For Richer or Poorer (Full)

Story by Drion Eclipse on SoFurry

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Well, Here's the finished story. Well beyond the limits of the contest lol

I apologize for its excessive length. It took me a while to revise this sucker!

I'm sure there are bound to be a few grammatical errors and such xD;

I hope you all will find some enjoyment in the story I have written :3

-insert disclaimers about being 18 or older to read and such-

Characters are also my creation :3



_ For Richer or Poorer _

'Hey! Watch it!'

'ARGH! Watch your ass kid!'

'Sorry...! Pardon me!' It was a comical sight watching this young dhole as he dashed across a more than crowded platform. Zigzagging through the clusters of people as he swerved left and right, dodging one civilian after another. Apology followed by apology fled his lips, being bumped about like a pinball within its own machine. The wheels the male's suitcase dragged behind him as they bumped rolled and swiveled with the motions and momentum of his body.

Gah! I'm not gonna make it at this rate! How much further until this blasted ship anyways!? the young dhole hurried his footwork, not completely watching in front of where his rapid pace was taking him.

THUNK! He fell flat onto his rump, his tail curled between his legs, brushed up against his abdomen. The colossal shadow of the being he had bumped into encompassed his fallen frame. His ears peeled back as he gazed up at the massive male who, in response, simply glared down at him.

'Oh! I'm so sorry, please excuse m-' he started to apologize to yet another citizen crowding the flat. The immediate surroundings were filled with other residents who were also trying to reach their own crafts in time.

'Last call for Zorbyca!' A voice rang out in the distance. The dhole's ears flickered as the warning rung in his ears.

Oh crap!

'I-I must apologize but I'm in a hurry, sorry!' he rapidly rose to his feet, rushing once more toward the gate from whence the voice originated. The suit case's wheels resumed their swiveled motion as the dhole continued his mad rush, his body turned and contorted through the maze of people blocking his path. His open shirt wavered behind him while his fur, not covered by his shirt or baggy pants, shifted about softly while he sprinted towards his goal. The soft soles of his sandals clapped against the smooth concrete surface hastily with brief, short-lived reverberant slaps. His plan was to reach the boat before its departure.

It felt like he had been running a marathon but with a plethora of obstacles in his path. Finally, the gate, which had been his aspiration, finally stood before within line of vision after having passed the rows upon rows of strangers, which originally seemed to be endless initially.

The ticket he needed hung a quarter of its length out of his back pocket, flapping about with his bounding legs as he rushed the gate. A swift, backwards motion from his arm landed the ticket in his grasp, clasping and tugging it free from the confines of the snug rear pouch.

Alongside the edge of the pier, the narrow ramp slowly dragged against the surface. A look of panic stuck the young canine's face as he pushed the limits of his body. His build wasn't -too- thin, but nevertheless he was rather slender and athletic enough. Regardless, his stamina was impressive: his lithe frame pressed onward, thoughts rushed his mind whilst hurrying along.

'C'mon legs, move faster! Almost there! I can make this!'

His determination propelled him forward through the now vacant plot of the platform, no obstacles stood before him. Or rather, his obstacle at this stage was time itself. He would either make it aboard or plummet several stories just to wind up a broken mess with a heap of medical bills days later...and no cruise. Regardless of the risk, his soles continued plapping against the ground, the ramp ground against the concrete, pulled away, gradually, from the edge. He feared he wouldn't be able to make it in time.

One final burst, his foot pushed off the edge of the platform, he lunged from corner of the platform toward the ramp which had been drifting further away from the perimeter. 'Goooonnnnnnaaaaaa maaaakkkkkeeee iiiiiitttt~' the dhole growled to himself. He felt his figure encompassed by the air as his momentum carried him closer towards the ramp. His eyes focused on the slope before him, the suitcase behind almost seemed to be floating. His body felt as if it were moving in slow motion while he drove forward toward his goal.

Gravity was beginning to work against the dhole, feeling his body begin to sink in mid-air. His foot finally found solace as it collided with a solid surface once more. His fingers latched around the railing, grasping it as he hunched over, huffing from the excitement that now coursed through his veins. He took a moment to calm himself down in addition to regaining enough of energy to continue his steps. He peered back: the pier distancing itself with each passing second, the ramp slowly drew up towards the deck of the ship pulling the canine along with it. The ticket, still clasped firmly in his hand, was anchored between his grasp and the metallic guide pole. Finally he regained his composure and stood up, now beginning his journey up the sloped path. Onlookers who had witnessed this feat, stood along the deck's perimeter, all watching the canine as he wandered up the ramp.

'Ugh...another one of those lower folk. What an embarrassing and nonsensical maneuver. Come Dax, take me in hand to our abode,' a female Siamese turned her body from the rail, glancing at the lizard who retained his gaze at the dhole that had miraculously made it onboard. 'Hey, Dax! Come on, stop gawking at the insolent urchin's outlandish act and let's get going!' she spoke with impatience to her partner.

'Huh? Oh...y-yes, my apologies Sasha. Alright, shall we?' the lizard stood beside the feline, who had her arm bent out, expecting the male to escort her like a gentleman to their room. He peered back at the canine before walking with the female to their quarters.

Back on the ramp, the dhole had finally made it to the summit where it once had connected the ground to the deck of this vessel. There stood an attendant as well, shaking his head slowly, 'That was rather dangerous of you, if you would be so kind as to show me your ticket please?'

'I still made it though, didn't I?' he grinned and supplied his ticket for the attendant who steadily read over the information to validate the information. First, he glanced at the portrait of the male's ID. The canine's his copper-red fur waved lazily from the forward momentum the ship provided. His black-coated tail swayed slowly behind him, his cream colored shirt and light brown cargo shorts also rolled in the light winds.

The attendant found the image to match at least, now the attendant had to glance over the information to acquire the necessary credentials from the travel document:

Name: Grei Whinch

Age: 24

Passenger Number: 1AQR234#PRIZE

Cabin Number: Sub-level B, 234

It all seemed to check out.

'Ah~ so you won a contest, congratulations! This is a wonderful room to be staying in, congratulations and welcome aboard The CircaStratos. Enjoy your trip Mr. Whinch!' the attendant replaced the ticket into Grei's hand. He gave Grei a light smile and moved out of the way to allow entry on board to the dhole.

Finally on board, the canine gazed along the deck. His previous endeavor landed quite a few glances in his direction. He hadn't intended to create such a spectacle but he wasn't going to miss out on this trip! How could he? He won this ticket and who could say no to a free cruise that cuts through the limitless atmospheric ocean?

Grei grinned humbly, making his way toward the entrance of a hall that greeted the deck several meters to his right. He carried his luggage with him a few feet, paused a moment, then with a swift motion he pressed his hand down onto the handle. The long shaft collapsed along itself until it eventually merged with the harder exoskeleton of the travel case. The lupine proceeded to tug on the secondary handle connected to the main body of his luggage. The male lifted the baggage from the floor trekking into the passage, hopefully towards his rewarded cabin.

Having no experience aboard this ship, he searched the corridor for any marker to disclose his current location, at least the floor he was on. He meandered down the stylish path; the wood stained cherry-maple and the clomping of his sandals muffled by the garnet-marbled carpet that coated the floor. His eyes darted left and right repeatedly as he wandered the hallway. He searched for any sign telling him which level he was currently inhabiting so that he might discover the way to his own lodging.

'Excuse me, sir, might I be of some service to you?' spoke a soft feminine voice from behind. The startled dhole leapt, followed by a loud CRACK! indicating his scalp came into contact with a surface directly above his head.

'Y-yea...where do I see where I am, so I can find where my room is?' he gently rubbed his fingers over the now sensitive spot atop his cranium. His left eye clenched shut as his fingertips coursed over the tender bump from his recent injury.

'It's what you just smacked your head off of,' she giggled and pointed up at a small sign that was now teetering to and fro from the blow it had just endured.

'As soon as I can see again, I'll look at it. Thank you.' he smiled, the expression still riddled with discomfort, the dhole still wincing slightly.

The attendant giggled once more, 'You're quite welcome! Sorry for giggling, by the way, but please enjoy your stay!'

With the departure of the crew member, Grei was left to his lonesome once more as the femme strode down the passage in the direction she been headed in from the start.

Grei's vision eventually cleared from the haze that had lain claimed over it moments before. With clear vision, he took a glance up at the sign whose wobbling above was minimal at this point.

'Ah...I'm on the A-level...really should have guessed...' the dhole lifted his palm from the bump over his head, 'so that means just down one and look for my room...what was it now--------234.' Grei looked at his ticket to check his room number then trekked down the passageway to a flight of steps that would lead him down a level, one step closer to his destination.

The interior of the ship was naturally well lit in the sectors that had a direct source of the sunlight brought through the streak-free windows. The stairwell became visible and the canine descended to the next floor, his floor: B-level. Upon arrival the young adult male glanced at the room located nearest him. '299' Grei noted. He turned his head in the direction of the room parallel, perceiving the number to be 201 this time around. This puzzled him slightly as rooms were typically even then their counterpart across the narrow path would be sequential odd. His shoulders rolled in a shrug as he headed down, head swaying back and forth as he strolled down the path.

'Two-Oh-Three, Two-Ninety-Six, Two-Oh-Five...' he quietly muttered to himself. Grei followed the hall until it divided into a 'Y'. 'Well the heck am I supposed to know which way to go...? Hmm...eenie...meanie...' his momentum temporarily halted. Upon his decision, he roamed down the cushioned path more, deciding to yield the left path when he arrived at the split.

'Two-Ten, Two-Forty-Six...good this is the right way! Lucky guess!' Grei chuckled, continuing the rather unexciting venture to his room, his arm starting to get tired from carrying the heavy, clothing filled suitcase. 'Let's see...Two-Thirty-Seven, Two-Thirty-Six, Two-Thirty-Five...aaaand' the dhole stopped in front of the door that read '234'.

'This is it!' the luggage in his grasp dropped to the floor with a heavy thud, despite the silencing effect from the carpet. His hand steadily approached the handle to his room for the voyage. This place really gave the feel of staying in a 5-star hotel. He looked off to the space perpendicular the wall a foot from the door. The window was cracked open about an inch. A gentle flow of air freely glided down the hallway which first rustled the soft dhole's fur as he stood there, gaze fixed on the exterior of the ship. His eyes met with the bright white layer of condensed vapor encompassing the ship like a thick blanket of fog. The ship was ascending through the thick layer of cloud. Grei felt as if he could just reach his hand out into the cottony puffs and grab a hold of the mass as if they were capable of being seized like a physical mass.

CLICK! The handle turned, his hand pushed down, the door opened. The dhole had wondered what all was included in this prize he had won. The trip wasn't to last a great amount of time, but would act as nice little vacation, which he really felt was necessary at this point. He came to view a room that seemed to be of a price range far beyond anything was capable of affording.

The carpet within shifted from the vibrant reds outside to a softer, more subtle sandy-cream. The walls darker stained with a rich hue that accented and complimented the furnishings strewn about the room. A love seat rested alongside the wall on one end with a pair of armchairs that matched, sitting in the corner tilted towards the room. In the middle of the room rested a large king-sized mattress that waited for the canine to test. Alternating stripes of cream, beige, light browns and the occasional darker shades of brown really made the room have an expensive, luxurious feel to it.

The suitcase was soon wheeled inside along with the canine himself. Grei no longer felt the need to lift it with such a short distance to proceed. Its body came to rest alongside the excessively large mattress which the canine shortly plopped his end onto the edge thereafter. Without a moment to spare, his arms fanned out and his body hoisted back towards the center of the bedding. The thick comforter rippled in a shockwave which had resulted from the impact of his landing. The fluffed blanket encompassed his being with threaded glee and bliss, woven together to create such a heavenly feel that could only be compared to the billowing clouds the ship presently sliced through.

After a brief rest, Grei sat back up along the edge of the bed, his hands rested upon his knees and legs draped over the side onto the carpeted floor. He pushed down while leaning forward, his body lifted from the cushioned surface from the propulsive force. His feet slid across the carpet as he shuffled a few feet until he came to a complete stop. A glimpse of light caught the canine's eyes, wincing slightly from the sudden wave running over his face. His head cocked to the side and hand briefly shielding him from more of the bright light. He was curious as to the whereabouts of the light that splashed across his face for that split moment.

Along a portion of the periphery rippled a pair of curtains only feet away from the corner of the headboard. His steps tread quietly, arms extended as his fingers wrapped around the shifting flaps of the curtain. Slowly, he spread them open revealing a majestic view. The ship was just now overcoming the sea of clouds. Nothing but the endless blue floating above the sea of clouds stretched for miles. Grei stood in awe at the intense beauty lying before him. A simultaneous, short pulse of longing flowed through his veins. Such a magnificent view with no one to share its splendor, still, a smile remained as he admired the horizon's view from his room.

'Now I'm really glad I won this trip.' He sighed lightly and released his grasp on the smooth canopy, watching as the natural light faded, once more replaced with the artificial light produced within the room. He stood for a moment. The young adult stretched, standing on the balls of his feet and arched his back. A soft groan reverberated in his throat from what was felt from the notion.

'Guess I'll go take a look around the ship now, see what all there is!' he chimed up, talking aloud even though no one else was around to listen. He traversed the room once more, headed in the direction of the door to vacate his temporary abode. He made his return to the hall, glancing out the nearly non-existent window over the endless mounds of puff-filled ether. His lips curled into a smile. I'm going to enjoy this... His body turned, facing the aisle of doors, no heavy luggage to slow him down now and could take the as much time as he desired to explore the carrier.

He meandered down what felt like a candy coated tunnel, hands in his pocket and thumbs hooked out the front. Grei had an extra bound in his step. Who could blame him after seeing a room as luxurious as that? Of course there were the aristocrats and bureaucrats that had the truly extravagant rooms.

