh gawds!" Vitani exclaimed as her excited sounding voice ripped through the quiet atmosphere.

"Wow!" Simba stated, taken aback by the aroused sounding lioness' reaction to the tale he had just unfolded. "You really liked it that much Vitani?"

"Mmm, well, how could I not enjoy anything you say when you have your paw toes stuffed up my pussy." Vitani retorted back longingly, her slit now feeling wetter than the soaked grasslands outside the den.

"Huh?" Simba responded, knowing that all of his paws were engaging in no such action. "You sure that's my paw toes you're talking about?"

As the reality of what he was doing, dawned upon him, Kovu hastily pulled his damp paw digits out from his sister's cunt, keeping quiet about his actions as he felt way too embarrassed to own up to them. Feeling the thick, warm appendages leaving her body, Vitani sighed reluctantly as she wished she hadn't said anything, the pleasurable sensation of having her twat toyed with, now starting to fade, returning the lioness to her usual detestable mood.

"Hmph! No more assplay for you then!" Vitani remarked, retracting her furry paw away from what she thought, was the lion king's fuzzy rump.

Feeling the absence of heat below her tail, Kiara frowned to herself, thinking that Kovu's paw had retired back to his side, leaving her hungry for more. Hoping to coax her mate back into fondling her naughty bits again, the golden furred princess increased her own ministrations around the two rounded balls she had identified as belonging to Kovu, now rubbing her velvety pads against them while she gently clenched and unclenched her paw toes, squeezing the circular objects between them in a loving display of affection.

This act alone, did wonders for Simba's libido as he had to grit his teeth together tightly in order to keep himself from roaring out in ecstasy. His idea of treating his company to a sultry story, just to appease his own growing arousal, seemed to have backfired as he felt hopelessly horny, his once flaccid cock now being fully erect as it pressed uncomfortably beneath him, already staining his belly fur with ample amounts of pre-cum. There seemed to be no relief in sight though, as the cramp quarters severely limited his options.

Unbeknownst to the cream colored lioness, the hard shaft she had been playing with throughout the duration of her mate's story, didn't actually belong to him. Ignorant to this fact, Nala could feel the taught piece of lion meat gripped in her paw, pulse and throb as she continued to paw it off ever so slowly, only being able to flex her body part so far, due to both the limited space, as well as how she herself was positioned amongst the jumble of furry physiques. Knowing that there was more than one way to get her mate off however, the queen of the lands chimed in as her own lustful desires were starting to get the best of her as well, already spurred on by Simba's tantalizing tale.

"You know Love, you aren't the only one who has a naughty story about their cubhood. Should I share mine?"

Another unanimous wave of approval flooded the cavern as every feline responded in unison, Simba's voice leading the pack as he so loved to hear anything suggestive, especially if it had to do with his beloved lioness. Giving everyone around her, a few moments to try their best to resituate themselves as comfortably as possible, Nala readied herself as she retrieved the details of her story from her memory before beginning to articulate her thoughts in as much detail as she could.


The sun had already begun its daily descent into the western sky,, its infinite rays of light streaking across the endless horizon, bathing the lands below it in a dynamic hue of crimson and orange. The day had been quite eventful for the young lioness cub who now scampered through the ambrosial grasslands, her creamy looking pelt barely distinguishable amongst the similar looking vegetation that surrounded her. She had spent the entire day recreating with her best friend Simba, and as much as she hated having to leave his side, she knew that her mother Sarafina, always expected her home before dark.

Replaying the highlights of her day back in her mind as she bounded along, the jubilant little cub hoped that dinner would be waiting for her once she arrived home, as she hadn't eaten much of anything, her playtime with Simba taking precedence over all else. Her hunger had quickly caught up to her now though, illustrated by the famished sounding rumbles that her tiny tummy made as she trotted along. Pausing for a moment as she strained her neck upwards in order to peer out over the tall grass, the starving youngster was pleased to see that she was very close to where she needed to be, the familiar looking landmarks indicating that the cozy den to which she and her mother called home, was just around the bend.

Navigating around the towering acacia tree that stood just outside her proverbial front porch, the small lioness cub heaved a sigh of relief as her dainty frame vanished out of sight as the last glimmering specs of sunlight surrendered to the evening sky, the first few twinkling stars now becoming visible against the darkening heavens. Waiting for her blue eyes to adjust to the tenebrosity, the juvenile lioness called out in a mirthful voice, her words echoing throughout the solidarity of her current location.

"Mama, I'm home. Are you here?"

Twitching her adorable ears as she strained to listen for a response, the cream furred lioness cub gradually made her way into the heart of the cave, her innocent blue orbs now becoming accustom to the lightlessness around her. There was no immediate response to her greeting however, making the cheerful female feel slightly anxious. Usually, Sarafina was awaiting her arrival, yet now it appeared as though she was alone. About to reiterate her former proclamation, the apprehensive lioness caught sight of movement as she spotted a set of emerald eyes off in the distance that were now glancing her way.

"Uncle Taka!" The young female exclaimed in a chipper tone as she instantly recognize his presence and joyfully dashed towards him.

Emerging from the shadows, Scar's body manifested itself as the black maned lion stepped out into what little light there was. He looked to be cross about something or other, but as the jovial female nuzzled her petite frame against his fore legs, his facial expression quickly melted into one of utter happiness as he addressed his excited company in a hospitable voice, his fore paw lifting off the stone surface of the den in order to give the affectionate female's small back a loving caress.

"Why, hello there Nala. How's my favorite girl doing today?"

Feeling his caring touch upon her body, Nala purred fondly as her back arched instinctively, running the full length of her little self beneath Scar's comforting fore paw before she turned about face and repeated the process in the opposite direction.

"I'm fine Uncle Taka. Is Mama home?" Nala answered back, her sparkling eyes staring up at Scar as she finally settled down, opting to now just snuggle against one of his warm, furry fore legs.

"No, I'm afraid not my dear." Scar responded, shaking his head disappointedly. "She won't be back until later tonight."

"Oh." Nala replied, a hint of sadness detectable in her voice as she continued. "Where did she go?"

Knowing full well, the whereabouts of the young feline's mother, as that was the very reason why he himself was there, Scar had to think for a moment as he wasn't about to openly tell Nala that her mother was probably lying flat on her back this very instant while having his greedy brother's dick stuffed up her luscious looking pussy, or worse yet, her tight little tail hole. The mere image of that scene, made his blood boil. It was bad enough that Mufasa was king, even more humiliating that he had stolen Sarabi's love from him, but now, his bastard of a brother had taken the liberty to have his way with Sarafina, the one lioness Scar had claimed to be his own.

