Echte Liebe (true love) Part 1.

Story by derfurguy on SoFurry

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(I currently do not have an editor/Beta reader, so there will be spelling mistakes)

Echte Liebe: Part 1

Vincint (Ven-cent) traipsed into the pub, dragging his wheel-lock across the rough wood floor as is rapier hit against his leg. The setting sun shown through the stained glass. Green, blue, yellow and purple colors washed over the floor and the men drinking their beers at the tables near windows, giving the pub a warm, inviting feeling. Their joyous cheers and chatter made Vincint twitched with jealousy. Vincent was a tall man of 5'11, he wasn't muscular, but he was fit. His hands and face, the only skin that was visible, was a nice, deep tan. He wore the musketeer outfit of the king. The wood cartages that held his ammo swung from his belt that crossed his chest, clinking as they hit his breastplate that was under his uniform. He tucked in the lace around his cuffs and his collar. He sat on a seat at the bar. He took off hit helmet, placed it on the bar and ruffled his short brown hair.

"Can I get you the usual Vincint?" the bar tender asked, coming up to him.

"Ya Retan." Vincint spoke in a murmur, speaking to the wood of the bar. His voice was deeper then the average male, but it is smooth, almost tantalizing. The bar tender turned around, reached into a large metal box behind him, and handed him a beer. "Thanks" He took a swig from the mug.

"You still store about your girl?" Retan asked.

"Why did she have to leave?" Vincint looked up at Retan. Vinint had shockingly bright blue eyes. They almost seemed to glow. A single tear was sparkling in his right eye.

"If the gods choose for her to leave, it was her time."

"Damn the king and the army" Vincint slammed a fist on the bar "I couldn't be by her side when she passed on. There was no war going on, and there was plenty of other men to guard the wall."

"Well what are you going to do..."

" I don't know..." Vincint took another swig of beer. He heard the pub door open behind him. Whistles came from around the bar.

"Hey honey, why don't you come over here"

"My lap is almost big enough for the two of us."

"There are some nice curves on you sweetie"

"Do ANY of you have ANY respect for wome...." Vincint was cut short as he turned around. His jaw dropped a smallest bit.

An absolute gorgeous dragoness was standing there, looking for a place to sit. She had stunning green scales, that sparkled like stares. Vincint guessed she was almost 8 feet tall, as she had to bow her neck down so her head wouldn't hit the sealing. Even though her robe covered most of her body, it did not stop Vincint from sitting there, admiring what he could see. Her face and muzzle where sleeked back and smoothed, unlike the more bulky facial feathers of the male anthrop Dragons. Her eyes where thinned out, but he could see the bright-gold irises of her eyes. Two small polyester white horns went strait back from above her ear holes. Her neck was thin and slender. The green scales flowed together, gently as they despaired into the collar. But they way that the different color light shown on her scales on her neck, they seemed to move....seductively. Their eyes met for a second, before Vincint looked quickly back at his drink. 'Please don't come over here. Please don't come over here' he thought to himself. But it was not to be. He heard the soft thud of her paws as she came over and sat down right next to him.

"What can I get for you, lady?" Retan asked her.

"Could I have a glass of whine?" Her voice was smooth a buttery. It melted as it passed through his ears. He shivered with goose bumps from her sweet voice. Since she was closer, he could see her tail poking out of a hole in her robe. It was a muscular tail, but in a feminine way. Small spikes where evenly spaced down her tail, as it slowly narrowed to a point. It looked so juicy, so sexy. Vincint licked his upper lip slightly from right of left, imaging not his saliva, but her juices on his lips. In his mind, he slowly started to disrobe her, but then he shook his head, trying to get those thoughts out of his head. He quickly looked back at his mug.

"So, what's your name?" he heard her ask. Vincint took a deep breath. He knew it was rude not to look at a women when they spoke to you. He turned and looked up at her.

"My name is Vincint. And yours?"

"I am to be called Lucria" She was looking at him with a look he couldn't quite put his finger on.

"Well, pleasure to meet you" He smiled, and turned back to his drink, and took a gulp.

"So, you are a soldier for your king?" she asked

"Yes I am. I have been for five years," he said, looking back up at her. She lifted the glass with long, slender, scaly fingers, that each finger had a short, sharp black talon on each and she poured some of the wine into her maw.

"It must be a wonderful feeling to protect ones loved ones from harm."

"Ya....." A fatter, balding man had come up to the dragoness and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around to look down on him.

"Hey, pretty, why are you talking with skinny shit, when you can be with a real man." He looked greedily up and down her body. "Oh ya, I would like some that, bitch." He started to reach for her.

"You better not touch her." Vincint said in calm voice, just looking at the drags on his beer.

"Why should I be listening to you?" The man said, turning to look at him.

"Women need the up most respect. Where you raised by wolves?"

"What did you say to me?"

"You are a fucking pig, I couldn't get any more clearer then this." Vincint growled, still looked at his beer.

"Why you little..." the man started to throw a punch at Vincint. Vincint just turned around and caught the man's fist. He twisted the man's arm, then he brought his elbow on top of the man's. The fat man yelled in pain as the ball popped from the joint. Vincint grabbed the man's head and smacked it into the bar. He heard chairs move across the wood. He took a pistol out from his waist belt, and turned around, cocking back the hammer. Three other men had stood up, knives drawn. They eyed his snaphaunce pistol. They put their knives.

"Come get your friend" he ordered. Two of the men came forward and dragged their friend out followed by the third. Vincint holstered his pistol, and turned around to see Lucria in front of him.

"Thank you very much" she said slowly

"Your very welcome" Vincint inclined his head.

"Could.. Could I have a drink with you?" she asked.

"Uhhh sure." He slowly lead her to a table in the corner. They both sat down. "Lucria, where are your wings, may I ask?"