The rooms must be adorned in gold and silver and the refrigerators laced with champagne and rare expensive wines...too expensive for my taste.

The soft scent of caramel apple wafted through his nostrils, a delightful 'mmm~' sounded from his chest, his eyes closed momentarily. This scent really made it feel like the hall was a large confectioner's treat. His feet crossed into the section where the two halls converged to one.



The dhole opened his eyes, though only closed for a moment, until he had felt a moment of heavy pressure against the bridge of his foot. He looked to see who the victim was of the collision. His eyes came to meet a lizard, which he conjectured to be roughly the same age as him, contorted along the base floor.

Geez...I keep running into people today...

Grei knelt down beside the stranger, extending his hand, 'Sorry 'bout that...kinda got lost in the moment and wasn't paying attention.' He smiled lightly, his fingers unfurling toward the other passenger of this ship. His mouth opened to show a warm but toothy grin, 'Lemme help you up.'

'I appreciate it,' the lizard muttered into the carpet, his tail twitched about in the air behind his fallen frame. His smooth scaled hand shifted through the air, trying to find the other, his face being buried in the cushioned floor. His ears filled with the sound of a sigh and a light chuckle. The canine moved his own hand to greet the other, flailing hand. The smooth hide of the lizard met Grei's, which lead to the scale's body to be removed from the floor, now unburdened from the carpeted.

His body was larger and more built than his canine companion. He had more muscle tone and just an overall thicker frame all around. His hide was a light tan with the occasional black scale here and there; short black and sand-tinted spines spotted his back, tail, and portions of his shoulders as well.

When the lizard finally regained his composure, he stood at least a head taller than Grei. In response, the canine looked up at the unnamed male while he brushed off any dust from his stumble.

'I apologize for jouncing and striding into you like I had,' the lizard spoke as his hands smoothed out the light creases created from his not-so-gracious fall, 'it was rather clumsy of me.'

'Oh, please, it's my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going. M'Sorry 'bout that. heh heh.' His hand rose over the back of his head, an awkward grin strewn across his face as his other reached out once more. 'Should probably introduce myself so it's not just a case of hit and run,' he chuckled and then looked up slightly at the taller lizard once more, 'name's Grei.'

'Huh? Oh uh,' the other stood a bit awkwardly, a very faint hint of red filled his cheeks, 'Dax. My name is Dax, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.' He placed his hand in the other's smaller, furred hand.

Grei couldn't help but cock his head at the other's behavior including his manner of speech. He didn't know of anyone who was in this class level that spoke with such...modesty and use of decorative words. His clothes, though, told Grei that this other male was a regular citizen as well. The lizard wore a brown tee with a unique dark green pattern, resembling something of a tree in nature but not sporting any leaves. The shirt combined with a pair of dark gray denim jeans. Something still struck him as off but couldn't quite pinpoint it, so he simply shrugged it off and went with it. 'Was just about to go and look around the ship some, I haven't been on here before.'

'Would you care for a tour guide? I've been on this vessel numerous times. I'm well acquainted with the layout,' he nodded with assurance, 'I wouldn't mind in the slightest.'

The dhole stood for a brief moment to collect his thoughts on the matter. He lazily rolled his shoulders and angled his head slightly. 'Sure, why not? Since you're offering anyways, besides, it'll gimme a chance to hang out with someone here,' he concurred. A slight nod and smile was the response he received from the tall male. 'So, where are you staying?' Grei asked the lizard.

'Me?' he paused for a moment and thought, 'on A level.'

'Is that so? Should show me where then,' Grei motioned as he walked alongside his scaled partner.

'M-Maybe later, heh, it would be best to show you around this ship and grow more accustomed to the whereabouts of everything you need before it grows too dark,' he avoided the topic and walked up the stairs toward the A-level.

'I'm quite sure you don't need to know more about the different levels but regardless: 'A' are the most expensive rooms and have more commodities within them, whereas the D-level has the least. Most people tend not to stay in their rooms much so it's never really a concern of where you reside. It's more of a class-separation, anyways. You know...the more money you have, you can show your status by the room you stay in. I think it's kind of ridiculous, though, people needing to buy a more expensive item just because they have the money, when it could just as easily be spent for something more meaningful.' Dax sighed and grimaced leading the canine about on the start of the tour, walking down the halls on the main level toward the deck of the ship. 'I just don't comprehend why people need to waste money so fruitlessly. Just to say they have wealth!? I simply don't have the same outlook as the conjecture that wealth is everything!'

'Uhh...' Grei just walked beside this male, who had been a stranger to him just moments ago, that was suddenly spouting all of this talk of class-differences and his views on such.

'Oh, my apologies, I got lost in myself for a moment there, please forgive me.' He continued to direct the smaller male through the innards of the ship's main living halls. Soon Grei found himself standing on the wooden outer surface again. 'Let's see now...well obviously as you can see there are the railings and a magnificent view from there. The living quarters for are located here in the center of the ship, the wealthier stay in the cabins located here above the deck.'

'Who stays up on the highest levels? Those must be some pretty sweet rooms!' Grei looked up at the upper-most level. Upon doing so he noticed the sun had begun its descent above the horizon. The angled light behind the pair cast their shadows which crept along the flat surface to climb up and rest upon the façade containing the lodges.

'They're pretty I have heard at least. The only people who reside in those are people who have no concept of what it means to be generous or courteous towards others...' Dax began to go on another tangent, shortly stopping thereafter as soon as he realized what it was he was doing. 'Soo would you like me to show you where the dining and other recreational rooms are located?'

'Sure, I probably should know this after all. Kinda need to know where to eat and stuff,' he chuckled. What is up with this guy, he sure has it out for those people it seems, wonder if he had a bad run-in with them or something. Grei kept his thoughts to himself as he followed the taller scaled male around, looking about. He committed the different locations of the ship to memory as to hopefully prevent further confusion in the future and avoid getting lost.

The pair came across a second large protrusion jetting from the ship's hull. It was similar to the formation of the one containing that contained their rooms with the exception of glass providing the wall for this section.

'Inside here,' Dax motioned towards the row of windows that stood before them, 'is area for the dining halls. As you can see there are areas out here to sit as well, but it's sometimes not prudent with the winds...for obvious reasons. People usually just use these to take a break and enjoy the gentle caress of the wind against their bodies.' The spiny lizard walked inside a pair of glass doors, fancily decorated with ornate furnishings, much too elaborate and gratuitous in the dhole's opinion.

The entry connected to a narrow hall that ran perpendicular where the pair entered with another set of doors situated just beyond the initial entrance. At opposite ends of the hall were two stairwells: each led to different areas above and below the ship's main level.

'Just like the rooms we stay in, each area is designated for the different classed. Why they need to be separated is beyond me, but you can guess who is up on the higher floors. There are more and more private or sectioned off rooms, and for the wealthiest there are rooms that seem more like living quarters. The main dining hall is right through here,' Dax motioned toward the doors before him and then gestured at the descending staircase. 'Those lead down to the lower level dining halls. Of course, if you manage to actually get a room aboard this vessel, the food is supposedly good regardless of you status. Of course it all depends on your status level: there are chefs assigned for each socio-economic status on board.'

'You seem like you've been here quite a few times, I was lucky enough to get on here this once. With my pay there's no way I could make it here myself,' Grei started as he walked towards the ascending stairwell. The lizard following behind and not worrying about stopping him since dinner wouldn't be served just yet.

Shortly upon making it up to the higher level, a banister similar to those outside hugged the walls, following the contour of the passage. Directly above these well-polished rods were more of the same, nearly invisible, lucent windows. Grei peered out amongst the clouds, the shadows rolled along the mounds of white fluff while the ship's forward momentum continued.

'I happened to bear witness to your daring feat getting aboard earlier.' Dax stood alongside the canine, his face only slightly turned, looking at the male's reflection in the glass.

'Oh, that...heh heh, yea I'm just glad I made it!' he chuckled as he glanced back over at the lizard for a moment, 'had I been even a couple seconds later I woulda been-'

'Dax! There you are!' huffed a female voice from behind, 'I've been trying to locate you the past forty five minutes!'

Grei, turned his body just for his vision to be greeted with the sight of an average built Siamese cat. Nothing outstanding about her except for the fact she was embellished in jewelry and a dark-toned sun dress. She had on a straw hat that looked exceptionally well crafted and littered with onyx and amethyst gems. Nothing about her made her look 'average' in the slightest.

'What are you doing in that ridiculous attire? More importantly, what are you doing, allowing yourself to be seen and mingle with riffraff such as this? Surely you remember his pitiful entry aboard? Come now, you must prepare for the banquet.' the feline spoke in frustration.

'Sasha, don't be so crude, he's aboard this ship as are we and there is no need to treat anyone so differently just because their prosperity doesn't match up with your own.' Dax responded to her comment with a shrug as he shook his head.

Grei just stood there watching the events play through, not wanting to get involved in this squabble. He knew something had been different about Dax, for how he acted to how he spoke. Nothing seemed necessarily 'regular class' about him either, how had he not noticed until now?

'Enough of this, come now, you shall come with me back to the chamber and get you out of that rubbish and set you into a more suitable attire which you are supposed to be seen in! I won't be seen with you dressed as such, it situates an off-putting appearance to your name. Surely your parents would not wish to see their name belittled, now come!' Sasha walked to the lizard, wrapping her arm around his and began to drag him off. His feet stumbled, struggling to maintain any kind of grounding as he was taken with force by the shrewd feline.

Before the two vanished down the narrow stair path, the female glanced back at the canine, a sheer look of disgust burned in her eyes. In response, Grei's lips curled up, baring his teeth with a furrowed brow. He didn't like this female, she had a very arrogant air to her, as did most of those associated with those on the higher rungs of society. It wasn't something that was found to be uncommon amongst those with wealth at their disposal. It was in the way she treated Dax and how discontent he looked when being taken away by her.

There was definitely something about Dax that the dhole could easily tell was off, something that set him apart from others at his level. The canine had inklings that something was fishy about the guy when he had first met him. It would make sense that he was a part of the wealthier populace aboard this airborne ship. What didn't make sense to him, however, was how much he was trying to not have the appearance of those he was clearly associated with.

'Why would someone with wealth like that want to conceal it or act as if they didn't...? Strange fella...that one,' Grei shrugged and guided his hand along the smooth surface of the banister as he took step by step back to the original level. 'I suppose I'll just rest up for the night, all that running to get on board really left me worse for wear...tomorrow's a new day.' He smiled at the thought of collapsing onto that comfortable mattress as he walked across the wooden deck in the direction of his rather luxurious, temporary abode.

Person after person was passed the canine as they, themselves, were headed towards the dining area. Grei, on the other hand, was far too tired in this instant to even think about food. His legs felt as if they were weighed down with 20 pound cinderblocks, his legs dragged his tired body to his room. He had been fine just moments prior but just recently had been hit with an intense wave of fatigue.

Finally, Grei managed to get himself back to his rewarded room. The door closed behind with a click. The canine popped his sandals off, slipping them alongside the wall as his bare feet met the soft flooring for the first time. His tired, worn souls were hugged by the gentle cushioning of soft wool and polyester with each exhausted stride. Each movement forward brought forth a wave of comfort to his tired feet.

Finally the dhole's legs met the side of the bed. His body turned and lowered onto the mattress, sitting along the edge. His copper-red arms stretched outward, his chest pressing out with his back arching as he loosed a large yawn. His body felt so relieved to feel such a comfortable surface beneath and so close to being able to put himself in ease for the remainder of the evening and night.

The canine's shorts dropped around his ankles, crumpling onto the floor. He removed shirt, folding it neatly atop his bag which was soon met with the same consideration for the other article of clothing. Gradually, Grei lifted himself from the edge of the comfortable mattress, peeling back the upper corner of the sheets. His boxers were all that remained for him to slumber in as he slipped beneath the voluptuous spread. His body seemed to melt into the foam surface: these mattresses used the memory form technology that allowed the cushion to conform to the specific person's body and frame for the optimal night's sleep.

' nice,' Grei rested there, his eyelids slowly closing over. In no time at all he was sound asleep, pillow wrinkled and dented with his head lying just off center.

'...don't you think so as well Dax?' Sasha spoke to the incognizant lizard as he stared at the tea steaming within the cup. There were several others within the room who looked very entrepreneuristic and were in male-female pairings. The Siamese beside him bumped her elbow against his side which resulted in a folly of the cup, almost spilling the hot liquid onto the unsuspecting male.

'H-Huh? I'm sorry, what did you say Sasha?' Dax looked at her, feigning a smile as he played off his silence, 'I was just thinking about the fiscal situation back at home with the Joffston Account and their stock as well as their dealings for the . The situation seems rather dire for them and I'm assuming they would require a loan from the government. I'm just thinking whether I should reallocate assets to or withdraw from to aid them, if it is in my best interest to do so or not.'

'Oh is that what has been plaguing your mind darling? Always thinking business, I love that about you. You're really taking after your father,' she caressed the smooth scaled face with a smile. 'I was just sharing our wedding plans and how marvelous it will be, and how wonderful it is of your parents to cater our joyous celebration of unity!'

Another false smile crept along the contours his face, 'Yes, it will be terrific; I look forward to the day.' He said that with such clarity that no one could sense the deprecation hidden within his words.

Sasha covertly signaled Dax with a nudge to the back of his hand to get his attention. The Siamese went and followed up by immediately placing her hand back onto her thigh, directly above her kneecap. The reptile lifted his hand and placed it gently on hers. The female purred in content from this forced, symbolic gesture, even though she had initiated it and coaxed the reaction.

The night continued on for these two as the dhole slept. Sasha continued to direct Dax's motions throughout the night, even having him draw a bath for her. She was very manipulative towards the spiny lizard despite being roughly the same age: mid-twenties. The controlling feline directed him to bathe with her. He overtly declined, stating: 'there was much paperwork that had to be finalized before the cruise concluded.' She bought into it, seeing it as him just being dutiful but as he turned his back he could feel her eyes burning into the back of his neck.