"She's...on a nightly outing with the Hunting Party Angel. She asked me to cub-sit you for tonight until she gets home." Scar stated, hoping his poorly thought up fabrication would appease the cream furred cub, which fortunately enough, it did.

"Oh, okay. I'm happy you are here with me then Uncle Taka." Nala pronounced as her muzzle broke out into a pleasant looking grin.

"I'm pleased to be graced by such a cute cubby such as yourself too my dear." Scar retorted in a flattering tone before leaning down to give his pintsized company a soothing nuzzle before speaking up once more. "Is there anything you need or want right now Angel?"

"Well..." Nala said, her stomach starting to field a response for her as it growled noisily below her. "I am really hungry Uncle Taka. Is there anything to eat?"

Unable to resist sporting an amused looking smile from just how cute the rumbles that were coming from the little cub's belly sounded, Scar nodded before pulling away from where he had been standing, turning to beckon for Nala to follow him as he began padding into the furthest most recesses of the den. Filled with the hope that a filling meal was just a few minutes away, Nala trailed closely behind Scar as they arrived at the back of the cave. Moving his much larger frame out of the way, revealing a fresh looking zebra haunch that was placed near the center of the spacious abode, the brown furred lion motioned towards the tasty looking bounty as he spoke up in a friendly manner.

"I give you my dear, a smorgasbord of mouthwatering meat, caught and served by yours truly, just for your dining pleasure."

Nala giggled from what her caretaker had stated, her muzzle practically salivating from the mere sight of so much food, or to her at least, it was. In theory, it was no more than the pitiful leftovers that Scar himself had failed to finish. Still, for such a young cub, it was more than enough to suffice. Bounding over to the zebra haunch, Nala was right about to sink her tiny teeth into the savory flesh, when she paused and turned to look at her cub-sitter before inquiring in a polite voice.

"Are you hungry too Uncle Taka? Wanna share with me?"

"That's quite alright Angel," Scar answered back as he flopped himself down upon his side, a few paws length away from the opposite end of the half-eaten zebra limb. "You fill that adorable little tummy of yours and don't you worry about me."

Smiling innocently and feeling too famished to argue the case further, Nala buried her face into the luscious tasting meat, her sharp little teeth grinding and chewing feverishly to work off bite-sizeable chunks of flesh, to which she swallowed almost whole. Watching from above as the cream colored cub's head bobbed in and out of view, masked behind the wall of protein she was gnawing upon, Scar thought quietly to himself as his tail flicked methodically beside him. He had protested to Sarafina when she had insisted that he keep her daughter company until she returned back from her elicit rendezvous with Mufasa, but deep down he truly did care for Nala and considered her to be his greatest achievement in life.

Sarafina had been faithfully loyal to him during her most earliest of heat cycles and Scar knew, along with the majority of the pride, that Nala was, in fact, his offspring. There were still a few doubters amongst his brother's ranks, yet those who felt that Mufasa was better suited as being Nala's father, knew better than to openly voice their opinions around Scar. The weaker of the two brothers barely had anything left to call his own, and what little he possessed, he guarded fiercely. Only Nala, with her innocent outlook upon life, was the only one Scar permitted to question his logic, though on many occasions, he had tried to convince her that he was her father. Nothing appeared to work thus far though, as she still would only address him as being her uncle.

Oh, how he longed to hear her call him Daddy, to feel loved and appreciated as a parental figure rather than just a close acquaintance. It would be music to his heart, but for now, Scar settled for being second best in the young female's life. Realizing that things had become much too quiet, Scar glanced over to see Nala's sweet looking countenance staring back at him, her cheeks, chin and muzzle lips slightly offset by the crimson stains from her dinner that adorned them. Reading the look in her blue eyes, the black maned male quickly dawned a reassuring smile as he broke the silence, his deep and melodious voice instantly comforting his company, convincing her to return to her meal, which she did shortly thereafter.

"You better concentrate upon your dinner my dear, before it decides to get up and leave."

Snickering from the thought of her supper getting up and trotting out of the den, Nala quickly polished off all the meat her little incisors could reach before she moved around to the other side of the zebra haunch, her back end now facing towards Scar's point of view. Settling her lower half back down as her face once again buried itself amongst the satisfying delicacy, the young cub's tail inadvertently hiked upwards as she wrestled to tear off more of the tender flesh. Not meaning to stare down at the cream furred lioness' immature privates, Scar couldn't help but to spot the odd discoloration of Nala's vaginal area. It looked to be uncommonly red, as if it had been rubbed or licked raw.

"So, care to tell me what you were up to today Angel?" Scar asked in a nonchalant fashion, his curiosity sparked by the appearance of his daughter's genitalia, yet not wanting to straight up interrogate the youngster about it directly, he hoped that she would hint towards the reasoning for it within her answer.

"Chased butterflies...played games with Simba...went swimmin' in the waterhole." Nala replied in between mouthfuls of zebra meat.

"Oh? And what specific games did you and Simba play, hmm?" Scar pried as his emerald eyes fell back upon the female cub's sore looking orifice.

Caught off guard by just how inquisitive her guardian was being, Nala ceased eating as she gulped nervously, the day's events still hanging fresh in her mind. She had sworn herself to secrecy though, swearing never to tell anyone about the strange new game that Simba had tried to introduce her to, something he had learned from his parents and so desperately wanted to try with her. Still, she knew that lying to adults was wrong and feared the punishment if she were to be caught fabricating a story. Weighing the options in her mind, Nala went against her better judgment and hurriedly whipped up a little white lie as she smiled convincingly up at Scar before replying in a sincere sounding tone.

", we played Tag, and then we played Hide and Seek, and then we played Follow The Lion."

"Oh, is that so now?" Scar replied, the transparency of her words not going unnoticed by the clever male. "Well...I'm sure you two had a lot of fun together, didn't you my dear?"

"Sure did Uncle Taka." Nala stated, convinced that her fib had worked.

"How endearing. Now hurry up and finish your dinner. It's getting late." Scar responded, his ego feeling slightly bruised from the fact that his own daughter didn't even feel safe enough to tell him the truth, whatever it might have been.