"Oh, I have them tied tightly to my body. It's a bit windy around here. One gust and I could loose by balance."

"It's a good thing then."

They chatted over the next few hours. Talking about humans, dragons, politics, culture and many other things. Between them they drank 12 beers. Vincint was quite enjoying it. He never had this much fun for months. He finally looked at the clock. It was 9:10.

" Well I must be going"

"Do you want to come to where I'm staying?" she asked, seductively.

"Uhh sorry, but no." her face fell

"Why not?"

"I have guard duty at 4:30 in the mourning. But can I see you here tomorrow, same time?" She gave a toothy smile, here sharp teeth glinting in the candle light.

"Of course"




Lucria was standing in front of Vincint. They where looking at each other with lust and love twinkling in their eyes. His cock pressed against his trousers, begging to be released. With a careful talon she ripped his cloths off. He well shaven, naked body stood in front of her. Eight inches of his slowly throbbing cock protruded from his body. It greedily, but lovingly wanting to be inside of her. She bent down, and with her long forked tongue, she licked his cheek. She grabbed her robes and started to pull them down.


Vincint woke with a start, his penis pitching a tent in his undergarments. He ran his fingers through his hair and he got ready for his shift.

This pattern went on for a week. He would perform drills and guard duty, then at 6:00, he would go into the pub, down some beers and have supper with her. She was quite intelligent for a dragon, which he heard most are just good warriors and farmers. She blushed every time he would use proper manners around her. They just finished talking about how crazy the new artist Vencello was.

"I mean, what are all those stream lines supposed to mean?" Vinvint asked, chuckling a little. He put his left hand down, which was right on top of Lucria's. He quickly pulled back "I'm so sorry Lucria..." Lucria just brought both her hands up, grabbed his left, lowered her head down and pressed his left hand against her right bone. The scales felt cold and smooth under his hand.

"It's alright. Mmm, your touch feels so warm....And by the way. My fire place is clogged up, and I need some extra body heat to keep me 'warm'. Can you come to my place to night?"

" Uhhh sure. I have tomorrow off soo......"

"Excellent!" she got up, threw the cold coins and started to lead him out, holding his left hand. Vincint just managed to put his helmet back on and grab his gun. It was a bit windy when they left the pub. Lucria drew him close as they walked up the street. She lead him to the rich apartment part of town. Usually the merchants used these during the trading season, but now it was a ghost town. Out of her robe she pulled out key which she inserted it into a door with a gold number 7 on it. She opened the door and they quickly steeped out of brisk, windy cold air. They where in a nice sitting room. They where standing on polished white granite. To the left was three plush couches around a Elm table that had fruits, whine and a chess board on it. Vincint took off his helmet and put it next to the door where he laid his gun.

"The bed room is right to our right" she said hurriedly. Vincint leaned forward and opened the door and let her walk in first, then he followed. He barley got a look in the room, when he heard the door slam behind him, then he felt Lucria push him against the door. He looked up at her. The room was big enough for her to fully stand up. She completely towered over Vincint. With a pang, he realized, it was the same look she has given him every time he left her, it was a look of lust. She looked longingly at him with her golden eyes. It was a comfortable pressure she was giving him as she pressed against the door. She lowered her head to his and pressed her muzzle against his lips, and with her lips, she opened his mouth and her tongue snaked inside. At first he was shocked, but then, his eyes half-closed in pleasure. He could see the line of his eye, and everything else was a blur, but he didn't need to see.

Her warm, leathery tongue was feeling around his mouth. Massaging his cheeks. Slowly caressing them. She then rapped her tongue around his and gently squeezed it. Vincint didn't know how long they held their kiss, she then slowly broke away, smiling at him, exposing her sharp teeth. She looked down at his trousers, where a bulge was forming. She looked back at him, flicking her tongue out across his lips. She reached on his chest and undid his ammo belt was made a small thumps as the wood cartages hit the floor. She then took off his haversack and canteen, then finally undid his belt. With her tail, she moved his equipment off to the side. She then took off his outer uniform shirt, then his breast plate, then his undershirt. He was now bare chest, facing her. His body was a little less tan then his face and hands. You could see the defining lines of his muscles in his arms and a well defined four-pack.

She stepped back from Vincint until he could see her entire body. She untied the belt around from her robe. Moving her shoulders back and forth, she let her robe fall to the ground. Vincint just looked at her exposed body. Her scales on her chest where a slightly lighter green and had a glossy tone to them. Her arms where muscular and he could see a sexy six-pack on her stomach. Her sides gently curved in out. She untied a rope that was tied around her upper body. The rope fell to the floor as she extended her wings. The thin membrane was the same color as her stomach scales.

Vincint looked between her legs. He could see the lips of her cunt. A single drip of her juices slowly dripped down. Lucria slowly came towards Vincint, keeping her legs close, constricting her vagina so her juices would seep down her leg. She put a hand on Vincint's chest, her talons pressing into his skin.

"Your heart is beating like a scared rabbit, here" she pulled him right up against her, rapping her arms around him, squeezing him gently. His left leg going in between her legs. He could feel a comfortable warmth even through his trousers. "match my heart beat" He could feel her heart beat, a slow thump, thump. He then felt tongue tickle his ear. His bulge in his trousers was pressing against her left leg. He looked up at her, at her beautiful golden eyes. He felt some of her love juice drip on his trousers. Tears came into his eyes.

"I love... I love... I can't do this," he broke away from her embrace. His tears falling to the ground as he ran out of the apartment. Lucria followed him till the door. She stuck her head out the door and looked after him as he ran up the street. A single tear formed in her eyes. It rolled down her cheek, and fell to the ground and splashed on the stone.

To be continued.....