Upon vacating the bathroom Dax rested against the wall, releasing a soft sigh tilting his head to look along the floor. His head slowly turned, peering out the fancy panes out over the clouded sky parted by the ship's hull. The moon's reflection glowed along the surface of the clouds that reflected in his eyes. He sat at his desk, looking at paperwork, which he scattered about the desk top. He situated a pen nearby to complete the impression of his labor. He wanted to at least make it appear as if he was doing paperwork like he originally stated. His mind, however, actually drifted to thinking of that dhole he had met earlier.

What I would give to live a simpler life like that: to be free from the chains I have been set in, to not be confined to orders for business, and be able to live a life not involving how to maintain and grow more wealth...

The night went on for young lizard. He eventually shared the large, luxurious bed with the femme feline as the soon-to-be-wed pair slumbered. Upon the landing of this ship, Dax would no longer be of his own free mind. He would relinquish himself when he wed to the Siamese. He was, no doubt, reluctant in doing so and was opposed the idea. These words of opposition remained as thoughts. He dared not speak his mind as no one else would hear it, especially Sasha. She would fit in far better with his family than he would himself, but she had a very controlling personality and it was obvious to him that she was just be manipulating Dax to be in his family's graces even more.

The sun peeked through the shifting drapes. A new day signaled as the light danced along the opposite corner of the room. The light occasionally splashed over Grei's face. The male elicited a moan within the confines of his throat. His eyes clenched shut and his face cringed from the sudden brightness of the beams alarming him of the new day. He shifted along the surface of the bed, trying to escape the tormenting light of the new day. Like a nagging mother, the curtains opened with a slight gust, encompassing his entire visage with a fresh dose of rays.

'NNNRRGGHHH! Alright already~! I'll get up...sheesh.' The dhole groaned as he sat up in his bed. His arms stretched out, jaw gaped wide, as he stretched out his bare chest and arms. Shortly after the unfurling his body, his legs hooked to the side of the mattress. The fuzzy pair slid out from underneath the warmth-enveloping covers to the cool, yet comfortable, room air. His body sat bare, with the exception of the boxer shorts covering his nether regions. His feet sunk into the soft surface layering the floor, absorbing his soles in comfort once more. His toes wriggled lazily with the short shag in between his toes.

Grei pulled out what would be his new attire for the day. He already decided to ready himself for the free breakfast being provided to those on board this luxurious flight. He sat in silence for a moment, fixing to get himself ready and prepared for public and breakfast. This silence was broken. His stomach angrily gurgled and churned due to the absence of nutrients within the pouch. His body was distressed from the prior meal the night before being skipped out.

Without a second to waste, Grei found himself out the door, sunglasses perched atop his head. He sported the true appearance of someone who was on a vacation; as he should, since this was a cruise line after all. His feet, still somewhat heavy from his recent awakening, slid and shuffled over the not-so-soft-nor-fancy carpeted hallway. Once more, the canine traversed the halls. Thankfully, he at least knew how to get to the dining hall thanks to the lizard who had given him a tour of the ship before being escorted away against his will. He soon found his soft fur being bathed in sunlight as he stepped out onto the ship's deck glancing in the direction of the side rails at the atmosphere surrounding him. There were some people who had also just left their rooms as well, heading in the same direction as the dhole in order to attend the somewhat free morning feast. Grei's forward momentum didn't slow or cease as he lost himself in thought whilst glancing over the balcony.

His mind drifted while his stride failed to slow. This tended to be a bad omen for the canine. The rest of his body succumbed to his frequent clumsiness and carelessness as he bumped into something or someone. He returned to reality, his head shooting forward, 'Oh I'm sorry! I lost myself in thought there for a moment!' His face turned, staring right into a large, brown burly chest. His eyes slowly drifted upward to meet the face of a large bear, his brow cocked up, glancing down at the smaller male.

Why the hell do I always bump into the giants!

The bear soon grinned down at the dhole, 'Don' worry 'bout it kiddo!' the ursine grinned downward and ruffled the dhole's head fur. His frame was at least three times the size of Grei's, yet he had this calm air about him despite his gargantuan size. 'Might wanna keep yourself from driftin' into others, though. Bump intuh the wrong person and you'll find yourself tossed over edge!'

The very thought made Grei's ears spread and flatten, his mind shifting now to thoughts of his body enveloped by the troposphere, plummeting kilometers towards the surface.

'GAHAHAHA!' the dhole's body shot forward from a firm, hefty slap on the back, 'c'mon son, was only jokin'! Nothin' like that'd happen to ya on here!' The mammoth ursine wore a toothy grin upon his face, Grei chuckling nervously. His head shirked between his shoulders and ears still plastered against his head. 'Y'look like you got no one else with ya ta eat with. Why not join ol' Charl? He don't bite, I promise, at least not in public!' he nudged the smaller dhole lightheartedly. he HITTING on me...? ...and speak in the third person?

'Uh...o-okay, sure!' Grei stood before the large bruin. He confirmed with a light shrug and nodd, accepting the gesture of companionship for his meal.

'Good ta hear! Wha's your name?' Charl asked of the dhole as he strolled towards the dual doors which lead to the dining hall for all the passengers. The groups of people split and left for their corresponding level, a majority entering right into the main dining hall or the similar areas located below.

'I-It's's Grei.' He responded in kind, giving the stranger his name.

'Grei, huh? Got a nice ring to it, I like it!' the bear let out another hearty chuckle as the two made it through the paired doors, now making their way to their corresponding dining hall. The dhole's ears filled with chatter, like an auditorium in a high school before an assembly, as he followed his acquaintance into the room. The room was packed, although with tables to spare, the two wouldn't have to worry about needing to find any vacant seats to enjoy their meal.

While Grei and his newly found ursine companion were settling in the dining hall and get their food from the buffet, more people followed suit, sitting alongside themat their table. All but the seat beside the canine were inhabited and the table became lively for the bunch. People Grei had never even seen all sat together at the table: families, single folk and couples alike riddled the boundary of the table. Except the fact that they were all on the same ship and were about to enjoy the same buffeted meal, the folk had nothing in common with one another. Gradually the seats temporarily emptied and were once more taken as the table's dwellers left for the fresh buffet to gather their hot meals.

The table once more filled as the individuals returned with food in tow. Stories began shortly after, merriment ensuing and before long, it filled this section of the room. Laughter and delight filled the dhole's body and mind. Euphoric rushes poured through his veins as he enjoyed the motley crew surrounding him while he participated in the morning's endeavors.

Just a floor above, Dax sat in an elegantly prepared room along with several others belonging to his class, all clad in fancy dress wear. Their breakfast was more particular and prepared for them, brought to their dining hall on a large platter. There was no buffet for the lot to carefully plan their meal, instead given options. The room was silent except with the occasional clamor about a political scheme or prediction of the market's stocks.

The quiet scaled male sat at the side of his feline companion who was now feasting on steak and eggs, delicately cutting up each piece of steak and eating cleanly. She looked at him and smiled, the lizard falsely reassured the female with a wry smile.

'Come on Dax, eat up, tomorrow's the big day! Gotta keep your energy up, I don't want to marry someone unconscious now, do I?' she giggled before placing another cut piece of her steak in her mouth.

His plate remained untouched and he responded with a smile, 'I know, Sash...guess you can just say I'm a little nervous! Heh-heh.' He spoke another lie to her, concealing it with a nervous chuckle, or uneasy chuckle. He backed his chair from the table, 'I'm just gonna step out, get a little fresh air outside, calm my nerves about tomorrow. I'll eat when I get back in, okay Sasha? I promise.' He smiled as he stood, eyes from the other guests fell upon him as he folded his napkin. He placed it gently along the edge of the table where he sat with the couples which they had conversed with the night prior.

The lizard left the room, the others chattering as he left:

'He's pretty nervous isn't he?'

'Think he's having second thoughts?'

'Are you just going to leave him out like that Sasha?'

'Shouldn't you go with him?'

The door closed behind him, turning the corner after exiting. The voices cut off and the lizard released a heavy sigh. Dax placed his weight along the wall, beside the door, just outside the viewing scope of the glass door.

'I hate this...' Dax muttered as he slowly walked down the hall. His hand slid along the smooth curvature of the poles that connected the wall. The young male's mind began wandered as he approached the corner where he had been separated from that male canine last evening.

Wonder what he's doing? ...probably having a blast down there in that dining hall.

The spiny lizard turned slowly, leaning against the banister and thick glass, glancing down the stairs. The shuffling of people's feet was about all he could see from this vantage point, some entering and others exiting the middle class feeding area.

What I would give to leave this life...and be carefree like them. Who cares about money, when you can't be happy and have to bend your will at the whim of others just to make an extra buck?

Dax sighed longingly upon the sounds of people laughing, carrying on, and echoes of dashing and the thumping of the heavy doors as they closed.

I hate it...

Dax pushed his body from the banister. He shifted his glance in the direction he originated, down the stairs, then back down the hall and began walking forward.

Grei sat alongside the Charl, the amount on his plate was sufficient for his lithe frame for the time being. The burly ursine, however, his section of the table was encompassed with at least five full plates strewn before him. The morning was turning out to be a memorable one for the dhole. He was having a good time with strangers, even though it was a little awkward with massive bear consistently flirting with him. The room was still as full as ever, even though some had left, others replaced the spot in their chairs.

A sudden silence heavily blanketed the room; everyone's attention was fixated on the door. Grei couldn't see a thing due to a sudden large conglomeration which concealed the meaning of the abrupt absence of activity in the room. The crowd moved slowly began to part and fan out as whoever it was attempted to walk slowly into the room.

'Hmm?' Charl looked up, examining the silent crowd. He sat straight up in his seat, '...what's this? Uh-oh...'

'What is it?' Grei inquired, his gaze focusing at the bear that still had stray crumbs of bread scattered about his chin.

'What're you doin in here!?'

'You here to rip on us folk who can't dine as fancy as you?'

'We don't want you here! Listen~! You already killed the mood here!'

Yea, just go back to your expensive food!'

People within the crowd began to stir and create a scene towards whoever was trying to gain access to their commodities. The crowd shifted and there was a stumbling sound as it was apparent some of the people began to use physical force, pushing this stranger about.

What's going on there?

Grei opened his mouth, about to say something to Charl as he looked to his side: the ursine was gone. The canine snapped his head forward from the echoes of feet stomping along the ground, facing the crowd to see the massive frame of the bear stomping towards it. 'Damn...whoever that is in there...with him involved...feel sorry for them,' the canine breathed lightly.

The crowd parted for the giant bear as he made his way to the center, where all the action was taking place. 'Whatcha think you all doin!?' he bellowed out. The shouting and ridicule stopped instantaneously as all attention was then engrossed on Charl.

Grei sat back at his seat, watching this from afar. He couldn't see a thing but could hear every word being spoken from the towering bear's mouth.

'Y'alright kiddo?' the ursine asked the stranger in the center, 'what made you come in here? Y'know ya got yur own place t' eat, what would make ya wanna come here?'

The dhole heard nothing from the other, only the bear's booming voice carried this far. He also overheard the incoherent whispering and incessant chatter from the crowd.

'C'mon, why doncha join us if ya really wan' ta?' the crowd started to slowly part once more. More bickering and discontent filled the air, once more taking a slight violent edge throughout the mass of people.

'What gives YOU the right to say he can eat here with US!?'

'He won't like it anyways, just make him go back!'

'Who are you to allow him in here!?'

Charl turned, lip upturned with a snarl, 'I ain't captain here ta allow y'all to be such bigots! We're all here t' have a good time, no matter WHO ya are or WHAT yur background is! Now shu'up and eat yur breakfast!'

The crowd went silent once again before more prattle picked up with a more silent tone this time around. The people spouted to one another about why the captain would be eating with them all. Grei, himself was surprised as well; he had no idea that he had been sitting alongside the captain of this crew and owner of this liner the entire time. He felt horribly embarrassed about bumping into him, and even more so when he thought of the perverted comments the ursine had made towards him.

The crowd parted further from the center, the ursine lead the other male in front of him, guiding him onward with his hands softly resting on the shoulders of the other. Once enough people cleared out, Grei was finally able see clearly who it had created the clamor.

'D-Dax?' the dhole's head cocked back with a flabbergasted expression painted upon his face as the two ventured towards the table.

Slowly the horned lizard was guided to where the pair were seated, 'Oh ya know this strappin' young man, Grei? Then ya won' mind if he has a seat beside ya then!'

'N-no...I mean, that'd be fine, I don't mind it at all.' Grei answered the captain, he didn't know the lizard that well but he knew something had to be up for him to go through all that just to come in here. He also surely couldn't deny a request from the big bear. The two circled around the table, the crowd dispersed but it was obvious there were still malicious thoughts lingering within their minds. Dirty expressions were shot in the direction of the table the lizard now occupied alongside the dhole and brawny bear.

Dax sat beside Grei, others who had been sitting at the table looked at the overly dressed male. He was clearly stuck out like a sore thumb as he sat there amongst those who belonged to the middle class. All eyes seemed to be on him and he felt rather uncomfortable and insecure.

'Don' jus' gawk people! Eat yur breakfast an' continue as ya were,' the other civilians aboard the ship went back to their meals. It was silent across this table as everyone kept to themselves, only the sound of silverware clinking and scraping over the surface of plates and the chinking of glasses upon taking a drink and replacing the cup back onto the surface of the table.

Dax still had had nothing to eat. The scent flowed through his nostrils, his body hit with weakness and his stomach growled in response to the aroma.

'Didncha have anything ta eat up in yur hall, boy?' the ursine spoke up, breaking the silence that had loomed over the table moments prior. 'Sit tight, I'll getcha some grub.'