Relieved that Scar had now dropped the subject of her day, Nala eagerly went back to feasting upon the remainder of the zebra haunch as Scar occupied himself by trying to keep both his mind and eyes from reverting back to the small cub's tender looking cunny. Eating until she couldn't possibly stomach another bite, as zebra was one of her preferred sustenance's, Nala finally stepped away from the almost bare bones that now only held a very miniscule amount of meat left upon them, signaling that she was full and content, her little belly sagging visibly from just how much protein she had consumed. Taking a moment to tidy herself, much like her mother had taught her to do after every meal, the cream furred juvenile daintily lapped at her blood stained fore paws, cleaning them thoroughly before brushing them against her adorable face, the residual dampness left by her saliva doing a less than satisfactory job at washing away the bits of meaty debris that clung to her fur.

Taking notice to the fact that Nala had finished her meal, Scar casually rose to his paws as he picked up the zebra haunch into his muzzle, carrying it over to the far end of the den before letting it fall freely to the ground with a noisy Ker plunk. Turning and making his way back to where the lone female was standing at, Scar watched her intently as he spotted her beginning to squirm uncomfortably. Having an idea of what was wrong, yet not wanting to jump to any conclusions, the brown furred lion addressed the cream colored cub in a concerned tone.

"Something bothering you my dear? It looks like you sat in a termite mound from the way you're fidgeting."

"Erm..." Nala mumbled, her hind legs squeezing together as her tail clamped down in an embarrassed manner. "...I need to go."

"Go? Why, what do you mean Angel?" Scar answered back, having his own assumptions confirmed, yet indulging himself in the pleasure of making his under-aged company be more detailed in her response.

"I..." Nala stammered once more, her tiny body quivering from just how badly she needed to relieve itself. "...I have to go pee Uncle Taka."

"Well, I'm not stopping you Angel. Go right ahead and go if you must." Scar stated as he took a seat and looked as though he wasn't about to budge from where he now sat.

"But...but..." Nala protested as she glanced wearily down the intimidating pathway that now was blanketed in darkness. "Something might get me if I go alone."

"Well then, what do you say my dear?" Scar said as a mischievous looking smirk etched its way upon his muzzle.

"Will you please go with me Uncle Taka?" Nala asked, her blue orbs looking hopefully up at her caretaker as her restless movements increased.

"That's a good girl. Of course I'll go with you. I would NEVER let anything happen to my little angel." Scar proclaimed as he rose to all fours again before moving forward and giving Nala's rump a light nudge with his muzzle to get her to start walking.

As the two felines traversed down the pitch black corridor, Nala's teeny frame being huddled as close to his fore legs as he would allow, Scar found himself becoming more and more distracted from the thoughts that passed through his mind in regards to just how Nala's pussy could have ended up so inflamed. His mindset rapidly shifted as the cold night air nipped at his whiskers, indicating that the two had reached the mouth of the cave. There was hardly any moonlight out and what little illumination there was, seemed to bathe the grasslands in an ominous looking glow that even sent chills up Scar's spine.

"Okay, go ahead and do what you need to my dear." Scar whispered, his black mane being ruffled by the nippy wind that swirled and howled mournfully outside.

"N...No!" Nala argued back, her body shivering from both the cool temperature as well as fear. "Only if you go out there with me Uncle Taka. I'm scared."

Knowing that there would be no way to talk the young female into taking care of her business by herself, Scar reluctantly gave in as he pushed his way passed the trembling cub,, turning to face her only after he had completely exited the den. Seeing that the coast was now clear, now that the black maned lion had taken lead, Nala trundled out of the cavern as she made her way over to the nearby acacia tree. Reaching the base of the trunk, the hesitant cub peered back over her shoulder and spotted her cub-sitter's emerald eyes watching her. Feeling a tad bit self-conscious, Nala called out in a timid voice as she momentarily disappeared around the acacia tree.

"I'll be done in just a minute Uncle Taka."

As badly as she needed to empty her bladder, Nala's body was having a hard time cooperating, as the frigid breeze and haunting looking atmosphere made her hind muscles tense up nervously. Finding a suitable spot well out of view from anyone, the little cub concentrated as hard as she could in order to get herself to go. Squatting her hind quarters down until the blades of grass lightly tickled her vaginal opening,, it took much longer than expected before the first hot, golden droplets splashed out from the young cub's slit, showering the foliage below her in a pungent stream. Sighing in utter bliss as the pressure deep within her loins was gradually subsiding, Nala continued to urinate as her eyes closed briefly, enjoying the warm sensation of her bodily fluids pooling around her hind paws.

Lost within her own personal moment, Nala didn't even hear the light treading of paw steps that advanced upon her current position. Suddenly feeling a warm touch upon her back, the startled lioness' eyes shot open as she let out a terrified sounding scream, her legs giving way beneath her, causing the spooked cub to fall amidst her secretions, her lower half becoming heavily soaked in her piss as she unceremoniously finished urinating upon herself. Glancing wide-eyed behind her to see just what had freaked her out, Nala's countenance morphed into a look of annoyance as she sighted Scar looking down at her with an impatient stare fixated upon his face.

"Uncle Taka! Look what you made me do!" Nala shouted as she stood back up, her mid and lower sections coated in a wet layer of her waste.

"Oh, well excuse me for caring my dear, but you were taking your sweet little time, so I figured I might as well check on you to see if you were alright. Next time, I'll no better than to do that, and just leave you out here all alone." Scar taunted as he turned around and feigned to look hurt by Nala's words.

"I'm sorry Uncle Taka." Nala whined, thinking now that she had done something wrong. "It wasn't your fault."

"Aww, you're such a sweetheart Angel. Now c'mon, let's get out of the cold and back into the den." Scar answered back, hiding his own self-satisfaction behind a mask of mock humility.

More than happy to leave the oppressing scenery behind her, Nala hastily chased after her guardian as he entered the relative warmth of the cave, pausing at the entrance until the wet cub had joined him. Making their way back down the same passageway they had previously navigated, it wasn't long until they had returned to the large chamber where Nala had eaten her dinner at. Curling his nose from the strong stench that wafted off of the young cub's pelt, Scar rested himself down upon the center of the alcove before speaking up to Nala in a parental voice.

"Looks like someone needs a bath before bedtime."

"But Uncle Taka..." Nala started to argue, until the pungent aroma of her saturated pelt met with her nostrils, causing a displeased looking grimace to present itself upon the young female's muzzle.

