Danyel's Story Ch.1 Just the beggining

Story by WyldeHair on SoFurry

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"Sometimes I feel like I've lived my whole life in the shadows. When you live in the dark you make your own rules. The line between right and wrong fades to almost nothing...

Living this way, in the shadows of the world, offers a new perspective. The way things are is not the way they should be. You start to see the evil hiding in plain view of society, and vengeance begins to burn inside of you. It starts as simple as anything else- Small. You stop someone from being mugged or beaten, and then it begins to escalate. The problems get bigger, the victims more innocent. So you fight harder. . . Making the world a safer place. . . One Dead bad-guy at a time. You figure it'll end when they're all dead, and maybe, someday you might just find your way into the light."

The Western Seattle sky burned as the sun was devoured by the deep pacific ocean.

Danyel stood silent on the rooftop his old coat nearly coming apart in the high December wind. wondering if he was right.. . .

"Is this really how it has to be?" He thought.

His musing were always this way, Silent, unshared.

It was hot. The kind of hot that made you wish for snow. It should have been snowing. . . three days into December and it should have been snowing. It had been like this for weeks, odd weather and record temperatures. . . But today it was something different, Something in the air had stirred Danyel's senses. Something was coming . . . He could always tell. It was almost like blood on the wind.

"Time to confront a child killer." The voice almost from nowhere, Castadillo calling him back from the recesses.

"Your right Cas, but you can't come with me this time, I have to do this one alone, ." Danyel knew what this job would involve and he didn't want Cas to have any part of it.

"Your sure?" Cas asked knowing what Danyel would say.

"Yeah, I'm Sure."

Detective Captain Eli Morris Stood silent in the Viewing room of the Cascade police department as the confession was read to him.

"Dammit" He thought, "Why now?"

"Hey Cap', Listen to this shit." Detective Maddison spouted the obscenity like most people say hello, "Sometimes doing the right thing means doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. . ." , A quote from the tattered paper bag that carried the confession.

"What the fuck kind of faggot-shit Philosification is that?" He said, scratching at his nethers. " Why don't we just book this ass-jockey?"

"Your an Idiot!" Captain Morris Almost snapped. And aside from that we don't have any actual evidence."

"What about his confession?" He said waiving the tattered paper.

"The D.A. Will never accept it. We need physical evidence linking this guy to the murders. . . Besides, he's most likely just another homeless nut-bag looking for a hot meal and a bed." Morris knew the score, No evidence, no charges, That's just the way it was.

Maddison looked to the mirror, "I need a shave," He thought.

"Your probably right, but I wanna talk to him before we cut him loose."

Morris didn't look surprised, Maddison may have been an ignorant son-of-a-bitch, but he did have a knack for solving homicides.

"Good," Morris Said. "He's been asking for you, says your the only one he'll talk to."

Maddison looked to the mirror again, "Still need to take care of my new special girl."

"I'll have him put in the room" With that Morris walked out leaving Maddison alone with his thoughts.

As he walked the short distance from one door to the other he pictured in his head all of the things he would do with his "Special Girl". That's what he called them, the girls that gave his life so much joy, his Special Girls. Detective Maddison was so buried in his imaginings that he almost didn't notice when the door opened.

The officers escorting the homeless man wee notably nervous in his presence, keeping just enough space between themselves and his hands to be noticeable. The fear was almost palpable. It wasn't that he was overly large, in fact, he couldn't have been more than 5'10" and maybe 165lbs. . . Maybe. The fear was there. The officers escorted him in and left.

"Have a seat" Detective Maddison said gesturing to the chair across the table.

The man in the tattered clothes and worn out coat sat almost too quietly in the chair, his movements were silent despite his size and heavy clothing.

" I'm Detective Maddison, I was told you were asking for me?" He didn't mean for it to come out as a question but that's how it was. . . Odd.

"You were told right" The homeless man spoke quietly.

"Well, if you don't mind I'd like to ask you a few questions." Maddison's confidence seemed to have returned, at least for the moment.

The homeless man stared intently at the floor, unmoving and unchanged.

"O.K." He said after a moment.

Maddison pushed the recorder to the middle of the table, the sound of rubber feet seemed to blister the air like nails on a chalkboard.

"I'll be recording this for our records. Bear in mind that you don't have to answer any of these questions and that your not under arrest." He stated without any reply from the homeless man.

" Detective Maddison, Cascade P.D. Interview room 3, December Three, 2005 Approximately one twenty on P.M. . . . Can you state your name for the record sir?"

The detectives voice had fully stopped whatever wavering it had done before.

A faint whisper came from the Homeless man.

"Say again please," Maddison said."I couldn't hear you"

" My name is Danyel. . . And I've done horrible things" Danyel spoke clearly but never looked up from the floor.

Maddison Nodded, "Why don't you tell me about what you've done?"

Maddison's curiosity was peaked, now he had to hear it.

"Not how this is gonna work detective," Danyel raised his head for the first time.

"You ask I answer, I ask you answer" Danyel said locking his eyes on Maddison.

"Alright I'll play."


"Why What?"

Danyel tossed a broken gold charm bracelet on the table.


And then a pink child's wallet.


And a broken Rosary.

"Ten! Three girls in two weeks detective?

Your talking about that psycho who grabbed those girls from Cascade Elementary."

"Mmm Hmm" Danyel's Eyes were locked on the detective like a wolf watching it's prey, waiting for the mistake.

"Don't know." Maddison's eyes, the eyes gave him up.

"Your turn Detective."

Maddison Held up a brown leather wallet stained with blood.

"How'd you get this?"

Took it off a dead guy. . . Lose your watch Detective?" Danyel held out his hand holding the cheap gold watch with the broken band.

"About a week ago," Maddison looked to the tan-line on his naked wrist. "You mind if I ask where you found it?"

"You already know the answer to that question Detective."

In that singular moment the two men's eyes locked.

"How does he know?" Maddison thought. "He Can't. . . It's not possible!"

Maddison's eyes were locked to Danyel's. Like a fly caught in a spiders web . . . He was trapped.

"What is it that drives you to kill them Detective?" Danyel stood, his body distorting, changing.

"And when did you realize that you were a scum-bag child molester?"

Danyel stood at almost 6'6" his face prognosticated, canine teeth elongated top and bottom, his dark almost blue-black eyes now a wash of bright silver. When he spoke a gain Maddison could hear his rage.

"You Murdered them Detective!" Danyel took a step forward, and cleared the distance of the room, grabbing Maddison by his throat. "Tell me where she is!"

"I don't know what your talking about" Maddison's voice came out in choked gasms, nearly a whisper.

Danyel was beginning to lose control. "Where?" As he lifted Maddison off the floor and slammed his head into the one way mirror. The sound of the breaking glass, the smell of his own blood almost sent Maddison into a panic.

Danyel pressed his hand harder against the softening flesh of Maddison's throat, his claws digging in and spreading plumes of dark blood.


Maddison's voice was nothing more than a choked whisper.

"Base-ment. . . . Basement."

This would be his last word.

Danyel brought his left hand to Maddison's collar-bones and dug his claws deep into the soft flesh. The pain in Maddison's eyes was remarkable as Danyel pulled, down with one hand and up with the other, alleviating the Detective of the burden of his head.

"Good bye Detective."

Danyel's final words to Maddison were left unheard save for the recorder.