Dax was left with only Grei and the rest of those who had remained at the table. Some of them whispered back and forth, which added to the already present tension around the lizard.

'What would make you come down here? I'm sure you knew this would happen if you came in here where the rest of us were eating.' Grei asked the horned male, resting his utensils on the now vacant plate.

'I...I don't know, I just had to remove myself of that room. It was too silent, plus I don't much care for steak. At least not how they had prepared it,' he responded quietly.

From behind hooked a thick brown arm, the scents of all the prepared food assaulted Dax's nasal cavity all once more. The motley assortment of food, even though it wasn't even remotely close to the exquisite meal that was prepared for him up in his own dining hall, had an intoxicating effect on him and his hunger roared back tenfold. With haste he laid the napkin on his lap and grasped the tools in his hands to aid him in stuffing his face. 'This smells delicious!'

Grei watched, taken back at the hunger this lizard experienced. The rest of the table was just as surprised as the canine to see someone from the wealthier quadrant of the ship devouring their food. The only one not shocked was the captain; he simply sat there, arms crossed with that same toothy grin still spread across his mug.

'Dax, was it? Name sounds familiar...' the bear held his large hand to his face, cupping the base of his chin as he pondered for a moment, 'what is it that ya or yur family does?'

'Oh...uhm...' the lizard paused and looked around the table at the others who sat in proximity to him. 'I uh...' he paused, hesitating from giving an answer. The canine and large bruin sat looking at him as they awaited the answer. 'My father is...uhm...he is,' he continued to pause. He wouldn't know what others would think of him if they heard who he was related to. He was already spited here and he didn't want to make matters worse.

'C'mon, what's the worst it could be? Surely it's nothing to be ashamed of,' Grei made himself vocal, trying to encourage the young nobleman, 'I'm kinda curious myself.'

'My father is on the council for one of the high advisors within the dictator's establishment.' He muttered, devoid of any enthusiasm or strength in his voice for the subject. It gave the dhole a feeling of disdain towards the held position of his father.

'You sound like you don't give a damn for it,' the dhole pointed out which resulted in a silent shrug from the fancy-clad male.

The horned lizard remained sitting, staring into the mound of food piled on his plate. 'Everyone just refers to him as 'Councilman Maursh' in this province...' he slowly lifted the fork from the plate, carrying the delicious sustenance to his mouth.

People who hadn't been paying much attention to the conversation now sat gawking at the young lizard. He continued to shovel the food as a method to avoid talking about the subject.

'W...Wow...' the dhole sat in disbelief as the lizard stuffed his mouth beside him.

If he has such high status...why the hell would he want to be seen as a regular citizen on here...and mingle with them...political ploy?

'Ahw-yea I remember ya now. When yur pop was first welcomed in years ago, remember it bein' live and saw ya...that musta been-----at least 6 years ago. So whatcha doin down here with us, jus' tryin' ta get in th' peoples good graces?' the captain questioned. Being a member of the house, regardless of position, was a sign of high citizenship and they normally kept to themselves.

The utensils were placed back onto the now emptied plate. It was pretty obvious the lizard had been hungry as there was hardly anything left on the surface, with the exception of a trivial amount of egg yolk and the occasional small shred of hash brown or tiny clump of egg. 'I...would rather not discourse that information. I have my reasons...I just...would rather not discuss them. I'm just here because I desire to be, surely that is reason enough?'

Charl shrugged, 'if ya say so kid. Don' let these people get t' ya though. There are some who jus' don' like yur pops. Keep an eye out for yurself, y'hear?'

'Yea, I hear you sir, and I appreciate the concern. Please do not distress yourself with my engagements. I will be quite all right.' Dax nodded, reassuringly. 'The atmosphere has grown rather thick. Do you have any scintillating experiences to share? I would love to hear them if you would be so inclined to.'

'Heh, sure, was what I was doin' before ya came down here. Now where did I leave off before?' the bear paused for a moment. His hand scooped up his chin, holding it as he pondered the tale.

'You were telling us about...'

...the stories continued as the table once again grew animated. The dense air that lingered around when the horned lizard made his entrance was all but looming. The captain's voice caught everyone's attention. It was soon out of the people's minds that Dax was sitting amongst them as he was also enjoying the stories with the mass that surrounded him.

The bear would occasionally poke fun at the councilman's son. This would often result in the lizard's face filling with a light blush. People around the table would chirp in and contribute to the jubilant morning's events. It was far from the same dull environment Dax had been in previously and he was relaxed.

Grei and Dax would whisper to one another during some of the narrating of the captain's adventures. The bear would gently nudge his palm into the side of the dhole. It would have been considered gentle for the ursine but it certainly was not for the canine whose body would launch into the lizards.

Slowly the rambunctious gathering dwindled down, more and more seats left vacant as those entranced by the bear detached themselves from his tales in order to go about their own planned activities aboard the ship. It wasn't long until it was just the three left at their table along with the staff that maneuvered around the tables, collecting the dishes and utensils that people had left behind.

'Well I gotta git back on deck, if either of ya need anythin' jus' gimme a holler, got it?' Charl stood from his seat. He left the two to their own devices as he too vacated the large environment.

', uh...have a good time?' Grei asked the lizard whose shirt was now unbuttoned which gave a sense of being much more comfortable now.

'I did,' he nodded with a smile on his face, 'y' strange as this sounds Grei, I like being in this environment. Much less stuffy and to say it...' Dax was once more at a loss of words as he dug through the depths of his mind to come up with the word that was currently on the tip of his tongue, his dialogue having changed all of a sudden.

'Prim and Proper...?' Grei answered with chuckle.

'Yes, to put it frankly,' the reptile nodded. The two began to make their exit as they headed towards the exit. 'Did I already ask you why you were on board?'

'Luck of the draw really, had a contest on the radio...y'know...those ones where you always tell yourself: 'I'd never win something like that.'' Grei paused for a moment after realizing who he was talking to, 'Of course you wouldn't...your parents can probably simply pay out of pocket I'm sure, no offense!' This got a sigh from the lizard and a causing the dhole to cock his head in response. 'Speaking of which, is this just a leisure cruise for you or running an errand for your pop on the other end after landing?'

'Neither pleasure nor an errand,' Dax hove a sigh once more. 'After we land...I am to wed.'

'Wed? You don't mean that bit-...uh...lady was it? Y'know, that feline chick.'

'Her name is Sasha. She is to inherit her parents business, a global textile corporation, and have an extensive history with my own parents. Though she and I hadn't been acquainted until a little over a year ago, our parents arranged for us to wed.' The lizard spoke with a complete lack of elation in his voice. As a matter of fact he seemed opposed to almost everything about himself.

' don't want to,' Grei glanced into the larger male's eyes, 'well, why not just say no? It's not that hard.'

'Out of the question I'm afraid.'

'Why is that?'

'I....' Dax started before he fell silent.

'It's clear that you don't want to, or else you would have spent your meal with her this morning. Pardon my saying so but,' the two traversed the corridor about to head out onto the deck of the ship, 'she seems like she doesn't really love you either. I bet she's excited because she'll be marrying into the council's family and she'll live a life of luxury with you wrapped around her little fuzzy finger. I may not be as wealthy as you, but I'm observant.' The dhole's steps landed him before the banister bordering the deck. His body spun and leaned against the metallic poles as his fur softly wafted about in the wind. 'I don't mean to offend you at just listen to what she says, or anyone says for that matter. You came to my dining hall because you wanted to live a little bit, right? To escape the chains you're cast in and enjoy yourself without needing to do all that fancy crap to impress anyone.'

'Heh...quite the explanation you've gathered...surprising, you didn't seem to the type to be so...observant' the spined scale chuckled quietly followed by a heavy sigh. He stood beside the leaning dhole in front of the same railing. His arms came to rest upon the same metallic surface. He set his focus over the edge, the billowing clouds rolled away from the ship's forward momentum as the base sliced on through. 'I...don't really quite know what I want.'s a lie...I know what I want, but I don't know how to express my thoughts or discern myself from my the life I have to live.'

'Just do what you want. You seem like a nice guy, y'know? I'm sure you'd look much better with a smile covering that mug of yours instead of that look you always have.' Grei lightly nudged at the lizard, coaxing a slight scoffing smile from him, 'see!? That's much better!' The dhole spun again, his view now the same as the lizard's. The breeze continued to meander through his hair as the pair stood in silence, gazing at the horizon with each other's company.

Dax's thoughts ran rampant throughout his mind.

_What should I do?

Tomorrow is when we're to get married...I really don't want this.

I never asked to be born into a family with such high standing and to be expected of so much.

...I hate it._

'What's on your mind?' Grei turned his body, 'can read it all over your face.'

_Why is he questioning me?

Why is he so capable of reading into me so precisely?_

'Am I really so easy to read? Why do you care so much?' Dax turned his head, looking down at the dhole, 'I didn't ask for your input or your thoughts.'

'Well pardon me for caring,' Grei said with a sarcastic tone. He grimaced as he turned his body away from the horned lizard, '...Just like a rich kid.'

Dax's fist clenched and scowled at the remark. He wanted to shout but retained his composure. Another sigh parted his lips as he looked over the edge, 'I wouldn't expect you to weren't born into unwanted wealth and expectations.'

The canine snarled and opened his mouth to bark back at the lizard before he was preemptively stopped.

'This is why you shouldn't hang around garbage like this, they're just going to use your position against you and use you to get their stubby little paws on what assets you have,' a familiar, snobbish feminine voice spoke from behind. Dax didn't turn around but his canine companion swiveled to come face-to-face with the Siamese.

'I think you're confusing me with yourself, sweet cheeks.' The canine responded to the comment, 'I never had money like that. It's toxic and people become corrupt over fame, wealth and anything that promises any type of profitable fortune.'

'My, my...what silly words of wisdom you attempt to bequeath. I am a woman of class and will not tolerate or risk any chance that anyone would even assume that I am marrying this strapping man here for anything than the yearning love I have for him.' Her tail twisted and swished rapidly behind her as she spoke. The cream and gray furry hand came to rest on her fiancé's, 'I assure you the feeling is mutual, aren't I right Daxy?'

Dax turned around, 'R-right...' he responded.

The Siamese gave the dhole a cocky smirk, like she had won a battle. Sasha redirected herself in the husband-to-be's direction. 'Well, not that I found you Daxy, we really must finish going over our preparations for tomorrow. It's our big day after all!'

'Alright, Sasha,' the scaled male nodded following his finacé's lead as she directed him back to their room.

'Know what you want, Dax! Listen to your heart and do what you want!' Grei shouted at the lizard as the pair reentered the corridor leading to their dwelling. The canine felt a sense of doubt that he would run into the lizard another time. There was something about him, though he couldn't quite put his finger on it, that he liked about the scaled male.

A brief shake of his head and shrug of his shoulders, Grei banished the thought from his mind and walked around the ship. 'I'll go see what it's like in the captain's cabin. Got the invitation to go take a look and visit so I might as well take advantage of it! Not every day you get the opportunity!'

The side railing where the two stood was devoid of any physical bodies now. Dax heading to face his own biddings as Grei allowed himself to take the time to become better acquainted with the ship's layout...

'I don't know why you're constantly in the presence of that plebian. It's really not respectable for your image.' The feline spoke to her partner with distaste, observing him via his reflection in the mirror while she brushed through her hair and fur.

Dax sat in the background in one of the armchairs. As always, his eyes were fixed out the gap in the curtains. The lizard compared himself to the clouds outside: drifting aimlessly through the sky, pushed in the direction of conformity along with all the other puffy, condensed vapor pockets with no choice but to follow where the winds allow.

The pressure the young adult felt was great and the need he had to avoid disappointment to his family weighed greatly upon his psyche. He always did what he was told and tried his best to meet what was expected of him. Even if he was unhappy with doing so he did it regardless, just to avoid the pains of failure through his parent's eyes.

'Hey! Earth to Dax! I'm conversing with you and again you're not even listening or have your wits about you!' the feline snapped her fingers in front of the lizard's face, whipping him back to reality.

'O-Oh, sorry about that,' he shook his head and wore that same old faux smile, looking up at his fiancé.

'We need to get over what is going to transpire tomorrow. It has to go perfectly, I want to be wed to you and make your parents, and mine, pleased! So get your mind in the right spot for once, okay?' she shook her head with a sigh.

'Sure, let's review everything. Want to ensure it remains faultless for you and the last thing I want to do is mess something up,' he stood from his chair, taking the feline's arm which had already been extended for him to hook his own through and directed the femme to the table.

Spread over the furnished surface of the agar table laid many plans and details for the ceremony tomorrow. Sasha took her seat, directing Dax to sit down beside her who followed without hesitation.

He had always been like that: always doing what he was told and followed orders and many ideals he despised just so those he was associated with would be happy with him. Some would say this was done to avoid confrontation and the councilman's son didn't want to experience the guilt of not fulfilling something held for him by his peers and leaders. Dax studied politics and took a multitude of government related courses at a top-notch university, one his parents wanted him to attend in order for the young lizard to follow in his father's footsteps. However, Dax had no real enjoyment with these decisions despite his natural gift for the subject matter. Instances in his life such as this simply aided in the increase the pressure to perform well in the eyes of his peers.

The pair worked diligently on the plans Sasha had set for the following day. The Siamese went through every tedious, remedial step instructing the dull lizard in the ways of her dream wedding. Dax would simply nod and agree with everything she presented, letting the condescending female have her system on how she wanted the ceremony to proceed.

After a while of working, the duo took a break from the extensive preparation. The female's dark brown-black colored tail shifted along the cozy carpeted floor behind her lithe, effete frame. Gently she poked at the lizard's outer thigh, coaxing him to respond with placing his hand in hers like she had the day past and countless more prior to that. A soft purr rumbled within her chest cavity while the soft tail slid to and fro.