Coming to the realization that a bath probably would do her good, especially as the once warm liquid that coated her fur, now began to chill,, making the small cub visibly shiver, Nala reluctantly gave in as she parked her miniature frame in between Scar's roomy fore legs, both her tail and lower half drooping slightly from how miserable her predicament was making her feel. She had never been given a bath my a male pride member and as the first warm touch of Scar's tongue against her huddled body coursed through her system, Nala couldn't help but to feel a little apprehensive, as if there was something unnatural about what was taking place. Still, she trusted Scar completely and once the initial hesitance faded, the young female showed signs that she was thoroughly enjoying her company's tender loving care as her little body vibrated from the pleasurable purrs that she now started to illicit.

Scar himself, looked to be reveling in the situation just as much as his tiny counterpart was, his slick tongue gliding effortlessly over Nala's moist pelt, removing it of its distasteful scent and sight. The acrid flavor that assaulted his pallet with each lick he endured, didn't seem to faze the large male much though. It was rare for him to be able to share such an intimate moment alone with his daughter and even the slight discomfort of having to sample the little cub's urine didn't take anything away from just how fatherly he was feeling from being given the chance to bathe his offspring. Making short work of the mess that stained Nala's top half, her back fur now returned to its former softness and creamy looking tint, Scar gently nudged his kin as he cooed affectionately down at her.

"C'mon Angel, other side now."

Already starting to feel assuaged from the odoriferous smell that previously tormented her senses, Nala happily obliged Scar's request as she rolled onto her freshly groomed back, exposing her sodden underbelly as her cute fore legs rested daintily upon her chest. Looking up at her progenitor with an innocent smile, the appeased lioness let out a high-pitched giggle as Scar's tongue traveled down the length of her stomach, its corrugated surface tickling her body as it moved along its merry way. A few quick repetitions, and Nala's tummy region was just as cleanly as her upper half was, only leaving her hind quarters to go.

Traversing his tongue further down the young female's lower extremities, Scar's muzzle gently wedged itself in between Nala's hind legs as he attentively tidied up her delicate fur around his offspring's inner-thighs where most of the mess still remained. Lapping several times over Nala's undeveloped mammary glands, something that Scar paid little mind over, it seemed as though the cream colored cub's bath was almost concluded. Being so accustom to the ritual, Nala instinctively curled her petite frame so that her fore paws could take hold of her hind legs, pulling them closer to her chest as her furry butt was partially elevated, her thin tail resting motionlessly upon the den floor. Having unrestricted access to the contorted cub's genitals, Scar wasted no time as his flexible tongue concluded its work.

"Owie!" Nala whimpered as she felt her father's rough lick across her chafed slit. "That hurts Uncle Taka."

"Well, I'm sorry my dear, but you need to be clean there." Scar insisted in an apologetic tone before giving Nala's abraded vulva a few more caresses with his pink muscle, resulting in the youngster to cringe and grit her teeth in vexation. "Care to tell me just how your privates got to be so sore, hmm?" Scar inquired in between licks.

"I...I, now, I can't." Nala spluttered as she began to try and wriggle out of reach from Scar's persistent tongue. "I promised I wouldn't tell."

"Stop moving about Angel. I'm almost done." Scar grumbled as he finished sanitizing the small lioness' crevasse, leaving no traces of her accident behind before letting her squirm out from in between his fore legs. "You know you can tell Daddy anything, don't you?" Scar pleaded, hoping that his favorable actions would convince his daughter to confide in him.

"No! It's a secret!" Nala stated, her muzzle lip curling defiantly as she looked to be quite cross at the black maned lion, even though he had only done what he had to help improve her given situation. "...and you're not my daddy Uncle Taka." The cream furred cub added in a partially spiteful tone from just how impertinent her cub-sitter was being.

"Why would you say that my dear? Would I have any reason to lie to you about being your father?" Scar retorted, his affable attitude becoming overshadowed by Nala's proclivity.

"Because Mama told me that Mufasa was my daddy." Nala replied, not knowing just how injurious her words would be to her guardian.

Utterly flabbergasted by what he had just heard, Scar's jaw visibly dropped as the tiny cub's words felt like thorns that pierced his very being, each syllable thoughtlessly burying themselves deep in his already fragile heart. It was as if, by a single innocent act, his last shred of dignity had been stripped away from him, leaving the brown furred male scorned and humiliated. As much as he didn't want to believe it, Nala's guileless expression left no doubt in his mind. Sarafina, the one lioness Scar had entrusted with his love and affection, the one lioness he trusted most of all, had denied her own daughter's lineage, something that cut him deeper than even the disfigured laceration across his eye to which his namesake derived from ever had.

"I'm...I'm sorry Uncle Taka..." Nala started to say as she could sense the change in mood that had swept over the silent male, not truly understanding what had caused it, yet knowing that she must have been responsible in some way or another.

"Just...just go to bed Nala." Scar commanded in a shaky voice, his character feeling as though it would crumble at any moment.

About to remonstrate, Nala caught the look in Scar's emerald eyes which clearly told her that there would be no further discussion of the matter. Sighing dejectedly as she moved in close to Scar before nestling her little body against his warm side, Nala closed her blue orbs as she tried to give into sleep's gentle grip. Biting down upon his muzzle lip and resisting the urge to push the cream colored lioness away, as her once genuine touch now felt nauseating to him, Scar merely laid mute, his daughter's deleterious words reverberating over and over in his mind.

"Goodnight Uncle Taka. I love you." Nala murmured, her pristine voice drifting weightlessly throughout the taciturnity of the cave.

"Goodnight." Scar muttered back, his eyes not even bothering to glance down at the curled up cub beside him.

"Do you still love me Uncle Taka?" Nala purred quietly in an elated voice as she momentarily gazed up at the black maned male.

"I...I do. Now go to sleep Angel." Scar managed to say, his words feeling more hallow than the walls that surrounded him.

Finding Scar's response to be satisfactory to her likings, the young female returned her head back down to her fore paws as she peacefully dozed off, leaving the brown furred male alone with his thoughts. Waiting until he was absolutely certain that Nala had surrendered to sleep's demand, Scar held nothing back as he let his emotions get the better of him. Hot tears began to well up in his emerald eyes as the distraught lion openly wept from just how crestfallen he felt. As the salty rivulets trickled down his furry cheeks, the ardent lion silently cursed the world for turning its back upon him. He hated everything, from the fact that he would never be king, to the fact that his good for nothing brother always seem to best him no matter what. He hated how Sarafina was probably basking in the glory of the one individual he loathed the most in life, and that she would have the nerve to tell his own daughter that the son of a bitch was her father and not him.