'I look forward to the day you follow your father, dear. There I will stand by your side as your spouse, waving to all the common people...hehe! Me! Wife of a councilman! Oh what a day that will be to remember! Don't you think?'

He nodded lightly as the feline pushed up against him, 'I...look forward to it too, Sasha.'

'All this work has left me beat, would you be a dear and go back to the room to start a bath for me, Daxy? Your baths are superlative,' the femme sat back up in her chair, stretching out in a long feline stretch. 'I'll clean up over here so you can put them away after.'

'Alright, I'll go do that right away,' he agreed. The reptile exited the room while the feline remained in the chair. He traversed back to the dwelling, step after weighted step. Once more, the young politician lost himself to his thoughts, his mind troubled with thoughts of hesitation and aversion to his situation. The floor came into contact with his thick feet more often than not, dragging them sluggishly while he maneuvered the hall.

Minutes seemed to pass until the door finally stood before him. A quick click allowed entry as the door swung open, the room still filled with natural daylight as Dax stepped inside. He sighed with his heavy strides treading through the area. A second click and thump echoed as the door closed behind him, leaving him separate from the rest of the ship for the time being. Slowly he traversed the unnecessarily overly decorated abode while he made his way toward the bathroom. There a rather large tub was set and ready to be filled and prepared for the presumptuous feline.

Within the bathroom, Dax took the exotic oils that he had brought on board and began to prepare the feline's bath. He poured a concoction of sensual salts and exotic oils into the large drum before turning the water on: just the right temperature to best bring out the best of the substances about to be saturated by the aqua. Within minutes the bathtub was filled, suds and tinted water. Everything was set just in time as the sound of the door opening and shutting reverberated through the room. The sound of the cascading water no longer remained as the feline entered the bathroom where Dax still remained.

'Marvelous work Daxy, you make such exquisite baths!' Sasha entered the lavatory, 'this will surely feel wonderful and rejuvenating to aide a good night's slumber.' She purred quietly then attempted to undo the back laces of her dress, 'Such a hassle. Be a darling and assist me in removing these, would you?' The Siamese requested of the spiny lizard as he rose from ground from where he was kneeling alongside the tub.

Dax aided the feline in unraveling the laces that had kept the dress together over her smaller build. He stood there as the dress slid down her form, collecting on the floor leaving her in her undergarments, nearly bare before of Dax. The female turned to the lizard who reacted by backing towards the door, 'I shall leave you to your bath as I collect the materials from the desk within the workplace.'

'Why do you always turn away when your beautiful, soon-to-be wife's uncovered body stands before you?' her feet shuffled closer, reaching behind her back unlatching the hook that kept her lacey bra in place. The straps flung to the sides and shifted her hands in the direction of her shoulders. Slowly she slid the other attachments down past her shoulders, sliding down her biceps revealing more of her voluptuous cleavage to the lizard who continued to back-step from the nearing female.

'I-I mustn't see your body so delicate and unrobed before the night post our wedding. It would not be appropriate!' he stuttered as he turned within the doorway.

'Well aren't we the one still following traditions,' she shook her head while Dax's back was turned, 'be prompt to return once the desk is straightened so you may escort me to dinner.'

Dax nodded in understanding and quickly vacated the premises of the sultry bathing area where Sasha remained. Her petite frame dipped into the bubbles frothing over the water's surface, disappearing below the surface. 'Ah...tomorrow, my future will be set and I won't have to lift another finger again. How wonderful it will be.'

Dax returned to where area the two had been preparing their plans for the new day following this last night. 'Out of everyone...why did my parents have to select her?' he arrived at the table, seeing how it untouched, hardly organized as the feline said she would do. 'Like always...leaving me with everything to straighten out...I gave my permission to any of this...I never wanted anything to do with politics or the council or anything.' The irritated male muttered as he clustered the papers into appropriate and categorized piles.

Slowly, the mess diminished from the surface. Dax resumed, diligently sorting through the masses of documents and procedures.

He came across one piece of paper, a blank spared from the ink that inscribed the others. The left edge was slightly crinkled but was nothing that wouldn't suffice. The reptile looked about the tabletop for the pen Sasha had used to write out her expectations of the lizard. Dax reached for the utensil, curling his digits around it upon impact. His thumb pressed upon the hindmost end of the pen ejecting the ballpoint tip, with a click, from the small pit on the opposite end.

Grei had spent short time preparing him for the night's upcoming feast, stepping out of the shower feeling fresh and damp. His legs still dripped while his torso received a rubdown from the velvety towel which had been previously strewn upon the bar neighboring the reasonably sized bathtub. The material absorbed the liquid with aplomb which left his fur soft, devoid of the droplets that had previously attached to the follicles.


Gentle knocking interrupted his drying. With the towel wrapped around his waist the dhole exited the washing quarters to answer the call. Upon nearing the entrance to his abode, the sound of shuffling drifted away from his location. He stood, baffled at the occurrence and gave a lazy shrug. His body shifted to turn when his foot poked against a noticeable, semi-sharp corner. Gazing down onto the floor, the dhole noticed a distortion in the carped pattern. It was a piece of paper, formed into a perfect rectangle with one third slightly lifted from the rest of the body. With a raised brow and a cocked head, he squat to the floor lifting the parcel out from under the small gap underneath the door.

'The heck is this?' he mumbled to himself as he looked at the flap that simply read 'Grei.' 'For me ...? ...but...who would write something to me?' he questioned to himself, extending the flaps. The folded paper had writing organized upon it:

You must be wondering who this is from and quite skeptical of the contents contained within this note. I do not blame you if you shun this message and discard it even if you do not read what I have written. I wish to speak to you and it must be a location that shall not be so easily learnt by my companion. No...I will not even acknowledge that title for the wretch I have been acquainted with on this trip.

For this reasoning I have gained the permission from the captain as he seems to be rather fond of you. The location is the adjacent deck that is around the front bend along the portside of this vessel. I shall be awaiting your arrival when the semblance of billowing clouds are highlighted with the gentle kiss of the celestial star just before inclining in the comfort of the horizon moments before the blanket of night fills the heavens.

Sincerely Yours,

Dax Maursh

'Dax!? I...wonder what's on his mind...of course I can't leave him be. I wonder if he's having second guesses about the wedding to that...lady. Well, I suppose I should get dressed and some dinner before meeting him there.' The dhole refolded the note, placing it on the end table. Within moments he was out the door, making his way to the dining hall to get his dinner before the get-together with the lizard.

I hope I can help him out somehow...I wonder what he really wants...there seems to be a whole lot on his mind, but he really loosened up this morning when we all had breakfast. He seems like a nice guy and...well...with that cat...I don't blame him having second thoughts. I don't want to think too much into this now, I don't know the full story...I shouldn't assume.

The dinner proceeded for the two: Dax thinking about the meeting he was going to have with the canine whilst Grei shared similar thoughts. During their corresponding meals, each remained distant from their company. Minutes crawled by as Dax counted down nervously, pulling out the pocket watch tucked in his coat pocket. His nerves were on edge and found himself to be extraordinarily nervous. Sasha questioned the bounce in his legs. Using his quick wit, he responded he was excited and nervous about tomorrow's activities, which wasn't an entire lie.

Finally, the dinner for the separate pair came to an end. Grei heading toward the location he had been given. Meanwhile, Dax had his own problems trying to escape the clutches of the Siamese. He quickly needed to conjure a reason to leave her.

'I have a meeting with the captain. He summoned me wanting to give his best wishes to our ceremony and a little gift in congratulations. I believe it's because he knows I am the son of one of the councilmen's son. I had that breakfast with him so I would be able to be in his good graces, and it appears to already be favoring us.' With no time from a response for the feline to respond, Dax was already leaving the room, 'I must be punctual as to remain a man of my word.'

He had lied to the feline again but hoped she would believe him enough to allow him to go about his business. If the lizard had hair on his neck, it would surely be raised as he felt her watch him leave the vicinity.

I hate being dishonest. Surely she knows I've been lying to her about everything. I wonder if she has come to realize...that I can't live my life with someone like her. Not only because she is using me...which...I let her...but.........

Charl resided within his captain's quarters. Since he was the captain, he was responsible to oversee the operations of his ship including: diagnostics of the ship, the ship's coordinates, as well as their current trajectory. Alongside him were qualified personnel that manned the controls for the vessel and kept watchful eyes on stability, pressures, and any other vital information key to ensure the ship's safe flight through the pillowed sky.

Standing along the outer guardrail, along the opposite end of the deck; Grei waited for the note's author to appear. His soft, copper-red fur rippled in the steady flow of winds while they caressed the hull of the ship. His gaze over the horizon showed nothing but seemingly endless sea of clouds building and cresting, collapsing away from the ship. This reminded the dhole of the other style of ships he had seen: parting the waters, sailing through a liquid sea with the water cresting in wake of the ship momentum.

Out in the distance a small flock of birds flew. It was surprising to see such a feat at this relatively high altitude. His eyes focused on them, mesmerized by the automaticity and synchronized movements of the flock as they rode the currents the winds provided at this height. Grei's arms came to rest atop the railing one arm folded over the other with his body hunched over top them. He had followed the instructions as directed, heading towards this specific area. Upon reaching the captain's pit, he was allowed to pass through to reach this spot: separated from the rest of the ship's passengers.

The angle of light created dapples of shadow across the lower, uneven puffed surfaces as the sun began to slowly shift behind the horizon.

Wonder what's taking him so long...he seemed, to me, to be the type to be on time for just about everything. I wonder if SHE's holding him back. I feel bad for him, I can only imagine how much he must despise his stature if he was trying to blend in with a lower class...or...was he simply trying to avoid her? So many things I just don't understand...

Dax had finally escaped Sasha's clutches, arriving at the captain's station about half an hour later than he had previously designated. The lizard's mouth cracked open, as if to say something, before being silenced by a motion of the thick ursine arm. With his fingers furled and arm lifted, he pointed in the direction of the door parallel to the other as Charl gave the young lizard male a reassuring nod, letting him know that his guest had been waiting there.

Silent footsteps followed as the reptile meandered toward the door. He approached the entryway and stood within the frame where he was finally able to spot the canine. The dhole's copper-red fur had a supplementary glow to it as it basked in the crimson hues provided by the presently setting sun. A soft smile crept over his face as he watched the male's fur gently waft about in the breeze built upon by the ship's course. 'Sorry to have kept you waiting, Grei,' the horned lizard spoke abruptly.

Grei, startled from the sudden speech, jumped slightly in his spot. His body slowly turned until his eyes came into contact with the lizard's. A similar smile grew on his face.

The canine shook his head, lifting his arms, wavering his hands in the air, 'you're fine, I was just enjoying the sights.' He paused as his body slowly spun around once more, peering out over the fading horizon. 'This is the first time I've ever been on a ship like this, always thought I'd hate them and that they'd be full of nothing but rich snobs. Of course I'm not saying you're one of them! I wouldn't say anything like that!' he turned his head just to witness the lizard taking the spot beside him. He stood alongside him, gazing over at the same painted corner of the sky.

'I've been on many of these flights...but the sights like this...they're quite spectacular. Even more so when you get the opportunity to share them with someone you care for, can be rather romantic...don't you think?'

'Yea, they could be. What about your Sheila, I'm sure you must have had moments like this?'

'Closest thing to romance I think she's capable of is...' the spiny reptile paused a moment, 'come to think of it, I don't think she's ever done anything of the sort.' He shrugged and shook his head.

'Yea I kinda got the feeling. Why do you let her do that to you, you seem too nice of a guy to let people control you like that. Granted I guess those're the type taken advantage of most.'

'I don't expect you to be able to understand...' Dax sighed, a discernable expression coating his face that reeked of his distraught and anguished emotions.

'I hate it when people say that. Always saying: 'you have no idea' or 'you wouldn't know how I feel'! It pisses me off. I know you don't mean it but don't assume I don't know what it's like just because I'm in a separate class, y'know?' Grei shook his head, his tail whisked through the air as he grumbled slightly with his response.

'M-my apologies, I didn't mean to anger you. Just...a lot has been going on, I suppose you are right. Each class level, even though the circumstances may be different, each has the possibility of carrying the same context in understanding as the next level.'

'You lost me there, Dax...all that fancy talk.' Grei shifted his torso to face the scaled male, 'why don't you just talk to me, like I'm sure you intended to, instead of just brooding on about this. You know it's only a matter of time until you-know-who will come lookin' for ya.'

Dax hefted a sigh, ''s just...not so easy to talk about.' He shook his head, 'I go over it in my head time and time again, yet when it comes to speaking those words...I get lost and just end up submitting to the will of others instead of saying my piece...' he paused a second to glance over at the dhole. The scaled head shook gently as he heaved a sigh, '...I hate it... Not being my own person, having to follow what others want. What about what I want? When do I get to be the person I want to be instead of treading so loathingly in my father's shadow?'

'I do know how that feels, although my dad doesn't nearly have such a high-ranking job as yours. I often felt the same blocks as you while growing up...but you know...there's just a time in your life you have to stop living for others and begin to live for yourself. All you have to do is find the right person to walk the path alongside you to lift you up when you've fallen and cheer you on when it gets tough.'

'Heh, there you go again, talking like a philosopher. The words you speak ring true though, I should tell you the truth about everything. It's hard to speak...but I need to wash myself of these accursed thoughts and feelings if I am to break free from this conformity.' Dax turned again, facing out over the horizon. Arches of warm tones scarcely glazed the horizon while the burning body came to rest behind the skyline. Jewels of light now began to show face as they sparkled, dotting the darkened sky, replacing some of the present shadows with their faint heavenly glow.