The longer he melded over things, the more obscured Scar became as his agony and misery gradually began to morph into animosity and malice. Staring blankly down at the slumbering cub pressed up against his body, Scar's meticulous brain started to formulate a plan as he realized that there was, in fact, a way to enact revenge upon all those who had contributed to his duress over the past seasons, and Nala herself just happened to be the key. As the last amounts of morality faded from his being, the black maned lion wiped away his tears, the last tears he would ever cry for the longest time, as he pushed any remaining fond memories he might have had about his life, out from his mind, thus leaving him perfectly capable to carry out what he had now decided to do.

About an hour or two passed as Nala slept soundly next to Scar, her dreams filled with the events of her day that replayed themselves continuously in her thoughts. Feeling a sudden absence of warmth against her body, the drowsy cub shifted in her sleep, trying to relocate the temperate touch of her caretaker's side. Grumbling incoherently in her lethargic state, the little feline's physique settled down after a second or two. She had rolled onto her side, yet still looked to be snoozing deeply from the way her tiny chest rhythmically rose and fell. A few more minutes passed before the juvenile female sensed something warm and moist being brushed across her muzzle. Too consumed in her own fantasy, Nala's mind started to adhere to what was going on around her, as the images of her dream dissolved into a familiar looking scene.

Standing above her was Simba, his exposed penis hovering a mere whisker's length away from her muzzle. Watching curiously as her friend lowered his hind quarters down so that his little pink member rubbed against her ebony lips, Nala could see Simba's mouth moving, yet whatever he was trying to say seemed inaudible. Thinking back to what he had told her earlier that day, the cream furred lioness smiled as she eagerly extended her wet tongue, running it up and down the length of her best friend's cock, knowing that this was how the game he had showed her, was played. She had done it once already and was fascinated by how her tongue could make his privates change so dramatically.

Returning her tongue back into her maw after a few more laps over Simba's semi-erect shaft, Nala could almost taste the astringency from the male cub's genitalia. It was much more muskier than she had recalled though, her muzzle starting to salivate profusely in order to rid itself of the foreign flavor. Just as soon as she had flushed the piquancy from her mouth, Simba's rigid liondick pressed itself over her muzzle lips once again. Repeating the process that she had performed just a second ago, Nala's tongue bathed the persistent male's cubby cock, her nostrils flaring from the masculine aroma that was taking over her senses in the process. Pulling her slippery muscle back into her mouth once more, the dazed female could detect an unfamiliar hint of something salty that clung to her tongue. It didn't taste as unpleasant as the initial sampling of her friend's phallus had been, making it much more manageable for the somnolent cub to swallow down.

It wasn't until the third time Simba had thrust his endowments into her face, did Nala grow tiresome of what was going on. Turning her muzzle away so that her consort's stiff rod missed her maw, the irritated lioness mumbled in her sleep as her fore paw batted away the aggravating assailant, not wishing to lick it anymore.

"Grr...stop it Simba..."

Her imploration appeared to fall upon deaf ears however, as Simba's facial expression turned sour as he reached his fore paw down and took hold of the cream furred female's head, turning it so that it was facing his dangling prick again. Feeling frustrated by this point, Nala attempted to pull away, yet somehow, the golden furred cub was able to immobilize her with just a single paw, something Nala couldn't comprehend, as she always had been able to overpower him on any other given day. Unable to escape his clutches,, the defeated lioness stayed put as Simba's voice finally became discernable.

"Don't fight it. Just open your maw." Simba ordered, his tone being much more low pitched than she had remembered ever hearing it before.

Curious to know just what her confidant had in mind, Nala sighed as her muzzle lips parted slowly, leaving her mouth agape while she waited to see what would happen next. Much to the young feline's dismay however, Simba took full advantage of the situation as his hips straddled her face, his erection proceeding directly into his female friend's tiny kisser. Feeling her cheeks beginning to swell from the sudden abundance of fleshy meat being stuffed into her orifice. Nala's first instinct was to pull back, as she found it difficult to breathe with so much liondick taking up residence inside her maw. This didn't seem to be an option though, as Simba's vice-like grip held her firmly in place. Her second reaction was to try and push her friend's engorged cock out of her muzzle by way of her tongue. This also proved to be a feudal attempt, as her wriggling muscle only appeared to spur Simba on as he forced more of his hard shaft down her gullet. The only other alternative that weighed in her mind, was to bite down upon the young male's package, yet Nala had no desire to hurt her best friend in any such manner.

"Be a good girl and suck on Daddy's cock!" Simba's voice echoed as he gradually began to pump his elongated member in and out of Nala's tepid muzzle.

Finding it extremely peculiar that the golden furred lion would refer to himself as being her father, Nala didn't have the reserve left to argue, as she needed to replenish her lungs as soon as possible, and if that meant sucking off Simba, then so be it. Jouncing her head repeatedly, Nala did her best as she slurped noisily upon her company's lionhood, her jaw already feeling sore from just how stretched her muzzle felt from the way Simba's petrified pole was molesting her. The more she nursed upon his thick meat, the bigger it seemed to expand within her body, the sheer size of it already dwarfing the small frame of its owner, to whom was growling lustfully from the oral treatment he was receiving. Just when she felt like she was about to pass out from lack of oxygen, Simba's maleness slipped from her maw, resulting in the deprived lioness to gasp uncontrollably as she desperately inhaled the fresh air around her.

Her respite was short lived however, as just as soon as she had refueled her little lungs, Simba's burly liondick went right back to work as it pistoned in and out of the helpless feline's maw. Wondering what had come over her best friend, as she had never witnessed him act in such a strange way, not even when he had demonstrated what he referred to as being The Mating Game to her, Nala wished that she was dreaming, as Simba's ministrations unperceptively became more and more aggressive. What's worse, his once smooth surfaced shaft now felt as though it was raking her inner-cheeks, tongue and the roof of her mouth each time the rapacious male withdrew himself from her depths.

"That's my good little Angel. Deep throat Daddy's fucking penis!" A recognizable voice murmured into range as Nala's dream was abruptly shattered by a rather puissant thrust, which drove the head of the lion cock that was crowding her muzzle, into the back of her throat.