'I'm listening. If I didn't already like you by now, I wouldn't have even thought about responding and even more...accepted your letter. to me. Tell me what's up, Dax.' His soft paw subtly came to rest on the hard shoulder of the taller male, smiling warmly up at his companion, 'you can trust me to be here for you.'

Dax stood there in silence, gathering his thoughts collectively. Just say it...come on Dax...for once in your life...give yourself some freedom... He spoke within the confines of his thoughts.

'Stop thinking so much. Talk with your heart, not your brain.' Grei reassured his cohort, hoping to give him the necessary courage to handle this ordeal and free his mind some from the excessive stress.

I'm going to disappoint so many people...but...

'I...I want to escape this life. So many people expecting things far beyond my reach, goals I have no wish to attain, expectations I simply do not want to meet. I don't want to live in the image of my father, always compared to him with every move I make. I hate it. I had to attend a school that procures high evaluations but even more strict expectations. Everything had to be perfect, I had to master everything. Everything for me was decided by my parents, all the choices in my life I had to blindly follow as they were supplied to me.'

Grei stood silently beside the spiny reptile, listening as he let him unburden his odious thoughts, allowing him to speak all he wished to gain some level of reprieve. He would not interject with his own thoughts on the subject. Instead, knowing it was something that Dax needed to release, he remained mute.

'A year and a half ago, I was told of an arranged marriage. This was shortly after my graduation. I wasn't valedictorian but I was right in the proximity of getting that overly prestigious title. This marriage would create new ties for my family with another, well off, family to ensure our future theirs than our own. I want nothing to do with it, to be frankly honest; I have no distinct liking for politics.'

'What DO you want to do? If you hate it so much, what do you want to do with yourself?' Grei questioned nonchalantly.

'I don't...really know. I never had any real free time to take a liking to anything in particular, I'm sure with a little time from the strict path I was to follow, I would be able to find something I truly enjoyed. As it stands...all my knowledge is placed within politics and other governmental drivel.'

'What's keeping you from breaking away?' the canine asked once more, 'I think your own happiness should come before that of anyone else, I'm sure your family wouldn't be too horribly annoyed. Okay maybe a little at first, but eventually they'd cool off.'

'Maybe...I just...I don't know. I suppose, if I were attracted to Sasha it might be a different question. I also know she is just using me, and manipulates me to her liking.'

'Then why do it?'

'It's all I know. It's hard to break away from something that has become habitual. Although...I really want to, I just don't know how to do so. I would disappoint so many people in the process and let even more down. I would be an embarrassment to my family. Think of the news that would follow about the councilman's son being a rebel to the family and disowning the legacy. I don't know if I would be able to handle what would be shortly to come thereafter,' the lizard explained.

'Legacy is self-righteous. All it does is provide security for those leading the pack. Let's face're just the lapdog that everyone else is creating and beckoning you for their own personal that witch of a temptress,' the dhole shook his head.

'Hmm...yea...I see what you are saying. I never really thought of it in that light. That's...not everything's not just the political life I have been left to follow.' Dax followed up.

Grei's body turned once more to face the lizard, 'What is it?'

'It's not just that I'm not attracted to Sasha in particular. I......find have no attraction towards any female. No one knows about it. I would always go to the gym, not just to stay in good physical shape...but...well...'

He was cut off with a playful punch in the bicep which was abruptly followed by loud yelp and sharp OW!

'Yea...haven't you noticed I've got rather hard horns by now? You really should watch where you aim.' Dax spoke sarcastically.

'Urf...' the dhole shook his hand and glared up at the lizard who taunted him, 'well...I WAS going to say: 'You dog!' but as you can see...I hurt myself thanks to you.'

'You're the one who carelessly took it upon yourself to try and punch my arm, yet you blame me?' the lizard's brow rose quizzically.

'Yea-yea...' the dhole's uninjured fingers gently rubbed his scuffed area of the adjacent hand, ' prefer a guy over some chick then, huh? Can't blame you there, what's not to like?'

'You're...' Dax gawked at the canine.

'Well look at me, I'm practically a fox. You don't exactly need a chemist to solve the equation,' the dhole chortled. 'I'm no master in the field though, and to be frank...gah listen to me talking like you! ...Anyhow...I know quite a few fox who are straight and some who are even married. The stereotype is just too fun not to mess with.'

The lizard chuckled and smiled at the humor presented by the canine, bringing a smile to his previously apprehensive facade.

'You've got a real nice smile, you know?' Grei suddenly pointed out. 'Would much rather see it like that than how you look with that femme. So...have you ever...y'know...'

'I know what? Have I ever done what?' the taller male cocked his brow yet again, looking down at the dhole. The response he got was unexpected as the canine connected the tip of his thumb to the fingertip of his pointer finger to make an open circle while a digit from the opposite hand jabbing in and out of the ring.

'...subtle...' he shook his head and chuckled. 'No...I...have not...copulated...with another. Sasha had tried to force herself upon me numerous times but to no avail. Even if she tried, there is no attractive feature to her. Well...that is to a guy who has no preference toward femininity, there was no attraction.'

'That's a shame...of course I'm no whore myself, but I've had a few experiences. If it ever came to it, I certainly wouldn't turn someone so good lookin' as you, away.'

'I don't know whether or not to take that as a compliment or not...' Dax responded with a hint of annoyance in his voice, 'regardless of how I was raised, I have my own morals. I would not just blindly have intercourse with another on the base fact of being needy.'

'Didn't mean it quite like that, sorry if it sounded that way,' Grei muttered apologetically, his large ears sliding down over the back of his head. 'I just meant...'

The canine was cut off before stating what he had wanted to get out, 'I know you didn't. I grew a liking to you in our short time together, and the offer, I admit, is rather tempting. To be with someone experienced, though, I would only embarrass myself in the process. The ideal's a very nice thought.' The horned lizard released another sigh, 'I just wish I could live an average life. Experience things with no pressure of disappointment on another, not having that accursed fear of failure in the eyes of your peers...

...I want a new state anew with a clean slate: tabula rasa.'

The canine surprised Dax with a sudden, unprovoked action. He slid his smaller frame under the larger reptile's arm, standing in front of and under him. Grei could feel this male just wanted compassion from a soul that understood his own. He really felt for him and his ambitions to start a life completely apart from his prior.

Dax stood surprised and unsure of what was taking place or what actions he should take. Eventually he relaxed his head, his smooth chin came to rest overtop the crown of the dhole. Light tugs to the hided and partially spiked arms were felt as the canine's body gradually pressed into the lizard's front. The warmth layered over his torso and he could feel his heart rate spike.

'Calm down Dax...just...stand here for a moment, in the fading light. Stand here with me and take it in.' Grei attempted to calm his larger partner. It seemed to be meeting with success as the pair went silent. The gentle breeze continued to flow over the ship's exterior. The reptilian arms remained wrapped around the canine's body, his copper-red fur having lost the sun's glow but instead the pair now basked in the aura the moon had since cast over them. The silent rolling of clouds remained constant as the ship plowed through the night cotton filled sky. Grei smiled as he felt a gentle squeeze to his chest. His larger counterpart pulled him closer, making it know that he was vastly enjoying the presence of the dhole. They remained in silence with one another in silence. For the first time in his life, Dax felt complete ease with himself.

'I didn't offer because I want to have sex,' Grei broke the silence, 'I know how unlikely it is for two people to grow so unattached upon a first meeting. It is frowned upon by most and others just say it is only in stories that are make-believe.' The dhole tilted his head back slightly, looking up at Dax's calm face, 'I like the short time I have spent with you, and I really just want to help give you the life you wish for. I'm not saying you have to say yes, but...I know you want someone who cares. Not so much about what you do, who they want you to be, or anything like that. You want someone who cares for who you want to aim to be and accept it. may sound irrational...but...Dax, I care.'

The lizard released his arms from around the smaller frame of the canine, stepping once more to his side. His head tilting back, his line of vision shifted from the clouded surface to that of the astronomic body, bathing the pair in the reflective light shining down upon them as if it were a departing gift from the setting sun.

Grei took the hint and sighed to himself quietly. What am I saying? Of course no one would accept anything like that...I'm such an ass for thin-

'You're said level-B correct?' the lizard turned, tilting his head down with a soft smile. 'A chill wind has risen. We should retire for the night, would you not agree? I for one am not seeking company from a money-grabbing feline.'

'Yea, I am...are you sure you want to do this? It might ruin you, Dax...' the canine questioned the lizard's intentions with his remarks.

'I need to live true to myself, and not live on the whim of others. If I'm going to start, I want to start tonight since as of tomorrow, I would be forever shackled to the life of a prisoned man. I won't be held back by the anticipations of others nor petty more. I'm ready to live for me, and I want to do this. Will you accompany me down this new path, Grei? Even though we have hardly become acquainted with one another, I just have this feeling that I can feel safe with you.' Dax looked at his comrade as compassion shone in his eyes, along with fear. The canine could sense the young male's determination toward this new disposition.

Grei responded with a smile as he motioned his comrade to the doorway which they had both originally entered to encounter the other at this location. 'Of course, I give you my word to help you with anything I am able to and to the best of my ability! If we are going to go, we need to be careful. Cats prowl this ship, and with this moon, their claws will be sharp and ready.'

The pair walked through the captain's lit up corridor. Monitors flashed and flickered throughout as the observant crew maintained the craft with a watchful eye. The bruin, with his peripheral vision, caught the pair walking through his chamber, idly talking to one another getting along without a hitch. Charl's arms crossed, his face spread out with a gratified smile from the sight.

Despite the fact that he would rather be the one having at that canine's rear, the fact that he saw Dax finally enjoying himself brought a smile to his face. Trip upon trip aboard this cruise, especially in the company of that belittling shrew of a fiancé, the bruin had never witnessed the young reptile enjoy himself as he surely was at present.

Gradually the canine, paired with the larger horned lizard, made way toward the lower, main deck. Other civilians enjoying the moonlit night speckled the surface, a number of them doing just as these two were: watching the horizon along the banisters, outlining the carrier. There was no sign of the dreaded feline while they inconspicuously traveled to the dhole's quarters. A new start was underway for Dax with the aid of his new companion, a new life apart his old. No thoughts of past or present filled his policy-riddled mind, only those of this night.

A click from behind and a flick of the wall-mounted switch alerted the quiet room of a new presence. The reptile had a feeling of liberation upon being located within the confines of the canine's fairly luxurious dwelling.

'Wow...this is your room? Surprisingly nicer than I would have thought; it doesn't have all the furnishings that my room possesses, though.' Dax strolled into the main corridor. His horned head swiveled about as he glanced about the room.

'Well, sorry if it's not as spectacular as yours is,' Grei shrugged as he responded sarcastically.

'Oh, no, you misunderstand. I don't mean that with such negative connotation. I simply was noting the fact that this room had less. To be perfectly honest, I much prefer this than my own. I don't want a special room to differentiate me from any other person. I'm living just as anyone else is aboard this ship. I would rather be treated as such than treated in such a grotesque manner due to the upbringing I had no choice in.' He continued to look around. The lizard sat along the edge of the bed, flopping back onto the mattress, the sheets rippling into the air from the impact. Dax gazed up at the ceiling, the patterned holes cut in the metal which allowed the scattered light to coat the surrounding area.

'Ah, I suppose you got a point there,' the dhole waltzed towards the lizard. His thumbs hooked on the outside of his pockets with the rest of his hands remained shoved within. He took the spot beside the scale and looked at his body as he laid there.

This was the first time Grei paid notice to it but Dax was in pretty good shape! He didn't have any abs to speak, that he could tell. Instead he noticed: he either had a very unnoticeable paunch or he sported a flat stomach. What really caught his eye, however, wasn't the lizard's physical conditioning but the well-sized bulge arching out below. The canine fought the urge to reach down and rub his hand against his shapely lump. In fact, his hand had already lifted from atop the comforter, about to make the move. He was suddenly stopped in his tracks as the lizard suddenly sat up from his horizontal positioning.

Dax was oblivious to the canine's motions even when the male's fuzzy hand had made contact with his middle section. He blushed lightly and looked off at the wall, where the moonlight cast its light from the outside world. 'Y...yea...I have always had to stay in shape,' the reptile began, 'I exercise often and eat a healthy know...I have to do everything perfectly!' His hands wavered about in the air in a 'whatever' fashion.

' it,,' Grei shifted his hands to rest against his lap. A slightly uncomfortable tent beginning to form underneath the fabric of his pants as he began to imagine the size contained behind the lizard's own garments. 'Why...did you decide to stick around me here? I mean...surely there are more attractive guys aboard this ship, so...why me?' Grei turned his head to look at the lizard who was still glancing out the window.

Upon hearing the question his gaze shifted to look at the canine and gave a light shrug in response. 'To be honest...I don't quite know either. Kind of awkward to say it but I saw you from before you first got on the ship. I have been intrigued ever since. I probably sound like a stalker now...' the lizard spoke. His dialect had relaxed slightly. The reptile was trying to lose that precise language usage that acted as an indicator of class-difference. Dax gave a shy smile, the lump in his throat wiggled as he gulped quietly. 'S-sorry if I uhm...if I don't really talk too much...please understand that I've not once been so close to another male behind closed doors. I......really don't know what I'm doing in the slightest.' he chuckled lightly. He felt his cheeks fill with a light shade of rose as he grew more embarrassed and bashful.

'Have you know...'done it', before?' Grei asked, trying to be as subtle as he could but wanting to help the lizard break out of his protective shell.

'I...have not.' Dax heaved a soft sigh, shaking his head. 'I always told myself I wanted to reserve that for my spouse, but I want nothing to do with a female.' He faced the canine once more, 'I really don't know what to do...or where to start for that matter.'

The response that resulted made his comfort level rise. The lizard smiled quietly as the canine stood from the bed and in front of lizard, his amiable digits resting upon the larger males shoulder. 'You can leave that to me, I can help you with that. I've done enough to know what I'm doing, just relax.' The canine smiled down at him, legs bending as he slowly lowered his knees to the carpeted flooring.

Dax didn't say a word, he only responded with a gulp. His arms trembled on the bed as he felt a new feeling rushing through him. He was feeling rather excited, as well as pretty damn nervous. The lizard had never experienced with this type of action. A gentle tug released his shirt from the confines of his pants. The warm feel of skin soon touched the smooth hide of his abdomen. The muscles twitched briefly from the touch as the dhole gently worked his hands up underneath the lizard's shirt. Dax decided to aid his companion, his hands shakily reaching to the front of his buttoned top, attempting to undo some of this buttons. His nervousness and excitement was visible as he struggled to push the opal buttons through their slits.

Grei smoothly pressed his partner's hands away, instead undoing the larger male's buttons for him, allowing the reptile to just remain seated along the bedside. One by one the dark stoned buttons slipped through the conjoined slits, unfastening one side of the silken material from the other. More of the reptile's smooth hide was kissed by the cooler air enveloping the room.

Eventually all the buttons were freed and Grei finally came to see the entirety of smooth hide lying hidden beneath the fabric. His hands smoothly ran over the traces of his chest and along his stomach causing the muscle to tense up once again. 'You've...really got quite the body,' Grei peered up only to gaze at the male who was shyly watching the dhole do his work, 'very nice...heh.'

All Dax could do to respond was smile lightly at the canine, he parted his lips but no sounds escaped. Soon, an unfamiliar pressure came to rest upon his groin. Then tension building as the grip between the two metallic sides of his zipper slowly tugged downward. His cheeks burned a brighter shade as the waist of his trousers was suddenly free with the release of the final button in the center. His nostrils flared, his chest rising and collapsing more intensely as his groin was slowly being peeled away from his thick frame. The air came to similarly hug the bulging undergarment that had just escaped the confines of the spiny lizard's dress slacks.

Grei looked in amazement at the protrusion resting in the lizard's briefs. He traced a finger along the bulge, teasingly. The bump twitched. A raspy gasp filled the canine's ears as he coaxed a reaction from the male sitting there. The dhole lifted his head to see what the lizard was doing with himself. As he suspected, Dax was leaning back, his arms used as support for his stature and his head tilted back slightly. He took this chance to peel back the elastic waistband. His comrade was very well least in his flaccid state. He tugged the lizard's briefs down enough so he could bear witness to his partner's limp shaft in full. The soft shaft resting centered between the pair of egg-sized testicles. Grei gathered that, while flaccid, Dax had to be at least 5 inches in length and 2 ½ in diameter.

'Shall I...continue?' he glanced up at the lizard just to see he was still left with heavy breathing from his newly found excitement. Damn...he's huge...and uncut too!

'P-Please do,' the young politician responded as his thick reptilian tail shifted over the edge of the bed, twitching in anticipation. Damn...this feeling...what is it...?

With permission now granted, Grei bowed his digits around that succulent shaft, lifting it from its current resting spot against his hefty sack.

I can hardly wrap my fingers around this thing!

Grei held the smooth shaft in his hand, his fingers not even coming into contact with his adjacent palm. He lifted the shaft once more, his maw opened allowing his tongue to freely slide up along underside of the uncut shaft, the foreskin coating the entirety of his admirable length. This enticed a squirm from the lizard, never feeling any sort of sensation but his own hand along his male hood. Grei grinned to himself, sliding his tongue along the girthy length. The wet, teasing muscle caused the gradual filling out which spread the canine's hand even further from his nearly circular grasp around the lizard's thick cock.

A subtle groan rumbled in the large male's throat as the teasing continued. The foreskin encompassing the reptile's large shaft slowly stretched as his length rapidly filled out from the heightened sensations of his first sexual experience. Grei took this moment to gently grip the inflating cock and shift his hand along the length. His mouth repositioned near the tip as it peeked out from the skin wrapped around it being tugged down while Dax continued to grow even larger and thicker in his grasp.

'H-oh, gawd!' Dax's legs buckled and abdominal muscles tensed causing him to lurch forward slightly. He felt the warm confines of the canine mouth envelope his bulbous phallus. The dhole's tongue lavished the engorged tip, slithering along the rim of foreskin. The paired panting intensified. His shaft solidified even more rapidly, curving directly into the mouth of the other male performing this service to him. The lizard's toes curled, fists clenching the top most layers of blankets feeling that same tongue delve in under the layer of foreskin, teasing the hidden areas beneath.

Grei couldn't help but smile to himself as he felt the reptile's body react to his endeavors. His hand gripped the fully formed, hardened shaft gently tugging downward toward the base of Dax's 12-inch, 4-inch thick cock. The submitting male's face contorted, not out of discomfort but rather from a sense of other overwhelming sensations pouring through his trembling limbs and heaving body.

The foreskin that had once hugged portions of the tip finally revealed what was hidden beneath. His grasp began shifting along the lower portions of this large length, his bobbing in time with his pumping motions. Gentle suckling, tongue-to-phallus teasing and a sensual hand job helped coax deep guttural moans from the lizard as pre-cum began to leak out of the dense tip onto the canine's tongue.

The gargantuan, reptilian cock throbbed in the dhole's grasp. The tip began to spasm within his maw. He figured if he kept this pace up for much longer, the inexperience of the lizard would win over and he would blow in his mouth. This wasn't what Grei wanted, not just because he wanted to feel that monster inside of him, but wanted to share a greater pleasure with his new partner. The dhole slowly released the large shaft from his grasp as well as his maw, watching it spring up with a wet smack against Dax's bare torso.

Small amounts of pre-cum mixed with Grei's saliva splattered the hided, sharply rising and sinking torso. His length easily came to rest above his navel as he looked down at the canine. 'W-what's the matter?' the words huffed out from the panting spiny lizard as he remained leaning over the bed's surface.

'Nothing is,' Grei smiled reassuringly at his lover, lifting his shirt over his head revealing his smooth average built chest and abdominals. His frame was lither than his partner's but he wasn't twinkish either, a healthy medium. The dhole had some slight muscle definition but overall, his body was smaller build than Dax. Grei then proceeded to unlatch the button that held his pants up. The leggings slid down his legs, crumpling into a pile on the floor. He stripped male stepped out of the leg holes bunched around his feet, kicking the pants onto his bag which still rested alongside the mattress. There he stood, bare before the lizard who simply stared at this nude form.

Grei gave another warm smile. 'I thought you said you've seen naked guys before, the dhole teased.

'N-None as fine as yours,' Dax sputtered, still breathing heavily but wore a smile. The spiny lizard felt comforted in this night. No one would have thought that just hours ago he was on the verge of a breakdown.

The dhole aided the lizard in removing his pants while the shirt was removed entirely by its owner. The canine then pointed up at the headboard of his bed, 'you should go up there while I do something real quick. I won't be but a second!' he turned, heading to the lavatory.

Dax being the kind of guy he was, followed the instructions he was told though this time he wanted to. He repositioned his large frame atop the mattress, resting there for Grei to return. He looked at his shaft which was still lathered in the canine's spit and his own pre-cum, the thought and his memory fresh in his mind of the sensations he felt moments prior filled him mind. His shaft flexed into the air and gently tapped against his stomach as he felt a rush of lust inside of his body.

_I can't believe I'm doing this...but...this feels... right..._

As promised, Grei returned with a clear bottle with white text wrapped around the circumference of the container. The canine crawled onto the bed beside his newly found companion. His hand extended outwards, sliding the palm along the thick underside of the large girth. This coaxed another shiver to run up the reptile's spine causing a light spasm throughout his thick body.

'Liking it so far?' Grei asked with a bolstering smile.

'I-I am. Greatly,' Dax responded with a similar but still bashful smile. His eyes followed as the canine crawled on top of him, lingering over his torso. He felt his length relocate. The tip slid under the furry taint resulting in his breaths to momentarily grow choppy. Soon enough, he felt his cock standing nearly vertical, curved along the crevice between Grei's fuzzy rumps. Another quiet gulp from the reptile caused his Adam's apple to wiggle slightly as his timid hazel-gray eyes fixated on those soft brown eyes belonging to his gentle companion.

The soft short hairs tickled his length. Beads of pre formed between the canine's cleft like drops of dew on a new dawn. Grei's body shifted slowly against the large erect cock that was pressing between his buttocks, spreading them wide allowing him to feel the extensive girth that jet from his partner's groin. The scaled male shivered as the hairs brushed over his excited, foreskin edged tip. The rush of excitement built throughout his body, deep lust intensifying every moment as the two remained in this position for more several moments. Their combined heavy breathing echoed within the walls.

Silence was broken at the sound of a snap. The dhole lifted the bottle of clear lubricant in front of his chest cavity. His other hand soon lifted to greet its pair. Gradually Grei tilted the bottle, the liquid sloshing about in the confines of the container. The lube hit the open entrance forming bubbles as the air within was misplaced and lubricant oozed out onto the empty hand. With the formation of a small puddle in his palm, the dhole reached behind him. His hand and digits now coated in the substance, wrapped around the sizable shaft, maneuvering about to coat the sizable cock.

'oooOOooOooohhh...' Dax moaned as the smaller hand worked the lubricant into and along his genuinely soft skin that covered his shaft. The hefty sack which sat between his bent legs, rest along his taint. A brief sharp gasp arose from the lizard's mouth as he felt the entirety of his length slip down along the split of the dhole's behind as the canine lifted himself up from the shaft.

Another small glob of lubricant escaped from the bottle onto his fingertips. Another snap and the bottle was closed and laid down beside the two bodies. Those lubricated tips reached behind Grei's form, pressing the digits against his rear entrance. A slight chill slid up his spine from the cool sensation provided by the lubricant. He pressed two of his digits inside to get that substance not just around his ring but also to make the entry easier as well once inside. Grei's eyes drifted shut as he fingered himself for a short while, still looming over Dax's midsection.

The reptile stared at the canine's shaft as it rest against his abdomen, partially erect. He wanted to touch it. His mind urging him to feel the other male up but his body remained locked as it was. He was still afraid to follow after his mind's desires, new to all of these experiences. Yet he was easily able to follow the dhole's lead, letting him do as he will even as the feeling of want: to drive that large tool inside of the smaller male's body.

Finally Grei reopened his eyes. He looked down to view Dax's expression, seeing his eagerness and lust shine within his gaze. 'Are you ready, Dax?' he smiled down at the male who rested, chest rising and sinking heavily, beneath the canine's hovering frame.

Dax nodded, nostrils flaring lightly still, greatly excited and still a little nervous of the moments soon to come. He was ready to be lead into a new life, of course now with the aid of his newly found companion it was very possible, even likely. His throbbing maleness stood erect, jetting from his groin with the dhole's hand wrapped around the base his girth.

With the permission given, Grei held lengthy pole, directing it to once again press between his cheeks. The thick head pushed against his tail hole, briefly stretched out moments before, the lubed tip pressing up against the equally lubed pucker. The ring slowly stretched as he lowered his form onto the mammoth cock. His breathing grew deeper but still steady as he felt the reptile's girth enter his body for the first time.

Dax groaned deeply as he felt pressure like no other encompass his cock as he sunk into the dhole's rear. Centimeter by thick centimeter he felt the silky smooth walls wrap around his length. The lubricated cock and pre-cum helped ease his first entry while his shaft was engulfed by the tight passage.

Grei's head rolled back, his hands grasped partially around his partner's thighs just above the knees as he lowered himself down onto the cock spearing his entrails. It felt as if he was sinking infinitely, delving deeper and deeper into his gut, pressing in further than with anyone he had experienced prior. His breathing turned to huffing, gliding down that curved masterpiece. The slight amount of friction that remained against the tight walls peeled back the foreskin from the expansive, swollen tip.

In what felt like forever when Grei finally came to feel Dax's smooth groin against his furred rump. He had taken the lizard balls deep, feeling the shaft buried deep inside his insides. With a flushed face, he glanced down at his lizard lover to see how he was faring. Just as he was, Dax was breathing heavily as well. His thick chest pushed out and collapsed with every deep breath, again and again. Grei took a second to adjust, resting atop the reptilian groin with the large reptilian orbs pressed up against the dhole's rear.

'D...damn you're huge...heh,' Grei winced but smiled faintly shortly after, gazing at his lover, 'How...does it feel.'

'Ngh...It,' Dax started, wiggling a little underneath, shifting his hips against the canine in the process, 'it feels strange...but...also...really...magnificent.'

'You...just take it easy. I can take it from here,' the furred hands shifted from his partner's legs to his torso. 'If you feel the do anything...go ahead,' he added as he began to lift himself slowly along the length. His own shaft was solid as well now. Although, not as large as his comrade's, he wasn't bad regardless, sticking out at roughly 8 ½ inches along the smooth torso.

Dax ground his teeth, releasing a stifled moan within the depths of his throat and maw as he felt the sensations fill his body. The motions exposed the large tool to the cooler room air as the dhole lifted himself up the length. Once about 8 inches was released, the smaller male lowered himself back down towards the hided groin. His nostrils flared quietly as he took this massive male's pride deep inside his body. He slid down until once more he came to rest the targeted groin with a soft plap! His pace began, repeating the same motions: lifting himself up the foot long cock and allowing the laws of physics to guide him back down.

Dax groaned in delightful ecstasy, waves of bliss soared into his brain. His hands wrapped around the canine's ankles now experiencing his first full-blown sexual encounter. The rush filled his mind: the tight feeling of the dhole's moist, warm walls hugging his cock, his foreskin being tugged down and pushing back over his inflamed tip as it shifted about inside of his partner, and the sight of the canine's shaft bobbing about as he rode the reptile with poise. He watched as the fur-covered balls pressed against his extreme-lower stomach with every ball-deep fall.