Gagging violently as her tight little throat was fucked, Nala's eyes shot open as she wildly looked about, trying frantically to figure out what was happening. At first, she couldn't see anything and thought for a moment, that she might have gone blind. Only after her vision stabilized, did she conceive what was impeding her line of sight. From her current point of view, all she could distinguish was the heavily hung furry scrotum that lingered just above her nosepad, the powerful aura that wafted into her nostrils from the hanging fixture, almost making her want to wretch from how pungent it smelled. More importantly though, Nala realized that her dream hadn't been fictional at all, as she was indeed, sucking on a thick piece of leonid flesh. Having her fight or flight reaction being triggered from the steely liondick being crammed down her gullet, Nala's small body writhed viciously until she managed to wiggle out from underneath her captivator.

Hurriedly rolling onto her tummy, the fragile cub hacked urgently as she expelled a mouthful of spit and pre-cum from her maw, which oozed down her chin before splattering unceremoniously upon the cave floor. Once she had composed herself enough to breathe normally again, Nala stared wide eyed up at the brown furred lion, who was busy stimulating himself by slowly pawing off his exposed member, a look of euphoria apparent within his facial features. Incapable of formulating a cogent statement, Nala simply whimpered quietly as her tongue and muzzle stung from the rough treatment they had endured.

"What are you doing to me Uncle Taka?" The confused little lioness finally managed to exclaim, her voice sounding raspy as she let out a few excess coughs to further clear her throat. There was no immediate reply from Scar as he appeared to be too caught up in his own self enjoyment, prompting the young feline to recapitulate her previous query before she received an answer from him.

"Naughty girls need to be reprimanded, and you my dear, have been a very naughty girl." Scar responded in a callus tone, his sharp emerald eyes glaring menacingly down at the cream colored female.

"Naughty?" Nala echoed in a puzzled voice. "How was I naughty? I didn't do anything bad." She insisted as she instinctively shifted into a sitting position to ensure that her butt was safe from being swatted, which was her typical punishment for severely misbehaving.

"You lied to me Angel." Scar proclaimed as he released his bulky shaft from his fore paw before rising to all fours, his hard on smacking lightly against his underbelly from just how aroused he must have been feeling.

"I didn't lie to you Uncle Taka, honest I didn't." Nala whined as she observed the black maned male beginning to walk circles around her, his presence and stare making her feel very uneasy as she averted her gaze from his.

"Oh, is that right?" Scar snorted before halting himself directly in front of the now slouching cub. "Then perhaps I should just tell your mom about the game you and Simba played today. You know, the one that is supposed to be a secret? What do you think her reaction will be to that, hmm?"

Looking utterly baffled by what her company had revealed, Nala found herself momentarily lost for words. She had no earthly idea how Scar discovered what she and Simba had done together, yet the stern expression upon his countenance confirmed to the gullible cub that he knew everything, when in reality, Scar had only pieced together a few pieces of the proverbial puzzle, aided in part by his former conversation with his daughter, as well as the things she had muttered in her sleep while he had been asserting himself upon her.

"You...You know about that?" Nala stammered, a cold wave of fear sweeping over her as the thoughts of what Sarafina might do to her if she found out about The Mating Game, flooded her mind, making her feel panicked as she fought back tears from forming in her eyes.

"I'm your father Nala. Nothing gets passed me." Scar pronounced, his faze unwavering from the pitiful looking female as he alighted his haunches upon the stony ground.

"Oh please Uncle Taka, don't tell Mama! I'll be a good girl from now on, I promise!" Nala pleaded, her voice beginning to crack as she was on the brink of crying.

"Well, I'm not your daddy, so why should I care what your mother does to you for being bad?" Scar said, his ears just waiting to hear what he knew was coming next.

"Please Uncle Taka! I'll do anything! I'll call you Daddy, I'll never play The Mating Game with Simba ever again! Just please don't tell Mama on me!" Nala begged, her tear stained face finally looking up at the black maned male as she prayed that he would accept her proposal.

Practically brimming over with glee inside, as the impressionable female had stumbled perfectly into his well-crafted plot, Scar took a few minutes to deliberate over his choices, even though he had long since made up his mind. Keeping his believable façade about him, the sly lion looked as though he wasn't going to compromise with the desperate lioness, but altered his visage at the last second before speaking up to her in a complaisant voice.

"Very well my dear. I will not inform your mother about your little game with Simba however, you must promise to do one thing for me."

A refreshing torrent of relief washed over the cream furred feline as she heard Scar's response, bringing an overjoyed smile to etch its way across her muzzle. Her fears were quickly subsided as she bounded over to where the large male sat, giving his fore leg an appreciative nuzzle before exclaiming in an indebted voice, her tail swishing happily behind her as she spoke.

"Oh thank you Uncle Taka! I promise! I'll do whatever you want! Thank you, thank you thank you!"

Seeing his daughters celestial looking expression, Scar faltered briefly, his conscience fluttering back for a split second as it told him that what he was about to do was both perverse and wrong. Unfortunately, Nala's haunting words from earlier, quickly silenced his better judgment as the brown furred lion sported a devious looking grin. Letting Nala have her moment of piece, Scar casually spoke up as one of his paw toes lightly stroked the young female in between her ears, making her purr affectionately as she listened to what her cub-sitter was telling her.

"Oh, don't thank me just yet Angel. You don't even know what we're going to do now."

"Well? What ARE we going to do then Uncle Taka?" Nala asked in a quizzical voice.

"You and I are...going to play The Mating Game together." Scar murmured quietly into the cream furred cub's ear.

Immediately wishing she hadn't agreed to Scar's scheme, as she wasn't liking the idea of having to play such a private undertaking with anyone else, let alone an adult, Nala knew there was no going back on her promise though. Hoping that, perhaps, it wouldn't be as bad as she imagined, the little cub swallowed her apprehension and fear as she nodded slowly in compliance. Seeing Nala's physical response to his proposition, Scar purred delightedly as he stood up before taking several steps forward until all four of his lengthy legs boxed his kin in, his belly hanging several inches from her back. Staring upwards at Scar's opposite end, Nala had a birds-eye view of the black maned male's genitals, his semi-erect liondick being almost in reach of her muzzle, but not quite.