The horned lizard's thick shaft released more pre along the passage walls, releasing more than a sufficient amount. The pre and lube-coated walls significantly aided with the motions the dhole was following, his motions now eased but quickened in momentum. His fuzzy rump slapped repeatedly against the lizard's groin as he remained laying there, basking in the pleasurable 'ride.'

The rush grew stronger inside the young reptile, urges starting to kick in. He felt the substantial bliss of his hormones, beginning to send messages to his mind. His hips began to lift as the canine sank, his balls shifting and jostling as he pressed skyward. Bodily desires had begun to take precedence over his will power, feeling the drive to have sex from his shaft repeatedly engulfed by the lither male's form. Primal instincts inhabited his thoughts and body functions. Dax drove his hips with more force into the dhole, catching the canine off guard with his sudden change of nature.

Grei's body bounced above the thick body. His rear end assaulted by the ball-deep, gut-penetrating thrusts from below. His prostate taking a beating as the no-longer-virgin lizard lodged his thick meat up the canine ass. Pre dribbled down Grei's shaft as it bounced, his sack smacking against the smooth stomach below while the large, impressive sack tapped against his own rump with every ascent of the lunging hips.

Dax stopped, huffing loudly and cock throbbing heavily inside the smaller's stomach. The canine reciprocated with a question: 'W-what's wrong? You...were doing so great!' he panted out.

'I...would like your permission to try something...if I may,' the lizard prompted.

'You're...the one nailing me...what d'ya wanna do?' Grei chuckled, responding when he had the air in his lungs to do so.

In response, Dax lifted his lover up his shaft, sliding out with a wet schlurp. The scale's large, thick cock glistened in the moonlight that crept through the window curtains. Gently he laid the dhole on his side following suit himself. His arms wrapping around the smaller male's chest with his proud endowment sandwiched between the smaller dhole's cheeks. The lizard pressed his hips, grinding the pre-coated shaft along the cleft, pre smearing into the male's fur as he held him close.

Across the ship, Sasha sat in the armchair looking over the lizard's documents, news articles that involved his family as well, and the announcement of their prestigious marriage approaching tomorrow. 'Mmm...soon this future will be mine...oh how I look forward to the marriage to that gullible Dax. He doesn't seem to realize I don't really love him. Tis the beauty of arranged marriages! I might have to squeeze out a kid or two for him...but I suppose it'd be the price I have to pay to live the life of ease and comfort.'

A light tapping sounded on the window of the door, 'Yes? Who is it?' Sasha called out.

'Pardon my intrusion madam. I have been keeping a watchful eye on Master Dax as requested. I have information you might find to be...errr...invasive to your wedding plans.' The attendant spoke with slight insecurity in her voice.

'Well, come inside and inform me. I won't let anything interfere with my wedding plans. Please, fill me in, what is befalling my soon-to-be husband?' she crossed her legs, resting her hands, one atop the other upon her lap as she watched the attendant enter her chamber. 'Ddelight me with what is transpiring, if you do so please.' She prompted the young female that now stood before her.

'Well milady, you were right to suspect as you had. I witnessed him walking to the board together, from the captain's cabin, with that middle class fellow. I followed suit as you instructed me to if I saw them together. They weren't the least bit suspicious of me. I followed them to the level-B hall where I witnessed them both disappearing into the same room.' The female shared the information with the deceitful feline whose face scrunched with the news.

'What on Earth does he see in that middle-grade scum?' she asked herself with a low growl, 'you will tell me what room they had gone into, I shall pay them a visit.'

'As you wish ma'am, the room they entered.......'

The young lizard's cock repositioned itself, pressing against the now not-so-tight canine entry point. Once more the head began to dig into dhole's rear, the passage swallowing inch by girthy inch as Dax pressed his hips forward. His heavy breaths flowed over the canine's ears, causing them to flicker slightly.

The pair moaned: Grei from the large intruding member and Dax from reentering the slick, lubricated path. The reptile's breath grew choppy as he sank his hips into the padded rear. Before long, his egg-sized balls pressed, once more, to the soft rump of his lover. Dax rest for against the fuzzy rear for a moment before he proceeded to withdraw several inches, tugging his length out partially. The slick walls retracted from the removal of the stretching shaft. Before they had the time to return to their normal state, he drove his hips forward which sent the horned reptile's smooth, hefty orbs smashing against the small, well-shaped ass. Dax began to thrust on his own, his movement following a more erratic pace.

Grei, unprepared for the sudden assault, grunted as he was marauded by the thick pole. His lithe body jolted along the bedspread while the large lizard thrust rhythmically against his rear. The canine whined, his prostate repeatedly being hammered by the massive length as it burrowed deep in the depths of his bowels. Pre still dabbled from the tip of his shaft, now creating a sticky trail along the surface of the comforter. has he not cum yet? He's just begun, he shouldn't be lasting this long! Grei shouted to himself within his mind. His maw hung agape. The canine heft heavy grunts and heavy moans, stuttered from the beating he was enduring from behind.

The room echoed with the sounds of extreme lust. Dax recurrently tugged half of his 12 inch cock before shoving the thick girthed tool back into the depths of his target. His mind clouded from reason and his body simply acting out the desire for sex. The lizard's teeth clenched, groaning and grunting through them, his chest bumping against his partner's time and time again. His hefty sack slapped heavily against the smaller male as his hips drove forward. Each thrust sent his large, semen filled balls against the dhole's cheeks.

The thick reptilian legs wedged between his partner's softer, more subtle legs. He proceeded to spread them allowing his massive girth to dig deeper. The dhole's walls slickened from the pre oozing copiously out of his uncut tip. The lewd slaps grew wet in sound, mixing with their lust-filled cries of pleasure and grunts from the pair.

'G-gonna~' Grei panted as his shaft pulsed and flexed, head flaring as it was poised to release his seed onto the sheet's covers. Before he the opportunity arose, the reptile grabbed him once again, holding him close and rolled onto his back, still driving his massive length in the depths of his lover. His waist hoisted into the air, his shaft wetly slipped out with ease, immediately getting shoved back in with a moist smack.

'OH FUHHHH-,' Grei howled as he felt his climax hit, he balls contracted as they sent their contents through his length. The canine's shaft pulsed as his semen erupted from his tip. His copper-toned took on a new pattern as his seed shot across his chest and stomach. Each slam of his partner's hips sent another rope coursing through the air across his midsection adding to the previous streams messing the dhole's fur.

The canine's climax sent his walls into a simultaneous series of spasms. His walls clung around the reptile's 4 inch girth, rippling along the sinking cock. He through his hips up towards the other's, releasing a light growl as he plummeted his cock through the now vice-like walls. His breathing became labored now as well, his panting full grown and his shaft began to throb and pulse within his partner's passage. With one final deep, lustful thrust his reptilian toes curled, claws grappling the sheets beneath and stifled a roar, trying to hold it back as much as he could.

Just as the canine had, Dax's testicles pulled closer to his large, more muscular, frame. The tight walls rippled around the pulsing shaft as his potent, abundant amounts of semen tunneled through his lengthy cock. His thick head flared with his cum exploding with stinging warmth inside the depths of Grei's intestines. Large arms held the canine to him: the one who helped aided in the loss his virginity and was now receiving the contents of his sack within his lubed entrails. A sporadic thrust drove his groin pressing against Grei's ass while he ejaculated. He wanted to get his cum as deep as he could, balls squished and shifting against his partner's form, letting him feel every single drop gushing releasing contained by the large orbs.

The lizard panted and the canine huffed. Dax rolled back onto his side as his climax began to ebb. Small amounts of seed oozed from the plugged hole, squeezed out as the remainder packed within the smaller male. His smooth-hided chest and stomach pressed against the soft back. The spiny lizard's heavy breathing and intense heart rate felt by his new lover. ''s feels like...? incomparable experience.' Dax spoke, attempting to gather his breath.

'Y...You're tellin me...How were to last so...damn...long?' Grei huffed, his smaller frame filled with the intense afterglow while his chest rose and sank heavily. 'People...don't usually last that long when... especially when it's their...first.'

'Heh...I...once masturbated...for 4 hours on end,' Dax confessed, 'I built up endurance I suppose. T...thank you...Grei.' The lizard placed his snout on the dhole's neck, taking in his scent and rubbing against it in appreciation.

'Oh...believe me...heh...the all mine,' Grei answered with a grin. His body pressed against his new partner, who was also holding him in his arms. 'I hope...I was able you...ease your mind.'

'You did,' Dax shifted his hips gently against the used rump, squeezing his balls against the canine, 'I won't get marrie...'

The door shot open, light from the hallway flooded the room as an angered cat cast an ominous shadow from the door way. The strong scent of semen and sex billowed into the hall, 'Dax! I know here!'

Oh Shit!

Grei's heart jumped into his throat from the sudden alarm, he had neglected to lock the door or put any kind of 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door.

The Siamese stormed into the room, stomping down the short lived hall. What she saw confounded and infuriated her simultaneously. An intense flame burned in her retinas, her brow furrowed in disgust as she gazed upon the sight of her fiancé balls deep in this lowlife's ass. His cum leaking out and seed matted into the fox's fur which also coated the reptile's sack and nether regions.

'S-Sasha! What are you doing here!?' In reaction, Dax hastily yanked the blankets over the pair to conceal their nude form from the maddened feline.

'What am I doing here!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?' Sasha screeched. Her voice reverberated down the hall, echoing and enabling all in the vicinity to hear. She stood there, poised like a tigress about to kill her prey, a look of murder was easily read from her furrowed facial expression. 'So, this is what you were arranging!? You had to stoop so low as to go and fornicate with some lowlife urchin!?' She continued howling at the male that she still would call her husband-to-be. 'So you're some homo, is that it!? OH, it ALL makes sense now! Why you wouldn't touch me! Why you would always avert your gaze when I would share my beauty with you! All the while you lied! Clarifying you wished to be traditional and delay it until after our wedding!'

The rampant anger the female unleashed continued, making attacks toward the canine and the lizard alike. She turned, disgusted by what she saw, 'This won't change the events of tomorrow. We are to wed. As your parents wish, I will be your wife, and you will not be allowed in the company of another male as long as I am around. You will be mine, and I will have the say in those whom you seek company with and you'll only have sex with ME!'

The blankets shifted, Dax's body slid to the edge of the bed. He wrapped a sheet around his waist. Although his shaft still jet out, still erect as he was buried deep within the other male moments prior to his release from the sheets confining their nude forms. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Grei was expecting him to succumb and do as the feline instructed. Gradually those eyes reopened them and looked at the feline sternly, 'No, Sasha. There will be no wedding tomorrow, I am through and as of tonight...'WE' are no more.'

'Wh-wh-what did you just say?' she stepped forward, hooking her fingers under his chin, 'you WILL come with me this instant, you understand me!?'

The lizard brushed he lean arm away from him, releasing her clawed gripfrom his face, 'I refuse! I am done being your lapdog. I will not allow you to act governor over my life anymore! I am through living my life on an already chosen line. From here on, I am my own person! Not the governments, not my father's or mother's, and CERTAINLY not yours! Return to your room alone for I will not be joining you this night. This is where we say our good-byes Sasha. You manipulative shrew of a woman, I would not even dare disgrace my family by associating our family name with one such as you. Be gone.' His arm extended, his fingers curled as he pointed to the door behind her. His eyes burned with a new passion, once soft and gentle but now they shone with self-determination.

'You are going to regret this Dax Maursh! Your family is ruined, the world will know you're a faggot and you degraded your class to lose your virginity to such low-class scum! Your family will disown you and you will never be seen in the eyes of the committee as anyone worthy of being classified in our level of society! I will RUE you, you got that!?' she turned. The feline's tail flickered wildly, and proceeded to march out of the room. Her last action was the door slamming behind her effeminate form, removing herself from the 'disgraceful presence which lingered in the room.'

Dax's erection, long since deflated back down from the heated bout. He had made the sudden alteration in his future he desired. He chose a life of freedom and choice over a life of wealth and planned precise regime. He sighed lightly, heavy in thought as he head toward the balcony. The lizard spreading the curtains; as he had many times before, he reflected thoughts while glancing over the moonlit, clouded sea.

It wasn't long until Grei joined him, cum spattered along his legs, sack and his rear. 'Hey...'his small hand came to rest on the larger shoulder, 'you gonna be ok Dax?'

'I'm alright. In fact,' he turned and smiled lightly, 'I should have done this long ago. I finally am getting away from the future I was despising and am headed towards a better one. It will be tough...getting cut off from everything and I pray it won't be as severe as Sasha stated.'

'Well, I will be willing to do anything to help if you'd like. But...' the canine had a look of concern, 'what will you do now? If you don't have your family, what will you do after the ship arrives tomorrow and we get there? What will you do about Sasha?'

Dax lifted his hand, resting it over the hand of the smaller male. His thumb gently slid over the short fur, 'I...uh...was hoping...maybe...I might be able stay with you a while? I understand if you think I would be intruding, I would not want to be a burden. As for everything else, I shall have to handle as the situations progress.'

'Not at all! You're welcome to stay with me as long as you'd like! I'll be here for you, Dax.' Grei reassured his newfound love, smiling tenderly up at Dax. 'I'm going to get the shower started, we should probably clean have no idea how hard cum is to get out of fur!' he shook his head and chuckled quietly.

Dax responded with a smile and a nod, 'Okay, I'll be in momentarily. I just want to remain out here a little longer, if you do not mind.'

Grei nodded and patted the lizard on the shoulder softly, 'ok, but don't think too much. It's not good for you. You're not alone anymore, Dax.' Grei smiled softly, rising up and giving the smooch cream colored cheek a light peck coaxing a lighthearted smile from the lizard.

Thank you, Grei. You gave me the strength I needed to follow my heart. You have given me reason to want to live again, and look forward to wait lies ahead. The road may be tough but... long as you're here, I'll be ok..