"Now then my dear, what is the first thing you need to do, hmm?" Scar inquired, his hind quarters lowering just a bit as if to give her a hint.

"Erm...I need to lick your...thingy Uncle Taka." Nala answered back, already forgetting the proper name to which Simba had addressed his private parts as being when he had taught her how the game was played.

"Well, then be a good girl and do it then, and there's a new rule to the game too." Scar adjured, his pink shaft twitching in anticipation from the pleasure it was about to procure from the small feline. "You are to call me Daddy while we are playing. Is that understood?"

"Yes...Daddy." Nala reciprocated as she felt too embarrassed to even think twice about what she was going to have to do. Craning her neck upwards, Nala attempted to make contact with Scar's swaying cock, only managing to graze the very tip of it with her raspy tongue. "I can't reach your thingy Daddy..." Nala whined, as she didn't want to be scolded for not doing her job properly.

"Then you better figure out a way how to reach it." Scar stated mockingly, knowing that his daughter was more than capable of solving her own dilemma without his assistance.

Pondering over her predicament for a minute, Nala decided to try and balance herself atop her hind legs, her cute little fore paws flailing wildly about as she tried to latch onto Scar's lubricious member. After a few failed ventures, the cream colored lioness finally obtained a suitable grip upon the large male's penis, her fore paws occasionally sliding down its sleek surface, causing her to have to refresh her hold upon it over and over again. The warm touch of her tiny paws rubbing and fondling his lionhood made Scar murr in ecstasy as his cock continued to engorge, making it much more accessible for Nala to attain.

"Ooo, yes! Just like that Angel." Scar moaned lustfully as he felt Nala's pebbly tongue traversing over his sensitive organ.

Teetering precariously upon her hind quarters as her fore paws unknowingly jerked the brown furred lion's cock off in a vein struggle to keep ahold of it, Nala continuously ran her wet tongue over as much of the length of Scar's pulsing rod as she could reach given her current stance. The harder she worked, the longer and thicker her guardian's penis became. Wondering if there was even a limit to how big Scar's pink pole would grow to, the young female inadvertently lost her balance as the black maned male's belongings slipped from her grasp. Tumbling backwards as she landed upon her back in between Scar's fore legs, Nala grinned sheepishly as she stared innocently up at him.

"Oops, I slipped Daddy. Sorry." Nala cooed adorably as she fidgeted her fore paws together nervously.

"Such a clumsy cubby you are Angel." Scar jested as he turned himself around and resituated his loins so they were suspended directly above his offspring's face. "Now open that pretty little maw of yours and don't bite Daddy's cock or he'll cuff you good."

Dreading having to be put through the same thing she had unwillingly done not too long ago with Scar, yet knowing that he would uphold his threat if need be, as he had spanked her once or twice for disobeying his commands in the past, although not very hard and he had always justified his actions to Sarafina, Nala reluctantly did as she was bid and opened her mouth wide enough for the head of Scar's lionhood to easily vanish inside her muzzle. Doing her utmost to keep her teeth in check, Nala suckled vociferously upon the hulky piece of flesh as it once again, compacted tightly in her opening and insisted on traveling as far down her throat as she could withstand.

"Mmm! That's my good girl! Gag on Daddy's cock you little lecherous lioness!" Scar hissed, his loins almost smothering the cream colored cub as he squirted a small amount of pre-fluids down her throat.

Heaving from the sudden injection of liquid that splashed down her gullet, Nala whimpered hopelessly as she oscillated her head back and forth, feeling as if her caretaker's meat would surely impale her completely if he pushed any harder. Still, she persevered as the combined efforts of her saliva and Scar's ejaculate gradually made it less cumbersome for the young lioness to muzzle him efficiently. AS much as he was basking in the eroticism of his daughter's ministrations, there was something way more enticing that Scar was after, something he desired a lot more than a simple blow job from his unskilled kin.

"Alright my dear, it's time for me to take what's rightfully mine." Scar injectured as he pulled his stiff erection out from Nala's mouth, making the juvenile cub whine as his barbs scratched her inner-cavity upon their departure.

Being completely naïve to what he had meant, yet knowing what the next step of The Mating Game involved, Nala could feel herself becoming extremely unsettled as the thought of Scar's monstrous phallus fitting inside her little hole entered her mind. Simba hadn't had much luck penetrating the immature female's pussy, and his penis was nowhere near the size of her current company's. There was no logical way that Nala could think of, for Scar's maleness to be able to infiltrate her most sacred of regions without hurting her in the process. Even Simba's awkward attempts had left her feeling sore afterwards, so there was no hope for the committed lioness now.

Making his way around the sprawled out cub, Scar maneuvered his haunches in place, his massive frame all but eclipsing that of the much smaller lioness' below him. Reaching down a fore paw, the fully grown male erotically stroked Nala's blossoming sex, his paw toes passing ever so gently across her delicate folds as he sized up the situation. Tentively pressing a single paw digit into the adolescent's cunny, it was immediately obvious that she was going to be a very tight fit. This fact only egged Scar on further as he applied a little more pressure to his exploratory paw toe, testing the elasticity of his daughter's still intact hymen as the tip of his solidified penis poked impatiently against Nala's tail base, just waiting to be able to be hugged by the young girl's virgin tunnel.

Wiggling his paw digit to try and loosen up Nala's slit as much as it would allow, Scar closed his eyes for a second as he reflected upon what his next move would symbolize. He was about to take, not only the most precious thing that Nala herself owned, but at the same time, he would be stealing something away from Mufasa, and even Simba too, as well as spiting Sarafina to top it all off. That was all the reason he needed to act, and act he did. Knowing that the initial insertion of his liondick would be most painful for Nala, something he justified as being her well-deserved castigation for lying to him, as well as not accepting him as being her father despite all the kind gestures he had done for her over the course of her lifetime, Scar planned ahead as his overwhelming fore paws securely pinned the anxious lioness down firmly before he spoke to her in a longing tone.

"Let this be a lesson to you Angel...Take what you can...when you can!"

With as much grace, agility and accuracy as a lioness going for the kill, Scar's cock thrust forward with just enough momentum to get the job done swiftly and precisely. Letting out an agonized sounding cry as the head of the large lion's penis drove squarely in between her vaginal lips, Nala felt a discomfort she had never experienced before, as it felt like Scar's prick was going to rip a hole straight through her innocence. Thrashing helplessly beneath the brown furred male as her snatch was being plundered, Nala shut her eyes tightly as the tears began to flow freely down her face from just how excruciating the pain was. As unpleasant as it was, nothing compared to the sheer malady that shot through the cream furred cub's being the moment her hymen tore, forced to give way under the unrelenting pressure being applied to it by Scar's cock.

"AHH! PLEASE STOP DADDY! IT HURTS SO BADLY!" Nala screamed, her voice ringing out into the emptiness of the cave around her, small trickles of blood dribbling down her butt as more of Scar's rigid pole rammed itself inside her deflowered passage.

Not appearing to be effected by his daughter's outcry in the least bit, Scar merely huffed in irritation as he continued to pilot his throbbing shaft in and out of the small feline's slit, each time achieving to bury more of himself inside of her until about half his length was swallowed up by Nala's abused twat. There was no way he could physically fit more than that into the under-developed female, as the head of his liondick was already tickling the entrance to Nala's cervix as it was. Looking quite content with himself, Scar savored every little push his hips gave, relishing in just how snug his offspring's pussy was, and how it gripped his girth better than any fully grown lioness ever could.

"Tell Daddy what a bad fucking girl you are!" Scar exclaimed in a demanding tone as he withdrew his erection from Nala's muff, only to re-penetrate her harshly once more to ensure that his order would be fulfilled.

"I'm a...OW...bad girl Daddy!" Nala retorted, her voice trembling from the misery Scar was inflicting upon her.

"Do you want Daddy to stop?" Scar asked in a less than convincing voice, the speed to which he was rutting the pre-pubescent lioness increasing with each passing second.

"YES! Pl...Please stop Daddy!" Nala whimpered, her gaping vulva feeling as if it couldn't take any more torture.

"Are you going to be a good little cub and never lie to me again?" Scar replied, his testicles already tensing up as they longed to empty themselves inside the warmth of the poor female's body.

"Yes! I will...Ooo...never lie to you ever again Daddy! I promise! Just please, take your thingy out of me!" Nala begged, her furry cheeks dampened from her crying as she opened her eyes and gazed up at Scar with a pleading expression.

Feeling extremely close to his creamy crescendo, Scar had to restrain himself from unloading his balls into Nala's narrow little canal, opting to pull himself out from her tender looking cunt before glancing down to survey what damage his despicable actions had caused. This also gave the horny male time to let his nerves settle, thus allowing him to keep the game going for a longer period of time. Having her aching pussy now freed from its molester, yet still not being able to move due in part to Scar's fore paws still fixating her to the ground, Nala just laid there, whimpering pathetically as she waited to see what her father had planned next.

"Now my dear, get up and come suck on Daddy's thingy again." Scar issued, his fore paws now relinquishing their hold upon the tiny cub so that she could do as she was instructed to.

Wiping a fore paw over her eyes to remove what few tears were left around her face, Nala wearily rose to all fours as she padded timidly over to where Scar now sat, each step she took reigniting the pain in her groin and making her wish this night would be over soon. Eyeing the black maned lion's glistening member unfavorably, Nala plopped herself down in front of Scar's genitalia before starting to take the tip of his lion meat into her mouth. It tasted nothing like it had before, as the slurry of her own female fluids mixed with the brown furred male's natural flavors with just a hint of blood being detectable met with her pallet, Nala barely was able to stomach it all as she slurped weakly upon Scar's fleshy tool. Wanting so desperately to feel himself deeper inside the innocent cub's gullet, Scar took the liberty of pressing his fore paw down upon Nala's head, coaxing her to deep throat him as he snarled lustfully.

"That's a good fucking cubby! Show Daddy how much you love having his cock inside of you!"

Shivering uncontrollably from the unadulterated sensations that were building up inside his loins, Scar struggled to maintain his composure, but in the end, the sounds of Nala's swallowing and gagging, combined with her soft muzzle lips mouthing over the surface of his cock as her tight throat tensed and untensed around his shaft, it all proved to be too much for him to handle as he gave one last dramatic thrust into the young girl's muzzle, his fore paw forcing her all the way down upon his lionhood as the head of it breeched passed the cream furred lioness' gag reflex. Suddenly feeling a steady flow of warm liquid being force-fed down her gullet, Nala coughed sporadically as she gulped mouthful and mouthful of Scar's lion cum down her throat.

There seemed to be no end in sight as the creamy torrents of salty semen quickly compiled in Nala's tummy, making it more and more challenging to swallow down each additional offering that was being pumped into her maw. Unable to consume any more of the sticky seed, the little female simply let her cheeks bulge up with the remaining amounts of Scar's spunk, small strands of it escaping from around the sides of her muzzle as they seeped down her chin. Finally feeling the last jets of his gloppy release being ejaculated into her mouth, Nala was relieved to feel the black maned male removing his softening penis from her maw.

Unsure of what to do with the leftover cum that still occupied her inner-muzzle, Nala was tempted to spit it out, as she couldn't bear to drink any more of the slimy substance. Something told her that she would be scolded if she did though, which left her no other choice but to let the milky fluid leak from her mouth. Observing intently as his spooge drooled down the messy cub's features, Scar couldn't resist the urge to reach out a paw toe before coating it in his semen and stuffing it back into Nala's pie hole, making the juvenile cub suck off his sticky digit for his own amusement. Repeating this process numerous times until every last ounce of his jizz had been devoured by his daughter, Scar addressed his kin in an apathetic voice before letting out a tired sounding yawn.

"I really hope you learned your lesson my dear. I will keep my promise though and will not inform your mother about what you've done. This night will be our little secret too, so don't even think about telling anyone about it, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Uncle Taka. I promise." Nala stated, reverting back to her former ways now that the game was over.

Scar was about to protest his daughter not referring to him as being her father, but it was already getting late and he needed to clean up both, the den, as well as Nala herself before Sarafina would get back. This wouldn't take very long however, and after everything he had enjoyed tonight, a little more work didn't seem all that bad. After he had thoroughly bathed the exhausted looking lioness, Scar immediately sent her to bed as he stayed up and waited for Sarafina's return, all the while thinking about what he had done. He had finally bested Mufasa in a way that was irreprehensible, yet the feeling of power that he had over Nala seemed to awaken his darker side, making him long for more, much more. Perhaps there still was a way for him to become king. If he could only figure out how. Then, once he was king, he'd make absolute sure that Nala would recognize him as being her daddy, that, he was certain of.